A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 20, 2013

O' Christmas Tree ~ CHNCE; LIM #146; MM #84; SSS Monday

Hello All!

I'm sorry I've been quiet for a few days.  I've had a bit of an under-the-weather congestion situation and a thumb injury, all quite minor, but it seems to have brought on a case of Nojo.  So I just let Nojo sulk in the Playhouse, and Mister deal with a hot water heater that went belly up, and I spent a couple of inspiring days catching up on most of your blogs, which I enjoyed immensely.
To be honest, I think Mr. Nojo dropped in primarily because I've worn the poor hamster out.  The poor dear has been frazzlepated by the rapid back-and-forth that I'm subjecting him to ~ one hour I need a Thanksgiving card idea and the next hour, we're onto Christmas card ideas, then back to Thanksg ... oh, and don't forget people still have birthdays or need a pick-me-up card this time of year, too!  It is a rather splitzophrenic few weeks of the year for card makers, for sure for card makers living in places where Thanksgiving is celebrated and held in high regard.
Today, we turned our attention to Christmas cards and these delightful challenges which caught our attention.  Great, now I'm talking like me and the hamster are two separate people.  Medic!
There are so many fun Christmas (and other) challenges this time of year!  I hope to see you playing in them, too.  You can click on the links for details and prize and sponsor information.
Here is my card:
What's the mystery?  The mystery is how I did it.  At first glance, because of the shadow on the tree and the back of the card front, it looks as if the tree die cut was made in the face of the card and that you are looking through the aperture to the designer patterned paper on the inside.  Not. 

I die cut a very ancient piece of designer paper from GKW with my PTI Christmas tree die.  Then I ran another die cut using brown sugar paper for a shadow.  Then I glued the two pieces together, offset, so the brown paper made a shadow, and applied it to the card base.  And then I thought it need a trunk.  And words on the trunk.  And a shadow on the trunk.  And, well, perhaps the day is lengthening such that there is a tree shadow, too.  You know how one thing leads to another.
For bling I added a tiny half-pearl and I used my glitter pen to add drops of sparkle all along the trees inside my tree, which you'll have to for my word take. 

It's a different card, huh?  I think this is one of those cards you're either gonna like a lot or not like at all.  Some cards evoke strong reactions like that. 
That reminds me, did you hear that the word "huh" is the only word that is spoken the same in every single language?  So now when you ask your teenager (or your husband), "Whadda you mean, 'huh'?", you can picture other parents (or wives) all over the world asking the same question!
Next, I'm gonna need you to don a party hat from over there behind Fran, help yourself to some champagnah, and get comfy while I happily introduce you to a some amazingly talented new friends!  Wah Hoo!!  Please meet:
My PhotoPat of Colourful Card Creations.  Pat is brand, brand spanking new and extremely gifted.  You know how I like you to especially welcome the new crafters to the Land of Blog.  It can be an intimidating place when you're new.  You won't be sorry you stopped in to see Pat!

Barb Ghig of Barb's Studio Creations.  A lot of you might be familiar with Barb as she has been a supportive commenter on other artist's blogs for quite some time.  Barb started her blog last month to showcase her own wonderful card art and I know she, too, would love to meet you, if you haven't already had the privilege.
My Photo

Trisha Klowak of Crafty Paws by Trisha.  Trisha has had her blog for a number of years, but has only really gotten active this year.  I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy what you find on her blog and that she, too, would love your encouragement.  If you can tear your eyes off that smoochable pooch!
My PhotoPatti J. of Cherish Each Precious Day.  Patti started her blog in 2008!  That's right!  If you need inspiration, tutorials, advice, or just an enjoyable time, Patti is your experienced blogger and card artist!
Thank you, ladies, and welcome!  I'm very appreciative of your support and encouragement of me and my Playhouse shenanigans!
Short and sweet for me.  I know you all have lots to do!  Whatever it is, enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 

*Life Is Too Short! 
Paper:  PTI vintage cream; SU! brown sugar;
  and unknown designer paper
Stamps: SU!  I think.  It might be Hero Arts
Ink:  SU! brown sugar pad/marker; Marvy
  sage marker; Sakura "Clear Star" pen


Kathyk said...

Fabbylish card matey, love to visit your highly entertaining blog


Sue - said...

Sorry to hear you've been a bit under the weather. Sometimes I think its good to have a little break whatever the reason as you come back with renewed enthusiasm! Love the tree made out of tree paper- very clever! x Sue

Sammy said...

Put me in the "love it" column! Absolutely fabulous tree.

And "splitzophrenic" is now my new favourite word. And I have to admit I suffer from such also at the moment. Every single DT I'm on having a different topic helps that along too, but I wouldn't have it any other way... Keeps things interesting!

Hope you can climb on top of the weather again now, because being under it is no fun! x

Anonymous said...

