A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 3, 2014

MWAH ~ Fusion #1; NBUS #87; SSWC

Good Morning, Sunshine!

We have whooshed around to the very first Friday of 2014!  The next time you turn around . . . oh, don't even think about how fast it flies!

I made my first Valentine of 2014.  I used the sketch from the resurrected Fusion challenge.  Yay, they're back!!  Here is the photo/sketch/either inspiration board:
Here is my card:
My card looks huge, but it's really a sweet size of 6.25 x 3.25.

Yesterday I went shopping at our local craft store which is sadly going out of business.  I know all my online buying contributed to the closure, but I was a regular buyer in this store, too.  It's just too hard for these small stores to compete.

So this is the NBUS (never-before-used schtuff) on my card:  
  • the conversation bubbles are part of a six-die set from Sizzix
  • the HVD sediment is a ribbon which I will be using a lot.
Thanks to my bloggie friend Carol for pointing out the current Simon Says Wednesday Challenge is all about "new things," including "new crafty stuff," so I am also linking my card there.  
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog


I want to thank all of you for any suggestions you had for how to deal with the error message I was getting from Blogger.   A few of you commented that uninstalling versions 10 and 11 of Internet Explorer, going back down to version 9 solved the problem.  Mister was opposed to me doing that because updates not only improve the features, they usually improve the security, so going back to a former version may lesson the security.  But it is a definite fix if you want to stay with Internet Explorer.

As for me, I decided that until Google and Microsoft decide to play nice with each other, I'm going to kabitchulate and use Chrome instead of Internet Explorer.  It's not that I don't like Chrome, it's that I resented the way they played games with my blog to try and get me to use it.  Then I decided I hated the feeling of resentment more and my resentment wasn't hurting Google one bit, so I let it go.  Poof.

I wrote the word Google on a piece of scratch paper and I ran it through my paper shredder.  Then I put the pieces in an envelope and mailed them to the Google headquarters.  No, wait.  That's not true.  The hamster just mentioned that to me as I was typing just now.  Obviously he was sleeping yesterday when I put the shredded bits in the recycle bin.  I like the idea, though, for the next time I feel the need to shred.

Luckily my little "poof" ritual isn't necessary too often with my usually optimistic and mellow mindset, but it's a good way to dispense with any kind of negativity that does creep in on occasion.  

Poof and it's a happier new year for everyone.

Now if I could just poof away the twenty extra pounds I'm carrying around ...!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!*  I hope you are safe and tucked inside and not adversely impacted by the Nor'easter. 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperPTI white; SU pink pirouette
Stamps    Alphabet" Hero Arts 02002; 
Kiss: Art Impressions BB-471
 InkSU real red
AccessoriesSU Simply Scored
Ribbon: Richard's


Sue - said...

Fun Valentine's card! Know what you mean about Google, it always annoys me if I can't leave a comment because I'm not in Google+!

Sammy said...

Oh this really is a sweet card! Just the kind of thing my hubby would appreciate... (less of the flowers and the love hearts, lol)

As for switching, I understand where you are coming from... Being forced into such things is never fun. I personally switched to Chrome many years ago, and have never looked back. This possibly stems from my severe dislike of all things Microsoft, lol. x

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Fantastic valentine card
love the ribbon
hugs Tamara
have a lovekly weekend

cm said...

Such a fabulous first Valentine card, Darnell! Love the lips, especially, and the ribbon is the perfect touch! Gorgeous! Since you've used NBUS, I think your sweet card fits the bill for the Simon Wednesday challenge of using new stuff, too. Your 'poof' is brilliant, as is the shredding of things that make you grrrr...I've been with Chrome for a while now, and like you, wasn't pleased with the 'must do', however, it's all fine now. Happy Friday!! Hugs~c

Anonymous said...

Your card is fabulous!!! Awesome & I love love ❤❤❤❤ it !!! Such a great use of bubbles on the sketch !!!

As you know from my 18 hour experience -- I also am not a fan of google to say it nicely !!!! They have messed up my blogger at least 3 times now... & always "dump" my fave blogs when it happens. Sad, sad, sad!!

