A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

August 19, 2016

Fluffy Dreams and NBUS #7 Announcement

Hello there!

Welcome to the Weak End! I hope you have lovely plans as summer is winding down. Are you heading out on an end-of-summer vacation? Or is it over because the kidlets are already back in school?

The grandtwins started middle school earlier this week which can be very scary. All I can do is wish them all the best and hope that when they close their eyes at night they are lifted up by happy dreams.
This happy dream consists of swirling fluffy clouds surrounded by colors of exploding jellybeans flavored with bubble gum and raspberry!

In practical terms, I used a vanilla card base and behind the circulature are swirls from an embossing folder by LifeStyle Crafts. The NBUS sediment went through surgery; it's from the "Heydey" set by Hero Arts. The happy die is from Papertrey Ink.

Don't you think I did a marvelous job with my artful spray spluttering? Well, the truth is this was a super EZPZ card because I simply cut the die from the piece of paper that was lining the bottom of my spray box! I thought it was too pretty to throw out.

Snippets Playground Badge


Date Change

Many of you have been patiently waiting for the biannual NBUS (Never-Before-Used-Schtuff) Challenge to begin on September 1st. It turns out we are having gobs of company in September, so I am moving up the challenge a bit.

The challenge will start on August 27th and run for the usual ten days, ending on September 5th. YAY!!
Prize Change

There will be one other change this time in that there will be no monetary prizes. I'm doing this for two reasons. The first reason is that I'm just off a luxury holiday to England and my pocketbook is rather empty. 

The second reason is more abstract. I've had a couple three comments made to me that the only reason so many people participate in my NBUS Challenge is because I offer prizes. Really though? 

Of course, there is truth in that. There are always going to be some who are only interested in prizes. But I've gotten the feeling over the years that you genuinely like to play in this challenge because it makes you stop and focus on using your virginal, forgotten, and set-aside schtuff. Prizes or no prizes. Right or no?

So . . .

if you have one of these:
... or at least one of these:
I hope you will play along! [BTW, if the Mister asks me about this bowl of NBUS, I'm going to have to say it was staged for the purposes of this publication. Cough.]

So mark your calendars for next Saturday August 27th when the InLinkz button will appear! If you are not familiar with Never-Before-Used Schtuff, please check the tabs at the top of the blog to see prior challenges and learn about the origin of the challenge and the rules.

Thank you, everyone!!


Enjoy your day and the Olympics! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling:
Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and a pop-up box opens.
Click "Jump to Comment Form" and walla, no more car pool tunnel!
If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me
your email address so I can respond. Thank you!


Kathyk said...

I'm ready for NBUS #7, Darnell .. Mt NBUS prepare to be conquered!


Rahmat said...

Loving the card Darnell, the focus you created is awesome.
About the NBUS, I play it for sheer fun, I would play whether there is a prize or not.
Most of the gift coupons which I win, I cannot claim..so when I win something which I cannot claim , I either let it go(which I have done a couple of times). The other times, I pass it forward to someone who can use it.

Kathyk said...

Oopsie, clean forgot to say what a delightful card and fab colours too!

Sorry about that, it's early and my manners are still in bed!


Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I love your card Darnell. Great colours and I really like how you've framed the words. I'm looking forward to your next NBUS challenge :) Crafty hugs, Sandra X

nancy littrell said...

I Love your too pretty to throw away Snippet for your focal image. So pleased you played with us at CAS Mix Up Darnell. Hugs, Nancy

Can't wait for your NBUS Challenge...Hugs, Nancy

Ruth said...

I am ready, willing and able! I have managed to collect quite s bit of NBUS including some interesting Fuseable papers which I have been waiting to use for a while - their time has now come! Be prepared for Fuseing! And I feel sad that people would say they entered just for the prizes. I, in fact, have stopped entering a lot of giveaways simply because they give me yet more NBUS! Xx

Neets B said...

That sprayed card certainly was too pretty to throw away, great job and I love the scallopy (not a word I know but it doesn't matter here does it! lol) background in the frame.
As for your challenge, as nice as prizes are I just love playing along, and I think you need one of these challenges every week so I can really use all my NBUS! xx

Craft-E-Place said...

Fabulous card, I love the colours. I'm looking forward to the fun of your NBUS challenge!

Aileen said...

