A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

July 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Surprise, Geri!

Happy Sunday Funday and Happy Birthday, Geri!

A wonderful and sweet little lady is having a birthday today! Her name is Geri Greening and her delightful blog is Manitoba Stamper. If you aren't familiar with her, you are in for a treat! I sent Geri a different card in the mail, but I made her another to share with you:

Here is the inside:
I think if you click to enlarge the inside of the card, you can read it. Someone let me know if you can't, and I'll insert it as text in my post.

Our mutual friend, Bev of Happy Dance is the party hostess extraordinaire and once again, she put on an affair to rifle even the caterers to the stars in Hollywood!! Thank you, Bev, for another fun party! Happy, Happy Birthday, Geri, and many, many more! You are a great friend, an exceptional card artist, and an inspiring adventurer. It's a privilege to know you and call you friend!! Mwah!!

Addicted to CAS, "Celebrate
New Friends Corner

Speaking of friends, I believe this post will bring you up-to-date with all the new followers who have joined since I reached the 500 milestone in June. If you have joined since June and you haven't seen yourself in any New Friends Corners, please leave a comment or email me to let me know.

I'm thrilled to introduce you to these wonderful new friends:

Cindee K. of Flower Shoppe Cards. Cindee is another brand new blogger in our community! She started her blog in June and it would be so considerate if you took the time to stop in and give her a special welcome to Blogland. Cindee has already posted a wealth of inspiration for us on her blog with her lovely and impeccably-made cards!

Em Louise Fairley of Creative Em. Em has been blogging for a long time. "Creative Em" was started in June 2013 to reflect all aspect's of her creativity: card art, photography, and writing. She is an uber-talented award-winner who loves joining in challenges and sharing her inspirational works of art!

Lynn Kopas of Just My Style. Lynn has been blogging since 2008! You'll find oodles of inspiration when you visit this extraordinary paper artist and scrapper. Do you need ideas for layouts? Mixed media canvases? Art journal pages? Tags? ATCs? You see what I mean? It's all here for you!

Pam Sparks of Expressions With Heart. Pam has been blogging since 2009. She has been making card art since 1994! She is a wife, mother of three, and grandmother of sixteen! When she isn't loving on all that family, she is providing you with incredible inspiration through her delightful blog and through her work on many, many design teams!

Sharon Keanly of Sharon's Kardz Korner. Sharon lives in South Africa. She is an award-winning designer who has been blogging since 2009. In addition to her love for rubber stamps and card art, Sharon loves knitting, crocheting, sewing, and teddy bear making when she isn't at her full-time job. She is taking a bit of a break right now while she organizes her photographs, but please stop by anyway as she has years' worth of card inspiration, blogging tips, and tutorials to share with you!

Coni Longley ("Conil") of Which Craft? Such a cute title! Conil has been blogging since 2011. She, too, loves to participate in challenges and has won recognition for her card art which is CAS and outstanding! She is on a bit of an hiatas to play with her granddaughter, but just like Sharon, Conil has lots of inspiration to keep you busy until she returns!

子葳 王. I'm not sure, but I think this is Wei of Wei Wei. Wei is from Taiwan and she has been blogging since 2013. She makes the prettiest CAS cards, if you are looking for inspiration for CAS. You have probably seen her works of art on challenge winners' galleries because she wins a lot and rightly so!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


"404 Error"

Normally, when you join a blog by clicking the blue "Join This Site" button and follow the popup instructions, you will be added to the thumbnails and your face or shadow will then appear. When the blog owner clicks on your face, and your popup appears, normally your name is underlined. When your underlined name is clicked, the link will go directly to your blog. Awesome when it all works that way, right? However, for dozens of the last followers to join my site, when I click on their underlined names I get this message:
"404. That's an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know."
Hmmm, yeah, no, I don't think that's all you know. And I don't think it's nice that you say so. I think it's another ploy to get us to switch to Google+. I have reported the issue to Google Help. Oh, hahahahahahaaha. Sorry. Gasp! I karack myself up!!

Seriously, though, if you do join a blog as a follower, please also take a second to leave a comment on the last post of that blog, even if it is simply "Great card," or the like. Usually the blog owner wants to find you, in turn, and perhaps join and comment on your blog and if your follower thumbnail doesn't lead them to you, perhaps your comment will. It is so much easier and less time-consuming than trying to do a detective search for you through Google. It's preshiated.

