Hello Stamplings!
Lovely to see you! I hope you are keeping isolated and well!
The Mister and I are one big frayed nerve at this point. Thank goodness we don't live in an igloo and can retreat to separate rooms (or she sheds!) for brief time outs. Then we think of the gazillions of people worse off and we're grateful once again. In fact, we've started a list of the things we took for granite before Coronavirus 2020. It's embarrassingly long already!
Last month I was pickled tink to win the challenge at Day of the Month Card Club, so I'm delighted to be their Guest Designer for the current "World Rat Day" challenge. Instead of a rat, I used a cute old mouse stamp:
Or I should say an old stamp of a cute mouse. I think we should call her Edgy. She knows how we are all feeling. She knows she shouldn't be stuffing her face with comfort food, but, well, comfort food! And she still has plenty of room in her jumper. The background e/f represents the number of days of isolation. Edgy shows them proudly because she knows, even as the days wear on, that it's the only way to tackle Covid-19. And besides, how can she resist that fluffy white 7-minute frosting Hammy whipped up for her?!
Okay, not really. The numbers indicate ages because this is a birthday card for my friend's granddaughter. The little girl won't be able to have her planned party, so a few more cards than usual will help until she can celebrate. Kids of all ages are having a hard time understanding why they have to be isolated from their friends.
ETA. Cornelia just sent me this comment. The video is hilarious.
"But I am a little worried - she may succumb to diabetes if she is going to eat like that - or she will get stuck in a manhole cover hole or some other small opening as we can see here on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFKxhsIWu9E."
I hope you get a chance to join me and play in this month's Day of the Month Card Club: "World Rat Day!"
- Seize the Birthday: Anything birthday. Optional: Cards for kids.✔
- Simon Says Stamp Wednesday: Happy Birthday.
- Sunday Stamps: Split in two. Sketch.

There is just something cheery about colorful plaid! It looks like there is no stamping on my card, but the lavender polkie-dotted bunny fur is a stamp that comes with a die in the PTI set called, "Polka Dot Parade #1." The pp is from Lawn Fawn, the scalloped and dotted stitched rectangle frame is from Mama Elephant, the scalloped circle is "Lacey Circles" from Nestabilities, and the many-layered sediment is from Creative Expressions.
The snippets of paper I used for the circle and bunny are a matte white with a gorgeous sheen. Here is a closeup. I just realized I meant to add a cotton ball to her tail. Oops. That's okay, it's easier to mail this way.
- Cards 4 Galz: Cute Animals.
- Country View: Animal Magic.
- Pixie's Snippets Playground: Use your snippets. My scalloped circle, bunny, and sediment are cut from snippets of precious specialty paper.
- Uniko: Spots & Stripes. (Optional twist: use a stencil.)

Miss A. Laneus
A. Purple Day Hop Winner! All those who commented that they wished to be in the draw were given a number and Dr. Random picked Lynn Hayes!
11. jimlynn Two fun and fantastic cards! Great that the washi matched perfect too. And of course I'm interested in the draw! FUN! So sorry about your friend. Will get a card off to her. There are so many in the nursing homes now that can't have any visitors at all. Really sad for so many. Lynn
B. Verna: I also want to thank those of you who have sent my friend Verna a card! The nursing home is making her wait a week before opening them and she tells me she has a huge stack waiting for her! She asked me to thank all of you! 💛
C. Some Coronavirus Advice: And, finally, many thanks to my friend Vicky who shared with me some wonderful advice she got from her friend Tony in OZ:
Heard a Doctor on TV saying in this time of staying at home because of the Coronavirus, we should focus on inner peace and we could all use more calm in our lives. To achieve this, we should always finish things we start. I looked through my house to find things I'd started and hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumun srciptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum. And two hash yer wands, stafe day avrybobby!!!
Take care, be safe, and enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
*Life is too short!
To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling: Click CTL + Home. Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post. Click Page Down to reach the end of the post. Click Comments and a pop-up box opens. Click "Jump to Comment Form" and wallah, no more car pool tunnel! Mwah! (p.s. If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!) Remember, if you create something with never-before-used-stuff (NBUS), you can share it at the NBUS challenge!
