My desk is big ol' pile of piles.
I mentioned earlier this week that I had begun the process of organizing my clear stamps by theme. It just works better for me and the way my brain works (or doesn't!). For instance, here is my cabinet of older wooden stamps, organized by theme: birthday in one drawer; thank yous in one drawer; hearts and anniversarys and get wells in a drawer; backgrounds in a drawer; trees and leaves ... you get the idea.
When I first ventured into the world of clear stamps, I left them alone in their packaging, or transferred them to CD cases or SU! cases, but kept them in tact, so as to be diplomatic. Now, however, my collection of clear stamps has grown to the point where I can no longer keep track of all the little bits and pieces the manufacturers so generously "toss in" as part of the deal.
For instance, here is a set from SU! calling Moving Forward:
For instance, here is a set from SU! calling Moving Forward:
It's a perfectly nice set and I like it a lot. But several things make me batty about it. I think the crow and the frog and the wee flowers and the bee-line are "moving forward" stretches of the imaginarium. I would never think to look for a crow in my "moving forward" set. But I would look for it in my "Birds" container. You know what I mean? Also, in this set, the words are stuck there under the pictures, all-in-one. That's a patootie pain if I want to use that sweet "hello, dear friend" sediment with a different image, which is very likely.
So I cut this whole set up. NO! Yup, I did. I put the sail boats with other sailing images, I put the tricycle with other biking images, I put the blimp with hot air balloons, the frogs with frogs, etc., and I put the sentiments with like sentiments.
Ah, yes, the sentiments. Lots of the clear sentiment packages contain birthday and anniversary and get well and sympathy and love-life wishes all together.
There is no way I'm going to remember which sediment is in which package. So say I want to make a card, I'm rather old and the memory, she ain't what she used to be, and generally life is too short. I can't afford to spend 25 minutes every time I want to make a card flipping through, or pulling out, case after case to see whether it might contain "just" the bird, or the dog, or the sediment I want for my card. In the end, the only flipping is me (out) and the only pulling is me (hair). SO not good.
There is no way I'm going to remember which sediment is in which package. So say I want to make a card, I'm rather old and the memory, she ain't what she used to be, and generally life is too short. I can't afford to spend 25 minutes every time I want to make a card flipping through, or pulling out, case after case to see whether it might contain "just" the bird, or the dog, or the sediment I want for my card. In the end, the only flipping is me (out) and the only pulling is me (hair). SO not good.
In preblog days, with my woodens, I didn't care who the manufacturer was. Now with this blog, I realize that it is nice to be able to give out that information so I'm taking the time to include it with the image.
It's time-consuming and it's going to take me until next Wednesday's WOYWW to finish it up. My "system" might make you flip out and pull out your hair (in fact, most likely!), but that's what happening at Zee Playhouse this week. I'd love your thoughts and would enjoy seeing what system works for you.
To join in the fun and see more desks, and to show us yours, click over to Ms. Julia Dunnit's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday. I'll visit as many desks as I can and if you stopped by, please let me know, so I can return the flavor.
Finally, our granddog Duke, warmly dressed for the car ride back to his own home, wanted to say goodbye!
"I'll miss you!"
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy your day. LITS!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy your day. LITS!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

Hi Darnell, I know exactly where you are coming from with this, I break down my stamp packs also it only causes a problem when someone asks me what stamp set one was from - err! Bye Bye Granddog x Happy WOYWW Mo x
Hi Darnell I thought I had some stuff but I think you bet me. Although you do look more sorted than me.
KIKKI says hi to duke and hopes he likes the car better than she does
Lynn //50
Darnell, I have Drawer Envy!! I LOVE cupboards with loads of small drawers in and yours is beeyootiful! I would give my eye teeth for an apothecary's cupboard with small square drawers in which to keep all manner of small, interesting items! Yep, I am weird :)
Don't you have teasels in the States? They are very common in the UK, having been used in the woollen industry for teasing out the fibres of the fleeces. They are statuesque but quite prickly..hang on, that could be me!!!