Follower Button

Many of you have no doubt heard that new Blogger blogs will no longer be able to add the "Join This Site" blue button of follower thumbnails to their salad bars. Sure enough, when you do the "add a gadget" and then scroll through the options in the popup box that opens, this is not an option.

BUT WAIT. When you first click "add a gadget" and the popup opens, please notice the column in the left-hand side of the box that says "more gadgets." If you click on that and scroll aaalllll the way down to the end of that first page of options, you will see "Followers!" That's it, there it is!!

I must say I enjoyed that discovery and I'm happy to share for those of you who dinnit already know about it. Sorry for another epic post, but I have been wanting to mention these two things.


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

And if, like Geri, today is also YOUR birthday, I hope you have a blast!!
*Life Is Too Short!

To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling:
Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and the pop-up box opens.
Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!


Loll said...

Hi Dolly. What a special birthday card you've made for Geri ... every tile representing something about her ... a keepsake she will treasure, that's for sure. You are amazing at keeping track of all your friends and followers and knowing so much about each and every one. Lolly xx

Kim Heggins said...

Wow...where do I start? No worker men on your post...hmmmm, I was sure that Bev would have been more than happy to share at least one of them with you! Your card is about as sweet as they get...I love your fabulous bingo card and I learned so much about Geri too, you are the best! I love it.

Kathyk said...

Useful info/reminder on the gadget options, Darnell - cheers matey!

FAB make and your pal will no doubt have HUGELY appreciated it too

Happy Sunday


Vanessa said...

Your card is so so clever!! Genius, Darnell!! Love everything about it!

Sue said...

Loving the card.

Hope you have a lovely day.

Stamps and Paper said...

What a fabulous card Darnell and such a clever idea this truly is a keepsake card


Sammy said...

What an absolutely fantastic card! And all the better for being 100% personalised! I'm sure she will be overwhelmed. x

Unknown said...

Great Card Darnell, cards that are made so personal are always the best! Lots of time, thought and love put into it!x

Carole Pollard said...

This is a fabulous card just loving the personalisation its just so thoughtful bur so lovely. The card looks fab a great design. Thanks for the blogging tips love and happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

Carole Pollard said...

This is a fabulous card just loving the personalisation its just so thoughtful bur so lovely. The card looks fab a great design. Thanks for the blogging tips love and happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

Rita said...

Fabulous carx Darnell and so personal to Geri. I'm sure she will love it. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

Neets B said...

Such a fantastic personal card, Darnell. Geri will treasure this for years I'm sure. Thanks for the blogger tips too x

Gerrina said...

This is such an original idea! Love it! Hugs, Gerrina

Carol L said...

This is truly a one-of-a-kind birthday card, and so special for Geri! I love all the detail work that went into making this!
Thanks for the update on the Google/follower schtuff. I'm with you and won't join the + either, and it drives me nuttier than I am to try to find someone through that program! I wasn't aware of the change with the followers gadget, so thx for the great tip!

Manuela said...

what a original Card, so unique! :-)

Petra Swart said...

What a lovely card you have made for Geri, Darnell!!! This is really unique and so well planned and made!!! ... love the inside, too!!! Geri will definitely treasure this card!!

Have a great day!!!

Colleen said...

Definitely a unique and specialized card for Geri! Thank you for sharing it with all of us at Seize the Birthday, and thank you for all your important information about blogging and gadgets etc...gheesh, they make it hard to keep up with!

Nan G said...

Great card! Thank you! for the blogger tips and tricks and work arounds! Munch-lee apre-she-ate-ed!

Carole Campanile said...

Such a fabulous card Darnell. I am sure she is going to love it and keep it on display forever.

I just love your posts. Thanks for the input and the laugh. How in the world do you find all the blogger info? You need to make a library for all your tid-bits. They are definitely more helpful than anything Google puts up. And now I know where I'm going to search first when I can't figure something out. :)

Yes, that ear worm is finally gone, but it took a lot to make it happen. LOL

Take care and hugs.

Jeanne said...

What a fun and unique card you created for your friend, Darnell. I'm sure she will love it. You are very sweet and so very creative! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some of your warmth and encouragement. I appreciate it! :)

Lee-Anne said...

Darnell, what a fabulous personalized card for Geri, you thoughtful, sweet girl! What a unique and totally amazing design!

Pat said...

What a great card Darnell, and a Happy Birthday to Geri, and I'm sure she will love this really personal card! x

Ardyth said...

Wow! You have truly outdone yourself with this- so many of Geri's wonderful attributes and accomplishments all in one place! I know she'll love it!

Unknown said...

