A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 13, 2017

NBUS Winners/Thank You/Announcement


I'll get right to the recap of the NBUS (never-before-used schtuff) Challenges #8, #9, and #10. You ladies blew me away! The total number of entries for the three weeks was 606I know, WOW, right?!

I left comments on all but a few of the second and third entries, because after a while I was spending a lot of time proving I wasn't a robot and answering picture puzzles. (BTW, there were a couple of blogs that required I log-in, which I didn't understand and didn't do. I have enough log-ins and passwords! I hope this isn't something we have to start doing before we can leave comments on each other's blogs?)

I have to say, it was such a pleasure seeing your enthusiasm for using your NBUS! It was also a ton of fun to see the cards of those of you who were able to join in my somewhat off-the-wall optional themes! 

And it's a great honor to have added three new Pinterest boards to showcase your cards for people from all over the world to be inspired by! You can find all TEN prior NBUS boards here.

Of course, I had to make you a thank you card!

I used a NBUS stamp from Winnie & Walter called, "From the Bottom of My Heart." I prefer to say thank you from the heart of my bottom, cuz it is SO much bigger, but I love this sweet thank you heart with the traditional message carved right into it. I added vertical score lines and strips of colorful heart rick-rack Washi tape on each side to add more interest. A little heart bling for the final punctuation and thazit.


Okay, I'll stop pancaking so we can get to what you came for!! Even though I use Random Number Generator to chose the winners, I always get requests from folks who want to see the "winning" cards. I made these collages to show the RNG selection and the card entered at that number. Whoop!

Winners for NBUS Challenge #8 (Total entries 180)

1. $25 Gift Certificate:
#19 Verna of VA's Creative Clutter

2. $25 Gift Certificate:
#94 JoAnn of Crafty Nana's Blog

3. Faber Castell Polychromos:
#72 Maxine of Kiwime's Kreations

4. Mini MISTI:
#54 Andrea of KandA Creative Moments

5. Clarity Stencil Brushes:
#70 Christine of It's a Card Day's Night


Winners of NBUS Challenge #9 (Total entries 196)

1. $25 Gift Certificate:
#83 Mary Ann K. of Lakeside Stamping

2. $25 Gift Certificate:
#129 Sybrina of Chapter Three

3. ATG and three tape refills:
#156 Greta of GG Creations
4. Mini MISTI:
#76 Kitty of KT Fit Kitty

5. Chameleon Pens:
#152 Carol of Crafting By Carol


Winners of NBUS Challenge #10 (Total entries 230)

1. $25 Gift Certificate:
#106 Marianne of Marianne's Cards 'n Stuff

2. $25 Gift Certificate:

3. Scor-Buddy Scoring Tool:
#164 Nonni of Nonni's Handmade Cards

4. Mini MISTI:

5. Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pens:
#124 Bozena of Art Card Box

Congratulations to all the winners! (If I have messed up your choice of prize, please feel free to let me know and I will fix it.) To see all prior winners, you can click here

I hope that ALL of you who participated feel like winners because you put to use some goodies that have been neglected! Well done, everyone!!



Normally, I hold my NBUS challenges in March and September each year. Because of the special celebration this year, I surprised you with a three-week, three-part NBUS party. Since it is (already!!) the middle of February, I'm sorry to say that I won't be up for another challenge the first of March.

But I hate to have you wait all the way until September, so here's my plan:

You may remember that last year I ran a blooper April Fool's Day hop and my intent was to make it an annual event. It was a one-day linky party that let you link any card with a big fat boo boo. Obviously, being April Fool's Day, I was looking for the funniest bloopers!

[As an example, I made an Easter card last year with bunnies and I thought it was fine. It wasn't until after I took a photo of it that I realized two of the bunnies looked like they were gettin' busy! Bloops!]

I've decided that this year I will combine my Second Annual April Fool's Day Hop with NBUS Challenge #11 and have it run for ten days from April 1 to April 11. Mark your calendars!

