A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

October 14, 2013

Fall'n Ivy ~ CTS #49; NBUS #61; SSWC

How's it going?  It's a fresh new week!  Alas, I'm late posting today so it may even be Tuesday where you are.  If so, I hope you had a wonderful Monday and Tuesday treats you even better!
I have a collection of adorable buttons from GKW and I've used two of them on my card today.  I used to buy little jars of buttons at garage sales, way before I started making cards.  These particular buttons have been sitting on my desk for the last few weeks with my autumnal schtuff.  As I was checking out various challenges, I spied the current sketch at CAS(E) This Sketch (where the guest designer is the ubertastically talented Lisa from I'm in Haven) and I knew at a glance that I'd found a card home for my buttons.

Isn't that a fun sketch by the kreative Karolyn?

I'm using both a clear and a rubber stamp on my card so I am also entering the current Simon Says Wednesday Challenge.

Here is my make and take:

I removed the shanks from the little terracotta pot and the ivy with my fancy-smancy shank remover.  The ivy had three separate little shanks on it.  The NBUS sediment is from Simon Says Stamp, framed by a fun conversation bubble from Paper Smooches that I also think is NBUS but I'm not for sure.
I added a little gold Wink of Stella to the ivy button to make it more fallish as if there are golden threads running through the green.
That's it for today.  I'm heading back out to the Playhouse to work on some pretty QACAS patterned paper autumn cards since I'll be at the office tomorrow.

I'll leave you with a couple of funnies!

True that!!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Seriously, thank you for your comments.  I'm very blessed to hear from so many of you and I treasure each one!

*Life Is Too Short!

Paper:  PTI rustic cream
Stamps: Simon Says Stamp; Paper
  Smooches, "He Said, She Said"
Ink:  Gold embossing powder
Buttons:  Unknown NBUS
Twine:  Crate Paper
Corner Chomper


Joyce said...

Love this card. Three super elements, and how fun that they are buttons. I love the comics you posted. They are just what I would say if I had grandkids.

Di said...

Fabulous card Darnell - those buttons are just perfect too!

Grinning here at the smiles :))

Hugs, Di xx

Lindsey said...

Love those buttons. So glad you put them to good use. And thanks for sharing the comic...it made me chuckle. (P.S. Thanks for your sweet comments. They're the best.)

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Darnell, I love those buttons and the gold added to the ivy looks so effective.
Thanks for making me smile.
hugs Sue xx

Sian Ridley said...

I LOVE this card! It is just perfect for the CTS challenge, very creative use of the sketch! Those buttons are just too adorable, I would never have known they were buttons?! I only have the bog-standard round variety in my house, I'm feeling a bit left out! Ha ha! Beautiful card ;)

That little comic strip is so true, it was like that in my grandparents' houses! ;)

Anonymous said...

As always, your QACAS make me smile !! You are far too clever & I'm convinced could make a card "MacGyver" style w/ just about anything!! This is simple & sweet -- & gets the message across beautifully!!

Mrs Harry said...

Another lovely card Darnell. Great colours. And I'm sure your Mister knows who's in charge in your house.

Lisa Elton said...

What fun buttons! Perfect CAS card Darnell!

Redanne said...

Loving your use of the buttons on this beautiful CAS card Darnell. Those cartoons are so true..... Hugs, Annie xx

Kim S said...

What a sweet scene and such a fun way of using the sketch!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Love your perfect CAS card. The buttons are beautiful. The joke is so true :) Have a wonderful day, Shirleyx

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell this is so cute, I love your pots and plants! Great embossing detail.

Deepti said...

Awwww these are the cutest buttons :), love ur take in the sketch

Brenda in IN said...

Love the flower pot. Such a clever way to use it on a card! I love your take on things.

Karen P said...

Gorgeous card Darnell, love your take on the sketch and the buttons are so cute. Have a lovely day x

jimlynn said...

Adorable!!! Cute buttons too. Love it.

Joni Andaya said...

Aww...this is way too cute!

shirley-bee said...

Set 'em straight when they're young, then they're not growing up under any illusions! Love the card, and that plant pot button is gorgeous.

Leigh Penner said...

Super cute take on the sketch, Darnell!

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
by the way I love your name.
Fab CAS card today. Great buttons.
I hope all went well with your sisters move of house.
Have a wonderful day.
Lots of love. Jenny L.

Carole said...

cute as a button...I have an assortment of those button too...so fun to put them on a card.

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Darnell and chuckling here at the comic LOL huggles Sue xx

Mandy said...

Wonderful CAS card Darnell, that button is super cute.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx

Anonymous said...

To coin one of your words, Darnell ... CASilicious! Those wee buttons make such a sweet scene! Anita :)

Bobby said...

How perfectly those buttons fit into the sketch. Will you ever run out of NBUS? ;)

Kay Miller said...

Well that is just the cutest card!! Love those buttons! I enjoyed the funny too!

Happy Dance said...

HA! I'm only the 27th commenter today!. lol. Love what you've done with the buttons here. Another great card, Miss Darnell. You always make the sweetest cards. Bev

Indy's Designs said...

Cute, simple, and clever! Totally like it!!!

Geri said...

You saved those sa-weet buttons for the absolute perfect time....this card is beyond cute! I love the yellow thread on the flower pot. Nice sheen to the green leaves too and awesome embossed speech bubble.

Yep, grandma is a wise, wise woman!!!

Unknown said...

Love your use of buttons Dippy - absolutely perfect for the challenge. Great use of the WoS on the ivy (I'm in love with these pens!).


Karendipity xxx

Jenny said...

I have those buttons somewhere.... love the flowerpot in the set and it's worked perfectly for the sketch :0)
Jenny x

cm said...

Such a clever take on the challenge; your flowerpot is wonderful!! Love those buttons!

Bonnie said...

Love this little flower pot, Darnell! And the cartoon could have been written here. Luke has asked several times who was the boss. Course he's hoping we'll say it's him or is it he? Our response was very similar to the Pickles. LOL, we know that he really is the boss!

donna mikasa said...

Wonderful use of buttons! I've neglected my stash and you've inspired me to give them a second look! A great take on the sketch, Darnell. Simple and cute at the same time! ;)

Betty said...

This is so pretty. Lovely card. Thanks for playing along with us in the CAS(E) this sketch! challenge and hope to see you again.