A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

April 11, 2014

Happy Easter Tag ~ DJKASE #18

Happy Friday Folks!

We have whooshed around ~ mmm, no, I don't think we made any turns around anything on our way here this week. This week we whooshed straight to Friday! I'm parched we went so fast that time!

I am here with another Friday DJKASE for your reading and inspirational pleasure! I'm not gonna lie, I was really anxious about the day when this card artist's name came up in the draw, but I admire her too much not to try my hand at copylimenting her.

I'm speaking of the brilliantly talented Ms. Anne Redfern of Redanne. Anne has been blogging since 2012. She is an award-winning designer. She is known far and wide for her meticulous and outstanding creations and her love for Tim Holtz and All Things Tim. If you ask me, Mr. Tim should be PAYING Anne for her enthusiastic promotion of everything Timish. Distressing, embossing, masking, cutting, wiring, painting, spraying, dieing, stenciling, pasting, alcohol inking ~ wait, what? I don't think there is a technique alive that Anne can't acomplish precisely and perfectly.

Here is a photo of the lovely lass.
My Photo
She is every bit as sweet and kind and generous as that pretty smiling face would indicate! It has been a true pleasure becoming her friend in Blogland.

Anne is first and foremost a Tag Maker Extraordinaire as you will see when you go for a visit. But does she only make tags? Oh, bwahahaha! Pahleese! Take a look at this little darling:
Link to post
No, seriously, take a look in detail on Anne's blog when you get a chance via the link under the photo. Each of those compartments and the drawer are extraordinary works of art in themselves. Then there's the top and the sides. And the back. Sigh. (So you unnerstand why I gulped and considered accidentally tossing Anne's name in Hammy's cage!)

But you know me, I love a challenge and luckily for me, there are a few of Anne's works of art that are within the limits of my capabilities. I chose this tag of Anne's to DJKASE, which also happens to be perfect for this time of year. Anne posted it about a year ago on March 28, 2013
Anne's tag
I think it is so fun for spring! 
Here is my DJKASE:
Darnell's tag
I don't have a bunny die or punch, so I used a label die to make the center tag and then I ran it back through my BS using another small label die to make the opening for my Easter-basket-pink grass. I covered the openings with clear acetate and glued the two cut labels together on three sides. Then I stuffed the grass through the opening and glued it shut. That label was then attached to the pretty pink and shimmery tag and the rest is pretty self-exploratory. All the ingredients are listed below. The ribbon is a white ribbon that I swiped with a turquoise ink pad.

Annie, my friend, I know it's not inky or Timspired, but I do hope you are pleased with my DJKASE tribute! [I just noticed that I forgot to add a lovely pearl or charm like you so often do. Shuckiedarn! I did mean to add one, but it's dark o'clock now so it's too late for this post.] Thank you so much for following me, for your friendship, and for your consistent encouragement through your sweet comments! I appreciate you very much!! Mwah!


I'm entering my tag in the following challenges:
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog

  • The always fun Pixie's Snippets Playground where the only requirement for joining is that you use a snippet (scrap) on your creation! Playing at Pixie's has been a wonderful reminder and has helped me form the habit of checking my scraps first. Besides, all the people who enter the Playground are ungrown adults and those are my kinda peeps.
Pixies Crafty Workshop
As always, just click on the links of any of the challenges to find out the details about rules, sponsors, and prizes.


New Friends Corner

Besides introducing you to the amazing Anne, if you haven't already had the pleasure of meeting her, I'm tickled to introduce you to these new friends. I give you fair warning to stop now and refill your beverage!

Donna of Indiana Inking. Donna has been blogging since 2008! Every time I find someone who has been blogging that long, I think HOW did I not know about Blogland and this wonderful stamping community back then?? I had no idea all that inspiration was out there! It's okay, there is no time like the present. You will love visiting Donna and catching up with her!

Manuela of Elasdistrict. Manuela is from Germany and she has been blogging since 2010. She didn't blog often until this year and it's been wonderful to see more of her delightful posts and cards. Besides making cards, Manuela enjoys baking and gardening and she is a frequent contributor to many card challenges.

Susanne of Snaps and Snippets. Susanne is another blogger from Indiana who has also been blogging since 2008. (Do Donna and Susanne already know each other?!) Make sure you check out her "Studio" tab! Susanne is a crafter after my own heart with her amazing space and organizational skills. I think she also has my version of OCD: Organized Crafting Disorder! You will find tons of inspiration and thoughtful advice awaiting you here.

Shirley of Card Art, Etc. Shirley is another card artist who has been blogging since 2008! Shirley's blog is a wealth of information and inspiration as she shares all her knowledge with her readers through her posts and tabs. You will find Shirley's card art is impeccably designed and executed, outside and in!

