Hello Stamplings!
It feels like forever since we saw each other and I hope you are doing great! I have been making cards using my schtuff and building my schtash. Not much NBUS schtuff, in spite of my best-laid plans, but I am using a lot of BOB schtuff. Sometimes I think Hammy is up all night making more backgrounds and die-cuts cuz BOB (box o' bits) never seems to get any thinner!
I needed to take a break from that, however, so I made a couple of challenge cards.

The CAS Mix Up Challenge is all about making prints with botanicals. There are lots of ways to do that, fun ways that I want to try, but for this session I simply picked some botanicals from the yard and ran them through my Gemini Jr. I had a fail using lantana, fared a little better with a germanium leaf, but the one that worked best was a spring I cut from my huge asparagus fern. (That's what I call it; I'm not sure if that's correct.) Here's the actual plant:
The red bits on the card are from little white flowers on the plant. Pressing it left a bit of liquid smudge, but nothing as bad as the lantana which oozed green goo everywhere ~ thankfully, not inside my Gemini! I immediately thought the fern print looked like an evergreen tree branch so I adorned it with the "Merry Ornament" die from poppystamps and made it a Christmas card. Hammy added schparkle with his winker.
- CAS Mix Up Card Challenge: Botanical prints, hosted by Bonnie.
- Christmas Kickstart: Make one for a loved one.
- Krafty Chicks: Christmas.
I've made a huge stack of cards using the metallic 3D images which I became addicted to making a few weeks ago. I'm sure you'll see more in future posts. This metallic plum color is NOT ombre, but I just love how the sunlight turned it that way! The NBUS e/f is "Art Deco" from Sizzix and the stacked sediment is from STAMPlorations. QACAS at its best!
- AAA Cards: Challenge #200 ~ Celebrate! Congratulations and thank you!
- Day of the Month Club: It's my party!
- HLS Anything Goes With Dies.
I want to apologize for my lack of visits and comments. This whole year has been weird in so many ways. It's gone by quickly, but it's still been a drag not getting back to normal like we all had hoped. Plus, lately we've had a lot going on with home projects and health problems and doing some purging.
As I mentioned, I am making cards when I can, but I haven't had the time or energy to blog them and that's unusual for me. I think this will be the case for a while as I continue to work on Christmas cards, go to appointments, etc., but I do hope to pop back now and then if I happen to see a challenge that I can't resist. (I don't want Hammy to be so bored that he blogs without me, offering up his services. I know you would grab him up in a sec!)
Years ago I was a bit of a collector and I had tons of fun visiting antique stores and jumbles on our vacations. I collected really old books and salt and pepper shakers and high-end depression glass called Heisey. Now I'm purging a lot of that kind of schtuff and I'm wondering if any of you would be interested in salt and pepper shakers? A lot of them are collectible Shawnee shakers.
Here's a photo that's not the best. I'll try and get a better one and drop it in here if I do, but I think you get the idea:
I see there is a large cat creamer in there, too. If you are interested in anything, drop me an email at darnell dot knauss at g mail dot com.
Needless to say, I'm keeping these cute hamster ones, which I didn't even realize I had. Slap! They are now in the Playhouse and Hammy chatters away to them like they are real! Wonder who he gets that from?!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
Thank you for your patience and for continuing to visit me and leave me your love and your prayers. As Aahnald would say, "I'll be back!"
*Life is too short!
To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling: Click CTL + Home. Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post. Click Page Down to reach the end of the post. Click Comments and a pop-up box opens. Click "Jump to Comment Form" and wallah, no more car pool tunnel! Mwah! (p.s. If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!)
Hi Darnell, Loving rhe cards. I have a plant just like that, which I also call an Asdparagus Fern.
Hope your appointments go well, the purging gets easier and you enjoy your crafting.
Have a nice day. Sue
Don’t you worry about life getting in the way…..it is what it is…..I’m happy just to visit when you get chance to blog, no replies necessary……meantime I’m wowed by your leaf print….fabulous how that turned out! I’ll have to scour my garden when my snotty cold goes! Your metallic card is a striking beauty too….xxx
Lovely cards Darnell, especially the botanics Christmas card. It's amazing how life can throw us a curved ball and everything changes. I'm only just finding my way back to blogland too!
