A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

March 4, 2015

Congratulations to WOYWW's Julia!

A Wednesday Wellow to you!

I am popping in real quick today to send my warm congratulations to Ms. Julia Budd of What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) fame! Julia has just posted her 300th WOYWW blog hop!

Once a week on every Wednesday for 300 weeks, various crafting bloggers from all over the globule have gathered at Julia's place to share pictures of their workdesks. A snapshot in time for each of us. An opportunity for me to show you mine in exchange for the opportunity to see yours. An opportunity to make new friends and be inspired by the talents of other crafters.

Here then is mine:
Part of the finished results of this paper-piecing extra vaganza:

When I first started my blogging journey three years ago, someone told me about WOYWW and I joined in. I started out slow. In fact, the first time I linked up, I linked on a Thursday, not being clear on the concept of what a hop even was, let alone a Wednesday hop! But before long, it became a big part of my blogging week. 
May you have many, many more!!
I'm sad that I have had to step back from playing as often this year for lack of time to devote to commenting on the other hopsters. I have many, many happy memories of hopping the WOYWW trail 93 times in the past and I still have many dear friends today as a result. I couldn't let this special occasion go by without joining in to thank and congratulate my friend Julia. She created and maintains this fabulous and fun hop and cultivates so many outstanding friendships in the process!

If you haven't tried it yet, you should join in and hop along!!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life Is Too Short!

To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling:
Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and the pop-up box opens.
Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel! Mwah!
If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave
me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!


Neet said...

Lovely to be able to comment on a WOYWW post again Darnell. You are missed on a Wednesday.
Those cards are stunning, they look so crisp and clean. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Helen said...

Gorgeous cards, and it's always lovely to see you join in - I don't think there are many of us who even attempt to visit every desk! I wouldn't miss this weekly fun for anything. Helen 5

Sarn said...

Happy WOYWW to you Darnell.

LOVING your card extra vaganza! They look GREAT.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Sue said...

A lot going on at your desk.

Sue #31

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How lovely to see you back on the desks, even for one day only! I do miss your madness and sheer joy of mucking around with the English Language, lol! But it's good to see you today. I sincerely hope that you and the family are well and happy. keep dipping back into WOYWW, just to let us know that you're doing ok :-)
Love those cards btw!
300 Hugs from LLJ 7 xx

kiwimeskreations said...

I follow a few of the WOW participants, but do not take part - no time.
Love your desk view, and the results of your paper piecing frenzy are stunning!

MrsC.x said...

i dont think any of us manage to visit everyone each week, i always try to do everyone before me before lunch then i randomly pick names after me unless i was low down the list then i work through as many as i can fit in in the time i have that week. i do always make sure i try to visit everyone that has commented to me but i dont think you should stress over it its just a bit of fun
happy WOYWW
Love Mrs.C.xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Great paper piecing Darell just love your colour combo's....super collection of cards


Redanne said...

What a wonderful trip down Memory Lane Darnell, we started blogging and WOYWWing around the same time and became firm friends - is it really that long ago!! Julia has done the most amazing job keeping this wonderful weekly hop going and I am so grateful to her for leading me to you and so many other wonderful people! Big hugs, Annie xx

Carole Pollard said...

What an achievement love and hugs Carole x

Unknown said...

Such fun cards! Blogging is a learning curve but so fun once you get the hang of it. I think Julia is simply happy to have you join in whenever you can. So glad to visit you today. Diane #39

Lizzy Hill said...

I keep looking at WOWW....& WANTING to join in.... but between DT stuff & doing challenges.....but one of these days I WILL join in! Lovely, lovely shot of your room in its busy state!!!

Lynn said...

Wow! This is awesome! I love all that paper piecing...a fabulous set of cards Darnell. Those dies are awesome.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Darnell, love those paper pieced cards, very, very effective. Would make ideal mens cards too, which is always a bonus! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #27 xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Glad to see you back with us this week. I have not been the most regular participant lately through sheer lack of time. Thank you for your lovely comments today and I haope you have a great week. xx Maggie #20

J said...