Hope you have a fab 2014 my sweet friend !!! I can't wait to see all the creativity that comes busting out of the playhouse !!!!!

Nicole’s Craft Nook
Nicole’s Valentine’s Day BLOG Candy

Karren said...

Brilliant card, Darnell! So clever to use the lips. And that ribbon is fantastic.

Laurie Unger said...

I like your tall card! that ribbon is awesome and so are those lips! I gave up on IE years ago and use Firefox and love it!

Lisa Elton said...

Cute Cute and Cute!! Great interpretation of the sketch Darnell! Have a great weekend ;)

Redanne said...

The ribbon is great and I LOVE your card, those speech bubbles are wonderful! Don't blame you at all for changing over, hope it makes life a little easier for you.

Only 20 lbs? I think I can beat you on that one.... Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Anne x

Beverley said...

Awesome card! Wishing you a Happy 2014! Hugs Bev x

Happy Dance said...

I can't even think of Valentines yet, and you go and make an incredible cutie pie one! Very sweet smooch! Knock wood, I've been very fortunate with Google Chrome and my blogger...I'd be in full scale panic mode if it messed up. Thanks for the shredded idea. I want to send one like that to Oh My Crafts for the crappy and nine month late paper trimmer they sent me. But then again, maybe I should just "poof" too. Later bud. Bev

Di said...

Oh Darnell - I LOVE this card! PLUS I already have a 'mwah' lips stamp, the speech bubbles and some lettering stamps - so I might well (cough) borrow your idea for Len on Valentine's Day, with due credit of course!

I ditched MS long ago and work with Linux Mint and Firefox - that's not to say I might not get bitten in the rear end but so far so good :)

Hugs, Di xx

Diane said...

Super "lip smacking" card!!! Clever idea with the speech bubbles. UPS just dropped a nice box of goodies for me today....can't wait to use them...whenever I can "find" the time..where does it go??

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Darnell. I love the speech bubbles and beautiful ribbon.
I hope you have a good weekend.
hugs Sue

Kathyk said...

Blogger and Microsoft and IE 11? NOT a winning combo - I get that stooooooooooooooooooooopid message too AND my 'puter tries to consor my blog hopping - I'm FED UP of it. Took me nearly ten minutes to get to leave a comment on your blog so I better make the most of it. Great Card - have a great weekend


Kathyk said...

Oops that should have read CENSOR!


BTW it must be time to head to bed then!

Hettie said...

Oh I do love it when I read your rants. Great way of venting your spleen by writing your "issue! on paper then shredding it, though I would burn it as at least it would give me a miniscule of warmth!!
Like your card. Cannot believe you only paid 99c for that ribbon!!

Pat said...

Another unusual card Darnell and a very clever idea to use the speech bubbles with the lips and that beautiful valentine ribbon. A lovely card. x

Cathy Weber said...

You really are a crack up...love that shredding idea whether you followed through or not! Cute idea to use speech bubbles in place of the circles...and...totally get that 20 pound thing...have to get working on that myself! Poof!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous luscious lips, Darnell ... what an awesome find that ribbon was! Glad your Google problems have been shredded ... poofing's such a great way to disappear them! Anita :)

Mrs A. said...

Most ingenious use of the bubbles and those smackers. Soon be Easter at this rate.! Have a great weekend. Hugs Mrs A.

Dana said...

Awesome! I love how you used the speech bubbles!!

Loll said...

Sweet card Dolly ... I'm sure Mister will LOVE this! :)

I know what you mean about the smaller stores competing with the on-line stores - it's tough. Frankly, I get a way better bang for my buck with on-line and it's really a shame. So for now, I buy some on-line and some in the local stores, but it's getting harder and harder as the on-line stores have a bigger selection and they show what's in stock.

I love your story about shredding "Google" ... such a great way to deal with frustration. :) Will have to give that a try. I switched to Google Chrome a while back because it was easier. I hear ya about not wanting to HAVE to change because you were forced - it's not right. Lolly xx

Bobby said...

