I thought I'd click over to Julia Dunnit's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) site in the highly unlikely event she had opened the linkie doors, seeing as how it's only 8 PM Tuesday night in California and, woot, she was open! Since I'm working tomorrow, I'm goin' in tonight!
My desk:
It's pretty much a mess, at that stage where the next thing I must do is clean it. You get the thrill of seeing it messy, which is way less boring. What's of interest this time, at least I hope, is the pile of Post-It Notes (original "PIN" if you think about it) in the center. As I was writing my umpteenth note today, I had a brain emission, which I decided to share with you. By way of illustration, I piled all my postie pads on the desk.
Now you may have heard that those of us who are of the "baby boomer" generation will soon rule. There are gonna be a lot of us geezers! As such, we will need even more senior housing facilities built to house us, once we get to the point where we don't want to clean and cook anymore and we want to sit around and have coffee every morning with our friends, make cards in the craft room, play bingo and mah jong, and go on afternoon outings to places like casinos and movies, malls, and museums, topping the day off with a refreshing cocktail ... wait. What?
Can I go now?!!
Then I got to thinking about how every day I seem to need to write down more and more notes. I was always a note writer/list-maker kind of girl, so reaching for the PIN comes naturally. But still. Look at them all over and around my desk! How many will I be writing a year from now, two years from now? After a while, do I even see them? (no.)
Here's another angle of the Playhouse.
See what I mean? I put the non-craft notes up on the door so I will pull them off when I go out. I take them in the house where they line up on the kitchen counter like tickets at the carnival. Which brings me to my emission.
If I were a smart contractor involved in senior housing, I would skip the insulation step and just make the walls out of thick thick pads of Post-It Notes! Wouldn't that be fun? Then we geezers could just write all over the walls and rip off the "done" ones with the reckless abandon of the elderly. Keeping, of course, one hand on the walker due to the violent teetering that would ensue from all that gleeful ripping. When we aren't away on outings, of course.
What, oh, what did we ever do before Post-It Notes? And just so you don't think I'm wasteful, we recycle our paper products faithfully, being of that also famous green-earth tree-hugging hippie generation.
I didn't forget my promise to share a picture out the west window now that the crepe myrtles are in full bloom. (That giant tomato is a volunteer plant from last year's crop!)
Lastly, here is a close-up of the card on my desk.
I am taking a course from Studio Calico called "Inked." I am hopelessly behind, but that's okay. Like a turtle, I'll get through it eventually. I think you might still be able sign up, if you're interested.
Day one was "stamping on patterned paper," so that's what I did. In my paper stash I found this 12x12 sheet of adorable paper (K&Co or DSWV) that I cut down to size, shadow-stamped with Hello (SU!) in wild wasabi and black (SU!), double-matted, and attached to my card base.
I topped it off with a green apple embellie from my friend Loll's card candy, which she so generously gave to me. That's what she does. She doesn't sell her card candy, even though she could. She just gives it away to her friends! You can see it in the center of my last week's WOYWW desk. Thank you again, Loll!
The paper and the card candy are both NBUS (never-before-used-schtuff) so I'm back on track and moving forward!
I hope you had a great week, enjoy WOYWW, and enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse! If you are unfamiliar with WOYWW, just click on the link, which will take you to Julia's fantastic site for all the addicting details. Please do leave me a comment to let me know you came by so I can make sure and return the flavor!!

*Life Is Too Short!
I'm laughing out loud all by myself!
Love these shots, you still have the best view by the way! Love the post-its everywhere and your card is beautiful so a big "thank you" to you!
Hahaa, I'm glad it's not just me who uses post it notes and lists to help me through the day LOL!!
Book me a room when you find that aged care centre, although I think my age puts me a bit ahead of you in the line!
Great card, I love how you double stamped the sentiment and Loll's apple looks perfect :) Cathy x
Ha ha Darnell you crack me up. I too love a post-it note...you just have to have them - maybe next week, I will show you my hanging notepad and my stack of post-its. I love the card, it's gorgeous. Hope you had a great 4th of July and thanks for swinging by to look at the cards I made for the 4th. Cx #30
While your at the aged care center you might as well book a whole wing just for us more MATURE WOYWWers....LOL Oh, and we will need a conference room for our getting together to stamp.