Wonderful card and how clever to even have a piece of paper at the bottom of the spray box, of course I never thought of that. Well the piece you ended up with is marvelous and the die surgery is perfect. Isnt it funny how people like to put a dampener on things. Yes there are people who enter cause they want to get something out of it, thats human nature. But you have such a wonderful following that there will be just as many coming along to share and use up their NBUS. I have been working very hard on increasing my pile just for this chance so Im ready to go. Glad your back.

hellerlittle said...

Hun I love your splattered sprayed background ... you did a well job *lol

It doesn´t matter if there are prizes or not @ NBUS ( for me) it´s my way to remind me
to use my forgetten "Stuff"

CU hellerlittle

kiwimeskreations said...

What a wonderful card Darnell - I use paper from my spray box too, but unlike yourself, mine is pretty well covered by the time I use it - your's looks way more artsy than mine :-).
I will fossick in my NBUS tray and join the challenge!!

Marianne said...

Great use of your left-over panel, Darnell. I've been patiently waiting for your next NBUS challenge to start. Even so, I've tried to use some of my NBUS in between challenges as well. Thanks again for putting using our NBUS higher up on our agendas!
Marianne x

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, Here the kids have two more weeks before they got back.

Loving the card.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Sue

Stamps and Paper said...

LOveloy card Darnell and love your sprayed background...our grandkids dont go back to school until 5th September...


Gerrina said...

Love the texture of your card and that it is again so different from your earlier makes!
I will join the fun in a NBUS-challenge with or without a price or prices; just like to work with my new things and I am really serious of using all that I buy...Even if that means I will be bussy for a long time :) !!
Hope you have a good and colourfull relaxing weekend planned! Hugs, Gerrina

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Hope that your grandkid will have a nice year of school... with no stress! Your delightful card will help him to dream (but hope not at school....) :D It's adorable with the puffy clouds and the colourful spray!
I'm waiting for the NBUS, have already a card ready for it! :D

Jan Clothier said...

Love the swirly texture in the centre and the thrifty approach you took to the spray drawer lining! It's was a real treat to read about your trip to England - it must have been just marvellous!

Julie B said...

Definitely too pretty to chuck in the bin, you've made a fab card with it.
Mt Nebus is ready to be scaled, we all need a push to use that item we just had to have then had it sat there staring at you saying' You wanted me, so what you gona do about it'! :)

Anita in France said...

The splattery splendidness goes so beautifully with the swirly sumptuousness, Darnell ... and it's still so deliciously CAS ... and gorgeous! NBUS #7 ... of course I'll be playing along no matter what, mon amie ... you've created such a fun, inclusive event that brings worldwide NBUSers together ... who wouldn't want to be part of such a fabulous challenge? Now, where to find some NBUS! SYLMYH! Hugs & bisous, bisous, Anita :)

Redanne said...

Weak end really made me smile, Mr and I have moved an ancient (and very heavy) TV from the bedroom to the recycle centre and we both have sore backs as a result - ha, ha, mine is my backside!! I didn't know I had muscles there.... Anyway, I love your card and that sprayed piece was definitely too beautiful to throw away, it is gorgeous and makes the most wonderful addition to your card!

I will do my best to join in the next NBUS, if I can find some NBUS of course (ahem, cough, cough)!! Big hugs, Anne xx

Di said...

What a super card Darnell - I love that you knew just when to sop spraying onto that piece of lining paper and rescue it to be used! I think that's my problem with Brushos - I use them as if I'm scattering paprike pepper over the top of a cheese based dish and then wonder why they turn to mud! Like the sediment surgery too :)

Good luck to the boys - little Live begins school in Germany in September and fianlly gets to carry that enormous school bag on her back that I posted about earlier this year - like a turtle :)

I have two boxes of NBUS just waiting to be used so am very excited here. How disappointing if folk were just joining in for prizes - and equally disappointing for anyone to even think/say that in the first place! I bet you'll find we'll all still play if we can anyhow - it's a fun challenge and that's the reward - not a prize!

Love and hugs

Di xx

Di said...

Sorry about all the typos - Saturday morning is Playground write-up day but when I read your post I wanted to make sure I commented. PS Did the Birthday card ever arrive - this is it on my blog:http://pixiescraftyworkshop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/cuttlebug-mania-challenge-embossing.html

So at least you can see it electronically!!


Di xx

Jane Willis said...

