A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

September 8, 2015

It's Here! NBUS Challenge #5!


Today is the Big Day!! NBUS CHALLENGE #5 IS HERE!
Let's get right to it! If you're like me, when you play in a challenge you want to know three things:
  1. The theme.
  2. The dates.
  3. The rules.
So here you go!

Anything Goes!

12:05 a.m. PST on September 8, 2015 to 
11:55 p.m. PST on September 18, 2015

  • You must use a NBUS item on your creation and indicate what it is. It doesn't matter if it is old or new, although that old virginal schtuff would really like some attention!
  • This challenge is a thank you to my followers, so to be eligible for a prize, please join via the blue "Join This Site" button on my side bar.
  • Cut and paste the NBUS badge into your post or on your side bar and include a link back to the challenge post.
  • Please enter only four other challenges in addition to this one for a total of five.
  • Link up your creation using the Inlinkz button at the bottom of this challenge in the usual way.
  • You may enter a total of three times. New work only please.
  • HAVE FUN!!
If you don't have a blog and want to play or need any further information, please click HERE for further details and contact information.

Wait. What? There are prizes? Well, yes indeed there are! You saw the tease yesterday, now here is the list of generous sponsors and their prizes in alpha betty order!

Prize:  New Holiday Stamp Set 
(to be released to the public on 10-3-15) 
and Fri-Die 
(Value over $30)
Prizes:  FIVE (5) $25 gift certificates - Winner's Choice
Two Prizes:  One Stamp Set each - Winner's Choice

Prize:  Three Digi's from Mynnette Kitchens Etsy Shop - Winner's Choice
Prizes:  TWO $25 Gift Certificates
Prize:  Die of Winner's Choice (Value $20)
Prize:  Coffee Love Stamp Set
Three Prizes:  One $25 Gift Certificate / 
Two Grab Bags (Value $30 Each)
Prize:  $20 Gift Certificate
Prize:  $25 Gift Certificate
Prize:  $25 Gift Certificate

Prize:   $20 Gift Certificate
Prize:  $20 Gift Certificate
Prize:  One Stamp Set - Winner's Choice
Waltzingmouse Stamps
Prize:  L20 GBP Gift Card 
(Approximately $30 Value US)
Prize:  $25 Gift Certificate
Prize:  $25 Gift Certificate

I mean, is that COOL or what?!! Thank you, awesome companies, for sponsoring NBUS Challenge #5! And thanks again to Jeanne!

The above wonderful sponsor logos are occupying the first Inlinkz thumbnails below in the order received. I hope that you will show your appreciation for their sponsorship by visiting these fabulous companies! You will be rewarded when you visit them not only by the products they offer, but by the special prizes some of them are offering for NBUS participants on their blogs! Go see!


Because you are all my friends, I could never select one of you over another, so I will use Dr. Random and Mrs. Dot Org to choose the prize winners. They will work throughout the night and day on September 19th. I will notify the sponsors of the winners' names via email on September 19th and then Hammy and I will have a wodka to celebrate another successful challenge thanks to them and to all of you!

On Sunday, September 20, 2015, I will post the names of all the winners and their prizes!


I can't wait to see the beautiful creations you make and enter below using one or more item of Never-Before-Used Schtuff!!

If you have any questions, please email darnell dot knauss at gmail dot com.

Thank you very much for participating and for being incredible followers and supporters! Your friendship and your cheerleading comments keep me going! Hammy and I appreciate you very much!


Enjoy your day! Enjoy the challengeNo, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

*Life is too short!

To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling:
Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and the pop-up box opens.
Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel! Mwah!
If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave
me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!


Milka Gubo said...

Awesome!!! Love your NBUS challenges!! :-D And oh WOW how many prizes. Thank you for another NBUS challenge.

Milka :-D

Kathyk said...

OH MY WORD! What a fab challenge and what a SUPER array of sponsors, Darnell, well done on working so hard to get so many.

I have lots of NBUS so will be back soon with an entry. Best of luck


Liz said...