Kath x
Great cards. Thank you for playing at AAA Cards.
I'm sorry to hear you don't have the mojo for blogging your cards as it's always great to see them. I love these ones, the metallic one is wonderful and has given me a few ideas!
Take care
L x
I love both of your cards and was interested to read the way that you made the top one . I thought you had used paint and a stamp at first until I read further down the post. It turned out beautiful. Good luck with the clear out.
Sue xx
Ah Dolly! Your botanical print turned out brilliantly and I love the metallic 3D!
Purging is good - we purged when we sold and moved into this rental, now purging again for the move into our new home. Stressed massively as the new house purchase is taking forever - and I don't deal with stress well! (Hide the knives....)!
Hi Darnell...both your cards a lovely I particularly love the fern card your gold bauble really looks good on the branch...You can't go wrong with an embossed background...perfect card and love the sentiment...
Hope your appointments all go well..
Like you I've been a collector, miniatures shoes and bells...like wise I've also had a sort out and declutter..all I need to do now is my craft room!
Anne x
these are so nice cards!
Pretty cards, Darnell. It's nice to "see" you and believe me I completely understand about getting caught up in life stuff. I have a feeling your friends will hang out until you come back. You are much too fun to leave. Good luck with all that is on your plate! Crafty hugs! By the way, the cards look great and I know that big fern as an asparagus fern, too. My brother had one or two huge ones hanging around the house where I grew up. Beautiful plants!
Well your Asparagus Fern branch came out excellently and perfect to hang the pretty gold ornament from, and love the pierced gold frame which shows it off brilliantly, and a great sentiment too, and then your super 3D scallop shapes EF background in that really pretty plum colour and finished with the large die cut sentiment looks fantastic Darnell. Life gets in the way sometimes and grinds us down a bit..we have had house things in recent months, mainly plumbing to be fixed and a new boiler, so we all understand and hope that your appointments and the purging exercise all have good outcomes. x
Fabulous shimmery cards Darnell! Totally understand being busy and the need to purge. It's high on my list after moving my parents to assisted living this past week. Your salt and pepper shakers are beautiful and someone will treasure them. What does BOB stand for, I can not figure it out? Take care Darnell.
Your botanical card looks so pretty with that gold ornament. I am in love with the embossing folder and metallic you used. What a stunning card. Sounds like Hammy is busy with his new ceramic friends and isn't bored yet. I may have a clue about where he gets his chatty ways!
Love both your cards. I have yet to try the botanicals but have bookmarked a video. Maybe after the Christmas rush. The fern does look like pine tree branch so good choice adding the shiny bauble and sentiment. Do love the shimmer of the plum metallic. With a big sentiment, you really don't need to do anything extra. I'm with you on the purging. After cleaning out my Mom's and MIL's houses I decided I would not leave that for my kids to do. I do not need any. more of what I call dust collectors. :).
Your cards are lovely. Love the foils. Sorry to hear about your doctor appointments. I hope they go well and cure you quickly. Purging is great but it's hard to part with things we've loved for so long. Good luck with that. As Sue said purging does get easier and is freeing once you get into it. Enjoy your day!
Your fern is fantastic, and it does look like a bit of pine. Hang in there. Hugs and love.
I would call that an asparagus fern, too. Funny how the white flowers turned rusty red on the paper. You never know what you're going to get with this technique and that's partly what makes it so much fun! Who would've thought you'd get a Christmas card from your fern, but it's perfect and beautiful! Gorgeous embossing folder, too. I do want to try this. So many things on the list. Darnell, sometimes you have to take a step back from the things that can wait temporarily so you can accomplish something else. Blogging takes a lot of time! I'm feeling it, too, but I realize this is such a busy card making time of year, and then blogging, too. I need to talk less. I was a collector at one time, too, but soon realized I don't have room for it. Now I only collect stamps, ha! Take care and good luck with everything. Oh, and thank you for sharing your card at CAS Mix Up!
Hey D! Stopping by your blog is always so fun - love that you found a little time for 'pressing business' for this fun CAS Mix Up technique! LOve your fern and the resulting card!