Leslee of Canadian in Montana. Leslee has been blogging since ~ say it with me ~ 2008! (I sorta feel like I'm being punked! jk) Leslee's blog is a fun reflection of her life with her family. She is an avid scrapper, family photographer, and card artist. Given her location, Leslee's fantastic cards are often beautifully scenic. Once again, loads of inspiration!

Thank you so much for joining, ladies! Welcome to the Playhouse!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperK and Company metallic DSP; unknown PP for grass; PTI kraft
Stamps    Hero Arts A2152
 InkSU tempting turquoise
AccessoriesDies: My Favorite Things "Tag You're It" and "Well-Worn Greetings"; Simon Says Stamp "Folded Banner"; Poppy "Grassland Border"
Flower: Iva Nova Chest
Stickers: Mrs. Grossman
Ribbon: a-muse studio vanilla silky crush

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Linda said...

Hi Darnell, I love your version of Anne's tag, the colours are so pretty and perfect for this time of year.
I'm an avid follower of Anne's blog too .... I love her vintage style, and she's one clever lady!
Have a lovely weekend .... hugs Linda xx

Sue said...

Oh I love Anne's blog she makes fantastic things!!! and is so sweet too :) Your tag is fab Darnell and your blog is a pleasure to read always puts a smile on my face:)) have a great weekend lots of huggles Sue xxxx

Ros Crawford said...

Love your tag ... I'm definitely going to take a look at Anne's blog ...

Sarn said...

Hi Darnell - your CASE of Redanne's work is brilliant.

Happy Friday to you and wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Hugs, Sarnxxx

Viv said...

Lovely spring like tag Darnell! Have a great weekend. x

Marilyn said...

Love your tag and Love Love Love that flower

Susanne said...

I love your project - so cute, and Anne's tag is fab as well. Thanks so much for the shout-out. I didn't know Donna of Indiana Inking, but I will (wink). Leslee and I go way back in reading each others blogs, not all the way to the beginning but back a fair while. It is good of you to encourage visiting others' blog like this, I think it went out of vogue for awhile - great to see that active encouragement again.

Sue said...

Hello Darnell.
I am so pleased to see you CASE the lovely and extremely talented Anne, I agree with you - her designs are stunning and so inspiring.
I love your tag, a gorgeous selection of colours and textures with such a beautiful flower.
I hope you have a good weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Di said...

I LOVE your CASE of Anne's tag Darnell! Naturally I adore the pink :) Thanks for coming to play - I wanna know WHO you think is a real grownup in the Playground huh?!


Di xx

jimlynn said...

It's fantastic! Great CASE of the tag and love the flower and those tiny eggs tucked in the grass. CUTE!

Krisha said...

Well done Darnell!!!
Beautiful tag.

Craftychris said...

I follow Anne too - her work is amazing! Your tag is fabulous! I love the pink grass in the aperture! Anne will definitely approve of the tag's loveliness! xx

Redanne said...

Wow Darnell, I cannot tell you how shocked I was to see my picture come in my blog roll!! You really are the sweetest and best friend anyone could have. Thank you for showing me in such a wonderful light, for saying such lovely things and for Casing me too, it is such an honour and I am so thrilled!

As for your tag, it is adorable, I love the colours, the theme - everything about it, and it is done with your usual style and finesse! Thank you again sweet friend, I am sitting here blushing at yours and others comments. Huge hugs, Annie xxx

Diane Jaquay said...

Your tag is FABULOUS!

Sandy said...

Hey Darnell - you have spotlighted one of the sweetest bloggers I know. Yes she is extremely talented but her heart defines who she is. A wonderful friend and artist.
I see my friend Sarn follows you too!!
I do subscribe to your blog but it does not always come in my box. I have loved your craft play house forever and am pea green with envy!!
Your tag is fantastic - not sure how you created the middle but I found it so yummy looking - just right for an Easter basket. Now I am going to have to go back and re-read your post!!!!
Sandy xx

Alanna said...

WOW Darnell, this tag is just gorgeous. I love all the detail in it, especially the grass.

I hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

Chris Dring said...

Wow, Darnell! What a fantastic CASE of Anne's tag! Love the trick of making an acetate pocket to put the Easter grass into! So simple, yet so brilliant! TFS!

Vanessa said...

It is gorgeous, Darnell! I love how you cased the beautiful tag!

Viv said...

Such a fabulous tag Dee,great DJKASEing once again :)hugs Viv ( Vee) xx

Lisa Elton said...

Darnell your Easter tag is just as CUTE as can be!! Love Anne's adorable tag too!