Hi Darnell, Loving the cards.
Hope the little girl enjoys her birthday and can have a party when all this is over.
You take care. Sue
Hi Darnell two lovely cards and you never fail to make us smile......you’re right we do take lots of things for granted
Anne x
Well who knew there was a day set aside for rats!! Two great cards and such an entertaining post as always. Stay safe and carry on finishing the UFO's!!!
I thought the little mouse was eating popcorn. And maybe there's popcorn on the little girl's birthday. A very cute card. Thank you for being our guest designer this month. Stay well! Gundi
World Rat Day ...... well you learn something new everyday. Although we couldn't call it that over here ..... saying the 'r' word is unlucky on the Isle of Man, we refer to them as longtails!
Two fabulous cards ..... I do like a nice plaid, and the cute little mouse is just adorable xx
Not heard of world Rat day before, but they say you learn something new everyday. I love your gorgeous card to celebrate it and the stamp you've used, I also love the wonderful easter card, the paper that you've used in the backgound is beautiful.
Off now to take some of the advice recommended on this post, I'm sure I can remember where the bottle of bailey's is.
Take care
Sue xx
Oh wow - love both cards. That pretty pastel plaid behind the bunny is fab. Thanks for playing along with Cardz 4 Galz, Deborah, DT.
PS Hope you're keeping well and safe. x
I'm so glad Verna got her cards. Won't it be fun for her to open them.
Love both of your cards. They are cute. I especially love your Corona advice. it's sometimes good to stick to finishing off things.
Love the rat...yes comfort food...an unbeatable temptation for sure. YOur plaid is wonderfully springy. hugs and stay safe.
Gorgeous cards, and great advice too! xoxo
Such fun and happy inducing cards, Darnell. Funny little "story," too! Thanks for the share and the update on Verna. She's gonna be busy once her cards get out of quarantine! :)
Yummy cards Dolly.... sun out here so the isolating has now moved to the garden - although I am still wearing my coat and unlike Ratty here there ain't a lot of room left in it... I am getting a tan from the light inside the fridge!!x
A fun birthday card with that little mouse and love the plaid bunny card. I am sure the girl will love her birthday card. Thanks for sharing with us at Seize the Birthday.
Glad you and the Mister are staying safe and you have your "she shed" to help pass the time. Stay safe. ((Hugs))
Your mouse card is cute, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around World Rat Day - lol!! Love your bunny card with that awesome plaid paper, too!
OMG! I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type and it's a good thing I'm not standing up! Since our grocery stores seem to not allow wine, I'm having to ration it. The chocolate is going fast though. Thanks for sharing Edgy. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Wish I had a bigger jumper! Love the polka dot bunny with that Springy plaid! It makes me think of a beautiful sunrise. xoxo
Aw, I was just getting into Edgy and thinking 'yes, at last, someone who understands me!' Perhaps you, as challenge queen, should start a Covid Challenge - cards that epitomise how we are all feeling! Gratitude is a silver lining of this isolation thing; will we ever take our freedoms for granted again when it's over?!
Love a bit of colourful plaid too and I don't think there's any other creature on this earth that looks as cute from the back view as a rabbit! Glad to see Tony's advice going down well :)
Stay safe in the She Shed! Vicky x
And again and awesome story to accompany Edgy. But I am a little worried - she may succumb to diabetes if she is going to eat like that - or she will get stuck in a manhole cover hole or some other small opening as we can see here on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFKxhsIWu9E. Fabulous card Darnell and than you so much, for being our GDT this month!!!
Edgy mouse looks adorable in her jumper and the numbers in the background look so dimensional. I love the bunny too, she looks wonderful against that beautiful plaid background.
The story is so funny, thanks for giving us a laugh! Big hugs, Annie xxx
Congratulations on being GD at Day of the Month! Who knew there was Day of the Rat!! Love your sweet little mouse standing in for a rat. And love your final paragraph - clearly I misinterpreted that advice as I thought I should finish off the sweater I started knitting two years ago, sewing the cushion covers from three years ago, etc. but you've got me on the right track now and I'll be eating up all the chocolates and downing the half bottle of wine today.