Hi Darnell, love all those paper pieced cards, they look so bright and cheeful.


Jan S no 49

Shoshi said...

What a lovely happy upbeat post, Darnell, and great to see you again. I am trying to hop but with an empty desk which makes life a bit difficult lol! Thanks for your great comment and your kind words and prayers - really encouraging, and I intend to enjoy my pineapples and mangoes right up to the end lol!

Happy 300th,
Shoshi #45

Anonymous said...

I see your desk looks very much like mine, maybe neater. I love this grouping of cards you have shared with us today, Darnell. I'm think I might have to get that die set because you have shown me how versatile it is. Have a fun day.

Jeanne said...

What a fun idea and how dedicated your friend is! So glad you were able to participate and show us your neat cards in progress. Have a happy Wednesday, Darnell!

Carole Z said...

Now I am feeling really guilty that I haven't managed to participate in ages and I used to be so regular! I ave made so many great friends via WOYWW (including yourself), so well done Julia and tanks for the sight of your desk this week, hugs Carole Z X

Anne said...

Hi I'm trying to visit everyone on this special WOYWW. Good to see you post on here. Anne x #38

Anne said...

Hi I'm trying to visit everyone on this special WOYWW. Good to see you post on here. Anne x #38

Krisha said...

Who would of thunk that Mrs. Julia would pull SO many people together, to become friends from all over the world, and even in your own back yard. My house faces north, so you would be in my front yard.....LOL
Glad you played tis week!
Happy 3-0-0
Krisha #2

Birgit said...

Your desk looks like mine:) It is so hard to keep it clean and looking polished but then we wouldn't be creating cards would we? Love the cards you created with all the extra stuff you had from when you created your fab card inspired by the Kleenex box

Unknown said...

I love all those blues - your extravaganza is looking wonderful. Happy WOYWW #300! Sandy Leigh #58

trisha too said...

Beautiful blue piecings!

Completely with you on the WOYWW 300--wasn't even going to post today, but 300? Couldn't pass up that WOYWW milestone!

Happy woyww to you, Darnell!
#70 this week with a tiny
Irish Blessings book

Kara Lynne said...

So much fun to see what's on your work desk! What a great tribute, Darnell!

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Love the colors of those pieced cards. Looks like you had fun! Happy 300 WOYWW! Shel - paperocotillostudio #25

JD/ Jill said...

Great post. I love seeing everyone's desk. but my desk is always so messy, I'd be way too embarrassed to show it. Not that I don't try and get it organized...the problem is that I go in to organize and clean my desk and then start making new cards with something that I managed to refind! LOL
Hope you are having a good week!

Artatag said...

A good thing you took your time to join this week. Love your cards They are beautiful!
Thanks for your earlier visit.
Gabriele 26

MrsC.x said...

Hello Darnell {again :)}
i do follow your blog from long ago :) i love your little play house its so cute i have been green with envy before at your photos :) nice to see you joining with WOYWW again i hope that you find time to do so again :)

have a great week :)
thanks for sharing :)
happy WOYWW
Love Mrs.C.xx

mudmaven said...

Hi Darnell! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog and I took your suggestion and popped over to your blog. Fun, fun, fun! Your desk looks like mine - lol. Looking forward to seeing more of your creative endeavors.

Marybeth said...

Woyww..... I love seeing someone get a lot of use out of one die! More great cards !
Happy Woyww to you my friend!

brenda lee said...

What an extravaganza! Love the color combinations.
Hugs! brenda lee #80

Pat said...

I love the way your desk is covered in gorgeous cards using the leftover pieces from last Friday Darnell and they are all really pretty and your workspace looks like organised chaos which is good. Congratulations to Julia for her 300th WOYWW hop which is a wonderful achievement. x

Anonymous said...

LOVING your card extra vaganza!! Great cards and I love the color combo! I wish I had more time to do all the challenges but this working full time and health issues get in the way lol!! Happy Hump Day!

Kathleen said...

