A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

July 11, 2013

50 Shades of Tickle ~ LIM #127

Tee Hee!  Welcome, Ladies!

As if I weren't already getting hits from Russian po*n sites, now our friends Chrissy and Jen at Less Is More (LIM) want us to do a card based on a colour challenge called "50 Shades of Grey," sponsored by (I'm not making this up) Pink Petticoat!
February Sponsor
Pink Petticoat is an awesome place!  And there are some really cool cards made by Chrissy and Jen and the other participants over at LIM, so check them out if you haven't already!
I think sometimes my mind has a mind of its own.  I think that sounds like a quote on Pinterest.  I should put it on a fancy square like it was a famous quote, like I was somebody.  OTOH,  I think I'm prolly not the first one to come up with that.  But I digest.
Here's my 50 Shades of Grey card:
I actually have a brand-new (which would make it NBUS) feather die I want to break in, but I happened to have my feather stash on my desk for a different idea.  (I've been collecting found feathers since before feathers were on trend.)  I dumped them out on my desk and of all the shades, only one was grey.  One was enough and it was a beauty.  I wish you could see it IRL.
So, okay, now what?  What the heckers kind of sediment would work?  The kind that lives in the party up in my head, that's what kind.  The kind that also was appro popo for the challenge title!  I typed it in Word, changed the font color to charcoal, printed it, cut it out, and gave it a fish-tail finish.  I swirled it around a pencil, one end one way, the other end the other way and gave it some movement.  Then I backed it with a shadow mat and attached it to the card.  I used Martha Stewart glitter glue to make my three grey and glittery embellies and shazambam, done! 
It tickles me that this came together because I missed last week's challenge and I came too close for comfort to missing this one!
I'm also tickled that we have a new friend on board!  Please help me welcome Kimberly Hogan of happy homeschool rule!  Kimberly is one of those crafters who has her hands in a wonderful assortment of artistic endeavors!  No matter your style, you will enjoy meeting her and seeing all the inspiration she has to offer!  Welcome, Kimberly, and thank you for joining the party!!
Enjoy your evening!  Some of you have already whooshed around to Friday!  Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*!
Thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse.  Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!
*Life Is Too Short!  


Lisa Elton said...

That is a great feather and the sentiment is perfect! Very fun card Darnell;)

jimlynn said...

Only one word is needed - WOW!!!!!

roffeycreations said...

LOL - nice take on the challenge - Mxx

Vicki Dutcher said...

What a beautiful feather!! Love the nature's dots on it~

Anonymous said...

This is such a clever card for 50 shades ! Love the feather & how you created everything from in your playhouse -- no inking required! Genius !

Jacquie Southas said...

well done LOL - perfect sentiment for a lovely card!

Jean said...

What a beautiful card and a perfect sentiment to go with the gorgeous feather!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful feather-nature is stunning isn't it?That sentiment is perfect Darnell and i love the way you have moulded it-looks really neat :)
Have a fabby weekend-and thank you for your kind words on the fundraising and also for the positive vibes-very welcome :)Nessa xxx

Sue said...

Wonderful card Darnell. The feather looks amazing and the sentiment is perfect.
I hope you have a good weekend
Sue xx

Amanda said...

Such a gorgeous card and I wondered where you got that stamp until you said it was real lol. Hugs, Amanda x

Kathyk said...

And what a fabbylicious feather it turned out to be. I'm so glad I invested in some feather stamps last weekend - as you say, feathers are bang on trend right now.

You choice of sentiment lifts this lovely card to SPLENDID!


Sue - said...

What a super original idea!

Jessi Fogan said...

I love that feather - and the sentiment - and the whole darn double entendre thing. Should be interesting to see what comes up in Google Analytics the next couple of weeks :P

Meg said...

OMG! This card is fantastic - very "shades-of-gray". Well done - your tickle made me giggle.

Carol L said...

AWESOME! I just love how you put this card together! I especially love the sentiment panel!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Brilliant ! and beautiful :) Have a great day, Shirleyx

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell your card is fabulous! What a great spin on '50 Shades', have you finished the trilogy yet? Ooohing and ahhing over that feather!

Linda said...

Hi Darnell,
Love your card for this weeks LIM challenge, the feather is gorgeous and the words are perfect - you and your blog always tickle me!!
Have a great weekend, and thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, it's always a pleasure to hear from you. Hugs Linda xx

Redanne said...

Oh what a fabulous feather and you have shown it off to it's best advantage - love the sentiment - perfect in every way! Have a lovely weekend my friend.... Hugs, Annie xx

Anne said...

Great use of your found feather!

janelle said...

Fab card & brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing.

Kristie Goulet said...

