A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 8, 2014

A Charming Valentine ~ Super QACAS! NBUS #102

Happy Week End!!

Weren't the Olympic opening ceremonies just amazing?! I hope all goes well for all the events.

I'm pretty sure today's card is the quickest and cleanest and simplest (QACAS) card I have made!

As I mentioned yesterday, Papertrey Ink is celebrating it's 7th birthday /anniversary with daily challenges,
and this is the current brief:
Welcome to our first ever Timer Challenge, in honor of the *time travel* theme for Stamp-a-faire this year. You are encouraged to grab a timer and get creative!
  • You have 7 minutes to grab 7 supplies to use on your card.  This needs to include your ink, paper and stamps too, so maybe you should be sure to grab the basics first and go from there!  (You do not need to count adhesive as one of your limited supplies.)
  • Then create a quick card in 17 minutes or less using the supplies you selected!


As it happened, I already had an idea in mind for a card using some more cool NBUS Washi tape for the current Fusion Card Challenge. At Fusion, we are given an inspiration board and allowed to choose to be inspired by the photo inspiration or the sketch inspiration or fuse the two.

So I gathered these seven ingredients:
  1. PTI vintage cream card stock
  2. SU Valentine sediment stamp
  3. Freckled Fawn heart Washi tape
  4. SU real red ink cube
  5. Unknown red heart brad
  6. SU love charm
  7. Unknown dog tag "Love You"

and I made this card, FUSING the two inspiration Fusion boards:

in this amount of time:

It prolly would have taken less time escept I dropped the heart brad on the floor and it took me a few seconds to find where it had bounced to under my rollie cart. Then when I scrambled after it I forgot I had a bad kanee until I kanelt on it. That caused me to whoosh out a big expellation of air and to topple over to my bottom where I sat for I-don't-know-how-long rubbing the offended joint and moaning.
Why do we make noises when we are in pain, especially when movement is involved like walking, sitting, or standing. Or even laying. Did I forget any? 
"Ooff," we go, "Aiiyee," or "Nnnnnn." That last one said through gritted teeth. 
Mister says it's because we want to draw attention to ourselves in case there are any persons within earshot who might offer sympathies and booze tea.
The hamster rapped me on the kanuckles to remind me to focus so I got to my feet toddler-fashion, impaled my charms, and walla, I was done!

QACAS! (I just realized that sounds like something Gunther would say!) It's a super CAS card. Sometimes you can shout out your love with a whisper.


I'm also linking my card with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge where the theme is "Have a Heart!"
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog

And I'm linking again at Addicted to CAS where the theme is "LOVE!" How can I not with two LOVE charms on my card?!
Remember the links will take you to the challenges for all the rules, sponsors, and prize details.


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

I hope to catch up with my visiting over the weekend. Our monitor went out on the PC a few days ago and the new one was finally installed. Whee! I am hopeless trying to type on the laptop, so I had all I could do just preparing my posts. But now I'm good to go!

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

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Click CTL + Home.
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!


Pia S said...

Less than three minutes? That sure is impressive. I find that I spend even more time on my clean cards than the more embellished one. And I'm a really slow cardmaker...
I think your CAS love card looks cool!

Irish Cherokee said...

Very Cool card. Under 3. NO WAY!!!!
I Empathize with you. When I turn my arm..OW like that..OW..and make the shoulder..rrrr..move like.. aye...that ow ow ow. Took just a minite to let the tears clear. Arthur's Right-is in the shoulders joints.

Meg said...

I love the simplicity of this card - you definitely rocked this challenge.

Irene said...

A super duper card Darnell.

Vanessa said...

Wow, that's quick!!! And the card is great! Haha, I would never be able to do an under 3 minutes card! Amazing!
Vanessa x

maria f. said...

Yay you! I think if Pretty Pink Posh had told us which colors and which sketch to use, I could have succeeded there! I made a masculine card this morning in under 5! Love the dog tags on this :)

Ardyth said...

This is simply perfect! It's clean, graphic and simple yet full of interest!

Anita in France said...

What? Darnell, you made this most stunning QACAS delight in under three minutes?? And when you're in pain part of that time?? It's perfect and I'm bowing ... very low! QACAS does sound Gunther like ... perhaps Quacking and Cackling at Someone?? Anita :)

Gerrina said...

I think you are right+ it is QACAS! And next to that also a great card to look at! Wishing you a creative weekend, Gerrina

Karen P said...

Ouch I hope your knee is okay. My problem is I drop stuff under the table and regularly bump me head on it lol!
I curtesy to the Queen of CAS and QACAS your card rocks and making it that quickly rocks too! Have a lovely weekend xx

Benzi said...