Thanks for another NBUS challenge, Darnell ...... and what a fabulous set of prizes! Off to see what NBUS I can find hiding at the back of the cupboard that I can blow the dust off! xx

Suchi said...

Oh Wow! A great challenge Darnell and series of sponsors!! WOuld love playing along.. :)
Suchi xx

Marianne said...

Wow, what an amazing line-up of sponsors and so well-deserved as well, since you are such an inspiration, the way you embrace all crafters and especially the way you make newbies feel welcome in this wonderful crafting community. Cannot wait to play along, Wish I could start right away, but I'm at the hospital for the start of round two for my husband's chemo. So far, he is doing very well, so we're hoping things will continue this way. I hope Kevin's surgery will go well today and that he'll be up and running again (pun intended) in no time thanks to the loving care of his two private nurses.
Marianne x

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
ooooooo! Have I done this right or have I got it wrong.
Just let me know.
I am so pleased for you that you have got so many sponsors for your wonderful challenge.
Just shows what a popular lady you are.
Thank you so much for all your very hard work involved with this
great challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

ionabunny said...

Fantastic sponsor lineup Darnell. Looking forward to linking up and seeing all the other wonderful projects. Happy NBUS to you. Hugz

Julia Aston said...

Horray - the day is here! what a wonderful line up of sponsors/prizes Darnell!! Julia xx

KandA said...

Hi Darnell, thank you so much for inviting us all to come and play in your Playhouse and organising yet another super fun NBUS challenge. What amazing prizes on offer too... a big thank you to all your wonderful sponsors
I hope you've got plenty of coffee and cake to hand as I reckon you're gonna have a very busy 10 days - just don't knock yourself out trying to be superwoman - commenting on every single entry is NOT necessary and you do have the Mister to look after xx

Kylie said...

Thanks so much for having me, Darnell. I'm so excited! This is going to be a bumper NBUS - I can feel it! xx

Carol L said...

WOWSAH!! What a FUN NBUS filled with generous sponsors! I just love watching your list of followers grow to incredible numbers! Well done my friend! Thanks for keeping me (and everyone else) inspired, amused and a happy stamper whenever I visit here! Sending heartfelt wishes to the Mr. for a speedy and full recovery too!

Claire said...

Wow Darnell - you must have been busy...what an amazing amount of prizes! I'm sure you'll get a whole heap of entries again!

Aileen said...

Rock and roll baby, here we go for real!!!!

Birgit said...

So many "new to me" companies and so many chances to win! Thanks Darnell. for all your hard work! I just entered my card and my comment and now I'm off to check out more companies on your list of sponsors.

Pat said...

Wow Darnell, thank you for organising this and for inviting us to come join in the fun, which I for one will most certainly be doing, and what an incredible list of prizes and big thanks to you and Jeanne for finding so many wonderful sponsors, but unfortunately it couldn't have come at a more difficult time for you with the mister having his operation today. Hope you have your nurse's uniform hung up and ready to don and sincerely wish him the speediest of recoveries. Take care! x

Marybeth said...

Well, congratulations to you my friend! Look at how big you got, not your dress size, wow! Have fun!

stempelfrida said...

Dear Darnell, this is really such an amazing list of sponsors and supporters. Thank you for hosting this fantastic NBUS challenge. It is a great idea!
Sunny reagards from stempelfrida

Helen F. said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your NBUS Challenges, Darnell. You have gianormous following of Bloggers and I am so happy to be among them :-) a huge THANK YOU to you to your FABULOUS Sponsors. HUGS to ya girlfriend!

Linda said...

Congratulations on your 5th NBUS challenge .... what a line up of sponsors! I'd better get in the old craft room and see what I can find! MWAH!!x

Becca Cruger said...

Huzzah! I had my card all whipped up and ready to go! Let's get this party started!

Lisa said...

Yay!! Be back soon to link up!! Thanks so much for doing this, Darnell!! What fun!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Craftychris said...

