I didn't want to be the one to bring you this news, but I think it's best if you know so you can take a deep breath and slow down for a minute. I'm talking about the fact that March will be here in less than a week. March!
I spose if you live in a place with nasty winter climes you will be happy to hear that news, but working on our Christmas card for today's post, the happy little paws and I felt like it had only been days, not weeks, since we made our 2015 cards! I mean, give us a second! And, of course, it's even more frightening when we know what March is famous for ~ marching, right?! Oy.
I haven't played in the Papertrey Ink (PTI) blog hop for a while and the photo inspiration was too fetching to pass up. I've also not made a single Christmas card for 2016 and since the third month of the year is already breathing down my neck, nothing was going to keep me from getting the Cc ball started! So let's roll on ...
First my PTI card:
Here is the beautiful Papertrey Ink February Blog Hop Challenge photo inspiration, which I think has an Asian feel to it:
I immediately thought of my design when I saw that sweet little vase laying down on top of the circular green plate. I added the tiny sweet butterfly to my card because of the one shown in the bottom of the photo and Hammy tried his darnedest to figure out how to add a froggie, too. We finally decided to put a tiny tree frog down in the soil inside our pink vase. He seems quite happy there.
For my card I used glossy card stock for the base and over that is a single glossy layer with a stitched Lil' Inkers circle opening. (In other words, it's not a see-through aperture.) Using my Paper Smooches "Crystal Clear 3" dies, I cut a pretty pink vase from fun foam. Next I went all NBUS by using a Nestabilities die to cut the stem, a Memory Box die called "Fancy Blossoms" to cut the flowers out of pink vellum, and a stamp from the "Make A Wish" set by PTI for the sediment.
I'm also entering: the Anything Goes challenges at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge where the showcase is Memory Box products and Mrs. A.'s Butterfly Challenges, where the brief is G is for Glitter (on my wee butterfly) or Grape; and the Work it Wednesday February 2016 Simon Says Stamp Challenge, where we are to use something floral in our projects.
And now for my first Christmas card of 2016:
Nothing NBUS here, slap, but this QACAS design sprungled to mind. The sediment from PTI's "Think Big Favorites #9" is heat-embossed in SU blushing bride. The watercolored Noel postage stamp image is from All Night Media.
Yay, the first of over 200 Ccs done and dusted and I'm playing in these Anything Goes challenges:
- Rudolph Days Challenge
- Christmas Card Challenges
- TWOFERS (my first time here!)

The next semi-annual NBUS (Never-Before-Used Schtuff) Challenge is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for two weeks from today!! Wheet!! If you are new to NBUS and would like more information, please click here for the rules.
"Inspired By all the Little Things." I'd love to have you play along!

Only 4 More Days! NBUS #6!
The next semi-annual NBUS (Never-Before-Used Schtuff) Challenge is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for two weeks from today!! Wheet!! If you are new to NBUS and would like more information, please click here for the rules.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor. I've been having a bit of a rocky time of it the last coupla weeks with migraines and a Crohn's Disease flare, but it's wonderful to have this happy community to enjoy when I'm able!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor. I've been having a bit of a rocky time of it the last coupla weeks with migraines and a Crohn's Disease flare, but it's wonderful to have this happy community to enjoy when I'm able!
*Life is too short!
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Lovely cards Darnell, I love the first one with cherry blossoms, your card surely reminds that spring is near, I am really tired of the winter weather this year. The no sun days are driving me nuts.
The Christmas card is great as well, I like the dotted snow...and Yay for the NBUS challenge!!
Great take on the inspiration photo Dolly. Love your layered vellum flowers and that sweet little butterfly!
Only card makers would be worried about being behind on Christmas cards in February! :) Our non-card making friends would be laughing at us. But I totally feel the same way and was thinking today that I haven't made a CC card for several weeks now. Need to get some done and take the pressure off. :) Lolly xx
So glad to know you are feeling a bit better - that was quite a hit, migraines and Crohn's flare :-( Nasty!! Glad you are better, and that Hammy and co helped you with the cards.
