I'm not kidding about the title. The Guest Designer MUSE for this week's Muse Card Club Challenge is my friend Michelle, and the name of Michelle's blog is Amusing Michelle! That's a lot of MUSing goin' on, and a whole lot of ah-musing, too, if you visit Michelle's site!
I admire all the talented artists that make up the Design Team at MUSE and I've tried hard to play along every week since its reception. It looked like this week I wasn't going to have time to do a CASE of Michelle's card, which was highly flustruating to me because Michelle is a brilliant card artist hero of mine and a constant source of support and inspiration. Here is her stunning card:
In order to play, I skipped dinner last night to make and post my card at the eleventeenth hour. Just kidding! Do I look like I ever skip a meal?!
I find these MUSE challenges to be interesting as well as fun. Sometimes I make a literal CASE of a MUSE's inspiration card, sometimes I don't. This time I didn't. A quick glance at Michelle's card and all I saw was "PARTY" and "eat cake." Since I don't have a bunch of tiny party and cake stamps to form a ring around the wishes, I straightened out the oval and placed my cakes on either side of the wishes:
I colored my old cake stamp from SU! with SU! markers in Michelle colors. The sediment is also from SU!. Even though the stamps are from two different sets, they go well together. And when I say "old cake stamp," I mean that the stamp is old, not that it is made from old cake.
Did you notice that even with my Stamp-a-ma-jigger, I cock-eyed the placement of the sediment? No? Well, never mind then. After all the coloring I did directly onto my stamp, and all that huffing, I wasn't about to start over, run out of time, and miss playing. I used to be a Grade A Perfectionaryist (GAP), but now, well, now, life is just too short. OTOH, I won't be sending this card to another card maker, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
I finished my card by outlining those bald huffing spots with markers*, adding a couple of quick score lines, and Walla! Here's to you, Michelle!
I'm also entering my card in the current Simon Says Stamp challenge, which is "Anything Goes." Who doesn't love it when that is the challenge?! Thank you to Heidi and the DT for the great prize and the great inspiration cards!
AND, I've edited this to add the One Layer Wednesday challenge! I've not played with the wonderful hostesses of this event in ages, but I think my card fits. It has the "Ardyth" elements of colors, black, and lots of white and it is defo a birthday card. Shazambam! You can find the link on her wonderful website Maskerade.
Recognize this guy?
AND, I've edited this to add the One Layer Wednesday challenge! I've not played with the wonderful hostesses of this event in ages, but I think my card fits. It has the "Ardyth" elements of colors, black, and lots of white and it is defo a birthday card. Shazambam! You can find the link on her wonderful website Maskerade.
Recognize this guy?
The twins graduated from 2nd grade on Thursday and the family wasted no time heading off on a well-earned vacation. That means we are on Duke Duty! Yippee! We will enjoy him while we can. I'm amazed at how he can tuck his colt-like legs up like that. He looks really uncomfortable here, doesn't he?
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS**! and I wish the tornadoes would go away!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

**Life Is Too Short!
*Thanks to comments by Geri and others,
I felt like I should add this information.
I Love your fun, colourful take on michelle's card this week Darnell -all that cake is making me feel peckish too - hugs xx
:-) I just love being friends with you, Darnell! You make me smile ALL THE TIME. I love your interpretation of my card, perfect! I'm also a recovering GAP, so I completely understand your frustration with that invisible flaw. ;-) I applaud you sharing anyway, because no-one else notices these things (as you know). The bonus photo of Duke made my day, he's gorgeous!
I love your brightly coloured cakes - super-happy card.
Yes I love Michelle's work ! You did a wonderful job here using the birthday cakes ,I love that idea! I just don't know the laws of crafting other than I'm sure I break them all!
Love your card! Duke sure looks at home . Have a great week !
This is FUN! I love this take on Michelle's muse and I didn't even notice your sentiment until you pointed it out! And I have to say, that since you achieved absolutely perfect stamping with markers (I don't even try with markers anymore), I wouldn't have redone it either! Thanks so much for playing along!
