Hey there!
Here we are whooshed around to another Friday already! That makes 29 Fridays we've whooshed around to out of a measlesly 52! Gulp! Pass the drinks trolley.
I really intended to get back to making Christmas cards once a week what with that rapidly ticking clock, but instead I had to heed the current month, which is still July, and make a coupleteen birthday cards and an anniversary card. Today I want to share the anniversary card I made. Which I made without a sketch challenge, if you can believe it!
I was actually updating my dies and seeing if one of them would spark an idea. A piece of paper was half covering a die and it made me think about how angled cards are back in fashion and this evolved:
What's really fun about the card is that you might not notice that the angle in the front is the bottom of a heart until you open it up and find this on the inside:
At least I hope the recipients get that it's the top of a heart and not some crazy cutout of big bosooms! Well, regardless of their possible confusion, I got a kick out of making this one! The large heart die is from Spellbinders and the word die "together" is a NBUS die from Papertrey Ink, which has a matching NBUS stamp.
The colors were provided by the current challenge at The Card Concept:

I'm also playing in these challenges:
- The Curtain Call Challenge ~ "Anything Goes."
- Pixie's Snippets Playground ~ "Use a snippet(s) on your card."
The links provided will take you to the challenges where you can find the details on the rules, sponsors, and prizes. Join in the fun why doncha!!
New Friends Corner
It is my pleasure to introduce you to five more new friends! I do hope you are managing to find a few extra minutes to read these introductions and click over to meet these talented card artists!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
Just for fun, appropoopoo of nothing:
Spiders in the Bathtub
by Darnell (Irma Iowa)
by Darnell (Irma Iowa)

I think they come up through the drain. Mister thinks I'm nuts because, of course, in order for that to happen, you'd have to have a hole in the pipe somewhere and that's not a good thing to have in a pipe. But it just makes more sense to me that they are coming in that way, through some imperceptible teeny pipeseam opening, than that they are climbing into the bathtub from all the way outside. Because, I mean, let's think about this for a second.
The bathtub is dozens of feets from the nearest window or door leading from the outside of the house to the inside. So there's that. According to Mister's thinking, that would be the point of entry.
So let's say there's a daddy long-leg spider named Gary who is really thirsty and his family is really thirsty and he needs to find some water.
So Gary climbs up the side of the house and squeezes in under the screen in the bedroom window. He slips in over the sill just before the window is closed for the night.
So let's say there's a daddy long-leg spider named Gary who is really thirsty and his family is really thirsty and he needs to find some water.
So Gary climbs up the side of the house and squeezes in under the screen in the bedroom window. He slips in over the sill just before the window is closed for the night.
Phew, he made it! He clipped the end off leg #5, but that's no biggie.
Now all he has to do is climb down the wall and make his way along the baseboard all the way around the bedroom to the door and down the hall to the nearest bathroom. But just as he is about to step into the hall, the light comes on.
Now all he has to do is climb down the wall and make his way along the baseboard all the way around the bedroom to the door and down the hall to the nearest bathroom. But just as he is about to step into the hall, the light comes on.
Panicked, he pulls in his legs and shrinks back into the bedroom and under the dresser. Footsteps thunder down the hall and into the bathroom. "Well, dang," Gary mutters, "I wonder how long that will take. I'm really dying here." He passes the time by thinking about his family outside in the dark under the hydrangea, waiting patiently for him to appear with his Thor Axe full of refreshing water. He knows the missus will wring his scrawny neck if he comes back empty.

"Oh, crap," he mutters, "why did I have to be selected for this mission? Everyone knows I am the most indecisive spider in the family! Just because I screwed up the design on that last web is no reason to send me on a water mission that requires a decision!"
Because there he was. At a vary-table smorgieboard of watery relief!
To his left a sink. Dry.
To his right a toilet. Wet.
And straight-ahead a tub. Dry.
Swinging his eight eyes from the sink around to the toilet, he thinks and thinks.
To his left a sink. Dry.
And straight-ahead a tub. Dry.
