A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

August 28, 2013

Christmas Cuteness ~ CHNC #139; MM #72; NBUS #45; Rudolph 8/13

Glorious Greetings to You!

Over time, I've been very fortunate to have received treats from friends, like die cuts, stamp-offs, stamps, ephemera.  I've seen ephemera used as a crafty term and it confuses me.  The word means "of no lasting significance," which is odd to me since what we put on our cards and crafts we hope will have lasting significance.  I must be missing a definition somewhere, but I'm not smart enough to dwell on it, so I'll move along.

I've kept these treats handy so I could use them on cards and thank the gifter on my blog and there they have sat, ignored.  I've decided my next project is to follow through on my intention.
For todays card, I'm delighted to use an image that I received from my talented and fun/funny friend Lynn of Creative Crafts by Lynn.  It karacked me up when she used it on a delightful card on her blog.  The stamp is by Stampendous, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so Lynn very kindly stamped off several images for me to use.  This community is so darn NICE and neighborly!  Thank you again, Lynn!  And since this is my first time using one of the comical images, it is also today's NBUS.
Naturally, I had to find a couple of challenges to play in!  So, in Alpha Betty order we have:
  • Rudolph Day, a monthly challenge that runs from the 25th of the month to the last day of the month.  Your entry can be anything festive, not just cards.  The challenge is hosted by the fabulous Sarn via her Stamping for Pleasure website.
Please click on the links for any sponsor information, rules, etc. and please join in the fun!!
My card:
Isn't he the cutest cat showing where curiosity got him!  I just cut strips of the red glitter paper for the margin and cut the circle with a die.  I decided to leave the kitty and garland black and white, like a pen and ink sketch.  Of course, I had to add the googly eyeballs!
And if that's not enough giggles for you today, I bring you this funny:
Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!   

*Life Is Too Short!  
Paper:  PTI white; SU! glitter red
Stamps:  Stampendous
Ink:  Whatever Lynn used
Die:  Spellbinders Circles Classic
Score tool and googly eyeballs


Karin said...

I LOVE your card! Very funny and cute, especially the eyes! I put my birthday on my blog, splendid idea!
Karin x

Sue said...

LOL loved your card and the funny cartoon hahaha lots of huggles Sue xx

Redanne said...

Hi Darnell, that cat/kitten is just the cutest ever and I love that you left him b&w - great contrast with the red glitter. The cartoon is truly funny - love it! Hugs, Anne x

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Wonderful creation, we can't have enough glitters can't we?
And thanks for sharing the funny cartoon, this is just what I needed today!

Kim M said...

Lovely glittery card, Darnell! Glad to hear your surgery went well. It's been to long since I visited the Playhouse and I've only just read about it. You've made some fabulous cards since I was last here. :-)

Shannon J said...

Holey moley Christmas cuteness is right!! I love the little "busted" look the cat has on his guilty face!! So, so sweet! And I love how you have highlighted the oh so adorableness with the glitter circle and the googly eyes!!! Hope you're still recovering nicely and the Mister is still on full spoil/TLC duty!

jimlynn said...

Thanks for the "shout-out" and I LOVE your card! The sparkly paper is just perfect and I've never even thought to do the image like a pen and ink. Perfect-o!

Love that cute cartoon too. Maybe I just need to get Jim a "rocking" horse instead of the real thing now!


Sammy said...

Brilliant card! So cute, and I love the funny too! :-)

Jacquie Southas said...

LOVE the card - the bright red glitter is so perfect to contrast with the busted kitty! You know I couldn't resist, I had to look up "ephemera" - looks like we are all collectors of things that have no significance LOL - but doesn't the fact we want to collect them, make then have significance?!- I'm getting dizzy, so will stop!

Dianne said...

You do make me laugh, even had me googling ephemera, surely the meaning has changes, for us crafters it has:O) I looooove your sparkly card, it mad my magpie eyes all googly, and loved the pen and ink look. Missed you on WOYWW happy day to you and thanks for your always brightening my day when I visit..

Happy Dance said...

Purrrrfect card! Reminds me of my cats. The one was nicknamed "Chubby" for obvious reasons, and he thought the branches about 1/2 up the tree were his personal bed! His eyes looked similar to your kitty's, when he was busted! Love this. Had to show DH your joke too!! hahahahahahahaha. Still giggling. Bev

Wendy said...

Love your card and that adorable cat image, Darnell! Very sparkly too with your red glitter paper! Thanks for playing along with us this week over at Merry Mondays! :)

Tracey McNeely said...

Lovely glittery card Darnell and the cutest image that Sue sent to you! Great combination of challenges.

Aileen said...

Wonderful Darnell! I love how you've showcased your curious kitty. x

Julie Lee said...

Hi Darnell! I love that red glittery kitty card! Thank you so much for the comment you left about the moons with faces! I would love some stamped images of these to use on projects, but I'm having a bit of a problem with Outlook so can't send my address via email at the moment. I will persevere, just wanted you to know that your offer was much appreciated and not just ignored! Julie Ann xxx

Carol L said...

What a super fun card with that glittered red card stock and cute kitty! Adorable!!

Bonnie said...

Lynn is most generous! I love the way you used this image with all the sparkle and the google eyes! Super fun! I always love to see you in the gallery at Merry Monday!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Love your card, it's funny & beautiful ! Thanks for the joke, it's cute:) Cheers, Shirleyx

Greta said...

I never would have thought to make the card like that & I totally love it! Thanks for the giggles, too, Darnell!

MaryH said...