That was FAR too pretty to throw away, it looks wonderful on this card.
Now, a moment's thought. Why is raspberry flavour always blue? I've never met a blue raspberry in my life, and some of those raspberry flavoured drinks look more like something you'd clean your windows with or use to start a fire than something you'd actually consume!

Linby said...

I find I'm using the "leftovers" far more these days! Not yet used the bottom of the spray box, but off to have a look! Your card is just delightful and the inkyness is great.
Thanks for the heads up for the OLS challenge.
I not only have a NBUS mountain, I have a whole range of mountains here!!! bring it on.
Lynn x

Lynn said...

The lower three head off to school on Tuesday and #1 is off at college and starts classes Monday. Time is flying. Best of the luck to the twins! I'm all for a NBUS - prize or no prize doesn't matter to me. Love your splatter card. The colors are fabulous!

Birgit said...

I think you did a mah-velous job on the ink splattering and your card is so sweet. All children should have such happy dreams... I would play your NBUS challenge with or without a prize too. It's just a fun challenge that makes me delve into that pile of schtuff and give it some love.

Donna said...

*Sings* 'NBUS day is nearly here... Hip, hip, hip, hooray. NBUS day is nearly here... and I want to play' :)
Love the fact that your card is made from what others would throw away. Gotta save the planet, you know... and a few pennies (big wink).
Enjoy your weekend. X

Pat said...

Looking forward to the start of a new NBUS Challenge Darnell and I'm sure the entries will come in thick and fast, even without prizes, as it is such fun to join in, and good luck to the twins starting their new school which is always daunting, but I'm sure they will soon get into the swing of things! Now, to your pretty card. I love the recycled box bottom sprayed paper, and the rounded edges and jaunty angle, and the beautiful embossed swirls behind the sentiment too. A totally fab card. Have a good weak/weekend. x

designbydonna said...

Beautiful dreamy card. Love the colors. Great way to use something you would have thrown out. Maybe you should have a repurpose/recycle challenge theme in between the NBUS ones, I play just for fun beacause I really need to think about using the NBUS pile.

Brenda in IN said...

Thinking happy thoughts for the twins. The unknown is always a bit scary until you do it. I know they will do just fine. I would never have thought to use the bottom paper in the spray box but yours is great. I love those two colors together and it made a pretty card. Maybe people do play for prizes but NBUS is a wonderful way to make us look at stamps a new way. Sometimes I buy a stamp set because I like one stamp in the set and never use the others. NBUS makes me go back and pull out things I've never used before. Although I do have a lot of new things I can use too! That kinda defeats the purpose so I'll try to use the oldies and give them some love.

Happy Dance said...

Middle school can be a tough place...all those new hormones crashing around and all, but I'm sure that the boys will do just fine. I'll keep them in my prayers. Fantabulous card sweetheart. LOVE the 'leftover' panel; and you're so right, it's too pretty not to use! You're just dreamy. As for the NBUS Challenge, I'M IN!!!!!! Not that I have much NBUS stuff around (hahahahahahahahahaha), and more on the way (hahahahahahaha). It's a fun challenge and I wouldn't miss it for the world. Chat atcha soon babe. Bev

Mac Mable said...

Such a thoughtful card and loving the idea of using the paper that was on the bottom of your spray box...genius!

Betty said...

just succumbed to some new Altenew and Concord & 9th stamps so I'll be all set to go - also want to say I enjoyed reading about your England trip.

Loll said...

Excited about your next NBUS challenge and hope to play along. I think most (if not all) people play along for the fun of it and not the prizes, so I think you've made a wise decision. I should probably do that with my tag event as well. :)

Good luck to the boys as they start middle school. They are sure growing up fast.

And LOVE your sprayed card. Great job using the paper in the bottom of your spray box ... it IS really fantastic. :) Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up! Lolly xx

Vicki Dutcher said...

While I will be gone when your challenge starts, I hope to play when I return~ Goodness gracious but I do have a lot of NBUS! :) Your challenge inspired me to join in :)

ps - great recycle idea for your card too

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Oh, I do LOVE that you used your lining paper from your spray box Darnell - you crafty being you - I like to use stuff like that too (waste not, want not eh?). Great card!

I'm so disappointed that I will be away during your NBUS Challenge (nothing to do with prizes - I never win anything anyway LOL) But the 'G-Man' and I are going to be in rural Spain then without internet AND crafty supplies :( I expect it will still be as popular as it always is - don't listen to the doubting Thomases - they will be proved wrong I'm sure. Have a great weekend my friend! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Mrs A. said...

