A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 18, 2014

Vintage Family Postcards

Hi There!

Before I start, can I just ask what the heck keeps Olympic female ice skaters from coming out of those crazy dizzying turns without teetering and falling flat on their bottoms?! Incredible!!

Something a little different today as this post is just a sharing of some very very old cards, none made by me. [Warning: It's very long and photo-heavy ... contrary to most of my posts, oh, guffawhahahaha!]

Valentine's Day reminded me that I had them stashed away, but when I looked at them again I realized that there are also birthday postcards and even an Easter postcard. They are fragile and beautiful and, well, just so fabulous. Considering my family history, it is heartwarming to have these treasures from my grandparent's time. I wonder how many of you are fortunate to have antique cards among your pimentos.

They're all from the same time period; one does show the 1911 postmark, so they are over a hunnert years old! Crikey! I'm not sure why most of them are not postmarked. Perhaps they were delivered by hand? Perhaps they came in envelopes, even though they are post cards? 


 Thin as egg shells. 
The butterfly appears to have been cut out by hand
 and pasted in the center ... maybe by a child?

Kindest Greetings

Through the days before thee
May the skies be fair,
Ever shining o'er thee,
Bright beyond compare.
May no mist of sadness
Rise thy life to dim,
May your cup of gladness
Richly overbrim!


 Notice the horseshoe

(I'd love to have one of my German friends translate this, please.)


 The rose feels like velvet. The "doors" open behind the rose.

scented flowers
of fortune
strew your
path in life.
 And it's signed on the back "Congratulations from Mrs. Michael"
My guess is it's from a teacher.


 Another fragile one, "To My Beloved One"

Tell me, sweet,
does that heart
of thine
Cherish a thought
that is
hope to mine?


 This birthday postcard is so pretty and textured.

 It is addressed to my grandmother, before she married my grandfather.

Congratulations for a happy birthday. Your friend, Alma Arp


 You can dimly see the "Happy Birthday" banner.

 This one is addressed to my grandfather.
Again it is in German, but I'm assuming the greeting says
"Happy Birthday ... from Johanna." (?)

 Close-up of the postmark.


This one obviously was either hand-delivered or mailed in an envelope.
Transcription, adding some punctuation and capital letters:
Dear Sister, We all wish you a happy birthday and many more. How are you? We are all o.k. Why don't you answer my letter? I guess you are quite busy. I am too. You better come down and get your apron. How are the folks getting along? Hope mama is over her cold by this time. Answer soon. From Winnie John.
(Is it just me or was there a little sisterly snarkiness in this card! Amusing! )


 It's impossible to capture entirely how 3Delicious this card is!

Dear Cousin, Best Easter Wishes from your Cousin Hanna.

Isn't it neat to think that over a hundred years from now someone will be looking at one of your cards! With technology moving as fast as it is, away from old-fashioned things like writing with a pencil or pen on paper, one day your cards will be looked at with AWE!!  Well, I already look at your cards with awe, but you know what I mean!


I'll leave you with our latest family Valentines, crafted by two nine-year-old boys in the year 2014. 
Henry and Adam

Adam made one for Papa which reflects his love of motorcycles:

And Henry made one for Bama (that's me) reflecting my love of frogs.
BTW: It says "don't be an 'airhead' ... because the name of the candy is Airhead (if you can believe it!).

And you'll kindly allow me this fragrant indulgence as I point out that Henry has written words on the hearts on the other side which he feels describe me: "cool, fun, great, funny, rocks, and super awesome!"

Gulp. Blush. The feeling is mutual!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

*Life Is Too Short!

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Unknown said...

Wow such stunning postcards and wonderful family heirlooms.

Sweet gifts from Henry and Adam - they are looking so grown up these days.

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

I colect stamps and coins and those postcards are so gorgeous,
hand writting is so beautiful
love your todays post and work so much
hugs Tamara

Nan G said...

Fabulous treasures! Thanks for sharing. 'Airhead' huh?! :) Yep, you're one cool Bama, Darnell!

Suze Bain said...

What lovely treasures - and in that statement I include the boys, the cards and grandma Bama! Xx

Pat said...

These are really lovely old cards Darnell. My DH has some very ornate postcards going back about a hundred years which have lace and such like, and are extremely delicate. Thanks for showing us yours. x

Sue - said...

Agree about the ice skaters- ive been having trouble these last few days keeping my balance doing ordinary things like standin up! Problem in the ear apparently!

