On the 25th of every month, the fantastic Nichole Heady of Inspired hosts a Papertrey Ink blog hop. The August hop consists of six Inspiration Boards with photos and sketches.
I was planning to play along in the Stamp A Faire yesterday, but I ended up making cards for the hop instead. For the first time ever, I made a card for ALL six IBs! What a fun and relaxing and recuperative day I had!
I was planning to play along in the Stamp A Faire yesterday, but I ended up making cards for the hop instead. For the first time ever, I made a card for ALL six IBs! What a fun and relaxing and recuperative day I had!
Here, one-by-one, is each Board, followed by my card.
Phew and shazambam, I should have surgery more often! (NOT!) Aren't those great sketches and colors to keep in your GoTo folder?! You don't need to pick a favorite, but I don't mind telling you mine: the peaches with seed pearls. And the NBUS, child, there's a bunch of that, too! And, oh, yes, I used some scraps and snippets on some of the cards, so I will be joining in the fun at Pixie's Crafty Snippets Playground! If you would like any of the card details, just let me know.
I also love the manly-man last card, except that now that I look at it here, I wish I had used a manly loop twine bow rather than the organza. I'll be changing that before mailing because we are in the 21st century, not the 11th when men of class could be seen sporting organza leggings for special occasions. As we've seen, over time hosiery became an acceptable fashion item for women, which men eschewed, until at last we find modern men and women wearing no leg garments whatsoever.
(Please note the word eschewed is no longer commonly used because so often listeners are confused by the speaker's ability to sneeze in the very middle of a sentence without breaking stride.)
Would you like even MORE inspiration? Well, I have that for you by way of our latest new friend! Please help me welcome Jill Norwood of Greenwood Girl Crafts. Jill has been blogging since 2010 and has oodles of card art to stun and amaze you! Welcome, Jill, and thank you for joining our crafty party!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!
Oh, these are all wonderful, Darnell! I love how you used a food theme for your cards as well!
Wonderful cards! Great colour choices, and I loved your comments ;). (I certainly haven't used the word "eschewed" recently in any of my conversations!)
Oh my goodness Darnell, what a plethora of gorgeous cards! You are a genius at coming up with amazing designs to suit these challenges and all of these are amazing, I love them all! I hope you are taking care of yourself whilst you recover from the surgery......Big healing hugs, Annie xx
Busy Darnell and 6 fabulous cards and perfect for all the inspiration photos. I love your watermelon!
So glad you had a wonderful day yesterday!
Sure hope you're feeling better every minute! And surely you must be, if making SIX fantabulous cards is any indication!! Each one is amazing, and what a fun day you must have had. Love them all, but will say that my favie is the watermelon one...sweet, just like you! Bev
Glad the surgery went well and that you are recuperating well. What better way than to make cards and 6 at that! love them all especially the peachy one!
My goodness Darnell, you have been very busy in many ways since my last visit.
I hope your surgery went okay and that you are making a good recovery.
Your cards are always a delight. I love the way you put colours and shapes together and you always seem to have just the right sentiment.
Take care of yourself
Sue xx
Hope you are doing well, Miss Lady!! WOW!!! You have been super busy!!! Your cards ROCK, Miss Lady!!! :)
Hi Dolly. You've been busy!!! Fabulous cards with so many beautiful design techniques. Glad to see that you're feeling well enough to play and have some fun!! Lolly xx
What a gorgeous selection - you are indeed awesome in recuperation matey!
All the best
One half dozen FABULOUS cards Darnell!1 I would be hard pressed to pick a fave, but I'll go with the berry thank you card!!
Fabulous cards - love the cherry gems on the first one!
Wow, all six! Very impressive. :) Your cards are cute!
Cooo-ee and i thought you were supposed to be taking things easy Darnell!! Fabulous selection of cards-i can't pick a favourite,oh,but hang on perhaps i can... is that a Hershey's Kiss i spy on that last card (or just wishful thinking yum! tee hee!)