Swinging his eight eyes from the sink around to the toilet, he thinks and thinks.
The sink is dry. It is the closest.
The bathtub is dry. It is the furthest away.
The bathtub is dry. It is the furthest away.
The toilet is full of water. It is closer than the tub.
Brilliantly, he chooses the bathtub!
That is dry.
And farthest away.
And that requires quite a lot of effort to get into because there is that sliding glass shower door blocking entry.
So like an idiot, Gary dances across the floor and behind the toilet which is full of water. Because he left his little suctioned socks at home under the hydrangea, he can't climb up the bathtub, up the glass and over the top. Already tired, he neverthemore scoots up the wall until he is higher than the shower glass, walks along the ceiling and and then down the other side.
"Hoo Ray!" Gary cries from the edge of the tub. "I've made it!" Tucking his stick legs in, he dives over the side and body surfs down the slick porcelain sides of the bathtub to the bottom. Slowly, he untucks his limbs and looks around him at a sea of boundless white.
A dry sea of boundless white.
Where the only way to get water is to sit there like a flippin' sitting duck and wait until someone comes along and turns on the water.
Praying he is invisible. With his darkly colored body surrounded by white.
Praying that he won't get squished.
Praying that somehow when the water is turned on he can leisurely fill up his water tank and not be picked up by the rushing water and propelled rapidly down the drain and out to sea.
Yeah, okay, like that makes any sense.
I'm not a big fan of spiders, believe me, but I think they are smarter than to walk past a toilet full of water to get into a bathtub.
Praying he is invisible. With his darkly colored body surrounded by white.
Praying that somehow when the water is turned on he can leisurely fill up his water tank and not be picked up by the rushing water and propelled rapidly down the drain and out to sea.
Yeah, okay, like that makes any sense.

I think they come up through the drain.
The End.
I think they come up through the drain too!!! Only way it makes ANY sense!
Faberoony cards too, love the idea your pals may think the top of your heart shape could be bosooooooms!
Happy Friday matey
OMG I had a great laugh and start to my very early day with because of your post....I don't know what I enjoyed more your card or the Gary story...lol...what a great idea for an anniversary card... love the inside "surprise"..very clever!!
Oh my that has so cheered me up! I agree they definitely come up the drain apart from the one that is busy building a huge web that I manage to walk into every time I go out into the garden and get a faceful of web!!:-( Great card too!
I think you need to have this conversation with my hubby...he would have a definite opinion about where the spider got in. Hilarious! Love your card...how in the world did you come up with the heart idea? So cool.
Your posts always are SUPER fun Darnell! I had a good laugh! :)
Your CAS design is awesome! i love the way you used the heart die cut..
Double WOW Darnell - that heart card is soooo cool! Great idea.
I almost fell off my chair laughing about the adventures of Gary. We have a neighbour called Gary here (I also privately call him the village idiot!). In less than a week he let his car loose so it rolled down onto our garden wall (yup - damaged the wall!) and then set away a mahoosive garden bonfire with so much smoke from fresh cut hedge clippings the local fire brigade turned up with bells clanging and sirens going. Needless to say I was cheered by the sight of several hunky men in uniform but Gary the VI still isn't forgiven for the wall!
I'll swop our Gary for your anyday!
Hugs, Di xx
Just found a Sidney in my bath yesterday, let him be I thought he's only looking for a lady friend(according to the good ol' BBC expert).However Sid had other ideas he hitched a ride on the hand towel on the side of the bath then my arm as he searched pastures new. Without knowing I removed him on my shoulder outside where two hulking plumbers were horrified that I could just casually brush Sidney off my shoulder. Happy hunting Sid. !
Great card Darnell by the way!!! :)
You missed your calling to be a comedy writer! lol You're a hoot my friend :) Oh, I almost forgot about the card! I love the angled heart and how it flows right through to the inside! Great idea! Have a fantastic Friday!
Funny story, Darnell, but it still have me the creeps...spiders-argh!! I think your heart die cut arrangement is amazing. Love the design.
