A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 16, 2014

Santa's "Hamster" ~ NBUS #105


oY ... don't you hate it when your cap locks is on when you don't want it to be?

I started today's card earlier in the week and after the boys went to bed, I was able to finish it before the deadline for the current "Use an Animal" challenge at the famous Merry Monday Christmas Challenge
Here is my card:
The stinkin' cute mouse, sediment, and Santa are all NBUS stamps from the super fun Paper Smooches set called "Santa Paws." You can't see it, but I liberally applied Wink of Stella to everything. The snowy hills are handdrawn and that reindeer is from Stampin' Up.

If I need a hamster running the wheel in my head to help me focus, then I fingered for sure Santa needed his own hamster (or, in this case, a Christmouse) to help him keep everything straight, what with the ginormous lists of boys and girls and addresses and calories imbibed slurping the milk and munching the cookies ... Why I imagine if he didn't have a hamster/mouse he'd get all distracted and possibly stop off at a fly-in movie theater all night. That would not be good.

You might ask what the deal is with the motley fur on Santa's hat. Well, he forgot to put his hat in the laundry, so Mrs. Claus had to pull an old one out of the donation box which had yellowed with age. Wait. What? The donation box had yellowed with age or the hat had yellowed with age? I wish I was better at parsnipping my sentences.


I used markers to color my card, so I'm entering the "Make Your Mark" challenge at Addicted to Stamps and More.
I was happy to see that Kim is continuing the anniversary celebration at Paper Smooches Blog with a "Fun and Cute" challenge. 
Grab our banner
There's a lot of red and white on my card, so I'm linking up with the current challenge at Festive Fridays which is this beautiful photo inspiration.
And, as so often happens, yet another Christmas challenge is currently featuring red, as in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. You can find it over at Jingle Belles
jingling all the way!


The little reindeer seen on my card photo-bombing Santa is obviously NOT Rudolph. He is the lesser-known, but impish, Ruben, who's claim to fame is his uncanny likeness to the adorable Katie Couric! 

***I hope you get the opportunity to support the challenges that are brought to us by our fellow card artists. They all put a ton of work into each challenge! You can click on the links for all the details regarding rules, sponsors, and prizes.***


New Friends Corner

I have two more new friends joining us today for you to meet. But first I want to take a second and thank those of you who do click on the links and make new friends with my friends!

Shona Chambers of Twine Around. Shona has only been blogging since September 2013, but she has shared card-after-wonderful-card on her posts. I love her style and I think you will, too, as you help me welcome her to this supportive stamping community!

Sid of Harpies Crafty Corner. Sid is my second male follower and I'm so delighted about that! He has been blogging since 2006! Yes, another blogger who has been inspiring us for a very long time with his incredible spirit and works of card art!

Welcome, Shona and Sid, and thank you for joining us!!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
Paper PTI white
Stamps    The Alley Way Stamps "Santa Paws"
SU reindeer, set unknown
 InkSU real red; Versafine onyx black
Markers: SU real red, basic black, basic grey, smoky slate, pink pirouette, Marvy pale pink
AccessoriesLiquid Applique; googly eyes from stash; Wink of Stella

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Anonymous said...

Awwwww!! This is too cute and super fun!!!
I love the way that you have combined all of these stamps!! :) :)
The mouse looks as if he would be super helpful to santa!!

hope your Vday was lovely !! :) :) xo

vic said...

This is just adorable :) gorgeous colouring too !!!

Have a lovely weekend


Vic x

scrappymo! said...

This is so cute...so like you!

Your posts always leave me in a fabulous mood...today is no exception!

Sue said...

I love all the cute images you have combined to make such a fun card and the sentiment is fabulous too.
hugs Sue xx

Redanne said...

Your card is an absolute delight, Santa looks so jolly and I love how the cheeky Ruben is determined to get in on the act! Thanks so much for cheering up a dull and rainy day! Big hugs, Anne xx

Gerrina said...

A funny cute card! And how you manage to fit so maney challenges; great! Have a fun sunday, Gerrina

Sammy said...

How adorable is this!?

And I now can't help but think the reindeer looks like one of my brothers... Probably because he has always been a world champion photo-bomber! x

sandie said...

So cute Darnell, love the goggle eyes on Santa! Thanks for playing along with us at ATSM x

Linda said...

