And we're back around to Friday. I whooshed yesterday, so I won't do it today. I don't want to sweep you off your feet. But I will wish you a Warm Welcome to Feb U. Rary!
Okay, lots to show you, so I'll get right to it.
Another great class today on making CAS cards. Today was stretching our stamping imagination and thinking of three ways we could use one stamp. Always good to stretch that muscle, also good for the pocketbook. (Oh, but that makes me so want to take you on a journey to the history of "pocketbooks," but there is not enough time today, alas.) Julie Ebersole made a scrumilicious kraft card and I made my take and bake after hers.
The stamp IS embossed today and the highlighted sunflower and leaves have sparkle pen on them, but apparently, and more's the pity, my sparkle angle lens isn't working right now. Please feel free to use your image maturation.
It was so fun checking in with a couple of challenges last night, that I did a couple more today. Otherwise, I'll have challenge withdrawals and a chattering monkey on my back. Sew. Since I missed last week's One Layer Wednesday (sadly, I love doodling), I wanted to play this week. Our hostess is the sensational Ardyth from Maskerade and she has chosen the theme, "Your Perfect Day." That's not the least bit broad.
While I mulled that over, I saw that at CASology, where the diabolical talented Ardyth can also be found on the Design Team, the cue card is "Game." Hmmm, I could feel light bulbs flickering up there in the party in my head. I mean besides the disco balls.
Apart from spending time with Mister (spoken in my game show voice), doing artsy things in the Playhouse, especially artsy things with the twins, I do love games. Playing a good board game, or putting together a puzzle, or a playing a game of cards, especially with my sisters, is a perfect day for me.
Then again, so is gardening, watching TV, or eating. I'm very easy to please, you see, especially if you put eating at the beginning of any list.
It just so luckily happens that I found an old favorite fun toy at a thrift store for the twins this past Christmas. It's basically drawing with spirographs. Do any of you remember Spirograph from the early sixties? They still make it, but I saw the price on Amazon is like $50, which is ridic. I paid $3 for it at the thrift store, without realizing what a bargain it was; I just got it for nostalgic reasons. Anyhoo, the twins absolutely loved it. Here's a look at it:
And here's the OLC flower card I made with it:
The three layers of color make it look blurry in the photo, but it looks cool IRL. It was great fun playing ~ you could even call it a perfect day! And I think this will appeal to Ardyth's geometaphorical style.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy your
day. LITS!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

If you'd like any card specs, please email me.
My email clicker is on my profile page.
A beautiful CAS card Darnell, the white embossing is fabulous. Oh my you will be starting a new craze, your thrift store find is brilliant and I LOVE, LOVE your card.
Ohhhhhhh! I love both of these so much I forgive you for calling me diabolical! (Let me assure you I've been called worse!) lol! First, that bright white embossing with the colouring just pops so beautifully and then SPIROGRAPH! OMG! MY FAVOURITE! this CAS beauty is amazing - so appealing to my geometaphorical style! Gotta get one!
PS - Pinned them both for future inspiration. And thanks for playing along with OLW and CASology this week!
Ok, now you have me wanting to find an old spirograph and play with it! Your imagination is working SO darned well with these cue card challenges! And did I mention how much I love that single colored flower on the kraft? WOW, it's a dazzler Darnell!! NJ on bowf :)
Hi Darnell, you should do these on line courses more has released an even greater creative edge to you! Love both cards, the white embossing on the Kraft card is wonderful and coloured in it is stunning. The spirograph one is the real winner though - utterly stunning card - love, love, love it..... Hugs, Annie xx
It's wonderful! I miss my spirograph (Yes, I had a 1960's set!) I tried getting a current day spirograph for my kids and they were definitely not the same - so very cheap and just didn't work well.
Wow what amazing cards. Love the Spirograph. Would never have thought of that but it looks amazing
Love your take on Julie's card - fabulous coloring! And your Spirograph card is fabulous!
Ooooh, I used to have a Spirograph! What nostalgia that brings! I love love love your Spirograph card, incredibly creative. And I love love love the sunflower card with its gorgeous image and only one flower colored in. Your creations inspire me all the time, Darnell!
Love the highlighted sunflower and wonderful coloring. Yes of course, I remember the spirograph, I had one. Your spirograph card is absolutely fantastic ~ maybe another new trend along with your rule of sixes. I see another winner at CASology this week.
