A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 13, 2014

Do You Have a License for That? ~ NBUS #136

Greetings Crafters!

Once again we have whooshed our way through and around to another Friday!

I have been itching to get back my resolve to make Christmas cards throughout the year. I can tell you I'm WAY ahead of where I was last year at this time considering last year at this time my CC number was a big fazero! But I haven't made any for weeks now what with One Thing and Then Another, so yesterday I erectified that situation with this:
The major motivator for this card was this photo:
which is the photo inspiration for the current Festive Friday challenge. You almost miss it, but there's a steering wheel on that sled! I knew I had a NBUS sled stamp onto which I could draw a steering wheel. When I was looking for said sled, however, I came across this NBUS Technique Tuesday sleigh stamp:
and sure as Skippy's your peanut butter, I knew I'd found what I wanted! I stamped the sleigh and drew on the steering wheel.

And then I had a moment of silence for the reindeer who were harmed by the loss of their jobs in the making of this card.

Another fun Christmas challenge is Lesley's Merry Monday Christmas Challenge and this week "Santa Hat" is the theme. 
So after I splained to Santa what the deal was, he very kindly hung his hat on the back of his new-age sleigh and took a pipe smoke break while I took some snaps.

Do they still call photos 'snapshots?' I guess nowadays they're called selfies and melfies and wefleas.

I'm also linking up with the current Addicted to CAS challenge where the theme is "Transport." Score!
And also Addicted to Stamps and More where the theme is "CAS." (CAS=clean and simple.)
Oh, and I just noticed that the theme over at the Jingle Belles challenge is "Red & Green & Christmas All Over." 
jingling all the way!
Just click on the links for the challenges to find all the details about rules, sponsors, and prizes and to see tons of inspiration cards by the GDs and DTs!


Slap Your Mama

Wouldn't you think, what with the first half of this year flying by in the blink of an eyeball, that I'd make five Christmas cards for every one, every time? They say with age comes wisdom, but just how freakin old do I have to get?!


New Friends Corner

It's time to welcome the next five new friends, some of whom have ridden over to the Playhouse on the NBUS!

Robyn Oliver of Waterlily Cards by Robyn. Robyn is from Queensland and she has been blogging since 2011. She is another card artist who loves the challenges and has won many awards. In addition, Robyn is a crocheter, knitter, photographer, landscape designer, gardener, and amateur genealogist! To name a few!

Tammy Hobbs of Creating Somewhere Under The Sun. Tammy is from a proud military family in Virginia and she has been blogging since 2011. She loves papercrafting and baseball. Her incredible talent as a card artist has landed her on an impressive number of design teams and brought her many awards and recognition!

Nancy of Stamps Tramps. Nancy has been blogging since 2010, although by her own admission she is a better card artist than she is a card blogger! That means there might be a lull in her blogging, but then you will be overjoyed by the impressive and inspirational array of cards she will include in one post! 

Elisha Smith. Elisha doesn't have a blog but you can find her stunning works of art at her Splitcoast Gallery here. She's been posting to SCS since 2013 and I think you'll love all of her gallery entries!

Lori Annie of My Happy Life. Lori has been blogging since 2009. In addition to making card art, Lori is a scrapper who creates really terrific layouts. It easy to see at a glance that they are made with lots of love and attention to detail!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

We are lining up a ton of fun for the boys during this visit: rodeos and trains and swimming and ferries. Then we will rest by making cards for mom and dad!

*Life Is Too Short!

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June 6, 2014 - June 27, 2014
Never-Before-Used-Schtuff (Stamps, Dies, EFs, etc.)
Thank you for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm!


Kathyk said...

Just a fabbylicious card matey! And it will soon be Rudolph Day (25th) so you get to make another!

Happy Friday


Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Stunning card
so fresh for todays hot day here
have a lovely weekend
hugs Tamara

wienerhoneymooners said...

How cute, LOVE the embossing color, the ribbons too, (I need to use more of BTW) Great combo of challenges!!!

Thanks so much for joining in the Merriment at Merry Monday, I am just a featured player, but this GDT, Loves your card! Hugs Kimberly

Carol L said...

The cute little santa hat immediately caught my eye and I love it, but then I noticed the hilarious steering wheel and just ca-racked up! This is such a fun card!!

