A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 12, 2016

Valentine Purgitation and Ephie Tag/Card

Hello, Stampers and Scrappers and Friends!

I hope you're having an excellent week!

I'm hamstering away in the Playhouse and making slooooow progress. The emphasis the last few days has been on Valentines.

Let's just be Frank, shall we? Or I'll be Frank and you can be Melody. Over the years I have gathered a million sheets of heart patterned paper and so much paraphafemeril in the shape of stickers and geegaws and whatnots for making Valentines that I have a huge 12 x 12 container dedicated to the holiday.

This is what I'm talking about:

It's hard to get a scale of how much is in that mess.
The thing is, after making Christmas cards by the dozens for weeks on end just a month ago, I can't get all becited about repeating the process so soon! Here in America a lot of us continue the grade school tradition of sending Valentines to all our friends, but I know my friends in other countries only make Valentines for their sweethearts, so they are somewhat surprised to receive a Valentine. 

Last year I just said fahgett about it, other than making a couple three Valentines. Well, that's all fine and dandy and it's a decision I'll make again this year, but that means my VD stash will never go down!

So seeing as how we at the Playhouse have declared this to be the year we stop the repetitive madness, I sorted, and purged, and got creative:
Most of these will be used for February birthday cards or anniversary cards. They are QACAS designs, but it felt great to go through and clean out that container! I obviously used very little of the pp, but I cut what I wanted to keep into 6x12 sheets and incorporated them into my pp drawers. I'm sorry that sounds wrong, but I mean what else would you call it?

Now what can I put in this beautiful empty container?

Aacckk, NO! Stop it! The Hamettes can use it for their make-believe Playschool and that's it!

ETA: Michele reminded me about Winter's annual Valentine Cards from the Heart Card Drive. Winter collects and distributes Valentine cards to children's hospitals every year. If you would like to help, she needs your cards by the end of January. You can find all the details and rules via the link!


I also took a little time to make this tag:

Tracey has an adorable ephielant tag up on Tag You're It and I had the WPlus9 sweet "Bubble Talk" stamp set and dies up on Mt. NBUS, so this worked out perfectly. The tag was made with a "Stitched Main Street Tag" by Poppystamps. The background was smooched using DIs and acetate.

I'm also entering Addicted to Stamps and More, where the theme is "Anything Goes" and Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, where the theme is "New" and they are featuring WPlus9 products.
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog 

After wards I turned it into a card:
Embossed border is "Stately" by Craft Concepts.

I am entering the Happy Little Stampers challenges: CASE the Designer (Kylie Purtell) and CAS Challenge (Smooshing).

I'm also entering the photo inspiration part of the Fusion Card Challenge. Congratulations to Fusion on their 2nd anniversary and cheers to many more years!! If you haven't been over to see this anniversary post, you need to take the time to do so. There is a hit parade of some of Blogland's most talented card artists joining the DT as guests providing TONS of gorgeous inspiration for this celebration!!



Do you have trouble with the letters wearing off your keyboard? Haha, that sounded like the beginning of a commercial, but, really, do you? It's so frustrating. I type a lot so I seem to need a new one every year. They are inexpensive, but still. And who knew that a person uses the "r" and "t" more often than any other keys? Or is that just me because there is an r and a t in hamster? And craft, create, and dessert?

Anywaffle, I understand that you can get permanent laser engraved keyboards, but the Mister tells me to be cautious because he thinks the letters will wear off those, too. Have any of you purchased such a keyboard? If so, can you please share the name of the manufacturer and whether you would recommend it or not recommend it. Thank you!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

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Carol L said...

Great collection of valentines, and I too have a dedicated 12x12 tub for V-day supplies! Fun tag too, and I love the colors. I've worn off the letters on my keys too, so I made use of those unused tiny alpha stickers in my collection and placed them on the keys that are worn to nuffin! It's cheaper than buying a new board all the time :)

cm said...

Now, just hold your hamsters, here, Darnell...are you telling me...er, us...that you've made what...25+ BEAUTIFUL cards here in lickety-split time? If so, well, you can call me Frank, or Melody, or totally Blown Away! These are amazing (did a close up!), as is your creativity, productivity and resolution-resolutivity! In awe, my friend! A whole lot of February anniversary and birthday folks are going to be thrilled to receive one of your fabulous cards! Another post that has me awed...(not "odd"...that I already am!)
And, did you see? I'm not in comment spot #958 for a change (patting self on back for being on time!!)