I think it's FAB and SMART!! When you make cards like this, I smile!! So sorry to hear that you aren't up to snuff...!? Who's going to be using all the NBUS??
;) ;) Hope you enjoy the break, I feel they are they best medicine!! xo

stampwithsandy said...

Great card for all your challenges, Darnell! Love the patterned paper and your expertly done shadows!

Chrissie said...

It looks as fab as ever Darnell, how I wish I could come and visit the playhouse one day!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Tree in tree briliant idea
love your card
hugs Tamara

Viv said...

Lovely card Darnell - glad you're feeling a bit more 'on the up'!

Redanne said...

Oh Darnell, I am sorry to hear that you are under the weather, I hope you are back to full strength soon.

Please put me on the 'love it' list, your card is so clever and innovative - you are so talented and I just adore what you did with this card.

Thinking of you, my friend. Big hugs, Annie xx

Sue said...

This is wonderful Darnell. I love the die cut tree from the patterned paper and the added shadow looks fabulous.
Sorry to hear that you have been unwell, I do hope you are on top form soon.
Take care, sending you hugs
Sue xx

Hettie said...

Lovely card there Darnell. Sorry to hear about Mr Nojo! I am sure you will kick him into touch very soon!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, your card is very pretty, I love that tree die cut. Sorry you've been 'under the weather'. I know I need breaks from creating cards, especially when I've been on 'card binges'. I work ahead so I usually still have regular blog posts during a break. Hugs, Shirleyx

Pat said...

Sorry you have been feeling a bit UTW but I don't think you've got nojo cos your tree card is lovely! Thank you for mentioning me and my blog and making such lovely comments. I really appreciate lt. x

alexandra s.m. said...

You're card is beautiful, very "pure"...
Feel better soon...

Marcia Hill said...

I don't know how anyone could not like this card Darnell...it's perfect! I LOVE how you did the shadow! That is such a cool idea and I just may have to "borrow" it! :0) Hope you're feeling better too...hard time of year to be sick! Take care! :0)

Jacquie Southas said...

I'm in the "love it" column - especially the cool shadow! Hope there was much of a mess with the water heater- my leaky pipe is repaired, but the hole in the ceiling still needs to be fixed.

Jacquie Southas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Fantastic card Darnell, great use of the designer paper. Hope you'll feel better soon.

Warm hugs

Shannon J said...

Well, count me in the love it A LOT camp!!! Love the detail, and extra love the sentiment stamped stump!!! I'd say your Nojo has disappeared! Hope things are getting better for you - so unthoughtful of your hot water tank to go at the same time you were under the weather - how rude!

Fabiola said...

superbe, j'aime cette élégance, biz

shirley-bee said...

That poor hamster in your head, huh! Love how you've made your tree from tree paper!

Bonnie said...

Sorry to hear that the hamster drove you to Nojo! Looks like you have him calmed down and aimed in the right direction now! I love the shadows and the tree decorated with trees. A novel idea! And you know I always love seeing your creations at Merry Monday!

Alanna said...

I hope you are feeling better now. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and just how you have subjected your Nojo to all the changes. :)

Your card is beautiful. I love that you created a shadow. I don't think I've ever thought to do that. And I love that you put the sentiment in the trunk.

Barb Ghig said...

I'm so sorry you've been under the weather lately, and your thumb...ouch!

I must say that in spite of it all, your Mojo is is in 'Top Form' with this beautiful card! I love the shadow effect...so clever and all the sparkly goodness you added to this lovely creation is so festive!

Thank you so much for introducing me to your blog friends...what a nice surprise! I always enjoy visiting your blog, Darnell! Thank you for the stunning eye candy, and for entertaining us with your prolific writing skills!

Off to meet your other newbies :-)

Karen P said...

That is stunning and clever in so many, many ways! I had to do a double take to re read the post and look at the photograph again to work out how you made it. Hope you feel better soon xx

cm said...

Glad to hear - and see - that a time out in the playroom has Nojo restored to Mojo, as evidenced by this brilliant card! Please put a "like it tons" chec kmark next to my name!! Your sinus-and-thumb issues don't sound pleasant - perhaps they need to be sent to the playhouse, as well! Your card truly is lovely, and once again, a single player for a bunch of teams! Fabulous!! Glad you're back!! Hugs~

Kathleen said...

Brilliant idea for a card, and all the ideas that followed, shadows, bling, trunk so many ideas in so short a time.

I am thinking of avoiding blogger for a while as there seems to be so many out there that are ailing one
way or another and I can't do with anything before Christmas!, hope you heal soon.
Thank goodness I don't have a profile picture and you chose my little onion/bird.

Take care

Kath x

Unknown said...

Hi Dippy - I just love your "tree of trees"! It's such a neat idea and one I'm going to CASe.... only you could come up with trunk, sentiment, shadow....a bit more shadow! Don't ever change :o)


Karendipity xxx

jimlynn said...

Well, I, for one, really like it!!! your tree within a tree card is fantastic!
Hope you're feeling up to par again soon.