Both of your cards are so wonderful. I love the mouse one or Rat Day and also the wonderful plaid and colors on the Easter one. That is such a day brightener with those colors.
Your sweet "mouse" card is WAAAAAAAAAAY cuter than the rat stuck in the manhole cover!! Hilarious vide, and thanks to Vicky for the advice - ha ha ha!!!
The plaid card is adorable too!
Love that happy chubby, colourful mouse on your first card (congrats on your guest designer spot and coming up with such a stunning card with such a challenging subject) and love the colour and the plaid on your second card. Thanks too for the smiles from the video and the joke, welcome light relief xx
What brilliant cards, love little Edgy tucking into that mahoosive cupcake!! xx
Such a cute mouse - he's definitely having a blast! Thanks so much for playing at Sunday Stamps!
Loving your two cheerful, colorful and very sweet cards, Dolly. They made me smile and your little bit of isolation advice from your friend made me laugh:-) Thank You!!! Aren't we the lucky ones...Denny and I have LOTS of outdoor space to keep us busy, happy and not the least bit edgy until we check the news on the internet (we do not do TV!!) But then we do yoga or walk or garden..etc..You get the drift. So glad you have your shed and I guess mister can go sit on one of his motorcycles and dream of past rides!! Stay Safe, Creative and Colorful, my dear sweet friend:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy P.S. you have the dogs too to keep you company:-)
Thank you for my laugh of the day, which was badly needed, not because of the virus though! I LOVE your cards, the mouse is adorable and the little one will love this cutie. Your rabbit card is adorable with wonderful colours Darnell the joke is just so funny. Thanks.
Keep safe and well.
Faith x
I love your stories!! Oh and of course it goes without saying your cards are just as fantastic!! I am keeping on keeping on! A beautiful day here, lots of blue sky and sun, not too warm yet, but supposed to warm up to a HIGH of 61 today!! BUT, 71 tomorrow! Yahoo!! So I did my nice long walk, when in a sauna to ease the sore muscles from walking and now ready to sit on my you know what to do you know what!! wink wink** Have a beautiful day friend!! ps...LOVE your card, thank you EVER so much for thinking of me...yours is on its way!! Heart Hugs, Col
Congratulations on being GD for the Day of the Month Club Darnell and although rats and mice are not my most favourite thing I do love your cute mouse and all the numbers on the background look great, and a super card for your friend's little granddaughter, also the sweet polka dot bunny on that beautiful plaid background and love the scalloped stitched frame and then the scalloped circle for the sweet bunny. Thanks for the You Tube video and the fun story. You are so good at finding ways to make us laugh, which we need at the moment. It has definitely brightened my day. x
Today I'm going to start from the bottom and say that you must be SO proud of finishing all that you started! How wunnerful you must be feelin rite bout now!! LOL I may have to join you! Bahahaha!
Ahem, now onto the cards. Both cards are colorful and fun and that video is hilarious! All those men to rescue that rat which will probably .......um, nevermind LOL Cute mouse on your card and I love the plaid bunny card too. I've been playing with that plaid paper for a solid week or more and just can't seem to put it away! Thanks for the smiles, the laughs and the reason to enjoy life in the midst of chaos! You rock!
What do you intend to do after finishing all unfinished things? :-) Thank you for the dose of laughing in this strange days.
Congratulation to GD. The card with the mouse is amazing. Nice background with the numbers. I hope I won't look like this mouse when isolation is over. :-) The bunny card is sweet and so colorful as the spring. I hope my card arrived at Verna too.
Stay safe! Hugs, Sonja
Two brilliant cards, Darnell. I hope the recipient of the first one is able to celebrate her birthday with her friends when the current situation is over. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to receive this card. I love the plaid on your second card, what beautiful colours! xx
OMG, Darnell, I seriously LOL'ed at the Coronavirus advice! I'm still laughing!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, yes, you had some cards, both of which are totally adorable, of course! Love the purple bunny and the plaid especially! Take care my friend--many hugs!!