Oh, stunning!!! I love both, but especially love your Spirograph card! Brings back memories of making my own when I was a kid. I will be asking my mom and grandmom if they still have the set I played with. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Darnell!!
I remember my spirograph! Wow!! Your card is fabulous :)
I saw your card in the gallery and really liked it, so came to your blog to tell you so--I like it even more larger! And then I saw the other card you made--I love your Spirograph card!
WOW your sunflower card is just beautiful Darnell! I used to have a spirograph too! SOOOOO much fun and what you did with your card is fabby! LOVE it!!!
First off - love the sunflower card! So striking with just the one colored. And I'm sure the sparkle is wonderful IRL.
Second - Spirograph was one of my absolute favorite toys as a kid. My sister and I would spend hours doodling away with that thing. Brings back great memories!
Third - I too love a day spent with my sister playing board games or doing a puzzle. How come my kids don't find as much joy in that as I do???
Oh I LOVED my spirograph when I was a kid!! I had hours and hours of fun with that thing. I have looked for something similar for my own kids, but never found one that worked like the old ones. Your card is so wonderful! I sure wish I still had mine. I can see so many fun ideas for it! Oh and I love to eat too! haha!
I can see you're really having fun with the card class. The spiro is fab and the sunflower to die for. I remember my kids having a Spirograph. If only we'd known to hang on to those things. Oh, and I'm a board/card/any kind game player too. If only we lived closer. ;)
I adore the coloured sunflower on your kraft card - just so pretty!
Love, love the spirograph flowers too - I remember having a set when I was a kid - loved it!
Great work!
Dang! You are so clever, Darnell! Love the spirograph flowers...Spirograph was one of my favorite things to play with as a kid. Oh and I must not forget the first card....the embossing and coloring is just amazing!! Im so glad that you find time to play alonf with CASology each week!
Love your Clean and Simple card...fabulous job on coloring! And the spirograph? OMG totally remember using that as a younger girl!! Both are fabulous Darnell and I love reading your stories!!
Oh I do remember Spirograph , and this looks like its in great condition. Such a deal. Love the birthday card you made with it. Your sunflower card is gorgeous with just one colored and if you say......sparkle ! :)
Stunning card,
white embossing and coloured sun flower is fabulous. Love it.
Have a nice weekend Tamara
What a lovely sunflower stamp - so very pretty. I had Spirograph when I was a kid - loved it and your card is brilliant. Have a great weekend.
Hi Darnell, Oh yes I have fond memories of Spirograph, that was a great find at a bargain price too. I love the card you have created using it.
Your Sunflower card is stunning. I love the image stamped and embossed in white and the way you have coloured it looks wonderful.
I hope you have a good weekend
Sue x
Darnell, your first card is stunning, but I'm stuck on the idea of a Spirograph card, awesome! I think I still have my old set somewhere in the garage...
Darnell, fabulous cards! I remember Spirograph like it was sister and I had so much fun with this, what great memories! Your card is just so fun!!! Your sunflower is so stunning, fabulous job on your coloring too. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thaaanks for the memories (that was sung, did ya hear me?) Spirograph - loved it then and would still love it now. Wonder if it's still in my folks' basement??? Super clever to use it for these challenges.
I do remember Spyrograph from when I was a kid but we never made anything this pretty! I love, love, love these beautiful flowers and the happy birthday fitting in the stem!
OK, I totally ignored the first card and just had to come back to say WOWsa! I love the white on Kraft and that one colored flower just jumps off the card saying look at me! You go girl!
thanks for the jaunt down memory lane!! (Loved my Spirograph too!!)
OMG, I used to love my Spirograph, the box is still in my mother's loft - though mine is from the 70's - not saying that I'm younger than you or anything! lol! Such a fab idea for a card - bring on the retro! Xx
Darnell Darnell Darnell I love both of your cards so much. I will give you an A+ on your homework, I am so behind in it. Now using the Spirograph is brilliant, I loved Spirograph as a child and you card turned out fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at CASology!
I remember Spirograph! How wonderful that the twinks love it, too! Your Spirograph flowers bring back such great memories of going round and round with a pen and making something gorgeous!
Love your Sunflowers, too, so pretty! And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! xxx
love Mags B x
Love your homework for this day. That partially colored card is just brilliant. Now, I want to make one just like it. And, I totally remember spirograph. One of my favorite toys. Your card is super with it, and now you don't need any stamps.