Keep on keepin' on girlfriend! xo
I see you've been keeping up with your cards. Think your asparagus fern botannical turned out perfectly including the little red bits (we'll call them holly berries). My cards using this method, not so much...lots of fails and mess. Such a nice addition to the CAS Mix Up gallery.
The metallic background 3D folder card is gorgeous. Those scallops showed up beautifully in your trick of the light.
Purging seems to be the order of the day during this pandemic. I've been clearing things out I forgot we had, as well. Making a prodigious pile doing it, too.
Lovely cards and a lovely fern too, Darnell. So pleased to see you over here at Christmas Kickstart again. Take care, big hugs, Jo x
Darnell, Life is tricky to figure out. Once you think you've got it, something throws a wrench in to it.
You do you. Everyone should understand that we are all trying to live our best lives. Those that don't, well, they never did and why would you need them anyway.
I tell my kiddos, that happy pictures that are posted online, are just half of their story. Not many are taking snaps of days that are filled with tears, anger, or sad times. Just the best.
So, dear friend, no apologies are needed. Take care.We will be here for you, good times and frustrating times.
Hi Darnell, I'm finding that life is getting in the way a bit too, so don't stress about it. I hope you are keeping well though. No, life is certainly not getting back to normal, and here in the UK I doubt if it will any time soon, it wouldn't surprise if we head for another lockdown during winter. Our English government just keep tell us lies, and then there's the chaos that Brexit is causing, you just couldn't make it all up.
Anyhoo, your card are beautifully created, so very different, love them both, take care of yourself, Kate x
That is a great botanical print, Darnell! I picked a few leaves on my walk with Tessa yesterday so might try them today but I've never had much success with that technique. Your print makes a perfect setting for the little gold ornament and matching gold sentiment and frame. And the Twofer showcases that beautiful 3D ef perfectly! Take care of yourself!
Great cards! Thank you for playing at AAA Cards!
It is great you are back in Blogland. I've missed you. I would never guess, that your botanical print was an asparagus. It really looks like a branch of a pine tree. You have decorated this print perfectly with ornament and sentiment in gold. Great Christmas card. The way how to use metalic 3D images is very smart and the effect great.
Take care! Hugs, Sonja
I love that asparagus fern card! It really does look like an evergreen branch. So clever! I do always enjoy your posts. :)
I love both of your cards, Darnell - especially the one done with real foliage. Very cool! Good luck with all that you have going on.
I love it when your blog pops up in my reader! Wonderful cards today, Darnell. The fern pressing turned out great! My SIL used to collect salt and pepper shakers too. Those hamsters are definitely keepers! Take care sweet friend.
You did good my friend. Your botanical prints are amazing and all the added decorations make for fabulous Christmas cards! Yeah for you! Life has a way of getting in our way sometimes, but it is good to relax and take care of yourself. Just do what you can, when you can and don't worry about the rest. We will always be here for you when you come visit! ps...Lin has her keys, moved boxes today by sons, the furniture will move in on the 20th, then she will be living in her new home! Now for a lot of unpacking! Heart Hugs, Col
I love your botanical card. I hadn't thought of using real greenery to "impress" an image onto cardstock, but I see from your effort, it really CAN work! Love the embossing folder on the second card, too. As for taking time away from the blog--it's the right thing to do when life gets in the way. We'll still be here for you when you've got the time and inclination to post something. Sending you happy vibes and all my very best wishes.
Well that card certainly shines out! Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!
Really amazing how the squashed sprig is similar to that of a fir branch! What a stunning effect!! Looks wonderful with the gold additions! And wow, your second card looks so elegant and precious!!! Love the beautiful shine and the huge sentiment. Thank you so much for playing along with our DotMCC Challenge. Hugs, Rosi
What a fabulous result with the greenery and it makes for a wondeful Christmas card Darnell. Soemone will be celebrating big with that terrific shiny brthday card too! Stay well and take your time
Fabulous two design both just stunning Like you not had much time for blogging recently some health issues and things at home just get in the way. Good to read your blog again always a pleasure take care Hugs Carole x
I want to run out and grab some botanicals to try this! Such fun! Your card is so cool. The second card is dazzling. I love catching up with your posts whenever you pop on. Sending good wishes.
Asparagus fern it is, Darnell, and it made a wonderful pine branch for your ornaments. I've been trying a variety of things and plan to do more. I had also planned to do the metallic embossing when I got back to Ohio and totally forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.
