A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

October 29, 2013

Pumpkin's Birthday ~ NBUS #66; WOYWW #230; SSS (Monday) and STB

Hello Humpers and Deskers!
Well, that sounded a little naughtier than I meant for it to sound.  It's time for What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW), hosted by everyone's sweetheart scrapper, card artist, and carpenter's apprentice, Ms. Julia Dunnit!  {Blink the Applause Light Furiously.} 

Basically that means I show you my desk and you show me yours.  Please click over to get the details if you dunno what I'm talking about and join the fun!  Here we go:
I tried keeping my summertime haul of NBUS (never-before-used schtuff) in a giant plastic container at my feet until I used it once, but I had almost toppled over it one too many times, so I cut all the sets apart and placed them with their requisite theme family.  Aaaahhh.  (If you've seen me do this before, this may be a boring update for you.  Please skip to the end and let me know you popped in.)

The new or updated "theme" cases are now ready to go (or return) here:
Some of you have wondered how I was dealing with the addition of clear stamps to my theme drawers of wooden stamps.  Let's look at, say, the drawer with the BIRTHDAY theme:
Oh, sorry.  I'm so sorry you had to see that long shot.  It's blurry because it was taken late last night after I finished off my tumbler of wodka.  Can you blame me? 
Let's just focus on one drawer so we aren't responsible for any attacks of heart.
Tossing in the odd clear birthday sediments as I have gotten them worked just fine, at first.  I could fondle them quickly when deciding which one I wanted to use on a card, or I could flick them easily to the side to peer at the wooden stamps.  But then, well, you've all heard about Shopper Girl's visit.

So now it looks like this:
I corralled all the clear sediments in CD cases and SU! cases, with the images stamped on a piece of scratch paper stuck in the outside sleeve for easy refusal.  I meant to say perusal, but refusal works just the same in this instance.

What do the insides of those cases look like?  Like this:

The wee baggies keep them from commingling as sticky Polly Acrylic and Polly Mer are wont to do and it allows me to type or write the name of the manufacturer/stamp set on a snippet and keep it with the sediment.

It makes me very happy.

You might have noticed a couple of cards on my desk, stamped for autumn around a masked banner.  I made one for my last post (below) for Halloween and I was so happy with it, I made another one for my friend Laura who has almost a Halloween birthday and her nickname is "Pumpkin."
I'm going to send it in the mail, but I wish I could see her face when she opens it.  I was so tickled when I got this Papertrey Ink "Scent-imentals" stamp set (NBUS) and saw the "Hello Pumpkin" sediment!  She really is a sweet pumpkin and she'll be grinning from ear-to-ear when she sees this!
Here is the inside:
The Seize the Birthday (STB) challenge is always "Anything Goes" so I am going to link my card with the gallery there.  Also, Simon Says Stamp (SSS) Monday is having an "Anything Goes" challenge, so I will link up there, as well.  Both of these sites are wonderful places to go for hundreds of card inspirations!  

I want all my friends from the UK and surrounding area to know I'm hoping they weathered that monster storm without devastation.  Even though Halloween is not a huge holiday everywhere in the world, I wish you all a Happy Hallow's Eve.  Please take a piece of chocolate before you go. 
I'm not prezackally sure why the tub of candy is the Playhouse in the back yard and not by the front door where the trick or treaters will be knocking.  Nor am I sure why it is only half full when it was fully full a few days ago.  I'm also not admitting that I used to steal candy from my son's haul every year.  The statute of limitations has passed on that criminal activity anyway, even if the allegations were true, which I'm sure they are not because what kind of a mother would do that anyway?


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!  


Chriss Blagrave said...

Love this, inside and out and it seems to be the perfect card for you friend, she is sure to love this custom Birthday card!

Anonymous said...

That's enough NBUS for a whole year, never mind just one summer! You are little miss organised that's for sure. I loved your Autumn card when I saw it a couple of days ago in my email, bad Brenda didn't come and share the love, but I meant to tell you how beautiful it was. I had what I thought was a piece of Halloween Kitkat today as the chocolate was bright lime green... until I saw the box it came from and realised it's actually green tea flavoured kitkat! It would have been fantastic to hand out on Halloween though!