Hugs, LLJ 38 xxx
Ps, really sorry to hear about your BiL's passing.....sending you big hugs xxxxx
I'll be interested to see what system you come up with. I don't have anywhere near the number of stamps you have, and I already have difficulty remembering where a particular image or sentiment is!
Hi Darnell
I think we're both in organising mode right now - I'm up to the same antics over at my place today.
I adore your shallow drawers (snort, you know what I mean) - just perfect for stamp storage.
Did you know that you have waaaaaaay too many sentiment stamps for decency? Only sayin'.
Happy WOYWW, hugs. Di xx #53
I try to organise my stamps too, looks like you have as many as I do!! Hope you get it cracked soon. Helen, 5
OH NO! A sacrilege! I have the same issue to and have a horrible time keeping up with what is where. I have started grouping mine as to likes also. Too much time spent looking for stuff. Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #28
looks a fantastic system, if only I had the patience! lol, maybe you could do mine as well
I am JUST starting to collect my stamps from Stampin' Up! but I do have a bundle of stamps that are non-SU. I use a binder system on my clear mount stamps - they are all put into a binder and I just flip pages to find what I want. I'd love to organize them sometime by type like you are doing but I just haven't been that inspired to do so yet. I only have two binders of clear mount (not counting my SU sets). My wood mount stamps (non SU) are kept in photo boxes from Michael's. I rarely use them anymore as I am trying to convert to all SU. I keep them around to entertain my grand daughter who loves to stamp with me. They are "her stamps". :) Thanks for sharing and good luck with your sorting!
Looks great, how many things you have. Wauuu
But the photo of the dog is superb
hugs Tamara
Hi Darnell, I am so glad that someone else has as many stamps as I do (although lots of mine are going to a car boot sale soon!). Love that you are organising them - when you are finished would you come over and do mine please? Have a happy WOYWW dear friend. Hugs, Annie x #37
Your stamp drawers are amazing. Lovely doggie pic.
Sandra @83
Good lucky on your newest life I think these things just change and evolve..what works today may not work tomorrow. All part of the grand scheme to keep us busy! Haven't done WOYWW for weeks but will be back soonish!
Living this post nice to see someone with as many stamps as me
With those clear ones I leave them in the packet and photo copy it and out the photo copy in a ring folder so I just flip through the folder when I'm looking for a certain stamp
Jackie 19
Great idea but a huge task well done you and good luck finishing it my stamp haul is tiny so would take me a couple of hours max good luck and what a stash its HUGE love the dog photo so cute, have a wonderful week and thanks for entertaining us with your wonderful witty and as always great post have a fab week Andrea#15
Wow, so many stamps - what a glorious collection. love how you are getting organised x
Duke looks super cute :0)
Happy WOYWW Heather # 72
I wholeheartedly agree with the cutting up of is so hard to figure out what is what and where the specific thing I want is.. I have been using my time off to better organise my craft room and the storage, nothing new, just utilising what I have. Good luck. Happy WOYWW Cx #99
Oh My! Darnell!! What would I do to get a chance to have a rummage through your drawers!! The wooden ones not the frilly ones!!
I know what you mean about sorting them, as I have stamps that get left behind cos I cannot find them. Wanna come and do mine for me?
Well, wow wow wow, what an amazing space. You must have an extension that we can't see in the photo.
Rosie x
I think that's a great idea Darnell. I've a mound of sets and it takes ages to look through for the one stamp you want! x
I note: Your working space always looks like my - chaotic. I should join the WOYWW once, so you see what I mean. :D
I love this dog. Thanks for the smile that he has conjured me in the face.
I hope, you will understand my chaoticly english.
Have a nice day.
Warm wishes from Hamburg!
You sure have a lot of stamps, but your organisation skills put me to shame! Mine are just in folders, kind of in groups but I don't have that many so know where they all are! Take care & enjoy this week whatever it brings. Zo xx 59
You are going to LOVE it once you get organized. I don't split the steps, but everything I buy gets stamped into indexed notebooks. It is truly heavenly to need a style/size sentiment and be able to flip to that section, find it and go right to the correct stamp set. FYI - it also has slowed down my stamp purchases a tiny little bit as sometimes I get overwhelmed by a stack of new stamps that have to be carefully stamped in the right notebook section!!