Love your Christmas card, and the inspiration one that Hammy helped you with is fabulous!!
Hugs and blessings
Yes I can't believe Match is so,close. I feel like time is in hyper speed. I am not a fan of winter and the groundhog finally got back into my good graces when he predicted an early spring! We well have already gotten another 6" of,white stuff today and it is snowing hard out there as I am turning off the light. The groundhog better run if he sees me tomorrow! As for your cards Darnell you PTI inspired blog hop card is fantastic. I am somewhat partial to pink! Now your Christmas Card (I am behind too) is beautiful I love that stamp--literally.
Two fabulous cards - I love the first card, it's so pretty.
I hope you're feeling better - take it easy!
Kath x
Hi Darnell, Loving both cards.
Hope the migs and Crohns eases up for you.
Have a lovely day.
Yep, the first lambs have started to arrive so spring is slowly creeping up on us. Not sure when they will come down from the lambing pens but it will be so good to see those hoppy, springy little mites
Fab cards, love the photo inspiration one.
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, get better for July! :)
Yay for your first fabulous Christmas card, Darnell ... starting in February ... eek ... there isn't even a glimmer of an idea in my head yet! Those vellum blossoms ... oh my, they're gorgeous ... soft and delicate and delicious ... and so perfect in that little butterfly adorned pink vase! Hugs & bisous, mon amie! Anita :)
Hello super organised lady! two fabulous cards, love the blossom, great take on the inspiration. Christmas card lovely the guilt creeps in (not)....can't think about it......chocolate eggs are first! Hugs and hope you are feeling better my friend. xx
This inspiration photo is gorgeous and I love your Asian take on it ... Fabulous! Wouldn't even know the frog was tucked down there... I'm one of those people living in the cold desperate to have warm weather so hooray to March!! It's very cold and icy here today and I'm hoping that March may be better but so far no sign of that... Great Christmas card ... Did I say the "C" word ... Oh my...I can't do that till November...Enjoy your day ... And your warmth.. humph!
Oh my, that inspiration photo itself is a piece of art, I love how it has been arranged! Your card is gorgeous too, the design is wonderful and it reminds me of beautiful orchids...
Yes, looking forward to March even though we have not had a hard winter, just way too much rain, all the Spring flowers are in full bloom but the trees are still bare, very strange weather indeed. Your Christmas card is beautiful, the dots look just like beautiful snowflakes, your design is wonderful! Big hugs, Annie xxx
March... and Easter... oh dear! Where has the year gone so quickly? Wasn't it just Christmas? Your cards are beautiful, as always, Darnell! :-)
Those little flowers look so cute
Dr Sonia
Beautiful cards!!
That first card is so gorgeous in its simplicity, Darnell. And great job on your first CC of 2016. I can hardly believe we are on the cusp of starting the third month of the year already. Kinda scary how fast time goes. Actually, it's kind of scary how busy we are that it seems like time flies so quickly. Wish we could slow our lives down a bit. Anyway, I also wanted to say I am sorry to hear that you have been struggling a bit health wise. I hope that things settle down and you are back to your usual humorous and perky self, soon! Big, comforting hugs to you.
These are gorgeous!
Love your inspired PTI card. Those pink flowers perfectly capture the bloom in the photo. and your butterfly is a clever addition.