Aren't those old cards gorgeous? Treasure them Darnell. I have also got quite a bundle that include 21st birthday cards to my mother, some very old postcards from my father's aunts when they were on holiday and a fantastic school exercise book that I think was my great grandfathers. Its an arithmetic book done in the most fantastic copperplate writing. Maybe I should take some photos and blog them too.

Sue said...

Such a gorgeous selection of cards and postcards, so lovely to look at.
I love your Valentines gifts from your Grandsons too.
hugs Sue xx

Sian Ridley said...

Wow, these are just so beautiful! I love a blast from the past and these are no exception isn't it wonderful to have an insight into lives that hae gone before, lives of 'real' people and it would seem that very little changes despite us living in a rapidly advancing world! :) the first one is absolutely my favourite - just gorgeous! A close second has to be the gifts made by the boys though - they're too cute! :)

Inkyfingers said...

What an amazing collection Darnell and isn't it just like you to treasure them for the future generation. Your Twinks look so handsome and I can see another couple of treasured cards going into your collection.
BTW success with Blogger today:-)

Carol x

Casandra Bennett said...

Smart thinking covering up the nutrition facts. Teehee. My chocolate has no calories. ;) Hey, thanks for your sweet comment on my dino card. Have a terrific day!

Benzi said...

Darnell, these cards are such a treasure to have. I've enjoyed looking at each one. Yes, I think there could have been a little bit of sister snarkiness going on. :-)
You're so lucky to have those sweet boys in your life....and treating you so royally with their valentines.

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, your vintage cards are all gorgeous. The twins designs are adorable, so sweet :) Thanks for sharing. I hope you are doing well, we are buried under another ton of snow, when will it end? Hugs, Shirleyx

Brenda in IN said...

Beautiful cards that are treasures in your family. How wonderful they were put away and kept. The twins have inherited your love of cardmaking and crafting. How sweet that they made those for you and hubby. They are so cute!

stampwithsandy said...

I love old postcards and the beautiful handwriting that people used to have. I think I like the Easter one the best, it't so cute! TFS Darnell :)

Viv said...

Enjoyed reading your post Darnell.. you reminded me I have some delicate 21st Birthday cards which were sent to my Mum in 1948 - not quite victorian but it's amazing how things have changed! I have a stinker of a cough - some nasty chest infection so this is just a quick visit to tell you I'm still here!!!!

MaryH said...

Ah, it's always a treat to visit here, yet today's was very special. I so enjoyed the walk down memory lane, and the lovely cards from what was a 'kinder gentler time'. Each is so lovely, and how special that someone in your family thought to save them. What inspiration you can get from the wonder of these masterpiece cards, and didn't you just feel the joy of the recipient as you look once more at the cards from their loved ones? Thanks for starting my morning off so well. Hugs. (oh yes, forgot to say how those Twinks are growing. Handsome lads too! I think they have _your_ number as well!)

Colleen Dietrich said...

Aw! Those 'circa 2014' Valentines are so sweet!

And I LOVED taking a gander at those oldies. Wow, are they gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them, Darnell!

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell, wow, what a wonderful gift to have all these vintage postcards. Thank you so much for sharing them!

Jacquie Southas said...

Thanks for sharing these treasures Darnell - I just want to reach out & touch them.

cm said...

A gallery of gorgeous here, Darnell, from the cards of the past to those of the present. I 100% agree with your grandson's 'review' of your personality! He's got you figured out! Your treasured vintage cards are stunning; how fortunate to have keepsakes like these as part of your heritage. I'm sure your curiosity is piqued to learn more about the history of the people who sent them and those who received them, in addition to how they were made I know if my dad had cards like these, he'd be going full tilt with research (he's Mr. Family Tree guy). Another amazing post, Darnell! Hugs~c

Jessi Fogan said...

I can't love those 2014 valentines enough! SO COOL with the frogs & motorcycles :)
The antique cards - and the fact that they were for your own family - that's simply beautiful. Those are real treasures, and I'm so glad you shared them with us! It's been nearly 20 years since my German classes, but the one you want translated is definitely birthday wishes, there's the 'deinem Geburtstag' which is 'your birthday'. The second one does say "happy birthday" on the first line. Gesundheit.
(As an aside, taught my oldest that & Auf Wiedersehen, and he crows that he speaks German now. Sigh.)
They should make walking down icy driveways an Olympic sport. It's almost as entertaining as the ice dance!

