A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

July 2, 2017

Make a Wish!

Hello, my friends!

What a long weekend of celebrations we have going on! Saturday the first was Canada Day (#150!), today is my birthday, Monday the third is Canada Day all over again because it fell on a Saturday, and the US celebrates Independence Day on Tuesday, the 4th!!

Can you spell BBQ?! And may I also say Happy Whatsit Day to you in your country if you are celebrating something this weekend, too!

You'd think I would have made an awesome red, white, and blue 4th of July card to share with you, but Hammy and I went slightly off course. We got the white and blue part okay . . .

I know this darling polar bear has made the rounds, but it has been waiting NBUSly for its first outing here. Everything but the sediment is from WPlus9's "Happy Mail" set. 

  • CAS(E) This Sketch!: See below. I flipped the sketch upside-down to make it work for the left-facing furbear.
  • CASology: Fly. I love that the teeny flying images in this stamp set can be butterflies, flies, or fireflies. It's been ages since I've managed to meld a creative moment with one of awesome cue cards here and I'm pleased to be back.
  • Just Us Girls - Word Week: Celebrate. My card celebrates a birthday, so I hope it qualifies. Congratulations on your 400th challenge, JUGS, and cheers to many more!!
  • Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Anything Goes.

I do have more UCB makes to share, but I think I'll save them for another day, seeing as how everyone is busy partying!

I sincerely thank you for all your birthday cards and wishes and continued get well messages! I promise that I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of being the center of attention! 😊 Mwah!


Enjoy your day and all the celebrations!  No, seriously, enjoy!  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by so I can be sure to return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

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Cathy said...

Hi Darnell, many happy returns, as they say lol! Have a wonderful birthday and hope you are in full health again soon. This card is adorable, I haven't seen this little bear before and he's a sweetie, Cathy x

Jane Willis said...

Happy birthday Darnell - hope my card arrived in time, I never know how long to allow for international postage. Hope you are feeling better and starting to get about again - while still, of course, being waited on hand and foot.
Your little bear is absolutely gorgeous.

Cheryl W. said...

Happy, happy birthday, Darnell! I hope your day is full of every good thing imaginable. Your card is awesome. I love the pensive bear and the simple layout. Happy Independence Day, too. Now get on with that BBQ.

Colleen said...

Happy Birthday Darnell...hope you received the birthday card in time! Love your cute little card, that polar bear is just too cute...I have seen him around and your card is darling!! We are heading to HOT AZ on Tuesday...we decided to sell our house. sad I know, but life is about changes and it is time for a change and all the places we choose to go for a vacation and to see more parts of the world...from there we go to our family's favorite vacation spot...Coeur d'Alene Idaho! I hope you have the BEST birthday ever!! Celebrate BIG friend!!

Redanne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DARNELL !!! Many happy returns of the day my friend!! Happy Independence Day for the 4th and Canada Day wishes to any of your faithful followers who celebrate it!

Your card is just darling, the little polar bear is just adorable and a wonderfully unique way to celebrate the day! Please don't overdo things on your special day... Big hugs, Annie xxxx

Lia said...

So many occasions to celebrate, but first of all: happy birthday to you!
Your card is so very cute. I love the way you made this CAS card.
Lia xx

Lyndal said...

Hope it is as FABulous as you!!! Gorgeous card Darnell!

Stamps and Paper said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday Darnell hope you have a super day....also wishing happy Independence Day we spent it in Central Park last year and it was amazing....your card is so cute

Hugs Anne xx

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Darnell. Hope you are spoilt rotten and have plenty of cake.

Love the card. Sue

KandA said...

Sending you lots of Happy Birthday wishes Darnell and I hope you have a really fabulous day doing whatever you want to make it a special one. Love your super card and that adorable bear xx

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Happy Birthday Darnell, I hope that you are having a fantastic day amongst all of the celebration days that are going on around you. Hope you are also recovering from your surgery. I love your wonderful card.

Sue xx

Liz said...

Happy Birthday, Darnell! Have a wonderful day.

What a cute CAS card, I love the adorable little polar bear. I wonder want he's wishing for, a speedy recovery for you? 😊 xx

Di said...

Lovely card Darnell! And a mahoooooosive Happy Birthday to you dear friend.


Di xx

Ros Crawford said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Your card is beautiful! I love that bear! ... Sending love & hugs your way

Jeanne said...

Happiest of birthdays to you, Darnell! I hope you had a wonderful celebration. Thank you for sharing this delightful card. That is one sweet looking bear! Hugs!

Brenda in IN said...

Happy birthday, dear friend. What a bang up celebration for you all weekend throughout the USA. That's how much we all love you! And such a sweet polar bear to celebrate with. Very cute card that you and Hammy came up with. I'm so happy things are on the mend.

Marilyn said...