You will be able to enter any creation using NBUS, as always, but if you have any blooper photos, or if you happen to make a blooper card between now and then, take a photo of it before you bin it, cuz we want to see it!! 

In short, you will be able to enter:
  • a NBUS card with no bloopers;
  • a blooper card with no NBUS (yes, that's right!); and/or
  • a blooper card with NBUS.
If that made sense to you, then you have been a friend of this blog for a very long time and I've left word with the guard to give you access to me in the Loony Bin on Visitor's Day! 😇 Please remember to bring a radish for Hammy!

Feel free to ask questions if that didn't make sense!


Enjoy your day! Enjoy your Valentine's Day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!* If it isn't a great day for you, I hope you will find your own way to enjoy it!

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling:
Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and a pop-up box opens.
Click "Jump to Comment Form" and wallah, no more car pool tunnel!
If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me
your email address so I can respond. Thank you!


My Paper Epiphany said...

Congrats everyone! Darnell you are simply amazing coping with the challenge whilst recouping! I hope you are feeling better very soon. hugs
ps: we don't have hamsters in Australia and they can't be imported. I'll have to check them out on Youtube

Redanne said...

WOW Darnell - 606!!! That is amazing, well done you (and Hammy of course!)! Huge congratulations to all the winners! Hope you are feeling much better now my friend. Big hugs, Anne xxx

Jasleen Kaur said...

Congrats to all the winners. And hats off to you Darnell for being an amazing host despite your health concerns. I don't know how you managed the task of going through 606 entries. I hope you are feeling better now.
April challenge sounds like a lot of fun :) Looking forward.

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, Loving the card.

Hope you have a good start to the week. Sue

Cathy said...

Congrats to everyone and especially you Darnell for inspiring us all with your fun challenges and awesome posts! Cathy x

Mac Mable said...

Congratulations to all the winners and congratulations to you Darnell on your hugely successful NBUS challenges. Tons of fabulous inspiration in the galleries. Thank you for all your hard work x

Gerrina said...

Your Thank you card is well appriciated! And it was fun to participate! I just go in to tackle my NBUS pile.. :)! Hugs, Gerrina

Cat Craig said...

Congratulations to all! And yes it did make sense. Hugs!

KandA said...

Ouch, I just hit my head on the ceiling jumping about with excitement when I saw my name! Love your super card and thanks to you too from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and generosity hosting such a super challenge. Congratulations to all the other winners too. Can't wait for the next challenge - still got plenty of NBUS to play with.... and some more on order!
Hope you're well on the road to recovery now and having Hammy looking after you as he should. Take care xx

Valerija said...

Congratulations to the winners.
Valerija xx

Marianne said...

Thank YOU, Darnell, for hosting these fun and useful challenges. I feel so great, just knowing that I have been using lots of NBUS supplies this past month. I'm already looking forward to the next NBUS challenge, and I'm also looking forward to checking out more of the entries for these past few challenges and be inspired by all those talented crafters out there.
I also did a little happy dance here when I saw my name and card among the winners, but heeding your warning, I tried not to jump too high! Wouldn't want to end up in hospital lol. Congrats to all the other lucky winners as well.
Marianne x

stampwithsandy said...

I am sorry I wasn't able to play along with your most recent NBUS challenge Darnell, but congrats on your great turnout! You are incredibly generous and have a lot of wonderful followers. I look forward to the next one in April and hope my life has settled down a bit by then to find more crafty time!

Birgit said...

Congrats to all the winners and Happy Valentine's Day to you Darnell! I honestly don't know how you do all that you do. You're like the energizer bunny, you just keep going and going and going.........

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Your card is just stunning Darnell! I LOVE it! Many, many congratulations to all the lucky winners! What a fabulous turn out, and what a fabulous time was had by all! Thank you Darnell for hosting such a fun event! I hope you are recovering quickly from your surgery now! Have a wonderful week my friend! Luv n’ Hugs. Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Carol L said...

Congrats to everyone, I'm thrilled for all of you winning such wonderful prizes!! Thanks to you Darnell for your generosity and kindness and for having such a fun blog to read! I love your valentine with that big thankful heart! Have a great week ahead and I hope your recovery is coming along well :)

Maura said...