Marilyn said...

Cute card!! Love reading your stories

Theresa's Studio said...

Love your sleigh for Santa. I'm sure the reindeer will appreciate a break from all that flying and will be back to playing all those reindeer games. Great use of the stamp and drawing the steering wheel. Have a great weekend. It is so much to visit with you.

Theresa's Studio said...

Love your sleigh for Santa. I'm sure the reindeer will appreciate a break from all that flying and will be back to playing all those reindeer games. Great use of the stamp and drawing the steering wheel. Have a great weekend. It is so much to visit with you.

Viv said...

Fab Christmas card Darnell! x

Pat said...

This is great Darnell, and you always manage to put a twist on things. I love that pretty snowflake ribbon too. Have a lovely weekend. x

Sheila H said...

Love your fun card! I need to make more Christmas cards soon - thanks for the reminder :)

Ros Crawford said...

Terrific card!! And hey, I still do snapshot ... never a selfie! I love to visit here and chuckle away!

Brenda said...

Love this card, love that sled with the steering wheel on it! I did almost miss it in the inspiration picture. lol It cracks me up to see a sled with a steering wheel on it and I can't believe you drew one on your sled. I really thought it was part of the stamp and I thought to myself, "where did she ever find a stamp of a sled with a steering wheel???" lol When I kept reading and saw that you had drawn it on. Wow! That is pretty darn good!! It would have been a hot mess if I'd tried to draw it on. lol Thanks for adding sunshine to my day today Darnell!! Hugs, Brenda

KandA said...

Fabulous card Darnell. Love santa's super new sleigh but just wondering if it goes as fast as the reindeer? xx

Krisha said...

Oh, Darnell, this is the cutest card, and a darling splanation!

I understood the "snap" as I am old school.......not into selfies.
I do good to take a decent snap with make up on, hair combed and at least 4 feet of space between me and the picture taking device....LOL

Have a great weekend and Happy Friday the 13th!!

OH Babs said...

Well aren't you clever Santa's Sleigh has a steering wheel, sorry for his reindeer. Love your choice of colors and the embossing. I can't think of Christmas cards last year I did too many way to early. Have a good one!

Marybeth said...

Dont you just love making Christmas cards all year! What a fun sleigh and fun to add the Santa hat. Nice way to play in both challenges. Love this fun card Darnell!

Marcia Hill said...

LOVE your card Darnell, and until you pointed it out, I too missed the steering wheel on the sleigh in the Festive Friday photo! Seriously though, great card, and as always, you gave me a good chuckle this morning...thank you! :0)

Redanne said...

Oh I think you are wise enough already Darnell! I love your card, putting the steering wheel on the sled was inspired - I love that! Hugs, Annie xx

jimlynn said...

All sleds need a steering wheel if you ask me! SUPER cute!

Patti said...

Girl you've got talent you never knew you had! you hand drew the steering wheel? wowsa! you go girl. I really like the embossing around the sentiment - very pretty : )

Have a great weekend.


Viv said...

Oooh Dee such a cute sleigh and xmas card. I am envious as I don't make mine until the very last minute lol.Will join in your NBUS challenge asap...I have sooo much NBUS stuff!!!!have a lovely time with your two handsome grandsons, bet they just love spending time with you ;) Vee xx

Canonbury creations said...

Fab card Darnell but a steering wheel? what about the reindeer, has recession made them redundant? Not many jobs around for them! Thanks for being my latest follower, much appreciated :)
Val x

Bonnie said...

That's the Lexus of sleds, Darnell! I'll bet Santa has donned his hat and he and the reindeer are enjoying streaking through the sky! And look at you with all these challenges! Thanks for sharing this with us at Merry Monday!

Sharon Underwood said...

Great idea to create Christmas cards throughout the year! I'm thrilled you found so many challenges to use your card with. I love the steering wheel on the awesome card! Way to go!

Linda said...

You are so clever. Such a cute Christmas card.

Andrea said...

great christmas card Darnell where has half the year gone!!...cute sleigh I had a quite moment in respect of the reindeers now unemployed ..LOL love your posts .great snowflake ribbon too..5 cards is 5 more than i've made so well done to you .... have great weekend hugs Andrea x

Verna Angerhofer said...