Happy Birthday Darnell!! Have a wonderful day! Your card is so pretty. Love the polar bear

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy Birthday lovely gal! Hope you have a splendiferous day 😊💐🍾😍🎺🦄
Hugs LLJ xxxx

Sarah said...

Many Happy returns Darnell and I hope your day is filled with many good things!! Such a cute polar bear and the textured base looks like cracked ice, so perfect xx

Lisa said...

Happy, happy birthday, Darnell!! I hope your day is filled with much love and happiness!! Enjoy your day!! Eat lots of cake :) Your card is gorgeous!! i love the texture and the sweet bear!! Happy birthday again!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Aquarius said...

Sounds as if you're having a good birthday. Love this bear and the flying things - great card. Ignore what I said on another comment about Blogger forbidding me to follow - tried again from here and it was OK for some reason. I might well have a selection of NBUS!!

Lynn said...

happy happy birthday my dear friend Darnell! Hope you have a wonderful day with lots of spoiling. Your card is fabulous. The movement with the tiny little stamped elements is perfect.

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
Happy Birthday dear friend.
Didn't realize it was your Birthday till I went on Mrs Ducks blog.
Hope you are having a wondeerful day.

Brilliant card and that polar bear is super.

Love and big crafty gentle hugs from my house to yours.Jenny L.

Marilyn said...

Happy Birthday to you!
This is a fabulous CAS card. I always say CAS cards are the hardest kind to do well but you've got a grand one here. I love that bear and the little splotches of colur. Perfection!

Helen F. said...

Happy Birthday, Darnell! Hope you have an awesome day!
Your card is just adorable, love the polar bear :-)

Trina P. said...

Happy Birthday to you, Darnell! 🎉🎵🎶🎉 ...came here to wish you a happy birthday and you treat us with this adorable card. Love it.
And glad to see you are celebrating all weekend long. Happy celebrating! Oh, and Happy Fourth of July too.

Trina xx

Loll said...

Adorable card, Dolly!

Have a wonderful, special day, my friend!

Lolly xx

conil said...

But not too sick and tired...I mean you deserve the attention, right? And you sneaked a birthday up on me...I have it written down as the 6th. Consequently, because I'm a nudge your card will be late, as I'm making it right now. Hopefully, you can console yourself with the fact that your sweet card is CAS perfection. Love that bear and the itty bitty butterflies. Think the sentiment is exactly right, too.
Truly hope you have the bestest birthday ever and all those you love honor you as they should.

Laurie Unger said...

Darling card! Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!

Marcia Hill said...

Happy, happy birthday Darnell! Hope you have a FABULOUS day! I did get a card in the mail on Friday, but unfortunately, not soon enough to reach you before your birthday! Oh well, the party can just keep going on and on this way, right? RIGHT??!! Anyway, really do hope you have a wonderful day and your little polar bear card is absolutely adorable!! :0)

Milka Gubo said...

Dear Darnell, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I wish you all the best and happiest. :o)
Your today's card is SUPER ADORABLE!!! :o)
Hugs!! xx

Greta said...

That is a darling card, Darnell! Love the textured paper & your perfect splatters! Happy, Happy Birthday, my friend! Here's to a non-medical year--you deserve it!

Leslie Miller said...

Happy birthday, Darnell! Your card is soooo adorable! You sure have lots of NBUS. Think you'll ever catch up?

JD/ Jill said...

Cute card!

Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope your day is special.
(Thank you for letting me know that you received your card from me in time (for a change! LOL! I know that I'm usually late!!!

You may remember that you share your birthday with my brother today!
He just left my house with the (Store bought) card that I gave him...(I know shame on me...)

cuilliesocks said...

Happy Birthday to You Darnell, I hope you had a magic day.
Love your beautiful card, that Polar Bear is wonderful, fabulous design and colours, Kate x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Happy Birthday Darnell, I hope you've had a wonderful day. I'm pleased to hear that you're on the mend after your operation, I had the same done eight years ago. The main thing is to take it easy and not to over do things, also, It's a good excuse to get pampered! I love your card, the Polar Bear is so cute. Gentle crafty hugs, Sandra x

Barb said...

Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday Darnell. I hope you're having a lovely day. Your card is lovely. What an adorable polar bear! Barbxx

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

What a pretty card!!! Love that polar bear!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
Once again, birthday felicitations!
It was so cold here last Thursday, the polar bear would have been right at home!
He's a cute fella and the texture on your card looks fab.
Enjoy the numerous things you you're celebrating the next few days but don't overdo it! Let Hammy take the strain.
Ang x

Fikreta said...

its super sweet card!

Bonnie said...

Super adorable! Somebody is going to be so happy to get this happy mail! Happy, happy birthday!

Susan said...

Such an adorable image of that sweet bear making a wish! Happy Birthday to you today and Happy 4th of July on Tuesday. Thanks for the Canada Day wishes!