Bobby said...

I'm sure you treasure those cards from the boys almost as much as the vintage ones. Here's an idea. Since you have started "CASEing on Friday", how about CASEing one or two of these postcards. I think that would be fabulous, as are the originals.

Irene said...

Priceless treasures Darnell.

Lisa Elton said...

What treasures these are Darnell! Thank you for sharing them with us. My favorite is "to my beloved one"!! CUTE little Valentines from the boys. And yes he's right, you are SUPER AWESOME!!!

JD/ Jill said...

What treasures you have shared here...All of them...from the beautiful oldies...to your newest treasures from your grandsons...thank you so much for sharing...I enjoyed these...
I feel a case coming on...smile...

alexandra s.m. said...

Wow! Thank You so much for sharing these treasures with us Darnell. I've really enjoyed staring at each of the heirlooms!
Love the Boy's Valentines as well...they are so adorable!

Shannon J said...

I am always mesmerized and fascinated by treasures like this. I try to transport myself back to "that" time and wonder what life was like, and who these people are...it's really quite magical!! Thanks for sharing, Darnell! Oh, and good question about those female skaters!! I get dizzy just watching them!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Those are amazing!! Such great treasures! Super fun valentines from the boys! Carri~Abusybee

Anonymous said...

So cute!! Love the gifts from henry and adam!! And thanks for sharing those beautiful old cards, there fabulous!!!

Irish Cherokee said...

Stunning cards to enjoy and two precious boys to hug. It doesn't get any better than that.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I have a friend who collect antique postcards so I know how ornate and unique they can be. These are extra special because they come from your family; a piece of your history. So very neat! I'm sure you are going to hold onto the airhead candy so 100 years from now people will see what the "don't be an airhead" is all about. And yes, giggling over the snarky sisterly remark.

Sandy said...

The answer to your question is either
A - they are dizzy to begin with
so it is not an adjustment
B - they had a very nice hot toddy
before they went out to skate
and were totally relaxed
The pictures of your old cards are gorgeous - what a nice collection.
Henry and Adam are so cute and so proud of what they made and they should be. Should we start call you Bama!
sandy xx

Verna Angerhofer said...

Thanks so much for showing all those vintage postcards and cards. They really knew how to make them so elegant and beautiful! I am sure they bring you much happiness to view in person and lots of inspiration too!

Redanne said...

Oh, what fabulous postcards Darnell, they are real treasures indeed! Henry and Adam are really growing up quickly and how lovely to give you each a valentine. Henry's description of how he sees you - every word is true! Hugs, Anne x

shirley-bee said...

What fabulous treasures, Darnell - both the vintage ones and the grandson ones!

Sue said...

What wonderful keepsakes. They are beautiful! Love them all.

G Peplow said...

Amazing vintage cards Darnell, something to be cherished for many years to come, how wonderful, TFS I especially love your Valentine cards from the twinks with well deserved praise I don't doubt, more treasures to be squirreled away :D
Thanks for your visit and kind words, you did make me giggle... again! :D Hugs Gay x

Unknown said...

Wow Dippy these are amazing so thanks for sharing. What I find fascinating is that these look an awful lot like what we do now......embossed backgrounds, heat embossing, fancy punched edges etc - like they say "what goes round comes round"! Loved the snarky sisterly comment......now why did it sound so familiar? lol Great Valentine's from the boys......and Henry is obviously such a good judge of character!!!


Karendipity xxx

Kathleen said...

Now how the heck did you manage to get hold of my very first attempts at cardmaking?
They are lovely and so are your Grandson's and how faubulous it is when they tell you love you Grandma.

Kath x

Geri said...

Thank you SOOOOOO much for taking the time to photograph these cards and share them with us! Truly something to treasure and preserve for upcoming generations!

Yep....Henry knows the exact words to describe his grandma! Ditto to them all!

Diane said...

What a fun collection of postcards and love the kids making their Valentines.

Hugs diane

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Wow! You are so lucky to have these beautiful vintage cards !!!!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Awesome family treasures! I too wonder how skaters don't d\fall flat on their faces [I would] and isn't is nice to be "cool" -- You Go Girl! :)

Marie Bingaman said...

Such pretty treasures you have there Darnell! And speaking of treasures, I received your card recently...thank you!! I WILL get into my craft room soon...I will!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness !!!
What a treasure trove !!!
You are so lucky to have those amazing pieces of family history!! :))

The airheads valentines are too fun!! ;)) Your grands are really growing up fast!! Xo

Sheila H said...