Thanks for sharing your generosity, enthusiasm, and creativity with all of us, Darnell. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

Pat said...

Congratulations to all the winners and what a wonderful amount of entries for your three challenges Darnell, and I think you deserve a gold star for managing to comment on over 600 entries! I love your thank you card which is so pretty with your scored lines and the very unusual hearts washi tape, and what a great sentiment. Looking forward the next challenge, so soon too, and I hope you feel fitter by then as you'll need all your strength and muscle fitness to cope with all the laughing you'll be doing. x

Karen P said...

Congrats to all the winners and huge hugs for your fingers huni, they must be sore after all that commenting! Time for you to rest and totally recuperate huni. You amaze me time after time with your sweetness and energy, it's only Monday afternoon and I'm already exhausted lol! Beautiful thank you card, thank you for making it for all of us xx

Bunny said...

Congratulations, winners.What a fun time we all had.

Thank you for the thank you card, Darnell. It's so pretty. You know, you could have turned that heart upside down to get that bottom shape..........LOL.

When I come to visit, I'll bring my own little feller named Woolfie. a.k.a. Woolfie the Bear. He's stuffed and he's smart. He knows he's not real. He'll make a dish with radishes that will have Hammy salivating.

A big WOW for 606 entries.

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Congrats everyone, and I am thrilled to be among the list of winners. There is so much talent to draw from when you do a NBUS, Darnell! You have created a gorgeous thank you card for everyone. Can not wait for the next NBUS Challenge! Thank you, thank you.

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, Congratulations to YOU on running another successful challenge(s). Amazing participation, I'm sure I've said this before that stamp companies would love to have that kind of enthusiasm. I realize this is a hobby that you love and not a business but you are so successful. Have a fabulous day. Hugs, Shirleyxx

Sheila H said...

Congrats to you and the winners, Darnell! Your challenges are such fun. I had a great time. Thank you for stretching my creativity. I need help in thinking outside the box, and you provide tremendous inspiration. I'm looking forward to the next adventure with you. Happy healing!

Inkyfingers said...

What a gorgeous CAS design Darnell and so perfect for the season! Congratulations to all the winners and to you for organising and commenting on all those entries. I bet you burned up some keyboards and have sore fingers my friend. There should be a saying akin to 'put your feet' up for fingers because put your fingers up is just too rude.
I hope you are taking good care of yourself.
Carol x

KT Fit Kitty said...

SQUEEEEEEEEALLLLL! OMGoodness, Darnell! I am sooooo super excited to be a winner! I wonder if you can hear me squealing!!! I have been wanting a Mini Misti ever since they came out! I can't tell you how happy and excited I am! I just turned the computer on to read my emails and one of my sweet bloggy friends left me a comment to come over here to see what I won! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Darnell! You just made my day! Huge congratulations to all the winners - I am happy to see some of my friends won too! Yay! And congratulatios on 606 entries! Wow! That's awesome in itself! I love your NBUS challenges because I have way too much NBUS! I am looking forward to your April challenge too! I do goof up (a lot) but I always figure out a way to do surgery on the card and fix it before sharing it on my blog, so this could be fun - I can take a photo of the bloopers before I fix them! Your thank-you card is gorgeous! I love that you included a heart! I've been loving the heart theme lately! We are having a huge snowstorm today and it's not letting up! There's already about a foot and a half down and we're having high winds! I just hope we don't lose our electricity! Have a wonderful day, Darnell! Thank you for your generosity! You are amazing!

Berina RGA said...

Wow! 606! That's awesome! Your card is very beautiful! Congratulations to all the lucky winners!! Can't wait for the next NBUS challenge! hope you have recovered well from the surgery. Have a great day.

Donna said...

How exciting, thank you Darnell, what an exciting surprise, I play along for the fun and now I get to buy more treasures to save for your NBUS fun. Hugs, Donna

hellerlittle said...