Yay! Another of your fabulous NBUS challenges! What generous sponsors you have and you are so generous too! This is such fabulous fun! Have joined in already and hope to join in again before the challenge is up! I hope the Mister's op goes well today - am thinking of you both! Luv' n' hugs Chris xxxxxxx

Leslee said...

Can't wait to join in the fun and check out other awesome entries from near and far! Thanks to the generous sponsers!

Rubeena I. said...

I always look forward to this! We all have NBUS!!! :D I already have my first post ready to link up today!!! Thanks for being so amazing and generous!

Jane Willis said...

Oh my, what an amazing line up of sponsors. And you can see why - we all love our NBUS, we've been waiting with baited breath to play along. So many entries already!!!
So, I've managed once card before setting off on my travels again and with luck and a fair wind (shouldn't mention wind after the card I blogged the other day!) I'll be back with another before I go

KT Fit Kitty said...

Wow, Wow, and more Wow! Darnell, your NBUS challenges just keep getting better and better! I just linked up my first card - thank you! I've been here for all 5 of your challenges and I always have fun! I'll definitely be visiting all of your sponsors to say thanks - and thank YOU!

Joyce said...

Wow--I am so excited that this is starting. Only 5 entries....hmmm--will have to use about 10 NBUS on each card to get through it all LOL. Very fun, and I look forward to playing along. And, look at you with all those prizes and sponsors. Truly professional.

Betty said...

what a fun challenge - great prizes too - fantastic - became a follower and added your badge to my sidebar.

Em Louise Fairley said...

Thanks so much for another challenge, Darnell! I've just created my entry and will be linking it up tomorrow morning.

conil said...

Geez. Look at all those generous sponsors. It's a good thing you have Mr. Random and Ms. Dot-Org to sift through all the entries you're going to have. Hammy and you may go blind looking through them all. This is going to be fun. As a side note for today, sending prayers.

Jacquie Southas said...

How lucky for me, I have a little pile of NBUS waiting for this challenge ;)

Fabulous line up of sponsors, Darnell!!

Sue said...

Thank you for another fabulous challenge Darnell.
My goodness, look at all those wonderful sponsors, it just goes to show how popular you are which is no surprise at all!
Sending you hugs, Sue xx

Viv said...

Oooh another super NBUS challenge Dee, I will be back very soon ;)hugs Viv xx

Sarah said...

Thank YOU darling Darnell xx

Shelly said...

Yay!! This is awesome, Darnell!!

Maria Rodriguez. said...

Oh my gosh Darnell, this is just awesome, this sponsors are fabulous!!!
Thank you my dear, this IS going to be FUN!!
I will get to work right away.
Have a great afternoon.
Maria Rodriguez.

Kathleen said...

Whoo hoo, great post and now I have got the banner on my blog I will certainly be joining in, can't believe you have so many entries already, must be all the fabulous sponsors you have achieved.

Kath x

JoAnn said...

Wow, love your NBUS challenges. Will be working on my card. Have a great day.

Taunya Butler said...

SO EXCITED - you are so AWESOME!!! It is a wonderful thing that you do with this challenge!! So happy about all the sponsors too!!

BożenA said...

Hello Darnell,
Thank you very much for another NBUS. I love it :-)

Eve said...

Hi Darnell
thank you so much for the new NBUS challenge - my word there are some stunning entries already its a good job that you haven't got to choose a winner!!

If you are planning a trip to the playground beware for chaos as the last I heard Mrs A has got a donkeys tail on and there is a game of tag going on - I hope Miss Di isn't watching!!! LOL!!

Hope you have a fab week.
Eve xx

slang said...

I joined your site and I think your blog is very fun and interesting. I have a card I just made using a die I have had for months. I will link up for a chance to win a prize!

Bonnie said...

Woot! Let me get that NBUS box out! I hope you know how much you are loved. And not because you give good stuff but because you are good stuff! <3

Birgit said...

I don't know why but I feel so intimidated because the cards everyone makes are so beautiful plus it sounds like I need to make 3 before the 20th?? This is an awesome challenge! Look at my fears which I know are wrong.

Sybrina K said...

