Hello Stamplings!
How are you? I hope you've had a grand start to the week which has now reached its apexible moment. Have you noticed that people around you, on social media, and on TV have started to delight in mentioning it's blankity-blank days until Christmas?! Sure I'm knee-deep in Christmas cards, but I still want to take a few more minutes to enjoy fall and the delights of Thanksgiving!
Wait. What? It's how many days??!! Just kidding. Relax. You know we always get everything done or do our best trying. Might as well relax while we do our best trying. Besides, as Hammy tells me ~ and wants me to tell you ~ working with paper and stamps and ink is so much easier when our fists and teeth are unclenched!
For this one-layer card (OLC), I used a NBUS Inkadinkado wooden stamp with no name, but the number on it is 60-00332. I did a direct-to-stamp coloring technique using Memento markers, but after wards I felt it needed more definition, so I colored it with ancient twinkling Spica pens. Anyone remember those? The sediments were stamped with Delicata gold ink. The embossing folder is called "Stately."
Hammy went to town with the winking, which you can see a wee bit better in the closeup. You'll note he also glossified the ribbon, so IRL, it's uber schparkly!
Hammy went to town with the winking, which you can see a wee bit better in the closeup. You'll note he also glossified the ribbon, so IRL, it's uber schparkly!
- CAS on Friday: One-layer card.
- Inkspirational: One-layer card.
- Less is More: OLC with winter flora.

The panel on this card was made at the recent Indiana retreat when Brenda taught us the Tarnished Foil technique. When I saw that this month's CAS Mix Up Challenge was Oxidized Metal, I cut the panel in half in order to make two CAS cards to play along. But when I went to link the above card, I started looking at videos, and soon realized that oxidized metal is not the same as tarnished foil, even though the look can be very similar. Oops.
Not only that, but I realized I didn't use the "stamping" requirement! Gah! Anyone else have trouble with Brain Fog for a few days after the fall-back time change happens?!!
The best way for me to explain the Tarnished Foil technique is to refer you to Brenda or to this video: Tarnished Foil Technique. It's a lot of fun! The oxidized technique looks like a lot of fun, too, and I hope to give it a try before the CMU challenge ends. BTW, the vertical NBUS Thanks die is from Frantic Stampers.
Not only that, but I realized I didn't use the "stamping" requirement! Gah! Anyone else have trouble with Brain Fog for a few days after the fall-back time change happens?!!
The best way for me to explain the Tarnished Foil technique is to refer you to Brenda or to this video: Tarnished Foil Technique. It's a lot of fun! The oxidized technique looks like a lot of fun, too, and I hope to give it a try before the CMU challenge ends. BTW, the vertical NBUS Thanks die is from Frantic Stampers.
- Just Us Girls: Thanks.
- Rainbow Card Challenge: Metallic.
- Simon Says Stamp Monday: Thanks/Thanksgiving.

Here's what I did with the other half of the metallic panel. The die cut sediment was a gift so I don't know who makes it. It was cut from white paper so I did a Ziggie wash to tone it down.
Nellie Notes
What's going on here, Miss Nellie? I toyed with the idea of not telling you what happened and letting you make up your own plot line, but then I realized the story is written all over her face. Both literally and in the look in her eyes!
What happened was, I went in the house for two minutes max. I came back out and Nellie was no longer sunning herself on the deck. I walked over to the side of the house, not there. I called her. No response. I was about to look in the last spot she could be when I heard a rustling behind me. I turned around and here she came squeezing out from under the dirty deck!
Those spidey webs on her head were all over her back, but she shook them off before I could take the photo. For a little diva, she's quite a tomboy! This weekend we put lattice all around the edge of the deck so now she is free to run free!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
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Hi Darnell, Lovely cards.
Glad Nellie didn't encounter any dangerous critters under the decking.
Hope you have a nice day. Sue
Fab cards, we've all been there with our eagerness to join in!
Nellie looks none the worse for her adventures but better safe than sorry! We have rabbit proof netting between us and next door but Max has managed to find his way through more than once whilst I've been digging over a new flower bed. Our neighbour likes a beautifully manicured lawn and must have strimmed too close to the netting and cut the wire. An adventurous terrier and a small gap is too much to ignore. He managed to chase a rabbit when we first moved in and the garden was a tip, stacks of dead wood and old bricks which I'd dug out. The rabbit of course headed for cover under the wood stack closely followed by Max. OH had dismantle the pile and then pull Max from the rabbit hole, the OH got bit for his troubles!