I love the card Darnell, and the idea of putting the other bit of heart on the inside of the card, and the little turquoise blue hearts on the front are great creative touches. I love your spider story, and I think they come in through the overflow pipe on the outside wall into a bath but I guess a shower doesn't have an overflow so in that case I'm not sure. Spiders are not something I am very keen on, but I'm not so bad with the leggy ones, but have a definite phobia to those big black hairy ones! x
Hi Darnell, I know I've seen you before on WOYWW, but this time I ran into you from The Card Concept! I love that we are supposed to comment on the card before and after us, such a positive way of increasing comments and even meeting new people! I love your card and more imporantly, I'm so glad you explained that it was a heart, because I really didn't see it at first!! And, for whatever reason, I couldn't click on your "Playhouse", but if that is truly your crafting space, I am SOOOOO jealous. It's stinkin' adorable! Hugs and happy stamping!
What a great idea for the heart, Darnell! Love the card. And your Gary story is awesome!! I agree - the drain just makes the most sense:) And thank you SO much for featuring me on your blog! What a surprise that was to find myself here:)
I love your idea for the heart! Great card friend.
Funny story too!
Great card there Mrs and almost choked on my sarnie with the mention of boobs.
There is another theory to the spider in the bath thing...Mr Hubby plants them in there to wind us up!!!! I will let you ponder that one!
Darnell your posts always brighten my day and make new smile....it's so therapeutic....lol...lol
Two very clever cards...
Have a great weekend
Definitely through the drain! LOL I was visiting my father in Florida and there was a lizzard living in the bathtub drain! No kidding. How is that even possible? but I saw it with my own eyes!
Your story made me laugh out loud (several times) So glad to have you back!!
Love your card and how the heart "wraps" around to the inside. Brilliant! : )
Love your heart wrapping round...but i did think of big bosooms too! Perhas you planted the idea though!!! hahahaha
I think the spiders come up through the tub too! I am so afraid of spiders as I have been bitten twice...but i save Daddy Long Legs and take them outside!
Thank you so much for making me so welcome Darnell. Love that card and your great story. I don't much like spiders and I do agree with you on them coming in.
Have a great weekend, hugs, Ursula
A great chuckle to start my Friday with. I know they come from the drain, cause I caught Gary's friend en-route yesterday!!!
Love the card, very cool idea.
Hasn't he heard the song? They climb up the water spouts! Spouts are connected to drains of course! Love your card and I saw the heart before you opened it, very clever! ~Diane
Your card is so sweet! So is your spider story, I think they come down from the ceiling into the tub! Carri~Abusybee Skittles!
Brill card and great post today so appropriate for me as its my Wedding anniversary today Love and happy Crafting Hugs Carole x
I wonder if it is a woman thing.... I always thought they came up the drain too... love your story, it made me smile - a lot!
Your card is beautiful and what a clever idea to use the heart in that way too. Now, perhaps it is just because you thought so, but I think they look a bit like boobies too but I still love the card and it is always good to keep people guessing.... Hugs, Annie xx
Loving the cards.
Hope you have a fab weekend.
Fabulous card Darnell. Oh my gosh if you haven't already, you should write a book. You are so good and funny. Loved your spider story.
OMGOSH!!!! I am falling out of my chair rolling on the floor laughing!! And I had to read it twice!! Once for myself and once to my daughter!! You are brilliant lady, I am telling you! Who in the world can think like a spider?? That should be published! That is the cutest spider story I have ever read! We need a book Miss Darnell! Anyway, I totally agree with you, and think the little buggers come up through the drain too. I have always thought that, and now it makes total since, after reading Gary's saga! hahaha!! Now, was there a card somewhere?? hahaha!! Yes there was and it's brilliant too!! Love all the white space and that super cool way you did the sentiment! Thanks for making my day! ((Hugs))
First of all I adore those cards you created. And, secondly, I am still chuckling over your saga about Gary the spider. I think they come up the drain too. LOL
I love the idea of the heart flipping over to the inside. How clever of you, Darnell. Am I the only one who doesn't think spiders come up through the drain? Everyone knows they crawl around where the ceiling and walls meet and then repel down to the tub on their silky rope.