Darnell, Congratulations on your newest NBUS Challenge! Hope you have lots and lots of entries. :)

None None said...

Darnell - AMAZING!! Congratulations on the popularity of your NBUS! Who woulda thunk that your NBUS acronym would take off like wildfire and you would be doing challenges based solely on NBUS?! And have generous sponsors?! Congratulations, my friend!

nancy littrell said...

Woo Hoo, another awesome NBUS Challenge :-) I finished 2 cards today. I will post later tonight:-) You should be so proud of all the excitement by so many awesome stamping friends and...even prizes from fabulous stamping companies thanks to Teresa :-) Thanks for #5 Darnell! Hugs, Nancy

nancy littrell said...

Whoops..I meant Jeanne! Thank you girls:-)

TracyM #6773 said...

Hi There Darnell
It is so very nice to visit your Playhouse and learn about your challenge!!! I now follow via Google Friend Connect, email and Bloglovin' and look forward to joining your challenges. I confess, I have LOTS of Never-Before-Used Schtuff that NEEDS to be given some creative love!!!
HAPPY Crafting :)

Lucy E. said...

I'm so glad there's another NBUS challenge-because I need to use more schtuff!!!
Can't wait to get something made :-)

Janelle said...

Congratulations Darnell on another NBUS Challenge. I'm going to make a card today to enter. I'll have to be careful of my mountain of NBUS's - don't want any avalanches! :)

Leslie Hanna said...

Wheeee! I have new schtuff, so I hope to play!

OH Babs said...

What a great array of sponsors, says a lot about much you are liked. :)
Thanks for helping all of us get rid of some of our schtuff.

Lisa Elton said...

Concrats on challenge #5 Darnell!! Now you can hold up one whole hand haha!! Fabulous line-up of sponsors too. But then who could say no to perfectly sweet you!!

Unknown said...

I've been following you via email for a while and seeing the challenges, but this is the first time I've tried entering. Thanks for hosting these. I hope to enter more in the future!

Anonymous said...

WOW. How generous. Thank you Darnell and Jeanne for the introduction to some new companies (for me). What wonderful organisers and sponsors.

Cathy said...

Thanks for another fun NBUS challenge Darnell, and to all the sponsors, WOW! Cathy x

New Creations said...

Oh Wow Darnell! You are an awesome and sweet person! So many wonderful sponsors, love to play with my NBUS projects!Awaiting for so long!

Diane said...

Yah, for once I actually get to play.....how fun and how loved you are, I remember the first time I came across your blog and would daily read your posts to my 88 year old Mom on the phone, she enjoys them as much as do..so thank you, thank you for entertaining two old ladies on a daily read..LOL!!

Ros Crawford said...

Congrats!! What a wonderful list of sponsors!! I do hope I get time to play along ...

Nancy Penir said...

Be still my heart! Working on a project, wouldn't miss a NBUS! What a lineup! You're awesome!

Gerrina said...

So great that you organized this again that I linked up a crad today.... The box with NBUS-goodies is slowly getting emptier I am glad to say! Hugs, Gerrina

Elizabeth S. said...

Throughout the year, I've tried to remmember to pull out a NBUS to use vs. it sitting away on the shelf and always think of you and your challenge in the past when doing so. I think it reminds all of us to pull one out or combine it with a new product plus fun to look at what you have. Your always so generous and supportive! Thank-you Darnell for being so sweet and thoughful.

LesLee said...

Thanks so much for all you do for this NBUS.. I love it.. it really helps get my basket empty... :)

jimlynn said...

Sorry I haven't been around Darnell - Been a little under the weather.
I'm going to try and get a card in for NBUS!
Just wanted to send a note to let you know I've been thinking of you and Mister. Hope all went ok with the surgery.

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

I am so excited to join in on this challenge!! What awesome prizes! I hope one of them has my name on it!!!

JD/ Jill said...

OH My Goodness! What an awesome challenge!

Your are so sweet for doing these!
Praying for you and your "Mister" Hope all is going well!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Darnell! So cool! And me with lots of NBUS laying around begging to be used! :)

Julie C. said...