Wow - those postcards are true treasures. You are blessed to have them. Love the valentines from the boys. They are treasures also :)

Susanne Vargas said...

Thanks so much for sharing your treasures - both old and new! The twins are so adorable and their Valentines win the first prize!
As for the translations the first one says
"I congratulate you on your birthday. Guess from" (who?)
And the other one I can only partly read
"Congratulations ... yours ... ...
Sorry that I am not a better help!

Loll said...

Gorgeous vintage cards Dolly! What beautiful keepsakes!

The Valentine's decorations are really sweet. The words that Henry used to describe his sweet Bama is heart-warming :) Lolly xx

Barb Ghig said...

How wonderful that these GORGEOUS heirlooms fell into your hands, Darnell! Or, did you grab them and run before anyone noticed? Either way, I totally enjoyed each and every one...especially the snarky one that reads: You better come down and get your apron...LOL!!!!!!!!!! The hubs heard me laughing from across the house!

I also think the boys did an amazing job on their Valentine's! Have a wonderful day, and don't you dare be an 'air head', whatever that is! Thanks so much for making me smile today...I needed it badly! Hugs to you!!!

Vanessa said...

Hi Darnell! Oh, so many lovely vintage cards! Susanne Vargas already gave the correct translation - I think on the second post card it says "sendet Deine Cousine Johanna", it only means "is sending your cousin Johanna"
And the boys did a great job on the valentines!!!

sandie said...

What a joy these are and wow.....not many sons say such wonderful things about their Mum...how adorable xx

Di said...

Fabulous cards Darnell - including those from the boys! The translations are spot on but there is always room for differences in the actual translation - I had to lie sideways on my desk to read one :(

Even now, in Germany, many cards are postcard style without the familiar fold we're all used to.

LOVE the Easter one, it's wonderful.

Hugs, Di xx

Carol L said...

What a treasured collection of keepsakes! Isn't it amazing how these were delivered with such a simple address before zip codes? I have a collection of hand-written letters from ancestors too, some written in calligraphy. Love the boys valentines they made for you! One has clearly inherited your love of vocabulary puns with his airhead warning! Adorbs :)

Karen P said...

Wowser! Such beautiful family treasures, they are so gorgeous, thank you for sharing them with us Darnell, love them.
You have probably already tried typing the German words into Google and asking it to translate?
Nice to see the twins looking after you both too xx

Pia S said...

This selection of cards is quite a treasure and a great source of inspiration too, I believe!

Sharon Underwood said...

Your "old" cards and postcards are awesome! I hope you sprayed them with archival spray so they'll keep! I have a collection of letters between my parents written from the 1930s, & I'll keep them forever!

Anita in France said...

Thank you, Darnell for sharing your wonderful treasures ... the beautiful century old ones and the very handsome new-ish ones! Anita :)

Marybeth said...

What a sweet treat to see all these vintage treasures. My great grandfather( who I knew well) was a blacksmith so I love the one with the horseshoe. I also love the detailed Easter card. Thank you so much for taking the time to share these with us…. Photos can be difficult!
The twins are more adorable each time I see them.
Hugs from Cucamonga

Greta said...

Oh my--treasures from the 9 year olds--touches my heart. Those antiques are so incredible, Darnell! How fortunate they've been saved all these years. Amazing collection--thank you for sharing!

Karen Davis said...

Gorgeous treasures Darnell. Thanks for sharing.

maria f. said...

So cool that you have these. And so funny that as I hit the first card I thought "geez, looks like the cards people in Germany still send today!) And then, voila - there is a huge German touch to your history. So I had DH help cuz he's better at deciphering that German handwriting (and his first comment was "those stamps are probably worth a mint"). First card:
Congratulations on your birthday. From guess who? (and the spelling here is not totally correct so I'm guessing German heritage but had been living in the US for awhile.)
Second card:
Best wishes being sent from your ???? (Dorfina???Could this have been a last name, sometimes Germans do that. I'm Fischer Maria ;) Not.) Johanna.

Kim Heggins said...

Wow...you are so lucky to have these, they are amazing. I have a few boxes of unused greeting cards from about the same era, not sure where they came from but can't bare to use them. Thank you so much for sharing.

April said...

Those post cards are gorgeous. I just love family heirlooms. April