I have way too many birthdays before Valentines Day to start making those cards yet. Yours is darling. I went with Chrome a long time ago and have never had a problem.

Bonnie said...

Your first Valentine of 2014 is a winner! Chrome was installed on my computer by the Geeks that I paid to do all the loading so I wouldn't be able to mess up the computer right off to bat! I've been pretty happy with it and do have Explorer on it too. Hope it fixes the glitch for you.

Susanne Vargas said...

Thanks for making me smile again with your post! Love your card! Great use of speech bubbles! Have to remember that!

Julia Aston said...

What a great card for the sketch Darnell! love the trendy word bubbles and the big KISS! and the perfect sentiment ribbon! Thanks for playing with Fusion this week!!

Jacquie Southas said...

Love the speech bubbles - great way to interpret the sketch Darnell! Sorry to hear you are losing a craft store - I just heard about a new one in our neck of the woods, which shocked the heck out of me.

Sindhu said...

Hey Darnell! The card is SO cute! Love the idea of using speech bubbles! The image is fab!

By the way, your posts are always so fun to read! :)

Thanks for playing along with us at fusion! Good luck:)

Lyndal said...

FABulous Valentine's card Darnell!! So glad you joined in the fun @ FUSION, hope to see you again soon :)
I know what you mean about local stores Darnell - our nearest one is now about 30 minutes away!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...you crack me up! Really and truly, when I need to laugh and I have not done something stupid and worthy of laughing at, I just head to your blog for a chuckle or two. Your card is so fun and those lips are amazing, how many times did you have to ink your lips to get it right? Just kidding, this is so fun, love it! See you soon.

Cat Craig said...

Too funny, I use firefox for my browser and it plays nicely with the g-folks. Love the long card. Enjoyed your commentary too. Added you to my feedly. Looking forward to stopping by regularly.

Joni Andaya said...

What a FUN card Darnell! So Love it!!!

Michelle said...

Gorgeous, Darnell! A very cute (very Darnell) card. ;-) I changed to Chrome ages ago because of problems with Blogger on IE. Sounds like they haven't fixed the problems yet. I like the "poof!" approach, very healthy! :-)

Ros Crawford said...

Hahaha! Your post made me laugh ... I'm so glad I have a Mac ... Microsoft and I never got on ... Terrific card! Have a stress free weekend!

Geri said...

Oh, it's always good to visit here, Darnell...you perk me right up!!! I love your card! Just too clever and cute...and did I mention striking? It's just awesome from top to bottom and makes me smile, just like all your posts do! Thanks so much for playing along with us at FUSION, my dear!

Pia S said...

Nice!!! The red looks great with soft pink and it's a cool design for a Valentine's card!

♥Gemma♥ said...

Gorgeous card as always hunni and loving the speech bubbles...they are fab!!

I am chrome user and wouldn't go back to IE because of the problems which they seem not to be correcting *tut tut*
hugs and xxx

Brenda in IN said...

Wish I could have helped you with your message issue but I keep getting something about blocking content with security certificate. I am so clueless about these things so I just delete it and go on. I will be using your hint about shredding for both of my cable carriers. And I may mail them the pieces!! Thanks for all your advice. It should be fixed today. I love this valentine. Love that it's tall and the lips are so darn cute. That ribbon is gorgeous. My "A" store is closing here. I'm sorry to see it go as it is so close to me. But they never knew how to make the make and takes, if you took a class they didn't know what to do and they sold all the stamps and paper to do the classes before the classes even started so if you took the class there was no way you could get supplies to make more! Well, I did go on and on. Been inside too much in this cold weather!

Sharon Underwood said...

Hi Darnell! Thanks for bringing another big smile to my face! Love your commentary, and I don't blame you for getting frustrated with IE. I switched to Firefox and have had few problems--am very happy with it. I love your card -- those lips and the ribbon (and scoring) make the card! So sorry your local store is closing. I enjoy shopping, looking around in small shops. You'll miss it! We don't have any craft stores except the big ones, which just aren't the same. Online shopping is always good. BTW, love your POOF idea--think I'll try that & see if I can lose 20 lbs! I need that really bad!