That was probably one of the funniest, snarky stories that you've come up with, Darnell! Love it! And as for your card, it is CAS perfection! Love that you used the heart die in such an innovative way!
I love the clean, crispness of your together card!! I love how the cutout is layered on some matching patterned paper!! Those two blue hearts simply make this card POP!! And I love the angled look and I especially got a kick out of the way the top part of the heart appears inside the card!! You did amazing!!
Excuse me while I compose myself (gad, my tummy hurts from laughing). Mister is WRONG...up through the drain. Only way to make the trek. Period. Oh...incidentally, the card ROCKS...I totally got the heart but, if I man opens it, he may think something else.
Darnell, you're a hoot! Love the tale of Gary's mission. Every time I see a spider, I shall think "Gary". . . . . . . Right before I squish him or rinse him right back down that drain lol!
As for your card, its fab. I don't think you boobed at all. . . . . .tee hee!
Best wishes.
Ang x
Personally I don't want to think about how spiders turn up, I hate those ugly black creatures, because they look nothing like your cute image IRL.
Your card design is really clever! Love your idea with the heart extending from the front to the inside! Really nice effect!
Oh my. Now that I've seen the big bazooms I can't un-see them. It's your fault. I saw the heart until you pointed it out.
Gary is obviously a guy.
Sewer roaches come in via the drain *shudder* and exit via a burial a sea (toilet) after the serial killer cat has had his way with them.
Lizards in the kitchen... how does *that* happen?!
Oh my great story you should publish a short story collection as I'm sure there are more where this came from and great card too. I really love how you did the heart inside and out that's very clever. Thanks for your comment too :-)
Clever card Darnell. Nicely crafted. I had to keep nudging Cherokee though. Maw squaw reads him stories so he will go to sleep at night. LOL. Strange. Hugs.
I think they come up the drain too! In our basement shower, which we don't use frequently, I have one of those 'rubber thing-ys' that covers the drain. When it's in place, I don't see spiders. When Mr. removes it, yep, they show up! I doesn't like spiders - of any kind. Whether they are thirsty or not...I don't worry about their waiting families either! Squash. Loved this cute post. Made me laff. Was happy to see you are back from goofing off with your buddies. (and hope it was fun goof offs too). Loved the design on this card, and clever you - to design it from scratch. I'm sure Hammy provided some good input, and you both did just great. Your recipient will be tickled pink (or red, as the case may be) and I bet they will 'get it' just fine. Great card, wonderful post, and tell Mr. that all us bloggers agree: it's the drain! TFS & Hugs. Happy wkend too.
Poor Gary is either extremely dumb or you are absolutely right!! You get my vote ;) Love the design of your card, the heart is a great idea!
Oh yeah...hubby was bitten 14 times by a wayward spider that decided to take up residence in his coveralls at work! Luckily no bad side effects, just itchy bits. But holy smokes huh!!
Brilliant idea for your card--love it! And thanks for a late night chuckle thinking of Gary's dilemma!
The heart card is pure genius! Such a clever and gorgeous design!
Just as I was recovering from the big bosoms I was amazed to find your spider story! You really should be published!!! you are SO FUNNY! Just a thought, do you have an exhaust fan over the bath - they could be commando spiders abseiling on their webs from the air vent! hugs
Love the way the heart spans the inside and outside of the card - genius CAS design!
Sadly, I hardly pay attention to the spiders around here because I am soooo distracted by the gall darn ants!! Those teeeny, tiny things are looking for water too and are pretty unrelenting right now.
