BOOO! EEEK! The first day of October is TOMORROW!!
Now that I have you properly scared you out of your shoes, let's have some fun with HALLOWEEN!
It is my absolute pleasure to be posting today as the Guest Designer for the September month of the fabulous card blog, The 12 Kits of Occasions.
Twelve bloggie friends got together and formed this monthly kit challenge where they take turns putting together kits which they send to the others. Everyone then makes whatever they would like from the kit. Everything doesn't have to be used from the kit and your own supplies can be used to supplement the kit.
For September, the sensational hostess is none other than my friend, Kim Heggins of Cupcakes, Cards and Kim. She paid me a huge compliment when she asked me to guest design for this month!
Here is the fun kit that Kim put together for us:
Here is the fun kit that Kim put together for us:
Kim LOVES orange and black! Kim LOVES the San Francisco Giants! And Kim LOVES Halloween. So, of course, her kit is all about the spooky October holiday. Now I freely admit that this is not a holiday I am keen on or make many cards for, which turned this kit into a challenge for me. Suffice to say, Kim has succeeded in turning me into a Halloween convert!! There were way more items in her amazing kit than I had time to use, so you will prolly be seeing these products in future posts. (You can find a detailed ingredients list on Kim's blog.)
Let's get started!
Let's get started!
I noticed that the "trick" medallion that Kim provided fit just perfectly inside the sunshine impression plate from PTI (NBUS), so I ran it through the BS using the striped paper. Then I thought it might look kinda cool if I ran the plate again using black paper and then cut out every other impression to make it look like rays from the sun . . . a scary bah-lack sun, of course! [Insert diabolical laughter.] It ended up like this:
You might just be able to make out the impression plate creases in the striped paper:
You might just be able to make out the impression plate creases in the striped paper:
For the next card I used some fabulous ribbon that came to me as a gift from my friend Lynn. I love how it perfectly matched Kim's color palette! (Thank you, again, Lynn!)
I think all my other creations below are self-explanatory, but let me know if you have any questions.
Kim, thank you again for this huge honor!! I hope I did you proud!
Please take the time to hop along to the uber-talented Ladies of the Twelve Kits who are listed below. You will want to follow this group, if you don't already, and let the artists know how much you appreciate their efforts to delight us every month with TONS of inspiration!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS* I'll see you next month!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!