Just gorgeous cards Darnell, the sheen on those metally whatever ones is just fantabulous!
I often start on cards thinking I know what I'm doing but often end up missing some vital requirement or element! C'est la vie of oldies like me!
Fabulous cards Darnell, and so glad Hammy is using his winking talents so proficiently :). and yes, crafting is easier with open hands ;-)
Nellie certainly is an adventuresome wee lass!
Totally and as always your cards are gorgeous and Nellie is just the cutest doggy you can't help but think she looks adorable and is and likes to explore take care x
Gorgeous cards! I rally love your twofer and threefer cards!
Have a great day!
I think that that little lady has come to a place that is almost too good for here...
Your cards look beautiful and will hop over to see that technique (want to try it...) Hugs, Gerrina
Great cards Darnell. I was watching videos and wondered a bit myself on the differences between the techniques. I too hope to play along at some point. Exploring is the joy of life for the four legged ones, and she looks as if she had fun nosing around. Great idea on the lattice to keep her freer from the webs.
As I've gotten older (and more tired) I've done my best not to jump on the must do ALL the things in order to "properly" celebrate Christmas wagon. I want to be grateful for all my blessings and then celebrate the next holiday, in moderation. :) Your cards are quite lovely. That technique you used is beautiful. I love all the shimmer, shine and sparkle. I giggled at Nellie's antics. We did the very same thing after we got our Ollie. He was having a field day under our deck. Ewwww! Hope you have a great week!
Beautiful cards, I really admire OLC and yours is lovely, those embossed edges make all the difference! The metallic panels on the other two are gorgeous.
Nellie looks so cute disguised as a spider web! Tell her she's too late for Halloween!
Gorgeous cards Darnell. LOVE that first one. So much shine and no, I don't remember those pens you said you used. Does that mean you're older than me?! Little Nellie is so cute - spider webs and all.
I know, right?! I'm trying to keep my focus on Thanksgiving and the company who'll be here. After that, I can concentrate on Christmas, (though I do have to have 3 birthdays and 5 Christmas present thingies ready to send back with T&M when they come...) But your Christmas card is the essence of beauty and grace. LOVE that EF! Might have to see if Santa will put one under the tree.... Perfect winking and glossing, and the gold sentiments match so well with that French horn. Sweet. The next cards look so cool with that oxidized metal look. Love the colors you've chosen. They are just lovely cards. I'm sure Nellie was just looking for any possible bones or treats that might have somehow accidentally gotten under the deck... What a girl. I'll bet she's rather good company for you, and a nice ride for Hammy. Sending loves. xo Bev
I see that Hammy is over Cassie Kitty and back to his job of winking. He did a fantastic job on your beautiful card. I love how your tarnished foil cards turned out, both are great. I need to watch the videos about oxidized metal and learn something new. Oh Miss Nellie! She made me laugh and she doesn't look a bit guilty for her meandering under the deck. What kind of parent are you that you took away her fun!
What a fun trio of cards, Christmas, Thanks, and Birthday all in one post, you have been a busy lady! Love the Oxidized Metal. Miss Nellie looks like she had fun!
Three gorgeous cards Darnell and being musical I adore that french horn with Christmas foliage and love your winking and glossing, and the leaf embossed tarnished metal technique looks so pretty on the other two cards and love the gold card you have placed the strips onto..a really glitsy look. Oh my Nellie did get herself in a bit of a mess...lol. it is amazing what small spaces they will squeeze themselves into, the expression says it all. x
I still feel so behind with my Christmas cards and see that you ate flying through yours! On top Of that we are due to move just after Christmas so heaven knows if any will get sent out!! Love all three of your cards Darnell, the metal/oxidizey ones are particularly lovely. Lisa xx
Three beautiful cards, Darnell - just love the sparkle with the gold sentiments on card one and the yummy metallic look of your panels on cards two and three. Sweet photo of your mischievous pup too!!