Two wonderful cards Darnell and I love your pretty vase of flowers and adore the pink vellum, and then the beautiful Christmas card with that cute postage stamp image and the snow embossing and the sentiment are just perfect. So sorry to hear you have not been feeling the best and hope you are much better now! x
Gorgeous card, I love the delicate pink flowers, the Christmas card is also beautiful. Well done getting started on Christmas :) I hope you are doing well, Hugs, Shirleyxx
You make such beautiful cards. Your pink and green creation is stunningly beautiful. Are you sure those blossoms aren't real? As well as that sweet little flutterby? Love this. Period. True Story!! And your first CC of the year! Well done you! A bit of snow falling around your Christmassy stamp is just the right touch. Looks pretty, and looks like it will mass produce well too. Better get Hammy on that! Wanna come over and make cards with me today?! I miss you is all! Have a great day. xoxoxo Bev
Your vase card with the delicate vellum flowers is so pretty! And you made your first Christmas card - only 199 to go! Yay! I also feel like Christmas was only last week! Can't believe the first two months of 2016 are already almost over!
Just love these cards!
The PTI photo inspiring card is fantastic!
Two gorgeous cards, Darnell, glad to see you've made a start on your Christmas cards. :-) I can't believe it's nearly March either!
Visiting your blog with my DT hat on today. Thanks for joining in the Rudolph Days Challenge - Good Luck! xx
Love the softness and design of the first card.....oh so pretty!
Cc??? really??? No, it can't be!
The first is so soft and pretty Darnell and I LOVE that sweet little butterfly and the overall design! I love the partial embossing on the second card and pink for the sentiment is inspired! Both terrific designs my friend! Have a lovely day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic
I for sure will say hooray when spring finally arrives. I love your sweet vase and the pretty flowers. I have to say good for you all who work on Christmas cards all year long. I have such a small work space I have to stow away the Christmas stuff until at least September.
Totally love your card design with those beautiful cherry blossoms. And yeah, March. Pretty soon it'll be pumpkin time.
I am so, SO glad you've found your way over to Twofers at last, I was beginning to think I was going to have to pick you up, tuck you under my arm and carry you there! Both cards are gorgeous and I love the way you've used the vintage stamp in such a CAS way.
Loving your pretty pink vellum flowers Darnell, and especially like your hidden tree why didn't I think of that?! And I totally don't mind that March is coming...we just got over 10 inches of snow yesterday...yuck!! Although I admit it is good for inspiring me to keep up with making my Christmas cards!! Have fun hopping and see you in a week for the NBUS challenge...I always have plenty of that laying around!! :0)
pretty cards- well done getting organised for Christmas.
Love that sweet vase and tiny butterfly! and I hate to tell you - but I already have 1/2 of a box filled with Christmas cards - better get going Darnell!!! Love your sweet Christmas design!
Hi Darnell, love the cute cas flower card, the butterfly - a perfect finish!
I love your beautiful flowers in a vase! It's a great design and I do believe you've captured the Asian feel from the original photo.
Boy! I thought your first card was stunning with that faint circle behind your adorable vase, and then that scrumptious teeny butterfly! THEN I see your next card! Wow, go, Darnell!
I love your take on the PTI photo inspiration Darnell! Those pink flowers are so pretty! Hugs, Harriet
Loving the CAS card you made, really special.
Wow, what a great job you did with the PTI inspiration. I love the use of subtle pink and great play of textures (felt and vellum!!). It sure has the Asian feel! :) Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Anything Goes” Challenge! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog, Darnell! Warm hugs to you!
Both are super as always! Love the look of those delicate flowers on the first card. Very pretty!
Thanks for the March reminder...ack! This just can't be! I calmed myself by enjoying your simply beautiful PTI card...stunning. Love the vellum flowers and the foam vase...heck, let's just say, I love everything about it. I'd also say it's a winner. And then there's this lovely Christmas card (she said cringingly). Very impressed with that lovely pink embossing. Looks like you have ALL these challenges covered.
I love your soft and pretty flower vase Darnell - so dreamy! I'm pleased to see that you've made a start with your Christmas cards with a delightful design. You could bring it along to play at Happy Little Stampers Christmas Challenge where you would fit our tic tac toe with a line of pink, die cut and white if you like! We'd love to see you.