So does this mean you also have a circle of the said paper to use on sumthinck else then. Do hope so . Hmm might just find a card to do using stuff I have just unearthed. Hugs Mrs A.

Mrs A. said...

Oh Miss Darnell, thank you ever so for your kind remarks on my notes I have been posting on Mrs A's blog. It's so good to see all my fan mail. Sammy says its some of hers too but I'm the ideas man !! Hi to Hammy . Hope he has gotten over the time lag and back on the old tread wheel. Hugs Norm.

Kath said...

A fabulous card Darnell. I'm ready and waiting for the NBUS challenge - so much to choose from!
Kath x

Ardyth said...

Your spluttering is just dreamy! Love the colours and the texture too! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week. Hope the twins are settling in ok - I remember it was a tough transition (for one of my kids - the other seems to have sailed right through).

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
Terrific recycling of that splendid background.
There will always be folk who will be a bit mercenary & do challenges for what they can win but its sad if people have implied its the only reason.
We all think you're fab Mrs K so 99.9% I'm sure will be entering for you.
Ang x

Unknown said...

Love the colours on your card. I too hope the boys enjoy middle school. Savannah starts school in September so that will be four out of the seven in school already - it's going way too fast. Have a great weekend Darnell and thank you for the lovely card which arrived today x

KT Fit Kitty said...

Pretty card, Darnell! I love the watercolour and the embossed swirls! I enjoy your NBUS challenges very much! I love using my NBUS! I always have some stamps or dies that haven't been tried yet, maybe too many! Have you thought about lifting the restriction on the number of other challenges permitted? This is always a stumbling block for me because I like to support as many challenges as I can with every card I make, and I tend to shy away from those that restrict the number of other challenges entered. I may be in the minority but entering challenges is a big part of my blogging hobby. Just a suggestion but I'm sure I will join you anyway, just for fun!

Kim M said...

Hey Darnell! Fantastic card!! I will join in on your NBUS challenge regardless of prizes. While it's nice to win a prize, I really just enjoy getting recognition for my work. That never gets old. :-). I think that the majority of people who have played before will play again. You are just too awesome to ignore! Big hugs!

conil said...

Way to recycle, girl. You're right, that panedl was to pretty to throw away. It's perfect for surrounding your sentiment (hope it's recovering nicely from the surgery). By the way, thanks for the shout out, I truly appreciate it.
Never having given away something on my blog, I don't know why anyone would enter something just for the prize but...live and let live, I always say. Anyway, I have both the requirements for entering the NBUS challenge, and how! That being said and as the date is drawing near, I better put my planning cap on.

Jerrie said...

Darnell, your Mt. NBUS is so funny! I love your cloud card. The circle is so light and airy and love how you die cut the center of it! Your splatters are spot on!!

Carole Pollard said...

Love your card so lovely and another very interesting post especially about the forthcoming challenge love and hugs Carole x

Em Louise Fairley said...

Gorgeous card, Darnell. I'm hoping I'll find time to play in the NBUS challenge. Grin
Em x

Karen P said...

Absolutely stunning Darnell!

I have to say shame on them for thinking that way. I'm here for the fun and friendship hun and to be honest I actually don't play in some challenges because the winnings don't interest me lol! Of course some of them do, it's great to get a win now and then but I don't expect it and am always grateful for it.

I will be back for the NBUS hun and we will show the nay sayers how wrong they are Karen x

Verna Angerhofer said...

I hope I am feeling well enough to join In the fun by that date. I guess time will tell.

Carol L said...

What a great save to make a card out of that paper, and it looks fantastic in those purple and blue splatters, splotches and whatever you wanna call them :) I'd play in your NBUS challenges with or without prizes, cuz I love the way it brings those unused goodies out of the dustballs and into the spotlight. I play along to help celebrate your HUGE following too - you go girl!

Jacquie Southas said...

That splattered piece is definitely too pretty to not use! Love the swirly embossing behind the happy. I'm looing forward to another NBUS challenge next week!

Bonnie said...

I need to start using a box for sprays so I can get a piece like this! I does make me think of a gumball machine with all those fun colors! A treat for sure! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Mix Up! I'll be seeing you at the NBUS challenge. The hard part will be choosing which NBUS will get to see the action. Maybe we should all take a picture of our Mount NBUS!

