A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 1, 2014

Twenty Fourteen! CQC #222; NBUS #86; SSWC; WOYWW #239

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ~ Hap E. Nuyear!!

And Happy What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW)!  It's been a really fun year snooping at your desks on Wednesdays thanks to the blog hop posted faithfully by our esteemed leader, Ms. Julia Dunnit.  Thank you, Julia!  I wish you the bestest year!

Here's my desk where I've just finished a little something suitable for today.
I was planning to use my Washi tapes to make a Christmas tag and I never got around to it, so I made a tag for new year's celebrating instead.  I took a piece of scratch paper and folded it in half like we used to do to make snowflakes, remember, and I drew a champagne bottle and cut it out as a template.
It's so much easier to draw half of something.  Unless it's a paycheck, then you want to draw all of it.

So I traced my template onto black cardstock and cut it out.  Then I took my little champagne bottle tag and bedeckled and bedazzled it with pieces of Washi tape and wire, thus and such:
Then I made a card for my tag.  I used some of my gray striped Washi tape, a NBUS vellum sediment, and some gray brads and I created a little pocket for my tag to sit in.
I thought it would be fitting to have flashy exploding sequint stars electrifying the air.

And here is the tag snug in it's pocket, against a black backdrop so you can see it better.
Some of the stars look lovely midnight blue, but IRL they are silver.

I am playing in the current ColourQ Challenge, which is sporting this fabulous photo!
And in the "Bling It On" challenge just winding down over at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog

In our New Friends Corner, we are ending the year by welcoming two new friends!  Please meet:

Ann Clitts of Just for Fun.  Ann has been blogging since 2008, bless her!  That's an incredible amount of knowledge, information, and inspiration waiting for you with just the click of the mouse!!

Gemma of Gem's Little Creations.  Gemma is also a long-time blogger since 2010, and she also has an endless supply of ideas and inspiration for you!

How lucky are we that we share our talents and ideas and skills with each other and all for free!!  Thank you, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!  


To my readers and WOYWWers
and encouraging desk browsers,

May you be ever so keen
To welcome twenty fourteen

With oodles of mojo
And juices a flow, flow!

I'll stop by for a visit,
Your designs are exquisite!

To you I will toast,
You inspire me the most!

Best wishes, I coo,


*Life is too short!


Lyndal said...

Hope you have a FABULOUS 2014 too!!!

Colleen said...

what a great poem...you said it so eloquently! happy New Year to you too my dear blogging friend!! Great card to bring in the New Year! I am sitting in my craft room, perusing the emails, blogs and facebook...hubby is watching Dr. Who!!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Thought that was very clever way of using washi, Darnell .. mind you only have one roll but still thought it a great idea :D

...and did love the poem, go girl! how clever are you?

Every blessing of the LORD for 2014. Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #2

Belinda Basson said...

I love your tag on your card. A very clever idea. Happy New year to you and WOYWW 2014! #11

Karen M said...

Happy new year Darnell - I wish you and your family every happiness for 2014! I love your card today - it looks amzing and the design is fab:) Hugs xx

Jackie said...

Happy New Year
Well it's all clean and tidy at your place again!
Thanks for the early morning visit already
Jackie 13

Jenni's Jems said...

What a talented lady you are between HANDDRAWN bottles and poetry you never cease to amaze me & your cards are NAE half bad either :-) Happy New Year Darnell!x

Eliza said...


Happy New Year to you too I hope it is a really great year.

Thanks for the visit and leaving a comment but I do have to say the big box of goodies is not from Sandy that is my own pressie to me.

Love the card, unique and clever.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 10
Happy WOYWW and Happy Crafting

KatzElbows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KatzElbows said...

The card is gorgeous. And although in real life the stars are silver, they look awfully good in blue. And I promise to enjoy my day.

Happy New Year
Love Rachel #24

glitterandglue said...

Happy New Year, Darnell. Great card, and a lovely fun poem!
Have a good week.
Margaret #12

Redanne said...

Hap E.Nuyear to you too dear friend! I just love that champagne bottle, it is gorgeous - and very clever! It looks wonderful tucked into the card too.

