You guys, it's the end of Febberary! Holy knees and butterscotch.
It's time once again for What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW), a mahoosive blog hop brought to us by the invigorating Ms. Julia. I hope you check it out if you don't know about it!
My desk today is actually Part Two of my desk last week where I showed you that since I now have too many clear stamps to keep filed up in my head, I need to sort them like I have sorted my woodens for years and a decade.
Listen, if you even THINK you might like to do a similar system, start now. It's so much easier to start from the beginning or early on, than to go back and create order out of old chaos. It's like organizing photos. I see you nodding.
So it's taken me the whole week and I've still got more to do, but I've done enough to share with you before you lose complete interest, and who could blame you? Some of you mentioned that I made it clear (ha ha) what my concept was, but not my execution and you were interested in seeing that part. This is that part.
Here are my finished clear stamp cases, ready for the shelves:
You can see that there are two types of cases. There are Stampin' Up plastic cases and CD cases. I'd love to have all the cases be the same size, but some "themes" require the bigger SU cases, some don't, and because the bigger SU cases are more expensive, I use CD cases for the smaller themes. I have to say I do love those SU cases, which you can buy empty. I believe they are basically DVD cases.
Here they all are back up in their cup board. (That's one cupboard, zoomed, not three cupboards full!)
Notice that not only are my cases not all the same, but my labels are not font identical. So there. That means that despite coming up with the name, and despite outward appearances, I don't have "clinical" Organized Crafting Disorder. I just have garden-variety OCD.
Here is a close-up of both types of cases which shows what I mean by my "themes."
I hope this has helped to give you the completed picture of my style of organization. For me, there is just no way I could remember that I had all those sweet little "hello" stamps in different stamp sets if I didn't give them their own case.
And finally, here's the next installment. Not for you, I think you now get the idea, but for me. This is my "birthday" drawer of woodens. I just tossed in my clear birthday sediments, but I think they will be cased and shelved soon.
I thought about keeping them together in the drawer, but I think I will do better putting those clear birthdays up on the shelf and looking in both places if I want a birthday sediment. Not only does it get my bass up and out of the chair, but I'm one of those people who can't see the forest for the trees. Once it's layered, I only see the stuff on top, KWIM? I have to hang my clothes up for the same reason.
It was very interesting reading your thoughts last week about your individual preferences. I know I'm fortunate to be blessed with enough space to organize in a way that works most efficiently for me, and not in a way forced on me by space men. Wait, no. I mean limits, space limits. I'm always amazed by folks who can function with lots of layers with great skill, knowing where everything is. A lot of you WOYWW folks can do just that!
Thank you, friends, for hopping to my blog. Enjoy the rest of the WOYWW hippy hop and thanks for letting me know you were here so I can return the flavor!
In fact, enjoy your entire day, wherever you hop to! No, seriously, enjoy your day. LITS*!

*Life Is Too Short!
I am glad that you finally got all your clear stamps organised the way you want them - you must feel MUCH better now!
Personally I have clinical 'organised crafting disorder' and I can't bear to split my stamp sets up into themes, I have to keep mine in 'companies' if you know what I mean?! Having said that, I only have a very small fraction of the stamps that you do as I have only been collecting them for about 2years! They all fit (just about!) in my little drawer system that my darling other half gave me (he used to have his tools in it!)
Your space is much tidier than mine too!! Must sort that out as its getting a bit ridiculous! Might be a job for today actually, you've inspired me! ;)
My word Darnell .. .. what organisation. I am well impressed.
That looks a very snazzy labelling machine too
I don't think I will be going down the same route though .. .. due to lack of space my collection of clear stamps are just going to have to slum it in their two shoe boxes!!
Hope you are having a good week.
Love Jules xx
Bit of 'super sorting' there Darnell! Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx
Nothing else really, just Wow.......
And the Oscar for Best Craft Preee-zen-tation goes to...........
Drum roll.................
You've got no excuse not to know where everything is now :)
Hugs, LLJ 39 xx
Crumbs Darnell this is a labour of love, it must have taken you ages. I am sure it will be worth it in the end though, it wont take you long to find the stamps now. Hugs Mo x
Now that is a proper organisation method, how strange that now the idea seems simples but never occurred to me to sort by theme, I am forever looking for that perfect stamp that I know I have but not where it is, can see me using this especially for my sentiment stamps. Once again OCD to the rescue lol. Hugs, Amanda x
Your post made me smile as a friend came to see me and my too a while ago (she is now cussing me) and decided to adopt the same system I have for UM's. She has managed to get through three themes and still has lots and lots of stamps to go. You are so right, start at the beginning, so much easier than later.
