A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

July 21, 2014

Beside the Sea ~ NBUS #142


I was going to welcome you to a fresh new Monday, but Monday has already slipped its way into Tuesday for many of you, so may I just say I hope your week has started off well and stays well throughout!

We had a busy weekend of household mediocrity followed by the exciting arrival of company in the form of long-time-old-timey-friends. We're at that age where conversation consists of half-present-day and half-bygone-day dialogue. It's a nice balance, but without saying so in so many words, we all feel the pull into Geezerville. It didn't help when I asked the nice young waitress if they could turn down the music.

And that's how it begins. We four looked at each other in horror, Mister called me a cranky old bag, and then we burst into raucous laughter. You see how I purposely used the word raucous there because in common dalliance the word is usually followed by "youths." I'm a rebel like that. A delusional one.

I had a full calendar lined up this week, but today's activities were cancelled at the last minute so I enjoyed an unexpected play in a couple four challenges. In honor of summer, I made this:
The vision for this card was born from the current sketch at Case This Sketch where the spectacular Kay Miller (My Joyful Moments) is the Guest Designer:
I immediately pictured this awesome deck chair as my card focus pocus, with two loops of wave on each side. Then, since I'm trying to excavate Mt. NBUS, I had Hammy go through the embossing folder binders and let me know if the card needed a little embossing interest. 

And here is where the hamster shines. He hands me this NBUS embossing folder which is meant to be long grass. I cocked my eyebrow and he laid flat out on his tummy with his paws stretching out front and back. Ah ha. I turned the folder sideways and saw what he saw.

Ripples in the sand left by receding waves. 

Do you see it now? I have to say I thought it was pretty cleaver myself.

The deck chair is made by Technique Tuesday and the NBUS little wave is from a Paper Smooches set called "Surf and Turf." As it happens there is an "Anything Goes" challenge happening at Paper Smooches Sparks challenge blog. I admit it's stretching things a bit to enter with just this wee itty-bitty wave stamp, but hey, it's a stamp and I'm happy to let you know about this fun set which includes an ocean wave, just when you need one.
I'm also playing in the current ColourQ Challenge which is a photo inspiration challenge. We are to use black and white and one of the featured colors or all five of the featured colors. Check out this outstanding dress. My alter ego looks mighty fine in this dress. (Yes, there are more characters besides the hamster up there in the party in my head.)
And over at Simon Says Stamps Monday Challenge, the brief is "A Mid-Summer's Challenge."
Simon Monday Challenge Blog
And, finally, the current theme at Addicted to Stamps and More is CAS (clean and simple), which I love.
I hope you can join in some or all of these challenges! The links will take you to the challenge headquarters where you will find all the information regarding rules, sponsors, and prizes.

Edited to add: So a few of my eagle-eyed crafty friends told me that the "grass" e/f is really supposed to be horizontal and it is supposed to be "branches," not grass. Apparently we were vertically challenged while looking at the e/f and not even paying attention to the direction it was going when running it through the BS! Oh, well. We thought we were really cleaver there for a minute! But we still think the branches make great looking ocean ripples in the sand!

And, my friend Diane of 1 Card Creator has invited me to join in the Craft Hoarders Anonymous challenge, "Who's the Boss?" Thank you, Diane! It's my first time joining in this fun challenge!
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New Friends Corner

I am so happy to welcome five more new friends today! I'm especially delighted because three out of four of the blogs being introduced today are all brand new bloggers!! So I do hope you will take some time and pop in to leave some love for these newbies. We never forget how scary it is to start up a blog!

Laura Jane of After-Hours Ink and Flowers. What a fun name! LauraJane is from Missouri and she only started sharing her creations on her blog this past April, but she is already an award winner! She's an excellent card artist and challenge participant who has lots of inspiration to share with you. I would love to have you take a few minutes to visit LauraJane and make her feel welcome!

Colleen. Welcome, Colleen! There is no link from your name in my follower thumbnails to a blog and I don't see an email comment from you, and with only your first name, I can't find you on Google. If you have a blog that you would like me to share, please email me to let me know. If any of you recognize Colleen's smiling face and have any information, please let me know. My email address is on my profile page which you can access via a link following the text under the photo of the Playhouse.

Riette of Red's Card Corner. Riette has been blogging and amazing the stamping community since 2011! She is a designer and award winner and I love the designs she creates from the challenge briefs. She also has a thoughtful page regarding getting started with card making. I think you will enjoy your visit and return again and again!