All three cards are gorgeous! I love the tarnished foil look and need to give that a try. Thanks for the inspiration and the link.
Nellie is cute even when covered in webs!!
The horn is called Inkadinkado Holiday Horn 60-00332. Using my detective skills I found it on Amazon by typing in the name and the number. What a smarty pants, eh?
Your cards are lovely. Especially the metallic. You just can beat Hammy's sparkle, too.
Now, on to Nellie......hmmm........I wonder what else is under the house? In my husband's younger years he had to crawl under many houses to run phone lines. There were some surprisingly good stuff under some houses sometimes. Except for on time he met up with a transient who just about got his clock cleaned from the mister for scaring him so bad. All the guy wanted to know was did he have to leave! eek.............
Whatever you call what happened to your half panels, I love it! I have also done the "requires stamping" boo boo, myself. think we all do that brain fart stuff. Nellie was investigating. Hubby took a pic of a Doxie butt with back legs straight out, peeking from under a dresser. No idea what she was after. Nothing was under there! Hope all is well!
Perfect post with wonderful cards and sweet little Nellie!
As I saw your second card, I thought:" Oh, Darnell has already tried oxidized metal!" :-) For my eyes it is quite similar. And it look's fantastic. I can write a novel about my similar trials, when I thought, I know how it works. :-))
Enjoy making Christmas cards!
Hugs, Sonja
Wow a Three-fer - and I am so glad Hammy was there to give advice. And very good advice I must add. Love the french horn - so pretty and love the coloring. Yes I remember the "old"spica pens, I still have mine. Love your tarnished foil cards as well. So Nellie - took advantage of the free jinute she had to sneak under the deck. Sometimes I just don't know if they think it out before they do stuff like this. LOL
That Stately ef really creates a great frame for the lovely French horn, Darnell. I'm so glad I have a few panels of it. ;) The tarnished foil technique looks fantastic (I'm a big fan of tarnish and rust) and I like yours better than the one in the video. I don't think it's that much different than the oxidized metal.
Your cards are all so beautiful and gorgeous. I love the tarnished foil designs too with that look. Something new to think about trying for me but there are so many things I am not sure I can find all the time. And, yes, I am often so pleased with a design I have made for a challenge and then read the directions again and realize I left out a step. Very disappointing. But sometimes I can find a way to fix it.
You had to know that, being as old as I am, I would have a Spica twinkler...as the one I'm staring at now. I adore this French Horn image. Hammy did a sparkling job making it shine. And now, thanks to you, I have to go find out what a "tarnished" technique is. Love the deep tones and and texture-y look of it on both your cards.
Beautiful stamping your cards are gorgeous
Babs x
Aww little pet she's been exploring. Nellie is gorgeous.
Your cards are beautifully designed Darnell, I don't think I can choose a favourite, gorgeous colours too, Kate x
Poor Nellie, she looks so cute even if she did get in those nasty spider webs. Glad she could shake some of them off her back.
Love your 3 gorgeous cards. TFS
Your first card is just gorgeous, Hammy did a stirling job with the winking too. The Tarnished Foil cards are beautiful too. Even though our clocks went back a couple of weeks ago, I am still in that fog.... so you are not alone my friend!
Nellie looks adorable, even covered with cobwebs and she does a great job a looking guilty!! Hugs, Annie xxx
What a shiny happy day you were having Darnell! Your peace and joy horn is just so gleaming I feel Hammy must have been polishing it up for days! The greenery and ribbon really makes the gold pop beautifully. And those two aged metal panel cards look as if you've been down at the forge doing a spot of smelting! Whatever technique it turned out to be is very effective!
What is it with blonde dogs getting mucky? I have a suspicion they just want to be black labs really!
Vicky x
Darling photo of Nellie even when she is being mischievous x Stunning cards Darnell and a fun technique for the last two cards x. Amazing one layer card with lots of shimmer and what a striking image and love the dry embossing too x.
A fantastic collection of beautiful cards Darnell.
Sue xx
Wonderful cards, Darnell! Love the schparkly of the french horn. I especially like that embossed edge. The tarnished metal is a neat technique and new to me.
How do you do a threefer? I can't even do a twofer!
Miss Nellie is one schmart pooch. She knew you needed to fancy up your deck with that new lattice.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog, a few days ago.