That is so cute and clever! And you can draw really good too! I love the title as well. You are way ahead of me. I have not made one single Christmas card yet. Oh, my! Too much to do, and too little time!

Notes by Nina said...

Fabulous card Darnell, I love your sleigh. Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday.

Carole said...

from 500 - to 530 in less then 3 posts....your speeding toward fame.Well done Darnell...so charming and charismatic with co-host "hammy"you'll be in the hall of fame. Love the little snowball on Santa's hat. Be well Carole


Ooooh - love this mode of transport Darnell - takes me right back to my childhood (and that's one heck of a long ride)! Love the posh sled, and the cute pom-pom on Santa's hat!
It's so good to see you playing along at ATCAS again Darnell - Sylvia x

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, beautiful clean style Christmas design, the font on the sentiment is fabulous. You are too funny, don't hurt yourself taking melfies and wefleas :) Have a great weekend, Shirleyx ps..thanks for your kind words at my blog

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, beautiful clean style Christmas design, the font on the sentiment is fabulous. You are too funny, don't hurt yourself taking melfies and wefleas :) Have a great weekend, Shirleyx ps..thanks for your kind words at my blog

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, beautiful clean style Christmas design, the font on the sentiment is fabulous. You are too funny, don't hurt yourself taking melfies and wefleas :) Have a great weekend, Shirleyx ps..thanks for your kind words at my blog

Linda said...

Fabulous card Darnell .... I love how the Santa hat is hanging off the back of the sleigh ... very clever. Have a lovely weekend .... hugs Linda xx

Chriss Blagrave said...

Fabulous card Darnell! I LOVE that you fashioned and re-engineered this sled to include the spiffy steering wheel! Clever, clever my dear! 5 challenges, Wow!

JD/ Jill said...

Fabulous Christmas card..and just look at how many challenges you nailed so beautifully with that one card! Way to go.

Karen P said...

Beautiful Xmas card Darnell! Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog - it means the world to me Karen xx

Skye said...

Fabulous card. I love your additions to the sled and the pretty snowflake ribbon

Colleen said...

Darnell, how do you do that?? ONE card for all five challenges? And it is a Christmas one, to boot!! Holy Moly girlfriend, the stars are aligned with you for sure! I am lucky to think of ONE card for a challenge, and even that can be a challenge!!

MaryH said...

Am really liking that steering wheel. What an art-tiste you are to draw that wheel so well. Sure will make Santy's job a little easier - but like you noted, the Reindeer might object. Then again, might be easier for them as well. This is so cute. Just like every little thing you have going on here, and it's gonna bring a big smile to whomever is lucky enough to open the envelope. TFS & Big Hugs

dnisme@blogspot.com said...

Just when I need a good chuckle, I can count on you! Skip to My Loo My Darlin'! Wouldn't you just love to be able to drive that sleigh? I'd end up in the ditch! Love your card and imagination,Darnell.

Geri said...

You're the best! Santa's sleigh with a steering wheel. There is definitely nobody out there in blog land that would have thunk of this! Of course, your post made me smile out loud! The best part of this card...Santa's hat hanging on the bumper (hey if there's a wheel, there's gottta be a bumper!)

Thanks for the smile!

sandie said...

Love how you describe how this card came together, I love the be the little bits of inspiration and hand drawing, way to go girl! Thanks for joining us at ATCAS and ATSM

Gerrina said...

A beauty of a card! Love the stiringwheel you draw! Have a fun weekend, Gerrina

Karen M said...

Love your chrissy card Darnell - that sure is one cool sled:)Hugs xx

Sarn said...

Super sleigh card Darnell. Don't they all come dressed with hats to keep them warm?

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Di said...

Oh Darnell, I thought I already commented but I came back for another little giggle and realised I hadn't. Such a FUN card, only your would do the steering wheel :) Did you warn the reindeer - they might stage a walk out come Christmas!

Thanks for a smile!

Hugs, Di xx

cm said...

Your innovative sleigh is brilliant! Steering wheel just makes sense, especially for those days when the reindeer are out munching whatever it is they eat (lichen?). The hat on the 'bumper' (I'm with Geri on that) is the perfect special touch! Awesome card! For the record, my current Christmas stash is a big fazero!! Yeesh! Need to fix that soon! Happy Saturday!! Hugs~c

Jeanne said...