This is sooo cute Darnell, love the mouse and the cute little reindeer sneeking in on the act.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend .... hugs Linda xxx

Ros Crawford said...

Your card is Wicked! which means fantastic here in the UK ... Welcome to Sid and Shona too!

Jessi Fogan said...

The photobombing reindeer just takes this right over the edge! LOL! And you're so right, Santa MUST have a hamster!

shirley-bee said...

Fabulous - Ruben definitely steals the show!

SmilynStef said...

What a cute little Santa card ... love the glittery sparkle ... so glad you went *red* with us at Jingle Belles.

stampwithsandy said...

Super cute, Darnell! Love those adorable images and the fun greeting. It's nice to meet Ruben, too!

Pat said...

This is another of your unusual but cute stamps Darnell, with that quirky sentiment too. That reindeer looks as though he has been on the fermented hay lol. I love the googly eyes. x

Pat said...

ps - I hope you are having a great weekend with your grandsons. x

Susan Joyce said...

Such a fun card Darnell, love the very square Santa and the Hamster, Ruben is adorable too. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday.

Ardyth said...

Love the googly eyes and the two animals - the whimsical feel of this is perfect for the holiday season! Thanks so much for joining us at Festive Friday!

Debbie Bonczek said...

Love this Santa! I have him in my stash somewhere . . . and I just love what you did with his eyes! :)

Kristie Goulet said...

Darnell, your card and post brought a huge smile to my face this morning. LOVE it! The yellow hat, hahaha Thank you so much for joining us at Merry Monday! Hugs!

Lisa Elton said...

Cute card Darnell and a fun post this morning, yellowed from storage hehe!! I think the photo bombing Reuben steals the show!!

Benzi said...

So cute, Darnell, and I'm thinking the mouse would be fine for a little elf.

Anita in France said...

Huh, that Ruben ... still, I don't think he's a match for Santa's googly eyes and understudy hat, Darnell ... adorable! So considerate of you to ensure Santa had a hamster-mouse now to help out ... that way by Christmas they'll have got to know one another foibles well! Hugs, Anita :)

Vanessa said...

It is so so fun and cute! Love your Santa! And you are just too funny, love reading your posts!
Vanessa x

Carol L said...

That photo-bombing deer is too cute for words - and a Katie Couric look-alike? ROFL!! Adorable card - I love the fun here on your blog :)

Danielle Vincent said...

What a great combo of stamps to make this adorable card! Super cute. Ruben and Katie Couric - lol :o) Thanks so much for joining us at ATS&M.

laurie said...

So very very cute!

have a great day!

Irish Cherokee said...

Really cute card. Love the mouse/hamster thingy. cute. LOL

Diane said...

Oh Darnell, I love all the cute images you have combined to make the adorable fun card and the sentiment. The impish, Ruben is perfect.

Hugs diane

JD/ Jill said...

Cute and adorable, Darnell, as always. Hope you are having a great weekend!

Sue said...

Super cute Darnell! its gorgeous huggles Sue xx

Larissa Heskett said...

OMG!! This is too FUN!! LOVE your takes on the challenge!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

Jacquie Southas said...

Now this is the cutest card ever - my fav part is that photobombing reindeer :) (or is the mouse, or maybe the googlie eyes, or . . .)!!

anja curvers said...

This is so cute love the image great card.

Shona Chambers said...

Well, what a wonderful surprise I got this morning to find such fantastic comments on my blog. Thank you so much!! It was such a lovely thing for you to do, to welcome me into the 'world of card makers' and let people know about my blog. Have found the craft/blog community so welcoming and so supportive. I think its wonderful how you mention other bloggers on your post. I think I will start doing the same so I can pass on the 'crafting love'! And love the Xmas card, santa is so gorgeous with his googly eyes. Will have to practice my colouring as it really adds so much to your card!

jimlynn said...

Too fun and cute! Love the tiny reindeer poking his head up from behind the hill!! Loving Santa's little google eyes!

Miriam Prantner said...

This totally made me laugh! What an adorable scene you created here! And I also wanted to say yay for you on winning one of those PTI credits! Hope you were able to get some great stuff!

Sandy said...

Well you have me laughing and that is a good thing!! Wonderfully cute Christmas card and I do love mice!!!!!
Sandy xx

cm said...

