A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

September 17, 2016

Autumn Leaf Thank You

Hi there!

How's it going?

We are having an Indian Summer with temperatures soaring again. I wonder if that's why some leaves have such a riot of color, layer upon layer.

I can hear them sighing, "Ah, cooler temperatures. I think I'll turn a lovely shade of amber."

And then, suddenly, a wail of "Yikes! What the heck?!" can be heard from high in the trees as temperatures do an about-face and climb. Because they've released their lovely green protection, the leaves then turn bright red from sunburn.

And so it goes. Until they look like this:
I used Impression Obsession leaf dies for the large maple leaf. I liked the dies so much that I bought the mini version some time ago, so the smaller maple leaf is NBUS from that set. The NBUS thank you sediment is from Altenew's "Magnolias for Her" set. A rummage through my v.o. papers turned up this cool sheet that reminds me of wood veneer.

You may have seen in Blogland that Altenew is holding a hop showcasing many of our favorite challenges. Certainly favorites of mine! Seeing Kathy's fabulous 30-Day Marker Challenge in the line-up made me wish my NBUS Challenge had been among the participants, but you all know that I join May and the ladies of Altenew in wholeheartedly thanking these challenges for all the hard work they do, sometimes week-after-week. That takes tremendous dedication! I couldn't wait to join in the hop and I hope you can, too!

I give the same sincere thanks to so many other amazing challenges that I am constantly inspired by and love to play in. I never have to draw a blank when it comes to card design with so many ideas to spark my creativity!

  Take it, it's yours
Ultimate Challenge Blog Hop_720x396


Wait. What?

Now don't go beciting yourself! I didn't get a pooch, but I am happy to be dogsitting this little guy for a week:
His name is Cisco and he's a Havanese. He owns the Mister's sister. She and her mister are off on vacation. Yes, Hammy and Freckles are jealous. Duke and Jack would be jealous, too, if they only knew!

And, yes, you'll have to forgive any typos. His chin is literally on the keyboard!

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

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Click CTL + Home. 
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Click "Jump to Comment Form" and walla, no more car pool tunnel!
If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me
your email address so I can respond. Thank you


Lindsey said...

Yes Indian Summers are fabulous! Great card, loving the textures of leaf veins & your kraft background x

cuilliesocks said...

Love your card Darnell, cos I love Autumn, fabulous colours and design.
Gorgeous little dog,he looks a happy wee soul, Kate x

Craft-E-Place said...

Your card is fabulous - I love your choice of Kraft card it really adds to the autumnal feel. Simply stunning!
Thanks for the kind comments you left on my post.

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Wow, stunning Darnell. Gorgeous colours on this wonderful card and Cisco is such a sweetie.

Sue xx

Jane Willis said...

Your card is gorgeous, your temporary dog is gorgeous and your weather sounds gorgeous too, unlike the all-night thunderstorm we had here the night before last.

Ruth said...

We're having an Indian Summer here in Blighty too, followed by torrential rain and storm (London very soggy!) so I am looking forward to seeing the leaves turning gold and orange. I love the card and I love that background paper. I'm coming across a whole pile of things whilst having a clear the craft room :) xx

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, Loving the card.

We have a colder wet spell with temps in the high teens, after temps in the high 20s and even up into the 30s. Yesterday and today we have humidity in the 90s, so feels much warmer.

What a cutie Cisco is.

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

maria f. said...

'Scuse the delay. Had to go change my pants. "He owns the Mister's sister." Tracey and I (as proud Havi owners) can only confirm that you've hit the nail on the head.
Was there a card somewhere? Oh yeah, one with some jump off the screen beautiful leaves. Cuz you picked THE best paper to back them up with. Waiting for those babies to start appearing in my yard...
And NBUS shouldabeenincludedinthelineup. Yep

brenda said...

A really stunning and elegant CAS creation Darnell, so love all the Autumnal (sorry Fall) colours.

Your ward for the week looks adorable.

B x

kiwimeskreations said...

What a beautiful card Darnell - love your leaves and that paper is the perfect foil for them.
Your wee visitor looks right at home there - my cat used to do that to me too.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous card, perfect for the season and for masculine or feminine recipients! Love these leaves very much!
Poor Cisco, he has a so cute face that says" Cuddle me... I feel alone...!!" Adorable! :)

Ros Crawford said...