Fabulous Darnell.

Kath x

glitterandglue said...

Hello Darnell. Lovely to meet up today. Sorry your time is so limited - trusting all is well with you.
You have certainly been extremely busy with that paper cutting!! Those cards are great. Well done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Patrink said...

Hey there, great to meet you. This is only one of my first posts and glad this has been going on for so long. Thanks for sharing your space. Cheers

Happy 300 WOYWW.
Pat #83

Kristie Goulet said...

Happy WOYWW!! So fun! I love the cards that you made with your leftovers from your first amazing card inspired by the tissue box. Awesome!!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Happy woyww Darnell. Love the cards and it's nice to see you again. Hope you havea great crafty week, Angela x 42

Carol L said...

Whoa, that set of cards is just amazing with those delicious color combos!! What fun you must have had exchanging the negatives to swap colors! Nice!

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Darnell, happy 300th WOYWW. You too spread the love and inspiration and I thank you for that. Cheers RobynO#14

Diane said...

Greetings Darnell, your work space is great, I see lots of fun projects on on the horizon.

Hugs diane

Lisa Elton said...

I always enjoy seeing your desk and your work in progress!! 93 hops...you ROCK!!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

It is awesome to be able to peek at someone elses work space, thanks for sharing Darnell!

April said...

Your cards look lovely. I really like the color combinations.
April #67

Leslee said...

Hop, hop hop!!! I think my desk was in more disarray! Still is!

Tracy said...

Darnell - your desk is quite tidy in comparison to my drawing table LOL! And your cards - i love the color combos - soooo beautiful

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Good to see you here too, Darnell. Like you, I've had to step back a bit on WOYWW, but I wouldn't miss this milestone for anything. I still love visiting your playhouse and see your SCHTUFF or whatever it's called on several of my friends' blogs. Happy 300th WOYWW from #3.

CraftygasheadZo said...

Loving the blues and paper piecing. Yes this weekly desk sharing has become so much more with desk hoppers becoming friends! Take care Zo xx 55

Stamping With Bibiana said...

thanks for sharing this images...I did not know about Julia's blog and Wednesdays post...I will be embarrassed to show mine...sometimes it is really neat but right now I can not even see it !!! what a shame!
hugs bibiana

Princess Judy Palmer said...

You've been having lots of fun with the die inlay technique! I really like your creations and that is a great die to play with for it. My WOYWW thing is I never know if I'll have a busy day or not to be able to visit folks since I'm at work. So I know about time constraints for sure! Thanks for the visit earlier! PJ #74

laurie said...

Awesome cards..they look like so much fun to make!

Unknown said...

Looks like you've got weeks worth of paper piecing to go here Dippy!!! What I want to know is how come, even though it's covered with stuff, your desk still looks tidy???? Danged if I know.

Happy 300th WOYWW.


Karendipity xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh how nice of you, and how lovely to see you! We're all flexible women, so even if we don't see you, we understand! Love the paper piecing results..that die is really a good one.

Nikki said...

Your a machine Darnell look at all those cards I'm so amazed at all that you do :) Very inspiring indeed and such fun paper pieced cards they take so much patience to create
HAPPY WOYWW 300 Hugs Nikki 1

Jenelle said...

Such fun cards! Just goes to show you can find inspiration just about anywhere :) I just read on your sidebar to let you know if we start following you. I am doing that here. Thank you for your very nice comment on my CCCB washi tape post!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

Your paper piecing looks great. I know what you mean about visiting and the time that's involved. Working full time (and working on a computer all day long) has certainly impacted the amount of time I want to spend on the computer at home. This started happening when I was moved to a new job in August.

I'm still looking forward to retirement but it may still be a few years off.

Thanks for visiting me already!
Happy belated 300 WOYWW

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Darnell
One of The great things about WOYWW is that there is no pressure to join in every week if you don't have time. We all know life gets in the way. You had fun with the paper piecing from last week
Janet @16

VonnyK said...