Brenda - I don't have a number, Julia hasn't posted and I'm away ta ma beed!!

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. Wow ... I can't believe how many stamps you have. Great job in organizing - I'm impressed!

LOVE that card for your friend's birthday. Beautiful ... and she will be thrilled that you made it specially for her! :)

Enjoy your day!! Lolly xx

Anonymous said...

Your drawers are amazing !! You are most certainly as OCD as I am... Which I LOVE!!! Could you please come to Charlotte so we could do mine....!?! Lol !!
Fabulous playhouse space -- & just an aside --- even the colors of the drawers make me smile!! :))
Love your card for pumpkin -- it will surely bring a smile to her face!!!

No more candy --- sweetie!! We like you just as you are!!! Lol
Meaning -- you are sweet enough !! ;)) xo

Greta said...

I absolutely love this card, Darnell! Lucky friend!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

some snickers for me Darnell ...

...and well have stamp overload just looking at this post.. :D

...an well love the card, great front texture colour etc. wondering what NBUS is? happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #8

Unknown said...

Your have been doing some serious stamping organizing. Love that card.

Sharon Madson said...

Your Hello Pumpkin card is great! Love it! You have a great storage system! TFS
Sharon #7

MiamiKel said...

OH amazing! What a beautiful pattern and dazzling colors - super lovely! Now that is a craft room! Holy stamps - that's like a whole store!! :) Lucky lady!
Kelly #12

Nikki said...

All those lush stamps wow !! and I can't open my candy boxes they won't make it to the kiddies then lol so they stay closed until the day and I try not to look that way at all it's one big tease to have that many sweets opened but I'll have a hersey thanks :)
hugs Nikki 1

Jacquie Southas said...

Stealing from your child's Halloween stash is a family tradition for us LOL - something that I learned from my parents and felt a sacred duty to pass on to my children. I decided this year I was going to index my stamps, but have not progressed very far at all. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and separate them the way you have - it looks like you have never regretted doing it. The card is stunning - love the blend of colors!

Jacquie Southas said...

Stealing from your child's Halloween stash is a family tradition for us LOL - something that I learned from my parents and felt a sacred duty to pass on to my children. I decided this year I was going to index my stamps, but have not progressed very far at all. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and separate them the way you have - it looks like you have never regretted doing it. The card is stunning - love the blend of colors!

Sue from Oregon said...

What a great ready today Darnell...your had me giggling big time LOL! Lovely organization! I am in the process of doing that same thing...maybe I will show how I am doing that next week...follow your inspiration!

Sue from Oregon said...

oh i forgot...I LOVED you pumpkin card!

Julie Lee said...

Loving the pumpkin card! We actually moved my mum from her old house to new flat on hurricane day! The storm had brought down some trees and delayed our removal men, but I don't think it was anything like what you sometimes experience in the US! What a lovely bunch of stamps you own and how efficiently you store them in the playhouse! I'm not pumpkin orange, but green with envy! Seriously though enjoy your Wednesday! Julie Ann xx #20

Sandy said...

Went to the supermarket today and they had a huge tent with Halloween stuff everywhere. There was a little girl in the bank who was crying because she wanted to go back to the supermarket to see the Halloween tent so funny.. We have only ever had one year where children came to the door for Halloween treats so its not big here in Australia.. Think they are trying to make it bigger though. Happy organising of your stamps its something that we have to do when we get new supplies, for some reason they just don't fit like they used too..
Sandy :) #23

Andrea said...

you do make me LOL great organization though ... you do your stamps proud...fun shot too wher you on a step ladder looking down trick of the camera or you are actually 10 foot tall!(teehee)
Your friend is going to be tickled pink when she sees her fab card or should that be tickled pumpkin! thanks for the choc I will have Hershey thank you as haven't tried them; as for the disappearing chocolate must have been the tooth fairy concerned about tooth decay ..you know hat they are like! its the only rationale explanation I can imagine! have a fab week and happy hallows eve to you too hugs Andrea #25

SusanLotus said...