Have the most wonderful 2014 and may it bring you everything you wish for, and more. Mwah! Hugs, Annie xx

Sammy said...

GORGEOUS tag Darnell, and your poem is fabulous and really made me smile!
A very happy new year filled with health, happiness and lots and lots of mojo to you and yours! x

Karin said...

Lovely 2014 card.
Happy New Year
Karin #30

shazsilverwolf said...

Happy New Year Darnell. Love your tag- its amazing how the 'old' techniques for things stand the test of time, isn't it? All came together beautifully. Have a great Wednesday, Hugs, Shaz #32 xx

Andrea said...

hi darnell and avery hapy new year to you. love teh champagne bottle tag card great use of washi tape and very fitting for the occasion. also fab poem i hope 2014 is a year of happiness good health and opportunities to you and your family. Thank you for being what I consider a friend and your kind comments over the last year it has been very much appreciated and your posts always make me LOL... your positivity and thoughtfulness just shines. crafty hugs Andrea X X #34

Robyn Oliver said...

HNY Darnell, and what a super bottle tag, love your use of washi tape and wire to hold the cork, cool card. Cheers and happy crafting RobynO #331

Anne said...

Hi Darnell and a Happy New Year. Your posts are always so cheery. Love the card/tag and have saved the idea - hope you don't mind - gave me a idea for DH's card this year - he will be celebrating a 'decade ' birthday!!! Fab poem. Thanks for visiting and leaving me a comment on a recent post- much appreciated. Anne x #36

Anonymous said...

A lovely to start 2014 with a smile! Lovely cards and all those challenges! And you know, sometimes the "old techniques" seem to become new again and even better. I love the bottle - frankly I love ANYTHING that helps me work thru my scrap LOL! so thanks for the inspiration

Happy New Year WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Diane said...

Wonderful card...perfect for the New Year...how clever of you to use the tape in that manner....cute poem..always love coming to your blog , you alwaoys start my day with a laugh...yu need to write a book...LOL!!

Glenda said...

What a great card for the New Year! May your year be filled with lots of creativity!
Glenda #33

Sue - said...

Happy New Year to you. Great poem and lovely sparkly card!

Viv said...

Happy New Year Dr Arnell !!!! Love your card, so clever and love the poem too. Your desk looks far too tidy though, so glad you can't see mine atm.Thanks for all the inspiration and for all the chuckles you gave me too in 2013. I look forward to visiting you this year too. Big hugs :) Viv xx

Neet said...

Stay as sweet as your are and enjoy 2014 in the best way possible.
Love the card - what a great idea.
Hugs, Neet xx
Happy New Year!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

First I was blown away by that awesome bottle, then the card it sits in. And finally, I felt serenaded by your lovely poem. What more can a gal ask for?

I'll pop the cork to a healthy, artistic, and joyous New Year and happy WOYWW from #5.

Carol L said...

Happy New Year Darnell! Let's break open that bubbly and celebrate! Thanks for a year of blogging fun with your puns, creations, wit, humor, and now great poetry too! Your talents are endless!! Happy 2014!

Hettie said...

Happy New Year to you Darnell. Lovely card there. But I would prefer the wet version of the bottle.

Sherrie M. said...

Happy New Year!! Love how three dimensional your creation is....beautiful!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

fantastic card
love it
Happy new year 2014
hugs Tamara

Tertia said...

Happy New Year and happy WOYWW!
I love that tag, it is really awesome!
Tertia #22

Melissa Bove said...

Super fabulous card!! Love the washi tape champagne bottle!! Very cool!

Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!

Have a Happy and Healthy New Year 2014!!


Julia Aston said...

Happy, Happy 2014 Darnell! thanks for your wonderful poetry, a peak at your 'oh so clean' work table!! and your very creative bottle tag! so festive and sparkly - a fabulously inspired creation from the pic!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I don't pop my cork for every blog I see..........!!!