Love the shots of your playhouse and through the windows. I am also a list maker and can not live with out PINs
Krisha #5
LOL...Loving all the bright colorful Post-It-Notes. That card is just too cute. happy crafting #7
I WISH my walls were made of POST ITS!! That's an attractive thought ~~~ like you the entire back of my office is covered with post its ~~ what to do, what to craft, where to post it to... get it where to post it to...LO take pics, done, etc... & then into the recycling bin they go. I love your card ~~ stamping on pattern paper can be so tricky. I like how you used the paper to create your layout!
Glad to hear that I am not the only one going through post it's by the truckload. Stamping on patterned paper is such fun, and I only seem to remember to do it when it is a challenge. Love that little owl on your card!
I used to be a notorious note taker, then one day just stopped after I made my daily list and scratched off the first item which read: Make LIST. That's when I knew I was hopeless. Now I depend on my memory. And I got a volunteer tomato, too. But mine is less than three inches tall, and hopelessly stunted. Happy WOYWW from #2.
Golly Darnell that was a marathon read, no wonder you need so many post it's such a lot going on in your head but it did make me laugh...... I want a wall now too. Have fun on your course I haven't done any on line courses you have to be very committed
Janet @40
You are the Post it note queen!!! My trouble with Post it's is that I forget where I stuck them!!! I am not as clever as you and stick them on the Door which I have to walk out of.
Love all your bright post it notes everywhere!! have a great day, if you remember... write a note! Helen 17
What a fun card Darnell-and your little die cut apple finishes it off just perfectly.
Ah,Post It's are my friend too ! My Daughter thinks i have lost the plot leaving a sticky note on the door going out-but the memory isn't what it used to be and i NEED help LOL!!
Have a great day,Nessa xxx
LOL what a great post again and loving the bright post it notes list are good and if in bright colours even better! thanks for the cute card and the shot of the garden too looks lush ..you dont do anything by halfs!... great read as always ..have great week hugs
Andrea x #52
LOL what a great post again and loving the bright post it notes list are good and if in bright colours even better! thanks for the cute card and the shot of the garden too looks lush ..you dont do anything by halfs!... great read as always ..have great week hugs
Andrea x #52
where would we be without post-its?? we have all colours and sizes around the house - important notes get put on the fridge, v. imp. on the tv!!!
happy WOYWW and have a fun week :)
no. 31
Oh Darnell, I almost cried laughing reading this! I'm for that old folks home you describe - just so long as the parrot, goat, ducks etc. can also be accommodated too.
You sure are the Post It Queen - mine are just boring old lemon coloured, gonna hop out today and have put brightly coloured ones on my list! That'll drive Len crackers :)
Wasn't Elizabeth so funny when she said she gave up lists when the first item was 'Make list'. Snort :)
Love your cheery card - have a wonderful day my sweet friend!
Hugs, Di xx
What a funny post! I have a book I write all my notes on so I don't loose them and remember to read them...post it notes don't work for me! My whole house would have them on EVERYTHING! #62
Love all the post it notes and never connected it with pin till you said it. Love the way you have them on the door on the way to the house so you can grab them so funny.. Friend and I said when we get old we would have to have connecting doors at the nursing home with a spare room so we can scrapbook and paint all day.
Sandy :) #43
I love post it notes I have rather alot as I find them very useful ... My sister had some made for me with photos on and gave them to me as a gift!!!!!
The view out of the window looks so lovely
Sounds like being old around you will be fun
Jackie 15
Yay! Hurray for PINs! Our house is full of them so I like the idea of fashioning the walls of senior housing with them! But - hey - our kids seem to need reminding about things more than we do, so you don't just have to be old to find PINs invaluable!!! Well, old age is on the horizon for me so I have a question - can I retire to the same old people's home as you, Darnell? It sounds such fun! Julie Ann #55
love your pretty card and yes... I have notes all over the house, but you get so used to seeing them, I forget to read them lol
Lol loving the pops of PIN colour. I write notes and lists too! Lots of them. In different places. Total nonsense to others but it makes sense to me!! Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 65
Love those post-its!! I have crazy colours too, they just sit there and remind you to do the task don't they!!! LOL!!! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 70 x PS. Can I book my place in the senior place too!
Great original thinking on the “pin” idea Darnell, made me chuckle! What a gorgeous flowering tree:)
Val x
Wow where to begin? I just love reading your posts Darnell they always make me smile. And yes I'm a list writer too and never manage to cross everything off. I have brightly coloured post its as well. Love the card too. Off to look at that course now - must add it to my list of things to do today!!