Carol L said...

I hope you make a big wish like the fun bear on your card, and that your wish comes true! Enjoy your special day and enjoy the cake and ice cream! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ((hugs))

Kathleen said...

Gorgeous card, great image and a fabulous CAS/LIM creation, very classy.
Well at least you managed to slot in your Birthday celebrations between other celebration, bet you got more cards than the other celebrations did

Yes I can ... BBQ, easy peasy.

Kath x

Verna Angerhofer said...

Happy Birthday Darnell. I had no idea it was coming up. But I must say you and Hammy made a gorgeous card together. Happy Fourth of July to you too. And, I agree this has been the busiest couple of weeks around here too. Just had this weekend's company leave about 15 minutes ago. I hope you are continuing to feel better every day and so glad to see you posting occasionally. Sending you healing hugs. Verna

Tracey McNeely said...

Happy Birthday Darnell! Hope you are having a wonderful day today and the sun is shining. I imagine that you are celebrating with your family today. Yes a busy holiday weekend. Canada Day was also my mom's birthday so James and I met up with our son at my parents and took them for dinner, came home collected my daughter and the four of us went to see the fireworks down a the falls. DD is working all weekend, it is their busiest weekend of the year. Again hope today was the best! xoxo

Sharron said...

Hope you are having an absolutely awesome birthday, sweet friend! Enjoy every minute of today and the rest of the long weekend celebrations! Love your bear! Wish he could send some cold to us here in Kansas. Guess it's been pretty warm in your area too! Family from Mexico will arrive tomorrow so lots of activities are planned for the next couple of days.

oldpunca said...

Happy birthday, dear Darnell!
Enjoy to be in a center of attention. <3

Happy Dance said...

My wish is for you to have the happiest birthday ever, and that you'll be back to doing what ever you want ASAP! What a darling bear, and I love the diagonal swoopiness of your elements. Nice paper too! Missing you like crazy and I can't wait for a good long catch up!! xoxo Bev

Carol said...

Playing catch up Darnell...glad your op went well and hope your recovery goes according to plan. I've found hypopressives to help hoist my bits back into place so hopefully will alleviate the need for ops any time soon!
Love this cute little card. Happy Birthday and hope you enjoy the rest of your long weekend. Carol x

Cat Craig said...

Love that bear and your design, Darnell. So pretty in blue and white with just the touch of brown. Happy Birthday!

Craftychris said...

Happy Birthday! I am so loving your card, it's so cute! You will soon be fighting fit my friend - take care! Hugs xxxxxxx

Preeti D. (aka Dutt Preety) said...

Happy birthday :) god bless. Hope you have a great birthday and year ahead. Guess what? 2nd is my birthday too !! Lol how cool is that. I love your bear card. Its so cute !! Such a fun take on all the challenges.
Stay blessed.

Becca Yahrling said...

Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you're having a beautiful day.

Sybrina K said...

Darnell, Happy to hear the card arrived safe and sound. Even happier to hear the celebration's lasting for a full week!

laurie said...

Happy Birthday!Have fun with all the celbrations. Love your adorable bear too!

Sheila H said...

Your card is a delight! Again, enjoy your birthday😍

Judy1223 said...

Aw, this card is just precious! I love that linen card texture (is it from Anita, by chance?)! That bear is adorable and your subtle coloring is perfect. I hope you had a happy birthday and that you are feeling better. Thanks for joining us at CASology!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you had a fabulous day and endured being the centre of attention for a wee bit longer :)
Gorgeous card.

Berina RGA said...

Happy Birthday Darnell :) July babies are awesome!! Just saying ;) Beautiful CAS card.

Lisa Elton said...

Wishing you THE HAPPIEST of birthdays Darnell!! You are a firecracker, such a perfect time of year to celebrate you!! CUTE card today, love the sweet little bear. Happy 4th to you and yours ~ HUGS!!

Anonymous said...

Wish you all the 'happy's from all those celebrations, Darnell! :D Love your adorable card, you know I immediately thought of the CTS challenge when I saw it, and there I saw you submit it too! :)
xx Ashwini

kiwimeskreations said...

Ooops - many Happy (belated) Wishes for your birthday Darnell - love that sweet card, and I am glad you and Hammy got sidetracked, 'cos that card is fantabulous!

Linda said...

Oooops! I did it again ...... SORRY I missed your big day. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY belated Birthday. I know you'll have had a fabulous day but let the celebrations continue my friend ..... big hugs and birthday wishes coming your way..... MWAH!!
Cute card too by the way ..... that little polar bear is simply adorable xx

Anna Uhras said...

Darnell! this is so beautiful and perfectly CAS <3 Love it! Thanks for sharing with us at CASology! Anna xo

Kathyk said...

Hope your birthday was at least as awesome as your card!