We too have had some very hot weather! It's more like summer now than it was a few months back...
Love your card that leaf is beautiful and oooh that pup is adorable!! You're looking really lovely too BTW!

Pat said...

Hi Darnell. I adore your beautifully watercoloured maple leaves and they look fabulous against that brown background which does indeed have the look of wood, and I love the little sequins and the way you have framed the leaves with the sentiment. What a lovely photo with the very cute Cisco who looks extremely comfortable sitting with you at the computer. Have a good weekend. x

Ros Crawford said...

I forgot to say - Thank you so much for playing along at CCCB!!

Lynn said...

I think Cisco is ready to stay for a long time! Love your fall card...the leaves are gorgeous!

Sheila H said...

Your maple leaves pop against the wood look of your background paper. l love the doggy pictures! We're enjoying hot days still here in Georgia.

Marilyn said...

Love your card!! Cute little dog

Stamps and Paper said...

Love your CAS card Darnell and the colour of your leaves are gorgeous...Cisco looks right at home with you perhaps he wants to start a blog..lOl....

Anne xx

None None said...

Beautiful CAS card, Darnell!! You captured the beauty of fall with your beautiful leaves. Love the background too - it looks textured and rich - perfect autumnal feel!

Happy Dance said...

Your leaves are gorgeous! And against that paper, they are just perfect. Love the little rainstones, too. CAS, and Simply stunning. It's gonna be warmish here for the next week, but our leaves are beginning to turn. Cooler weather will make an appearance one day soon. Mr. Cisco looks like he's perfectly comfortable and quite happy to sit on Auntie Miss D.'s lap. What a little cutie! If need be, and if they misbehave, you can send Hammy and Freckles here; Mr. Mojo seems to be off on vacation again.... Anyhoo.... Card. I like it. No....I REALLY like it. Yes. Miss you. xo Bev

Jeanne said...

Beautiful card, Darnell. You have so descriptively created a believable senario of what leaves must go through in CA! Yikes! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous card, too! And thanks as well for the lovely picture of you and your new little friend. What an adorable dog with soulful eyes. Thanks so much for sharing!! Have a great weekend. :) Hugs!

Nan G said...

Love the card! What a cute lap warmer. :)

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, I love your card, the painting on the leaves is beautiful and the textured background perfect with them. I also have that leaf die set and then 'needed' to buy the minis to match. I think they are part of my NBUS collection as well :) It's funny how some 'stuff' we keep as they are beautiful but somehow they don't get out for a play. Your little nephew dog is WAY TOO cute... so adorable, my heart is melting just looking at his little face on the keyboard. I want to dog sit him as well :) It's been crazy busy here, lots of fun and some stress thrown in to keep me on my toes. It's finally raining here today and the nights are cooler, thank heavens. Take good care, big hugs, Shirleyxx ps.... I'm going to scroll down to see what I've missed :)

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

ps... you look fantastic !

OH Babs said...

I really like the stenciled-brusho background papers they are so interesting. Your fall card is also charming and the textured paper is a great look. Now for the puppy they are the softest critters ever almost like a stuffed animal. You be careful that cutey pie is going to steal your heart.

Linda said...

Love your card Darnell ..... beautifully CAS.
We're enjoying some late summer sunshine finally .... and it's still quite warm too which is nice. The leaves have started falling though which means Autumn is on it's way.
Great photo by the way xx

Krisha said...

Gorgeous fall card Darnell! Now if the temps would quit fighting we could settle down and have an autumn!

Your house guest stole my heart!

sandie said...

What a gorgoesu Autumn delight! Adore the background textured card and then the explosion of colours of the leaves. Thanks for joining TO and leaving us such a lovely comment on our main blog, we always appreciate it x

Linda said...

Such a lovely CAS card Darnell. What a sweet little face. My son used to have a pup that looked very much like Cisco. So adorable.

Sarah said...

Fab card Darnell, the colours are among my favourites, I love a good autumnal array of colours!! Hope you have had fun with your guest, he looks full of character and you look lovely in that picture too xx

Brenda in IN said...

Beautiful card. I love the mottled look of the leaves on that textured cardstock. Cisco is adorable. I want to just hug and hug him. Duke and Jack will know the next time they come. You are in trouble now!

Nora Noll said...

This card is lovely Darnell. I love the way you created those pretty leaves. The look great against that background. And your little house guest is adorable. Enjoy!!