Um ... GENIUS, Darnell ... yep, amazingly so! Thanks for the fun this morning ... don't mind how spiders get in as long as they keep eating the other bugs ... go Gary! Hugs, Anita :)
OH Darnell, I will never see spiders in the same way again, certainly not ones that appear in the bathtub - and I'm with you: always assumed they come up through the drain! Brilliant story! Love your card, what a fab idea and design, hugs Carole Z X
Oh, Darnell, when I see a spider again in the bathtub, I will surely remember this brilliant story of Gary!!! Thanks for the good laugh!!! I really enjoyed your story!!
...and the heart on your anniversary card is so cleverly done, Darnell!!! Love the CAS design of the card.
Have a lovely weekend!!
Well you card is genius ... absolutely terrific!! And your story ... Oh I loved it ... Yes I'm sure they come in through the drain too ... well maybe... sometimes ... My son (31) is arachnophobic ... Even the teeny ones send him into a state ... me I can't stand the long legged ones that run like mice ... Yuk!! BTW we have a LOT of rain ... that's when the spiders come indoors here ...
Happy Saturday Dippy - what a fab idea you clever thing. Just love how you've done the heart/angle - stunning. The recipients are going to love it even though they may think you've "boobed"!!! lol
Karendipity xxx
Genius card Darnell and am laughing at Gary. Think your theory is right! xxx
You are such a hoot sweetie! You make me smile so much and I had DH catching and putting out the spiders from our bedroom last night - little blighters came in through the open windows!
Will email you my details this weekend but I need to have a nap right now lol!
Your card is gorgeous and so blooming clever - you rocked this Darnell - wonderful and different yet always stylish too. Have a lovely weekend Karen xx
Oh, I sure was not expecting a spidey story with a side order of fantastic cards. I am still skeeving from the spider my son found on the dark side of a log, the other day! I may not ever set foot in his yard again! I did, however change your spider into a ladybug in my head, and yep, they come up the drain!
So funny! What a great story.
A fun card,too! I like the inside,I think you are safe....it looks like a part of a heart..not the other!
First, brilliant anniversary card. I got the heart part right away. Perfect colors and a killer design too. You've got a winner here! And Gary...definitely a "guy" spider. Females aren't that stupid...in fact, some eat their mates for dinner! And I too, believe that they come up through the drain.... Have a wonderful weekend dearie pooh. Bev
At first I thought that you used a tag die with rounded top but then I saw the heart die and it is brilliant for an anniversary card!
And thanks for the story about Gary! I hope he finally got a drink of water and was able to save his family! Huh? Did I just write that? I usually don't like spiders although the daddy long-legged ones don't bother me as much as the fatter ones...
Oh for crying out loud, Darnell--you missed your calling! You could be a gazillionaire if you wrote a book! LOVE your creative & darling card! Wish you & the mister were nearby & could come over to share the apple crisp!
what a funny story and so unusual...very funny...the card is lovely good luck in the challenges
Oh Darnell you always manage to bring a smile to my face and what a brilliant anniversary card!.I am so sorry I missed your birthday bash:-( would have loved the calorie free virtual cake!!!and my mister is still recovering ...but wondering if he is enjoying having me running around after him a bit TOO much now:-) x
A beautiful design! What a stunning idea to use the heart-die this way! Love it! Hope you're having a fun weekend, hugs, Gerrina
Sweet, sweet card! I love your heart, inside and out and sure to bring a smile to the face who ever opens this one up. Now on to your spider story, I do not like spiders, yuck, yuck, yuck!!! But fabulous story, you should really write a children's book about this. I love and would be honored to read it to my preschool class.
My goodness Darnell - how on earth do you find the time to read all your comments lol?! I LOVE this card - so clever...a fantastic design. Who needs card sketches eh?!
Couldn't wait to join the throng and make my comment. HA! Bosooms it is! But a great big heart too... Beautiful card, great heart, and, everything else that goes along! Oh what fun you have. And share with all of us! Hugs and mwah to you too!
Wait, there's more. We live in the country (Central CA) and have insects we also have named. It's what you do in a dry year!
Darnell fantastic and super super creative! Yup I think I may need to CASE you as long as I can remember too! ;)Lovely anniversary card and thank you so much for sharing with us at the Card Concept!