You are welcome and I have to thank you for the lovely card !!!
Congrats to al the lucky prize winners .... have fun !!!
Will mark my calendar for the next time (NBUS#11)
CU hellerlittle

cm said...

The number of entries is impressive; a sign of how incredibly popular your NBUS challenges are! Cheering the launch of #11 in April; an opportunity to make up for the ones I missed whilst sitting on my bottom for 11 days, grading essay after essay after essay. I'm 'nearly' recuperated, although my ability to spell has been compromised after seeing the 'interesting' ways that students write (even with access to spell-and-grammar check). I'm pretty certain *shure* and *schure* are not the correct spellings of *sure*, but...maybe I'm wrong! Of course, they are under pressure, but still...Anyway, 'nuff about that...your 'heart of bottom' (hahahahaha) thank you card is gorgeous! I ordered a couple goodies from W&W, so hopefully that set will appear in my package, too. When it arrives. Via pony express. And dog sled. (oh, and I also learned whilst marking that. Sentence fragments. Are trendy. Yeesh!) Oh well..anticipation amped! Congratulations to allll the winners! I know they'll love their NBUS immensely!

MaryH said...

Oh Big Congratulations to all the winners! I was so happy to see some folks I know that took home some nifty prizes. Thanks to your sweet self for having such a fun challenge. Loved reading this post, had a chuckle about some of your verbage! The card is lovely, and a terrific way to say Thanks in time for Heart day. Love those tiny heart borders with the big center one. Hope that you are feeling better & better each day, and I'm liking that new photo. I had the same problem with having to log in to comment on some blogs a while ago. I think one of my pals is having same difficulties. I still can't comment at some Google+ blogs, but some I can now. Dunno what the diff is. TFS & big hugs too.

Verna Angerhofer said...

That was so fun Darnell to do the NBUS and what was so wonderful was the fact I got a lot of my unused things out and did create with them. And, thanks for picking me as a winner too. Your thank you card is gorgeous I might add. But I think we owe the big THANKS to you instead.

Craftychris said...

Your thank your card is wonderful! Thank you to you for hosting the wonderful challenge, it's always great fun and I will be back in April for sure! Congratulations to the winners! xxx

Greta said...

Oh what a shock to see Mr Random chose one of my cards! I've always wanted the ATG (guess I'll have to clear my space now--that thing is big!), although I'm super jealous of the gal who gets the stencil brushes--haha! Love your card--the Washi is so sweet! Thank you so much, Darnell--you are so generous with your time & prizes!

Helen F. said...

Congrats to every winner of these fabulous NBUS Challenges!
606 cards is an impressive chunk out of those mountains of NBUS so many of us have!
Thank you for your amusing posts and totally awesome card inspiration, and for hosting these fun challenges, Darnell :-)

Lisa Elton said...

What a pretty thank you card Darnell! I like the tiny hearts borders. Congrats to all of your winners. 606 entries...you ARE SO LOVED!!

conil said...

Many congratulations to all the winners. There cards were all swoon-worthy.
Having a Bloop/NBUS Extravaganza is an excellent idea. I'm sure I'll have tons to share in the Bloop category.
Incidentally, your thank you card is also a winner...are you sharing it with any other challenges?

Sarah said...

Well done to everyone and a super big thank you Darnell for organising such a fun event!! xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Your NBUS Challenges is always true pleasures, Darnell! Thank you, even if I have had only a bit of time to play! Your card is a delight!
Congrats to all the winners, and I'm so happy to see my dear friend Kitty's name! Well deserved!

Helen J said...

Congrats to all the lucky winners, and thanks Darnell for running the challenges and offering the prizes. I really enjoyed taking part!

Janis said...

Congratulations and well done to you, Darnell, and to all the winners!! Wonderful work by everyone and such a fun event. Your bottom of your heart card is lovely and so cheery!!

Combining the NBUS and the Blooper event will be a lot of fun! I think I have a few things that are NBUR...Never Before Used Right!! These are supplies and gadgets that I just can't quite get the hang of and have either thrown in the back of a box or maybe already thrown in the trash!!! I will put on my thinking cap....