Sandy Iverson of Sandra's Creations. Sandy gets the prize for newest of the newest bloggers today as she just started her blog in May ~ only eight posts ago! I may be closing in on my 700th post, but I still remember my first few posts like it was yesterday! Sandy is an Australian transplanted to Texas and the mother of two adult children. She and her husband are transitioning to empty-nesters and this is a great opportunity for Sandy to become immersed in this fulfilling hobby!

Janis Woolbright of Her Peaceful Garden. Janis is also a newcomer who has only been blogging since February of this year, so your encouragement would be terrific! Janis lives in Idaho and loves making cards and cats. I mean, she doesn't make cats, but you know what I mean! I think you will enjoy your visit to Janis and she will make you feel most welcome there!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life Is Too Short!

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Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!


Mary Anne / MA54K said...

In honor of the ripples under your chair, I stretched out on the floor like the hamster. Now I can't get back up. Great CAS, and good choice, Hammy!

Tracey McNeely said...

Well my friend I guess I am now officially in geezerville to! I say this because I knew what you meant when you used the word raucous! So I will throw in a textese ROFLMAO, just to appear younger here! LOVE LOVE LOVE your card, that chair is so fun Darnell. Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at the colourQ!

adele holcomb said...

Love the embossed effect -- smart hamster there!

Vickie said...

Love the embossed affect. Is it a special teqnique?

Karren said...

Fabulous card, Darnell! That embossing folder is pure genius!

Patti J said...

I'm not sure what I love most...your card, or your post! Great job, as always, Darnell! Hugs...

Happy Dance said...

Hopefully I can type fast enough to still make the top 10! Hammie put some seriously brilliant thinking into his sideways approach. What a great idea! Gorgeous card. It feels like a dreamy summertime day. Very calm. Likin' this one lots! : ) Bev

Lynn said...

Hammie is seriously rocking the inspiration...the embossing is truly fabulous. This is an absolute CAS beauty! Wow Darnell!

jimlynn said...

Darnell, this is super fantastic!!! Love the embossing on here and what a peaceful and wonderful image. Great card!
Glad you had a good weekend and I know all about Geezerville too.

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

I need your hammy - I would have never seen waves in this - but it is perfect!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...as always, I love, love reading all that you write and this is no exception my sweet friend. So happy that you found time to play in your adorable playhouse, this is about as sweet as they come. I love that embossing and that chair, I could spend hours sitting in it. As for geezerville...NO WAY for both you and Tracey...you two crack me up! You are only as old as you feel and just because you wanted the music turned down means nothing, I would do the same if it was something I did not like...LOL (hoping that makes me sound young too)...Sending hugs your way!

Bobby said...

You and Hammie make a great pair. I have an old embossing folder that looks remarkable like this and IS sideways. It worked great for this beachy card, which is a wonderful interpretation of the sketch.

Carol L said...

ROFL at Mary Anne's first comment! LOL You and hammy really have a wealth of cardmaking pizzazz between the two of you, but this one is just genius! Way to use that ef to it's full potential! Great card!

laurie said...

This card caught my eye right away at the paper smoochies sparks challenge...then I saw it was yours! I love it!

Barb Ghig said...

This is such a stunning CAS card, Darnell...Hammy is such a great friend to you! I love how you embossed along the bottom, and the Adirondack chair is the perfect focal point with the waves along the side!
Thanks so much for playing along with us at ATSM this week ~ I really love this 'Beachy' card!!

Susanne Vargas said...

What a serene card! Your hammie is really brilliant! I think I have the same embossing folder but couldn't have put it in sideways in my cuttlebug... if you know what I mean...

Carol Cel said...

Your card making is fabulous -- Your description of how Hammie showed you how to use the embossing folder is priceless -- Have you seen the tv show Perception? Hammie would love it!
But really, your card is great!

Lee-Anne said...

Absolutely brilliant and inspired design, Darnell! Love!

scrappymo! said...

I can see the waves and they look fab. This is a wonderful card, Darnell!
I love that deck chair stamp....I used to have 8 of those on my deck when we lived in the Okanagan...lovely wooden ones that we would sit out on and have a coffee in the mornings. The Okanagan is a semi arrid area of our province where we grow our soft fruits and grapes...the land of vineyards and orchards. Now, I think I might not be able to lift myself out of one of those chairs!!! lol

Great card Darnell and thanks for the memories!

Greta said...

Brilliantly crafted card, Darnell! Wish you were close enough to come over for coffee
& crisp!

Lisa Elton said...

