A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

May 5, 2013

Pixie's Week 71 and Happy Birthday, Joyce!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

And Happy Birthday to my blog friend, Joyce, of Cards-by-the-Sea!!  Our mutual friend, Kim Heggins (link below) has initiated this blog hop for you, Joyce!  Enjoy your special day and your special birthday card hop!!
Here is my card:

Joyce lives in Southern California and I live in Northern California so I thought it would be fun to use my Golden Gate Bridge stamp.  I made up a clear label sentiment on the computer for my "from my house ... to yours" (on the inside) sentiment.
Here are the links to the other cards in the hop:

Darnell (that's me)
Please stop in to wish Joyce a Happy Birthday!  (Beware you may end up staying a while enjoying her inspiring card artistry!)
Because I used scraps of black and white and red for my card mats, I am linking up with Pixie's Crafty Snippets Playground where I believe the sun will be shining (yippee!) for our games in the Playground.  It is so much easier to hang onto the swings without an umbrella in my hand.  Especially when I have a flask in the other!  Wait.  What? 
We are excited to be heading over to spend some time with the twins this afternoon while their mom and dad attend a Cinco de Mayo party.  We like seeing the whole family, of course, but we especially love our alone time with the twins.  Which reminds me, did I ever tell you about the time . . .

Three years ago, before weekend sports, we were fortunate to have the twins about once a month for weekend sleepovers.  We usually met the parents halfway to drop-off and deliver the boys.  One particular Friday, Dan and Rachel brought them all the way to our house and we all spent some time chatting out on the deck.  I went inside and was doing something in the kitchen when Henry walked in and stood beside me, not saying anything.

After a beat, I looked down and said, "What's up, Henry?" 

He cocked his head towards the back yard and said quietly, "When are they leaving?"

OMG, I couldn't laugh, of course, even though his inflection was so adult and conspiratorial for a five-year-old!  It sounded like something a husband would whisper to his wife when company stays too long!  (Papa and I took it as a compliment!)


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy your day.  LITS*!  

Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper:  Stampland glossy white, SU! real
  red and PTI true black
Stamp:  Inkadinkado 8029P
Ink:  Memento tuxedo black; SU! and
  Marvy markers
Ribbon:  SU! basic black and real red
  stitched grosgrain
Buckle slider from stash


cm said...

What a great card, Darnell - your friend will love this! Your twinks story had me laughing outloud! I remember saying exactly the same thing to my grandparents when I was about your grandsons' age (eons ago!) when my folks lingered far longer than I thought they should! My niece - 3 - is far more blunt; when she and I are together and my mom or her mom come around, she 'flaps' them away, informing them that this is "aunty and me's play time.' Compliment indeed! Have a fantastic day, Darnell! Love your cards, your posts (fab writing style!) and especially, your sense of humour!

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell this couldn't be more perfect for Joyce! She'll love it, awesome colouring. Enjoy your time with the twinks!

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous card and have great fun with the Twinks! xx

Redanne said...

That really is the best compliment a Grandchild can give! It did make me smile.... Your card is just stunning Darnell, took me back to the one and only time I ever went on that magnificent bridge. The colours are amazing on it. Love that card and I bet your friend will too. Hope you have lots of fun with the Twinks. Hugs, Annie xxx

Kara said...

perfect!! such a thoughtful card for Joyce!

Anonymous said...

A fabulous 'California' card for Joyce, Darnell, she'll be so delighted! Have a Happy Sunday with your adoring Twinks! Anita :)

Renee said...

What a gorgeous scene...
and I love the ribbon treatment on the side! :)
and perfect for the incredibly fabby Joyce...
what would we do without her?
Oh...wait! I know!!
We would have more money...
since she is SO good at enabling! *giggle*

Hannelie said...

Love the finishing touch Darnell!

ria gall said...

Hi Darnell
what a great card and I love your idea of the bridge bringing you both closer, really lovely

sara j said...

What a beautiful card for a beautiful place...that view of the bridge never fails to transport me. Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

Suze Bain said...

Ha, ha, out of the mouths of babes! Love your card Darnell, it's our anniversary this week and we honeymooned in San Francisco! Xx

Joyce said...

What a wonderful story, and also a wonderful card. So perfect for me, as I am from San Francisco, and sometimes look around at my Southern California surroundings and wonder how this all happened? I used to live in an apartment on Vallejo street with a view of this very bridge. I love your card and your amazing coloring of it, too. Thank you so very much for helping to make my day so special.

shirley-bee said...

Love the card, Darnell - the perfect image to link you with Joyce! Love your twinks' tale too:)

Carole said...

A compliment for sure. Too cute. You always find the exact perfect stamp.

Carol L said...