Carol x
Hello friend : )
You have been bizzzy girl!! I love your cards!! I think I just ordered some PTI vase dies - good thing so I can CASE your beautiful card!! Hoping my order gets here soon!! PTI is my weakness heehee and I am hopping with them today too : )
Christmas card? well if you must! LOL and if you must wowsa what a pretty card. I really love those colors for a Christmas card.
Have a great day friend. When you get the chance (yeah like you just sit around doing nothing giggles) please stop in to my blog and check out the "More than a year" post : ) I have some fun pictures to share.
Oh Darnell, your card is so elegant and classy! I love that soft vase filled with flowers. Beautiful!!
Two awesome cards Darnell! Glad you got a start on your Christmas cards, love the postage stamp. And that vase with flowers is SO pretty. Come back and join us at the Christmas Card Challenge, love to see your cards in the gallery!!
Beautiful textures, Darnell, on both cards:) That pink vase is so cozy!! I'm ignoring March!
Yes the fact that March is almost upon us is quite scary Darnell, but although we are bitterly cold here in the North of Scotland, with snow flurries it's really quite nice with sunshine.
Your cards are gorgeous, love both designs, and the floral one is so delicate looking, gorgeous colourstoo, Kate x
Your hop card is a showstopper for sure, gosh that is gorgeous ! So CAS and elegant with the tiny petals! Yay on the first Christmas card, you beat me. Every time I say I’m going to make one I don’t. Its a beautiful first Christmas card!
Bootiful interpretation of the piccy. I love the colours and the butterfly of course. The little frog seems a tad shy. I resisted the temptation of tipping the vase upside down (to have a look see at him) in case I spoilt the flower arrangement! Thankyou for fluttering by my challenge. hugs Mrs A. Always a treat to see you there.
Gorgeous cards, Darnell. Love your sweet pink vast and congrats on making your first 2016 Christmas card.
Two gorgous cards Darnell, Love that fabulous blossom.
Sorry you've not been too well but hope you're feeling heaps better now xx
Two beautiful cards. I love the sweet little felt vase.
Beautiful both, but this one with the vase and the foammy pink flower is just wonderful!!! Such a great look with the cutout stitched circle!
I adore the simplicity of your Hop card. The stark white backround is such a perfect way for those beautiful blooms to shine. And congrats on designing a card for the holidays too, way on top of things, way more than me anyway!
Two gorgeous cards, Darnell!!!
I love your pretty pink flowers but I came hee from the Rudolph Day challenge, so I was looking for the Christmas card. I like the stamp image and the snow embossing folder works ell. happy RD. Kate x
Those are lovely creations made with pinks and greens. And, congrats on another Christmas card done for the next season. I just cannot do any right mood and muse are not working for it. LOL
So very pretty!!
Spring is right around the corner. :-) You have created two amazing cards. I like your interpretation of the photo. :-) The first card for 2017 is superb. :-)
Hugs, Sonja
Your inspired card is so pretty with those flowers! Well done! Looking forward to your next challenge - its always fun
Welcome to Twofers it's great that you have found us. Great card, hope we see more of your designs in future. XOXO Zoe
Two great cards. Love the PTI card so soft and pretty.
Christmas card - you are getting a great start :)
You are right Auntie, us in the colder climate are looking forward to spring coming, but I have to agree that the new year is going by much to fast for my liking. I am anxious for spring, but once it is here, time can stop for a while! lol Love, love, love your take on the inspiration photo! That vase and those flowers are just beautiful, love the little butterfly too, but the first thing I said was where's the froggy?! But then I read he is tucked into the soil. lol What, this is your first Christmas card for 2016?! Goodness, good thing you are getting started it because at the rate of speed these months are flying by at, you will be scrambling to make them soon. lol Love the Christmas card too. Got to get on mine now! Hugs, Brenda
Adore your 'Celebrate' card...especially the design layout with all the elements snuggle up in the top corner of the card...and a wee schmick of a 'hang-over' happening! Sweet butterfly and awesome fun foam vase (which I thought looked like felt!).