Beverley said...

CAS perfection, love the subtle inking on the leaves and the texture of the background. Aww and the little doggy - so cute! Lovely to see you in the Uniko Challenge gallery :) Thanks for joining in on the fun. Hugs Bev x

Susan said...

Love the colours you put in your autumn leaves! And love that cute little dog - Havanese are wonderful. They are on my list for when I'm older and need a smaller dog than my English Cockers. Enjoy having him!

Donna said...

Oh my goodness... Look at that cute little face. Seriously adorable :)
PS. Love your card, Darnell. I, too, have both IO leaf sets. I love maple leaves. Such an interesting shape to play with. X

Verna Angerhofer said...

Beautiful card and I love the colors of Autumn. We are beginning to warm up a bit but last week it got down to 39 degrees overnight. Brrrr! That chilled me to the bone. We are not used to that right now.

Whisper said...

Your leaves are coloured beautifully and what a perfect thank you card too.

I have a followers list on my blog hun - if you scroll down and it's on the right hand and half way down, Luv Sam x

Carol L said...

What a perfect seasonal card with those gorgeous leaves - BUT - that pooch is utterly adorable and has made himself right at home! I've heard of lap dogs, but he's apparently a laptop dog! SO cute!!!

Redanne said...

Oh my, Cisco is just adorable!! If I lived near you I would be fighting (metaphorically of course) with you to have him stay with me - I love him, he has the most adorable face.....

I love your card, maples are my favourite leaves and these look so beautiful against the Kraft coloured background. Hugs, Annie xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
Glorious autumnal card Mrs K. You have captured the essence of the season in card beautifully.
Cisco is adorable. He looks very at home with you.
Have a great weekend.
Ang x

Loll said...

Gorgeous autumn card Dolly. LOVE the mottled colours of your beautiful leaves against the brown background. Cisco is adorable ... how fun to have him "help" you type your posts over the next week. :) Lolly xx

Carole said...

Lovely colours on those leaves my friend!, great card and your helper is way too cute!..........and yes here in the UK has experienced the mini heatwave though us Northerners were not as hot as those Southerners. Our trees are not all ed and golden as yet...late Autumn this year, in fact the whole year seems to be a month out somehow....so...does that mean Christmas comes a month later to give us more time to make those cards? Hope you are well. Hugs xx

cm said...

Of course you know I'm swooning over your duo of gorgeous maple leaves, being Canadian and all, eh? Truly lovely, your sunburned pretties...And oh my stars! Cisco! What a cutie-pie, comfortably nestled on your lap; is little legs stretched out under your arm are a sure of sign he's totally content and has no plans of going anywhere, anytime soon. A chin belonging to a face like that can rest on my key bar whenever it wants. Adorable!! Now I want a Cisco puppy (gracious, how darling would that be!!). Hot temps your way; freezing mine. I think we need to meet in the middle...
Hugs and love,

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, how could you resist those big, adorable eyes?? And Cisco's not bad either 😊💖
LLJ xx

Sybrina K said...

Darnell, I just love what you did with those leaf dies... and I just LOVE that little sweetie sitting on your lap. :)

Bonnie said...

Your leaves are so pretty and the paper is the perfect background for this perfectly CAS card! Our leaves are so tired of the heat that they're turning brown and wrinkly and falling down. Your guest is adorable! I think he's besotted with you.

Celeste Goff said...

Darnell, this is just gorgeous!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I thought red leaves were blushing with embarrassment because they took off their green coats. Now I see that the are actually sunburnt. Poor things! Easy peasy card! I needed fall inspiration today. I had some but it was slippy and got away.

Kay Miller said...

Forget about the card, look at the puppy!! Oh I do love puppies! He is precious! How lucky you are to be able to babysit that sweet little thing! :) Seriously though, the card is just beautiful! I love the pretty fall leaves so gorgeously colored! I can't wait for fall to arrive here! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your comments always make my day! Happy weekend and week ahead! ((Hugs))

Michelle said...

Haha! I am sitting in the exact same position right now, only the dog chin is on my right arm, making typing extremely challenging! Your card is beautiful, Darnell. A great representation of the confused trees. ;-)

Bobby said...

I love that background paper - and the lovely leaves upon it, Darnell. It looks like corduroy to me. Cisco is so cute it's no wonder he owns people instead of the other way around.