Thank you, again, for your lovely challenges and for your super-generous giveaways.

<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

I Card Everyone said...

Darling little Valentine [I have that stamp on my desk: NBUS at the moment!] Congratulations to all - and I'm so happy to see a few of my favorite peeps on the winner's list!
By now you're back to your pre-sugery self, but better! Thanks, Darnell, for your sweet and generous heart... xx

Em Louise Fairley said...

Congratulations to all the winners... and thanks for the head's up about the next challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to straighten my mind enough to join in, then again, I'll join in anyway because of the likely bloopers that will happen when I finally find my way to my desk. Grin.
Em xoxox

Jane said...

Wow Darnell that's awesome...so many entries. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for organising it despite undergoing surgery. You really are a trooper. Well done to all the lucky winners..you are so incredibly generous. I had such fun with the challenges especially the bubble wrap! I can't forget 1st April as it's my birthday!!! Take care. Huge hugs xxx

Barb Ghig said...

Oh my gosh, what a wonderful surprise!!! I can't believe I am one of the winners of your NBUS challenge, Darnell...thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Or, maybe you're right that it should be from the heart of my bottom which is SO out of control :)

Your thank you card is just beautiful, although I must say that 'Thanks' goes in your direction from all of us for all the time and work you put into these challenges...not to mention your incredible generosity ~ WOW! And, smack-dab in the middle of a surgical procedure!

Thank you a million times over for always providing us with a fun blog to visit and a chance to see your beautiful art...you are a Gem!!! Oh, and I'll be sure to look through my 'bloopers' so I can play along on April Fool's Day :)

Congrats to all the winners ~ Enjoy your prizes...I know I will!

BożenA said...

Hi Darnell,
Your card is very beautiful. But we, the participants of your challenges they should do such a card for you :-) Not only that, great fun, it is also such an amazing surprise. Just I talked to my husband on the phone, when I read out the message that I'm the lucky one selected at random for the prize NBUS # 10. My husband thought that deaf as I screamed with joy :-))))) Thank you, thank you and thank you !! I do not know what else I can say, I am the happiest woman in the world :-)) !! I did not expect that it will add me luck, as life can make a man a surprise :-). Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.
Congratulations for other winners, I know how they feel at the moment!
Kisses and hugs for you Darnell and for all the participants of this incredible fun.

Christi Conley said...

Congratulations to all the lucky winners!! I'm excited for the next NBUS challenge! The bloopers sound SO fun! Your thank you card should be from US to YOU for all that you do - you are amazingly talented, thoughtful & kind ~ XO Christi

Barb said...

Huge Congratulations to all the winners and thank you so much Darnall for the great NBUS challenges. It's been great fun again. Barbxx

Bobby said...

Congratulations to all the winners and a big THANK YOU to you, Darnell, for encouraging us to use our NBUS. I can't imagine commenting on over 600 entries. I have trouble keeping up with the friend and design team commenting.

Kathleen said...

Fabulous card Darnell and well done on holding another brilliant challenge.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners and hope we don't see their prizes used on the next NBUS challenge.
Happy Valentines day to you and the Mister, hope he spoils you.

Kath x

Carole said...

What a feast for the eyes...all that talent, and congrats to all the winners.Your card is lovely Darnell...and i think it should be going to you for hosting the NBUS challenges. Hope you are good again now! Hugs xx

Marybeth said...

Love your beautiful red and white thank you card! Just came to say hi, I never had the time to play. The next one for April sounds like so much fun and I loved your card for last year! I LOL!

ionabunny said...

Congrats to the lucky winners and thanks for the help using the NBUS. Hope you are feeling better. I still have your boo boo logo on my sidebar to remind me for this year. Looking forward to it. Hugz

oldpunca said...

Congratulation to all winners and a big THANK YOU for your effort to make such a great event in the blogland!
Hugs, Sonja

Susanne Vargas said...

Congrats to all the winners! Your challenges are always fun and your generosity is wonderful! As is your card!