WHOO HOOOO EEEEE for your first 2016 card! GREAT postage stamp image. Love how the sentiment plays the starring role here! Really cool snowy 'sky'.
Two stunning CAS cards.
Kath x
Two wonderful cards. Love your lovely work!
Thank you for joining us at the Rudolph Days Challnege. Good Luck.
Valerija - DT member.
Love sweet interpretation of the BlogHop photo, Darnell. the elements you picked out are spot on!
Lovely Christmas card, huh? Did you say 2016 Christmas Cards?!?
I am so impressed with you...
The first card is a delightful breath of spring, especially on this cold bleak day in east Tennessee.
Christmas cards? Really? Seriously, I'm in awe.
Now you have climbed the hill of starting with X-mascards again it will be easier from there: it is only sliding downhill! :)
Your X-mascard looks so freh and beautifully CAS! But the flowers+vase card is my favorite; elegant and delicate at the same time (and I don't want to think about the other kind of cards before I have had ebough sunshine-hours!)
Think I don't have to make a s much as you; about 50 or so... Hugs and enjoy even the little things!
Beautiful card, Darnell! I love your sweet little pink flowers!
WOW! Both are so beautiful, Darnell! Love those layered pink vellum flowers! Lovely cards!
Great makes today Darnell, and I especially like those delicate flowers on the first one. I need to try using some of the felt I've accumulated now, so thanks for reminding me that I own some! Have a great evening!
Love your cards Darnell. The first one really strikes my fancy as I love the pink & green color combo and the pretty flower.
First I love the pink vase card. It is a beauty.
Second Christmas cards are you kidding me? No way Jose. It makes my back hurt thinking about it, as well as my hands and neck. Nevertheless your first card is not over-the-top holidayish. Is it hot way up yonder? The house is 75 and all the summer clothes are hidden in the attic. Hugs
Beautiful cards! Happy Spring....almost! ;)
Oh I ADORE those pink vellum flowers... so pretty! Beautifully done, Darnell!
It's snowing here in PA, but the nice thing about Febuary snow is it really doesn't last long, although we have see snow on Easter. Then it becomes not fun!
Great cards, and way to go on starting your Christmas cards!
This is a lovely card, Darnell.I iike that embossingoflder. Such a soft look...perfect with the pink ink sentiment!
So beautiful Darnell! Love the vase and flowers against the circular window. Simply fabulous.
Cool Christmas card, but oh how I love your PTI card, Darnell! Fabulous design & take on the photo!
Beautiful card! Love the soft little flowers and vase! :)
What a lovely card Darnell, it is just the sweetest, I love it! The photo inspiration is a work of art all by itself, but you did a great job in your interpretation. Well done too for making a start on your Christmas cards. I just love that Christmas postage stamp image.
Hugs Lottie x
Such a pretty card & a lovely take on the inspiration. Good on you for making your first Christmas card! This time last year I had made several but the mere thought makes me shudder this year. I love the soft pink sentiment on your card.
Very pretty Darnell! Such a clean and crisp design.
Swooning over your pretty little felt vase and those sweet velum blooms!! Fabulous my friend!
I love both cards very much. I love how you created the flowers from pink vellum. it feels so spring like which is nice since today was a rainy and snowy windy sloppy yucky day:) I also love your Christmas card. it is so clean and simple and so very pretty
Oh your card is stunning Darnell! Those flowers are so pretty!! And your first Christmas card is lovely too! I agree it is hard to believe it's almost March! Didn't Santa just come?? Crazy how fast time is flying by these days!!
Darnell, both cards are beautiful. I love your take on the PTI blog hop inspiration. I thought the pic had an Asian feel to it as well and your card perfectly reflects that. Lovely! And hooray for having a Christmas Card done!!!!