Cheryl W. said...

Love today's card! I'm going to think/dream about those colors when I go to bed tonight. Hope my dream is as happy as your card. :) I'm already thinking about my NBUS pile (especially since I just ordered FIVE MORE DIES!!!!) I don't need prizes, I just need a kick in the patoot to get me going, and your NBUS challenge provides that.

BożenA said...

I am glad that you are back home and everything is back to normal :-)) You probably have less enthusiasm for this reason ... card is great, I love beautiful vibrant color background.
You ask if the challenge NBUS will be better with or without prizes? It's does not matter. Each of us is looking forward to this event because it's fun and the opportunity to meet with you in the your Playhouse. I am happy with it soon.

JoAnn said...

Love your card. Great use of the overspray piece, love it.
Ready for the NBUS #7. I already have something in mind. :)

Brenda said...

Quick comment Auntie, love the card!!!! And I know there may be a few who play for the prizes, but I think the most of play because we love the challenge and it gets us to use our NBUS. Im mot going to have a lot of time, but plan on playing along!!! Big hugs, Brenda

Lisa Elton said...

What may seem to be trash to others is often gold to us crafty gals!! Brilliant idea to use your paint box salvage Darnell, this is cool!! Prize or no prize makes no difference to me. I play when I can cuz I think you're the bee's knees!!

Pat said...

Darnell, you are such a hoot. Your description of your fancy splutters had me laughing. And yes, I went to my spray box to check the liner. Woohoo- silver & midnight blue- I can work with that. As to your NBUS challenge-not only do I love trying to decide what might have been new, but I also try to follow your lead & use something new or not used for a long time. So you're setting a good example as well. We all know some "what's in it for me?" people, but let's just ignore them & enjoy ourselves. Thank you, as always, for adding a smile to my day. And as you mentioned your grands, I'll do the same. Grand #6 arrived 4 weeks ago- she is only the second girl; my oldest at 22 being the first, with 4 boys in between. There's a reason they call us Grand-mother! Hugs to you (& the mister too).

Anonymous said...

So glad you saved the splatter paper - it sure is to good to bin. Makes a fab card.
Looking forward to using some of NBUS - I try regularly but it just keeps appearing :) embarassed smiley face!

sandie said...

I really like the embossing behind the panel, never thought of that. I play any challenge because I want to never for the prizes, a prize is always nice to get but prizes don't entice me to play any challenge x

Anne said...

Hi Darnell. Great card , would love to be able to join in challenge but st moment time is an issue as still looking after mum :-) x

Anne said...

Hi Darnell. Great card , would love to be able to join in challenge but st moment time is an issue as still looking after mum :-) x

Ros Crawford said...

Really? You had that piece lining your spray box? It's brilliant! I hope the boys enjoy their new term ... It goes so fast.
NBUS has been put on my calendar... Sending hugs!

Neet said...

Oh Darnell, I cuss the Olympics because I have been glued to my tv set. Seriously it has been riveting because our tiny little island has never performed so well before and it has been exciting beyond belief.
Love the card, I used to work with a piece of thick aper beneath me when using things like Distress Inks so that bits went on the paper and then I used them to cut out shapes/dies/stamped images. In fact I found a little tiny house on the floor this morning that was just that - a bit of scrap. Yours is so pretty, hope you get lots more cut out with it.
Hugs, Neet xx

Kreative Kymona said...

Great card Darnell!! I can't wait for the challenge to begin!! I have so many crafting supplies that I haven't used so this will be fun!!

Rita said...

Great card Darnell. I like the sound of this challenge, but at the moment I find it hard to commit. Hope your Well. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxxx

stampwithsandy said...

Great splattering! I'm excited to play along in the next NBUS, and it's great fun prizes or not. I'd like to think most people would play regardless.

Sarah said...

That was far too pretty to throw away for sure . The colours are beautiful and go with the vanilla Base so well. Looking forward to raiding the NBUS basket...I may even have more than one (ahem!!) item that I can use !! xx

TK said...

Beautiful card -- and I agree, do NOT throw away those perfect splatters! And NBUS? Yes, plz! Means I'm gonna have to get my schtuff together tho! Looking forward to hopefully playing as I have a wedding (and the decorations to do) before 9/16!!!

Geri said...

The twinks are off to middle school!!! Seriously? Wow - time sure does fly!