YOU are so delightful. And Hammy.....Thanks for the smiles. Consider me your newest subscriber to your blog.
Darnell, Little Miss Nellie is so cute, cobwebs or not! Oh I love what you did with those tarnished foil pieces...you put them to good work even if they didn't qualify for the challenge you wanted to enter! they are still gorgeous. You have reminded me that I still have mine to do something with! I have made a few cards from playing with different stamps from our retreat...I must get them posted! Heart Hugs my friend!! BTW, have you seen the snooze doctor?
All three of your cards are just stunning! Hope you are having a good week!
Pretty, pretty cards. I especially love the Christmas card. That french horn with the festive greens is just so great. The embossed edge is such a nice detail, too. I hopped over to the tarnished foil tutorial to see what that was all about. Looks like a fun technique. I'll have to give it a try sometime. It would definitely be fun to do with other cardmaking friends. TFS
What a fabulous collection of cards, Darnell! Love the look of the tarnished foil - yet another technique you have me scurrying round to find lol. The fist card has my heart though. I love the simple elegance and how the metal looks so real - not to mention that beautiful embossed frames...
I'm pleased to see that Miss Nellie is non the worse for her adventures.
Big hugs
Carol xx
Terrific cards Darnell and I love the result of the oxidized metal! So happy that you shared at CAS Mix Up. Oh my that little Nellie is so adorable!! I can't get enough of seeing her!
Gorgeous cards Darnell and Nellie looks so cute covered in cobwebs
Wow! Your french horn card is stunning Auntie! I love how it looks, you got all the beautiful Christmas colors in it and I can't imagine that was easy. Love your peace and joy in the delicata gold ink. Loving that embossing folder too, not seen that one. Yep, I remember the Spica pens. Not sure if I've ever had one, but I remember them. Love all the schparkle that Hammy did and glossy ribbon. Your twofer card is amazing! I love that tarnished foil technique. Will have to learn how to do that. I thought that it was the same as oxidized metal too, but I guess not! Now I will have to learn that one as well. lol That vertical greeting is so perfect on this card as well. Love it! Love the CAS of the threefer, it is so beautiful with that panel and I love how you toned down the white of the sentiment with your Ziggies. Just a few sequins and you have a beautiful card. Love them all, but I am totally in love with the Christmas one. Hugs, Brenda
That French horn is gorgeous especially with all that schparkle, my friend! The tarnished foil looks like oxidized metal to me and a very similar technique to one of the videos. Too bead there's no stamping. That happens to me way too often! That Nellie! I'll bet she was wishing she hadn't got into those spider webs!
Such a beautiful french horn. I love the sparkle! French horns are such a pretty instrument, but I always felt bad for the kids that had to lug that awkward, bulky case around. You created two beautiful cards out of your metallic panels! They look so warm on the metallic cardstock backgrounds. Oh, Miss Nellie, I'm just shaking my head right now.
Gorgeous cards. Love the one layer, very festive. I think your tarnished foil looks fab and very similar to the oxidized look.
Nellie definitely looks like she's been somewhere she shouldn't..... that face, just too cute! xx
A tomboy Diva for a puppydog--too cute! Never would have thought about her getting under the deck--creative! All beautiful cards, Darnell! I really love the embossing folder & the image for the first card!
Your french horn is elegant and beautiful Dolly! I love your card design with the embossed framing and all the winking and glazing.
What a cool look from your tarnished foil! I think it would have passed for the CMU Oxidized metal if there's been stamping on your card. :) It happens to all of us!
Miss Nellie is going to keep the doggie shampoo company working overtime. :) She is adorable, even with spider webs and dirt! :) Jessie just dug a hole recently. She can fit her whole head inside. Then she'll proudly show me her dirty face. You have to laugh! :) Love, Lolly
Both cards are perfect, sparkly, shiny AND tarnished! And Nellie? All the poor girl wanted was an adventure!
oh I really love your Ink card-so vibrant colours and way to go on using this technique-never tried it myself! Love the edges-makes it look like it is in a frame. Thanks for joining Ink
Three gorgeous cards, Darnell, love especially those with the metallic leaves panels, how amazing texture!!
