A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

April 19, 2016

Happiness Always

Good Day, Friends!

Yesterday was the last day to file your income taxes (or get an extension) here in the US of A. Lots of grumpy faces were at the grocery store. It comes around every year, just like Christmas, yet we are always shocked a bit, aren't we? What? Again? So soon?

Shake it off. Let your elbows go limp and really shake it off! Feel the tension travel up through your neck, behind your ears, and out the top of your head. The only other forshure thing in life is death so, hey, let's not be grumpy!

Instead, let's look at a pretty card:
I made this card to play along with my friend Carol who is the featured designer for the current Tag You're It challenge and some of the awesome stencil challenges that are happening in Blogland. Yes, that's right! I stenciled! And I used my NBUS Yupo plastic paper to stencil on with DI pink and Brilliance gold. Here is a closeup of the sheeny shine:
The stencil was handmade and given to me by my friend Loll. BTW, if you haven't been to her blog lately, go check it out. She is doing mind-blowing things with gilding her lilies and butterflies and whatnot!

The tag is from the Stitched Main Street Tags by Poppystamps. The dual dragonfly is from Clearly Besotted and the sediment is from SU. The dragonfly was cut using ancient gold and pink lahmay paper from my stash. Oh, and the text background on the tag is from SU.

So, can we talk a second about that mesh peaking from behind the tag? I got the mesh design element idea from my friend Ros. I was planning to play in the City Crafter Challenge in honor of their SIXTH birthaversary!!! Congratulations!!! The brief was to CASE one (or more) of the DT's cards. I just missed the challenge, but I still wanted to mention it, because six years is something worth mentioning!

And I wanted to give Ros a shoutout for making me open this drawer, which hasn't seen the light of day in (cough) years:
Look at all those rolls of pretty mesh. Some of you younger crafters are thinking "ern?" and cocking your heads. And remember those spools of colored wire? Oh my Sainted Bernard! Since I only use small bits of it when I do use it, it will definitely outlive me. Do you see anything that you want? 

In addition to TYI, I am playing in:
I see I missed the other stencil challenges that were open a minute ago. I must be slowing down, folks. I can't seem to keep up with these one-week challenges any more, even with seven hamsters to help me. Maybe someone can make it a nine-day week ~ with four-day weekends, of course!

Pixies Crafty Workshop

Carol's TYI card   ~   Ros's City Crafter card


Speaking of anything you want, I have new items up on the Giveaways tab at the top of my blog:
The directions for entering can be found by clicking the Giveaways tab. You have until April 29, 2016.


New Friends Corner

I'm delighted to introduce you to these new friends:

Lee Ann Barrett of Greyt Paper Crafts. Lee Ann started blogging the end of 2011 and I've been an admirer since then. She often made cards for Operation Write Home and she has become a prolific challenge player and winner. Lee Ann's designs and coloring are perfection!

Pam Simpson of Pam's Crafts. Pam has been blogging since March 2012. Her cards are exquisite and truly gifts unto themselves. You'll find lots of layers, textures, beautiful embellishments, and amazing folds and shapes to amaze and inspire you!

Pen of Sunshine Pens Rambles. Pen lives in a log cabin in the middle of a small village in the UK and she has only been blogging since July of 2015. She has gradually started playing in more challenges and she enjoys this relaxing and fun hobby. In addition to her inspiring designs, Pen very kindly shares her process photos!

Tracie Pond of Creations for Kindness. Tracie started her blog journey in April 2015, so happy first blog birthaversary, Tracie! As the title of her blog suggests, Tracie blogs to share her beautiful cards and to encourage us to give our own cards away for the simple reason that they bring kindness and joy into the lives of others!

K.M. Meena Herale of Sunshine Creations. Meena only started her blog in February so she is brand new to our community! Her cards are happy and her creations are well-designed to play in challenges. Please do take a minute to introduce yourself to Meena and welcome her to our supportive and caring corner of Blogland!

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

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Click CTL + Home. 
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Click "Jump to Comment Form" and walla, no more car pool tunnel!
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Rahmat said...

