I've missed two weeks playing at What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) hosted by the delectable Julia. We hop about and snoop the scoop of whazzup on each other deskuses. I've missed my WOYWW buddies! I just wasn't able to sit for long periods so since I couldn't visit, I didn't play. And next week I'll be out of town visiting one of my BFFs, so I HAD to play today!!
[Please note, I use a lot of Aachroynims, but once in a while I simply capitalize a word for emphaticism, as I did the word "HAD" above. I'm sorry for any confusion.]
A while back I mentioned that I got this ginormous bag of mixed sequints. Why? Clearance rack. Then I had a lot of phone calls to make so I started mindlessly sorting them. I used to smoke, especially when I was on the phone and even now, over six years since, I still like to have something to keep my hands busy while I'm chatting. Do we all do that?
I found this cute little 5-tier container (clearance rack) from Scrapbook.com which turned out to be perfect for corralling them and I finished the silly sorting busyness:
Not too bad, considering there were hunnerts of 'em to sort. |
The Playhouse Revamp is taking stupid long, but I'm letting it, a sign of aging mellowing, I guess. It also means I can do several WOYWW shares with you instead of one mind-numbingly long post.
Animal News
You've seen Hitler and his new little family. Oh! For the first time EVER we actually had FOUR hummers at one time! Honest to Leroy! We both happened to be there to see it. It lasted only a nano second, but boy was it ever beciting! For my share this time, here is a good glimpse of Hitler on his hidey-spidey perch above the feeder:
And last week I was able to take our small plane up and snap a picture of our new baby Dino on the east side of the house by the old volcano!
Now there's something you don't see a lot of on your WOYWW visits! You can tell she was super mad that we got so close to her egg!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
The baby Dino is super cute and I am standing in awe of your sequin sorting skills! I could never sit still long enough. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @22
Have fun reorganizing your play house. I'm glad you're feeling better. Happy crafting #5
....can hardly wait to see what hatches out of that egg!!! Awesome job sorting the sequins - glad I'm not the only one that does stuff like this :)
You bring so much joy to our blogging world - thanks!
Happy WOYWW!! I just love your space! and your dinosaur makes me smile!!
-Tera #3
what a perfect container for your bits and pieces!
Love your hummer pic! Congrats on having 4 at once! WE got more here than I have ever seen at one time this summer! All gone quiet now though, think most of them have moved on! Didn't see a single one today! Sad!
Hey Darnell -- I ALWAYS clean my desk when I am on the phone ... !! Notice how I just HAD to capitalize always. ! Lol
You crack me up you sweet crazy fun friend !!!
Love your work space !!
Keep up the good work!!!
My DH asked me today, "what are you doing? I replied, "just cleaning up!" He says, "You are ALWAYS cleaning up"...I say, well, I make a big mess every time I make a card, so I always need to clean up!! Love your new sorter of small things...looks like a perfect little thing to keep all those smallish things we NEED organized!! Good Job, Darnell!!
Great solution to th sequin sorting! Coralling and organizing everything in my scrapbook room makes me happy!
Such ordered sequiny happiness, Darnell ... enjoy the rest of the organising! Hope dino and the Hitler family play nicely together ... so lovely to think there'll be playmates for the little hatchling when it arrives! Anita :)
Such ordered sequiny happiness, Darnell ... enjoy the rest of the organising! Hope dino and the Hitler family play nicely together ... so lovely to think there'll be playmates for the little hatchling when it arrives! Anita :)
Oops, double clicked when I should have singled ... Sorry!
well done sequin sorting looks fab .and pleased to hear you are feeling better you do make me LOL. Fab dino ...watch that egg though... its a whopper !...have a great week with your friend next week and pleased you had the time and ability to post today as always makes me smile hugs Andrea #44
Sequin sorting? and you say LITS.. still well done, I'd have made way more mess! Happy WOYWW Helen 19
Wow! That's a lot of sorting! They look very at home in their new craft tower :)
Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
no. 33
What a great use of time on the phone and shows what good multi task skills you have .... Only a women could do that!!!!
Jackie 39
Thanks so much for taking the plane up or we would have missed Dino and the volcano! Love the photo of Hitler the hummer too, you must have to be super quick to get shots like that. Great job with the sorting too! Still have not joined in, getting too busy now with the wedding plans for D1, only 6 weeks away now.... Hugs, Annie xx
Your Dino is gorgeous but does he fart?? Love your Mr Hitler, he's so beautiful. Great containers, I'm amazed you only got a few bits on the floor, my floor would have been covered.
Have a great week.
