Hello Stamplins!
I guess I'm feeling very southern today. How y'all doin'? A lot of Americans went hog wild over Memorial Day weekend and time will tell if that was a dumb idea. I can't take any chances, so it was just three more days in paradise for us. Not really, because we are having unseasonably boiling hot temps up to a hunnert and five degrees this week.😳Thankfully, it's spose to cool off by the weekend.
So my non-crafty item I'm grateful for is not a little one today: it's air conditioning! And my crafty item I'm grateful for is glitter paper!
My friend Trina sent me a thank you card recently which I blatantly copied CASEd for this card. The beautiful NBUS glitter paper, which I had to immediately purchase, is from Memory Box and the NBUS paper hug sediment is from The Stamp Market. I'm not sure where the sweet stem is from because I borrowed a die at the last Lake House retreat.
- HLS Anything Goes With Dies.
- Mix It Up: Anything goes. (Optional twist: masking.)
- The House That Stamps Built

This is a study in smooching with broken china. Ouch! The wreath is from PTI, the fussy-cut poinsettias are from Waltzingmouse. The border frame is Pointed Rectangle from Poppystamps. You can't see it, but Hammy winked the poinsettias and a schparkly gem was placed in the centers. The sediment is from GKW. It was stamped in black and clear-embossed.
- Christmas 24: Christmas flowers.
- Christmas Kickstart: Wreathed in smiles.
- Retro Rubber Tic Tac Toe. Diagonal bottom left to upper right: flowers, embossing, die cut or punch. Wreath 2017, poinsettias, 2010, and border 2017.
- Rudolph Days: Anything Christmas goes.
The Flower Challenge: Monochrome.

I promised you more photos:
Here she is all unkempt, but still lovable. Nellie looks pretty cute, too! (We were having a pensive moment. If you look close, you can see my gray hair starting to show!)
And here she is bright white and shorn and looking alternately like a lamb or a puppy. Not bad considering she will be nine in July!
Dancing for a treat! (I need a Pull-It Surprise for taking that photo while dangling a treat!) According to the AKC regarding the Coton de Tulear breed: "... Amusing traits of these long-lived jesters include unique vocalizations and a knack for walking on their hind legs." We are so blessed to have rescued her. I have about eleventeen more photos and a recording the Mister made of her "talking" to him, but I'll spare you!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!* Please continue to stay in if possible and take care when you have to be out and about.
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
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