Great card! Especially like the steering wheel on the sled. You are one creative and industrious gal! :) Have a great weekend!

Bobby said...

Now you're an artist? Who knew? Such a fun card, Darnell. Thanks for reminding me of the Christmas card challenges. I haven't done one in quite a while.

Kristie Goulet said...

Very fun card for all of these challenges, Darnell! Thank you so much for playing along with us at Merry Monday!

Cindy H. said...

Love the sleigh! And, no, I never noticed the wheel before you pointed it out - you're very observant! Great job on creating your own steering wheel.

Linby said...

So clever! I love it. Just about to play in your NBUS challenge.
Linby x

Vicki Dutcher said...

It's transport - cold, but it gets you where you are going :) - Thanks for joining in with ATCAS!

Karren said...

I'm so glad Santa took a break just when you had your camera ready :) Fabulous card, Darnell, love that sentiment! Thanks so much for joining us at Merry Monday.

nwilliams6 said...

What a fun Christmas card. Great image and sentiment. I need to get going on my Christmas cards too - I made one this week but better get going making more!

Nancy Thomas said...

A fabulous Christmas card and you are a genius for figuring out how to combine the challenges.

Leslee said...

Cool card! You are way ahead of me making cards for Christmas. I haven't even begun to think about it.

Ardyth said...

Great combination of the challenges - I love that ribbon and your use of classic red green and white! So glad you joined us at Festive Friday!

Anita in France said...

So much fun, Darnell ... your post as well as this fabulous card! Santa must be proud to have taken up travelling in such amazing transport! Way to go on being a challenge combinator (is that a word?) extraordinaire! I'm playing catch up ... you may see me back soon! Hugs, Anita :)

Nora Noll said...

This is adorable!! I love how you altered the stamp with the steering wheel. I would be so scared to mess it up!! Really great card!!

Monika Reeck said...

Dear Darnell I love the embossing in green and the white space all on your card like its a snow behind the steering wheel..great Season greetings card..(nice ribbon too Darnell)

Hope you have had a great weekend..big hugs, Monika

Cris G. said...

Already Christmas? :). What a fun post and cute card... that's a great idea, having your cards done by Christmas. I should do the same, but now that I haven't taken my first sea bathing it's hard to think of Holiday Season.
Thanks for visiting my "mini blog", I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

This made me giggle, Darnell. Wonder what Santa is up to .... Thanks for joining us at ATSM this week. Monika

Deepti said...

Your posts are always fun to read :) love ur idea of using a sleigh for the code word, thank you for sharing with ATSM and ATCAS !

Danielle Vincent said...

What a clever gal you are Darnell! That souped up sleigh is the bomb! I can just imagine it parked outside the local cocoa and cookies bar in the North Pole! Thanks for joining us this week at ATSM.

Kay Miller said...

What a fabulous card Darnell!! I love the embossed sentiment and that lovely ribbon across the middle! Such a cute sleigh too! So glad you joined us at Festive Friday! ((Hugs))

lauren bergold said...

oh wow! what a totally fun and totally FAB holiday card! thanks for rockin' the red and green with us at JINGLE BELLES! ♥

SmilynStef said...

Lovin' that sweet little santa hat ... so very glad you joined us at Jingle Belles.

Greta said...

I adore your card, Darnell! Didn't manage to get one done for that MM challenge & it wouldn't have been so creative anyway!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

selfies welfies and melfies? Oh my!

Fun card. I'd be dangerous on a sleigh with a steering wheel. Oh who are we kidding? I'd be dangerous on any kind of sleigh. And whiny. Because snow you know.

Geri said...

Darnell…that steering wheel cracks me up! And I wouldn't have known you drew it if you wouldn't have said so! Although…if I wasn't so tired, I would have thought…'where in the heck did she find a stamp of a sled with a steering wheel???' Duh, Geri! I love the card with the bright red and green...AND the sense of humor, of course!!! THanks so much for joining us at FF!!

Petra Swart said...

A Father Xmas sleigh with a steering wheel (!!????) ...what will be next??!!! LOL!!! You did a great job on that steering wheel you added to your sleigh - I would never have guessed that you have drawn it yourself!! Your card is lovely - love the snowflake ribbon and the embossing!!