Cheryl W. said...

I so admire your sorting and purging efforts, Darnell. We should all be doing this, but, of course, it takes time, determination and perseverance. I'm a little low on all those right now (especially that determination category). Guess I need to buy some of those big girl panties and get to it.

cm said...

Oops...I was so impressed by your "February" cards that I forgot to say that I'm also smitten with your darling ephielant tag/card! A cutie-patootie, playing in the sunrise...Love him! So glad you joined us in Tag, You're It!
More hugs~c

Cat Craig said...

oh my holy heart hoarding...that's a lot of stuff ya got there hon! Now that I have picked myself up off the floor from laughing at the pp drawers...( I needed to pause again to giggle) Your army of cards looks good. Glad you made it through your stash, and doesn't it feel good? Your tag is so sweet, and I love the card, the embossed frame is fantabulous.

Loly Borda said...

I love your tag in a card! Love the soft colors perfect for the sweet image! I'm in awe at all of your "February" cards! Awesome job! TFS

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh my goodness - all those cards!!! I am in awe!! As for those papers and other goodies all for V'day, just picking my jaw up off the floor now.... ;-).
As for that wee nelliefant - he is gorgeous on the tag alone, but put him on the card he is stunning.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Looks good! I have 2 boxes of Valentine's day supplies... and I never make Valentines! Maybe this year! Cute tag too!Carri~Abusybee

Lisa Elton said...

Good for you to get in there and purge! It's tough to do, but I go through and donate stuff that's been hanging around too long to my neighbor. She's and art teacher and loves getting goodies for her students! Your tag/card is ADORABLE!! I haven't used my little ellies in a while, you've inspired me!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Your elephant tag card is adorable! I love the gorgeous background and colours! Baby elephants are so cute and I love how you coloured this one!

I have a hoard of valentine and heart papers, stickers, and what-not myself but I can't part with it. I am probably only going to make 3-4 Valentines so I have no idea why I have so much of this stuff! I like your idea of the anniversary cards - I don't have any February birthdays on my list. You made some great cards!

Regarding the keyboard, that would be yes! But I don't get a new keyboard (no money) I just suffer through - the letters worn off mine are e, f, s, l, b, n, semi-colon, and shift. The l is completely worn off but the others are partially visible. Fun question - I thought I was the only one! I like Carol's idea of the alpha stickers - will be doing that tomorrow!

Just got a new hard drive installed after my computer crashed on New Year's Eve, so I don't think I've had to chance to wish you a Happy New Year!

Marie Bingaman said...

And just when I was feeling pretty good about creating 3 cards in one evening...LOL! I'm glad you made a dent in your VD supplies...and that tag is adorable! :)

Janeen said...

wow, a whole container sorted, purged, A++ of course. and whodathunk that you could use the VD stuffs for your BD's instead. makes sense to me and i hear ya loud and clear on not wanting to do another round of "necessity" cards. Love the tag and you have inspired me to get out my scor buddy for more than just scoring my cards in halfsies.

Juhi said...

Wow, that's a lot of V day supplies! and what's even better is that you sorted them all out and made so many cards too!! Love your elephant tag card...love the watercoloring and how you framed the tag in the cardbase

Dr Sonia S V said...

I understand what you say about Valentine...in India too Valentine is for hubby/boyfriend or maybe immediate family! My 9yr old declared last week she was making one for me and yesterday was in tears as apparently she had kept parts of her "design" in her school uniform trousers and I had put it to wash in the washing machine...well I think our washing machine needed some love too!! Your little elephant is adorable !!
PS : I have had a logitech keyboard since years and never had the problem of letters fading

Marybeth said...

So did you make all those cards on your desk? If so not all today, right? If you did wow!!!!
Ok I love your adorable tag and fun smooshing,but after you turned it into a card it all changed and turned into an even better work of art! Wow, and I love the creamy color.....gosh this is gorgeous and darling,Darnell! Love that tag set from Poppystamps too! If you ever need something cut from Poppystamps you know who to ask! Jeanne ! Haha jk me!

Cathy said...

Such a productive lady! Wow! Great idea to use Valentines stuff for other occasions. Love your gorgeous elephant card, that embossed border really sets it off, Cathy x

Greta said...

