A quick hello!
For your busy sake and mine, I'm keeping this short. I wasn't even going to play, but then I was on the phone last night with one of my sisters and I sang her the "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" song, only to discover she had never heard that version. So that got me to thinking that maybe some of you haven't heard it either.
And, as shucks would have it, I am able to illustriate my song for you by entering my card in this week's Less Is More challenge, hosted by two wonderful card artists, Chrissie and Jen. Their challenge is to make a one-layer card with images, items, whatevers "in a row."
And, since my card is one layer and it has a wee dusting of snow, I'm also able to play along in One-Layer Wednesday, which this week is hosted by the uberly talented, Susan Raihala. Susan's challenge is, you guessed it, put snow on your card.
First, ahem, clear your pipes, and please sing along with me. Really, really loud now, please, no one is listening. Well, if your family happens to hear you, they will just think how delightful it is that Mom's got the holiday spirit up in here!
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it glows.
Olive, the other reindeer
used to laugh . . .
What's that? It's not "Olive?" Well, I beg to differ and I have photographical evidence:
Hmmm? You be the judge. I'm just sayin. (And, Susan, I didn't stick an olive cutout on the last reindeer; I masked and then stamped her, and then I hand-drawed the olive to keep it one layer.)
Also, you have the privilege of seeing the reindeers (reindari?) unharnessed on a break. Okay, maybe I forgot to draw a harness hooking them together, which I intended to do. I also intended to write out my 80 family-photo-Christmas-cards and do some baking and shopping. In two weeks a whole lot of these things will be packed away in my Box of Good Intentions (Vol. XXXIIV) until next year.
I'm glad you came by today, because you also have the privilege of meeting two new friends! Please meet the funny and talented Mrs. A of It's an Alien Life and the happy and talented Bev of Happy Dance. Thank you, ladies, for joining the fun! I know everyone will make you feel at home here and visit your great blogs for ideas and inspiration!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy your day.
As always, thank you for stopping by to visit.
Special thanks to you if you take the time, at this busy time, to join as a follower or leave a

Paper: from stash
Stamps: SU! unknown sets
Ink: SU expresso
Prismacolor pencils
Sakura sparkle pens
Glue pen and fine glitter
Bling from stash
What a hilarious & great card ! Love how you've stuck a olive on the last deer :) Happy Holidays, Shirleyx
We both sang it, very loud ... isn't Olive the long lost second cousin (twice removed) of Dancer who ventured into the Amazon some years ago and has never been seen since? This must be one of the very rare pictures of her ... guard it well! BTW ... love it! Anita :)
Only you, Darnell. lol! Love your olive (Mrs Claus must like martinis?) and the blingy noses on your very cute reindari. And I'm a little jealous of your sunshine - we haven't seen any for DAYS!
Darnell I love 'olive' your cards, but this one is just so darn funny. You made me smile.
Ha, ha - totally barking as we say in the UK!! Is Olive gonna audition for the Snippets Play then? Hugs, Di xx
Well, now you've done it. Every time I've seen an olive stamp I've thought, "What in the world would I do with that on my cards?" Now you've enabled me to buy an olive stamp the next time I see one. In fact, I think the next time I see a stamp I don't know what to do with, I'll just buy it anyway and see if you can tell me what to do with it!! Great card with your adorable reindeer and that beautiful snow. I'm so glad you posted this because I look forward to your posts every day, and this one gave me my first big laugh of the afternoon!
Darnell, Darnell, Darnell... You have me laughing so hard right now! I'd never heard that version either! Hahaha! Priceless!
I'm long overdue to pay you a visit here on the blog, so sorry for being a bit absent lately! 'Tis the season of busy-ness and nasty viruses. :)
p.s. You mentioned you grew up in IA? I wonder where?! :)
how comical, very fun idea! Haven't seen that before, how clever of you :)
Visiting from OLW challenge
xo, Kristina
I'd love if you popped over for a visit
Thanks for the introduction to the reindeer Olive I had no idea.. LOL at olive on its head so made me chuckle away at your card just love it..
Merry Christmas
Sandy :)
I'll never look at an olive the same way again! LOL This is the most comical, unique and FUN card of them all! Take a bow :)
I just LOVE reading your posts Darnell and this is no exception. You have THE most amazing sense of humour and your card is such fun!
Thanks so much
Less is More
Hi Darnell
Your post raised a good chuckle today .. .. yours is such a happy blog to visit!!
Every time I hear that song I will be thinking of Olive now .. .. not sure if that is a good thing or not LOL!!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
Love Jules xx
this is ace darnell... and i love visting your blog just to read your posts
Thanks for joining us
Jen xx
"Less Is More"
What a cool and funny card! You are so talented and funny - you should be on the stage! I sang the song (in my head though so I didn't upset the neighbours)! xx
Such a cool card and if there ISN'T a reindeer named OLIVE then there sure OUGHT to be!!!
Love Olive! She's even got a red nose! You do realise you've changed those words forever for us. Pure genius.
Oh, man. There's a kids' movie about Olive (heaven help me but I don't recall the name...Olive is in the title though) but THIS, THIS is so much better. An olive head? GENIUS!
Hey Darnell, LOVE Olive! You have so made me smile with this. What a great idea. Hope all is going well at your end despite the seasonal madness we are all encountering! Hugs, Jenny x
sassy lassie fun and funky you
I love Olive the Other Reindeer! How fun, Darnell, and you hand drew the olive? Kudos my friend!
You have lit up the phone lines with this one! I am sitting here, by myself, giggling out loud! I have heard this version but never in a million years would I have thought of this! You rock!
Such a well behaved group of ungulates, left unharnessed and staying put! I wonder if Olive can see where she is going?
You crack me up!!!
This is just too cute...I love Olive the other reindeer and we even have the story book. I bought it for my daughter when she was small. You are quite the artist too, just fabulous!
As always Darnell, you made me giggle!
Love your one layer card, Olive the reindeer looks fab - very clever. xx
Well, I'll think I will always have your version in my head each time I hear Rudolph! Absolutely love your card!!!
Fabulous masking darlinK !!!!!!!! Olive indeed !!!!
Oh I do adore your sense of humour, of course Olive is one of the reindeer! I have been singing about her also since I was a child..silly folks!
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