Your PTI card is stunning! I just love the pink vellum flowers! Beautiful design!!!!
to the lady voted most comments given: Love your blog, your style, ALL the card creations, but especially love your comments on MY blog, cuz they tickle! Muyaah!
I agree that the inspiration photo has an Asian feel and you captured it with the minimalist feel of the sweet vase and flowers - just beautiful!
Love these soft vellum blossoms! Beautiful CAS design! And what a start for Christmas creations!
Loving the pink vellum. I don't seem to see coloured vellum over here but have been enjoying colouring the back of vellum is about as far as my colouring skills go. Have a good weekend xx
Love your cards and admire how you do clean and simple. I am so glad you showed the steps, I've never tried a challenge from a photo like that, so it was interesting how you selected and put it together tfs xxx
I love your little pink vase and those vellum blooms are gorgeous. Well done on making a start on your Christmas cards too. xx
Two beautiful cards today love that first design you got that inspiration spot on Love the Christmas card as well that postage stamp is a great centre piece enjoy the weekend love and hugs Carole x
Gorgeous cards Darnell! truly inspirational!
xoxo Olga
Morning Darnell, They are two absolutely lovely cards. The little vellum flowers look so delicate and pretty and I love the postage stamp stamp you've used on the second one. Barbxx
Gorgeous cards Darnell!!!
Love them Darnell.
Em x
Love your take on the inspiration photo! It would make a lovely Chinese New Year card. :)
Fabulous cards! Love your take on the PTI Challenge! The little pink base is sweet as can be!
Firstly thank you sooooo much for your lovely comments on my blog Darnell its always so nice to have you pop by. The leg is super hence the running but I am taking it easy 18months out of my life is a harsh reminder. Secondly CONGRATULATIONS at being showcased on LIM again ! What a beautiful beautiful card the colours just heavenly. Anyone who can make a one layer card I have to take my hat off too, but to make such a beauty well thats just down right clever. In reverse order you Christmas card is so beautifully CAS I love the postage stamp stamp gorgeous and the pink vellum blossoms in the first are sublime. Wishing you a fabulous weekend.
Love the way your Blog Hop card is so clean and crisp and Zen (I definitely saw Asian in the photo also). Your little perfect butterfly steals the scene for me - beautifully done!
Just love your delicate floral card Dippy; very oriental, just as the photo inspiration suggested to me. Adore your froggie!!! Also love your first CC of the year.
Karendipity xxx
Great Christmas card, Darnell! But I especially LOVE your PTI blog hop card -- it's gorgeous & wonderful!
They are both lovely cards! Who doesn't love a QACAS card? Thanks for joining us at Christmas Card Challenges.
Fab cards, love the embossing on the Christmas one.Congrats on being showcased at LIM with that beautiful bloom card.
More gorgeous cards yet again Dee....yes I can't believe it's almost March too ;)hugs Vee xx
Your cards are so pretty, Darnell! The first one is stunning! Those pink vellum flowers look amazing! Your Rudolph Day card is so cute! WTG on your first Christmas Card for this year! I make at least 2 of them a month. Only missed one month last summer - it's a great goal to keep me on track and then no panic in November!
Great cards, both of them! Your PTI card is simple and elegant and I love your flowers and little butterfly.
Darnell I'm so happy you played along with us at Christmas Card Challenges. Your card is awesome as always.
Hugs, Rema
Wonderful card, Darnell! I love the clean and simple elegance. Thanks for joining us this week at Christmas Card Challenges. Marsha DT @ SCCC
Beautiful cards! Those delicate little pink flowers are so pretty. Aren't you the one to be working on Christmas cards already. I said after procrastinating last year and not starting until November that I would never do that again. I need to get started on mine. Have a great weekend!
Two fabulous cards Darnell. I don't know how it can possibly be almost March...seems Like I was just trying to get through November. Yikes. Looking forward to your new Nbus challenge. Hope to get an entry in this time since I won't be traveling.