What a lovely card Darnell, I like the mesmesh uses . The dragonfly is done so beautifully too. I like the glitter under it. All in all a gorgeous card which is aptly suitable for all the challenges.

Craft-E-Place said...

Amazing card. Fabulous design all of the elements work so well together! The mesh was an inspired addition - an idea that I must remember! Beautiful stencilling. A winner for sure - love it.

Suchi said...

Oh Darnell! Your card is wonderful! I love the colors, tag and stencil of course!! :)

Stamps and Paper said...

Great card Darnell and love the use of mesh ....fabulous background colours and loveeeeee that dragonfly


Kath said...

A fabulous card - I love your stencilling and the lovely colours you've used.
Kath x

kiwimeskreations said...

Ohhh Darnell your cards are amazing - love that butterfly and the gold under the pink is stunning!! as is the gold and pink stenciled background. Mesh - I only ever was able to buy one small roll, and I still have a more than just a remnant of it! :-)

SD pooja said...

Such a pretty card ,loved the addition of texture with mesh :)

SD pooja said...

Such a pretty card ,loved the addition of texture with mesh :)

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, Loving the card. I really like the tag and the colours go so well together.

Hope you have a good day. Sue

Gerrina said...

Love the fabric behind the beautiful dragonfly and the not so commeon colourcombination! Hope you have a good week!

Creative world said...

Gorgeous card as always,Darnell,and I learn something new from you again...I have these mash to,but didn't know it's useful in cards...I have it from the time I was making jewelry,thank you for the tips...Željka

Valerija said...

Wonderful card Darnell. I love your background and colours you have used!

Lynn said...

Love how you were inspired by Carol's tag. So gorgeous! And yes..I have that same wire :)!!

Barb said...

A stunning card Darnell and my favourite colour combo. I like the addition of the mesh on your card. Barbxx

LauraJane:) said...

YES!! let's look at pretty cards and always have JOY:)) Your card today is scrumptious with texture and script-y goodness!! LOVE it:)

Mac Mable said...

Yes I picked up on the mesh from Ros's card too and played along at their challenge and only just made it...Yes where does these 7 days go!!! Your card is so pretty. Loving the colours and the pretty brilliance gold for the stencil. I always forget to use those inks for stenciling and they are so very pretty so thank you for the inspiration x Gorgeous layers and texture on your card...Fabulous!

Pat said...

This is so pretty Darnell and I love your gold and pink harlequins in the background and the same colours used on the tag with the addition of the beautiful shiny gold on that cute dragonfly and the script, and the mesh also adds another layer of interest, with the perfect sentiment to finish. x

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Darnelle, gorgeous card, I love the design and the sunny shades. The dragonfly is fabulous.
Our tax here in the UK is taken off on a system called PAYE, so it comes off every month, unless of course you are self employed and then you do your own. The other alternative is that you avoid paying altogether, get a creative accountant, and stick your money off shore, it's a big hit here in the UK, not for the likes of us though, Kate x

Marilyn said...

Beautiful card!! Gorgeous butterfly!!

Carole said...

So very pretty Darnell....love everything about it...what a beautiful Dragon Fly and stenciling certainly seems to be the 'in' thing at the moment!....No doubt by the time I get around to it , the fashion will have changed. yes I remember the wire, and like you have some stashed away...I have lots of stuff that will outlive me and yet I buy more!!!

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

What a fabulous, layered CAS beauty Darnell . . . I find CAS layering impossible, my attempts end up looking like I have thrown the contents of my trash bin at the card and stuck it down where it landed! I applaud your artistry! Have a wonderful day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Julia Aston said...

What a beautiful design on your card Darnell! love the gold layered under the butterfly and all the pretty texture - I have that EXACT same drawer in my craft room - with spools of wire and rolls of mesh - too funny!!! Julia xx

Unknown said...

Lovely Darnel!! LOVE the colours so soft and pretty!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Gorgeous! LOVING the colors and the dragonfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Dance said...