Wowzer--so you made them all at once instead of over time?! A fabulous collection, my friend! Good for you--purging on schedule! Me, on the other hand, not yet started--haha!

TK said...

Wowzer, what a load of creations! There's some mighty gorgeous cards in that batch! As for the keyboard.... I type A LOT! and have never worn the letters off! Sorry I can't help.

PiecesbyEmily said...

WOW, look at all those fabulous cards. LOVE it!

Aileen said...

I love your epilant tag that then became a card, the embossed/ debossed design on the card is verrrrry nice. And then I had a close yp look at all your little lovlies wow you have been so creative and beautiful. Love them alllllll.

Jane Willis said...

You manage to store a heck of a lot of schtuff in one box, because you obviously store TIME in there too, otherwise how the heck did you find time to make all those cards AND that gorgeous tag?

Here in the UK where we are uptight about emotions, we usually only send cards to our Significant Other, and even then most people stop bothering as they get older (and realise the S.O. is never going to reciprocate) so I make as few as possible, especially as my particular S.O. reads my blog so I can't use the card I make for him to share for any challenges until after the day, when all the challenges have closed. Maybe I need to get myself a few boyfriends - for card sending purposes only of course!


Jane Willis said...

Oh and keyboards, it's the A and M that go first on mine. On my last one, eventually ALL the letters wore off, and I decided not to replace it as using it "blind" would teach me to touch type. But do you know, even though there were no letters to see, I still stared at those blank keys as I typed, and not at the screen.

Jacquie Southas said...

Yeah for using up some Valentine's paper and having a desk top of beautiful cards! Boo for showing me an embossing folder I'm going to google and see where I can buy it - Stately by Craft Concepts looks like a nice, classic addition to any well stocked craft room. Love the touches of pink on your sweet elephant. No advice on the keyboard question, but if you are ever in the Seattle area when the Boeing surplus store is open they used to have bins of keyboards for sale for a couple of dollars (along with assorted airplane parts if you're ever in the mood to build your own plane in the backyard). My DH loved to poke around that place and misses it since moving to CA.

Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous card Darnell! I love the cute little elephant and the colours and design are fabulous!

Love your other cards and pics too :-)

thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Lols x x x

LesleyG said...

Wow you have been busy! You have inspired me to purge and sort, and maybe even make some cards, you must be very pleased with yourself, and rightly so. Lovely set of cards (yes I did have to zoom in for a noses look), and cute tag...love the background, and elephant is soooo cute :) xxx

Vanessa said...

You made ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL CARDS!?! Jaw dropping here. I am not worthy! And this elephant tag is adorable!! And it makes a perfect card, too!!

Kath said...

Fabulous cards and I'm impressed at the number you've made. Love your elephant tag and card too.
Kath x

Unknown said...

I am truly awestruck Dippy. All those cards out of one 12 x 12 box........you are simply amazing. Your tag card is uber cute and beautifully coloured. As to the problem of letters wearing out on your keyboard.......they do on mine as well, but a quick trip to eBay solved the problem.......a sheet of alpha stickers did the trick or you could write your own if you have the correct sized stickers and a permanent pen. The only keyboard that doesn't wear off is my tablet keyboard!!! lol


Karendipity xxx

Valerija said...

Wonderful collection of valentines cards. And tag with baby elephant is so cute!

Stamps and Paper said...

Great selection of Valentine cards Darnell and love your adorable tag card


Linda said...

WOW!! What a stunning array of February cards .... haven't even thought about V Day yet!
I love your little elephant tag..... he's just so darn cute!
As for the keyboard well ...... sounds like mine is the just the same as yours, only mine is not that easy to replace..... its on a laptop! Have a great day! xx

Unknown said...

You did a fantastic job with all your Valentine materials - how many cards in total?

Doesn't every crafter suffer an abundance of PP drawers?

Linda x

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, Yes over this side of the pond we usually only send Valentine cards to boyfriends, girlfriends, husband or wife. Of course they are also sent to those you love who don't know it:)

Loving the card made with the tag.

My keys also disappear. I have spent a fair bit of time researching other types of keyboards and all seem to have people who say the letters still wear off.

I ended up keeping my cheap keyboard and I just got some stickers that I can write the letters on and I put them on as and when they are needed.

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

Carole said...