Jen Mitchell said...

I do so love the colors of fall. And fall itself is not so bad either. It's what comes after it that I don't like very much. Cold and snowy weather is just not my thing! But I love colorful maple leaves. And I love cardstock that is textured. And I'm a sucker for a cute pooch too.

nancy littrell said...

aahhh...Darnell, you, your SIL's pup and beautiful CAS die cut leaves are...so cute, creative and wonderful. TFS my friend. Hugs, Nancy

ike said...

Eeeee !!! What a delightful little chap :-) I love how his back leg is just dangling off your lap there hee hee
Super fab card too Darnell.


IKE in Greece xxxx

Jane said...

Beautiful simplicity , love your card! Thanks for linking up at Uniko.

Karen P said...

That's a beautiful CAS autumn card Darnell and you have inspired me to get my Brusho's out to play with again. I love the Kraft background with those gorgeous autumn hues.

The Misters Sister pooch is sure a cutie pie - look at those chocolate button eyes, just squealling cute! Enjoy your time with him and Hammy & Co need to learn to share lol! Karen xx

Gerrina said...

The leaves look so great on the kraft! And here we had a week full of temperaturerecords for the septembermonth! So I can imaging how the trees look around your house! Here there are some leaves that just gave up already, so there are green and lesser green leaves in the trees and, not so usuall for this time of the year; there are leaves on the ground...
That little helper looks so sweet! Enjoy her stay and the sitting! Hugs, Gerrina

Marcia Hill said...

Beautiful Fall card Darnell! Sure wish it would turn cooler in my neck of the woods! (although the nights have started cooling down a bit so it's got to be coming soon!) Love the photo of you and Cisco...what a cutie!! (the dog!) :0)

Leigh Penner said...

I love your wonderful description of the leaves and your beautiful card! Great take on the sketch!

Joyce said...

Your card is beautiful. Love those colored leaves. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out this week.

Unknown said...

Those leaves seem so real Darnell ! Those dies are gorgeous and you knew exactly how to color them ! This card is the perfect reflection of the fall ! I like the picture of you with Cisco, for sure he loves your knees ! Thanks for sharing. Hugs ! Izzy Scrap

shirley-bee said...

Ooh, I love your splattery leaves, Darnell! They look fabulous on the wood veneer paper, with the little clear droplets. Cisco looks adorable, and very comfortable with his chin on the keyboard. Would you dogsit Florence for us later in the year? ;)

Craftychris said...

I am loving those gorgeous leaves, they look awesome on that fab background paper! Cisco is so cute! I bet you spend a lot of your time just giving him cuddles! xxx

Sandra H said...

Your card Darnell is beautiful l do so love Autumn and the colours it creates your leaves are so realistic looking and the rain drops are so effective too! ............how cute is Cisco who wouldn't baby sit such an adorable dog oooh l wouldn't be in any hurry to give it back....lol hope your well take care sending lots of love x

Anonymous said...

Love your CAS card Darnell and Cisco looks at home sat on your lap. We've had a beautifully hot day here today as well which is unusual for us at this time of the the year. Hugs xx

conil said...

Now, that's a face anyone would love...such a help when composing blogposts, too. And your card screams Autumn although, the current weather does not. Yuck. I have noticed, however, that evenings are cooling here, quited nicely.
Don't get too attached to your little friend...I know I'd find it hard to return him.

Cat Craig said...

Oh look at at that face, and that leg just hanging there. That is one happy pup! Love your fall card and the touches of color. Autumn has such a vibrant feel.

Cris G. said...

Beautiful Autumn card, love the colors and also the white spots in your artistic leaves, Darnell.
I think that Cisco is the cutest little guy, and he looks so relaxed and happy with you, seems like he is your dog for a long time... you really have a special sensibility to deal with those cutie patooties.

Anonymous said...

What an adorable house guest! So cute.
Love the leaves on your card too.

Patti said...

Oooh!! your card is as delightful as your "nephew"!! Sweet as can be Darnell.


Di said...

We seem to have already had our Indian Summer here as the temperatures have now taken a bit of a dive. Love this card Darnell - absolutely beautiful leaf, and wonderful design as always.

Squeal here, Cisco is so cute! We'd love a Havanese, such a cutie!


Di xx

Em Louise Fairley said...