What brilliant stamp storage..great drawers. I've never thought of splitting up sets and thats probably why I have trouble finding stuff. Have about 16/17 years worth of stamps, started a sort of indexing thing and labelling boxes but would probably be better off just chucking them all up in the air and starting again...or maybe not LOL... Happy WOYWW...Gill x #103
You are my hero. I wish I had the energy to organize my stash like you. I did it once, and then the teenager messed it up. UGH. And I can't trust that she will get it the way I want it. Maybe someday it will be that organized again.
Well heck. Hit the wrong button. LOL
Lori #57
I know what you mean about the stamps and the themes I started putting my stamps into themes when I first started crafting.
I am now indexing all my stamps and some of those themes have changed and I am stamps I had forgotten about.
I love your crafting space it is all so pretty
Wishing you a really great WOYWW
Ria #73
I think your system of organizing is fantastic! I, however, am stuck on the idea that I must keep my sets together, and I have no idea why. But every time I try to break them up, those darn stamp sets decide to make up and get back together. Ugh!
Oh I could just live in your Playhouse, organised or not!!! It's so wonderful, the things dreams are made of. Happy WOYWW! Karen 142 x
Now you know why I decided I was NOT going to get into stamping. I started out in the Cricut world and made the decision to buy only what would realistically work for me. I am the same way with stamps. I resisted and did all my sentiments on the computer until I wanted to "bend" one. Now I have mostly sentiment stamps (and only those I absolutely KNOW I'll use) and a few Peachy Keen faces. I love your organization idea. I'd do the same and not worry about telling people where the stamp came from. I say "Let them Google."
Your system makes perfect sense to me and by making sure you keep all the info and makers names with the stamps there is nothing lost and order gained. I admire your patience!
Happy WOYWW, have a super week,
Laura 146
Organization has everyone gone batty! I guess we have to do what we have to do now to cut back on searching time so we can actually get something done right! Tamika #131
Spring in in the air....seems like everyone (me included) is in the Cleanin' and a-Dustin' mode! Organization creates good energy.
Mr. Duke is gorgeous! He definitely can do plaid!
Oomph that's a job and a half! I know what you mean about the clear sets but I couldn't contemplate splitting them up! I consider it a brain exercise to try and remember everything that I've got, and worse, where it is!! I miss Duke too and he wasn't even staying with me!!
Brenda 114
what an amazing collection of stamps! love those pretty drawers too! Hope Duke had a safe journey home!
Yea! Someone who thinks like me! I'm in the process of doing this myself! Just finished mounting all the un,ousted rubber. Now to group them, then I ink the page and make an index book. I'm trying to write who the mfg is but that is tedious. I wouldn't make a very good DT since they have to keep track and separated all of their stuff. Awe zee doggie looks sad to be leaving. :) Have a great week. Happy WOYWW! Nan 7
Awwwww... love love the doggy!
I love your system for organizing your stamps! That would definitely be the easiest way to find what you're looking for. I've been stamping for so long ( 17 years) and I still have all of mine in the original sets, so unless I am very familiar with the set, I can't find diddly when I need it! haha! I have recently began putting everything in the SU DVD binders with the titles along the binding, so that has helped me a bit :) Have a great week Darnell!
Hi there...
You are a girl after me own heart...I like my stamps catagorized as well...
I did mine B4 I did challenges or had a blog...silly me so I never marked down manufacturer as I threw away the packaging! rat!
My woodens are in themed drawers and stamped off onto cardstock which are then filed by theme in a 81/2 x 11 binder.
My samll acylics are in that same binder, sorted by theme and stamped off cardstock sheets in sleeves done for those themes too...
I still have the larger acrylic to do...You didn't mention exactly how you are doing yours...Do you stamp a whole theme ion the same piece of cardstock or 2 o4 or...