Great Anniversary card, and no, I hadn't thought your heart looks like big bosooms ;)
Gary's relatives like my bath too and they really have no business being there. {{shudder}}
Thanks for the shout out on your blog ;)
Thanks so much for the lovely comment on my fingerprint cards. You have been even cleverer than me though to work out making this card! Very clever and effective.
Linby x
So good to see you back in the blogging world, it hasn't been the same without you!! And what an amazing creation you have returned with...brilliant card! Even if they don't get the 'heart' element, the 'boobs' look perfect!
Love the heart card! Hate spiders! But Gary had me chortling away :-)
Debs x
Your spider story is adorable! I usually try to capture and release a daddy long legs in the bathtub if I can, but now I will be wondering if I should give poor Gary a drink of water as well!
Love how you used the whole heart on the anniversary card! I'm not saying what my first thought was about the inside. After my old eyes got focused good, I realized it was the rest of the heart! I believe that critters come up the drains too. It certainly looked like that frog in my bathroom sink one morning had come straight up the drain. The plumber says sometimes they come down the vent pipe and into the toilet. But there were no tell tale splash marks on the toilet so I don't think he'd been there. Your story was much more fun though!
Fabulous anniversary card! I got such a kick out of your story - I don't think they come up from the drain, that's a long and dark journey. ;-)
Hello Darnell! I was excited to see your name in the gallery at The Card Concept (thanks for playing with us, my dear) and LOVE your card! The inside and out are very cool, indeed.
Chuckled at your mention of the 'drinks trolley' at the beginning of the post. You never fail to give me a smile when I visit here!
What a great idea for that anniversary card - brilliant design. Fun spider story as well. Hugz!
I just realized I was not getting your posts because I read in FEEDLY not Google. I fixed that up now too!
Ha! I love the off to the side die cut and big bosooms on the inside:0
Now GARY, I think, comes in from the register. Dropping down or climbing through which ever the case my be.
I will have to read your story to the kiddos and see what they think.
Now who wouldn't appreciate a boobilicious anniversary card? I know my husband would! Thank you for making me screech with laughter again Darnell, you are good for my health! Vicky x
PS I've finally managed a NBUS - YAY!
Hi Darnell, fantastic idea to use the die in this way and a wonderful anniversary card!
Great to hear that your grandson likes my card :-))
Have a good day...
Love your card Darnell, perfect colours for the CC challenge and fun inside!
I must agree with you on the spider theory...I keep the bathtub drain closed at all times...they must have secret underground tunnel cities!
Oh Darnell you always come up with the best cards and this is another great one. I love the concept and the surprise when it's opened. I think the spiders come up through the drain too, however, I have seen them lost and wandering aimlessly through the house looking for the drain. I'm not a big fan so I have put the lost ones back in the drain and given them a drink!
Thank you for the great story Darnell.... Hate spiders..... can't bear them, flush them down the loo or sink when I can:( Sorry, I know I'm a meanie but horrid things, they always run towards me ,, eurrrghh So I'm just sayin' 'cos Gary had better watch out !!!!
LOL Love the card and with the red hot boobies, well what can I say, could be they might get confused but the card is brilliant anyway :D xx
p.s Any medical bills will be neatly ducked out of over here! I'm afraid we have just started the new roof fund and it's definitely not growing fast enough :D Have fun, Hugs Gay x
Yep! It's definitely the hole in the pipe!!
So glad you had a little time off with friends. You have clearly come back refreshed and ready to go. What a fabulous idea for a heart. I was thinking the front was already interesting with the curved edge and then I realized what you had actually done with the heart. Brilliant!
Oh, for gosh sakes - another near-injury at laughing (close to hysterically) at your very *reasoned* story of the implausibility of Gary's sneaking through the window expedition to get to the bathtub. We all know spiders come up through the drain! Brilliant writing yet again; your creativity is limitless, my friend. Speaking of which, you bosoomed...er, heart...anniversary card is priceless. I'm going to 'try' to read your story to my husband, but I think the tears of laughter may interfere...Happy Monday to you, dear friend!