Awesome collection of stamps! :)

Karren said...

Love that card, Darnell! You've created so much depth to it. I admire your organisation skills! Sometimes I think the organising is almost as much fun as the stamping!

Lucy said...

I really love the pumpkin card, and the skittle decorations! We moved into an area with a LOT of kids recently. I think we'll be going out that night - what meanies we are! All the best, Lucy #34 x

Jackie said...

I bet you get so much pleasure from it all being so organised!!!
Love the pumpkin card and the candy has been eaten ..... By who? He he!!!!

Gerrina said...

Loved reading your post! My smile is stil on my face.... Beautiful cards, the one with white banner is so stunning! Inky greetings, Gerrina

Maisie Moonshine said...

This kind of a mother! (who said that? it wasn't me!)

Fab post Darnell! Have a great Halloween. (I'm going to have to restock my Halloween candy bowl too!)

LOVE that Pumpkin card - perfect for your friend, and thanks for the guided tour of your stamps. We could play organising for hours! Be happy MMx #41

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Love your pumpkin card
It is fantastic
hugs Tamara

Glenda said...

I love the card and just know it will be loved! Also I think your designated drawers are wonderful. I just need to get organized! Glenda #52

Sammy said...

Hey, after all the work mums put into Halloween, it's only fair that a "tax" is levied on the kids' haul. besides, if mine and the ridiculous amounts of sweet stuff they bring home are anything to go by, said activity falls under the header of "saving the kids from diabetes", and therefore is my duty! :-D

Loving your cards again, by the way! x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well, I for once, have the better of you. I know prezackerly why that half box of candy is in your playhouse. And that's because it's not in mine. Shucks. I've separated my acrylics from their wooden friends now too, but the commingling does represent a problem..am a bit frightened that they will reproduce and they might be commingled images that I don't want! Will have to take more time to organise like what you do...it's a bigger hobby than the actual crafting for you isnt it. Be honest.

ike said...

My goodness - I thought I was looking at a Stamp Shop !!!! :-) LoL That's a serious stamp collection :-D How on earth did those choccoes get in there ??????!!! hahahaha

Happy WOYWW #230
IKE in Greece #63 xxxxxx

The House of Bears said...

Now that's an impressive array of stamps! As for the chocolate. Is it okay to take one per bear? Mmmm

The bears #62

Carole said...

I imagine you would be a wonderful curator for museum artifacts. I like that it makes you happy to include the manufacturers information. The pumpkin card is vibrant and lovely. Happy snooping Carole #65

Mrs A. said...

Pleth (oops dory der choklit got cauth in my deeth) tell me that not all those little drawers are full of stamps? If they are then I'm catching the next flight out for a play!! Sorry can't show you my desk cos I can't find it at the moment. It's around here somewhere.
I saw it last week.
Hugs Mrs a.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the peek into your drawers. There is no way to say that and not sound dodgy! But you know what I mean. You have so many stamps. Happy WOYWW and Halloween :)
Karen no.51 x

Nan G said...

Lovely organization! And your second card is fab!! I really must have go at trying heather's technique. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #6

Eliza said...

Darnell you really crack me up, but you are going to have to put a list of what the acronyms mean, coz I can't keep up. Love the mess, what sorry sorted out stuff LOL Cool card too. Hey put some of that candy in a post bag and post it to me..... I will eat it all with a bottle of Wodka..

Eliza & Yoda 17

Unknown said...

Your cards are so cute and your stamp drawers are inspiring me to invest in something to better store my stamps. You are such a great organizer! Thank you for a sweet visit to my worktable too. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #10

trisha too said...

I'm not going to lie to you, my woyww friend--all those letters are just about Greek to me! But it took me a long time to catch onto what lol meant, so . . . ANYWAY, what a great peek into your crafty playhouse, you are so very organized. That card is adorable, and thank you for the treat!

Happy WOYWW to you,
#75 this week with
a mess, bunting, and
tiny book

Krisha said...