Ah, if only I could sing like Shirley Bassey ;-)

Great blog and rhyme. Thanks for all the wonderful, mad comments over the past year. You have made me laugh a lot...long may it continue :-)

My ditty to you:

There once was a gal called Darnell,
Whose crafting was going so well,
Her cards? Sheer delight!
Her blogging? So bright!
But the jokes? They've gone all to hell. ;-)

Love ya! Happy 2014!
LLJ 29 xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Wow your card is gorgeous, very creative as well. Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy, and Creative 2014. Thank you for your wonderful blog, I love to visit and read your wonderful stories. And of course see your beautiful designs as well. Thanks for your all your visits and super comments. Hugs, Shirleyx ps.. still think you should write a book:)

stampwithsandy said...

What a fun and unique card, Darnell! Love the bottle tag with it's washi tape and cool wire wrapping. So creative! All the best to you and yours in 2014, and I look forward to your blog posts this year! Hugs :) Sandy

Alanna said...

I love the tag and card. So much fun. Here's wishing you a great 2014.

Monica said...

That tag is perfect along with your poetry.
Have a creative jolly years

Lea.H said...

happy new year! love the bottle tag with the washi tape fab idea Lx

jimlynn said...

Creative, fun, and just down right pretty!!! Great drawing of that bottle too.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful new year!

Lindsey said...

How fun and festive this is! Happy New Year to you! Hope it is your best yet. :)

Sylvia said...

Happy New Year, Darnell! Your bottle is fabulous as is your card! You are a gal after my own heart, easier to draw and cut the shape, love to see someone else that does this! Thanks for joining in the fun at the colourQ, hope to see you often!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Whoo hoo! Love the champagne bottle and your idea to draw half of it (but a whole paycheck). I like the use of washi tapes on it. I ran out of Christmas stickers this year so I decorated my envelopes with washi tape, you know just to make sure they stay sealed during their journey. I have oodles of the stuff so I need more ideas to use it. Happy Noo Yeah to you, hon!

Pia S said...

This champagne bottle turned out just fantastic! I've got so much washi tape laying around, can't quite figure out how and when to use it, so thanks for the inspiration!

My name is Wynneth said...

Hi Darnell, thank you so much for dropping by my blog stampingrandma.blogspot.uk and for leaving such a lovely comment.

I love your Playhouse ! I wish my craft room was so organised and tidy. That is my main resolution for the new year - clear out my crafting space to allow creativity to flow in ! Happy New Year to you.


Anonymous said...

Wow ... you certainly know how to party with this dazzling delight, Darnell, resplendent in bold black, splendid silver and gorgeous gold ... awesome! Love your ditty ... the feeling's mutual! Think I've said it already, but I'll say it again anyway ... Happy New Year ... health and happiness always! Hugs, Anita :)

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Love it and Happy New Year to you! Peg R #25

Jen Mitchell said...

Break out the bubbly Darnell! I wish you a very happy new year!

karen h said...

Hi Darnell - thank you so much for the comment on my 'year in review' post. You are so sweet! I love reading your blog - always makes me laugh! Hope you have a fabulous year!

Bobby said...

Happy New Year to you, Darnell. That washi tape made a great wine bottle. Not only do you have a way with words, you also rhyme them. So clever!

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh so fun!!!Happy New Year my friend!!!

Joyce said...

Fabulously festive card and tag. Happy New Year, Darnell! I've so enjoyed getting to know you and following your creative journey.

Brenda in IN said...

Your bottle screams pop the cork and let's get this party started! Love that card. Your poem is so sweet and consider yourself toasted right back! Have a wonderful 2014.

April said...

Loving the blingy Happy New Year tag. Who doesn't love alcohol and washi tape? Happy New Year
April #60

Geri said...

You certainly are a lady with endless talent....poet, artist, card maker...

Your creativity totally 'sparkled' with this yummy creation! Tucking the wine bottle (awesome job drawing the bottle) in the pouch...genius!

Love the poem too!

Claire Grantham said...

Happy New Year Darnell!! I love your tag and card - too awesome for words..you are so right about drawing half of something..same idea I use for dress patterns :) Cx #67

Katie Ann Brooks said...

This is so fun, fabulous use of the Washi!!!!

Katie Ann Brooks said...

PS- Happy New Year!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Way to celebrate on a card! Looking forward to 2014 with your fun posts and creations~

Karen P said...

That is very very clever and very very lovely! What a fab tag and pocket - love it!! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones Darnell xx

Jeanne H said...