Bobby said...

You did a fantastic job CASEing Anne's card. I love the pink basket grass and the eggs in the green grass.

If those gals have been blogging since 2008, I'm surprised they are just finding you. But then again, there are SO many blogs out there you can never find them all.

Have a great weekend!

Patti said...

Great CASE of two amazing artisans!! : )

I enjoyed reading about Anne and will be stopping into admire her work. As for your ta? AWESOME!! sweet and so bright.

Thank you for sharing!!!


Kristie Goulet said...

LOVE your sweet tag, Darnell! Great CASE of Anne. Off to check out her blog now.
Have a great weekend!

Pat said...

This is such a pretty tag Darnell and a great DJKASE of the original tag from Anne which is also lovely. I love the cute little eggs peeping out through the grass and the gorgeous pink rose. That ribbon has taken the blue ink beautifully too. Hope you have a lovely weekend. x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

It definitely isn't Timish at all, but it is all Darnell and that's fabulous! Great colors and I get such a happy vibe from your tag. Great job! And I understand the intimidation factor when trying to CASE Anne.

Erica said...

Hi Darnell...I just love your tag, especially the schtuff inside the frame...super original!
You keep me hopping with your shout-outs to other bloggers.
And a big thanks for commenting on my posts/cards. I don't get many, sp it is truly appreciated.
Have a blessed weekend.

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love your beautiful Easter tag. So lovely with all the elements you added.

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...this is one sweet little Easter tag, just as cute as the one you are cas'ing. Enjoy your weekend and see you soon!

Mrs A. said...

Di posed a questshun about whose the grown up in the playground but that has gotta be me cos I'm the only one tall nuff to reach the telephonic key paddy to call the fire brigade out!!! Ask me how I nose!!
Your tag is super duper spit of Anne's. I think there is also an uncanny likenss to your two photos. Ok so the hair colour is different and the parting is on the other side and use have glaases sop maybe not the same at all.
Hugs Mrs A.

Aileen said...

Your tag is a gorgeous case. Perfect for easter. x

Geri said...

You have totally captured Anne's style in your tag! Great selection of elements that work perfectly together...just like Anne's projects! Love the pink Easter grass and the altered color ribbon that looks so good with the same color Happy Easter sentiment! Awesome CASE!

Unknown said...

Oooh, you chose a doozy to DJKASE Dippy......how brave! But you've pulled it off with the greatest panache! Gorgeous tag, lovely colours, you've definitely done yourself proud.

Karendipity xxx

dottielottie said...

Darnell, how lovely that you have DJKASED Anne, she is truly a talented artist and it is through seeing her fabulous work and her kind encouragement, that tempted me to dip my toe into this form of creating. Your take on Anne's lovely tag is perfect, the colours are so fresh looking and perfect for spring/Easter. I think Cadbury's will soon be in touch with you to use your design for their Easter egg box's next year.
Have a great weekend
Hugs Lottie x

Barb Ghig said...

WOW! You did an amazing CASE of Anne's tag, Darnell! I love how you filled your label die cut with grass...how fun is that! Loving the spring colors, too! You have surely made her proud!!!

JD/ Jill said...

Great case of Anne's beautiful tag...Hope you have a great weekend!

Bonnie said...

I love your tag from the turquoise ribbon to the eggs peeking from the grass! A wonderful CASE!

Brenda said...

Oh my that Anne is very talented! I love her tag but I love yours too Darnell! You did a great case on this one! Your tag has texture, beautiful papers, a banner, beautiful flower and ribbon. Yep is sure is beautiful! Hugs

Cathy said...

Gorgeous tag Darnell and great CASE of Anne's fabulous work, Cathy x

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Your version of Anne's tag turned out so pretty!!!! I just love the Easter eggs! Great job!!!!

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Darnell, I finally got a chance to visit,I've been MIA, when I saw Miss Ann I just had to fly by, she is an AMAZING artist, Designer, I and I agree, I said Mr Tim should giver her a shout out on his blog for the BRILLIANT box made from scratch, it was *** THE BOMB *** and she is a SWEET HEART... Your tag is FANTASTIC, all the extra work you did on it honors Anne..I'm so glad to see you found your grand sons stamp, I have to fly, only a short time to do my visiting, ((( BIG HUGS ))), Happy Easter a little early but not sure when I'll be back, your a;ways in my thoughts and heart...

Joyce said...

Loving your case of Anne's tag. Such a sweet scene you have created.

scrappymo! said...

Great take on Anne's style! I remember that tag she made. Your version is great!

Petra Swart said...