Love the NBUS challenge! Give me the chance to use all those new schtuff!!

Jean said...

Thank you for this fabulous Challenge Darnell. What an amazing list of sponsors too. I added my entry very late last night and didn't stop to comment then. You have so many entries already that you are going to be very busy, so be careful not to overdo it. You are very generous,and give us much enjoyment and fun with your inventive and cards and creative writing.
I hope your Mister's op went well and that he makes a speedy recovery.
Jean x

Lindsey said...

Holy generosity, Batwoman! You and your sponsors. Now to combine NBUS and MOJO (one more easy to find than the other...) and see what happens!

aussie aNNie said...

Darnel this is fabulous, not been able to be around for a while....same ol same ol...but here I am again joining your fab challenges AND wonder woman, your rock with your sponsors.xx

Rema DeLeeuw said...

How generous of you and your sponsors Darnell. Will definitely have to play along in this one...

Dreaming of Vintage said...

I'm coming over from Karen's blog. This sounds like a wonderful challenge and I have plenty of unused stash!

Anita in France said...

Goodness, you've been soooo busy, Darnell ... what a star you are with another even more magnificent NBUS challenge! Looking forward to playing ... been saving some schtuff specially!! Hope your Mister and his nurse are coming along nicely! Big hugs & bisous, mon amie, Anita :)

Monika Reeck said...

wooow Darnell so many adorable Sponsor on your NBUS #5 yayy
I shoud join I knew I never won but I love to join your challenge thanks for make this wonderful challenge for us
See you soon sweet and talented Darnell

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

dear speshul friend Darnell, so blown away by your new NBUS Challenge .. wowsers! ginormous congrats to you!!
I will most certainly pop over to Jeanne and say a humongous thank you.. seventeen (I think I counted, but 18 with you?) sponsors, must be a record I reckon.. simply mind blowing.. have been thinking about my NBUS as knew this was coming up.. so three speshul ones saved up too.

..and also caught up on back posts about Mister and will be adding him to my sick list prayer list as he recovers.. glad to hear he has such competent nursing staff there :D
hugs and blessings for you kindness, too .. five gifts from DJK of generous proportions to boot.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Di said...

Oh wow! Darnell, it's really busy here already. I just added my first NBUS make after fighting through the crowds! A bug to the Mister and of course you!

Di xx

Redanne said...

Sorry to be so late... Wow Darnell, you did a fabulous job getting all those wonderful sponsors, what a fantastic challenge! Just sorry that I will not be able to join in but I will be with you in spirit! Big hugs, Annie xxxx

JennyH said...

Thanks for another challenge Darnell, so much NBUS so little time : )

Rainey's Craft Room said...

I'm so glad that I've found your blog, I have lots of NBUS items in my room and will be joining in frequently. Thanks for securing all the lovely sponsors and for your hard work organising this challenge.
See you again soon,

Bonnie said...

Gonna keep this short as I know you are bleary eyed. Thanks. <3

KandA said...

Wow, how busy is it? The Playhouse will soon be bursting apart at the seams and I do hope Hammy has got himself tucked away somewhere safe. Just made my 3rd and last visit so I can sit back & look at my pile of NBUS that didn't get used and go visiting and see all the new NBUS I NEED! Take care & I hope the Mister is recovering okay xx

Tina Z. said...

this is really great challenge and great creations of all the entrants!

Sandy said...

Thanks for hosting the NBUS challenge and encouraging us to use our schtuff Darnell.

Rose said...

What an amazing challenge you have organised. I've never done a NBUS challenge before but goodness knows I have enough of the schtuff! Thanks for a faulous challenge & all the hard work you have done.

Vickie Y said...

Wow! What a amazing array of sponsors! I have lots of NBUS and am planning to use some of it for your fabulous challenge.

Bobby said...

Everyone is so generous including you, Darnell. I can't wait to get a couple of cards made.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Thanks for this fun challenge! I have so much NBUS!! I have been working hard at digging into and using my stash!

Marilyn said...

