A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 21, 2013

Bell Radar ~ CASology #71; CASOS #21; NBUS #73

Hey there!

We've almost whooshed around to another Friday, folks!

This will prolly not come as a shock to you since you know how much I love words.  I LOVE the word challenges.  Don't get me wrong, I also love the color and sketch challenges, but there is something especially intriguing to me about being given one or two abstract words and building a card from that.  It no doubt stems from being an avid crossword puzzle solver since I can remember.  Hmmm, I should stop saying it like that since nowadays my memory only stretches back to a week ago last Tuesday.

So.  There I was, intending to continue with the holiday cards, and actually signing Thanksgiving cards to send out when the current challenge at CASology started getting the hamster all becited.  This week the word is "bell." 
Now it's a brilliant choice of word for this time of year because of jingle bells and Christmas bells and holly bells.  Wait.  Are there holly bells?  Well, there should be if there aren't.  And what about hell's bells?  Who has heard that expression?  As in "well, hell's bells, I didn't know she was that pigheaded."  What would they look like?  Anybody? 

But, I, um, mooved in a different direction.

See, I have this ancient stamp from an OOB stamp company of the head of a cow, rocking out to the moosic in his headphones.  It's too funny and looks like this:
So, where's the bell?  Is it Clara Bell, a common name for a cow where I come from?  Nope.  The bell comes from the cow bell I made for it, thus:
Here is a close-up:
I have to admit this card karacks me up.  What a great card for a guy.  For those of you that are city folk, cows do often wear cow bells just like that so the farmer can find them easierly if they get lost down in a creek ravine, or in fog or bad weather.  However, normal cows don't wear bling'd up cow bells.  Then again, most cows don't rock out to moosic on their headsets!
To make my cow's bell, I cut itty bitty pieces of my sparkly black and silver Washi tape.  Gosh, it's going to be hard to use this stamp in the future without a making a cowbell for it!  The sediment is NBUS and is from Simon Says Stamp.


It turns out that my cow card qualifies for another fun challenge I really like, CAS on Sunday, where they want "One Layer Cards."
CAS On Sunday Challenge

Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 

*Life Is Too Short! 
Paper:  PTI white
Stamps:  MA "Moo-sic Lover" (OOB);
    SSS "Conversations and Banners"
Ink:  Versafine onyx black
Washi tape:  Freckled Fawn


Lisa Elton said...

Oh my gosh this is hysterical!! I like your way of thinking LOL!!! Perfectly executed Darnell, this one is a winner FOR SURE!!!

Pia S said...

What a clever version of the bell theme! I love this cow and your cool design!

jimlynn said...

Well, hell's bells if that's not a cute card! Yes I've heard the expression and you're very creative to use the cow on here. CUTE!

Pat said...

What a great idea Darnell and so cleverly cut out. You are so good at thinking outside the box. x

shirley-bee said...

Oh, this is genius, Darnell, I love it! And your idea of cows listening to rock music isn't as daft as it sounds (but they produce more milk if they listen to classical music. Honest!) Check it out:

Happy Dance said...

Anyone in Wiscownsin would totally get that...ok...maybe not the "true" city-folk, and there are actual cities in Wiscownsin! Absolutely and totally funny! Love this, and without even seeing the rest of the posted cards, I'm calling "winner". You are a hoot, girl! Still grinning... Bev

Alanna said...

What a fun card and stamp. Such a unique take on the cue word.

sally said...

Too funny! I love where "bells" has taken you, I plan on making mine tomorrow :-)


Canonbury creations said...

Unique take on the challenge Darnell, love the bell:)
Val x

Shannon J said...

LOVE this! Such a fabulously unique take on the challenge! And that cow really does look like he's rockin' out!!!!

Lucinde | Lucilight said...

Love your idea!!! And it's just an amazing CAS-card!

Beverley said...

Ha! This is so fun & stylish. Hugs Bev x

Angela said...

YOU Karack me up, Darnell! That is so clever to use a cow bell theme! So clean and handsome too!

Kristie Goulet said...

This surely karacked me up too, Darnell!!! So clever!

Benzi said...

You sure had that mind working in overdrive to come up with this cow bell idea. Don't blame you for moving away from Hell's Bells, although your mention of it had me googling it. Ha

I love how you made that bell and I can just hear it ringing......loud and clear. That cow sure seems to be enjoying it.

Fun, fun, fun!!!

Sue - said...

So clever Darnell and love your cow mooving with the moosic!

Gerrina said...

This is a really fun card! Great how you made the cow bell fit oerfectly! Inky greetings, Gerrina

Aileen said...

So c o o l. Just love the whole look. What a great stamp and that bell is just perfect. Clever clever lady.