You made a CAS beauty with your seven ingredients, Darnell. Glad you are o.k. and didn't harm yourself too much. Be careful in that craft room!!!!

Sue said...

Oh my, how can your make such a fabulous card in less than 3 minutes? Honestly, it would take me 3 hours at least to come up with such a wonderful design.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Redanne said...

Wow, you did an amazing job constructing that fabulous card so quickly, even with the little interlude.... hope your knee has not suffered too much with that trauma.... Big hugs, Annie xx

JD/ Jill said...

Great card...and congrats that you managed to finish it so quickly. I am such a SLOW cardmaker...I wouldn't even attempt a time challenge.

Sue said...

Wow less then 3 minutes. It would take me that long just to figure out what color red to use...lol! Very nice CAS card. It's fun to see how long it takes to make a card from time to time! Hope your pain has subsiding with the help of the tea!

Linda said...

Oh goodness you are too funny. I can certainly relate to the groaning etc when we get up....
Lovely CAS card.

Craftychris said...

Wow! Now that is speed crafting|! and what a fantastic result - its a gorgeous card. Shame you hurt your bad knee for your art! Be careful! xx

Laura Davis said...

Great CAS card!

Harriet Skelly said...

CAS perfection Darnell!!

Sue said...

Love this card and omg so quick! hope your not bruised huggles Sue xx

Kristie Goulet said...

EEEK! This is CAS perfection!! Love it! Sorry you hurt your knee during the process. Hugs!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Well, you certainly did a "bang up" (no pun intended) job on your quick and clean and simple card. Wow! You are fast!

Kathleen said...

Hi Speedy, fab card love the hearts and dog tag.
Well I heard this load moan but thought it was the wind.

Kath x

Unknown said...

Oh Dippy you are SO brave. These timed challenges scare the s..t, oops sorry, bejasus, out of me! But you've made a fabulous card. Love everything about it. Thanks for playing along (again....) at ATCAS.


Karendipity xxx

Cathy said...

Gorgeous CAS card Darnell, I take ages to make a card so I am in awe of your speedy creativity :) Cathy x

Chris Dring said...

Wow, Darnell, under 3 minutes to make a card? Even with your knee bellowing in pain? That's impressive! It usually takes me at least 2 hours to make a card! And that's not even including the time it takes to figure out which paper collection to use. Too much stuff! Sigh. Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, I LOVE this card!!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I thought making noise made the pain more bearable... didn't Mythbusters do an episode on that once? But I like the idea that we could get sympathy and booze from it. 'Specially the booze. You are the second person I've seen doing this challenge. I think it is a really neat idea. I need to make an Iris fold card though (and should be doing that instead of this blog thingy) so no timing that one. And I do like your quick and easy card! It's fun. Does all that white space make you twitch??

Greta said...

Now that is fast & fabulous! Love this one, Darnell! Hope the knee is OK!

Julia Aston said...

Don't you just love when a simple design comes out wonderfully? This is so pretty with the pretty heart washi tape and fun tags Darnell!

Susanne Vargas said...

Great CAS card and it took you not even 3 min? I don't even dare to tackle the 10 min craft dash! I am slow...
And frustrated. Just tried to add a follow in feedly button to my blog and even though I followed the instructions carefully it didn't work! Ah well!

alexandra s.m. said...

Love your card Darnell!
Have a beautiful w-e!

Patti J said...

Your card is perfect! Cute as can be! Loved reading your post...had to laugh out loud a couple of times!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...you are just amazing! A card in less than 3 minutes, you and Joyce must be on the same wave length, her cards were fast too. This is just too cute and I love that Washi Tape...so much fun!

Claire said...

I'd never have guessed there were 7 things on this card Darnell..just love that little charm from SU. Hope your kanee is ok!

Cindy Brumbaugh said...

Wow! This is certainly QACAS and super-d-duper! Love it!

Vicky Hayes said...

QACAS sounds like something a duck might make Darnell! Of course it would take a duck much longer to make your beautiful creation as webbed feet and beaks are hopeless for picking up brads but on the other hand ducks don't often have bad knees... Hope you're okay. My husband recommends starting with tea and progressing to brandy if it REALLY hurts! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Vicky x

shirley-bee said...

Ooh, gorgeous card, Darnell, and a great fit for the challenges! I love that impaled dog tag!

Carol L said...

The pain was clearly worth the gain, as this card is fabulous and fun! I love the charm/dog tag combo! Way to combine challenges in a heartbeat with an injury! You're such a trooper I tell ya! :)

Dana said...