Thanks for the views of your "order".
Hugs, Neet xx 27
Loved reading your post
Reminded of when my friend came to stay for three days and we did the same with mine !!!! We found a couple of doubles so she got to keep a few!!!!
Well done on such a labour of love
Jackie 13
I think OCD is the right term...I need to get busy and get mine done too! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing with us! Vickie #39
Oh the thought of reorganising my wooden stamps... no way Jose! Well done on the job with the clears though... Helen, 8
I am just glad at this stage with my limited space to not buy to many stamps and just make do at the moment.. When I have a room well you just never know..
Thanks for sneaking in.. hehe
Sandy :)
LOL loved your post and you did make me LOL with your own definition of your OCD ! garden indeed... ! great post and can see your thinking especially in relation to your wooden and clear sentiments a labour of love indeed ...well done you. Happy WOYWW Wishes and have a great week. Andrea'45
oh my word you have done such a great job and I feel your pain as I am in the middle of indexing all of my stamps by stamping each and every stamp and putting all the stamped sheets into a folder and the stamps into A4 marked boxes for each topic.
As you said any new stamper would do well to start some sort of system at the very start of their crafting journey.
Still would love to come and craft with you in your wonderful craft space
Happy WOYWW hope you have a great day
Ria #48
Whew! So glad you are now organised on the clear stamp front - but I bet you still have the odd moment when you cannot find one - happens to me all the time, even when it is front of me, I don't see it (much like you say) but give yourself a pat on the back for organisation - you have done a superb job. Not joining in today, have appointments elsewhere..... Hugs, Annie xx
Thank you for the warning! I don't have that many stamps and they are all loose in a basket ready for me to rifle through but I like your idea and I may have to start putting them in some sort of order.... OCD, yes that's kinda me too! Have a great week #63
Hi Darnell, great sorting going on there - got my 'system' on my desk today too - great minds ha ha!!
Happy woyww
debs #95
My little ocd brain won't let me sort by themes. If I even begin thinking about it, little brain begins kicking and screaming. No, it wants original, all different kinds/sizes of packaging...LB only recently let me mix up my SU markers, but they still have to reside in those clear boxes they came in. Sigh. Maybe in time my stamps will look as nice as yours. No more 3 drawers, small table with drawer, and 3 clear boxes. I do, however know where it all is. Have a great Wednesday. Bev
I agree with the layering, most of my Christmas stamps are in a large decorative box and I rarely go more than two layers down, so a lot of stuff doesn't get used as much as it should. On the other hand, the thought of doing what you've just done makes me run screaming for the hills!!
Brenda 112
Now you have finished can you come and sort mine please? Though in some ways I quite like mine, just need more drawers to put my woodies in! Lack of funds to finish my drawer system off at the moment alas!
Enjoy your new system!
Great system! That's what my snowbird friend did...used the SU cases. I'm using binders takes up less space and easier on my hands. Thanks for sharing! Keep going you're almost done! Happy WOYWW! Nan #1
Love seeing your organization plan and it is the biggest challenge in the craft 'studio' :) Or playhouse. Fabulous ideas, thanks & have a great day, Shirleyx
well done that is some great organizing been going on there! I did think you had filled 3 cupboards, glad you put us straight!
Debxx #124
Fab. You book yourself a flight and come here to do that to my clears. I'll even feed you. And let you admire my wood size order on shelves so I can see them...oh my! Because I can't do layers wither...there soesn't seem to be a cure for when you break through all the layers and then have trouble tidying up....
Darnell this must have taken you so long, organizing always does! I am so impressed with your system. Come and do mine?
As always, so thoroughly entertained by your post! Way to go on the organizing, Darnell! You must be breathing a bit easier now. I'm curious on your hello stamp comment. So, have you split up all your stamps and categorized them by theme? I don't know if I could do that? Then again, we keep all the legos sorted by sets too (my good friend organizes them all by color.)
Well done for organising them in a way that is best for you, we all have our own little ways don't we? I don't have as many stamps as you either, mine are in themes and then sentiments- on the whole! Happy WOYWW!
Carol.x #59
I love the new system..............I just don't think my OCD of keeping my sets together will every allow me to split them up! Your system looks so much easier once accomplished than me flipping through stamp sets trying to remember which set a particular sentiment is located though!
Just wanted to let you know that I bought my DVD cases from here: They are 88 cents each. I don't know if they're the same dimension as the SU ones but they work great for me. Now I must say I only have enough stamps and/or dies to fill 20 and don't plan on many more, but just in case.....