I am wondering if there is some sort of group you can join, you know like the 'AA' for 'PIN addicts'? But then I am wondering if maybe I should try it, instead of just simply forgetting everything I am meant to be doing.
Add's great colour to your desk and surroundings if nothing else:)
Lynda #82
Your too funny Miss Darnell, I have a drawer full of those pretty notepads, my DB always brings me some. Now that said do I use them NO, okay I'm lying I use them when I punch thing out, otherwise nope. I don't make list, if I do I forget to take them with me, LOL.
I love messy desks, they are always full of creative stuff. Loooove your crepe myrtle in full bloom stunning view. Your card is lovely, the owl and apples are great, loved seeing all of Loll's wonderful work and isn't she sweet to share. Well my dear thanks for sharing and the laughs, have a lovely day..
Yep - notes to self - the only way I keep tabs on the day! Must be something to do with early onset dementia!!! Great fun post - we'll all be meeting up in the care facility before too long. Love the little card.
Well, I have decided just need enough money to have a cleaner. That way I can manage my life pretty well as I do like cooking - well kind of quick dishes in the oven. She/he would not be allowed in my craft room of course but occasionally could come in when I had put everything away. Couldn't touch my Post-It's though which is a fabulous idea of yours. Afraid I use mine for masking but am now taking on board what you suggest. Great ideas. Lots of food for thought in your post Darnell.
Thanks - Hugs, Neet 9 xx
Got a good giggle out of your Post It Note insulation idea, however, under the new "healthcare" law, they'll be housing us 6 ft under.
Love, love your card! Great job.
Hi Darnell - your post it idea seems to be a winner... but maybe one room in pastels one in neon and one in all yellow - just so the moods can be changed when it suits LOL... Happy WOYWW - Mxx #89
Oh you do make me laugh Darnell, what a great post today! I have a Post-it note fetish too - don't we all? Love the idea of walls made from them - no more decorating has got to be a big bonus! Oh, and I love your card too. Not joining in today but wanted to say hello....... Hugs, Annie xx
Too funny, Darnell! Yes, we of the old teetering hippie generation will rule the PIN world! :) I try to put mine PINs in my iPad notes app but I keep erasing them. :/ Old age I guess.:) Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #22 p.s. love the card!
Hahahaha !! I LUV the idea of the Post It insulation, rip one off when it's done !!! Genius !!!!
Thank you for my laugh for today :-D
IKE xx #93
I LOVE your senior home concept; if you were to 'build' it, I'm sure you'd have plenty of folks signing up (me included!). Such a place would be incredibly happy, and the post-it notes walls: brilliant! In fact...wait, not quite enough notes in my stash to make a wall, but I have ideas! Love your card (heading to check out class, just in case), your post is, again, a day-brightener; YOU and your ideas - beyond clever! Fantastic start to my morning!!
Hi Darnell, I love your blog, you always make me laugh out load and today is no exception. The last time I saw so many PINs I think I was in a stationery warehouse, but how colourful it makes your playhouse look:) I am wondering if you need a message on a post it note to remind you to buy more post it notes!! Have a lovely day. Hugs Mo x #60
LOL, I like the idea of a PIN wall but won't the walls get thin in a hurry with all of us being users?
Love the card and at first wondered how you cut out the hello. Great trick! It looks 3D! Love Loll's candy!
I love the crepe myrtles. We have them here and they're my substitution for the lilac bushes of my youth. Unfortunately they don't smell as good, but the flowers and barkless trunks are beautiful.
Gorgeous card Darnell. Good for you taking that class, it doesn't matter about being behind--you are doing it!
Remember that it is the act of writing a note that helps you remember--I think!
Super cute! Love the owls and apples!
You are a great read with my morning coffee - I'm all ready to move into the senior housing with you - sounds like the perfect lifestyle but I don't think they will let me bring my pesky teens!
Darnell, your card is lovely and your insight in us baby boomers is encouraging. I too would like to be able to spend all day drinking tea and making cards and go on outings. Hang on a minute, I don't want to play Bingo, or go to casinos, and I'd rather have my own cooking. Maybe I'll wait a bit longer before I give up the house and move into senior housing.
Well, of course the card is just fantastic as always! Love all the different elements on this! VERY cute.