Hiya Pookie! I'm kinda sorta on top of things this morning, so here I am NOT late in commenting! Woohoo! Your TYI card has left me gasping. It. Is. Stunning! Your stenciling is perfection itself, and the tag and dragonfly are beautifully adorned. I have to chuckle...I almost pulled out my mesh the other day! Great minds and all that! This is a winner for sure. I love it!! Oh!...you might want to hang on to that Cas-ual Fridays stamp; CASology has 'mom' as their cue card this week...just sayin'.... Miss you and tons o' hugs. Bev

designbydonna said...

Beautiful!! Love the dragonfly and all the glitter

Brenda in IN said...

Oh Darnell, I love this card! I'm crazy about the pink and gold and that gorgeous dragonfly. I can relate to the mesh. I have a drawer just like that and also have the wire on the coils! I'm now feeling the same way about sequins. I will never used them up before they go out and a new thing comes in so they will be in the drawer with mesh and wire!

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell what a gorgeous card/tag. You captured the inspiration beautiful with your stenciling and that fun mesh in between the base and your tag. The dragonfly with the gold--swoon! Every part of this is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Tag You're It!

Colleen said...

Darnell, gorgeous card/tag...really stunning with those colors! LOVE the dragonfly! Have a beautiful week my friend!!

stampingbowd said...

Hello!!! Oh, I just pink and gold together!!! This is gorgeous!!! You combined wonderful elements to make a fabulous card filled with happiness always!

Sue said...

Simply stunning card, Darnell, beautifully done. Thank you for visiting my blog and your encouraging comment. Sorry I haven't been about much lately, things are tough. Hope you are well x

Redanne said...

You CASEd that card beautifully Darnell, I think your version is beautiful, I love your stencilling on the Yupo (a recent discovery for me, with a certain Mr Holtz) and the gold under the dragonfly is gorgeous.

Nice to see that you can buy mesh over there, we have to use 'builder's scrim' over here and I now have about 100 yards on a roll!! You could use up some of the pretty wire by making squiggly antennae for butterflies and dragonflies perhaps? Just a thought.

Hugs, Annie xx

Di said...

Gosh Darnell - what a beauty! Love the stencilling and the piece of mesh you used is perfect. Darling dragonfly - which reminds me I have a similar NBUS die here. Slap my wrists!

Lovely to see you in the Playground this week :)


Di xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow!! This card is just amazing!! Love your stenciling and these colours!! The dragonfly looks stunning! Great design and embellishments!

Lisa said...

Oh wow, what a stunning card, Darnell!! I love the beautiful colors!! The dragonfly is so beautiful!! I love the texture you added with the mesh!! This is gorgeous!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Loll said...

WOW!! ... and I mean ... WOW!!

First of all, Dolly ... this is one of the most beautiful cards I've ever seen. Gorgeous colours, gorgeous design, gorgeous elements. I'm so proud of you for stenciling ... it looks AWESOME!! And you know I'm a "pink" girl --- looks so beautiful paired with your gold.

Thanks so much for the shout out ... and thanks for sharing your amazing card with us at CAS Mix Up!! Lolly xx

OH Babs said...

WOW! I saw your card on CAS Mix Up and I am impressed. May I say this is the most beautiful card you have made. Period. I love it! Way to go Irma.

Marisa said...

LOVE it!! Great use of the mesh and the added gold under the dragonfly die is perfect. Lovely variegated BG too!

Sharon Underwood said...

Love what you've done with the tag! I would've never thought to do all that, but it looks fantastic. Also love the background. I think I need to get that. And, you're right -- you never know what you'll find in a drawer that hasn't been opened in a while. Yes, I remember that wire. Still have some myself!

Donna said...

I am loving this tag card of yours, Darnell. Absolutely loving it. X

Maria Rodriguez. said...

Darnell, I'm stunned by this card, that mesh.....oh my gosh!! how beautiful it is!!!
You just inspired me to give this challenges a try, I have a pretty Dragonfly die that will fit perfectly for them. I love the golden shimmer on it's wings, just gorgeous.
Now, that drawer with the spools and mesh, WOW!! You should use that more often, just look at this amazing card!!
I better stop writing and get going making a card, thank you so much for the inspiration.
Big hugs,

Verna Angerhofer said...