Oh, Darnell your posts really make me smile :)) I love your interpretation this week, and love that I'm not the only one who creates 'wonky' haha xx
What a cute creation, Darnell! I can really see your inspiration piece in this sweet clean and simple card. You were clever to interpret it that way. :-)
A gorgeous card to CASE and your take on it is Wonderful Darnell. I love the colourful cakes and such a great 'sediment'.
Such a fabulous photo of Duke, he really is a handsome dog.
Sue xx
Your Darnell-isque approach to Michelle's card is super fabulous! Love your take, your colours (crooked sediment? Nope, not from my perspective!) and your images. Now I want cake - and it's only 7am! You've already brightened my day; thank you! As for Duke - enjoy baby-sitting. He looks adorable! Have an excellent Saturday!
Your case card is so much fun, it really does make you want to party! I can't see anything amiss on it....is it just my eyes...
Duke isn't facing the wall this time but he does get himself in some strange positions. He is so gorgeous and shiny too. Have fun with him and thanks for making me smile. Hugs, Anne x
Darnell, such a fun and festive card! I agree, Michelle's work is simply beautiful and I love your take on her card. Love your colors and that that sentiment is so fun! Can't forget the cake. And cake really sounds good for breakfast this morning, wonder why? Duke is so sweet you and Mister are just so kind to doggie sit while your twinks are on vacation. Enjoy your weekend!
Well Ms. Darnell, I don't see anything short of perfect. Fabulous card, those presents are just so cute and I love that you straightened it up. Congrats to the twinks, graduating from grade 2 is a big big deal! Duke looks like he is totally comfortable, he is probably enjoying his vacation away with you, no twinks telling him he is done napping when he isn't. LOL
I love how you've interpreted Michelle's card, Darnell! You know you could have got away without pointing out the wonky sediment, because it seems nearly all of us have missed it. We were too impressed with the overall effect of the card to notice!
Oh, this is such a sweet cake card. I mean the card is sweet, not the cake. Wait til you see my post today. I also almost unmentioned the blogger that does perfect stamping but then didn't want to call attention to my unpefectness. Now don't you look either. lol
I like all of the happy cakes lined up Darnell, what a super duper card! Awww, Duke looks tuckered out. It does amaze me with the positions these pups can sleep in!! I often find Max on his back with all four paws up in the air and plastered to the wall LOL silly boy ;)
Utterly delightful! I love your cupcake rendition of Michelle's card! The colors are so pleasing to the eyes! The added scoring are lovely touches, too! Thanks for stopping by my bog, Darnell! Happy weekend!
What a brilliant and creative take on Michelle's card, Darnell ... I don't see wonky ... I see delightful colourful deliciousness ... yum! Anita :)
Wow! A whole lot of huffing and puffing paid off fabulously here Darnell! I cannot even dream about getting such perfect images from markers...there isn't even a wee teenie bald spot on any of the cakes. Well done. Heck, you're making Mr. Wolf look like a real sissy with your awesome huff & puff results!
Love how you straightened out the sketch - now that's creativity at its finest!
Sweet card....literally!
This is so darn yummy an cute. An excellent interpretation of the muse card. And, I cannot tell you how glad I am that your cake is not old. That would never do. haha.
Fabulous bright cards, guaranteed to put a smile on my face! Love love love them! Just enjoyed catching up with your recent creations - and your wonderful sense of humour too of course! :)
Great. Now I want cake and ice cream...But I'm sure they wouldn't be nearly as sweet as your card. I just love it. You always put your own 'stamp' (pardon me...) on these challenges, and I adore what you do. Love your card. : ) Bev
Such a great take on the Muse card, love how you have used the different coloured line art, I am always so tempted to colour everything in lol.
Love your fun birthday card...great coloring, too! Thanks for making me smile :-)
Took me ages to spot and I think it gives the card a certain
Darnellism! I think I just created a noooo word too.! Hugs Mrs a.
Beauty-full card Darnell! I love those sweet cakes! And this pup is too cute for words!
Love Beth xx
Don't know about the old cake or old stamp, but your card looks good enough to eat! Love the way you've interpreted the challenge and the colours are brilliant. If you squint all your sediments are perfectly aligned! lol Duke obviously thinks of yours as his second home......he looks sooooooo comfy.