Nellie seems have had a mini adventure under the deck, perhaps she had also a bit of fun with spiders?
Ooooo Darnell. I LOVE your LIM Christmas card. Love the splochy inking and that wonderful embossing around the edges. Thanks ever so much for playing wiht us!
Your sweet little Nellie doesn't know how pretty and white dainty she is, but she sure knows how she likes to explore interesting places and play in the dirt! She's adorable! A fabulous threefer today, Darnell! I guess tarnished foil and oxidized metal would be two different things, but you still have two very nice cards! Your French horn is really lovely, too. I have a whole set of Spica glitter pens. I didn't know they were ancient. It's never long before the next great thing comes along and makes the current great thing ancient, sigh.
Three stunners, Darnell! Love your beautiful CAS card, this instrument looks so real. Your colouring is amazing and gives such a wonderful dimension. And the embossed edges are the perfect final touch. I don’t know the tarnish foil technique but your two cards are very eye-catching, I have to give it a try !
If you read my LIM post today, you will see that you’re not the only one to forget and to mix things ! Unfortunately I’m not sure it is only the hour changing time fault ! 🤪
Thanks so much for sharing and for playing along at Less is More. And thanks for the beautiful inspiration! Hugs x
Such beautiful cards again Dee!I esp. love the metallic look. Aww what a cutie Nellie is.....although she does look very guilty here. Glad she got out safe and sound and won't be able to venture in there again now ;) hugs Vee xx
Beautiful cards!
Beautiful cards Darnell, they are all fabulous but I especially like the first one - such a lovely festive image.
Nellie does look a little guilty doesn't she, dogs always like to go where they shouldn't don't they! We don't allow Ramsey in the bedrooms but you can bet your life the minute a door is left open and no one is looking he will be on the bed, curled up and fast asleep!
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob
Such gorgeous cards. Love the spica pens (I still have some! - must use them more often!).
Beautiful cards! Love that sweet pup too! Sorry I'm late, but thanks so much for linking your gorgeous card at JUGS!
These are all gorgeous, as per your usual, Darnell! I adore the fabulous metallic the most, though! So sorry about your fur baby--mine does this all the time, too! Good thing they're so darn cute! ;) Thank you so much for joining us at The Rainbow Card Challenge! Hope to see you again soon! HUGS! :) Mynn xx
Such a gorgeous Christmas card! Love it! Thanks for joining CAS on Friday! Hugs Ã…sa
Stunning! xoxo
Back again. Grin. The card is absolutely stunning and perfect for our challenge. Thanks for joining us at TRCC, and I hope we see you soon.
Em, DT
Three stunning cards to feast my eyes on and they really ars gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them with us at TRCC - Jacqueline DT xx
Brain fog after the time change - I agree totally. And then I added a three hour time change to it by flying out to Toronto two days later to visit my sisters. Now I also have brain freeze as it snowed and then the temperatures plummeted way below freezing. Can't wait to return to the balmy west coast!
Fabulous cards, by the way:)) Isn't that why I'm here commenting? Love the Christmas one - so festive, but also wonderfully CAS. And the tarnished foil cards are gorgeous - can't wait to see what you do for the Oxidized Metal challenge. I'm hoping to get something done for it too.
Brain fog is right, Darnell. I just typed a whole comment here and then closed the window without hitting the publish button. I've compounded the brain fog - first the hour from the time change and then two days later I flew to Toronto to visit my sisters and added a three hour time change to it. And now I have brain freeze as well as fog - they had an early snowstorm and then temperatures plummeted to way below zero - not nice for a thin-blooded west coast wimp like me!
Love your three cards! The Christmas one is so festive and perfectly CAS. And the tarnished foil ones are great, even if not Oxidized Metal!
Glad you blocked off under the porch or naughty little Nellie might come out one day carrying spiders as well as their webs!
I've had brain fog for a good month now, Darnell! Hoping that the long Thanksgiving break helps to pull me out of it a bit! This is such a neat card and would be great for masculine stuff. Now you have me wanting to try both of these techniques. Maybe over the long Christmas break, lol. Thank you so much for joining us at The Rainbow Card Challenge this month!
Beautiful! Thanks so much for participating in the Rainbow Card Challenge this time and good luck :)
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