Karen P said...

I have to admit to not understanding the computer stuff. I get DH to check it out and yell if I have an issue - that works for me most of the time. Although he is impressed with my Blogger knowledge these days lol!
Gorgeous card, so very, very clever. Love the stamps you used, and a fab layout xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Beautiful take of the sketch and colour inspirations. I like those bubble die cuts :) The ribbon is fabulous as well. I use Firefox so I'm not having the issues that you've experienced. I changed a long time ago when I was having trouble leaving comments at some blogs. I hope 2014 is starting out well otherwise. Cheers, Shirleyx

Linda said...

Such a cute card Darnell. Great take on the challenge. Well, I still have Chrome and Firefox set up so may try to use Chrome, but with Firefox when I try to post something I get an error message too about Google and cookies. And with Chrome I don't have my menu toolbars. Yikes, what is a non-computer person supposed to do?

Joyce said...

Darnell--gorgeous and creative, as usual.

Kristie Goulet said...

Very fun card. Love those speech bubbles!

Harriet Skelly said...

What a fun card Darnell! What a great idea to write down what I'm mad about and then shred it!!! I think I will do that! See you soon!

MaryH said...

Aw, Geez, you have the best ideas! ROLF at your google rant. Well deserved too, I'm just ignoring the error & things seem to work ok. I zip over to Chrome occasionally. Loved your sweet V card too. Those dies are awesome, and happy to see how you have used them here. Sad to hear about your LSS closing. Don't know if you have Archivers in your area, but they are closing too, ?Feb15?. A friend said she went in her local A., but no real sales. Hate to hear of any business closing..hurts us all. I support locally as much as possible. Happy weekend - I expect your area has nice weather..hope so. Hugs & TFS & always get a good chuckle from your posts.

Indy's Designs said...

Fab Valentine's card! Love the shredding idea. Made my day!

shirley-bee said...

Shredding is the answer! Fab card, love those lips ;)

Kay Miller said...

Oh my goodness Darnell! I always finish up reading your blog with laughter! Too funny about the Google/Internet Explorer problem, but glad you worked out a "fix". Your card is fabulous! I love the ribbon and those cute speech bubbles! I can't start making Valentine cards, because I have not let go of Christmas yet:)

Barb Ghig said...

What a fun card! I love the ribbon sentiment (I mean sediment) and the speech bubbles are fab! LOVE the 'kiss', too and that your card is an original size...so cute!

Thanks for the update about IE and google and all that nasty pc stuff we have to deal with...I wish I were more knowledgeable, and really appreciate your input!

Nan G said...

Sweet card, Darnell. Sorry I think I missed commenting in IE. I use Firefox since Blogger and IE don't play well together.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I like your way of dealing with negativity.... but like they say on "Jaws" we're gonna need a bigger shredder! LOL!

That's a fun Valentine's card. I really wanted to start on them this winter recess away from work but it didn't happen. I guess I still have a bit of time. I'm ready for things to be red and pink with frills and bling. Or maybe I'm ready for a nap. Who Can be sure?!

dottielottie said...

Great card Darnell, like the speech bubbles and the lovely valentine ribbon. Love the idea of the 'poof ritual' I can think of many occasions when I could use it. I think this could become a new trend, we have tweeting, texting
etc so why not 'poofing' . Love it !
Hugs x

Shannon J said...

Oh I have been so feeling the NON-love for google right along with you! Grrrrr! Still haven't gone to Crome, and still putting up with my error messages...but I'm sure it will drive me to switch over eventually! While it also drives me to the looney bin! Gee Whiz! But onto MUCH better things - your card! Love the stacked speech bubbles oh so much! Absolutely fabulous!! Awesome, and more awesome! Sad that your craft store closed it's doors - it's always hard to see that happen :(

Michelle said...

This I is awesome! I love the word bubbles. So clever! And darn cute!

Geri said...

First of all, amazing clean & simple sweetness in your stunning card - love the long, narrow design - works so well with your card elements! The scored lines - awesome!