Or do you do an index card for each stamp and keep in a bin...or...
Pray tell more!
PS I found out on another blog that post card sleeves hold the most odd sized acrylic stamos.
Had to laugh out loud at your post. I finall took aprt my "sets" for the same reason, but the birds all toegther and etc and etc. It is now much easier to find the one I am looking for, or spot one I forgot I had. Good luck getting them all done.
Krisha #21
First of all, I do separate the sediments from the images. I can always stick them on the block if I want with the image if I want to. I have taken my retired sentiments and separated them by category mainly because so many people come to use my stamps. I find that I have less to put away after a playtime and the boxes are labeled so they can see what they're looking for. I find that I'm always arranging and rearranging. Have fun!
Love love love the drawers with the wood stamps. I've got to get organizing stamps myself, but I don't know that I have the courage to cut sentiments off let alone separate my sets!!! LOL April #128
Hi Darnell,
The first photo just about had me out of my chair jumping up and down yelling "I want to come play." I have a nice little selection of stamps but not many. I do try to keep the sets together (and can do that since I don't have a large supply). I dismantled (I was going to say tore) my bundles of paper and then afterwards realized that I would no longer know the manufacturer.
Oh, love that SU set.... it's on my wish list. And I LOVE the crow!
peace, Kay #2
Yes it can be difficult if you want to name the stamp company if you split them all up.. Even paper I have trouble with naming what paper pack it was.. GL with it all. Bye granddog.
Sandy :) #1
Oh you are brave. I am not sure I would want to break up my sets. But your idea makes a lot of sence ! . I see we have a lot of the same old wooden stamps, as I took a peek in your wooden stamp drawer. GD is adorable!
Hi Darnell, I'm glad I stopped in to see what's on your workspace. I struggle with sorting/storing stamps and like to keep all my sentiments together (in their sets) & I like to keep certain companies together and it gets confusing. I'm boxing up a lot of stamps etc to give away as they are 'just in the way'. (hmmmm I think, I won't use them). I would love to have your shallow drawers. Looking forward to how you continue your sorting. Have fun, Shirley
It's looks like you have been and will be very busy lol. I love the idea of joining 'like' stamps but I just can't bring myself to do it, you are very brave but I can totally see how great it will be. Good Luck!
Oh I wish I had your ambition. I have been doing some, but not to the extent you have.
Yup! 99% of my stampsets are clear or clearmount. I also convert the wood mount to clear mount. It can be a bit tricky, but a bit of dental floss to gently saw through the glue holding the stamp to the wood works wonders. If the glue is especially stubborn, GooGone works quite well although it is a bit time consuming depending on the size of the stamp. I let the GooGone soak for a bit before the floss comes out to gently saw away and work the GooGone through the gluey stuff. It may take awhile if the floss gets stuck in the glue. More GooGone wait about 1/2 an hour and carry on until the stamp comes away from the wood.
I break up stamp sets too. I keep them organized by type in SU cases on a DVD shelf set that sits on my workstation. Valentines, Christmas, Birthday, Nature, sentiments, etc. It's easier for me to find the one I want. If a stamp includes a sentiment, it gets chopped up and the sentiment included with the sentiments.
Have a wonderful day.
So many stamps! Very cool indeed! I have stamps in lots of different places and have trouble finding the sentiments too. I have never thought of splitting them up! Duke looks sweet in his outfit!! It made me smile! xx
How interesting that you are doing this now. I just finished taking pictures of all my stamps and printing them out so I can look through a book to find what I need. I don't have nearly as many stamps as you so it's not that difficult.
Breaking up the sets, isn't that like cutting the tag off your pillow or mattress?
It makes sense, I just can't get there, but I'll keep thinking about it.
Thanks for your blog, I love drooling over your cottage.
looks like you are having way too much fun!
I can't wait to see all of your clears organized. I haven't touched mine yet...I'm waiting to see I can copy it! CASE it? Does that make it sound less illegal? Duke is gorgeous. I can see why you'd miss him!
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