Once again, my ab workout is accomplished for the day, although I nearly conked me head on the floor, I was laughing so hard! Hilarious post, brilliant card (that Ruben cracks me up...sorry, need to laugh for a bit...okay, I'm back). Yes, you've brightened this 'on my own-some' day of mine!! Hugs, my friend~c

Vicki Dutcher said...

So adorable! Fun Santa and mouse too! Another rocking card for the challenges~

Bonnie said...

You and your hamster have done a fantabulous job with all these challenges! Love those eyes! Thanks for sharing it with us at Merry Monday!

Carole said...

googly giggly goofy fun.I love Ruben popping up behind the snow drifts. No snow today...yea!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

So cute card,
love it so much
hugs Tamara

~amy~ said...

gah, sooooo cute! Your comment about katie couric made me chuckle!

Sandy said...

Santa's Hamster?? I though this was a mouse!!!!!

Shannon J said...

jUST - um, I mean Just how do you manage to incorporate so many challenges into one card - you're amazing! Love this sweet little scene! That little Ruben is adorable!!! And as far as I'm concerned you can never go wrong with PS! Fab card, Darnell!

Bobby said...

I hate to say it, Darnell, but Santa looks like SpongeBob in disguise to me. I love that his google eyes fit perfectly in the glasses. And the photo bombing reindeer is the cutest.

Sheila H said...

What a sweet card. The mouse and reindeer are adorable. You put together a nice Christmas scene. I ove how you combine hand drawing with stamps and ink. The Wink of Stella is spectacular :)

Kathleen said...

Wonderful card, love the image and the super cute little reindeer.

Kath x

Kathleen said...

Wonderful card, love the image and the super cute little reindeer.

Kath x

Karen P said...

Most definitely stinking cute but I do love the reindeer too! I know where to visit for CAS Xmas cards because you rock at them Darnell! xx

Hettie said...

This is absolutely gorgeous with a capital C for Cute! Love it and that cheeky reindeer - what is he like for getting in on the picture!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell, this is just too stinkin' cute! I love that Santa and that adorable mouse sitting on his head is just too much fun! Is that a little reindeer trying to photo bomb Santa's photo op??? too funny!

Susanne Vargas said...

Fun, fun, fun! Especially photo-bombing Ruben is too adorable!

Robin said...

Hi Darnell! How cute! I had to check the date several times as I thought I had found an Xmas post. You can tell I am not a stamper or card maker, right? The mouse is GREAT on top of Santa's hat, which didn't look yellowed at all. And that reindeer was too darling. Your narrative surrounding the card just made it all the better! Hugs!

Sue said...

This card just makes me smile. I love the googly eyes and yellow hat, too! The reindeer makes the card. Just love it!

Debbie Henderson Debbie's Designs said...

What a cute and funny card Darnell. Love your little story about the Santa hat! Thanks for playing Merry Monday this week!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I try to support challenges but I need to clone myself to do all the ones I want to do... or stop visiting all my wonderful pals in Blogland. And Ruben! I do see the resemblance to Katie Couric (who?). As for Santa and his out of date hat... I think he needs to back away from the caffeine for a little bit. Just sayin'!

Margaret Moody said...

What a fun card, Darnell! I love the images you used! Too cute!

Marybeth said...

Adorable…. yes, that mouse is too stinking cute! Love the entire card.

Greta said...

Just too cute, Darnell!

Kelly Griglione said...

Love your one-layer Santa guy with his Christmouse running a top his head! Great hills you made too. Super-cute, Darnell!

Joni Andaya said...

What a FUN card Darnell! So CUTE :)

♥Gemma♥ said...

You really make me chuckle with your post hun!!

Sorry i have not visited for a while but since the last time i was here you've made lots of gorgeous cards just like today's which i so love even thou he has a yellowed aged hat from the donations box!! Lol

Anyhoo i hope you are well!
hugs and xxx

Nora Noll said...

This card is adorable!! I love the photo bombing reindeer!!!

Jeanne J. said...

You lucky girl! SO happy to see you as the winner at Paper Smooches!

Indy's Designs said...

Such a darling card! And in case you haven't seen it yet, this card was a winner at PS. Congrats!


Anita in France said...