What a great challenge! I have so much NBUS that I could probably enter 1,000 times!

Tami said...

Just found this challenge How fun!!

Donna said...

Thank you Darnell and all your wonderful sponsors for such a great challenge. That nbus would probably still be sitting there if not for you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Thanks for this challenge Darnell, I finally have entered.
Fingers crossed| :D

Di said...

Good grief woman! Standing room only in here :) Back with entry number two!


Di xx

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Wow, so many entries and fabulous prizes, Darnell! The NBUS is going large :)

Love and hugs

Mimi said...

Well, shoot! Here I come to say, "Awesome blog... love the concept of the challenge. .. playhouse is fabulous..." and can't find the bottom of the comments! :) that is awesome. I'm so glad I found your blog and challenge... I freaking love it already! Cheers to you.

Pink Unicorn said...

Thank you so much for another NBUS challenge, soooo much inspiration in the gallery again. And looks like everybody and their best friend all got their schtuff out to play, it's like the party everyone wants to come to :)

walchowDesign said...

Thank you for organising this fabulous challenge, Darnell!

Sue said...

WOW! What an awesome list of sponsors. Congrats on your 5th NBUS challenge. I look forward to it each and every time!

Gail said...

Thank you for this fab challenge - so many wonderful sponsors - and thanks to the DT for lovely creations - have a blessed day!

Sandi said...

Wow! Look at all those entries! This is a great challenge and those prizes are over the top. Thank you for inspiring me to use my not yet used stuff.

Dee Earnshaw said...

LOVE the idea behind these challenges. I have so many stamps/schtuff that I have bought and forgotten about. This is my chance to have fun with them and maybe win a prize. LOL:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, great challenge, Darnell!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Thanks for the challenge! I just found your blog - and man...I am a hoarder, so this is a good push to use my schtuff! :)

D.Ann C said...

I follow a couple of your sponsors and they sent me... yowza... fab challenge and prizes!

Anonymous said...

Hey Darnell!! I'm so glad you are doing this challenge again. I love it. It forces me to use products that I have but haven't used!! Thank you so much for this.

Karen Letchworth said...

A very BIG thanks to all your amazing and generous sponsors, and also to you Darnell, for putting this all together. How fun! I entered three cards, shared your badge on my posts, and now I will just cross my fingers! Thanks again, and I look forward to playing along in the future.
Karen Letchworth

Karen P said...

This challenge keeps getting bigger and bigger huni - well done! I'm here just to support you as I won a prize before and the stamps I was able to purchase still bring me so much pleasure so thank you for that huni.
Don't worry about commenting either darling I know you will be busy for the next week or two with all the work that is involved in you doing this Karen xx

Claire Grantham said...

Darnell! Can't believe NBUS 5 is here already, you rock, I miss you..sorry I have been such a stranger. Work has been Crazy..but I seem to have had time to increase my NBUS Pile - LOL. Cx

Unknown said...

I`m so excited to finally get the chance to play along with your NBUS challenge!! Looking forward to the next!

Nessa's Crafty Place said...

Darnell,what can I SAY??How many entries??!!Fabulous NBUS Challenge as always and I have found some lovely new friends to follow from seeing their lovely work displayed here today,
Hugs for you and the poorly Mister :) xxx
Nessa xxxx

Kara Lynne said...

Yay for NBUS and yay for you, Darnell! Thanks for this fantastic challenge and all that you do to connect this wonderful community!

Lizzy Hill said...

Wow! That is a totally gobsmacking amount of entries..... Good on you Darnell.... Just goes to show how many NBUS things are lurking out there!!!!!!!!

Pawsitively Creative said...

Yippee! Another NBUS challenge! Thanks for this opportunity Darnell! Awesome sauce and happy dance to see all the entries! ~Niki

Kelly Latevola said...

You're so awesome! Thanks for doing this. So much eye candy in one place!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Thrilled dear Darnell at how very popular this NBUS callenge has become, back for my third entry today.
.. sad to read Brenda's news today, your probably knew too, had emailed her at weekend so knew it was a possible, praying for them all sad... and praying for Mister and you too,
hugs, Shaz.xx

Sammy said...