Happy New Year to you too! Your card is just delightful! Looking forward to visiting you in 2014! Best to you and your family. Cyber hugs too.

Greta said...

Oh wow--best use I've ever seen of Washi--LOVE this, Darnell! Here's to a great 2014--maybe even a meet in person!

SandeeNC said...

Love your tag, wishing you an awesome 2014, may it be as sparkling as your personality! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Mrs A. said...

I like your sparkly bottle. I snuck a sip whilst no one was watching. But it's ok I topped it back up,with tap water ! Hugs Mrs a.

Anonymous said...

Gosh that's a clean desk you've got there, you must have spent all the time between Christmas and New Year having a massive tidy up! Very happy with my Santa gifts this year, as always, Andrew is as interested in the swift as I am and has wound many a hank in the last day or two! If only I could get him as interested in house work, lol!! Hope you had a brilliant New Year and health and good cheer to you and the Mister.

Brenda 4

alexandra s.m. said...

you are such a clever artist Darnell!
Love that bottle!
✯ Happy new Year ✯

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!
I know I always say it again & again -- & again -- & again!!!!
Clever !!
You must
Share !!
Lol !!!!
Love love love your fab design!!
Great job!!!

Nicole’s Craft Nook
Nicole’s Valentine’s Day BLOG Candy

Harriet Skelly said...

Happy New Year Darnell (and to the Mister too)! Love that sparkly and flashy tag/card! Your poem is very cute too - you are so talented my friend!!

cotnob said...

This is such a fabulous New Year card Darnell, great design and I love all of the sparkle.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

Pat said...

A very innovative design Darnell with lovely sparkly washi tape, and a cute little poem to go with it. Cheers and Happy New Year. x

Nikki said...

What a fun champagne bottle you created it's a perfect festive way to start the new Year hugs Nikki 8
Happy New Year too

Laurie Unger said...

Great card and even better poem! Happy New Year!

Vickie Z said...

Well, how perfect is that champagne bottle!! I am always so stumped with the washi... this is perfect!! Happy New Year to You!!

Karen Davis said...

Another fabulous New Year card. I love the champagne bottle, the colours are so festive.

Unknown said...

What fun projects for new years!! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. Thanks for sharing :)

Loll said...

Happy New Year Dolly! Wishing you and your family peace, joy, good health and happiness for 2014!

LOVE the washi tape champagne bottle - so creative and I love the pocket holder and all the bling. Great start to the year Dolly - keep 'em comin' :) Lolly xx

Karren said...

Fabulous card and tag - so clever! Love the poem! Happy New Year, Darnell!

Dana said...

Oh wow!! Love how you made a little pocket for the bottle!! I also wish my desk was as clean as yours!!

laurie said...

Awesome! Happy New Year!

Kay Miller said...

Happy new year Darnell!! I'm wishing you the best!! Your card is magnificent!! You are so clever to be able to cut that bottle out! I love the gold washi tape too! Very festive!! Love your poem too! You're quite the poet!! Thanks so much for the congratulation you left on my blog :) ((hugs))

Barb Ghig said...

You are the "Poet Extraordinaire", Darnell ~ LOL!!! I just LOVE visiting your blog so much! Love your hand drawn tag and your card is fabulous! Awesome color combo, too!

Thanks so much for always making me smile...Happy, Healthy New Year!!!

Nan G said...

Oh my if only it were real I'd take a sip with you! Happy New Year Darnell!! Thank you thank you! You're arrived on a day that I really needed some happy mail! Your card and Kay's will be my Friday Smiles post cause they gave me a smile! Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW New Year! Nan G #47

Shannon J said...

Okay, your champagne bottle is the coolest thing ever!!! Love how you imagined it, love how you made it, and love how you included it on your card! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, Darnell! And here's my poem back to you:
You are so cool, so sweet and so fun,
Your posts make me smile, I love them a ton!
Can't thank you enough for all the inspiration!
(...and that's all I got...!!) ha ha!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...Happy New Year! This is one amazing card...love your bottle of bubbly. This really makes for one amazing card. See you soon.

Dawn's Stamping Garden said...

