If it's Wednesday, then it's time for What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday! This week is number 166, which is close to how many visitors link up every week now! It was all started by Ms. Julia Dunnit and did she ever done it, when she thought of this brilliant bit of Intertube fun!! Check it out, join in, and snoop around the places!
Since Mister, aka Papa, and I, aka Bama, are on twin duty this week, you'll not be surprise at what's on my workdesk!
The last couple of days, instead of making cards, they've been Small Business Owners and opened up Rock Stores. Yes, indeed, we've been hoodwinked into buying our own landscaping rocks from these two imps! More about that on another post, on another day, so you can scoot on down (or up) the linky list and visit lots of other desks.
Thanks for stopping by here as you whirl around WOYWWerville! As always, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

Ha ha good on them! Oh yes the days of buying my own things are behind me for the time being, well until my boy has his own children anyway but that won't be for a long time I hope! Take care & enjoy snooping this week. Zo xx 77
Hi Darnell, not joining in today for various reasons but just wanted to say hi anyway, the twinks look very mischievous in the pic.....Anne x
How cute, the boys and the purchasing of your own rocks, lol #106.
Looks like they're plotting their next economic take over the world plan!! As we would say in England, that pair could sell sand to Saudi Arabia!!
What a lovely photo. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #99 x
Double the love - the best thing every to have on your workdesk! Love your sense of humour, as always, and I'm glad the twinks are picking it up. Don't go broke on the rocks!
Well, I have to say, that is a first for me to see on someone's workdesk!!
:)trisha, #113 this week with a quilted inchie
Two smart cookies there! Hope they don't try to sell your stamps back to you - you'd soon go bankrupt!
Happy WOYWW. Those Twinks are so cheeky - and have a very bright future ahead of them. Ali x #81
Hee hee I wondered if the twinks would feature as part of your WOYWW post! Lovely photo! Happy WOYWW! Victoria no.53
You are really funny. Love the pic of the "Twinks", hope they didn't sell any of your rocks to your neighbors! Enjoy your time with them, sound like lots of fun!
How adorable they both are!!! I can see they enjoyed posing on your desk. And aren't they little business men in the making - selling you something you already have! tee hee
Today is my one year anniversary. Blog candy will be announced soon. I am taking a poll so pop on over and put in your 2 cents!
Hugs, Kay #96
(LOL) what a cute photo!
My son is like that, too.
For awhile he was trying to sell paper airplanes to everyone that came in the door.
Even tried to set up a Paper Airplane stand in our front yard to catch the neighbors as well :)
Enjoy your time with the boys!
Mary Jo #74
they are quite the entrepaneurs! Happy woyww! Lindsay 82
Fabulous picture... I hope you have some dollars left!! tee-hee.. Hugs May x x x#40
That's brilliant-great business model! Next thing you know they will be sending you a bill for the air you breathe.
You'd better watch those two gorgeous guys in the future if they're selling you your own rocks already! Love all the names but I bet they don't know about Shadow Schliinz?? thanks so much for joining in the fun!
JoZarty x
Well, they are definitely the cutest things I've seen on the workdesks today, lol!! Good for them for developing their business acumen so early in life!! :)
Hugs, LLJ #13 xx
That is so cute!! Did they paint the rocks to? I remember doing that.
You're right Darnell, you have the most precious "items" on your work desk this week!
Smart boys to convince you to buy rocks that are yours to begin with! :)
How cute! Could I interest you in buying some of my weeds? I'll let you have them super cheap :)
Have fun with those boys - they grow up much to fast!!
Entrepreneur twinks! Very cheeky getting to buy your own rocks, lol That's way too cute ya know! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Two handsome younguns there! Fab craft space :)
Katie (107)
Don't let them sell your craft supplies to passers-by.
I went and had a look in your playhouse. Really, I shouldn't have done that because now I am green with envy and maybe I could come and mind it for you if you go on holidays?
First and foremost keep them away from your craft supplies they are not allowed to sell anything in that area. As for the little entrepenaurs good on them, rock are ok, maybe you could get them to put some craft or art on them too. Oops shouldn't of suggested that, this means they will need supplies from you, not good. LOL
Eliza #30
Ha, ha - how enterprising - and a lovely photo of the boys too.
Belated Happy WOYWW, at least we finished the envelopes in super fast time! But please tie my hands down if anyone asks me to volunteer for anything else - as it is, this is a three times a year job and I've done it for over four years now.
Di xx #3
You have twinks on your desk very cute. Do they have a stall on the street to sell the rocks like a lemonade stall? You wont have any garden left LOL. Sandy :) #31
Your work desk looks rather clean and cute adorned with twinks! I've never heard of this challenge, but now you've got me wanting to go and check it out! :)
Ha, ha! Have they wrapped you around their little fingers? They're adorable, especially sitting on your desk with their hands minding their own business. What good boys.
Aww what little monkeys! They'll be selling sand to the Arabs soon...
Thanks for your visit, Darnell - I think it's highly unlikely that I'll win the candy! Yes, our Jo is awesome, isn't she! I love her work.
My ARTHaven continues to be an absolute tip. Got to get worse before it gets better!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #50
What a couple of cuties! And enterprising as well! Did they get that from Papa or Bama? ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a congrats and woot-woot! :) Hope the twinks haven't kept you from getting any crafting at all done! lol "See" you in a few days now, I'm running *that* late! :P
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