Huzzah for the most fun challenge in Blogland! Thank you Darnell. x

Susan said...

Surprise, surprise!! I finally finished a card for one of your challenges!

Pam Sparks said...

YAY for NBUS Darnell! Thanks for the awesome challenge and lining up all he FAB prizes! So glad I was able to link up!

Brenda said...

Congrats on the success of your challenge! So happy to be encouraged to use my NBUS! Thanks for putting it all together! Brenda

Marlena M. said...

You're awesome for hosting this challenge! Thank you Darnell~

Hettie said...

Gosh you have a lot of entries this time round. Well done to you and Hammy.

Janis said...

Well, this sure looks like the happening-est place in blogland right now!!! WOWEEEE....what a load of entries! You will be commenting until next Easter....hop, hop, hop! Thanks for this fun challenge and for lining up so many sponsors.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Sharon Underwood said...

Thanks for the fun challenge, Darnell! I'm so happy I got to participate! If you get a chance to look at my blog, I included some pics from my trip to CA.

TracyM #6773 said...

oops - I forgot to include a link to my blog

Annie said...

How have I missed NBUS one to four - sheesh I need this challenge in my life - got so much NBUS that needs using. Thanks for organising this Annie xxx

Kathy said...

Darnell, thanks so much for this great challenge and offering so many wonderful prizes. ta ta for now, Kathy

Skylark said...

Hi Darnell, couldn't miss the chance to take part in one of your fantastic challenges. What a lot of super entries and prizes from sponsors. Thanks so much and hope you are well. Stef x

Lindsey said...

Darnell, you are the best! Thank you so much for hosting such a fun challenge and providing prizes both from sponsors and yourself! You are too kind!

Manuela said...

Hi Darnell, everytime fun to join in...great challenge!
here is so much NBUS around me :-))
Have a good day...

Unknown said...

Sucha great challenge Darnell! Thank you so much! I have been so busy this month :( didn't have enough time to craft but I will hopefully make it today before the time runs out! Hugs

dottielottie said...

Congratulations Darnell another fantastic response for NBUS challenge 5 and to your many sponsors for their generosity. Hugs Lottie x

snazzyjj said...

Wow - what fun. Love your sense of humor and not taking things too seriously. Also, thanks for the added push to use my NBUS. Your challenge is just what I need. june.swart(at)netzero(dot)net.

LauraJane:) said...

Thanks for the opportunity to really use that NBUS! So much inspiration linked up:)

stampmonkey said...

What a FUN challenge, and what a slew of sponsors you have --my word! Your blog and your NBUS challenges are new to me...nice to "meet" you, Darnell! I hope your hubby is starting to feel better since he's got a sweet nurse taking such good care of him. ;) Thanks for giving me the inspiration to dust off some of my unused goodies!

JoAnn said...

I have posted 2 cards in your challenge but neither one shows up and when I try to do them again, it says the link already exists. I don't know what is going on. Hope you can help. Thanks,

AJ Bodine said...

Whoa, this challenge got huge! Thank you so much for hosting Darnell, so many beautiful entries, I can see why you have to use the random guy!

dnisme@blogspot.com said...

Hi Darnell. I have post number 420 and I FORGOT to say what my NBUS stuff was!!! Egads! The burlap on the front panel was given to me by a friend.It's the first that I've used it. I pulled out some of the strings of burlap to make a bow.

Nessa's Crafty Place said...

Darnell-I just came back to see how many entries you ended up with for your latest NBUS challenge 500-I wonder if that is a world record?I BET IT IS!!! WOWSER(you might want to put that lovely Mister of yours to good use whilst he is out of action and get him commenting!!)otherwise I fear we may never see you and Hammy again LOL!!
have a lovely weekend :)

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Such a fun challenge Darnell! What an awesome turn out of fabulous sponsors and what a fantastic number of entries! How wonderful to have such amazing support. Hope Kevin is healing well. Hugs, Wends x