Secondly, THANK YOU Darnell and all of your followers for helping me feel that I'm not alone and NOT a complete dunce when it comes to computers. Did 2014 bring some ca-razy thing to our blogging world? I am having issues as well with Blogger! So frustrating!

Love your shredding idea - best therapy I've heard of in a long time! Will have to wait until Monday so that I can use the big-a-- shredder at work! Take that blogger!!!

Sharron said...

Fabby & fun! Love the speech bubbles! And love the shredding idea. I can imagine many times a little shredding would help clear the air!!

Sian Ridley said...

Darnell my darling, hello! Happy New Year (yes, it's the 5th Jan and I'm a bit late, but the sentiment is there regardless!) thank you so much for being the first person to comment on my blog following my return :)

I love this card, it's super cool! I am really glad to see the fusion challenge back too...I must join in the fun :)

I was forced to move over to chrome about 6 or 7 months ago now due to the issues with blogger and explorer and although I was somewhat miffed that I had to change in the first place, it's now just second nature...you'll get used to it, I promise :) I love the idea to mail a shredded google to google though, you're a woman after my own heart!!! :)

I'm so glad to be back! Whoop whoop!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Fabulous card Darnell. Love the pink speech bubbles and the greeting! The ribbon is perfect. This challenge is on my list to do. :)

Lynn said...

Darnell, I love coming by your blog...your creations are beautiful and you make me smile every time I come by. And your card...so stinking clever. I love you interpreted the sketch. So fun and I'm super glad you could play with us at Fusion!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

I liked reading your post from today so had to go back and read the post where you come up with your word for 2014! I chuckled at the idea of shredding Google and mailing it to their headquarters. I've always used Chrome at home and I use Modzilla at work.

It is too bad about the stores having to close. My local store "The Perch Paperie" managed to be open almost a year. How sad. Although there were things I would have done differently than her (like her business hours) it's always sad when people try and it's just too hard. I'm a textile person so I love feeling whatever I'm buying - like the thickness of the paper, etc.

It's brr rabbit here but nothing compared to the eastern states.


Melissa Bove said...

Super sweet and fun card!! Love it!

Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


Sheila H said...

I love your tall valentine! The word bubbles and lips are great. Sorry for your computer troubles, but hopefully, they're under control now.

wienerhoneymooners said...

I resented being FORCED to go to chrome too...

LOVE your take with speech bubbles!
so Valentine sweet in pink!

Thanks for linking to FUSION Darnell, lovely addition to the Gallery!!!

Gerrina said...

Catching up... Happy 2014!
Love the size and the card!
I hate when they force you to get to use something else aswell, but since I´m 50 since the 3th of this month, my reaction is: what childisch! Let people make there own choices!
And let them have fun blogging...that´s what I´m going to do...
Hugs, Gerrina

Greta said...

If you figure out the "poofing away 20 lbs" let me know! Love your Valentine, Darnell--fun not to have the usual size, too! Love the idea of sending the shredded pieces--gotta remember that--LOL!

Kelly Griglione said...

Hahaha, so fun to read the origins of your "poofing"! Love the red contents on your pink speech bubbles ... very striking! And the triple score lines underneath. I'm so sad about Archiver's going out of business. Like you, my on-line shopping did not help them on iota.

Katie Ann Brooks said...

LOVE your Fusion card D! the speech bubbles for the shapes in the sketch is super fun and eye catching. Very creative! Thanks for playing with us at Fusion!!!!!

Jeanne J. said...

OMG! So many comments you're famous girl! Great card (obviously!!!) The speech bubbles are so hot right now your right on pointe! Oh and I'm on to chrome now too!

karen h said...

Awesome card - love that you used speech bubbles for the trio down the center!

Kim S said...

Absolutely charming! FYI - I went kicking and screaming into the world of Google Chrome, but I was forced by my children. Now, every once in awhile, I accidentally click the IE button and when it comes up - it looks cluttered and confusing. I'm totally used to Chrome and wouldn't go back.