What a fantastic card, not just for it's beauty, but for the special meaning behind it! I just love that double ribbon with the slide!! I'm sure Joyce loves it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card-what a lovely scene you created here Darnell-and the ribbon fits just perfectly :)
Bless that little Twink :)
Hugs, Nessa xx

Mrs A. said...

Super card and what fun to do a blog hop for your friend. Bet she was chuffed. Hugs Mrs A.

Marybeth said...

Awww those sweet boys love you! Nothing better and such a sweet story! I so get it! Enjoy them this weekend.
Love your card and the ribbon with the bow…. amazing ! Such a perfect stamp to use for Joyce’s birthday card, love it!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Stunning card,
hugs Tamara

Taheerah said...

Wow, the detail on this stamp is *amazing*!! Gorgeous card, your colouring is spot on!!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

I love that Golden Gate bridge stamp! Beautiful card to help celebrate a birthday.

That story is just too dang cute! Yep, I'd take that as a HUGE compliment!

I've been MIA from blogland for a while - just in a funk so to speak.


Bobby said...

Your story reminds me of something my youngest granddaughter would say. Kids are a stitch and a half. Love the stamped image. Maybe someday I'll see it for myself.

Kristie Goulet said...

Perfect card for Joyce and what a fun hop! Would love to see the Golden Gate Bridge someday too! I live on the far east coast in Northern NH and haven't visited much of the west coast. We did take a trip to Mt. Rushmore a couple of years ago but that is the farthest west I have ever traveled. One day. :)

Jenny said...

Thee perfect image for your card and I love the thoughts behind it too :0) great story about the twinks ..... I'm often reminded it's his time with grannie when visiting my mum with James :0)
Jenny x

scrappymo! said...

Gorgeous card Darnell...love that image of the Golden Gate Bridge. Such a great idea for a friend cross the water!

Smiled at the twinks story...the kids get so excited when they come for sleepovers here too...Little Mr P will announce "you can go now" to his Mum!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell, this is just so perfect for Joyce! What a fabulous card with the Golden Gate Bridge, just beautifully colored too. You are amazing! Thank you so much for being a party animal with the rest of us!

Jean said...

FANTASTIC Darnell!! Love this one! Love Henry's question too!

Lisa Elton said...

BEAUTIFUL Darnell! I like the ribbon with the buckle. Have a happy time with the twinks! Loved the twinks story too ;)

Pauline said...

What a great card for Joyce Darnell, I love the image of that famous bridge, I do hope one day to be able to visit San Francisco, my hubby has been and loves it!

Brandi said...

Wow! This is beautiful and what a perfect image!

Di said...

Totally perfect Darnell! you always think outside the box (to use business jargon) - in fact are you ever inside the box I wonder? What a great idea to link you together.

Super tale about Henry - out of the mouths of babes and all that :) Hope you had a fun time - and I confiscated that flask in the Playground, HIC!

Hugs, Di xx

Jeanne J. said...

Oooh I love the bridge and the little buckle on the ribbon!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my, Darnell, I love that card and what a brilliant idea to send it across that very bridge :) The buckle and ribbon trim is super too. Thanks for your lovely comment on my flower photo cards - Serif Craft Artist is a very affordable graphics programme which I found much easier to find my way around compared to Photoshop and the like ... but I am still learning :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Sharron said...

Adorable story and fabulous card!!! Love the bridge and the great ribbon treatment!

wienerhoneymooners said...

Of Course, this is amwazing!
Love the use of the ribbon and buckle - ties in so well.

Thanks for popping over to say hello about the RIC Mention. I was surprised for sure.

Have a great night Darnell!

Cathy said...

Fabulous card Darnell, I'm sure Joyce will love it :)

Sarn said...

Fantastic card Darnell and sure to hit the right spot with your friend.

Had to laugh at the Twinks story . . . so cute. You are clear favourites! xxx

Karen P said...

Fab card Darnell and glad to see your beautiful creations at the playground. Your twinks must love the two of you very much - fabulous story that made me smile hugs Karen x

JD/ Jill said...

Well, I think I did it again, I get so wrapped up in reading your great posts, and clicking on your wonderful links...that I forget to come back and comment on your great cards...LOL
This one I especially did not want to forget to comment on.
I am crazy about this image...it reminds me of my trip to San Francisco...(One I'll probably never be able to make again...so it makes it even more special!!! A special beautifully done Birthday card!

Bonnie said...

A wonderful birthday card! I'll be every time she looks at it, she'll think about taking a trip to the Playhouse!

Sue - said...

Just catching up with commenting - I've been a a bit remiss this last couple of weeks! Fantastic card - hope to see the bridge in next couple of years as sort of planning a west coast trip. Loved your story about Henry!