On vacation sweetie but had to stop in and see your awesome creations!! This card is so so clever!!! Have a great week!
Ha ha ha ha, what a story! So neat Darnell! Cool card too. I like rolling through yours posts- always so much fun to see. Hugs, Victoria Lavender
WHAT a card with out a sketch, you go woman, it took me forever to make a card without one. Look how creatively you made this one,thanks for sharing your new friends and for making my day, always putting a smile on my face, hope you have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS )))..
Sorry as soon as I saw the word spider had to stop reading, they really scare me, YIKES, more ((( HUGS )))...
Welcome back from your blogging break. I'm glad you enjoyed it and what a fun deskill of cards. So enjoyed your spider story and love the angles on your card...especially that the top is rounded..it's different, and I like it.
LOVE the card and that heart outside and inside is sheer genius :-)
PS: I think more than spiders come up from those drains in our house here in FL ;-)
Your Gary story is hilarious! I think you should send these out to Pixar or some kids channel. You are too good in ur stories :) try ur hand into a new venture :)
your card is so unique with a superb design :)
Pretty card, love the angled (and curved edge) panel! Btw, we didn't have the rainbow colored tree light, but my mom did have a glass globe that had holly leaves inside that turned colors. That thing fascinated me as a child!
Geez, how stupid is me. Thought I was a follower...if you hadn't guessed, I'm NOT very tech-savvy. I will correct that omission immediately, however.
Love your CAS design with the crisp white background, and the layers add just the right pop! Thanks for joining us this week at The Card Concept :)
Love your card Darnell a very clever design, good job you didn't decide to embellish with a couple of flat back pearls!! Gary the daddy long- leg spiders escapade made great reading and I look forward to the sequel, because I just know there's gonna be a sequel one day!!
Hugs Lottie x
Love the Anniversary card...inside & out.
spiders...oh boy, those things make me scream.
Thanks for joining us at Curtain Call!
Oh, my goodness, you had me in stitches with your incredible spider story! I believe they come up through the drain, too, along with all the other tiny, tiny black spiders that hang out there. I DESPISE Daddy-Long-Legs. They used to scare me when I was a child. Now I just stomp on them. Yuk.
Oh, yea, you had a CARD! Great card--I like the boobs on the inside!
After hearing fearless Gary's story, I'm positive: they can only come up through the drain!... or, in a completely different theory, Gary is a single handsome spider and this may be his training program - running, climbing, stay still, running again, climbing the bathtub in complete silence, sliding down the drain. Repeat several times a year... probably not :).
What a fun card... it's like a continuous, it ties beautifully the inside and outside, great idea!
Hi Darnell!
Thanks for taking part in the challenge! Dig your card!
AND ABSOLUTELY love your story!
You crack me up Darnell with the Gary story and the bosoom's. lol I love the card and love how you did it with the heart humps on the inside of the card. Clever! Thanks the smiles today. Hugs, Brenda
I did it again! I get so involved in reading your post, and clicking on all you links...meeting your new friends in "new Friends corner that I forget to comment.
So this time instead of being about the 10th or so person to comment, I think I am #97. Yikes, How do you ever keep up?...LOL
Your card is very clever...so nicely done...and I really laughed at your cute spider story.
I kind of hope I don't regret telling you this...
but I could kind of relate to your story...because can you believe that the night before I first read your story, I went into my bathroom and there what do I see before me was one of those 1000 legger things, and you would not believe where he was...wrapped around the TP!!!
Yikes... So glad I realized he was there.
I sure missed that story - I'm glad you pointed it out to me - that for sure would make a fun children's book! I am not to fond of spiders in my house - I always get my husband to rescue them and bring them outside. I only kill mosquitoes....
Oh my...that was hysterical. I totally agree - had to come up the drain...only logical answer...lol!
It's so nice to meet you too! :)
You really should turn that into a children's book - it's too funny!
Have a great day! :)
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