The notes......Yep, looks familiar for sure as I have them everywhere too. As far as being a geezer....I'm enjoying that too. Whenever I do something crazy or stupid, they always just say - ah, don't worry about here, she's just getting old!
Hi Darnell, great post again - you're so right about the PINs - how did we manage - they're great to use for stamp masking as well. Love that card - and the apple is amazing, what a shame your friend doesn't sell them, I bet she'd have lots of buyers. Have a great week MMx #59
Hey stranger! Well, I'm pretty much "catched up" on cleaning the flooded basement and yanking out nine million weeds from the flower beds! Gotta figure out how to turn weeds into money (hey, I don't mean the illegal weeds!).
I digress...stunning card! Vibrant, fun colors, beautifully designed with such sweet elements! Awesome way to say a happy hello to someone!
gorgeous! i love the double-stamped sentiment! the post-it note walls are a genius idea!
Great card!!! Have just ordered that stamp.
Love Post It Notes!!!
Can remember a course I was on where the person doing it was writing and posting like a mad professsor :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x #50
So what, mad Darnell, do we do for insulation when the walls run thin?!!! I am a big list maker, although I don't use Post Its..however, that may be because I don't have any! Love the look of the bright colours bundled on your desk, and the sight of them on the door just makes me smile..I would defo stop seeing them, I'm sure.
Your crepe myrtle is lovely. How nice to have a thriving volunteer tomato plant. We never got around to procuring any this year. I never think to stamp onto patterned paper -- what a good idea! Happiest of WOYWWs to you, dear Darnell! ~ Laura #98
I know that lots of people get to read your delicious posts with their morning coffee/tea, Darnell. Me, on the other hand, I mostly have my giggle/chortle/guffaw/entertainment just before bed ... and I can recommend it ... thank you ... happy dreams ahead! Fabulous card, love that crispy apple! Anita :)
Looks like you've got the market in PIN's well and truly cornered. I think that bloke who invented them has prolly retired on the profit from you alone!! I don't make lists, I've tried, made a few, but the never, repeat NEVER look at them again. Defeats the point I suppose! Great card, I tend to keep away from heavily printed or patterned 12x12 as they're sometimes hard to use on a small card, but you've got the perfect solution right there.
Brenda 3
Great card today - I just love how you did that sentiment with the apple! I spy a familiar card on your desk among the colorful post-it notes :) I have notes hanging all over too - it must come with age and I'm sure you're among lots of company in that regard :) Keep smiling ;)
Hi Dolly. As always, thoroughly enjoyed your post. Love your idea of post-it note walls for seniors complexes ... no one else would think of that! :)
Love your card ... especially the double-stamped sentiment ... such a wonderful technique! Lolly xx
Cute card and i love the view out your window-- so pretty!
Love the messy desk. And I don't know what we did before Post-It notes. We have volunteer tomato plants, too. They come back every year because my husband takes some of the tomatoes and stomps them into the ground. They were initially seeded by our dog Beaw who has since passed. So we call them Beaw tomatoes. :-)
I love that hello stamp - it's so big. April #107
Ah, I love writing lists! I'm hoping by the time they lock me away there will be voice recognition PIN! Love that cute card and the double stamping!
Hi Darnell, oh my gosh you are so funny :) But I can relate as I have lots of post it notes on my desk and you are right after a while you don't see them anymore. So what good are they ? Well the house built of PIN is quite the unique idea. If they had PIN when the 3 little piggies were building houses would the wolf be able to blow it down? Oh dear, I'm punchy & tired. Your Hello card with the cute owl is fabulous! Cheers, Shirleyx
Love your PIN proposal--just hilarious!! I too have so many times wondered what we would do without post it notes. And wouldn't it have been wonderful to be the one who came up with the idea! I used them ALL the time when I worked--and switched to 2" squares to better conserve paper. You know the green thing! But now I'm home all the time and have switched to lists--lots of lists!!
Love your sweet card. The double stamped 'Hello' looks fabulous!
I'm in love with your card...and your backyard! Both are beautiful! Obvi you are acing the Inked course (even if you're a smidge behind ;) !! And yes, post its, couldn't live without them!
Ahh I'm loving the colorful PIN's hanging all over the walls, a over on your desk., and I am starting to find the need to make list everyday. PIN have awesome notes to choose from, I'm also all about the colorful tabs to add to my lists, Makes them easier to organize.
