And we're back around to Saturday ~ whoosh!
We had the twins over yesterday, so now we've whooshed right into Saturday, prolly even Sunday for some of you!
I was really intriglued by the cue card word for this week's CASology challenge, which was "free."

There were oh-so-many ways to go with this word and a lot of you did stunning cards evoking what the word brought to your minds. Truthfully, I just wanted to link up a solid white card base. Period. For a card artist, a blank card is the epitome of freedom. We get to experience that feeling of freedom every single time we sit down to make a new card. Utter coolness!
But, well, I thought maybe that would be a little too QACAS, even for me! (Talk about a One-Minute-Craft-Dash!) So I put a little effort into, but still kept it white-on-white (W-O-W).
But, well, I thought maybe that would be a little too QACAS, even for me! (Talk about a One-Minute-Craft-Dash!) So I put a little effort into, but still kept it white-on-white (W-O-W).
I choose two NBUS (never-before-used-schtuff) embossing folders and since the top embossing layer had a butterfly, I heat embossed a two-layer butterfly (fussy-cut) to attach as added depth to the card. The bottom layer of the butterfly is card stock, the top layer is vellum.
I just love the purity of an all-white card. Using the butterfly to represent free was not unique or original, but there you have it.
The CASology Design Team was curious to see what "free" meant to us when we think of it's definition and synonyms. Butterflies fit several of the definitions given:
3b: not bound, confined, or detained by force,
7a: not obstructed, restricted, or impeded,
7c: not hampered or restricted in its normal operation,
8b: not confined to a particular position or place, or
8c: capable of moving or turning in any direction.
That was fun! It makes me want to go back to the Playhouse and make about 58 more cards representing "free," especially cards be fitting the upcoming 4th of July holiday in America, as so many of you have brilliantly done!
The twins were here just for yesterday. Unbeknownst to them, they provided today's post with the 8-year-old version of "freedom." You see before you two young boys who are free to sit or lay anywhere in the entire room: floor, sofa, three chairs. Instead they both want the exact same area and they were happy to fight it out for that precious "elbow room!"
Duke couldn't care less. He had his area staked out first!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
Thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!
Thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper: Neenah "Solar White"
Ink: Imprintz EP "Detail White"
Dies: SU! "Square Lattice"; Darice "Butterfly Flower"
Pop Dots