Mary-Anne V said...

Congrats to the winners and thank you for challenging us to take out those NBUS Darnell!

Nora Noll said...

Congratulations to all the winners!! Love your fun card and I thank you for inspiring us to use our stuff!!

Sybrina K said...


Congratulations on another fabulously successful NBUS Challenge!

Can't tell you how excited I was to see my name listed as a winner of a gift certificate. So, what do you need me to do? :)

Birgit said...

Congratulations to all the winners and I hope I can participate next time! Congrats to you for doing this and I hope I don't have tha robot or picture thing goi g on. I love your thank you card to everyone...very sweet looking.

Carol H. said...

Wow! 606 entries! That's so awesome! I've really enjoyed looking at so many beautiful cards! These were such fun challenges and I loved the optional twists you added to the NBUS! Was challenging and motivating and inspirational! So thank YOU! I love your "thanks" card--the hearts on the edges remind me of ric-rac! Anyone remember that?! It's so pretty! Thank you so much for the prizes that you offered! Do you need us to email addresses?

Prayers for your continued healing to put a spring back into your step! Can't wait for your next challenge! It sounds like a lot of fun! Hugs!!

JD/ Jill said...

Congrats to all the winners! Thanks again for this great challenge and all the work you put into doing it.
I really like your card too. If you get a chance to visit my blog...I left a note there for you...
Hope you and Mister have a great Valentine's day.

Pat said...

Wonderful to see you got such a great response to your 3 week NBUS challenges & congrats to the winners. Hope your recovery is continuing apace & you're soon back in fine fettle, which I guess is in Calif. Have a great week.

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Wow - thank you that my name appeared on RNG - the pencils are most acceptable thank you. And thank you sooooo much for this fabulous NUBS challenge.
My congratulations to the rest of the winners, and all those who joined in to make Darnell so very happy!!

Loll said...

Another amazingly successful NBUS event Dolly!! Congrats on that incredible number of entries. And congrats on being able to comment on almost all of the entries --- a huge, HUGE task!

Congrats to all the winners. You are so generous, my friend. Lolly xx

JoAnn said...

Wow, over 600 entries, that is amazing. Thanks to you for all your hard work and generosity. Love your pretty card. Looking forward to more of your interesting and inspiring challenges.
So excited to see that I was a winner also. Congrats to all the other winners.

Christine Alexander said...

totally awesome challenges and number of entries. so glad to be part of it. Can't believe you made so many comments. Thanks for my prize, I'm doing a major happy dance at the moment. Clarity brushes are like gold but worth more:)

Cheryl W. said...

Congrats to all the winners! Enjoy your new crafting goodies. Thank you, Darnell, for all the work and effort to hold these NBUS challenges. They are so much fun and so inspiring.

Ros Crawford said...

You really make me smile Darnell.. You are a breath of fresh air in Blogland and so generous too! Congrats to all the winners!
Your Thank you card is beautiful ... Love the border edging. I think I understand the April challenge ... Who knows, but I'll make a note. Happy Valentine's Day ... Have a great one!

Linda said...

Congratulations hun...... 606 entries WOW!!
What a fabulous showcase of winners ..... congrats to everyone.
Happy Valentine's Day too ..... mwah!xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ready for immediate access to the Loony bin 🙄 on first of April, Darnell.... you make me so chuckle and yes I did understand the specs for "le grande evente"!!!! 😁

You are soooo funny...over the bit about your bottom being bigger than your heart! Think we can lots of us relate to that! Loved your card though, esp Ric-rac edges..

Huge congrats to all the wonderfully clever NBUS winners.

I would that I could say I saw them all but I'm so woefully behind in such matters, I've decided for sanity's sake to comment on as many as I can and leave it at that.
Getting too many things on ones plate!!
Thanks for sharing your generosity around blogland dear friend.! And well done again fir carrying on in spite of surgery in the midst of it all.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

Congrats to the winners!

Thank you for this challenge. It is FUN to use something you didn't use before. And it was also fun to have the optional twist. I did not use all of them, but I did some.