Hey, Darnell, did you see ... you won a whole pile of goodies at Paper Smooches ... yay! Congratulations! Hugs, Anita :)

cotnob said...

This is such a fun card Darnell, I love your Santa image with the adorable mouse sitting on his head, who wouldn't love to receive this at Christmas.

Pia S said...

This is sweet and fun! Darling image!!!

Geri said...

Another entertaining post! Funny thing is....Ruben was the first thing I noticed when I glanced at your card!

Totally fun! Love Santa's somewhat seasoned hat and his googly eyes! Awesome wee highlights in his hat & pants!

...but the mouse steals the show!

Ya-hoooo for the win at PS with this sweet card too!!!

Deepti said...

This is the cutest Santa, I have ever scene and that little mouse over is head is just adorable, loved ur coloring :) thank you for sharing with ATSM!!

Kristen said...

Congrats on the win from PS!! Xoxoxo Kristina

Mau xx said...

What a great fun card Darnell, I love lickle mousey perched up there...lol
Been having a look back as I have missed so much...busy with wedding cake at present, so sugar flowers have overtaken cards at present, be back on track soon.
Hugs Mau xx

Jules said...

Tee hee Darnell .. .. loving Santa's googlie (is that how you spell it??!?!) eyes!!

Hope all is good with you.

Love Jules xx

Chris Dring said...

Hamster, mouse. It's all good! I think Mrs. Claus hit the eggnog too heavily and forgot to do the laundry, is what I'm thinking! LOL! Super cute card, Darnell!!

carol (krillsister) said...

Cute image. Great coloring. Love Reuben the reindeer too.

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I love this adorable card! that Santa and reindeer are so cute!

Kay Miller said...

SOOOOOO CUTE Darnell! I adore that little reindeer peeping up behind Santa. The motley hat is too funny! I just love the whole little Christmas scene! So happy you played with us at Festive Friday! ((Hugs))

Sian Ridley said...

This is just too cute! I'm starting to feel left out - I don't seem to have a rodent-type creature to keep me on track but everyone else does! ;)

My stray little finger hits the caps lock all the time and I find myself SHOUTING! It's mildly irritating but my own fault for not being able to control my digits!

Thank you so much for letting me know about my ATCAS top 3 - blow me down with a feather! I cannot believe I was even in the running out of all those gorgeous entries!!! I've missed you're little updates - I'll have to try and get some more wins in! ;)

Joyce said...

Oh, Darnell--this is so incredibly cute. I love it.

Katie Melhus said...

Darnell, you are just too fun! Thanks for being the bearer of good news over at my blog more than once in the last couple of weeks. You are just too sweet, I appreciate all the the super nice comments. And of course your cards rock, too! This isn't the last you'll be hearing from me :)

MaryH said...

A double header this morning. Your beautiful postcards, now the funny one! So cute & I love that Ruben...he's my kinda guy! Your Stella shows on the snow hills too. Will be checking your new friends when I get visitin' caught up once more. I needed a good smile to start me on the journey. TFS & Hugs

Emily Keaton said...

Super fun card, Darnell! I love those googly eyes :)

Meredith MacRitchie said...

The google eyes are the perfect touch! Thanks so much for playing with us at Festive Friday!

Barb Ghig said...

Oh, what an adorable card, Darnell! I love how you created your scene...so charming and so CAS! Not to be 'out-done' by your description, though! You totally crack me up...honestly! And, I love how you managed to squeeze it into 4 challenges, too...you're so clever!

Thanks for encouraging everyone to play along in challenges...I can only imagine how much work goes into them, and I appreciate those gals a LOT! Besides which, they're a lot of fun! Hugs to you...and of course to Ruben, too :-)

Anonymous said...

This is such a fun card. Love the sketched look and Ruben popping his head up. Thanks or joining the fun at ATSM. Monika

Geri said...

Oh, how cute, Darnell...love how that little mouse is looking right up at the sentiment! And...it's nice to know Santa and the first lady of Christmas don't ALWAYS have their shtuff together!!!Great to have you and this cheery creation at Festive Friday!!!

lauren bergold said...

oh my gosh, your santa and his "chrismouse" are just waaaaaaaaaaaay too adorable and you've made them the stars of a FABULOUS festive card! thanks for joining our "red" fun at JINGLE BELLES! :)