Great post! Had me laughing from the start. Organization is perfect! Thanks for the earlier visit, and I'll just snatch a Snicker on the way out.
Krisha #18 who always shared her kid-o's candy!!

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Love the organization and the cards. I admit I have had a few of the treats for my children's stashes. Thanks for the candy! Peg R #71

Elizabeth said...

Oh Darnell, I've missed having the time to pop in and read your posts ... you always make me smile :) Your drawers are looking super organised ... hope it makes it easier for you to turn the NBUS into used schtuff. We have a bowl of sweets (candy) set out waiting for the little tricker/treaters to arrive and it remains untouched because I'm not allowed sugar :(

Love the card you've made for Pumpkin - lovely colours - she is going to be delighted with it.

Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x #42

jimlynn said...

You're making me want to get organized......ALMOST! Great tips on the neatness of your stamps and being so organized!
Love your card too! Those colors just scream fall!

sandysewin said...

Every mother (and father) steals some candy from the kids' Halloween buckets. It saves the little darlins some cavities down the road, you know. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #3

Robin said...

Hi Darnell! I sure have missed visiting while I have been away. I love the pumpkin card and the colors are awesome! I cannot believe you have that many stamps!!! Wow! Since I am not a stamper maybe that is the amount most stampers have? So glad to see you in the Playhouse and I think someone is sneaking in at night and taking the candy! Hugs, Rasz #86

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow now that's a lot of stamps!! Great storage though. Take care Zo xx 81

Neet said...

Thanks for the Snickers although I shouldn't as it will settle on my ample hips as always.
Love your tidying up of those birthday things. Great idea to use the SU cases like that and what a fab find that stamp was for your friend - she will be tickled pink (or orange as it is Halloween).
Hugs, and Love
Neet 16 xx

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Gorgeous card, love your designs and the autumnal colours are very striking. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Tracy x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Of course you wouldn't steal candy from your babes. You were just charging them the requisite candy tax. So what is an NBUS anyway? I had quite the jolt when you showed that photo of the open drawers. That's a bit of a disaster in there, but it sure cleaned up nicely. I love the leafy background on your card. What a perfect sentiment to have found for Pumpkin's day!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Choccy and Wodka..you're my kinda gal!! I need that in my life having had an 'interesting' week :-). In fact, I need those two things while soaking in a hot bubbly bath being wafted by muscle bound hunky guys. Sigh......a gal can dream :-)
And I adore the pumpkin card....sooooooo sweet!
Hugs, LLJ 35 xx

cm said...

The rather dullsville that is my day at work has been exponentially livened up by your post! Card - super awesomely wonderful, inside and out! Your friend will LOVE it! Your organization is clever, but the description of your organization had me nearly rolling off my rolling chair (could have been hazardous, had I not grabbed the desk edge!). LOVE this post, Darnell!! So much fun!!

Daniella said...

You are crazy!! How could anyone be that organized?? Awesome!!
That card is lovely!! I love the paper!!

Claire Grantham said...

Darnell, Can I please (pretty please) come to the Playhouse and play with all your stamps whilst drinking Wodka?! I really want to refusal through those drawers!! Love the Hello Pumpkin card, idea for my anniversary next year perhaps? Cx #22

Deepti Stephens said...

Wow!! You have a great collection of stamps.. Your card is so sweet, your friend will love it for sure.. :)

Anne said...

Fab card, fab stamp collection and fab funny post :-) Anne x #96

Geri said...

Awesome post, gorgeous 'punkin' card, jaw dropping stamp collection, amazing organizational skills, yummy half-full bucket of chocolate bars, and an 'almost' confession that likely has every mother grinning from ear to ear with a 'been there, done that' smile! Your posts are the highlight of my Wednesdays!!!

Anonymous said...

Cor,Darnell-you have some serious stamps my friend !I thought the Playhouse had been burgled in that one shot LOL!
What a thoughtful person you are to eat half the trick or treaters choccy,wouldn't want the little dharlings on too much of a sugar rush now would we!
Hugs,Nessa xxxxx

Tracey McNeely said...

I'll look after your snack bin! Yay for tidying up Darnell and a gorgeous card for your friend!

