A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

May 31, 2013

CASology 46, Pixie's 74, LIM 121 ~ Furry Humor

Hello Peoples!
And we're back around to Friday!  Whoosh!
I took a little break from posting yesterday after all the partaying that happened on Wednesday.  Then late in the day, I suddenly remembered some challenges I wanted to play in this week, one of which is closing in a matter of hours.  Eek.
Of all the challenges that the fab ladies, Chrissie and Jen (and formerly Mandy) over at Less Is More have put up since I started playing, this week was one I could NOT miss!

Quote:  As our sponsor this month is Acid Drops and Whatnots, we thought that our recipe this month should be 

Thank you, sweet ladies, for this super fun challenge recipe and your hilarious DT cards!

I had to also make a snippets entry for Pixie's Crafty Snippets Playground!  Headmistress Di is off-campus, but she put up a note saying that she'll "be watching you!"  I'm so glad she'll be watching you, which frees me up for Miss Chief.
And how could I not find a way to mix snippets and humor with the current challenge at CASology where the cue card is:

A furry funny?  Here you go:
I took the opportunity to copper-emboss Leonard Lion, lesser brother to the renowned King of the Jungle, while he was stuck in the tree.  Like so many of us in our dot age, Lenny can't see naught without his spectators, not even trees! 
I hope you find it gigglesome.
New Inspirations!
As you may know, there has been an ongoing birthday party at the Playhouse for my friend, Ardyth, and over at WOYWW, I've joined in with other artists making and swapping Artist Trading Cards (ATCs).  These exciting events have brought a lot of visitors in and out and it is my pleasure to introduce you to some crafters who stayed to meet you!
Carole Waechtler of I'm Just Lovin' It!
Tara Cardwell of Craftilicious
Deepti Malik of Dee's Art Utopia
Janet van Rossen (blog?)
Janet Batten of Fairy Thoughts
Meredyth, sister of the famous Ardyth.  She can be found on Splitcoaststampers.  (If the link doesn't work, you can type "MeredythG" in the Gallery search box.)
Welcome, ladies, and thank you very much for the compliment you've paid me and for the inspiration that I, and my friends, will find on your sites!
Thank you!

Speaking of thank you, as my followers have surpassed 300, please allow me a minute to thank you ALL for joining and being so supportive of my little page in Blogland.  I'll be honest and tell you that when I first started surfing, my feet would get so cold.  Wait.  What?  I mean online surfing.  If I went to a blog that had over 200 followers or lots of comments, I rarely bothered to comment or join, thinking that person didn't need another follower or any words of support. 
Now that I'm one of "them," I realize how wrong that was of me.  Please don't think for one minute that I ever take a single one of you for granite when you follow or comment.  I'm just as excited to welcome these last six new friends as I was when I welcomed the first six, and I'll be just as excited when I welcome the next six hundred!  And I cherish every single comment.

My thank you also goes out to all my supporters who don't appear in the Followers box and who either support me through email subscriptions or via web surfing.  Many of you don't have blogs of your own and are "silent" friends.  Some of you may comment, but there is no return address for me to respond.*  I thank you, too, for your friendship and your support!

Please accept my bosomie grandmotherly hugs of heartfelt appreciation for each and every one of you!  Mwah!!

Okle-dokle, you can't sit around here all day.  Go out and enjoy it.  No, seriously, enjoy!  Life is too short, and if you don't think so, look at the calendar.  You blinked and tomorrow it will be June awready!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse.  Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower! 

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper:  PTI vintage cream and white; SU! DSP snippet
Stamps:  Art Impressions T01187
  Glasses:  Paper Smooches "Sunny Side Up"
Ink:  Versafine onyx black; SU! markers
Embossing powder:  Stampa Rosa Copper
Googlie Eyes from stash

*Gabby, please email me so I have your address to answer your question. For my email address, click on "view my complete profile" under the "About Me" in the upper right side bar.  That will take you to my profile page and you will see "Email" in the left column under the picture of the twins.  Thank you!


Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

So funny card,
love it,
lion in me is smiling
hugs Tamara

Redanne said...

Hi Darnell, Leonard is so cute with his googly eyes and he did make me smile. You so deserve your 301 followers, it is such a pleasure to visit your blog world and get a daily (nearly) fix of fun and laughter, as well as your gorgeous cards. I love your wit and charm - long may it continue! Big hugs, Annie xx

Kathyk said...

FURRY Funny!! Fab card and a big WELL DONE on your ever increasing following too - your posts are always worth reading, matey

Happy Friday


Di said...

Brilliant card!!

And I'm still watching, puppet show indeed. I just bet it'll be like the old saying 'There's no show without Punch'.

Am not surprised at all your followers - never a dull moment on your blog :)

Hugs, Di xx

Mrs Harry said...

Great card Darnell, an astute observation on us card makers!
And I agree with the other 299, your blog is one of the highlights of my day (no pressure there then!).
Have a great weekend.
Pat x

Anonymous said...

So cute & funny!! :)) :)) You have such a fun blog, Darnell!! :)) I'm so glad you found me first!!! :))

Sue said...

Fabulous card Darnell. I love the fun image and brilliant sentiment.
I agree with your other comments, your blog is always one that I look forward to visiting, your way with words and your creations are wonderful.
Sue xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, of course you would design humor into a card perfectly. Such a fun card with your vision challenged Lion. Congratulations on 300+ followers, how exciting!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day, Shirleyxx

Happy Dance said...

I always do a little happy dance when I see that you've got a new post up. You, girlfriend, are a highlight in blogland. I can count on a smile whenever I visit here. It's a good thing. Your card cracked me up. Don't we all know people who ask that same question?! I love that you've humbled the (brother of the)king of the beasts. Great card, great blog, great person. Big smoochies. Bev

Carol L said...