What a gorgeous card. And, thanks for the reminder of using the mesh. I had purchased some years ago and I forgot all about it. Now I wonder where I put it? LOL

nancy littrell said...

OMG Darnell, your card is absolutely stunning my friend. I love every single mixed media detail. Your Dragonfly is so gorgeous and I love your gold details and stenciling. TFS my friend. Hugs, Nancy

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous card! Lovely stencilled background for the fab tag and pretty dragonfly. Beautiful colours and the mesh is just perfect! Thank you for reminding me that I have some too! xxx

Carol said...

Love your card Darnell, the soft colours are gorgeous. Looking forward to finding some forgotten goodies when I decant my craft space for the move! Carol x

Unknown said...

LOVE this card! That dragonfly is a keeper. Going to add that baby to my stash soon! Also wanted you to know I have the twin to your mesh/wire drawer!
Lu C

Cara said...

That stencilling is so delicate and stunning. Love the tag element too. Such a beautiful card. Cara x

Karenladd said...

Oooh, loving that layered dragonfly with the luscious gold!!! The text print and stenciling add gorgeous texture too. Had to chuckle at the sight of your Magic Mesh and those spools of colored wire because I actually USED some of my colored wire several weeks ago to make a spiral binding for a stamped coloring book I made my grand-daughter. Of course, I had to blow off 5 years worth of dust from the spool before I got started. Isn't it fun to pull out those really old supplies and let them see the light of day, even if just for one project?

Zelda said...

What a stunning card! I absolutely love it! And I love the mesh :)

HJ said...

Love your card, Darnell. Beautiful as always. I checked out your new friends' blogs and they are truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing their talent with us. Have a Happy Day!

conil said...

Good gracious (which you are), this card is spectacular...with all the shimmer, gold and pink. Not something I ever think of trying. So beautifully layered, as well. Combined with the text background and mesh, a sure winner in my book.
Speaking of mesh and colored wire, I'd take some off your hands if I didn't have a little hoard of it myself. And you're right. being as it's not biodegradeable, it will definite outlast me. I'd bequeath it to my kids but (a) they aren't crafters and (b) they'd think I was demented for keeping it all these years. Of course, they think I'm off my rocker anyway...that is, if I had a rocker to be off of. (How's that for sentence structure. My English teacher would pull her hair out.)

Marilyn said...

Brilliantly designed card! Love the butterfly and everything (and I do mean everything) about this card!

Kathleen said...

A fabulous card Darnell and love all the gold and the stunning background.
Yes I remember the wire, very well, think I binned mine eventually.

Kath x

Jan Clothier said...

What a glorious card! Love that script background and the wonderful dragonfly! It's a wonderful layered creation.

pam said...

Hi Darnell, gorgeous card design, beautiful colour tones, love the dragon fly on your tag, your mesh look fabulous, will have to get my builders mesh out!.
Thank you so much for the mention and link to my blog.
Pam x

Shelly said...

Oh, beautiful card Darnell!

Susan said...

Perhaps my favourite of all the cards you've ever made! I love everything about it! I might have to buy that dragonfly die....

Bonnie said...

What an awesome job of stenciling, Darnell! I love that pink and shiny gold background and I thought maybe you had the gilding bug and had gilded your bug. I see that you have some paper that's already gilded. Very nice! Love that mesh too. Add's another mixed media element! I'm all for a 9 day week if we can have a longer weekend. You'd think that now I'm retired one day would be the same as the next but old habits die hard. Weekends are just more fun! Oh, and thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up!

Sandy said...

I sure don't know how you do what you do and how it is you have the time to visit at so many blogs!! I have always coveted your little craft house. Well done Darnell and I love the mesh on it. What fun to find a new old drawer!!
Sandy xx

Greta said...

On of the most beautiful cards ever, Darnell! Your stenciling, sponging, use of colors, the netting--everything! I looked for my netting to use for my Case of Ros's card, but turned out I only had black & a light blue. I have spools of wire, too, but forget to use it most of the time.