Von #34
Wow, that's some serious sorting out you're doing, but it's worth it in the end!!! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 81 x
Hi Darnell, congrats on the super sorting! Wonderful hummingbird photo, not something I've ever seen in my garden, our latest visitor was a snake! Cathy x
I have some of those storage containers, they ar fab, I use them for all the little itty bits of findings and chain etc, not sure I could sit and sort sequins... would end up cross-eyed! Love Hitler and Dino is so cool! Happy WOYWW Annette #2
OMG - sorting sequins must be like herding cats - they're so full of static electricity - were you wearing a few when you finished?
You are crazy! Fabulous photo of the hummingbird and well donefor getting the photo, they are so quick. I see a fizziness and think ahhh there is a hummingbird and then it's gone before I call anyone else or get my camera.
Hope you renovation happens soon
Thanks for making me giggle
Famfa 14
Hey Darnell, good to see you..Hope you are feeling better now. I love the container, I also love the clearance rack in any craft store/website... My craft space has had an upgrade, so I really should show photos...Cx #41
Hi there.....lovely stash of sequins.....I dust when I am not near my desk and on the phone......I have never smoked and my hands also always want to be busy....ZEFFY#71
Great new device for all those tiny bits !!! Thanks for showing me Hitler and the Dino LoL :-D
Ike in Greece #91 xx
Sorting sequins is a task and a half, they are so staticy--is that a word?? A task well done. I have to be doing something all the time, I do not know how to sit still. Phone calls = housework--is that weird or what? Happy Wednesday!
Glad you are feeling better! Sorting my craft stuff...seems endless!
We so miss our Hummers. My hubby still faithfully puts out the feeders and takes care of them, and plants the flowers they used to like to vist...but we haven't seen any for at least two years now.
Hope you have a good week.
I agree about having to keep busy when I'm watchin a bit of tv I'm usually coloring an image or doing something to keep my hands busy. So I have more images coloured then I do have cards made hugs Nikkki 10
Love your sequin mess...looks like you had a party in your play house! So fun.
You are so fun! Thanks for the smile~ Be careful of dino! :)
Congratulations on your induction to the Hall of Fame at ATCAS.
Sequins do seem to be in fashion for cards - will have to get some as I think it is the one embellishment that I don't have lol. I have got to sort out my work area as the whole table looks like a bomb has hit it at the moment and I've things that need creating! Keep well lovely lady and have a fantabulous week xx
I always look forward to my visits to the playhouse and it's good to know that things are progressing however slowly.
I thought they had closed Jurassic Park down - I guess I misunderstood - what a fascinating place to live - bet you have to pay extra high predator insurance though!
Have a happy week MMx #76
Hi Darnell,
I'm trying to get rounds made, even though a little on the late side. Thanks for the earlier visit. Love your little Dyno !
Krisha #18
Hi Darnell,, LOL 'Honest to Leroy'??? I've only ever heard that in the movies, you made me laugh and really cheered me up!! Thank you LOL
Your crafty playhouse is going to be super organised by the time you've finished, well done! Hope your back continues to improve:D Gay x
Im glad you are feeling better and finding some new goodies,. I love how messy things look today. The first time I saw your play house I wondered how you kept it so neat and tidy.. so you do really craft in there.. just teasing. I love your place big time!!!! I have a shed like yours just a little bigger that I would love to get my hubbies bike out of to do that to it. And thanks for letting me peak in to your room. Roberta 6
Am sure you felt pleased once you had sorted out all those in your new storage :-)
Kay #45
Glad you're feeling better, and LURVE the baby dino and egg pic. i bough one of those swing out circular tray storage thingys for my eyelets, and the first time I used it I opened it upside down - DOH! Back to square 1, rootling around the floor picking them all up again......
Happy woyww
Debs #108
So glad you stopped smoking and you're up and around now. The bird egg rocks!
Darnell you are a hoot! :) Great pic of little Hitler and luv luv mrs Dino! I too look forward to said egg hatching. ;) Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #92
Hitler and dino are both as cute as can be!!! Your desk..........yikes! That's a whole lot of sequins! They really do look pretty all sorted out in their new homes now.
So fun. I love the personal glimpses, and the delightful tales...but sorting sequins....yee gads that's over the top:) Great container
Hi good to see you back. Great post. Cute Dino Happy WOYWW Anne x #69
Always such fun to pop into your playhouse and see what you've been up to. Take care.