Sweet card!! Goes great withe sketch!!

Brenda in IN said...

Cute, fast and clean. I love this card! That little red brad and charm are so cute. Oh, your poor knee. Landing on it is probably not the best rehab for it. Hope you can get some relief for it soon. I recently tripped over my Art Bin and lunged headfirst into the chest in my craft room. Ooomph was what I came up with.

Ros Crawford said...

Wish I could come up with something so fabulous ... Love this card!

Laurie Unger said...

Wonderfully done! I like that dog tag!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Super card! Super fast! Wow!! Just love it!

Sharon Underwood said...

Wow! I'm impressed! And I love your comment, "Sometimes you can shout out your love with a whisper..." Hope I can remember that! Thanks for your wonderful comments on my blog. You're very encouraging/inspiring/motivating.

Hettie said...

Oooo! Now if only I could make my C cards in under 3 mins each, but it takes me 30 mins to choose 7 items!!
Haa Haa!

Bonnie said...

Quick, CAS, and perfect!

jimlynn said...

CAS and just wonderful! LOVE that little charm too.
Pretty good time if you ask me (hope the knee is ok though). It'd probably take me 2 days instead of 2 minutes to complete this.

Bobby said...

That has to be the faster card in history. Those little charms are so cute.

Sheila H said...

Wow - it's hard to believe how quickly you created this card. It's a super CAS creation.

Michelle Lupton said...

Awesome job, Darnell! So glad you played along with ATCAS, and with Fusion!

Barb Ghig said...

You are a riot! I sure hope you're ok by now...I certainly would have offered you some sympathy...and a drink (and it wouldn't be tea, either)!

I love all the pretty hearts on your card, Darnell! Love the silver charm and darling little heart, too! Great job getting it done in time, and within the parameters of supplies...WTG!

Anonymous said...

I have never made a card in under two hours let alone two minutes, it usually takes me a week hence the few and far between posts and that is for the CAS cards. I don't think I have a hamster I must have a snail. Fabulous card and love the silver charm with its glossy red attachment. Thanks so much for your continued support at ATCAS. I really must try falling over and crying out more often if it will bring me sympathy and booze !


cotnob said...

This is a gorgeous card Darnell, it might have been quick but it's certainly stunning.

Mau xx said...

Wow! how do you do it Darnell, I would need a 24 plus hour clock....I am the slowest cardmaker in the world....lol and if I am using papers then I would need two days! I need one to choose the papers ..which then I hate anyway ;o(
Super great card, love the little charm and sweet hearts.
Hugs Mau xx

debby4000 said...

Oh what a beautiful CAS card, its perfect.

Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.



sandie said...

this is one of my fav Darnell cards, love the CAS and what a great charm, sorry to hear about the fall xx

cm said...

Running in late, but here to say that once again, rolling on the floor laughing (which is no easy feat, given where I'm writing this...work. My bad. NOT!). A fun, fast and *somewhat* furious creation. LOVE it!!

MaryH said...

I LIKE it! Even with the tape I could not manage that fast (or that pretty either!) Hope the knee didn't get too mad at you for banging it. Coffee, tea, sympathy (and booze too!) helps soothe a hurt knee. 'Specially if no one around to kiss the boo-boo. Works for me! TFS & Hugs

Geri said...

All that pain and sufferin' and ya still made it in under 3?!? You deserve an award!!! I love it! LOVE those sweet little charms! Thanks for joining us at FUSION, my dear!!!

Pat said...

That's what you call a quick card Darnell, but such a nice design with the charm and dog tag. Sorry you have a painful knee it really brings tears to the eyes when you do something like that! x

Alanna said...

Such a darling card. Love the CAS design.

Sindhu said...

Hello Darnell! I just LOVE your card and this is the quickest card I have ever come across! So simple and beautiful!
So bad your knee is hurt :/ Take care!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I'm in full agreement w: my buddy Mau !!
It takes me a few days to think & pick out papers -- & a day to construct & color ... Slowest card maker... Ever!!!
You are super speedy !!!
This card is cute & fun !!
Sorry you got hurt on the way down...

Loll said...

Fabulous QACAS card Dolly! Love the red and white - it's always a classic! The charms are sweet! Lolly

Jeanne J. said...

I'm nuts about washi and this is a great way to show it off without covering anything up - thanks for the inspiration!

Geri said...

Your posts are like chicken soup for the soul....warms me to the core!

2:46...WOW!!! You sure do work well under pressure - this card is fabulous! Love the sweet wee charms!

Hope your kanee is okay :)