Karendipity x
Kay, I just LOVE this card! I didn't see a single flaw at all! I just oogled over the way you managed to huff and puff on all those colours to make them stamp off so brilliantly! And I also have to say - you are HILARIOUS! I had two (maybe three - yeah, THREE) LOL moments while reading your post. I'm still giggling!
You have made me smile- love your humour. Great colours in your card- I'm trying hard to get over (GAP) you are right life is too short.
Another beaut Darnell! I love your take on Michelle's fabulous card :) like you, I love Michelle and her work and the pair of you are so encouraging and appreciating of everyone - you are both super super nice even in the super nice world of craft blogging ;)
In reply to the lovely comment you left me...I am trying to find time to re-enter blogland...I'm getting withdrawal! It's so much nicer here than in the real world :) I have a few posts scheduled over the next few days and I'm hoping to get some more crafting in before they 'run out' so to speak! ;)
I am myself a GAP (love this term by the way!) and I didn't notice the sentiment until you owned up to it! I don't have any markers, but it sounds like they would give me a headache in more ways than one so I'll leave them to the professionals such as yourself! ;)
FANTASTIC take on the MUSE challenge ~ love all of this yummy cake lined up ~ okay, I'm to get some cake now!
Great card! Love the colorful cakes! Thanks for joining us for the Smon Says Stamp Challenge!
You've made a great card for the challenge. I really enjoyed your pic of Duke. I'm a big dog lover, so I'm happy to see when you post pic of him...Jill (who wishes she still had a pooch.
So glad to see Duke doesn't have to rough it away from home! Great, creative card using the Muse inspiration!
Both cards are fantastic. Super cute dog, too...his tucked up legs cracked me up.
Lovely card Darnell - and will be popping over to muse at Michelle's A-MUS-ING blog... LOL Mxx
Its so fun to pop in and see ALL the comments you get -- one of these days...[years] I hope to see that many on my cards :)
Meanwhile thanks for the chuckle and your card is so fun! Love that sentiment.
Love your rows of cupcakes and sentiments...fun!! Duke looks like he feels right at home!!
what a fun take of the muse card. love the rainbow color sweets!
This is one festive card!! I can't believe you colored each of those...and then "huffed"! That is just too darn much work (but totally worth it in this case!)
Hi Darnell
Looks fabby dabby and fun to me.
Love the interpretation Darnell, yours is a fun card too. Duke looks like he's well away in the land of dreams, I think he is doing the fetal curl for dogs ha ha ha, it's even funnier when they twitch :D Gay x
I love how you used all those pretty colors on the images - what a fab take on the challenges! I love that Duke coil - it's hilarious and I love that he's able to make himself at home at your house :) Too cute!
lovely! i love the rainbow of cakes! and i love your grandpup...i miss having a pup in my life :)
LOVE this card-a party is not a party without cake !Great take Darnell and fabby stamping-i didn't notice the mini bloop first time around-looks great anyway :)
Have a great day,hugs,Nessa xx
Love the card! The sentiment is fabulous. Duke is gorgeous! xx
That's a fantastic card you made and also the one you cased, just beautiful. Great to see Duke back, hope you all have lots of doggy fun together. Yep, I'm glad to see the back of the bad weather too, 3" of rain and six tornadoes last week in my neck of the woods. Thankfully we missed the bad storms and only got the rain and a bit of thunder! Here's to blue skies and sunny days.
This is so pretty with all the bright colors and I love that sediment,even if one is off. I didn't even notice until you said something. I can't get straight even with the SAMJ so I'm not gonna judge anyone! Have fun with Duke!
LOVE. It totally has the colour feel of Michelle's card! And that one cockeyed sentiment just adds character. Why do you think I stamped more sentiments on mine? Because some were crooked. Ahem.
Hi Duke :) Look at those legs...he totally does look uncomfortable. I know my own dog sleeps in all sorts of ways - they're like toddlers that way :)
Error...I can't see any error...I see a gorgeous card...Loving your interpretation! Like all the different colours...I have some wet look markers and have never used them...should drag them out!
The varying colours and repeat design element is really eye catching!
They just don't make those darn Stamp-a-ma-gadgets like they used to, eh? Me loves your version cuz that sediment is outtathisworld!
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