I Love the big bright craft room. It's awesome your grandsons likes to make cards with you. My 3 yr old granddaughter likes to man the glue-stick when doing projects. She also loves to paint. Thanks for stopping by my blog & checking out my desk/coffee table. I started following you. Thank you for leaving me a comment. I started following you. I'm going to check your interest boards next. We are a peeping community right??? :D Have a great wknd. (((HUGS)))
What a great post Darnell, and you have started my day by putting a smile on my face. The original PIN - so funny!
Love the card too - great idea to stamp on some of the enormous stash of patterned paper that I never get round to using.
Lol, seriously laughing out loud :) Big big smile stuck on me face! I'm picturing those grannies plus walking stick ripping of the papers of the wall. Would be a great cartoon!
And you know, I'm a big fan of owls, so I can't help but love love love your card. And the letters that are playing hide and seek, love that too!
Oh, and your garden view with that gorgeous flowers, beauty...
Hugs and lovely day, Wendy
Oh Darnell. You are so funny. By the way, your desk is neat compared to mine. Mine looks like a bomb went off. It is way overdue for a cleanup. The post it notes everywhere are funny. I use them too but I forget to stick them anywhere and then they get lost in the black hole that is my work area. LOL. Love your card! So cute! You know, you should start a challenge called NBUS. Have to use stuff that's never been used. Garantee that the majority of us card makers have tons of it. :-). Could be fun! Anyway, have a great day!
The shadow stamping is lovely and that apple is perfect with this card
I checked out your friends blog and she lives about 10 or 15 minutes away from me!
I dropped her a quick email...always neat to find a stamper close by.
Didn't go into WOYWW as I am too busy this week to visit everyone.
Your card is so cute!
Great card! and what mess???? looks like a dive-in-thereable to me! thanks for my snoop! Have a very crafty week! HaPpY WoYwW!?
((Lyn)) #11
Your desk looks like my dining room table right now...with all my craft stuff covering almost every inch of it...and why my dining room table? because I ran out of room in my craft room. I think it's time to clean up again...
Your card is adorable, and I definitely keep the post it note people in business. I would often put them on my front door so I remember to take along whatever I needed to take along with me. Like my lunch in the fridge, that I need to grab before I leave for work.
Thank you for all the great help you have given this computer challenged person. So appreciate it.
Your post was so in tune with what I have been saying for ages. Our cares homes need full internet broadband access, so we can continue to take part in WOYWW each week. We need good music for our mp3 players, plenty of charging points for our tablets (the electronic kind) and our smart phones, and gives tables to accommodate our cuttlebugs, Silhouettes, Vagabonds etc, and an endless supply of crafting goodies. We would be able to watch Create and Craft TV all day. The list goes on... Thank you for your visit and lovely comments today. xx Maggie #10
Love that cute little owl and the shadow stamping on the sentiment is awesome!
I tend to have post its all over my house too and screw waiting to be a senior - I want a Post It wall now!! A genius idea! Think of all the fun patterns you could create on the walls with the different sized and coloured Post Its. That would rock!
Lovely card!!!! So cute!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. You asked whether or not the kitties knocked things over or sat in wet ink. The answer to that question is - YES THEY DO! They belong to my daughter who brought them in when she moved back home. I've threatened to put a door on my craft room - kind of like yours. :-) April #107
Hi, sorry I have missed you lately, I'm afraid my health was not good. But at last, had injections and I'm up walking again, so I'm trying to catch up with my visiting. I have felt so bad missing everyone as you always leave such wonderful comments for me. Wow you have had me in a fit of giggles which is not so good as it's really warm today so now I'm dripping lol. The idea of having post it notes as walls fantastic. I really love your card, the paper is gorgeous and the stamping really looks amazing on it. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xxx
Hi Darnell, I don't think you are a geezer! But since you mentioned hoarding, I wanted to share this video with you. Maybe you've seen it, but I saw it earlier today and just thought it was so funny:
Well if nobody has said so, brilliant idea on the PIN's insulation! And since they will all live in Florida which will expand ever upwards I'm guessing there will be no need for insulation if they should ever make it through all the PIN's, huh? So no problems there! lol Thanks for all the pics, your crepe myrtles are doing so much better than mine...I have to move them this fall so they get more sun next year. Doh! And thanks for stopping by earlier and commenting on my picture situation...I think I'll use the easel against the burlap! ha! :) Best of both worlds, right? ;)
Deeyll #48
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