Hi Dippy - just love how you've linked every square in to mean something special for Geri - she's going to love it. The inside is inspired!!! lol


Karendipity xxx

shirley-bee said...

What a special card for Geri, Darnell! She will absolutely love it.

And well done you on finding where Blogger hid the follower button - great detective work ;)

Sheila H said...

Delightful card, Darnell. Your friend is sure to love it.

Redanne said...

I love your card, it is so thoughtful of you and I bet Geri will absolutely love it! Very clever of you. Hugs, Annie xx

Brenda said...

This is a super cute personalized bingo card Darnell! I love all the cute things that represent Geri. I don't know her but she sounds fabulous and I've just started following her blog. Loving it so far. All you ladies are so fabulous and I get so much joy in visiting. Hugs, Brenda

Irish Cherokee said...

Love your "Bingo" style card Darnell.
The inside is a gem. Very welL done. - Blessings - Jim

Happy Dance said...

Oh my goodness! Geri is going to be thrilled to see this!! Fantastic. The personalized bingo card is just the ticket...it encompasses so many of her qualities and talents. It's gorgeous. Great post too. Way to go, dear friend!! : ) Bev

Glenda J said...

So nice of you to create such a lovely personalized card for her! Fantastic! Thanks for playing along with Seize the Birthday.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Such a fun card! Carri~Abusybee

JD/ Jill said...

A wonderful personalizaed card...I'm sure you spent a lot of time on this card...but it was sure worth it...(And one I'm going to pin to my inspiration board! Thanks for sharing!

Sybrina K said...

Hi, Darnell.

What a fabulous card for Geri. Well done!

And, thanks for all the kind comments you've been leaving when you visit.

Have a great week!

Pia S said...

At first sight I thought this card looked great with all those different decorated squares. Reading the inside I realize that one cannot make a card more personal than this. If I were Geri I'd be so touched!

Sue said...

A totally fabulous card Darnell. I agree with all the other comments, the way you have personalised this makes it so very special.
hugs Sue xx

Belinda Basson said...

Thanks for visiting my blog from Anne's place. I wish we all lived a little closer together then we could have a gallery or something. Though that does not really translate into meeting up though! Sharon Keanly and I live in the same city and we have not managed to get together for various reasons! I love your card, you put so much thought and effort into it.

Em Louise Fairley said...

Darnell, I love your card! Thanks so much for the intro! Hello everyone :)

Em x
Creative Em

Verna Angerhofer said...

What a wonderful card design and a great way to personalize it for Geri. I know she will love it.

Anita in France said...

Oh my, Darnell ... this couldn't get any better ... a perfect encapsulation of Geri-ness ... she'll absolutely love it! She'll also love your nature inspired and very evocative haiku ... you had me in stitches! Hugs, Anita :)

OH Babs said...

Dang you are one creative lady. Haikus no less. Have a good weekend.

Sarah G said...

Such a wonderfully thoughtful card - so lovely to see all of the personal details! It made me smile and I am sure Geri will be delighted :)

Chriss Blagrave said...

Love this special custom card that you made for Gerri! Inside and out!
You are so thoughtful Darnell and thanks for the info at the end of this post too!

Hettie said...

Fabulous card Honey. I got a little lost with your 404 message, but it is late and way past my bedtime!

Taunya Butler said...

What a sweet tribute to a friend!! You are wonderful to other bloggers in this blog world of ours!! You are awesome!!

Bonnie said...

What a wonderful personalized card! I'm sure Geri is having a very happy birthday!

Nora Noll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

What a special card. I love that card bingo idea. Too clever!!

Nora Noll said...

Sorry about so many comments. Blogger is doing weird things tonight!

Alanna said...

What a super fun card and so unique. And thanks for all the blogger tips. You are always so quick to share and help.

Susanne Vargas said...

This is the most personalized card I have ever seen and Geri will love it!

MaryH said...

Well....this card is JUST AWESOME! You took all Geri's special interests, made that front Bingo board. The inside was very legible when I enlarged it, and then I read what all the blocks represented. You are just phenomenal in your creativity, girl. This is definitely a one-of-a-kind that Geri will not receive from Anyone else! The High Coup was a hoot as well! You & Cherokee have the best 'way with words' of anyone I know! TFS & Hugs. Hope the weekend was fab, and also many thanks for the Blogger dis-information (or information - whichever it is!).

Diane Jaquay said...

This is such a special, one of a kind birthday card, I love it!

Geri said...

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS SAKES ALIVE...you sure do know how to warm my heart dear friend...thank you!