Looking forward to next time!

Krisha said...

Well, my Dear, you pulled off an other super great NBUS , or is that NBUSES?
Congrats to ALL the winners!!
I've sticky noted the next event with anticipation....including the radish for you know who!
Thank YOU for dreaming up these events that we all love to join.

Brenda said...

A HUGE Congrats to all the winners of the NBUS challenges! What great news Auntie! I think the bloopers were such a big hit and I know it made me not feel so bad when I mess something up! lol Which I can do often. I think it is genius to combine it with a NBUS challenge. Frankly, I don't know how to you all you do do! You must be the energizer bunny!!!! Uh, do you think you can bottle some of the energy and share it with the rest of us??? I'd be more than happy to buy it! lol Happy Valentine's Day to you and the Mister!!! Love and hugs, Brenda

Nancy Penir said...

A big happy Valentines, Darnell. And an extra big congrats to all the lucky winners!

Sandra H said...

Many congratulations to you all and a massive well done Darnell you deserve a pat on the back with all you do and recovering too! sending lots of love x

Zelda said...

Congrats to all the winners AND congrats and thank you to you Darnell! What a great success and such a fun few weeks. Hope your recovery is going well. Hugs, Zelda

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners. And a big thank you to the wonderful host

Nonni said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe I won the scoring tool! YAY! Will write you an email. The next challenge you are planning sounds super fun, I'll definitely mark my calendar for that one. Thank you so much for all the inspiration and fun blog land happenings you keep having for us! Hugs!

Lisa T said...

Firstly, thanks should be going to you Darnell, for hosting this wonderful challenge, especially with surgery right in the middle of it. Hats off to you!! Whay a super card too, love the additonal score line details and the washi tape to give it some added interest... I must remember score lines. Secondly, congratulations to all the winners, I loved to see the winning cards too :-). And thirdly, I am so looking forward to the boo boo, boo hoo, woo hoo hop in April. As I am exceptionally good at boo boos, this should not be a hard one for me haha!!! Hope you continue to recover well Darnell, sending hugs, Lisa xx

Milka Gubo said...

:o) Congratulations to all winners. :o) It was super fun to play with all those NBUSes I have. Can't wait for new challenge, which sounds great. :o)
And... Your card is BEAUTIFUL, Darnell. :o)
Big hugs! xx

Fikreta said...

Congratulations to all winners!
and thank you for wonderful challenges!
your card is gorgeous!

Kara Lynne said...

Beautiful thank you card, Darnell! Congrats to the winners! I really missed joining in on the celebrations so it's great to hear about your April festivities. I've never been so excited about a card gone wrong!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all the winners ! And thank you so much to you Darnell for your great challenges and above all your great kindness and your amazing joy of life !
Izzy Scrap

Kathyk said...

CONGRATULATIONS to all the lucky winners - ENJOY your prizes and thanks to Darnell for offering them


MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
I thought this may have been The Mister's Valentine at first glance until I saw the "Thanks". Mind you, it's a big "Thanks" so maybe I need to get the eyes checked lol!
Gorgeous card and many congratulations on another successful challenge.
Best wishes.
Ang x

StampedByBibi said...

Congratulations to all the lucky winners!
And congratulations to Darnell for running three successful challenges rght after one another. You wild, crazy, funny and most generous woman, you! I can't believe (well, I DO actually) that you have left comments on some 600 post in three weeks, during recouporation at that!! Thank you so much for leaving such kind words on my entries, which I had a lot of fun doing. It's a good "excuse" to use some of those babies that just collect dust ... (as if I need one, but clearly I do!). Thank you from the bottom of MY heart, right backatcha! ♥

Di said...

Just spotted this Darnell! Well done to all the lucky winners - but taking part is a prize in itself anyhow!


Di xx

Sue - said...

Well done to all the winners and to you as well Darnell for running the challenge. Lovely thank you card. Hugs xx

Linby said...

congrats to everyone - I don't know how you organise all this Darnell - well done to you also.