Anita in France said...

Hello Sweet Friend ... and once again, Happy Happy Birthday for yesterday! Hope your day got better and better and better ... and that your year to come will be one of more joy, more laughter and especially good health! Your card is adorable ... those fluttery butterflies are a delight with that cutie pie polar bear. I have this set ... there may be a CASE coming on! LYAMYHMAIWSGTC&SWYY! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

Gerrina said...

Your card is such a perfect combinayion of CAS-sweet and in a way:bold! Just love it!
It is good as soon as you are tired of being sick; most of the time that is the moment the body is working so hard to get well :)
Good luck with being a bit patient.... Hugs, Gerrina

Cara said...

This is an adorable card, love the soft colouring. A very happy belated birthday, I'm sure you were spolit rotten as you totally deserve it x

Mac Mable said...

Hope you had a fabulous birthday and that you are enjoying the long weekend of celebrations. Sending health and happiness to you x

SugarGem said...

Aww this is so sweet. I really need to use this set. Thanks for the reminder and inspiration

Em Louise Fairley said...

Such a cute card. Hope you're having a great weekend.
Em xoxox

Jen W. said...

This is an NBUS set for me too, Darnell, and after seeing your sweet creation I realize its a crime to have left it neglected for so long! I love the textured paper you used and the perfect shading on the bear and the shadow! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

Pia S said...

I'm a day late wishing you happy birthday, I hope it was a great one! Adorable bear, I think of polar bears for winter and Christmas cards but I now see their use stretches beyond that. Sweet!

shirley-bee said...

Love that sweet polar bear, Darnell! Hope you had a fabulous birthday - I was so busy partying on your behalf I forgot to stop and wish you happy birthday! Your card is winging its way across the pond. Enjoy the rest of your celebrations xx

Kate said...

Wonderful CAS card. Happy Birthday for yesterday, hope you had a wonderful day and lots of new NBUS stuff arrived on your doorstep!!!

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Birthday Darnell from Australia, hugs Robyn

Vicki Dutcher said...

Your bear is so sweet watching the sky. Thanks for joining in at JUGS.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday wishes Darnell and I hope you get better soon. Super card too.

Karen P said...

Evening sweet lady, please accept my biggest thanks ever, you sent me a beautiful card and a beautiful set of stamps, both unexpected and you've touched a really special place in my heart now huni. Thank you so much, I hope you are getting better each day, and I really hope you had an awesome birthday too! One of these days I will be able to get out of the house and get some of my cards sent Karen xx

Mandy said...

Wonderful CAS card Darnell! The image is adorable.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx

Tina Z. said...

Happy belated birthday wishes dear Darnell and I hope you get better soon. I know you will <3.
the bear is super cute :)
hugs xx

Michelle said...

I love this polar bear so much! What a beautiful card, Darnell!

Leigh Penner said...

A belated happy Canada Day to you, Darnell! I hope you enjoyed celebrating Canada's sesquicentennial!
And your card is so sweet-- great take on the sketch!

Lisa T said...

That bear may have been doing the rounds for a while, but I never tire of seeing it. And I love the CAS look of this card, the sweet bear in his white wintry wilderness, with the odd passing butterfly. It's very sweet! Adorable in fact. Glad to hrar celebrations were in full flow, I would expect nothing less, stitches or no stitches :-). Hugs, Lisa xx

Nora Noll said...

This totally ROCKS!!! I NEED that little bear stamp!! I love your take on this sketch!! Wish I had thought of it!! Great that you got in so many challenges!!!

Misty Elam said...

Awww, it's adorable!! I LOVE that textured paper you used too!!! :)

Skye said...

A lovely card. I like the polar bear image, so very sweet. The textured card really adds pizzaz

Neet said...

Couldn't let the week go by without calling to wish you a Happy Birthday. Sorry if it is one more to add to the list but I had to.
Not been well for what seems like ages now - bad back - and thought `I was on the mend following acupuncture but I reached up with my arm and it is back again. Oh Drat!
Hugs, Neet xx

Nancy Penir said...

Happy Birthday to you! (going on my calendar so I know for next year!) And HB Canada, USA, and whatever else we can celebrate! Darling sweet card! Your random speck/splashes are wonderful. Can't seem to get those just right. Love the tiny butterflies too! Hugs!

Bobby said...

Love that cute bear, Darnell. I'm glad you had a great birthday. July 2 is also my oldest grandchild's birthday and we got to celebrate with him at the lake eating birthday pie.

maria f. said...

Oh dear. Well, I'm pretty sure my card hasn't arrived. Cuz I blew it! So sorry to have missed your birthday, my friend. With you feeling lousy and all. I promise I'll do better next year. Hope it was enjoyable. And that your new Darnell year brings better days. Mwah! (Nice polar bear card to cool things down in the middle of summah!)