Ali H said...

So super organised ! I have ring binders for my stamps as I am not into the wooden stamps - but now have 22 binders - they just sort of morph don't they ! ALi x #28

Cazzy said...

Wow, I never before knew what my stash was called and now I know it is NBUS, lol!
Happy WOYWW Darnell, I love your crazy logical system.
I bet Pumpkin will squeal when she opens that card!
As for the chocolate - are you expecting many trick or treaters? I have a cauldron full of bags of treats (am I too generous?), mainly for my neighbour's kids who always come round (what if they are away this year?), and sometimes we get some others but usually only one lot, the past two years we only got the neighbour's kids. I used to maybe sample the goods but now I am not allowed and anyway I bought chocolate coated halloween bisquits this year and Wotsits fingers, and I can't eat them or I will be ill, but my youngest son will be sure to come round some time and consume any leftover treats!
Cazzy x #99

Anonymous said...

Loved the first card your did with this technique, Darnell ... if it's possible, I love this one even more! P'raps because it's so special for your Pumpkin friend ... she's sure to love it too! Impressive stamp organising and chocolate eating ... oops, sorry, I mean chocolate sharing! Anita :)

Unknown said...

Oh Dippy I nearly had a heartquake seeing your drawers (if you know what I mean......!) but glad that you've sorted everything to your liking now. Phew..... Two beautiful cards, that colourway looks gorgeous. Hope you're going to be restocking your treat box before tomorrow night! I've been busy making toffee apples and bagging up packs of monster sweets. I'm expecting lots of little terrors to be knocking at the door......if they don't we're going to put on a few pounds getting rid of everything.....hick!


Karendipity xxx

Marybeth said...

You must have a ton of NBUB stamps! I guess we all do, sad to say. Love the drawers of stamps!
Your orange pumpkin card is gorgeous! Inside and out!
Gorgeous stamping on that one!

Dianne said...

Wow that is a lot of stamps, I have one box full no need to organize :),love your intro to Miss Julia, fabulous..Everything look so neet and tidy now and if it makes you happy so be it, another of those gorgeous cards and the lovely clean and simple, I love them,I see you have a fancy little machine on your desk is it a baby something, it's cute whatever it is. I always wondered how many ways can you say happy birthday, shesh a lot, I love organizing things, you have done a excellent job.Love how your displaying your cards with the candies, I hope ther is some left for the kiddies, thanks for sharing and making me smile BIG, hope you have a wonderful week.

Unknown said...

i just love visiting and reading your blog!!!! thanks for sharing what's on your desk ;) and your card is beautiful111

Notes by Nina said...

Beautiful card Darnell, love the colours.

Karen P said...

I want to come live in your Playhouse Darnell! Wow and cor - what a fabulous amount of stamps you have and now I know with certainty that I can say my collection is very small compared to some stampers out there lol! Clever way of sorting them out so you can find them and another stunning card, love the fact that you have used Pumpkin as your friends nick name xx

Joyce said...

I always get a smile and a chuckle when I stop by your blog. Today is no exception. Your card is as sweet as your candy bin.

Anonymous said...

Indeed what mother would steal candy from their child !!!!!!!!!! ( me too ) Darnell goodness gracious me sooooooo many stamps beautifully corralled in the end thank goodness. Such a huge sense of satisfaction when completed I'm sure, does it last long ? not the feeling the corralling ? Thanks for another glimpse into your world an entertaining post as allows

from one candy thief to another


Diane said...

What a fun "tour" in your creative room...wow...I want to come and use all those happy birthday stamps, and I thought I had a lot...hmmm.....I had a candy box like that a few days ago, but am not sure where it went, maybe the dog ate it...oh well, wait I see it, it's on my hips...love your pretty pumpkin card....I am going to miss doing fall cards, where does the time go anywho, must of ran off with the chocolate!!

Hettie said...

Mmmmn! Nom Nom Nom! Have a Spooktacular day Darnell.

Happy Dance said...