Hi Darnell...you have been a busy and productive girl i see....did Santa leave you a sackful of time and the rest of us none? I need to do your purge with boxes of stuff...fancy coming to help me? Love your elephant card with the tag....oh so cute.and ....well just simply lovely. Love is on its way to you...........on paper....hope the postie gets it to you safely. Hugs xx

Canonbury creations said...

Wonderful array of cards Darnell and I love your elephant! Well done on using up your stash, I have a problem with acquiring paper pads and then not using them up!
Val x

ike said...

WoW - that is one amazing VD stash and the cards are gorgeous. :-)
I must admit that I don't do anything for it myself - I am definitely a Bah-Humbug when it comes to the slushy mushy day !!!
My keyboard is ok and I never had a problem like that, and don't know about the etched thingies :-(

IKE xxxx

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ike said...

OMGoodness - sorry .... I meant to say too that I adore your darling little Welliephant card :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Marilyn said...

Awesome collection of cards you made!! Love that little tag also. I really need to get into my scrap room and purge also. I have too much stuff that I don't use or probably don't know that I have it. LOL

Birgit said...

Look at all those fabulous Valentines Day / birthday cards! You were a busy lady!! I've been cleaning out my stash of printed paper as well. Keeping what I think I'll use and donating the rest. I have a pretty good pile for the donation box! January is all about cleaning and organizing. Happy New Year!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I have the SAME keyboard problem!! LOL!!! And the SAME EXACT Valentine problem ... pink is my fave color, Valentine's day is FULL of pink, so scrapbook collections ALWAYS have pink in their Valentine's lines, HENCE.... I BUY LOTS of Valentine collections!! LOL!!! Then I hoard them ... it's a horrible disease ... but someone has to take the fall for everyone else! :) I love love love your card!! That elephant is one of my faves!!!!!!!!!!!

KandA said...

Well done Darnell. They are a fabulous collection of cards and good on you for using up your crafty stash. Love your darline little ellie tag card too xx

Jeanne said...

Excellent tag turned card and look at allllll those cards! You are amazing! You should be very proud of your progress! As for keyboards, yes! The A wears off most on mine and is just about gone right now as I am typing this. All I see is the very tippy top of the A. I guess it doesn't bother me too much as I don't look at my fingers when I type(thanks to junior high school typing class). I have no idea about any other kind of keyboard. Good luck finding one! Keep up the awesome work!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, You sure have been productive with so many beautiful Valentine cards. Well done using up stash! I love heart shaped images and have many stamps and a beautiful NBUS heart die set that I will play with soon. Your tag is gorgeous, love the background painting. Have a great day, Hugs, Shirleyxx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

ps.. no I don't have a problem with my keyboard, you made me look however.. the letters are all there after many years :)

Sandra H said...

Wow that's a lovely selection of cards you have been busy crafty stash always comes in handy and can save you loads!! no l don't have trouble with the keyboard although l know it does happen and wow l just love the gift tag and the embossed folder makes it stand out really lovely sending lots of love xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

How much works with these valentine cards!! As you said, in Italy we send valentine cards only to the sweethearts (but also to the best friends, sometimes)
Love so much your delicate tag with the cute elephant, and how you tourned it in a very elegant card.
About the keyboard, I eat it, ehehe :D In Italy the most used letters are A, E, I, O, N, T, C... Really good idea to attach letters stickers on the keys! I have changed a keyboard last year, in Italy the price for it is around 10-15 €.

Brenda in IN said...

I am so jealous of all those cards you've made already, plus the purging. I have two Feb. birthdays and need to get those made first, then the Valentines. I usually only make them for the grands. My N is wearing off the keyboard. This is the first time I've ever had a letter wear off but this keyboard was used in an office and my son gave it to me so this is it's forever home. Your effelphlant tag is cute and I love how you made it into a card. What a pretty embossing folder that is.

Olga Fink said...

wow so many valentine cards! and this little elephant on the tag! oh so precious! i love the card! xoxo Olga

Pat said...

Wow, what a fabulous collection of valentines and anniversary cards Darnell, and I love the cute elephant stitched tag with such a pretty smooshed background and just great when mounted on the embossed framed card. x

Happy Dance said...