Purging can be a blessing and a curse. I know I had to get rid of a lot of things when we moved. I have a collection of over 200 owls but kept only about a dozen, ones that were gifts or uniquely made. I also collected old tools. I only kept the kitchen ones and have them wired on two canvases hanging in my kitchen. Everything else was sold at a garage sale or online auction.
Your card is wonderful, as I feel some of that goo made it goo-orgeous! I too am happy for you that some didn't make it into your machine. The gold is a gorgeous touch.
Sorry life is taking so much of your time, but we all know that distraction well. Hopefully all will straighten out soon, and you (& Hammy) can get back to playing soon!
Gorgeous Christmas card, love the technique and result from the asparagus! Have to say that is one of the most innovative uses for asparagus I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing wit us at Krafty Chicks.
What a fun pair of pretty cards, and it's good to see you again. I've been MIA for bit too - life just happens and the curves keep coming atcha, so I get it! Hope you are healthy and well otherwise and still smiling :)
Both the cards you made are so gorgeous. I love the hint of red on the sprig Christmas design...it makes it more festive. And, the shimmer on the other one and shiny colors is beautiful too! Well, don't worry if you don't have time or feel like blogging. I have days like that too and I so understand how life sometimes takes first spot instead. Just take care my friend!
I hate this expression but 'life sucks sometimes' and when it doesn't do that it really does get in the way! I love the fern card you made (and I really like the little red specks), it really does give the impression of a Christmas tree branch, it is beautiful.
The second card is definitely blingy and I love the shapes created by the e/f.
Please take care of yourself and I hope all of your appointments go well. I am thinking of you. Hugs, Annie xxx
Your fern works perfectly for a Christmas tree branch and the shiny gold ornament makes it shine! I'm glad you were able to share this technique with us at CAS Mix Up! Your shiny embossed foil makes another gorgeous card! Embossing that foil is so addicting! I can't decide which needs more attention in my studio. The NBUS box, the background box or the UFO box. Sometimes I think I should just through them all out and start over. Take care, my dear friend. I'm going to call if I can ever think of it at a good time. Wish we lived next door.
We must all remember to fit in some "me time and family time" from blogging, it can be all consuming ♥
I could have sworn that print was an evergreen with a berry, if not great find :)
I'm loving all these awesome 3d EF's, beautiful card XX
Such gorgeous cards. Love the metalic one!
All the best with the purging and totally understand life taking over. Life is full of competing priorities look forward to you sharing when you can.
Your pressed fern card is fabulous, Dolly! I love how you've hung the ornament from it. Just perfect! :) And the deep embossed foil card stock card is gorgeous. I do LOVE that colour! They are so fun to make.
Sorry life has been a drag on you. I'm happy to hear that you are taking your time and playing with ink when the mood strikes you. Take care my dear friend. Sending love and hugs, Lolly
Wow Darnell both of your cards are gorgeous l love the Christmas branch so lovely too adding the ornament hanging from it and the glossy 2nd card is equally stunning that embossed folder is a must have enjoy your day xx
Two great cards, Darnell - just love the asparagus fern print (amazing!) and the fun party card!! So glad you join in at the Day of the Month Card Club!! Linda - guest designer :)
Also - hope you're doing better & better, healthwise. No worries on creating or commenting - we welcome you whenever you get here!! Looks like a fun shaker collection and, of course, you picked the perfect set to keep!
Two gorgeous cards Darnell hugs Sue x
The first card is stunning, Darnell. I love how you used an asparagus sprig. It pretends to be a Christmas tree. The second card looks wonderful and the way it is lit gives it a stunning ombre effect. Yes, these metallic embossed cards look like a million dollars.
Darnell, don't worry if you don't reply back. We all draw inspiration, optimism and good humor from your posts, so we, your followers, get a lot more. Just sometimes treat us with your next post and another funny story.