What a delightful kurious kitty. And how kind of sweet Lynn to gift you with some images. She does come up with the most amusing ones, and my special favorite would be her dogs! She's one of the queens of CAS! Love what you did with this one, with your google-eyed kitty in the glittered circule frame. I think it worked great to leave as a 'drawing', and let your red bits draw the eye right in. I had to smile at this one, because long ago, we had a kitty & dog that knocked down our tree...twice! And killed some antique ornaments that had been handed down. I was not smiling at the time, (either time!) but this one made me chuckle & remember! TFS & Hugs
OH yes, the cartoon was funny too.

Di said...

Wow Darnell - I have this stamp and never would have thought of leaving it uncoloured, with the fabby circle as you did. BRILLIANT!

Hugs, Di xx

Bobby said...

I can see why you wanted this stamp. I can see your humor in him. The red sparkle just makes him all the more special.

Mrs A. said...

Brilliant card and that's just the sparkle! Lol. Looks fab left in b/w.
Hugs Mrs A.

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. That is one adorable image!! :) Love that you left it black and white and then added the red glitter accents. Perfect! Lolly xx

Sue Lelli said...

I am a cat person and I just find that image so ADORABLE! CUTE card,Darnell!

JD/ Jill said...

I don't know how you do it, but EVERY card you make is Amazing, and so creative! I really like the cute image and bling on this card...

Thank you for the nice comments on my blog. You told me you were teary eyed reading my post, and I was teary eyed reading your wonderful comments. It's a very special week for me! I amd so blessed!

Sharron said...

Adorable, Darnell! Love the black & white image with all the fun glitter. And those eyes are perfect! Cute cartoon too-'giggle'! Hope you're feeling better and getting lots of 'take it easy' time!

Anonymous said...

That's a rockin' card, Darnell !! :0 :) :)
Hope you are resting... !!!
I don't want to have to scold you ~~
:) :)

Love the kitty all tied up in the garland! :) :)
You've used your glitter paper in a super festive way...

Is it wrong of me that I am completely digging in my heels and trying to delay Christmas (& Halloween for that matter!!) for as long as possible??! LOL

Anonymous said...

That's a rockin' card, Darnell !! :0 :) :)
Hope you are resting... !!!
I don't want to have to scold you ~~
:) :)

Love the kitty all tied up in the garland! :) :)
You've used your glitter paper in a super festive way...

Is it wrong of me that I am completely digging in my heels and trying to delay Christmas (& Halloween for that matter!!) for as long as possible??! LOL

Lesley said...

Hahahaha! LOVE this so much, Darnell! That image is one of my favourites too and I need to get him inky! I know that Penney would approve! Thanks for joining us at Merry Monday!

shirley-bee said...

Fab card, Darnell! And look at the sparkle on that glitter card! The image looks great in b/w.

Craftychris said...

such a cute and funny kitty! Brilliant card and perfect to leave the image uncoloured. People are so kind! xx

Sarn said...

Morning Darnell . . . what a lovely glitzy card with a cute image at the bottom. Fab layout.

Thanks for joining in with Rudolph Day.

Sarn xxx

Hazel said...

What a beautiful, elegant card - thanks for entering my CHNC challenge 139 - you could also enter this into my CHNC challenge extra for August - I'd love to see it there too. x

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back in the Playhouse DJ, keep resting up and you'll be back running marathons before no time. I actually thought you were JOKING when you first mentioned your defibrillator! Obviously you weren't!! Great card, I have that stamp and never seem to use it much, so if you ever need more stamped images just holler!! Have a wonderful weekend and I'll catch up with you when I'm back from my trip.


Kristie Goulet said...

I absolutely love this glittery, fun card. That kitty is so stinkin' adorable and the googly eyes are the perfect touch. Your little comic strip cracked me up too. :)

Karen P said...

That is wonderful Darnell! We've had cats in the past and have had to untangle them from the tree and from the lovely pieces that we used to decorate the stairs with!
Lovely bit of sparkle too Karen x

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

That's about the funniest Christmas card I have ever seen!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Fantastic ang funny card
love it
hugs Tamara

Nan G said...

Love that kitty cat! And the cartoon is a hoot!

scrappymo! said...

OMG...this is just so cute! Love the red glitter and that fabulous stamp!

Geri said...

Your sweet kitty card and the cute cartoon was just what I needed after a 2 hour clean & defrost of our basement fridge that is about 100 years old! The 'pen and ink' totally completes the fun & whimsical look of your card (especially with the googly eyes!)

Ephemera - sounds like a potion that is guaranteed to enhance a woman's femininity!

Jessi Fogan said...

I've never quite 'got' the idea of calling it ephemera either. Pfft.
I love that fluffles stamp :) And the glitter!
And the rocking horse? I sent that to my sister yesterday, because it made me laugh so hard I couldn't stand it.

Carole said...

How fun and sparkly;) Giggles and chuckles for the cartoon and googly eyes. I'm picturing you well and thriving. Hugs

cm said...

What a fabulous gift from Lynn to create this absolutely Christmas cuteness card with the 'hung up' kitty. Great *guilty* face - and your choice of highlighting it just adds to the adorable-ness! Had a good laugh at your post today, so my day is officially starting off on the right note! Hope you're mending well; hope you're still being spoiled and pampered by the Mister!!

Notes by Nina said...

Adorable card Darnell, the little kitty card is so cute and I love all that glitter. Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday this week

Anonymous said...

Oh, you clever little cat...so strking with the red glitter Paper. Great idea to leave it b/w!

Unknown said...

That's a rockin' card Darnell! LOVE the kitty ;)

roffeycreations said...

Great card Darnell - your glitter paper photographs really well and That's a funny funny !! LOL - Mxx

Joyce said...

Oh, gosh. This is just too cute.

Narelle Farrugia said...

This is too cute! what a sweet little image - I'm totally loving it! Thanks for joining us at Merry Monday this week!

Marybeth said...

Love it! The rocking horse!
Love the card too! So cute and funny. Just enough glittery red. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.