Dana said...

oh my this card is hilarious!! I love it!!

Redanne said...

That image just karacks me up too Darnell! What a fantastic idea you had and Clara's bell really does look 3D - you did an amazing job on that. Love, love, love this card! Hugs, Annie xx

Vicki Dutcher said...

HA! Way to think outside the box and use a literal translation! Totally a fun card!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Your post karracks me up!!!
Your card is so funny! Where do you find all these stamps???? Just love it!!!!

Sue said...

I love your fun card Darnell, thank you for making me smile!
hugs Sue xx

Anonymous said...

Hahaha ... I can just hear this bell chiming in time with the moosic, Darnell ... it's amazing! Not only is this cow moosical, she's also udderly a la mode with her sparkly, shimmery bell! Anita :)

Nan G said...

Haw-stare-icle Darnell. You are so mootivating and we all want to emmoolate you. :)))

cm said...

Hahahaha... your wonderful bell post has me in peals of laughter! LOVE x LOVE your mooving to the tunes cow; she is a cutie-pie! My sister and I, back in the day when we were kids, always 'rounded up' the cows for my grandparents when milking time came around. Even though the cows were perfectly capable of finding their own way to the barn, we felt just so 'helpful.' Of course, a few of the cows were belled - and we loved listening to the jingle as we walked (often not paying attention and finding ourselves trodding through 'patties'). Oh, the memories! Udderly delightful! Hugs~ c

Ardyth said...

You know I actually thought of a cow bell, but I just didn't have the stamp for it. But you certainly did! This is hilarious! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!

Kathleen said...

Vwery funny, great idea though.

Kath x

Barb Ghig said...

I always enjoy reading your posts, Darnell...you are too funny!

Your card is so clever! I never would have thought of 'Cow's Bells', and it's so perfect on your CAS design! I'm still laughing over the headsets...thanks for making me smile!

OH Babs said...

Dag-nab-it your creativity continues even when you are feeling under the weather. Could it be the amount of milk you drink? I wanna know. I too love "word" challenges.

Joyce said...

What a fun take on the word. Love the cow bell.

Bobby said...

Your card karacks me up, too. You are one crazy lady - crazy in a good way. :) And I love crosswords puzzles, too.

Kim M said...

OMG! This card is freakin' fantastic!! Who wouldn't love this?? It's got to to win one of these challenges. Or both! Simply amazing, Darnell.

Geri said...

....another FABULOUS card!

I'm thinking that this sweet Charolais is listening to Madonna belt out "Like A Prayer"...she looks like she is definitely in the zone! Love the bell and the priceless sentiment - clever as ever!

Yep, this sweet bovine will definitely be walking away with a first place ribbon dangling from her head phones!

karen h said...

This is so awesome! Bell made me think about Walken saying "needs more cowbell", and here you've created just that! lol.

Greta said...

Now you've really cracked me up, Darnell! Creative genius!

Susanne Vargas said...

Oh my, this card is hilarious, Darnell! Only you would think about cow bells when everyone else is thinking of holiday bells! And that's what I love about you!

Tracey McNeely said...

Cow bell i love it Darnell! Thank you so much for joining us at CASology this week!

Diane said...

Oh my gosh you are funny you certainly have a way with words Darnell.

Very cute card design.

Hugs Diane

G Peplow said...

Clever girl!!! I love this card Darnell, what a brilliant image and your bell is simply perfect. The sentiment finishes beautifully what , in my opinion is my favouite card of yours so far! You really made me giggle with this one :D hugs Gay x

Sammy said...

FABULOUS! I don't understand why there wasn't a cowbell on the image in the first place, because it belongs there! LOVE it! x

Chrissy Larson said...

You always crack me up and this card is PERFECT! My hubby would love it and would be scream, "MORE COW BELL!!" ;)

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

This is really funny card
have a lovely weekend
hugs Tamara

Carole said...

Good golly Gertie...that reely quacks me up...thanks for the giggles and chuckles that keep bubbling up. I think I'll read over some of the many comments posted. Thanks for your visit and kind words. May wonderful circumstances delight you daily and have a Happy Thanksgiving...Hugs Carole
oh yea the cow bell is genius!

Carol L said...

Hell's Bells - now that was a great song - just like this is a great card! You're line of thinking blows me away with the things you come up with! Genius!

Carole said...

I'm back after reading the comments...too funny but what Nan said is true we are emulating you..little bits of Darnell-isms all over the blog world.
I often read your name on other blogs too. I think Loll recently mentioned you'd be proud of her. Well I'm so proud to know you from a distance and happy to know you reach so many people to delight and inspire them...Look out girl you might go viral.