You know, Darnell, when I saw that I have missed 11 of your posts over the last two weeks, I thought I was not going to comment on them all, but there I find myself WANTING to comment on them all as I went along!!! Such fun visiting you and enjoying your lovely sense of humour!! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face!!!
Your tag is soooo beautiful!! I'm off to visit Anne's blog now!!
PS. Always when I find myself way behind on blogvisits I promise myself not to have that happen again, but next time the same thing happens as I get as lost in knitting and crocheting as in card making!!! Will try and stay up to date for at least a while now!!
Have a super weekend and greetings from Africa!!!

Sheila H said...

Your CASE tag is great. Using the label die is so clever. Your tag is cute - love the colors and embellishments.

Carol L said...

What a wonderful CAS of Anne's tag! I love those vibrant spring colors!

Laurie Unger said...

What a darling tag this turned out to be!

shirley-bee said...

Fabulous DJKASE of Anne's card, Darnell!

Pia S said...

I haven't made many tags, I find it difficult to decorate such a small space, but this is very inspiring!

Anita in France said...

What a sweet Easter scene tag, Darnell ... such fabulous happy, spring-time colours ... and a simply brilliant take on Anne's original! Hugs, Anita :)

Anne said...

Beautiful tag Darnell. Looked before at Anne's blog - awesome work. Anne x

Leslee said...

Great CASing of Anne's tag. Will have to check out her blog. Super surprised to see my face on your blog- thanks for the kind words! And Suzanne and I have been following each other for a while now. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

roffeycreations said...

Hi Darnell, Thanks for your comment concerning me not being able to publish - I am still having issues... I am not being as productive as I was last year but it is still frustrating that I cant publish the few things I am doing... cheers Maureen xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
Very rude of me not to swing by earlier but my tablet was being naughty and not letting me comment/follow.
Very cute Easter tag. Love how the eggs peek out behind the grass.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Inkyfingers said...

I love your take on that fabulous tag Darnell, and thank you for pointing us over to Anne's great blog. Some of her gorgeous work makes me feel so inadequate, but is really inspirational.
Carol x

Diane said...

Hi Darnell love the tag design.

Hugs Diane

Happy Dance said...

Oh honeygirl! You've done Anne's tag proud! This is just so darn sweet. Perfect Easter colors too. Your ribbon is delicate and delicious looking, and I'm loving the dp you've used for the lawn. Very sweet. Hope your Sunday is perfect. Bev

cm said...

A most talented artist (you) casing another talented artist (Anne) equals double the delight! Both tags, with their designer's 'unique styles' are absolutely adorable! Don't sell yourself short, Darnell; you have 'the gifts,' of creativity AND personality, plus! Oh yes, add 'warm-hearted and awesome' to the mix, too! Another post that has me smiling, as Anita would say, allll over my face! Hugs~c

Tracy said...

Your tag is lovely.
I see that your friend was following Tim Holtz's tags last year. As did I :)

Mrs Harry said...

Another lovely creation Darnell, I can see where the inspiration came from but you made it all your own and it's great.
Have a lovely Easter.
Pat x

Benzi said...

Darnell, your case of Anne's tag is awesome. Love the acetate and grasses. Anne's work is gorgeous and a great choice.

Karen P said...

Fabulous take on Anne's beautiful tag Darnell and for some reason I am now wanting some jelly beans! Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my recent creations. I am trying to catch up with everyone this week as I've been crafting a bit too much lol. Have a lovely week Karen x

Monika Reeck said...

I love your version tooooo love the pastel colors and cute egg with those colors it looks like a real egg...I love love your idea and great touch of the flowers...woooww you have much more lovely words here...I love your blog too...hope you have 5 minutes time to hop to my blog my sweet friend...big hugs from Germany, Monika

Shirley said...

Each project is just beautiful and so creative too!!

stressfreestamping said...

Beautiful tag! I love the springy colors. It reminds me that we really are in spring...even if we are supposed to get more snow tonight. Ugh! Thanks for playing along at ATSM. :)

Emily Keaton said...

That tag is SO adorable, Darnell! I love how you filled your window with Easter grass--how fun is that???

Emily Leiphart said...

Gorgeous tag, Darnell! I love how you were inspired by Anne. Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Happy Easter or Sweet Treats!

Greta said...

Love your case, Darnell! This is such a great idea you came up with--fun to see each one!

MaryH said...

What a wonderful artist you selected to DJKase this post. Miz Anne is simply sensational..each project a work of art. No less is the one you shared today. Loved the way you were so innovative with the supplies, and the colorful & beautiful - so much texture. Well done. TFS & Hugs

Tracey McNeely said...

Cute tag Darnell! love how you added the grass.