What a fun story Darnell, from one geezer to another, you gave me a good laugh!! Your card is a perfect mix of CAS and summer! Thanks so much for joining us at the ColourQ!

MaryH said...

I KNEW when I saw that EF design, that it was Hammy's idea. I need to borrow that guy! What a perfect set of ripples in the water it did make. Love this clean design on white and the tiny turquoise dunks of water. I thought you hand drew those until I read the post. Loved your 'raucous' reference too. Hey us seniors can get a little loud & fun loving. Just not for as long as we prob'ly used to! (tires us out too!) Glad you had a fun time with your friends, and hey, we're lucky to have made Geezerhood. Proves we know how to survive & succeed! Great card, always a great post. Hugs & TFS

Stamps and Paper said...

Lovely card Darnell and I like the effect of the 'ripples' it gives the impression of rippling water...


Leigh Penner said...

Oh, what a wonderful card, Darnell! Great take on the sketch! I love that sweet chair!

sharonskardzkorner said...

Beautiful post and card Darnell. A pleasure visiting you. Hugs Sharon

Lyn said...

Awesome effect with the embossing folder <3

Sarah said...

Brilliant!! Totally and utterly brilliant!! The folder has left a perfect impression and...yes...I can hear the waves crashing!! xx

cm said...

Well, if the raucous music damaging my ears - and discombobulating my thoughts - is indicative of entry into Geezerville, then I certainly am welcoming myself into the neighbourhood! I'd be delighted to share companionship with you! Your card - with Hammy's brilliance navigating you to 'new perspectives' - is fabulous. LOVE X LOVE it; that chair is so inviting! And now, I have the absolute honor and delight to say: thank you so much for sharing this gem at ATSM! CAS and awesome!

Carole Z said...

Well, Darnell...I just love that deckchair and fabulous embossing folder and together they make a totally brilliant card! Glad you had a good catch up with your friends, hugs Carole Z X

Di said...

Brilliant! What a team you and Hammy make :-) Love the flat out stretch technique - you do make me giggle Darnell.


Di xx

Sue said...

Wonderful card Darnell. I love the image and your Hammy is so helpful to give you the fabulous idea to use the embossing folder in a different way.
I hope you have a good week.
hugs Sue xx

Sue said...

Really like the card. I really must do more embossing.

Kathyk said...

I too have recently requested music be turned down so I'm on the bus to Geezerville too!

What a clever Hammy, to find that brilliant embossing folder which perfectly complimented your deckchair to make such a splendid card! YAY Hammy!!!!

Happy Tuesday Darnell


Neet said...

What a fabulous card Darnell! Love how you used that embossing folder - great work Hammy!
Hugs, Neet xx

Rahmat said...

Fabulous card Darnell! Love how you used the embossing folder sideways, I do that too!

Sammy said...

I LOVE this card. And such a gorgeous colour too.
I have to admit I have a Mt NBUS of my own, but even though I seem to use some of it on everything I make, it seems to be growing faster than I can shrink it! (The best thing for my bank account would be to disable my internet access!)

Glad you had such a great time with your friends too, "crankiness" or no. ;-) x

Neets B said...

Fabulous CAS card, Darnell. And wow, that embossing folder was a genuis idea! Thanks for playing along at ATSM this week. Hugs, Anita x

Redanne said...

Wow Darnell, you and Hammy make an excellent pair - your joint idea is brilliant. I love the card, the accent colour and the beautiful deck chair and of course, the embossing - a truly inspired creation! Hugs, Annie xx

Julie B said...

Fantastic idea to use that embossing folder to suggest waves Darnell. You've created a really cool card in more ways than one. :)

Carole Pollard said...

Brilliant card today just loving that fab design that chair is just so tranquil. I am so glad you had a great time with your dearest friends and I so related to the conversations I 'm afraid we are exactly the same when we get together now with our friends. But our life experiences have been such fun its great to reminisce. Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

Unknown said...

Fab CAS card Darnell! Love the bright colour border! So effective!

Manuela said...

great idea! your Card Looks great, so Relaxing with the chair :-)

Sue - said...

Brilliant used of the embossing folder Darnell and a gorgeous card which would also fit in perfectly with this week's Make My Monday challenge. Sorry I can't add link as I'm using tablet not PC and haven't worked out how to do it yet!

Lyndal said...

LOVE the texture Darnell! Perfect for sitting and relaxing... with the music turned DOWN ;)

Nan G said...