Anyone who needs their spirits lifted needs to follow your blog, Darnell. From fat rats to plump bunnies, the cards are fun and colorful. Hmmm, 7 minute icing. I haven't thought of that in years. I never could get those peaks to form. Then there's the slip of the words and the anecdotes and today even a video that I really didn't need to see. Smiling all the while and thanking you for being you.
Hahahahahaha! Okay, that was about the last thing. I read it to Rich and tried to get the drinky effect. Thanks for the laugh. Thanks, also, for two such totally delightful cards today and photos in such beautiful sunshine. The plaid is so pretty on the bunny card. Love the bday card and the story that goes with it. Really enjoyed the video. Interesting that so many city workers came to the rat's aid and then they released it back into the sewer. We're doing okay here. Not getting edgy, but need some sunshine so we can enjoy being outside. Today we went to pick up our grocery order and it was a big highlight, especially because we stopped at another store, too. We wore the masks I made for us. We get by. I'm afraid we are indulging in a little too much of that comfort food, ahem. See, that's why we need the sunshine so we can go out and work some of it off. Hey, congrats on your guest spot!
Edgy is a much friendlier looking rodent than the one stuck in the manhole. Who would have thought a rat could get stuck like that--and that it would take so MANY grown men to rescue it. Both your cards are fun and celebratory of their respective occasions. That plaid on your second card is just gorgeous. I think it would look lovely as a shirt to wear for Easter...or maybe to the Rat Day party!!
Edgy looks like she is having fun chowing down on some delicious cake and frosting. How delicious! Congrats on being Guest Designer!
Your colourful plaid background with your sweet bunny is adorable Dolly! Plaid and polka-dots ... two things that just bring happiness! :)
Thanks for the laugh from Vicky! Hilarious. I laughed out loud ... and I mean LOUD! :) Gord enjoyed it too! Thanks for passing along sweet friend! Love, Lolly
Two fabulous cards, Darnell! That mouse is a cutie patootie I'm sure going to another cutie patootie! Your bunny is fun (I have that same stamp/die), all perched on the gorgeous plaid (love it)!!!
And your friend Verna? Sorry, I missed that one somehow.
Your advice? Hilarious!
Oh Darnell - it's called "sandpaper ministry"... it schmooves off the sharp edges, (pity it's not the curves) well that's what 'they' say. Your gratitude list is a great idea!
Loving your cards - the numbers behind the mouse is a great background - as for that mouse...If I don't watch how many grapes I eat each day I will be looking like that! My grapevine is laden this year - and the cat doesn't like grapes...
I have a grandson with a birthday in the middle of our lock down, and he is struggling a bit with the no party issue. His older sister will also have to wait for her 10th celebration, I suspect.
Loving your wee bunny, and how fabulous that you could stamp the polka dots.!
Stay safe, you and the Mister,
Your card has smile on my face today. Sorely needed. Just watched the rat video and an a bit worried of the proximaty of those fire fighters to themselves. Hugs Mrs a.
Cutest little rat I've ever seen and love your card. Also love all that wonderful plaid with the bunny card. Two great ones once again!
Yea me on the winner too! Thanks to random and thanks to you for offering.
Very beautiful cards!
Fab cards, Darnell - that mouse/rat is so chubby and I can relate to eating to relieve stress!! Darling bunny card too!! We're lucky to have retreat rooms too, otherwise there might be mayhem here! Bet you're glad to have Hammy and sweet pup to entertain you!! I'll send you a photo of the card I made Verna - I haven't gotten around to blogging about it but will soon.... Hugs!!
I'm with Edgy as far as comfort food but I hope we don't end up in the manhole. That was so funny. Congratulations on your guest design spot. I'm not sure about a Rat Day. They kinda scare me. but Edgy is a cute mouse. I love the plaid card and purple bunny. And Vicky's advice on finishing what you start is right on. That cracked me up. So many fun things people come up with during this sad time.
Congrats on your win sweetie! Ad I adore the little mouse... Oh comfort food...