Beautiful card, Darnell. And yep, Indian summer here too.

Shelly said...

Beautiful card, Darnell! And what a sweet little doggy!
Nothing but sunshine and heat here, too! Though, it's normal for us. ;)

Pia S said...

Love the textured brown paper, such a beautiful, simple backdrop for the fall leaves....

Geri said...

Gorgeous card. Clean, simple, awesome texture, nice bits of bling!!! Love the leaves. But little Cisco steals the show in this post! Could he possibly be any cuter?

Cheryl W. said...

Wonderful fall card and gorgeous pooch. I hope he's picking up a few crafting tips from you, hanging so close by and all.

Sharon Underwood said...

Enjoy Indian Summer while you can! It will be cold before you know it. Love your leaves on your pretty card. Fabulous! Cisco looks quite comfy.

Lisa T said...

Oh what a beautiful Autumn card Darnell - really love that maple leaf die. I may have to add to my mile long wish list - especially as fall cards are so popular in challenges etc. Also love that background, the perfect backdrop.
What a cute little dog you are looking after (probably not anymore as I am late reading this as usual). We lost our Newfoundland a few weeks ago - she was 12 years 3 months so pictures of dogs are making me both sad and happy right now. I hope you enjoyed your time with this little 'un - bet it was fun (aka chaos). Lisa xx

Barb said...

I love your autumn leaf card Darnell. The kraft card works so well. Cisco looks a dear little chap and very comfortable on your lap. Barbxx

Marybeth said...

Loving this gorgeous fall card! Congratulations on being in the altenew lineup! You look so adorable in that photo, I'm not sure who I think is more adorable,you or the dog!

Anita in France said...

Glorious leaves against that texture-y DP, Darnell ... the smooshy variegated colour adds such delicious depth ... and I love those tiny drops of morning dew glistening in the light! Delighted to have you playing along with us at Time Out!

Our leaves have been falling into unruly piles for weeks now ... no rain for months means the poor little things are all dehydrated ... and fractious! Gorgeous photo ... you and your new charge look so comfortable together ... so kind of Cisco to help with the tryping! LYAMYTLTWTG! Hugs & bisous, mon amie, Anita :)

Sharron said...

Love your gorgeous fall leaves! The woodgrain and tiny drops of dew are perfect and lets me get a hint of my favorite season. Like you, our high temps keep us from feeling like autumn is here. We're still in the 90's with terrible humidity.They're predicting cooler days next week--but I think I've heard that one before!

Sharron said...

Goodness, I forgot to comment about your little visitor! So adorable, I think he considers you a pretty special substitute mom as he looks quite at home!

Sazzle Dazzle said...

OH MY Goodness! That pooch is just too adorable Darnell! Why do they always have such sad eyes! Lucky you dog-sitting for that little beauty! Anyway your card is equally gorgeous and love your combination of Autumn shades in one leaf! Simply eye-catching brilliance. Thanks for playing with us at Uniko this month. Sarah xx

Greta said...

Hi Darnell--Trying to catch up & reading your posts. Had to stop at this one--beautiful leaves, but I know you won't be surprised that Cisco stole my heart!

donna mikasa said...

At first glance, Darnell, I thought that was a pic of Cath Edvalson! What a striking resemblance! I love your card--the leaves are beautifully inked and I love the texture behind them.

Linby said...

Love your CAS card. Cisco looks lovely too, so cute.

conil said...

Just popping in to add my congratulations on you CTS Favorite win.

TK said...

Congrats on the CTS Faves honor, it's really a great card! Super cute pup too!

Greta said...

Congrats on the HM at CTS! I gave up long ago on getting noticed there--haha!

Deborah Frings said...

Beautifully clean and simple! I love the textured card and the leaves are just so pretty! Thanks so much for playing along with Uniko this month! Deborah, DT.

Tracey McNeely said...

Seriously how did I miss this post!!! Your card is yes very lovely, those leaves are gorgeous! Now on to Cisco! My Sam is a Havanese and in my humble opinion the absolute bestest little guys around! Well many people say the a pooch should be a female to get that loving companion but with the Havanese it is the male that will you his heart and steal yours! I am afraid that if I was doggy sitting Cisco I might not give him back to his rightful owner willingly! This post made my day! xo

Janice said...

A gorgeous Autumanl CAS card, I love the simplicity of it Darnell.
Janice x