Thanks for sharing your organizing ideas! I love how you think! :)
I have all my stamps in cd wallets so i can see them and flick through looking for the one I know I have somewhere lol
Thanks for sharing Tracy#72
Oh my trousers Dippy - I'm feeling pretty tired just looking! But I'm so glad that you've nearly finished sorting all your clears into the way you want them - it's looking brilliant. I do think you're right doing it like this as I can never remember where any of the sediments are when they are in their's just a case of taking the bull by it's ehm..........oh yes, horns! But after my recent big move I'm not sure I'm up to tearing it apart again; but I'm definitely going to bear it in mind. Didn't know SU sold their stamp cases empty - well not over here anyway. I would go into a local charity shop (thrift shop?) and buy up loads of old DVD's (cases) as it would be cheaper...........just an idea!
Karendipity xxx
Oh my goodness - that's a mammoth job - your advice comes too late for me though - far too many stamps to do that with. My resolution for this year is to reduce mine by half and put some on Ebay that haven't been used for over a year - maybe I could use your filing system then!!
I just love your playhouse full stop! It's something to dream about! Happy WOYWW. Karen 92 x
I am quite proud of the fact that I have only got three doubles after sorting my stamps. The job is so nearly finished to my satisfaction, just needing to buy a couple more boxes to stack the last few in. I know just what you mean about photos and if I do not do it soon, a lot of family history will be lost for good. Thank you for your visit today and your kind comments. xx Maggie #15
I have often thought of organizing my stamps in your way -- but I am unsure about "giving up" knowing the brand. . . Oh, and my husband calls our affliction "CDO" - that is OCD but in alphabetical order! (he has this affliction with his garage)
Hullo there Darnell,
At last able to WOYWW again
wow and suffering a sever case of eyeball rolling back in head.. sooo many stamps..
I am glad I dont have that many!! phew!!
... and love your method of storing thinking seriously about changing my method but still thinking..
Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #42
You have a drawer just for Birthday stamps? Get the camp bed out I''m booking me air ticket as we speak!!! Hugs Mrs a.
I really admire your ability to see this organisation task through to the end.
Sandra @12
I am so impressed! I wish I was as organised as you - sadly I am not very organised at all! xx
Hello Darnell,
It just gets better! Holy cow. I really NEED one of those cute little crafty corners.... someday.
Kay #60
You know, I'm thinking of going with the leave-it-all-out-and-never-put-it-away No! But I would love to put them all in the same types containers, if I was to put them into containers, by some sort of my OCD must be more advanced than yours because I know I can't find enough matching containers so I'm not even willing to try and organize them that way right now! lol It would be nice to see all my hello stamps side by Not enough matching containers. lol
Thanks for sharing your system though, I'm glad you got it sorted and like it. :) Deeyll #141
Darnell, I may have to implement your system--used to just put the ums in drawers by company, but there's too many of them now, and they're taking over!!!!!
Happy WOYWW!
#141 this week with
a bunting and lotsa snow!
Wow - who is Mrs Organised this week ! What a system ! Hope it inspires you to some super organised crafting too !! Ali x #28
Bet you can see clearly now!!!!! Love the fact that you have organised all the like for like stamps together like the Hellos, that's a great idea and one i may well pinch. I always keep my sets as they come and file them in ring binders, which works for me but I do spend an age searching for that certain greeting!!!!
Hugs Lisax #69
Thanks for the organizing tips! I do have separate sentiments, trees, animals and birthday stamps drawers, but only for single stamps I get at garagae sales etc. I can't seem to break up my SU sets yet it is so hard to remember what is in each set by the SU set name. Sigh. Guess when/if I post again, I'll just have to say the company name (if I can figure it out)and not worry about the set name. What do you all think?
Hey I love your stamp organisation. I recently organised mine in a large photo box, with home made tab dividers in different colours for stand-out. I filed them in categories, such as birthday (which includes wording too). Following your post last week, I am starting to split the sets, because finding a random thank you in a birthday section is driving me nuts!! Also I am told by a SU friend that if you buy dvd cases on ebay and use 160gsm card stock on either side to prevent the dvd bits damaging your stamp, this is more cost effective. Cx #96
Great job on the organizing. I wish I could find some drawers that would hold my stamps that were reasonably priced. I really like the thought of pulling open a drawer and seeing my stamps all neatly laid out before me.
April #151 did a wonderful job...I think you should plana trip to Canada...we could have fun organzing together. i would even take you scrapbook store shopping!
Love your system.
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