Happy Sunday Funday and Happy Birthday, Geri!
A wonderful and sweet little lady is having a birthday today! Her name is Geri Greening and her delightful blog is
Manitoba Stamper. If you aren't familiar with her, you are in for a treat! I sent Geri a different card in the mail, but I made her another to share with you:
Here is the inside:
I think if you click to enlarge the inside of the card, you can read it. Someone let me know if you can't, and I'll insert it as text in my post.
Our mutual friend, Bev of
Happy Dance is the party hostess extraordinaire and once again, she put on an affair to rifle even the caterers to the stars in Hollywood!! Thank you, Bev, for another fun party! Happy, Happy Birthday, Geri, and many, many more! You are a great friend, an exceptional card artist, and an inspiring adventurer. It's a privilege to know you and call you friend!! Mwah!!
New Friends Corner
Speaking of friends, I believe this post will bring you up-to-date with all the new followers who have joined since I reached the 500 milestone in June. If you have joined since June and you haven't seen yourself in any New Friends Corners, please leave a comment or email me to let me know.
I'm thrilled to introduce you to these wonderful new friends:

Cindee K. of
Flower Shoppe Cards. Cindee is another brand new blogger in our community! She started her blog in June and it would be so considerate if you took the time to stop in and give her a special welcome to Blogland. Cindee has already posted a wealth of inspiration for us on her blog with her lovely and impeccably-made cards!

Em Louise Fairley of
Creative Em. Em has been blogging for a long time. "Creative Em" was started in June 2013 to reflect all aspect's of her creativity: card art, photography, and writing. She is an uber-talented award-winner who loves joining in challenges and sharing her inspirational works of art!

Lynn Kopas of
Just My Style. Lynn has been blogging since 2008! You'll find oodles of inspiration when you visit this extraordinary paper artist and scrapper. Do you need ideas for layouts? Mixed media canvases? Art journal pages? Tags? ATCs? You see what I mean? It's all here for you!

Pam Sparks of
Expressions With Heart. Pam has been blogging since 2009. She has been making card art since
1994! She is a wife, mother of three, and grandmother of sixteen! When she isn't loving on all that family, she is providing you with incredible inspiration through her delightful blog and through her work on many, many design teams!

Sharon Keanly of
Sharon's Kardz Korner. Sharon lives in South Africa. She is an award-winning designer who has been blogging since 2009. In addition to her love for rubber stamps and card art, Sharon loves knitting, crocheting, sewing, and teddy bear making when she isn't at her full-time job. She is taking a bit of a break right now while she organizes her photographs, but please stop by anyway as she has years' worth of card inspiration, blogging tips, and tutorials to share with you!

Coni Longley ("Conil") of
Which Craft? Such a cute title! Conil has been blogging since 2011. She, too, loves to participate in challenges and has won recognition for her card art which is CAS and outstanding! She is on a bit of an hiatas to play with her granddaughter, but just like Sharon, Conil has lots of inspiration to keep you busy until she returns!
子葳 王. I'm not sure, but I think this is Wei of
Wei Wei. Wei is from Taiwan and she has been blogging since 2013. She makes the prettiest CAS cards, if you are looking for inspiration for CAS. You have probably seen her works of art on challenge winners' galleries because she wins a lot and rightly so!
Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!
"404 Error"
Normally, when you join a blog by clicking the blue "Join This Site" button and follow the popup instructions, you will be added to the thumbnails and your face or shadow will then appear. When the blog owner clicks on your face, and your popup appears, normally your name is underlined. When your underlined name is clicked, the link will go directly to your blog. Awesome when it all works that way, right? However, for dozens of the last followers to join my site, when I click on their underlined names I get this message:
"404. That's an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know."
Hmmm, yeah, no, I don't think that's all you know. And I don't think it's nice that you say so. I think it's another ploy to get us to switch to Google+. I have reported the issue to Google Help. Oh, hahahahahahaaha. Sorry. Gasp! I karack myself up!!
Seriously, though, if you do join a blog as a follower, please also take a second to leave a comment on the last post of that blog, even if it is simply "Great card," or the like. Usually the blog owner wants to find you, in turn, and perhaps join and comment on your blog and if your follower thumbnail doesn't lead them to you, perhaps your comment will. It is so much easier and less time-consuming than trying to do a detective search for you through Google. It's preshiated.
Follower Button
Many of you have no doubt heard that new Blogger blogs will no longer be able to add the "Join This Site" blue button of follower thumbnails to their salad bars. Sure enough, when you do the "add a gadget" and then scroll through the options in the popup box that opens, this is
not an option.
BUT WAIT. When you first click "add a gadget" and the popup opens, please notice the column in the left-hand side of the box that says "more gadgets." If you click on that and scroll aaalllll the way down to the end of that first page of options, you will see "Followers!" That's it, there it is!!
I must say I enjoyed that discovery and I'm happy to share for those of you who dinnit already know about it. Sorry for another epic post, but I have been wanting to mention these two things.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
And if, like Geri, today is also YOUR birthday, I hope you have a blast!!
*Life Is Too Short!
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Click CTL + Home.
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and the pop-up box opens.
Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!