Lovely to see you back, Darnell!! Now do you live in 'The Lost World' or something? That was a Conan Doyle story made into a black and white movie about some explorers who found a land where dinosaurs still roamed! I'm old, but not that old, mind you - I just love old, old movies! Anyway, love your little dino in his 'lost world'. Aren't you patient with all those sequins? Have a lovely week! Julie Ann xx #42
Hi Darnell! I made it in. It took a while to post but I made it. You just crack me up. I quit smoking six years ago too and I love sorting little things. I would have been right there with you. Great finds. The clearance rack is where it is, right? Have a great WOYWW week. Hugs, Rasz
Oh I totally forgot to mention Hitler! What a great picture. My hummingbirds are not around right now. I am not sure why. Maybe they are heading your way to join Hitler? And your dinosaur mommy with her egg, good thing you didn't get any closer, looks like her bites would hurt :) Rasz #125 (and I forgot to leave my # on the last comment too, definitely another sign of mellowing, haha)
Ooooh! good piccie of Hitler! A good lot of tidying done too - how long were you on the phone for?!! Chris 77
I think you chose sequin sorting over Playhouse cleaning, and I don't blame you. Once the tiny things get done the other things don't seem so overwhelming. Enjoy your little hummers. I finally had one a while ago and was so excited.
DANG! I just leave my sequins all mixed up...except for the white ones. Those, I color with Sharpies. My desk is pretty clear today; it's easy to put markers away... Now. How are you feeling? Getting back to normalish? Hope so, my friend. Take it easy, or I'll have to come out and play caregiver! LOL. Bev
Forget about cleaning up, I always wait the the pile is too high and I have not a single inch on my table before I am willing to take some time off and do the cleaning up, LOL! Good luck with yours my friend!
Dino mom is cute!
Granted, it is late (3 am), but I'm still slightly embarrassed that I was wondering for a second what kind of model plane you were flying, and how the heck you strapped a camera to it. I know, so dumb. And why did I even share that, it's not like you would have known. So, fantastic shot of your dino and volcano!
no D. No. no-one else in the whole wise world does that sort of thing whilst on the phone. Once again, just you being a nutter.
seriously, you sweet nutter, you don't have to buy it because it's on clearance....BUT you do have to use it once bought!! note the non acronym capitals! have a lovely time next weds..see ya soonish then!
So glad you got to enjoy the hummingbirds !
I can understand the desire to sort the sequins. I have my books in order by author and our CDs in order by composer (for classical) or band/artist for pop/jazz/etc. I just bought two little containers of sequins on sale, too. It's a conspiracy on the part of the stores to get us to buy things -- they're little, colorful, shiny and practically free! What can we do? hahahahahahaha I have actually used some already -- woo! Thanks for visiting me already -- hope you have an awesome visit with your BFF next week, but we'll miss ya'! ~ Laura #13
Hi Darnell, your posts crack me up ... so funny. I tend to potter when on the phone ... not good at being pinned by the ear for too long, but I've never sorted sequins ... oh, and I gave up smoking 33 years ago, I'm so over it now! Love the dinosaur, and envy you the helicopter :)) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #55
I can't find my desk - there's way too much crap on it!!! Like that you've had 4 hummers - that's awesome! I got buzzed by two recently and it excited me beyond belief!
I gave the weed up three years ago, or was it two? Can't remember but know I cannot stand the smell now. Hard when a friend smokes!
Saw some hummers when I was in America but never managed to snap one. Lucky you.
Good luck with the revamp.
Hugs, Neet 113 xx
WHAT? You sorted sequins and didn't give me a call! I'd have been thrilled to help, especially since I managed to tidy up my mess - dies in alphabetical order according to company, papers in alphabetical order, inks (my little stash) stacked...alphabetically... LOVE your photo of the dinosaur protecting its egg - how clever you are. And hilarious! Again, you've brightened my day!!
Where we used to live I had 3 pairs of hummers that came to my feeder right by my kitchen window. Oh how I miss seeing them, but I love all my birds here. I agree--my sister should make cards more often. We wish we lived near each other.
Yikes look at that desk!! I love how you spend hours on the minutest detail (sequins) when the "big picture" looks like that, !!!, lol! On Saturday I was dead heading the flowers on the deck rail when up came a hummer to check out the flowers. He was about 12" away from me for like a nano-second, and when he whizzed away I could hear his little wings beating, sounded like a low pitched bee. Hope you're having a wonderful few days away.
Whoo hoo! Love the aerial shot of the volcano and mama dinosaur. Great pictures as always. I was trying to remember what critter was in your yard and I guess it was Hilter I was thinking of. We have a Stanley in our yard, a desert packrat. He has again swiped all geodes and seashells off my windowsill. While I never smoked I do like having stuff to fiddle with while I'm on the phone. If I don't I find my mind wandering and I forget to pay attention to the call. Whoops!
Love your playhouse so much... even when it is messy XD And those sequins... <3
Um...suggestion. Never EVER knock over your sequin tower. Ask me how I know.
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