That pink vellum makes absolutely gorgeous flowers, Darnell, and that is the tiniest butterfly I've even seen. I can't believe you've not made a Christmas card until now, and a wonderful one it is. I think I've done one every week for Merry Monday.
Hi Darnell
Yes, this year is disappearing already and your glorious card is a promise of the flowers that will be awakened and basking in the sunshine before we know it.
Love the blush colour you have used for your sentiment on the Christmas card. I like non traditional!
Sorry to hear you've not felt tip top lately. Had a couples of issues myself so you my good wishes for a speedy recovery back to your normal (???) self.
Have a great weekend.
Ang x
Great take on the photo challenge, Darnell. Your vase of vellum flowers looks gorgeous enhanced by the circle cut. You know just how to design beautiful cards. Sorry to hear about your flare up but hope and pray you are feeling better. Congrats on completing your first CC for 2016!
What fabulous cards!! I LOVE your PTI blogshop entry. So clean and elegant. LOVE the look of the vellum flowers. I am sorry that you are feeling poorly. I hope that you feel better soon!!
Wow! I am not good at all working with flowers and I really appreciate when I see an amazing card like this! It is so delicated Darnell!! Hugs and take care!!
Two fabulous cards Darnell your floral one is so pretty and well done for making a start on your Christmas cards...
The first card is fabulous with the delicate flowers Darnell. The Christmas card has that special festive feeling. I don't mind if March marches straight to April, it'll be warmer :)
Love and hugs
This is just a wonderful feminine springy card.
Love these CAS beauties. Thanks for the Rudolf Days reminder. Off to find the Christmas mojo. Looking forward to NBUS #6. Hugz
Well done you on making your first Christmas card. CAS, and I love it :) X
Love those soft, feminine flowers! Congratulations on getting that first Christmas card under your belt. Only a bajillion left to do!<3
I love that little vase and flowers Darnell, and the first Christmas card done and dusted - WOW !!! I can't wait for the next NBUS challenge, I've been buying faster than I can make for a while now !!!
Gorgeous CAS cards Darnell! They are both so elegant.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx
The card with the flowers and vase really caught my attention. The placement off centre is brilliant. I'd probably stick it to the centre, which wouldn't have had the same effect at all! Love getting inspiration like this!
Hi Darnell, wow what a post you shared today, love the gorgeous pink cherry blossom card a fabulous idea, a beautiful Christmas card too, lovely embossing and great stamp. have a wonderful week... Megan
Hi Darnell! Sorry I've been MIA lately. Lots going on here. Anyway, I really like that first card AND the Christmas card! The soft pink flowers are so delicate, and I love that you created them with vellum! I also love the pot created with fun foam. What a great idea! It adds more dimension & is the perfect touch, along with the little butterfly. Your Christmas card is putting me to shame. I'm not even close to beginning those!
Those layered vellum flowers are just so pretty! Wonderful take on the inspiration photo, and a Christmas card? You put me to shame. SHAME! I'm anticipating making one of those in....October....sigh....
Oh my gosh, both cards are so beautiful but the PTI one knocked my socks off (and I'm not even wearing you know it made an impact!). The vellum flowers and that stitched circle element are so light and airy...and really serene. Gorgeous to the max!
Congrats on your first 2016 Christmas card. Love both your cards today. Hope to join in on your NBUS fun.
Two lovely cards! The first one being PINK!!! (My favorite color) I always say you can't go wrong with pink!!!
And your Christmas card is very nicely done!
Darnell, your work is outstanding! I love the REAL flowers, too! I hope you are feeling better now. I don't like it when you aren't feeling well! Take it easy, please!
Lovely work. Thank you for joining the Butterfly challenge – G is for glitter and/or grape.
GDT for Butterfly challenge
Granmargaret’s cards ‘n’ stuff – My personal Blog!
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