Whew this old geezer had to sit down by the time I got to the end of the comments. Now what was I going to say? Hhmmm oh! Great idea hammy! Love the effect of sideways embossing.

Irene said...

Stunning Darnell. What a brilliant idea to use the embossing folder accross the card. A simple C&S card with with a big impact.

Linda said...

Hi Darnell,
Another fab post and a card to match. Love the deckchair, and clever use of the embossing too! It makes me think of relaxing by the pool ..... which seems a million miles away now that we're back home! Yes, we're safely back on the island ..... with cash left too!! Have a great week .... hugs Linda xx

Pat said...

I love this summer themed card Darnell and your innovative use of this embossing folder. I actually thought it was waves, but I must admit ripples in the sand works too. x

I Card Everyone said...

Perfect folder for sand effect!! Love it, D!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the embossing folder you have used on this fabulous card. Fantastic clean and simple card. I always think embossing folders add a little something extra to a card and have to confess to owning quite a large number of them.

I know it was a while ago now but belated Happy Birthday greetings to you. x

Jeanne said...

Neat card, Darnell. Glad you had a chance to play. The use of the embossing folder is terrific! :)

Lynette said...

What a delightful card. You are so lucky to have Hammy to help you out:)

Sheila H said...

I love the ripples - great way to stretch your die! I love the chair and the look of your card - so tranquil.

Marisa said...

Brilliant use of the EF and a great card :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you've had a great time with your long-time friends Dippy.......we've just had some very long-time friends staying with us as well (they actually introduced Tony and I to each other........not quite sure which one of them to blame!!! lol). Love your beach themed card and how ingenious of Hammy to nudge that e/f sideways to show you another way to use it.......brilliant - I thought it looked like waves in the sea, but equally could be the sand rippling.


Karendipity xxx

Wei Wei said...

Wow,this CAS card is so gorgeous~ I love the design and the CAS style. Thank you for sharing this card at ATSM.

Chris Dring said...

Hammy was right on the money when he picked that EF! What a gorgeous card, Darnell!

alexandra s.m. said...

I love your take on the sketch and how your card is a true invitation to enjoying the summer!
Thanks Darnell

Suze Bain said...

Your embossing is inspired Darnell, great card. I bet the waitress thought you had a real cheek, your laughter was probably louder than the music! Xx

Sarn said...

Perfect CAS card there you "Cranky Old Bag" - just teasing! I'll be nudging "Geezerville" soon enough but intend to practice AGE WITH ATTITUDE at all times!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Sharon Underwood said...

What a great idea to turn the embossing folder on its side! I might have to CASE you on this one! Hope you're doing well. I miss you when you're not around.

Shelly said...

Oh, I LOVE this!!! That embossing...genius! I'm gonna have to start looking at mine differently. ;) Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your week! :)

conil said...

Cleaver's right...this one cuts to the CAS chase. It really doesn't matter if it came from Hammie or your alter ego. It's AWESOMENESS personified. I think I may have that embossing folder and you've given me an idea. Gotta go think about it some more.

Sheri said...

Love your card! WOW You need to get Hammie his own chair and ink pads etc. He is really a great designer. I mean who would ever think to turn tall grass side ways.

Bonnie said...

Hammy and I must be on the same "wave length"! Ha! I saw the rippled sand or water right away. This is awesome! So perfectly CAS!

Pia S said...

Such a clever and great looking design! Love your creativity with this embossing folder!

Chriss Blagrave said...

I saw the rippled sand right away too! You and Hammy have splendid ideas! You made a super calming summery beach scene! Love your CAS card with the great classic east coast Adirondack chair.
I think we must embrace the journey to Geezerville...my daughter's birthday is today (28 years) and she and I laugh each time that she tells me she had a Mom moment. I take these little bits as pure compliment ;))

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love the embossed ripples which give the illusion of waves below the beach chair images. Cool idea for a quick card design which packs a punch.

LauraJane:) said...

From grass to waves..Smart Hammy:)
Thanks for the new follower highlight..You have written a better bio than I ever could!

Petra Swart said...

WOW, Darnell!!! You are, ....sorry I mean Hammy!!, ...is a genius!! Only a genius would turn a grass EF on it's side and use it so brilliantly to represent ripples in the sand!!! Your card is a winner - ...love the deckchair and the little waves!!! Lovely interpretation of the sketch!!
As always your post was such a pleasure to read and had me LOL - sounds as if you had a lovely time with your friends!!!

1CardCreator said...