I adore your card. Those are gorgeous colors, and this technique is amazing. The one little dot is absolutely perfect too. Chocolates, stamps - organized or not - perfect way to spend the day. We're not giving out candy this year...last time we got over 600 kids, and I just can't see spending that much $$ on candy that doesn't go around MY waist. lol. Bev

JoAnn said...

I enjoyed reading your post. Such a sweet card for your friend. Thanks for sharing with us at Seize The Birthday.

Sue said...

Oh Darnell, I am always cheered up when I visit your blog.
Your card is truly beautiful, I am positive that Laura will be so happy to receive such a special card.
hugs Sue xx

Bobby said...

I read the whole thing, and if you get through 71 comments, you'll know I was here. ;) Your drawers are really deep (I hope that doesn't sound naughty, lol) and hold a lot of stamps. That's precisely why I'm not a stamper. I could never handle all that. Mine (dies and stamps) are in 48 DVD cases in an Ikea rack. I said once the rack was full, I wouldn't get any more but I have my eyes on a few and, oh yeah, I have a few that need to go in and there's no room. I guess I need another trip to Ikea. (big grin).

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...you just crack me up! I should know better than to be drinking a cup of hot coffee while reading your blog! You owe me a new keyboard by the way...You had me at your first line! I love it when I read things that make me LOL, my family think I am nuts (but I already knew this) and your blog always does this to me. You must have the patience of a saint...seriously you must! Or you are just on a major sugar/vodka high while you are working on organizing your stamps...more work and time than I would ever be willing to take, but you have it down to a fine science! Happy Halloween sweetie!

roffeycreations said...

Oooh never seen in your drawers before LOL.... looks all neat and tidy and organised - I have splurged so much over the last 2 weeks I am gonna have to do some organising too... love your pumpkin card colours are lovely - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #57

Jean said...

Another fantastic card ~ incredible dimension for a one layer card. So happy you still had candy left after so many visits ;).

Bonnie said...

What a perfect card for a friend named Pumpkin! Hope there was some candy left when the Trick or Treaters started coming!

Mrs.D said...

Getting very late visiting this week, but what a lovely colour that card is and the sentiment. My neice used to be called Pumpkin when she was little, that stamp would have been just right. I'm surprised there is anything left in the Halloween
chocolate stash if you have people living anywhere near it.
Not a fan of Halloween myself, but would happily go trick or treating if I could get some chocolate.
Chris #43

Nonni said...

Wow, I just love that Pumpkin card, your friend will love it. Amazing colors and stamping!

Kim S said...

I'm glad you're happy!!!

Don't you just love stamping in that a card can be made precisely and exactly for a person - Hello, Pumpkin sounds perfect for your friend!

Claire said...

Hope you had a fun Halloween! I want a stamp drawer like yours :)
Thanks for stopping by already and leaving a lovely comment - don't know where the days go to - it's already Sunday!!
Happy belated WOYWW xx

Queen Lightwell said...

I know what the problem is with your goody bowl...its gotta hole in the bottom of it...I have a candy dish with that exact same problem! lol Thanks for sharing, especially the stamp drawer...love that! :) Deeyll #107

dr Lanh said...

Tác hại của việc uống nước ngọt có ga có thể bạn chưa biết bí quyết chụp hình ăn ảnh sẽ giúp bạn lung xinh, xinh đẹp hơn. Có rất nhiều bạn đọc quan tâm rằng Đi mỹ nên đi hãng hàng không nào tốt nhất, với những dịch vụ hài lòng khách hàng. Hàng xách tay hiện nay có sự trà trộm của nhiều loại điện thoại kém chất lượng, hàng dựng. chính vì vậy có nên mua điện thoại xách tay không là điều mà nhiều còn đang băn khoăn.
Có rất nhiều sản phẩm, đồ dùng Nhật Bản được nhiều người ưa thịch, do vậy chúng tôi ra đời dịch vụ chuyển hàng từ nhật bản về việt namorder hàng nhật để đem lại những điều thuận lợi nhất cho quý khách hàng mua sắm. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn nhận ship hàng trung quốc giá rẻ và đảm bảo, uy tín nhất.