Dippy your sunflower card is sensational.....just love the white embossing on the kraft card and the colouring is fab even if we can't see your twinkles. I so remember the spirograph and what you've created is stunning........what a find in the thrift shop. Bet the twinks won't get a look in now!!! lol
Karen xxx
Oh, yes, Spirographs were always a good time...and they still are! I just bought a set for my daughters (yes, they still make them) and we all have fun playing with them! I love the card you made using the mult-colors. (I also adore that sunflower on kraft card!) Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!
I used to love Spirograph although I don't recall that any of my creations were nearly as gorgeous as these flowers! This is officially my new favourite card of yours! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!
I remember the spirolgraph. Your card is so pretty I want to play. Gotta find me one that is not $50. Gee thanks for being an enabler (not that I need one). hehehe Love your blogs and all your pretty cards.
I'm so loving your card class updates ... so inspiring ... just look at this stunning sunflower! Yes I know you did already ... still, had to say it anyway!
Spirograph ... my fave fave fave game for years ... truly splendid flowers and a wonderful memory jogger!
Think you must have an extension going up at the Playhouse to accommodate all the exploding creativity that's bursting even further out than usual!
Anita :)
Love the Sunflower card Darnell-really striking-and the Spirograph card-what imagination you have,its fabby !! I too was a Spirograph fan as a child-i can remember sitting there crouched over it staring in amazement as the images magically took shape-do you remember how if you kept going too long it would make a huge hole in your paper and you would have to start over? Tee hee !! Thanks for sharing that memory today,Hugs, Nessa xxx
Are you kidding me right now? I love what you did with your Spirograph! Even my hubby is impressed :) A great find too!!! Thanks for playing along with us at CASology!
Great thrift store find, I love browsing there. Clever of you to use in on a card! Brings back memories of all the fun with that game. I was thinking of taking the CAS card class, maybe I will sign up, I really enjoyed the others.
OMW, I just love your sunflower card Darnell - so beautiful! Love how you've used the stamp and the colours are perfect.
You have taken me right back to my childhood with your Spirograph!! I always lost the little pins that held the 'frame' in place! Love your card!! Who would have thought that something I loved all those years ago would pop up in something I love now! FAB!!
Oh for crying out loud--perfection!! Love both cards!
Great cards! Both of them! Spirograph....great card made using the spirograph. You have me wondering what ever happened to the one we had? Must check with my daughter, she had a whole closet full of things like that. You have me wanting to look at the old games we kept now...(can you tell that I am a packrat?
Thank you for the nice comments on my blog, and for answering my question.
Perfect colouring on the first, but I just *love* your spirograph-style flowers on the second! Great cards!
Wow, this one brings me back to my 8th grade birthday. I was given the much anticipated and wanted Spirograph. I don't think I ever remember a gift wanted as much as that to this day!
Great card.
Thanks for sharing Darnell.
What I wouldn't give to find such a treasure in a flea market!
Hi Darnell
Love your embossed flowers on the first with the radiant coloured sunflower.
Super take on the game cue card. The spirograph flowers are fantastic. Loved playing with this wen I was little.
Zippity doo dah! Congrats on your HM for your spirograph card. Still lovin' it! Woohoo!!! Bev
Just had to check out why your flower card fit the "game" theme and now I know!! Your kraft card is a stunner and your use of the Spirograph ... genius! I'm signing up to be a follower. And lucky you ... a playhouse!!
oh yeah, Spirograph mad here - still have mine from my childhood and still love to play with it! Great cards!
OMG i LOVED my spirograph!! I wonder what happened to mine, I want to play with it now!! <3
xo Kristina
How on earth did I miss this AWESOME entry!
I remember when we were kids, my oldest sister had one of these... and she would never let me (7 years younger) play with it!!!
It's a cruel world out there!lol
Love this!
Congratulations on your CASology HM, Darnell ... spirographically splendid! Anita :)
OMG - I love your card and the fact that you used a game to make it. The cue card "game" had me totally stumped. I am off work today and you can bet that I am headed to my local Toys R Us to buy me a spirograph game - thank for the funky, quirky inspiration!
OMG - I love your card and the fact that you used a game to make it. The cue card "game" had me totally stumped. I am off work today and you can bet that I am headed to my local Toys R Us to buy me a spirograph game - thank for the funky, quirky inspiration!
This is fab. I still have mine - have inspired me to dig it out. Thanks.
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