I'm definitely a sporadicus when it comes to making VD cards. I do if I have time, I don't if I don't. Your VD container is like my two Christmas containers, and I'm trying to clean them out since they're mostly scrapbooking crap. And I'm tired of looking at them. Empty containers....been giving them to Sue, Lily, and others just so I don't want to fill the vacuums created by their emptiness. Your tag/card is adorable. LOVE the pinks and yellows, and your coloring is pretty darn awesome. Not to forget the watercoloring...very cool, and I like it very much. Your stash of Feb cards is killer and I'm so jealous. You go girl!!!!! Keyboard... I'm no help, as I don't look at the keys much, but if they do wear out, I'd buy a new one as the stickers would make my brain even crazier. Wait till Office Depot or Staples has a bogo, then buy two...sorry that's all I've got. You have a good Wednesday, and I miss you like crazy!!! Bev

I Card Everyone said...

First off, I'm a bit taken aback by Bev's term: VD cards/VD containers - whoa ... but I'm chiming in to share this: http://winterwonderlandcrafter.blogspot.com/2016/01/2016-cards-from-heart-card-drive.html
just in case you feel the urge to keep trying to empty your bin! What a lovely card that darling little tag makes, D!

Virginia L. said...

Love your darling tag cards! It is just lovely in every way--just like YOU! I know the overflowing pattern paper /collections as I have a huge pile myself. Yup, you and your V. cards are definitely setting a good role model for all of us here!

Sarah said...

Holy smoke...what a busy bee you have been!! A wonderful collection of love to be sent out next month. That tag is just adorable. As for the keyboard, I have worn away F, T, U, I, O, P and L and used my good old dymo to print out those letters (just the right size actually) and have stuck them on the blank keys...they are green but who cares?!! xx

Lisa said...

Oh wow, you have been so busy!! All of the cards look amazing!! I'm in awe of you tackling your V-day bin!! I so need to do some purging myself!! And what a sweet tag/card!! I love the adorable elephant and the beautiful colors!!

My letters always wear off the keyboard...so frustrating. I use mostly a laptop now and it's about a year old and so far, the letters are still perfectly complete. No telling how long they will last. Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Julia Aston said...

so much fun and frivolity here today Darnell! what a great array of cards you made to use up your stash! Isn't it great to let go of the old and do things differently! so freeing!! Love your sweet little ellie tag/card too! have a great day! Julia xx

Lynette said...

Oh my gosh - how could you make so many wonderful cards so quickly??? Awesome! Love your tag card, too.

meg said...

Love the little tag the elephant is so cute, beautiful selection of cards too

conil said...

I'm amazed you only had one 12X12 container full of Valentine cr--...er... stuff. Don't have much PP but stamps, dies and stickers I have up the yang. (Did that sound smutty?) Seriously need to do a clean out. I'm watching yours so I can live vicariously. LOVE the elephants from Wplus9, so was pleased you used one on your adorable tag. That background is lovely, makes for a terrific card, as well.
Know nothing about keyboards...barely know how to use one, but I try.
Thanks for the heads up on the card drive.
Hope the Hammettes love their new Playschool.

Pia S said...

Wow, you've been creative!
I've been wondering about why all the valentines cards, I mean, most of us live by the rule of one special person (at least at a time). I didn't know you sent Valentine cards to others as well... Aha.

Nancy Penir said...

Love it that you took time to add your darling tag to the lineup at TYI! Love Ellie and the beautiful smooshing bg you created for her (him?). And I love that you purged you Valentine stuff, although it looks like so much fun all piled high!

Donna Ellis said...

Laughing here! I love your use of VD for Valentine's Day and pp drawers for your patterned papers! LOL only other paper crafters can fully appreciate those shortened terms. I'm so proud of you for invading your heart stash and creating lots of different cards with them! GREAT idea. This past year, I've been using more of my STUFF that's stashed away, and this year, plan on using even more! Get the stuff out! LOL I hope to do like your example. Thanks for sharing your wonderful collection of pretty cards! hugs, de

Jerrie said...

You go girl~ Look at all those cards you have created and used some of your stash! I swear not to buy any more paper but did not pinki swear!! I need to purge my stash!

Em Louise Fairley said...

Love, love, love all your cards, Darnell! Your tag is so darn cute and I love that too! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog post and for following my other.
Love and hugs,
Em xxx

Pam said...

Love your Valentines. I, too, have a bin (possibly 2) full of stuff for ❤️ Day. I am in love with your little Ellie tag.

Chriss Blagrave said...