LOL I thought I recognized that embossing folder, very clever, love the effect! This card is perfect for the Who's the boss, embossing challenge over at Gloria Stengels Craft Hoarders Anonymous. Would love for you to join us there. Not that you are a craft hoarder or anything like that ') ~Diane

Sue said...

Fabulous card Darnell! huggles Sue xx

Taunya Butler said...

I think Hammy was particularly brilliant to use that embossing folder as waves - such a wonderful idea!! This card is calm and serene and makes me want to be sitting by the sea, listening to the waves go in and out!! Beautiful card and great for so many challenges!! That is awesome!!

shirley-bee said...

I predict a winner here, Darnell, this is inspired! Well done Hammy for pointing you at the right NBUS.
And raucous is definitely not exclusive to yoofs!

OH Babs said...

Welcome back. Your brief respite from card making did not hinder your creativity one little ioda. We too had company this weekend friends for forty two years. When we were in our twenties and thirties we started a bridge group and now sadly two couples and four widows remain. But my what fun we had drinking, eating, shopping and talking of days long ago. Your card is delightful and I love the EF.

Loll said...

Great summer card Dolly. Love that you've used the branches embossing folder for your ocean - so cool! :) Lolly xx

Patti said...

Oh! Darnell!! you have dazzled me with this one! Just beautiful! : )


Sybrina K said...

Love this CAS card -- so pretty! What a creative way to use an embossing folder.

dottielottie said...

Hooray for hammy, where would you be without him? What a great choice he made, I love that beach chair stamp and the little waves (though I thought maybe you had gone with a Boobie theme again) Seriously, this is a great card and the clever use of that EF. What a great team you make. Hugs Lottie x

Peggy in Mentone said...

You are BRILLIANT! What an amazing idea for that EF....this card ROCKS!

Robyn Oliver said...

Hello Darnell, happy mid week...just what can I say any different to all your other visitors...your card is simply brilliant -I love the 'ripples in the sand', great interpretation of the sketch. I love to read your posts and that you for introducing new followers, we've all been there...Cheers and hugs and have a lovey week Robyn

Janis said...

Grass....branches.....sand.....waves.....it's all good. In my case, they would be wrinkles!

Thanks for the shout-out. Hugs!!!


sandie said...

Made me giggle again....I ask the hairdresser to turn the music down!! And this is a joy of a card. So gorgeously CAS and I love the ripples of sand. Oh and just noticed you entered it into ATSM so thanks for joining us hon!

Anonymous said...

Perfect, just perfect, Cx

Ros Crawford said...

This is a brilliant card!! I thought it was genius to turn the folder ... even if it was meant to be that way ... or not ... Love the chair!!
I really could do with a smart hamster here .....

Cris G. said...

Grass? Where is the grass? Hammy knows best, he is totally cool! :). Good to have you back, Darnell! Love your card... great chair, peaceful waves and no words to clean the mind... it makes me want to go on vacation, desperately :).

Brenda in IN said...

Long grass-looks good, ripples-okay, branches-not on the beach, hammy to help-priceless! Cute card and I love the chair. We don't like places with loud music because we are half deaf anyway. Probably from the loud music!

Casandra Bennett said...

Wishing I was on a beach somewhere today instead of at work. But this card is a close second! :)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Utterly fabulous Darnell, I especially love that embossed texture, thanks for swinging by my blog too! : )

Gerrina said...

Just love the deckchair stamp! Andthe grass that way round is perfect! So clever that you combined these challenges! Hope you enjoy the rest of the bussy week! Hugs, Gerrina

Pat said...

Another fabulous CAS card. The ripples of sand were recognized since I didn't think you'd have the chair sitting in the water, crazy as you might be! And I've been in Geezerville long enough to accept any offer of help taking groceries to the car...which I'm sure you still take umbrage with like I used to. :)

MagsB said...

What a fab CAS card! I love the 'ripples'! brilliant idea!

Now I want to relax in that deckchair with a glass of something cool and mildly alcoholic, and soak up the sunshine! :-)

love Mags B x

Leslee said...

Glad you are back from your brief break. Your beach chair looks so inviting! I will be relaxing on a cruise chair on the deck to Alaska!

Indy's Designs said...

Oh that is the greatest embossing! LOVE all the white!!!
Another great project!

Diane Jaquay said...

CAS perfection!!

Brenda said...