Darnell, Beautiful cards and poetry, too! Not surprised at such talent! Happy New Year to you and LOVE your workdesk! It's always so clean...unlike mine!
See you next week!
Blessings & Hugs, Dawn

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Your champagne bottle was gorgeous! Great card! I can't believe your desk looked that clean and ou had just finished the project! Mine always looks like a tornado hit it!
And your poem! Your talent is astounding! I am sure you will be published soon! And it will be become required reading in the local high schools!

Kate said...

You had me at the pay check joke - thanks for all the laughs in 2013 and can't wait for 2014.

Ros Crawford said...

Happy New Year!! Fabulous creation!

Joni Andaya said...

What an AWESOME card Darnell! Love it! Happy New Year again :)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Darnell, fabulous tag card and a brilliant rhyme - your are such a talented lady and you certainly provide me with plenty of inspiration too :) Have a great week and a wonderful 2014. Hugs, Elizabeth x #79

Bonnie said...

That's an awesome champagne bottle you've created! And the stars add the pop! Hope this is the best year so far for you!

Julia Dunnit said...

We'll. I can't match that for a post. Or for blingy. Champagne type ideas either. You are wonderful, a tonic and a star. happy new Year!

Inkyfingers said...

What a fabulous idea Darnell - if I was with you I'd raise a glass to toast your wonderful champagne tag and card. Thank you for being a wonderful blog buddy and May the Creative Muse sit on your shoulder all the new year long!
Carol x

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

Love the card! I tried using some of my washi tape and it was trash -- all stuck together and not worth the discounted price I paid for it.

Your little ditty is way too clever!!!


Jackie Rockwell said...

Super sparkly and fun card Darnell! Hope you had an equally fun New Year's day!!!

Happy Dance said...

When my sister Sue and I went to Florida a few years back, around our sister Lisa's birthday, we came home with a special little present for her... a hooded sweatshirt with a pocket smack dab in the front, that held a beer! This is so much nicer than that. Your champagne bottle is whimsical and sparkly. The pocket is pure genius. Your poetry rocks. And your posts are FUN! xoxo Bev

Sheila H said...

Very cute and clever! I hope you have a happy new year! And thanks so much for mentioning me on your blog :)

cm said...

LOVE, LOVE and LOVE your sparkly champagne bottle with its delightful pocket! And your poetry: fabulous! I'll be sharing it with my dad, for sure!! May the Creative Muses - of card making and blog writing - continue to inspire you, so that we, your super loyal fans who love you immensely, can also continue to be inspired, dazzled and amazing by YOU! Hugs~c

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Darnell, your champagne card is BRILLIANT, I looooooove the bedeckled and bedazzled bottle, the pocket is fantastic, BRIILIANT card my dear and you do make my smile big, it's wonderful to be visiting, you make us all feel GOOD :O)I've a lot of visiting to do so I'll be fly off and will visit soon ((( BIG HUGS ))) my dear Friend.. 97 comments , how well loved you are, always brightening our day...

Dianne said...

I just read your wonderful New year poetry, you are THE BEST, BEST. you inspire me to just be a better person, try to put a smile on someones face, CHEERS to you my dear lovely woman.....

okienurse said...

great post and poem! I love the sparkling sparkly bottle pocket card! Didn't get a chance to do a WOYWW post...may get to it tomorrow...this week but just wanted to drop by and say hello! Vickie aka Okienurse

♥Gemma♥ said...

FABulous card hunni, i so love it and Thank you for the warm welcome to your blog that is ever so sweet of you to do!!

I hope you have a fantastic and very creative 2014 hunni and can't wait to see more of your inspiring creations :)
hugs and xxx

Sharon Underwood said...

I just love to read your blog! That 2014 poem is great! Thank you for putting another smile on my face. Your card looks wonderful. Love the bottle! Think I'll look into the What's On Your Desk challenge. I always enjoy looking at yours to see what you've been up to. Your craft space is inspiring. I just love it, and I am sure you do, too!

MaryH said...

Wow! Great use of your glitzy washi. This was such a clever card, and the best use I've seen to date of the washi. Loved the poem too...I think you are a closet writer, my girl!!! I'll check out your new followers. I always get some good places to visit when they come to the Playhouse first!!! Hugs & TFS