Hugs,Nessa xxx
Wow, wow, and more wow! So many great cards!!! My fave is the apple pie one; I like how you did paper weaving to echo the pie crust lattice.
Also, your comment about the word "eschewed" made me chuckle. I always like the humor in your posts.
Dippy, I'm totally lost for words......all I can say is
W.O.W.zer!!! These are absolutely magnificent. Are you sure you just got a tune up? Or was it a re-bore??? Hehe All of these are fabulous - but weren't you supposed to be taking it easy? Where's Mister, that's what I'd like to know......
Karendipity xxx
All your cards are lovely. I do especially like the grapes card.
Oh course ALL are fantastic - but my favorite is the Happy Birthday one with the plaid and that ribbon treatment! Great set of cards.
Seriously - so much craftiness - my fave is the peaches one- just lovely!
Great cards there Darnell. Now can I have a slice of that stripey cake please? Makes the chocolate sponge with nutella I made today seem rather brown! Scrummy though!
My golly, Darnell...look at you go!!! These are ALL wonderful! I think my favorite is the little 'pie' one...such a sweet way to use that sketch!!!
Brilliant cards Darnell! I love 'em all equally :)
You got me in baking mode - tomorrow it's gonna be a good ole British Victoria sponge with English strawberry jam and whipped cream filling for tea!
Hugs, Di xx
Wow, look at you! I'm glad I ate dinner before looking at this or I'd be hitting the kitchen! I'd love to get some of that PTI stuff!
These are super cards - I love them all! Really great interpretation of all the sketches.
Wow, you have been productive - I love all your cards! The plaid is amazing! BTW I borrowed your NBUS acronym in my last post.
I'm liking all of these cards very mucho. Did you hear that Miss said we could have a party on the park. I saw it in black and white honest. Cross me heart and all that stuff.Miss is baking us a cake too!! Hugs Mrs a.
Gorgeous cards Darnell! Well done on doing all the cards! I love the twisted ribbon in the cake card!
Wowser Darnell! All of these are fabulous in many different ways. I envy your sentiment stamp collection - you seem to always have the perfect phrase or word.
I must say I love the one based on the multi coloured birthday cake - oh my may have to try to whip something up tomorrow! Got a craving for cake now lol!
Don't overdo it, take your time there nowt you need to rush to do. Huge healing hugs being sent through the internetty schtuff! Karen xx
Darnell, looks like your SAF day was very productive, no matter what type of cards you made. They are all stunning. I don't think I have ever made enough cards for all the inspiration photos, I always say I will but it never happens, so happy you had the time to do that. Looking forward to our breakfast date too, see you soon.
Wow! I have trouble making one card...and you made SIX! and not only that they were all fabulous too. Great job.! (the delicious looking cake was my favorite! Oh, and the card too...LOL!
Oh wow! You did a great job with all the sketches. Your cards are very pretty.
OMG, every one of these is awesome! Love how you used the food theme too. Every one is so great but the bright colored plaid is amazing and I really like your last card. Glad you were able to get all of them done!
These are all just fabulous. I am impressed that you did all 6, and a little jealous, too, because that is what I love to do. I am flattered that you were thinking of me as you did them all.
You rock ~ all six!!! They are all just fabulous. What a fantastic way to recuperate!
You certainly did have a great day--wow--6 wonderful cards! Thanks for the giggle, too--always can count on that with a visit to you, Darnell!
You've been busy! Love them all...
All your cards are beautiful!!
Wow,you have been a very busy lady and I love what you came up with. I agree with your favourite but all would find pride of place on my mantle. Bless you when you are eschewing next time.
Glad to hear you are taking things slowly.
Wow,you have been a very busy lady and I love what you came up with. I agree with your favourite but all would find pride of place on my mantle. Bless you when you are eschewing next time.
Glad to hear you are taking things slowly.
Such a great set of cards!