Nan G said...

Fab Christmas tree wrapped in a Christmas tree blanket. Well, in my eyes. :) Very cool, really. Hugs p.s. multi-tasking and cutting apart stamps for cling foam mounting. Multi multi tasking! :))

Carol L said...

Very clever and innovative card design! It's like one of those puzzles - how many trees can you see in this picture? LOL I like the shadow effect too! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Can I be in the 'very cool' camp?? Cause the shadow is so cool, Darnell, as are the trees-in-the-tree ... really very very cool! How horrid to be under the weather ... so glad you're back to you and the hamster! Anita :)

Kim M said...

I really like this card, Darnell. I can imagine how pretty the sparkle is. :-). Thanks for you nice comments on my recent posts. And thanks again for the happy mail! You are so sweet! Hugs! :-)

roffeycreations said...

Hi Darnel - your "Cant see the forest for the trees" card is great - love the tree inside stamp - can think of lots to do with it... have a great week - Mxx

Bobby said...

Nothing like illness to slow down the hamster and chase the creativity away. It looks like you're speeding up again with this unique trees within a tree card, with shadows no less.

scrappymo! said...

Another great post! This card is such a great idea...I think I have that same paper!!!

Too funny!

Brenda in IN said...

I'm one that likes this card. The shadow makes it really stand out and be different. Hope you are feeling better and back in the groove.

Diane said...

Absolutely fabulous tree, love the colors.

Hugs Diane

Feel better soon.

Misty said...

Great card, I really like the shadow effect.

MaryH said...

Well, this gets MY vote you sweet lady you. Thanks for the kind words this afternoon about the 3 20 blog hop. I loved the shadow effect on your card, and at first glance - thought it was an aperture card. Great designing on this idea. Also I loved the particular pattern paper you used to die cut the tree...most clever. I thought it was stamping, so returned for a re-read (ole brains don't retain so well!). I see 2 familiar faces on your new followers and can attest to some major talent at these blogs (Patti J & Sue). I'll be looking at the other peeps as soon as I can get round to all the commenting I need done. I loved your splitzophrenic. I'm gonna remember THAT one, cause I think I are it! Hugs & hope you are all better now, and I can see NoJo didn't stray too very far. TFS

Greta said...

Hi Darnell--such a creative, unique card--I really like it! Glad you're feeling better. I was thrilled to read your comment--you knew Crane stationary & my card reminded you of it before you read that was my idea?! Amazing! Hugs, Greta

Lisa Elton said...

BRILLIANT idea(s) Darnell...a tree made of trees!! And the shadowing looks wonderful. Thanks for your visit to my blog, they're always a bright spot in my day ;)

Kim Heggins said...

As always...too stinkin' clever. So sorry to hear you have been a bit under the weather, sending well wishes your way and good luck with you hamster too, LOL

Gerrina said...

Sorry to read tou were under the weather... Think the shadow is super! Great idea! Inky greetings, Gerina

Dana said...

Whoa!! LOVE LOVE!! This is amazing love the optical allusion!!

Michelle said...

Wow! I am really impressed. It's a fabulous mystery and I looked at it for quite some time before I was able to detect your technique. Very clever! I love this card and I am so pleased that you shared it with us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Monday challenge. Thank you! ~Michelle

Geri said...

"we"....you're a hoot girl! I could almost see the little hamster sitting on your shoulder, arms crossed, nodding his head in agreement to your card choice...then scurrying back onto his wheel(via your ear) for the next challenge! No medic needed here ???

You have totally created an amazing optical illusion! My first impression was definitely the aperture thing! The burgundy is gorgeous with the shades of green and the tree trunk message - clever as ever AGAIN!

Kristii said...

Wow!! What a clever take on the mystery challenge!! I love it!!

Canonbury creations said...

Treelicious Darnell, love it:)
Val x

Chrissy Larson said...

LOVE! What a cool idea and an awesome card. You are amazing!

Notes by Nina said...

Fabulous tree Darnell, what a wonderful idea.Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday.

Linda Callahan said...

Ahhhh very cool tree and trees! Beautiful effect! And I agree it is a nutsy time of year!

Lesley said...

Cool take on the challenge! Love this. Thank you for joining us at Merry Monday!

Susan Joyce said...

Love the DSP you used for your tree Darnell and the shadow looks amazing. Thanks for joining us at Merry Monday this week.

Marybeth said...

Another card I am zooming in on and trying to figure out how and what you did. I get the first part of the shadow but the extra strip ....how do you think of this? Sure adds a lot of extra to your card. It's a beautiful tree card Darnell! You are amazing!

JD/ Jill said...

Put me in the "like" list too. It's really cute and creative!

Cindy Brumbaugh said...

Clever shadow, Darnell. Love the thought that you put into it;)

Hazel said...

Thanks for entering this lovely card for my CHNC challenge extra for November - hope to see you again soon. x