Birgit said...

This is a beautiful card! First, love the stencilling and then love the pieces you used and the colours of the pink and yellow...so very pretty

Aileen said...

Darnell, What a stunner this card is. Wonderful colours used, layers and stencils and dragonfly and mesh and and everything. Absolutely beautiful. Loved my visit, checking out your new followers and being tempted to buy more craftiness.

Kim Heggins said...

Fabulous card Darnell and so proud of you for using your mesh (stuff I gave away years ago because I never used it when it was popular and now kicking myself for not having any). Your card is just incredible and I really love your sweet butterfly but that mesh steals the show! Hope you are doing well!!!

Janie Printz said...

Absolutely love your creation !!! That tag is just stunning & I so love the background text. Would you happen to know the name of it ... I've goggled Su text backgrounds but nothing like that came up.That dragonfly is AMAZING in all its beauty!!!
hugs, Janie janieprintz@msn.com

Cheryl W. said...

Beautiful colors and design! Love the stenciling on this one. I have a few stencils, and I need to get them out and have another go. As for your mesh and colored wire, isn't it interesting how crafting fads come and go and we waft right along with them. The only sad part is we end up with all these supplies that get put aside when the fad wanes. Hopefully, it'll all come back into fashion one of these years.

TK said...

Positively stunning!!! Oh goodness, I'm in love with this!!! Excuse me while I wipe the drool, it'll cause problems with my 'puter! Gold, pink, pretty tag, great stenciling, and how could I not love that dragonfly? I've never seen it look better! Kudos, Darnell!!!

Linda said...

What a pretty card Darnell. I love the shimmery stenciled background and the mesh behind the tag is a really nice addition. Thanks for playing along with the HLS Mixed Media challenge xx

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Ha! I have the colored wire but never fed into the mesh. This card is just lovely, Darnell. The gold under the open wings was just brilliant. Great use of that mesh, also.

Ros Crawford said...

Oh that is gorgeous!! I love the colours and I'm so sorry you missed the challenge...sigh
Thanks so much for the shout out and I'm sure I'll be seeing more of that mesh around soon... Hugs my friend

Karen P said...

Hi Missy D
I recently 're-found' a roll of Magic Mesh lol! The stuff was so expensive over here which must be why I have hung onto it for about fifteen years, lol, and yes I have some rolls of metal wire too. My roll of mesh will be used because it's 'in'/'a trend'. Over here most crafters use plasterers mesh because you get a huge roll, much more for your pounds and pennies, and it's white which means we can colour it any way we want.
The lovely Loll's cards and projects are always awesome and it doesn't surprise me that she is making her own stencils too and I am a fan of her gilded/leafed/metal creations her cards have much style and grace.
I love your card, beautiful texture, wonderfully soft pink, mixed media, yet still very elegant and classy. Add a bit of gold to that mix then I am in card heaven Karen xx

Sarn said...

WOW Darnell . . . this card really is a stunner. I love EVERYTHING about it.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

sandie said...

I love the pink and gold together and especially like the text background on the tag. Great to use some stash!

Sid said...

Another brilliant card Darnell !

Em Louise Fairley said...

Darnell it's beautiful!

Viv said...

Have a whole roll of that mesh Darnell from my 'mixed media period'! LOL
Might now have to try it out on a card - great job as always. xx

Cat Craig said...

wow this is one fab-U-lous card Darnell. Love everything about it. Beautifully designed.

Wishcraft said...

Such lovely colours and fab design, love the shimmer :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Pia S said...

I cased the same card as you did for the City Crafter challenge, but they turned out looking different. Yours has a really nice shine to it. I've always loved sketch challenges, but caseing now seem to be my favorite. There's so much inspiration to be found in other's creations...

shirley-bee said...

Beautiful card, Darnell! I love the two-tone stencilling and tag :)

jimlynn said...

Pretty just doesn't cut it with this card! It's GORGEOUS! Wow! Darnell, this is sensational. Beautiful in every way - and the mess is perfect on here. Love it.