This is a fun and summer card Darnell! I love that deck chair, and boy that Hammy is one clever little fella! I love the "ripples" in the sand. lol That is so clever indeed! Yeah, you don't have to be older to want that music turned down. lol I hate going to TX Roadhouse because of the music, I just can't heart myself talk to anyone. I love the music but can't think when it is so loud! And I'm not old....feel old, but not old. lol Hugs, Brenda

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

It'S a super card Darnell, love the way you used the embossing plate, branches or not, the embossing finishes off the card beautifully.

Canonbury creations said...

Brilliant card Darnell, how clever of Hammy to show you the best way to use the EF! If he ever fancies a holiday across the pond he will be very welcome:)Your anecdote about your old friends was just like the week we spent with our old friends as Angela and I spent so much time trying to remember names of ex colleagues our heads hurt!!
Val x

Kim M said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so behind in my commenting. Our new puppy, a Summer, is preventing me from doing so many things!! Good thing she's cute! Your card is fantastic! I LOVE that chair stamp and inspired use of the grass embossing folder. I love using things in new and unexpected ways. Great job! Hugs! :-)

Mrs A. said...

Ok. So I have a piece of gum(blu tac), some straw and a half eaten Crayola yellow #12.(Boy do they taste discusting!!)Bit stuck on the inside liner of a dog food bag cos I don't own a dog and the cat died. I'm taking it that the bag of food is dry biscuits cos this could get a bit messy other wise. Will the inside of a jiffy bag suffice?
Hugs Invenor Extraordinaire.

Marybeth said...

This is sooooo my favorite card of yours! Brilliant! I love that chair and brilliant idea to emboss. I had to laugh that this is for PM ,love it! Yay for Kay ,I must try and play.
Sounds like a wonderful visit with friends.

Shona Chambers said...

This is incredible and the embossing is such a genius idea, it really makes it stand out. I thought it was a really fiddly die-cut. Amazing!!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Dude, both you and your friend have been smoking the grass.... that's a rippling wave embossing folder if I ever saw one!!!!!!

Seriously, I thought it was grass. And I thought you were super brilliant (well, Hammy was) for coming up that the idea. Simon Says has a stencil for waves along those same lines so you rocking it by using what you had to get the same (actually better) look.

Karen P said...

Beautiful card - love the embossed detail and the blue/green is such a lovely colour Karen xx

JD/ Jill said...

Great card...You are always so creative with your cards!

Claire said...

I think I missed this first time round darnell - gorgeous take on all those challenges. The NBUS emboss folder grounds the chair so well. Thanks for playing along with Colour Q again!

Craftychris said...

Fab! I think the folder is perfect for ripples in the sand, clever hammy! It's good when things are multi purpose! xxx

Sylvia said...

Love this card, Darnell, love how you used the colors and the folder is perfect. Just because the folder might be one thing, doesn't mean you can't use it for something else! Perfect for your card! so happy to see you at the colourQ.

Jenny said...

No matter what size the stamp, it's still a PS stamp!!! Love how you've used it as part of the scene and sketch..... the embossed lines are also brilliant :0)
Thanks for playing along in our Anything Goes challenge this week at PS Sparks

Anita in France said...

D'you think Hammy would be up for doing some video tutorials, Darnell ... he always comes up with such inspired ideas ... like these ripples in the sand ... perfect! Such a serene and calm card ... just looking at it has me chilled out! Hugs, Anita :)

Anita in France said...

D'you think Hammy would be up for doing some video tutorials, Darnell ... he always comes up with such inspired ideas ... like these ripples in the sand ... perfect! Such a serene and calm card ... just looking at it has me chilled out! Hugs, Anita :)

Dianne said...

Hello you SWEET Woman, you and hammer were VERY clever with the embossing folder, brilliant actually and 5 challenges not bad,, thanks for sharing you new friends with us...

Anna-Karin said...

Stunning card! The use of that embossing folder is so clever. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!

Amber Milone said...

Beautiful CAS card. I love the embossing at the bottom. Thanks for joining us at CHACB!

Glenda said...

Creative use of the embossing folder! Love your card! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

lost coast scrapper said...

Beautiful, love the embossing work! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

JanMarie said...

Oh I can almost smell that ocean air and feel the mist from the waves! Love how you've used the embossing folder. It adds the perfect texture! So glad you joined us for our challenge at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

Gloria Stengel said...

I love that you used the EF in a different way! I am looking at all my folders with new eyes, thanks to you! This is so pretty! I love CAS cards, mostly because I cannot make them! So I am drawn to them like a moth to flame! Thanks for playing along with us a Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

Kathy/NorthCarolina said...

I love the way you used your embossing folder. This card is so soothing and serene! I just love it!Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!