Love those gorgeous bright colours and the finished cards. Such a shame you can't play every week, I struggle sometimes too. Nice to see you pop back for the 'big day'.
Have a great week,
Von #32

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hulloooo there Darnell .. finally back over your way, commenting is a want but time does not always permits does it!!!

...am too a devotee of WOYWW, however have neglected it for same reason as you but get there as often as I can... two days late for the 300!! but still here none the less love your paper piecing!

Anyhoo, I just popped over to let you know have finally sorted out my order from Shery with your ultra kind prize voucher!!
..last night, as there were several things not in.. spent more than voucher predictably!! :D

...but really appreciate it, dear friend, and will think of you and Shery when use those four stamp sets..
I will link over when it comes.. have also the two free masks from Shery :D

happy 300 WOYWW,
Shaz in Oz.x #91 :D
{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards blog}

Anonymous said...

What a great pic of your work space. Love all the paper piercing going on. Fab cards. I wonder how many you will get from all those pieces?

Teresa Arsenault said...

That looks like a very busy work station. Thanks for sharing it.

Crafty hugs,

Brenda in IN said...

I always love seeing your cards and these are no exception. Beautiful blues and so clever to use all up those pieces.

Tracey McNeely said...

Love how you created such a mess to create such fabulous cards Darnell!

G Peplow said...

Fabulous cards Darnell, you're really rocking that die, love them all Hugs Gay xx

Sheila H said...

Great cards, Darnell! I love the colors. It was fun to see your desk again. I don't think I will ever show mine - LOL!!

Unknown said...

Great cards Darnell and way to finish off those leftover pieces from your Kleenex card, which was totally brilliant!!
Love the colors you used too... teal, purple and blue... doesnt get much better than that!! :)
Nina-Marie :)

CraftyHope said...

I really love the partial chevron print you added to your cards. Its such a neat pattern!

Taunya Butler said...

Such a cool post and an introduction to me of something else to love and get involved in out in the big old blogging world!! You are a good friend who recommends things to others and shares your delight with us!!! Thanks for all you do - and those cards - you made - WOW i think you are amazing and they are awesome and detailed cards!!! Way to go!!

Chriss Blagrave said...

Looks like a lot of craftiness here Darnell! Love that you have shared this and I loved seeing the origin of all those parts from the wonderful tissue box inspired cards!

Brenda said...

I have seen this around for a long time, but just never quite understood how it worked. lol Yes I can be quite dense a lot of times! I see a busy desk there and glad that mine isn't the only one that ends up looking like this. So you post your messy desk on Wednesday and then hop around to all who posted the rest of the week I'm assuming. Sounds like fun Auntie! Hugs, Brenda

Kim Heggins said...

Oh my...what a wonderful collection of amazing and stunning cards. I always love seeing what is on your desk, you always have so much inspiration and this week is no exception.

Nan G said...

Love the colors you're working with ...were working with last week. And continuingg to use for the Intl Women Day cards. I too link up less with WOYWW ...hands will only do so much and I need to create. I'll be popping by your place often tho. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #75 a bit late

MaryH said...

Ah, I did enjoy your WOWW this time around. Felt right to home with your unusually untidy domain. I said "This can't be OOD - Our Organized Darnell". I'll just blame it on Hammy getting loose and having a hissy fit, cuz I KNOW you're not that picturesque normally. But it did make me feel good to see that you can succumb to the thrill of the craft and get a mite messy at times. Bet it all got cleared away though, once you snapped the photo. (Don't tell Hammy I put the Blame on Him!). TFS & Hugs.

MaryH said...

Whoops, forgot to say how much I loved all the cards that came from the very dimensional work space! You can see how frazzled seeing this unusual situation got me! :-)

Geri said...

...a snapshot of creativity!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Darnell, I'm popping over to say thanks for visiting and your nice comment last week. I love the gorgeous colors you've used with the zig zag die -- really striking. ~ Laura

cm said...

Your desk makes me want to invite myself over for a play date...

ionabunny said...

Love all your paper piecing variations. Hugz