Love the Easter card too that's really pretty DP. Pleased to know all is well with you and yours... I keep trying to tell Ian that I'm here on government advice and not as a substitute for Google... I've now taken refuge in the garden.
Well, little Edgy is certainly cute in her fresh spring outfit, Darnell ... and is clearly enjoying all that comfort food ... hope she leaves room for some Easter eggs! Congratulations on your GD spot! What a sweet little lavender bunny ... with or without a fluffy tail, she's adorable against the happy plaid! Off to finish a few things off ... hahahahaha! LYAMYLALMA! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
your card for a little girl will surely make her happy. This mouse is so cute and will delight the birthday girl. A beautiful and fun card. And the second Twofer card exudes joy and spring energy. These colors delighted me
OMG!! Your cards are so adorable! Love the cute little mouse on your first card and love that plaid paper your second card! Enjoyed watching that video of the firefighters trying to rescue that manhole. Needed a little laughter today
Have a great day and be safe!
Sweet card! Love your little critter, great background too! Thanks for joining us at Sunday Stamps, hope to see you again soon!
Two fabulous cards Darnell! Love that sweet "rat" card and congrats on your win! Glad to know that you and the mister are managing your quarantine by retreating to separate rooms. I live alone so I only have myself to be sick of. LOL.
Such fabulous cards!
Must say the video was pretty funny - So much effort to save a rat!
UM I may of seen that doctors advice a few times already - not sure what my friends are trying to tell me!! Haha
Glad to hear you and the mister are staying safe. I agree a lot to be grateful for. Not so long ago I was wishing one or two of my kiddos had moved out now I am grateful to sit down to dinner each night as a family (6) at the same time and enjoy a meal. Go figure!
I've heard the Easter Bunny in our neck of the woods is still alowed to visit hope he can visit you too! Happy Easter
Hi Darnell, hope you are keeping well, love your two sweet cards especially the little bunny! Lots to be grateful for indeed. We have a daily reminder of that too. Hugs, Lisa
I always feel better after a visit to your blog! Your stress eating mouse is adorable and your cute polka dot bunny reminded me I haven't used that set in forever! Hang in there, you and the Mister will get through this XO
That's the danger with comfort food - the more it comforts us, the more we need it. I hope the little mouse will come to her senses, otherwise she'll burst before she gets to the little girl's house. Haha
Very beautiful second card too! Love the cute little bunny and that colorful plaid in the background!
Thank you so much Darnell, for being our Guest-Designer this month at DotMCC!! Happy Easter .....and stay safe!
Hugs, Rosi
It's great to see you playing along in our spots and stripes challenge Darnell and keeping busy with all these stunning cards. I love your spotty bunny against the 'tartan' style background and what a cheery shock of colour! Just what we need. I hope you're keeping safe and well and thanks for playing along at Uniko this month.
Wow--waiting a week. Guess they really don't trust the "on paper for 24 hrs"--& it's degrading every hour. Not to criticize--best to be safe, of course. Hope Verna will get a smile seeing the picture of you & me that I sent in my card. Cute BD card & that plaid for the sweet bunny is really gorgeous! Hope you enjoyed Easter even without seeing family. Yes indeed, we did take lots for granted. Sending hugs, Greta
A very cute bunny card. Thanks so much for joining our animal magic challenge over at country view xx
What a cute bunny card ! Thank you so much for playing along with my 'Animal Magic' challenge over at Country View Challenges.
Corrie x
Great cards Darnell! Especially love your snippets entry - such pretty plaid paper as well. Your final paragraph found its way to Len's Archery group - and got a round of applause!
Stay safe dear friend.
Di xx
Oh Darnell, I adore your chubby little mouse, I saw you are the GD at Day of the Month Card Challenge and I decided to enter, I love little mice but rats.......well only the ones on the Katzelkraft set, LOL!!
Awesome cards.
Stay healthy and safe.
Sending lots of hugs from a safe distance.
Maria Rodriguez.
Hi Darnell!
So happy to see this cute bunny hopping in to the Uniko challenge gallery!!
Wishing you a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy ♥♥♥
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