Looks like you've been recovering nicely and keeping yourself entertained at the same time! What a fabulous array of cards! I'm a purple girl, so I'm loving that blueberry inspirational card!! NJ!
Well I couldn't pick a favorite I kept scrolling up and back down, they are all brilliantly executed,went back and looked again:), they are all fantastic cards and still all of them are a joy to see, thanks so much for sharing them, hope your feeling better, your sure creating in top form, sending healing wishes and hope you have a great day..
Love your foodie cards, and I'm in awe of your productivity in the kitchen - good to see that the surgery hasn't interfered with your cardmaking ;)
All beautiful cards. Your cards make me hungry, lol.- Irma
Beautiful cards! I love the way you incorporated food into them. You rocked this challenge!
Wow it is inspiring to see so many different, unique yet amazing cards all together. I don't have any PTI stuff yet... hopefully will be able to participate next time :D
Hi Darnell, you sure were productive ! Each card is fabulous and matches the colour inspirations perfectly! I tried leaving a comment yesterday but our Internet service was causing some trouble. Beautiful work ! Shirleyxx
Oh Darnell, you created a beautiful set of cards for the Blog Hop! How fun is all the food-themed sketches that you picked right up on :)
Wow wow! You go girl! They're all fabulous. My faves are the peaches and the last one too. All the CAS designs are really cool. I'll be saving the sketches in my file. Hugs
You were busy!! Great use of all the colour combos and sketches!!
I'm so far behind on my commenting that I can't remember where I left off. I may have already told you I love your cards, but in case I didn't, I telling you now. You really captured the essence of each challenge.
Stunning, fabulous and down-right awesome! Every card here is a delight! Your creativity knows no bounds! And to know you created all these beauties while recuperating just adds another layer of 'holey moley' to the awe! Amazing!!
ummm wow!! you put your recuperation time to good use!!
I love every single card because not only did you use the sketch and colours but inspiration from the photos too :0)
What an awesome set of cards.
Jenny x
These cards are totally worth a triple Shazakabam...or more!
My goodness, that new rig you're sporting sure is getting a workout! Every single card had me gazing in absolute delight at the colors that you used and how perfectly you captured each of the sketch challenges! I'm also in awe of your stamp stash and how beautifully you colored the images, all so perfectly matched to the challenge colors as well!
Stunning creations my dear flasher friend!
I think you need to share whatever medications you are on. They have brought the creativity and humor just flowing out of you!
Wow! You were busy! Great cards!
Yo are a creating machine, Darnell!! These are all stunners! I too like the peach card with the sweet little beads but I'm also really diggin' the pink ribbon birthday card with the fabulous plaid paper!
Oh my gosh --- wow !? Double wow !!!
Shouldn't you be resting ...!?!
You're making the rest of us look bad... !!! Haha !
Your cards are so super fantastic --- I love them all !!!
Purple fave, watermelon fave -- & pie fave.
No surprise there... I love pie so much it's not even funny -- & watermelon is one of my fave foods. :))
All are gorgeous !
Well done -- & please rest !!!!!!
As you say, Shazzaam, that you were able to craft all these wonderful goodies and not be at top of your form. I liked ever-single one of 'em. And I think your sheer bow on the masculine one was just fine. As the copic folks would tell us, "A touch of high contrast". It looked just right to me...I mean, guys wear silk ties, right? Hugs dear friend, and hope you're feeling ok.
Actually, if you get another comment that says the same exact thing as this from Colleen, it is actually from me. We are sharing a computer and I forgot to sign her out.
Darnell, thank you so much for all of your comments. I have not been on to make comments at all. All of your Blog Hop cards are so beautiful. Simply lovely. It seems like Colleen and I have been consumed with SAF and our computer problems didn't allow us to go into the challenges to make comments. Hope you are doing well.
Wahooo . . . who's been uber-productive then? Me likey the Peaches one bestest . . . but they are ALL good.
Happy Weekend.
Sarn xxx
I LOVE the watermelon slices! Awesome cards...what a gorgeous blog post!
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