Thanks to my friend, Jean, I have just become aware of a way that we can all help the children of Newtown, Connecticut as they try to cope with the devastation they are enduring. Here is the graphic for this "love-raiser," as I'm calling it, and the link: Drawn Together
I know that you are all in a bit of a tizzy with your own busyness of this holiday season, but I also know that you are having a difficult time even attempting to process what the holidays will be like for the surviving children and the families of Newtown. I also know that your pain will be diminished if you take a few minutes to try and diminish the pain of others. It's how it works.
Drawn Together is initiated by Amber Kemp-Gerstel and her proposal and request is articulate, thoughtful, and moving. I want to thank Amber with all my heart for putting this together for us. The work involved in making the kits is going to be enormous. You are a beatitude, Amber. Mwah!
Thank you, all, for any way you can help. As your own young children or grandchildren are home from school for the holidays, perhaps they, too, would like to get involved and make sweet cards to send to the little children of Newtown. All of the information is on Amber's blog.

Thanks for the link, Darnell!
Thank you for taking the time to do this and spread the word!
Beautiful idea a d card! Thanks!
Wow great post. my opinion is tantrum with your own particular hecticness of this Christmas season, however I additionally realize that you are having a troublesome time notwithstanding endeavoring to process what the occasions will resemble for the surviving youngsters and the groups of Newtown. I'm doing write my essayI likewise realize that your torment will be lessened on the off chance that you take a couple of minutes to attempt and reduce the agony of others. It's the way it works. Drawn Together is started by Amber Kemp-Gerstel and her proposition and demand is lucid, astute, and moving. I need to say thanks to Amber with my entire existence for assembling this for us. The work required in making the units will be tremendous.
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