Marybeth said...

Saw this on FB and couldn’t get over how gorgeous this card is! Love the gold under the dragonfly! How could you not be inspired by that beautiful tag that sweet Carol created!
My sister gave me a bunch of that wire too a few years ago, I love using it to hang banners that I make ...some paper and some felt.... It works perfectly!
Welcome to your new followers... I see a sweet DT member of mine..Pam!

Glennis F said...

This is such a beautiful card Darnell. I am off to check out your links. Thanks for commenting on my feathers too

Princess Judy Palmer said...

That's a very shiny shimmery sheen on that stenciled card. That's a nifty looking tag on that card. I totally thought that was would be the perfect cards for the CAS mixed challenge and you did join (great minds?) And yes.... magic mesh. I remember that stuff. I might even have some of it stashed somewhere... or I might have given it away. Who can tell?! Colored wire... I KNOW I gave that stuff away.

Carol L said...

I love the delicious colors on this card, and oh my goodness, how I love that stenciled background too! The dragonfly is sparklin' awesome on this beautifully designed card! Great use of that mesh too!

Liz said...

Gorgeous card, Darnell, I love the stencilling and lovely dragonfly. I think I have some of that mesh somewhere, I've never thought of using it like that on a card, it looks great. I must dig it out and use it. I've got a collection of coloured wires like you and actually used some on a card I posted this week, but I think mine will outlive me too. xx

laurie said...

Wow..awesome card! I love all the different elements..that mesh is a fun look. I have drawer like that..filled with eyelets...lol!

Have a great day!

Janice said...

A really pretty card, and I love how you've used the mesh. I think I might have some somewhere, along with sequin waste! I'd better get looking!
Janice x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Okay Darnell you caused me to go right off on a tangent there y'know!!
First it twas to peek at your giveways!!
....then trawling around Lolls blog and so signed up for her post not too and joined her blog as well and pinned somethings..
But to your card.. wow that is very imaginative indeed very clever butterfly card indeed, love it!
Thanks so much for sharing and popping over too.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Hi love your card and many thanks for your post mentioning me as one of your newest followers.

crafty hugs Pen x


Irish Cherokee said...

I am a detail person and this card is one displaying just that, Details. Beautifully done. Excellent.

Love, Hugs and Blessings

Diane said...

Super fabulous card...love the colors and that gold...well, it makes for a gorgeous dragonfly!! Wowzers, look at all that mess..I mean mesh...LOL!!!

Sue said...

Darnell - this is gorgeous - I love the stencilled background - it looks beautiful - such a wonderful and stylish card (oh I have drawers like that too) P-:

Kara Lynne said...

Your card is jaw-dropping gorgeous, Darnell! Your blend of pink and gold has a perfect balance, and I love every single detail! Thanks so much for joining in on the fun over at Tag, You're It!

Cathy said...

Such a pretty card Darnell, love the pink and gold, great CASE of the 2 cards too, Cathy x

cm said...

Rendered speechless.....okay, unrendered for a moment...I love x love your card/tag with that amazing stenciling, fabulous snippet of mesh and GORGEOUS (apparently I'm capable of shouting!) dragonfly! Oh my word! Thank you so much for joining the TYI gallery and so honoured that my little offering sparked your stellar creation! Off for close ups....

Anita in France said...

Simply and shimmeringly beautiful, Darnell ... every little thing about your tag card is such a delight ... the pretty pink and gold palette, the delicate mesh, that lovely soft stencilling, the fabulous French script (of course!!) ... and that stunning dragonfly ... yum ... yum ... yum! MYMCA! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)

Petra Swart said...

Oh, your softly stencilled bg looks great, Darnell!!!! And I really like the mesh - think you should use it more often!!! The sponged tag with the script is the perfect setting for your stunning butterfly!!!! This is such a beautiful card, Darnell - the pinks and yellows with the gold are really lovely!!!

Monika Reeck said...