Fabulous 'save' from the bottom of your spray box! Gorgeous colors and amazing card! The sentiment looks really, REALLY cool atop the swirly whirlies!

Now about the prize 'thing'....bah-humbug to those that criticize! I have a really, REALLY hard time trying to understand how people can be so negative about such a fun event! I wonder if they ever feel badly after having spouted off about nonsense???

So, pay no attention to those 'poopy pants' folks because "the truth is in the pudding"....as in the number of entries your FUN challenge receives!

Colleen said...

Yeah for another NBUS!! Yes, I fear I have one or two or...many more! I play to use them, not to win, so glad you have this challenge going every once in a while, keeps us moving down the mountain of NBUS! Great card, now why didn't I think of putting a paper in the bottom of the spray box and then using it? You are too too clever my friend!! Have a happy Sunday and the rest of the week!!

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, so glad you are home safely after your wonderful trip. Your card is beautiful and I love the sentiment. I keep saying i won't buy anything until I have used all my 'schtuff' first! Ha - who am I kiddin'!
love from

Sharon Underwood said...

First of all, I participate in the NBUS Challenge because it's FUN! Winning something is fun, too, but that's not the purpose of the Challenge! Second, I LOVE your card and the idea behind it. This is a changing time for your grandsons, and I hope they embrace it with both arms, and yours, too! Good luck to them. They'll love your card!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

NBUS - an ever growing mountain - just got another order yesterday....no idea why at this point I keep ordering more shtuff.....so I should have no problems playing along :)

Awesome splatter card!

Tracey McNeely said...

Oh goodness the boys have started middle school? Is that grades 7 - 8 or 6 -9. I hope that there first week went well and I bet they had the best time. This is the sweetest card, love the embossed background and how you made it 'happy dream' and the bottom of the spray box trick is genious. It almost looks like colorburst watercolours!! Now you know I only do NBUS for the prizes--wink! Actually if I play I play for you and not wish to win a prize. <3 Thank you for sharing with us at CASology this week!

Mimi said...

I love this card! Good luck to the grandtwins... my daughter went into 7th last year and loved it-- was like, "Why haven't I been here for two years?"


Lisa T said...

Even though I spent the last three months using stuff from my box of unused stuff, I still have lots to use and now have a ton of new stuff that has been added! So, I am very happy to be playing along with your challenge for the first time Darnell!

Love your card, especially that you used the bit of pretty spritzed paper from the bottom of your box to make it! The colours are gorgeous, and I love the die cut happy across the front - great card :)

Lia said...

Hi Darnell,
I will be on a holidaytour from aug.24th but will be joining the challenges after being home again. It seems a lot of fun to me, using stuff which stays in my draws and in forgotten corners of my craftroom!
Best wishes,
Lia (http://liadesignandso.blogspot.com)

Carole said...

What an ingenious use of the bottom of a spray box Darnell! and I love your take on the dream! Great card as a result. Now the big question?...will you file away all the NBUS stuff before it is used?(our conversation at Knutsford)
or work your way through it? :) xx

OH Babs said...

I have been negligent in responding to your posts. Another NBUS bloghop - you must be feeling good. Hooray!
All of your posts from England were delightful and I am so glad you had a marvelous time. Hammy's photo gallery might make a cute child's book. :)
Your new found friends certainly loved your beautiful and elegant thank you cards.
Congrats on the new granddog. How sweet that Hammy has is own frog.
Hope I covered all the posts and happy you are home safe and sound.
Hugs, BBB

Monika Skinner said...

Hi Darnell. Love the splatters! Thanks so much for the card. Guessing that after the HLS retreat and the resulting shopping spree, a few of us will be more than ready for the next NBUS party. I shall pop by again at the weekend. Have a lovely day! hugs xxx

shirley-bee said...

Love your spluttery splattery save card, Darnell! I think if I look really hard (ahem) I may find some NBUS to play along. I may even find some NBUS that I'd forgotten I'd bought ;)
I think it's great that there will be no prizes - just think of it as a public service that you're not adding to other people's Mt NBUS. We all seem to be doing a good job of that on our own :)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Tis true that many people play only for prizes. Not me though. Nope, I don't play a'tall cuz I can't ever get my act together in time. You never know with though.

I very much liked your splattery dreamy card. I'd rather not have dreams of e'sploding jelly beans. Then again I don't want dreams of going sailing in a giant storm with a coworker either (what was that about, brain??!).

oldpunca said...