Two lovely cards. I have an idea of what you are going through..I'm having to play catch up with my doctor appointments. They seem to be more involved and time consuming these days
Your salt and pepper shakers remind me of a favorite aunt of mine. I used to buy her new ones for her large collection. She liked the ones that were unsual. I remember giving her things like a lawn mower... (what does that have to do with cooking? She npassed away, I don't know what happened to her collectio9n,. I'm like you trying to purge my collection too. My collection is music boxes. I have (had lots more) It was difficult but I had to take a bunch to the thrift store. I just don't have room for all that stuff in mysmall house. I did keep the ones that were very special like the ones my hubby has given to me, and my late mother, etc.
Oh Darnell - what fabulous cards - is that the fern off the (seeded) asparagus plant? I love how it printed, and the resultant card - glad you gave Hammy some work there winking it.
The second metallic card is absolutely stunning!
Sorry to hear you have been having health 'issues' - they, and the associated appointments, are NOT fun. You will be in my prayers.
Your collection is amazing - it must be hard to part with it - been there, done that. Loving your wee hamster shakers, and I am so glad that Hammy is also enjoying them now.
Stay safe
Fabulous effect with the first gorgeous Christmas card and what a fun technique. Striking second one and what a stunning colour. Yes it is strange what the 'new norm' is Darnell and what we expected x. Always good to purge and do house projects but so sorry to hear about health problems. Sending tons of hugs and I will look forward to your posts as and when you can x.
Your cards are beautiful, as always, Darnell xoxo
what a beautiful cards you've made i have look around
i like it that you are follow me, i'm following you to now
hugs ellen
Two lovely cards Darnell. Like you I haven’t been making much or blogging much - too much other stuff going on. Purging is good and I really need to do a lot, and I mean a lot! Need to find the energy to do it though !
The fern looks amazing on your Christmas card, Darnell! Wonderful gold bulb and frame, too! And, your second card is so pretty with the metallic 3D background! Sorry to hear about the health issues and purging is good. I purged some a few weeks ago and need to do a lot more. Take care, hugs!!
I know I am a bit late visiting this post, but as you say, it is sometimes a challenge to get round everything and still do everything that needs doing, so please don't apologise. Your cards are great, I particularly like the shiny embossing. It is very therapeutic to have a purge, but also a little sad when it is time to get rid of schtuff, that you have lovingly collected. We all have far too much of it and I think I need to take a leaf out of your book especially as we get older xx
Love both your cards, but especially what you did with the first one. Great effect using the plant and running it through the Gemini.
I hope you are not unwell. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.f
Lastly, I had forgotten how much I loved blogland and your wonderful posts. If I ever have to step back from card making again, I’ll be sure to keep reading your posts, even if I am not making cards.
Carolyn, Caro, Carole (I have so many variations that I answer to)
Enjoyed seeing what you've been up to, Darnell. Hope things are better for you & the mister, health wise. We're anxious to get our boosters. I've still been sending cards to Verna & hope they bring her some happiness. Sending love & hugs, Greta
Two beautiful cards Darnell ..... love the shiny embossed design, and your botanical print looks amazing! It's made the perfect Christmas tree branch for that adorable little bauble. Thanks for sharing at CAS Mix Up!
Purging is good .... we should do it more often! Hope things are going better for you and the mister. Sending hugs xx
Two gorgeous cards Darnell using inspiring techniques! It's always lovely to see you when you pop up and I certainly understand that we all have lives which get complicated from time to time. I loved seeing some of your collection - and S&P shakers are such a fun thing to collect. I have also had fun over the years rootling about in junk shops and antique emporiums but, like you, I'm also at the purging stage except where schtamping schtuff is concerned of course!! Mwah! Vicky x
Your cards are very nice. I also think that the metallic one looks ombre. That is a neat effect from. Your embossing.
I also have had a harder time getting cards up on the blog. This year affected everyone so differently and the same. Hope you are well.
It's interesting to see that pretty cards can be made without any expensive supplies, the fern you used makes a beautiful pine branch!
And the art deco pattern is absolutely gorgeous, the metallic look suits it so well.
Hey Darnell, you certainly do not have to worry about life not getting back to "normal" ~ I'm certainly not there yet either. AND, I feel we have lots of company in this boat!
I LOVE your fern print. It really turned out fabulous! Your metallic card is amazing too.
Also, I've been trying to purge for 6 years now! WTW :-O
Hope you feel better soon, hang in there, sweetie.
Beauties for sure!! Love the texture on the background.Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers anything goes with dies!
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