GREAT us of the beautiful feather!

Karen P said...

That is awesome Darnell! I love that you used found feathers and the sentiment you made is just perfect, very cheeky you are Karen x

Marybeth said...

Congrats on your win with this gorgeous card! ( it is going to win it has too!) Oh it is beautiful! Love the way you added the perfect sentiment! The feather is real? Right?

Geri said...

That feather is totally gorgeous! I love how you kept the remainder of the card nice & clean so as not to detract from the avian plumage!

Beautiful treatment to the sentiment banner - love the shadow effect! The dots, courtesy of Martha, are perfect!

Dianne said...

Twoot, twoot,Looooove the feather, my DS sue just gave me some gorgeous feathers, imagine that LOL. I'll be using them soon, to bad I just posted Julies parcel, she could have used some feathers for her nest.I loooove grey, all shades (not the book:O),) the sentiment is so cute and who couldn't use a tickle once and a while :).. Thanks for sharing your lovely find.You have contributed a fabulous interpretation to Pink Petticoat. Have a great weekend..

Unknown said...

What an exquisite feather Dippy - it's bootiful......and your sediment is perfect! I hadn't even made the connection with 50SoG and Pink Petticoat - my card might have been very different if I had! lol You've definitely tickled me ....nothing new there :o). Have a wonderful weekend.


Karendipity x

Carole said...

Your mind has a fantastic mind of it's own...genius card. Perfect sentiment...you are amazing. Talented and sweet too. Hugs Carole

Chrissie said...

I just love reading your posts Darnell and your card is just amazing this week!
That feather looks terrific, what a fabbo card,
Thanks SO much
Less is More

JD/ Jill said...

As always, a very creative card!

alexandra s.m. said...

Oh Darnell, I had to stop laughing so I could type this comment! (actually, I'm still giggling!) I want to thank you for inspiring me, for making me laugh and for always being such a fresh talented voice! You're wonderful!!

Karen M said...

I love your gorgeous feather Darnell and the card you made with it is stunning:) hugs xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, Darnell, this feather is a real beauty ... and what you've done with it is stunning ... so elegant! Anita :)

shirley-bee said...

... careful who you send it to :)

Laurie Unger said...

I really really like the feather. Is there a pun intended in that sentiment with 50 shades of gray? bwawawwa sorry - my mind has a mind of it's own - to quote you!!!

Bobby said...

You had me there for a minute. While looking at the card, before I read the blog, I thought "How in the world did she make that die look like a real feather?" I was really impressed. I'm still impressed, though, because I love the sentiment and the flag you put it on. I'm often stuck with what sentiment to use and often base my cards on whether I can think of one or not.

Joyce said...

Brilliant idea to use a real feather. And, you had the perfect one, too.

Jenny said...

I bet you have loads of great sentiments going round in that party in your head!!! This one is just perfect for your card and love that feather too.... I had a second look when you mentioned a die and then read on that it was real.. Phew!!
I had a few questions otherwise :0)
Jenny x

Bonnie said...

What a beautiful feather and how nice of that bird to leave it behind for you! That's a perfect sentiment! Love the curls!

Suzanne said...

I love your card but this post has me laughing so hard that I am crying!

OH Babs said...

Darnell your card is beautiful. I am confused is the feather real?

Unknown said...

awesome sentiment!!! bow chicka bow wow ;)

Julie said...

It's no wonder you've been showcased, your card is so gorgeous and that's from one who won't go near birds or feathers lol ! A real stunner! X

MontanA said...

Beautiful card!!! Fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Darnell-Very well deserved-gorgeous card :)
Nessa xx

Anonymous said...

A wonderfully well deserved Showcase at LIM, Darnell, with this elegant delight ... Congratulations! Anita :)

Claudia said...

hi darnell,

thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving this wonderful comment!
it`s great that your beautiful card was chosen at lim, congrats!

many greetings from austria!

Vicky Hayes said...

Congrats on your LiM showcase with this stunner Darnell! What a perfect choice of sentiment - genius! Vicky x

Lyndal said...

HUGE Congrats for your LIM Shout Out Darnell - Perfect card - I'm sure you're tickled ;)

Hannelie said...

Congrats for being featured at LIM Darnell!
Always a honor in my eyes to be featured over there!
Love that feather!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Congrats for being showcased on LIM - your card is truly stunning!

wienerhoneymooners said...

Woot Wooot Wooot!!! LIM Hooorah!!

Okay lady, you're another wonder that when I go to post a hello, I may think I will get carpul tunnel..(just love it tho!!)

Haha. Thanks again for always paying it forward and inspiring all the new Bloggies out there - you are truly an angel.

-HUGZ today from Kimberly