Now who gave you an image of my dear departed grandfather for your card!? He didn't have fur and he didn't hang around on tree stumps either, but he always asked my grandmother where his glasses were and they'd always be on top of his head! Hilarious!

Karen P said...

Darnell this is marvellous. What a fab image, so fun and yet so true! Isn't blogland wonderful hugs Karen x

shirley-bee said...

Haha, love the expression on his face! You're right, this was one LIM challenge you couldn't miss!

Lisa Elton said...

The squiggle eyes are a hoot, they give him such a befuddled look!!

wienerhoneymooners said...

Why Darnell, I didn't know you knew my mom!

This is her all the time.

Or she will hand me her cane to stand up and then ask -- so where's my cane? The trick is she does not have Altzheimers, (and best wishes to any one who is - or knows anyone with this) She has SOMEtimers....


Keep us laughing and grinning!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Lovin the Lion !Perfectly furry-and funny!
Ah,Darnell-we are always assured of a laugh and a giggle when we stop by :)Thank you for your good humour-you brighten my day and i'm sure a lot of other Bloggers too,with your fun posts.
Hugs,Nessa xx

Geri said...

Fabulously furry and fun! Fortunately, this fearsome feline appears fit and fine after his ego altering fiasco.

Your faithful followers, from France to Fredericton continue to flourish as they find that fun and fellowship lives at your blog!

Unknown said...

Leonard obviously has the same problem as me......normally have a pair round my neck, one on my face and still asking "where are my glasses"! lol Love the card Dippy. I'm just loving the fact that Ardyth has a sister called Meredyth........I wonder if their parents enjoyed a moment or two at the Dyth? Congratulations on your 300 followers - so well deserved - you bring so much happiness to so many people so on behalf of them all can I say a HUGE thank you. Mwah!!!


Karendipity xxx

Shoshi said...

Oh Darnell, I love this! So funny! Here in the UK we have a series of adverts for Specsavers Opticians, and in each one, people do really funny things because they can't see what they are doing, and it always ends up with "Should've gone to Specsavers!" Your card could be one of those!! lol lol!

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, and I'm so glad you enjoyed my video slideshow. It was great fun to do.


JD/ Jill said...

Really cute card. You always give me my smile for the day. Congrats on your 300+ followers, obviously, they enjoy your blog as much as I do..Hope you have a great weekend!

Bobby said...

Your card is a riot and a half, Darnell. Only you could take humor and furry and come up with this. I'm still laughing. Congrats on 300 followers. Maybe someday. . . .

Cathy said...

Hilarious card Darnell, and awesome post as usual :) Cathy x

cm said...

Oh my goodness, Darnell, your posts and cards are the best spirit lifter-uppers ever (and great ab workouts, from laughing so hard!)! You are ingenious with your creations, generous with your heart-warming comments, and delightful with your spunky sense of humour! Those twinks have one amazing grandma, and all of us have one amazing friend!! Hugs to you. Now, I have to go find my glasses...

Karen M said...

What a furry cute fella you have here - I love your fun card - hugs xx

Kara Lynne said...

Funny! I love the goggly eyes. Watch out George of the Jungle!

Greta said...

Oh yes--giggle, giggle! Thanks for the dose of humor, Darnell!

Joyce said...

Truly funny and so very cute.

Kim Heggins said...

You are just so sweet! I always love reading your blog, so much to learn and be inspired from. Your card is just too cute too. So fun and very furry!

Carol Cel said...

Congrats on your 300!! Just so you know -- even when my life is busy -- which it has been for months now-- yours is the one (of 2) blogs that I read all the time! Keep on blogging!

Jean said...

Ha ~ love Leonard the Lion ~ too funny ~ (and I know all too well about not being able to find my glasses without my glasses!). A big congrats on 300 + followers!

Ardyth said...

OMG, you don't even need the lion to make me laugh, just the story had me going. But those googly eyes and the glasses on his head (that has never happened to me, nope, never!) put me over the top! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell I can't stop laughing that is the funniest card and so true to what i am going through. I just started wearing glasses for reading and I am always looking for them!! Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at CASology! We are all so thrilled to be members of your fan club Darnell and I am honored to know a famous person like you! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to be around in your amazing playground, Darnell ... you make it a welcoming, warm, funny, friendly, creative, inspirational place ... congratulations on 300+ followers!

Leonard in his tree, with goggly eyes and lost spectaculars definitely had me gigglesome!

Anita :)

Sian Ridley said...

Congratulations to you Darnell, that's a whole load of followers!! It's hardly surprising though is it; your cards are fabulous and your posts are so amusing - this blog is altogether addictive! ;)

This card is a hoot!! And haven't we all been there! :) I work with my other half, and only the other day he was looking for his plastering trowel...he asked me if I had seen it. I kid you not, the man had it IN HIS HAND! In his hand! Can anyone say 'blonde moment'!!? Ha ha! :)

Keep up the good work Darnell, we all love you and your blog! :)

Maureen Merritt said...

LOL, sad to say I've done that before! I always enjoy your creations. Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!

scrappymo! said...

That lion is a hott...I have done that with my glasses when I still wore magnifiers!

Unknown said...

I don't take you for granite either lovey. Congrats on passing 300 followers :)

Judy1223 said...

Darnell! What a riot, this card made me chuckle! Unfortunately my glasses never leave my nose except to shower and sleep, so I rarely lose them...but I can totally see how that would happen, and that lion's googly eyes made me laugh, too! Thanks for playing along at CASology...and congrats on 300+ followers!

Craftychris said...

Over 300, that is so cool! I;m not surprised though, your blog is fabulous! This card is wonderfully funny! It has really added a great big smile to my day! Thank you xx

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