Yay for using up some Pp❤️😊 I love the variety of heart cards you made in all of the colours and different sketches! You are ever so inspiring :). I have a container dedicated to V Day to, just like yours!
The little ellephant tag turned card front is adorable!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Great way to use up some PP by making cards for birthdays in that month. And, I love the elephant tag and card design. So cute!

LauraJane:) said...

Purgitation! i LOVE that ward:))) Got to get doing that in my stash of HEART time papers and supplies!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

The cat hair usually kills off the keyboard long before the letters wear out. But at work I have had keyboards without letters... also discolored keyboards from back in the day when I wore fake nails with polish.

Anyway.... LOOK AT YOU!!!! Look at all those cards you made with your crap stash! Or was that craft stash?! That's so awesome. I wish I could sit down for a nice clean up/craft out play session like that. I could if I called in sick, I guess. Yeah, that's not happening. Meanwhile I shall live vicariously through you.

Kathleen said...

Wonderful tag and you are up on a pedestal, and I bow down and worship you, you have done what I very much need to do, make a start then it slowly fades.
Totally love the tag and your selection of cards look stunning.

Kath x

Barb said...

What a gorgeous array of Valentine cards Darnell and well done you for clearing the container. I used to have several pen friends in the USA in my china painting days. Sadly they are no longer with us. I used to receive Valentine cards from several of them each year. I think it is a lovely idea.

I heard somewhere recently that here in the UK after Birthday cards the next most commonly sent were friendship cards by women to their friends. Isn't that heart warming. I actually had a lovely handmade one sent to me today and it made me feel very happy.

I love your little elephant tag card. It is really sweet. Barbxx

Donna said...

I thoroughly enjoy your blog! Your writing always cracks me up! Great idea about cutting down those 12x12 sheets into the smaller size, you're clever and ever so smart! Also, a nice reminder for the Valentine cards. :) I do also appreciate your sharing of the challenges that you enter. They are just the little push that I may need once in a while to get the mojo going! Thanks for sharing your "stuff"!

Michele K. Henderson said...

Your elephant tag looks so adorable! Every so often, I do a major purge of my stash and it feels so good! Have a warm and crafty 2016!
Take care!

Cris G. said...

Do you mean hamster, the ruminant? Couldn't resist :). Here in my country is the a, s and e. I agree, it's very annoying having black keys.
I see many decisions and changes for 2016 (yes, I read previous posts). Good luck in your crusade!
You made so many beautiful cards, you rock! Love the adorable tag, too.
See you soon!

Anonymous said...

What a great collection of cards from your stash. Great purging.
The elephant is such a cute tag/card.

oldpunca said...

I like the idea of sending Valentine's cards to friends. :-) Your elephant tag placed on the card is simply fantastic. Amazing background!
Hugs, Sonja

laurie said...

What a great idea and way to use up your Valentine stash. You sure have been busy in the playhouse! Cute cards! Happy New Year, Darnell!

MaryH said...

I have missed YOU too! Was scrolling around (when looking for the cardinal to link to) and got a hint of all the crafty card goodness I've missed, so will get back to look around more slowly. This was a fun post...and yes, I can totally identify with the paper mess. You can come to my house, and we'll have a 6x6 cut marathon (intention was to do that 2 yrs ago. Guess what?) I am loving the Elphy tag, and since I never quite know how to use tags, really liked how you did that. (and yes, that background with the cutie is gorgeous). But it made a tremendous card. Yay for you, in getting a handle on the paper mess. I've been coloring some Valentine stuff, at night, just 'cause I'm not in the mood to do something else. Cabinets are done, just waiting to decide where to put 'em, and what goes in where. I'll probably procrastinate on _THAT_ for a while too. Didn't used to waffle so about this kind of thing. Big hugs, hope Kevin is all back to fighting fitness, and both of you look like it was a tremendously happy holiday season. Hugs & TFS (and yes, the keyboard letters wear off fast here too. Doesn't bother me too much, but if Mr. tries to type, he doesn't know the keyboard by touch!)

Bonnie said...

Good for you cleaning up that Valentine stash!Thanks for the head's up about the Cards from the heart! I don't do much cute, but those Wplus9 elephants are so adorable, I feel myself leaning into getting them. The tag is so pretty on that Stately EF! Wish they'd bring that to the US! When I had trouble with the numbers rubbing off my paper cutter, I started putting clear fingernail polish over them. It really helped. I don't know if that would help on the computer or not. You must type so fast you burn the letters off the keys!

