Hello Stamplings!
Don't look now, but we are almost at the end of the first month of 2023! Didn't we just put up our new calendars?! This whooshing is getting so out of hand that I've ordered an extra seat belt for my office chair!
Speaking of blasts, I had a blast making today's twofer ~ and several more! At our last Zoom session, we tried a technique called, "Creative Heat Embossing." It's a technique I've seen in the past and have been wanting to try. In brief, you use creative ways to apply Versamark to a background panel and then you emboss the panel using one or more colors of embossing powder.
For this background, I used a crumpled paper towel to pounce Versamark randomly on my red panel and then I heat-embossed it in gold. (The red panel, not the crumpled paper towel.) You can also use crumpled plastic wrap for a similar look. I finished the card using poppystamps, "Feather Tree Frame" and a NBUS hugs and kisses die from Penny Black called, "Filled With Love."
- Cut It Up: Love.
- If You Give a Crafter a Cookie: January - Red.
- SSS Wednesday: Anything goes.
For this Christmas card, I also used a crumpled paper towel, but this time Hammy lined up gold, silver, platinum, and copper embossing powders for me to use one-by-one and I love how it turned out! I added a simple sediment banner for the Creative Expressions sediment and a bit of bling. I'll be linking this card to the Rudolph Days challenge.
As you can see below, Hammy and I became addicted to trying different delivery methods and different colors of e/p. We loved the randomness of the pouncing and then the glimmery-shimmery reveal as the heat gun melted the powder. In addition to using crumpled paper towels, I used a small square Versamark pad direct to the panel, an old steel-wool pad, and daubers of various sizes and shapes:

And here are some of my other finished designs:
The colors and shimmer are hard to capture, but you get the idea. I want to try more combinations like the middle right card. The different embossed powders are gorgeous on black or colored card. (That get-well design in the lower right came about because I used a large oblong dauber to ponce ... we all agreed the embossed results looked like band-aids!😁)
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During the pandemic I've been fortunate to meet monthly via Zoom with crafty friends and I've loved trying out various new-to-me techniques and ideas. Many of our sessions have been led by the very talented Loll Thompson. Each month Loll generously provides samples and worksheets for us.
And now we are delighted to let you know that Loll has designed a new blog which allows all of you to reap the benefits of our sessions, both past and future! Thank you, Lolly!
Each month there will be a new technique featured and Loll has filled the side-bar with loads of information and advice from past sessions for you to enjoy. We hope the new blog (and our seven individual blogs) will schpark and inspire YOU to try some of the techniques that you've either never heard of or that have been on your "Try This" list for a long time! 💕
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
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