I love the background on a soft color there Darnell and the main TAG oh so soft the color and the one behind the TAG I never seen this in Germany
I wish I can buy it a bit from you cool like ribbon but not ribbon
Darnell you always make beautiful card
Love this one as well

oldpunca said...

This dragonfly card is fantastic, dear Darnell. I'm admiring the design and the colours you've used. Simply beautiful.

Sue from Oregon said...

The softness of your tag is just stunning!

Susanne Vargas said...

If you were wondering about my lack of commenting - we were away this week for spring break! Now I am trying to catch up! This card is just fabulous! Love the sparkly paper for the solid dragonfly die! And I do have some of that mesh in my stash (of course)...

Helen F. said...

Oh Darnell, your card is totally awesome! LOVE that dragonfly on the tag and the mesh background adds so much more texture. Great stenciling too BTW ;-)

JD/ Jill said...

Beautiful card! And you know I love the PINK!!!!
I have ribbon that looks like mesh, and I used mine to look like a little screen door on the front of my card.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I love the gold peeking through and now I'm thinking of using that mesh idea with some fun burlap ribbon I have in my stash.... thanks for joining us at Tag You're It Challenge.

Geri said...

Beautiful card indeed! THIS IS SERIOUSLY STUNNING!!! So cool to see some retro product featured...cuz it totally works with this butterfly image! The dragonfly is gorgeous all gilded up in gold!

Thanks for the little reminder not to grumble about paying taxes cuz the second sure-thing option sucks!

Mimi said...

How did I miss this? Omg, I'm losing my mind...
This is beautiful-- the colors rock, and the gold+pink dragonfly assembly freaking rocks more.
Thanks for sharing your deepest, darkest mesh drawer... I have some of that stowed away... Cuz you never know...

Renata said...

Lepa kombinacija barv, krasna je.

Miriam Prantner said...

Fantastic inking! I love the ombre on the tag and how that's echoed on the background!

Greta said...

Hurrah!! Congrats on the shout out at CAS Mix Up, Darnell! So very deserved (I would have given it the win--no disrespect to Barb)!

Craft-E-Place said...

I knew this was a winner! Congratulations on your CAS MIx Up outstanding entry honour - well deserved.

A Place for Kia said...

I just love this card and especially love how you have done the dragonfly. Congrats on your CAS Mix-Up Outstanding Entry.

Jeanne J. said...

Dang! I just bought a whole spool of burlap mesh! Maybe everything old is new again? This is AMAZING Darnell! I love the gold peeking out from under the lifted butterfly wing and the background is gorgeous!

Nancy Penir said...

Love the mesh bg! Know there's some somewhere in the craft cave. Your beautiful dragonfly is amazing and the gold there is perfection! Love seeing what you're up to, you always inspire!!!

TK said...

Congrats on the CAS Mix Up Challenge, Outstanding Entry! Go, Girl!

Bobby said...

Congratulations on your win at Tag You're It, Darnell. This is an absolutely beautiful creation. I always wish I could put elements together like this so I'm pinning this for inspiration. I see TK said you also got honors at CAS Mix Up. I told you it was an amazing card.

Wanda Cullen said...

Wow, just had to jump to your blog and congratulate you on being the TYI winner! It is most definitely a winner and is a stunner! That touch of gold just adds the biggest WOW factor!!

conil said...

Well the old mesh worked. Congratulations on your Tag Your It! challenge win. It is sooooo well deserved.

Barb Ghig said...

CONGRATS on your well deserved win at Tag You're It! Such a gorgeous tag/card, Darnell! I love how you added the mesh behind your tag...how clever you are! I think I have some in a drawer somewhere, too...Does that make us hoarders???

Jan Clothier said...

Congratulations on a well-deserved win! I knew this was fabulous as soon as you posted it!

Aileen said...

Congrats on your win Darnell, totally deserved. Brilliant and a design totally worth trying to CAS. Love it

Mimi said...

Congrats, you! :-)

Juhi said...

What a gorgeous card Darnell. I just love the soft colors you've used and shimmer is oh so lovely! Thank you so for joining us at HLS Mixed Media Challenge. Hope to see you again soon!