You have captured all the things that you know are special to me in this fabulously fun creation....AND IT'S ALL ON A BINGO CARD!!!

Seriously, the best birthday card EVER!!! You're the best!!!


Joyce said...

What a creative and thoughtful way to make a birthday card. I'm sure it will be well loved.

Greta said...

Beyond creative, Darnell! I know Geri was thrilled to see this plus the one you mailed!

sandie said...

Such a thoughtful card Darnell, she is going to love this x

Viv said...

A really clever personal card Darnell! Great job!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Darnell, missed you on the last WOYWW so thought I would stop by and glad I did. Read your note about followers. I thought it was just me that I couldn't always find people that joined my followers but now I think I understand why. I will have to put a note on the blog as I feel awful when I cannot find someone who has just been kind enough to join so thanks for that.
Happy crafting, Angela x

alexandra s.m. said...

You will always AMAZE me Darnell!
Fantastic idea and clever clever card!
You rock my Friend! and thanks for sharing your find about the gadget with us, I had no idea!

Marybeth said...

Thanks for taking the time to share blogger information. Way back when I tried to follow your blog it kept asking me to give my pw, and I was already signed in. So I follow you with the blogger.
Beautiful and fun card for Geri, bet she loves this personal card.

Cheryl said...

Such a clever card for your friend Geri's Birthday! Such Fun! I know she loved it! You crack me up...high coup!? and then your haiku! So funny! Thanks for sharing and take care!

Pam Sparks said...

Thanks for the recognition Darnell! How fun to find your hoppin', happenin' blog! Delightful place and fabulous creating! Awesome card! (seeing your post, made me realize I needed to update my about me page! : ) we have sixteen grands as of June 1st! woohoo! thanks again!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the fun personalized birthday card you made, and of course your high coup on the inside.

I admit to not having a clue what you mean about the following blog gadget whatchawhatever you were talking about. Are we all doomed?!

1CardCreator said...

Sweet card for your friend Gerri, I will pop by to say hi and wish her a happy. Glad I am not the only die hard that does not want to join Google plus, it is so hard to find a persons blog on that! I have tried to follow comments and when I end up at G+ I end up following links to comments they left for other people more often than to their blogs. Have a great week! ~Diane

cm said...

What a most inspired, unique, ultra special card you've created for our fabulous Geri! I know she loves it oodles, as do I! Treasure, keepsake, pure delight! You sure do have marvelous ways of making people feel special and loved!

Shelly said...

This is such a sweet card!!! Love the 'bingo board'! So fun! :)

Brenda in IN said...

Bingo, you have made a fantastic card! It's so personalized and fun. She will love it. You always make us feel so special and appreciated. Thanks for all you do.

Karen P said...

That's seriously brilliant Darnell - such a lovely thing to create - love those tiles and am clapping my hands for this beautiful card Karen xx

Barb Ghig said...

Such a fabulous card, Darnell! I love how personal it is, and how you chose the Bingo card for your theme/design! It was so fun to learn all about Geri, too...thank you! And, I'm sure she is going to appreciate all the love you put into your card!

scrappymo! said...

What a special card this is...personalized for Gerri!
You are indeed a good friend, Darnell!

Thanks for the followers tip. I did not know about the other options area!

Carole Z said...

Hi Darnell, hmmm my blogger salad bar only just updated that you'd posted, that's why I'm a few days late! Thanks for those tips, very interesting indeed! Your card is stunning, what a fabulous and really personal card that your friend will be totally thrilled with, hugs Carole Z X

Lyn said...

Oh what a beautiful card one that I am sure will be treasured forever. I love visiting and checking out new blogs <3

sharonskardzkorner said...

Hi honey, thanks so much for the mention with all the other lovely new friends you have. I'll make sure to pop around and pay them a visit too. Please private mail me your mailing address. I'd love to send you one of my cards. Warm wishes Sharon xoxo

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell a fabulous card for Geri, she will love it. Your bingo on the inside--awesome! Really really fun!

Jean said...

What a special tribute to Geri ~ so very personalized! Belated birthday wishes to you ~ sorry I missed your card party!

Ros Crawford said...

I'm speechless ... This is so terrific!

Mary-Anne V said...

Ha what a fun and thoughtful card...love the bingo idea!

Deepti said...

This is sweetest card I have ever seen, how sweet of you to make such a customized card :) you are the best!

Bobby said...

I don't know how a card can be more personal than this one. You obviously know Geri well and I'm sure she will love what you've done to honor her on her birthday.