Hi there and happy fresh new Monday!
And a very HAPPY Birthday to all you Leap Year Babies! I couldn't let this day go by without making you a card and acknowledging this special day that you've waited four long years for!
So this one's for you!
At first I had a frog where the sun is, what with the whole "leaping" theme, but he was bigger than the kangaroo and Hammy was frightened by that. Poor guy, perspective and introspective are very important to him. So I exchanged the frog for a sun and even got 39 cents back in change. Those clouds drifted down from Canada, a card candy gift from my friend, Lolly.
The hills are NBUS from Poppystamps called "Stitched Landscapes," the sun is from Lil' Inkers. and the kangaroo is from Paper Smooches. I made him furry by dabbing brown, beige, and copper all over him with a cotton swab. He cooed like a baby and was so patient. I made the sediment on the foregroundmost hill on my pewter and then embarrassed embossed it with a "branches" e/f.
- AAA Cards: Embossing.
- Pixie's Snippets Playground. Use Snippets.
- Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. Anything Goes.

March 1 - 10, 2016
Speaking of being patient, the next challenge is finally here! If you're a new player, please check out the RULES before you start. I'm looking forward to seeing how you use your NBUS!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!* I'll see you tomorrow!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
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