Meghan said...

You have started my day out with a much needed chuckle! I just love this card! Masculine cards can be so hard but apparently not for you! So glad you joined us at CASology this week!

Karren said...

Love how you think outside the square, Darnell! This is hilarious. Such a fun image and your addition of the bell is just perfect!

Karen P said...

You have such a wonderful way with words that I love to visit you because you brighten my day. This wee cutie reminds me of the cows in Austria where they wear those gorgeous bells - a really wonderful creation and oh so clever of you to make the bell - it's a fantastic card. Have a lovely weekend x

MagsB said...

I love this, hun! Too funny!

My Dad still has the cow bell that my mother brought back from Switzerland when she visited a friend there in the '30s. It was always rung to summon us to the dinner table, so it's a sound that has happy memories for me lol!

I hope you're feeling better now!

love Mags B x

Unknown said...

I'm in love with your cow Dippy! The expression on his (her?) face is priceless........and that sentiment is brilliant! Ab fab....


Karendipity xxx

Cathy Weber said...

Oh Darnell...what a clever use of the cue word Bell. Leave it to you!

Nancy Guse said...

Great cow and bell Darnell! You are always thinking!

Bonnie said...

WOW, girl, I love the way your mind works! This is an amazing card and will not only bring a smile but an outright belly laugh! Hell's bells, I can't stop giggling!

Marie Bingaman said...

Heheheheheeeee, totally FUNNY!!! :)

wienerhoneymooners said...

Acccckkkkkkk Darnell!!!! This has me in stitches! Geefawwing all ove ther place.. Ah wish my hubby was not working late so I could yell over "Getat look at this" I would say, and he would chuckle too, I just know it!!

Thanks for adding this to the CASology Gallery, hah... I love it!

Cathy said...

Brilliant card Darnell! Cathy x

Ros Crawford said...

Absolutely fabulous!!

anja curvers said...

Such a fun vard. Thank you for joining us over at CAS on sunday.

alexandra s.m. said...

How fun!
TFS Darnell!

Judy1223 said...

Well, for a minute there I thought you were going to have a card using the "hell's bells" line of thinking...but you TURNED on me in the last second and surprised me! LOVE this clever card, made me think of that Saturday Night Live clip with Christopher Watkins ("Needs more cowbell!") Thanks for the chuckle...and thanks for joining us at CASology!

Karen M said...

Love your take on the cue word Darnell - very clever and your card looks fab! Hugs xx

Marybeth said...

How the heck did you get that bell to look like it was stamped and not w tape!!!!!!! I keep zooming in on it ! Amazing ,and this is one great one layer guy card! One layer is kinda fun and challenging at the same time. Love your cow bell !

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

This card cracks moo up too! The bell is super cool - pure genius!

Lyndal said...

FAB stamp & LOVE your washi bell :)

Dianne said...

Hello my dear Miss Darnell, this card is Bellarific, you are too creative and too funny,, it's a brilliant make only you could achieve, love how the beautiful brain works, thanks for sharing..

Cindy Brumbaugh said...

So, we are getting ready to move, and I was cleaning out my 23 year old son's room and found a cow bell! Hmmm....could not figure out what it was when I came across it. Then my daughter came home from college and said...cowbell, mom...need more cowbell..Will Ferrell Halloween. Then, I laughed a day later when I saw your card!!!

Anonymous said...

hee hee heeh hahahh hahhah hhahaha hahha !! I needed a smile, thanks buddy!! :) :) :) XO

Happy Dance said...

Mooovelous card! Congrats on the HM over at CASology!!! Just knew this one was a winner. : ) Bev

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on you HM at CAS-ology and very well deserved indeed. I loved this card as always you had a great and humorous take on the cue word.


donna mikasa said...

Hi Darnell! Gosh, I had to scroll for quite a spell to get to the comment box! This card karacks me up, too! LOVE your handmade bell and yes, I think you need to construct a whole bunch of them and have them ready on hand. Great masculine card--congrats on your HM win, too!

Bobby said...

Congrats on your HM. I'm not surprised. So out of the ordinary that it caught everyone's attention. And isn't that what the challenges are for.

Kim Heggins said...

Ok, you can see that I am finally getting caught up on my commenting. This is just too darn cute...I love that cow with the bell rockin' out! So fun.

Anonymous said...

Cowngratulations on your moosical HM at CASology, Darnell ... I know, I'm late to the celebrations ... hoping you'll see it as fashionably so! Anita :)

Kim S said...

Only you, Darnell. Only you.

Do you know how hard it is to read your blog posts late? Scrolling ALL the way to the bottom of the comments to leave a comment makes my mouse fingers hurt!