For sure you did a marvelous job. :-) I like spritzing effect on cards. It is always something special. It seems that we all will catch our daily routine soon. :-)
I like your new idea of NBUS. :-) We have to play because of joy not because of prices!
Hugs, Sonja

Deidre said...

What an awesome way to recycle paper! And it's totally gorg! Thanks for sharing with us at CASology this week!

Melissa said...

This is sooper dooper pretty, Darnell, and I might add it's most definitely dreamy!!! Love how your creative mind works! :)
Thanks so much for joining us again over at CASology!!!

Donna Ellis said...

Fantastic card makings from the bottom of your spray box, Darnell! Lovely colors - it DOES look very happy, and perfect for going back to school! Thanks for the wonderful idea! hugs, de (I have replied to your email, Darnell, and hope it helps!).

Morti said...

Whoop whoop! NBUS challenge coming up.

My entire craft room is probably a Mt NBUS.... oops.

Zelda said...

What a great idea to use the paper from your spray box! Genius AND gorgeous!

Irish Cherokee said...

Thank you for stopping by and commenting. SOOOOOO appreciate it.
Your card brought a smile to me. Need I say the card is unique. Great use for an oft discarded paper. Love it.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Anne said...

Fab bit of upcycling Darnell.

I'm so excited we have a new NBUS challenge coming up, retreat has meant I have an even bigger mountain of NBUS than usual. I have been quilting but feel I deserve a diversion into paper again.

Misty Elam said...

Ooooh, pretty card, Darnell. Love the colors and the neat swirls behind the sentiment. I LOVE the NBUS concept. I know I'm still pretty new to cardmaking, but I have quite the basket like the one you posted... Except I hurry up and hide mine in my cabinet with the rest of my stamps before the hubs gets home... So they're all mixed in with all my other stamps. And if I can, I will gladly participate, no prize needed. It just sounds fun!! Simple as that. I agree, some will only participate or say, stop by your craft fair booth if you're giving something away, but I would like to think that the majority of people do it because they love making cards and it's a brilliant idea!! So count me in!! I actually have a craft fair coming up Labor Day weekend and I need to make as many cards as I can so this might work out perfectly!! I'll go check out the rules right now, since I totally forgot all about it the last time you mentioned it to me.. sorry...

Notations of a Crafter said...

Lovely card thank you for sharing with us on The Artistic Stamper - Debs DT

Misty Elam said...

Ohhh, I really hope I can find time for this. I've been wanting to do challenges, but am a bit intimidated so this sounds like the perfect start!! It's so easy!! I still can't believe someone(s) said that to you.... Not everyone is out for prizes.. Thanx for doing this Darnell!! It's such a cool concept!!

MaryH said...

So glad you are back home safely after your European Blitz. It was easy to see you were having such fun meeting all the folks. Seemed like at every UK blog, I see pictures of you representing us Yanks. I hope you had a grand time, and now are resting up from all the fun. I love your sputters...they don't look like blobs (which is what I end up with). Love that you recycled the waste paper. Looks terrific with the embossing and the die sentiment. Love the colors too. Hi to Hammy, and hope he didn't get too jealous with your European pal. He sure was cute! Take care, and TFS & Big Hugs too.

Helen F. said...

Wonderful card, Darnell. I really like how you circled the focal point, also like your splatters (mine always look like a crime scene).
I will certainly be joining your 7th (really, 7?) NBUS challenge~
My ever growing NBUS resembles pic #1-the mountain and I love that your challenges encourage me to chip away at it, so thank you for hosting this fun party that I always look forward to :-)

Greta said...

Now that is the most beautiful box lined paper ever! Thank goodness you used it for a card, Darnell! School already?! We're back to super hot for a few days, so I'll probably just stay in the house & make cards--haha! Your challenge does make me think about the older stuff still unused & that's what I hope to use for my card this time. Glad the date got moved up as it works better for me, too! Hugs, Greta

Marybeth said...

Love that paper on your happy card! We have a few that started middle school as well, good luck to the twinks! Yay for more NBUS! Sad to say I have many!

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous card, so glad you saved that stunning piece of scrap! I hope the twins are getting on well at their new school. Of course loads of people will join in your wonderful challenge - it's all about the fun, definitely! I will be there! xxx

Craftychris said...

And also everyone loves to support you as a thank you for the wonderful way you support all of us! xxxxxxx