Craftychris said...

Goodness! You have been busy! A wonderful selection of cards! Also your elephant card is so cute and gorgeous! I love the background of the tag - lovely colours! xxx

Angela Walters said...

No, Darnell- Frank will be Frank, I'll be Angela, and you be my sweet friend, Darnell! As soon as I can get up and at 'em. I'm going to do some serious purging, myself. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one!

Flo said...

We have so much in common!
First of all, the r on my keyboard is faded, as well, but the t is still visible. ��
I not only have a 12 X 12 box for Valentine's Day, filled with card stock, stickers and Dazzles, but also a gallon bag of red patterned paper scraps.
Like you, I was so "carded out" with the 100 Christmas cards I made and sent out, that I just started to make some Valentine cards and birthday cards with the Valentine themed colors today. With the cost of postage going up on Jan 17th, I plan to buy my Forvever stamps before that date to save on postage.
I love your elephant card, and the tag is a special treatment!

Jen W. said...

Holy moly, Miss Darnell! You are a Valentine making machine!! Good for you for plowing through all those neglected goodies. What are you going to do with yourself when you actually conquer Mt. NBUS? At the rate you're going it could happen this year... Love your little elephant tag card. (That set is an NBUS one for me). The smoked background is lovely and your coloring on the elephant is gorgeous! Is it watercolored?

Speaking of NBUS my brother was home for a couple of weeks over the holidays (best gift ever!!) and he was surveying my obscene stamp collection. He challenged me to start a weekly feature where I make three cards from every single stamp set. They're all stored alphabetically (of course) so he told me to start at the beginning (Hello Altenew!). I know plenty of people have done similar things but he might me right and it may be the only way those poor neglected beauties ever see the light of day. We'll see if I get myself organized on that one...

Big hugs to you!

Rahmat said...

Such a cute tag Darnell, love the elle with the speech balloon. WOW, you do have loads of hearts related supplies, I thought I had a lot, but mine is very little compare to what you have, I have already put a full-stop on that ;) I love the array of cards you had displayed.

JD/ Jill said...

Cute tag card!

I send out Valentine cards to friends (mainly the ones I missed at Christmas! smile. No matter how I try I never seem to get all the cards I need done to send out at Christmas. So then there's always Valentines Day to make up for it.

Karen P said...

You would be viewed as being very 'special' in this country if you sent a female friend a St Valentines day card darling, yesh you would be a really 'special' case lol! I think it must be a UK versus US thaing, but I've no idea about the rest of the world!
That's a really cute tag Darnell, you have coloured she/him beautifully and I love that very cute stamp and he/she is holding a balloon squeal! I've I thaing for balloon/balloons stamps right now (thinking second childhood). That is a lot of stash just for Valentine we really don't do that over here. Gorgeous array of cards you whipped up too. Have a good week, will try to come back soon Karen xx

Susanne Vargas said...

What a sweet tag/card! Gorgeous background and adorable elephant!
You did a great job making so many cards from all your Valentine stuff! I am still not used to the widespread exchange of Valentines here since I grew up in one of those countries where it's a holiday for couples...

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Aren't you a creative girl!!! All those pretty cards! Isn't it amazing how we hoard, I mean collect stuff???
I have several pp boxes my self!!!!

Maria Rodriguez. said...


Unknown said...

I need to suck it up one weekend and just make a ton of simple CAS cards, too. I try not to buy Valentine stuff because I've never much been into the holiday (I like to call it Singles Awareness Day), but still somehow have a stash bigger than it should be for that holiday. Glad to know about the card drive.

As for the keyboard, what about one of those silicon overlays? I don't know if the letters would wipe off of those, but seems you could simply write them back on with permanent marker? I often wonder about painting over the keys with clear nail polish, but not sure if that would feel weird. You might try it with an old keyboard and see how it feels. If it's not too yucky, then do it with your next new one? Personally, I find I type more with my nails than with my finger pads (although my nails aren't all that long), so perhaps that's why I don't seem to wipe off too often?

Loll said...

Wow ... that's a lot of QACAS cards you made with your stash. Great job Dolly! Always good to use up some stash that's been around a while. Great start to your downsizing. Lolly xx

sandie said...

wow you have been busy! But all these cards and clearing out stash must have felt good. That smooching is gorgeous, love the adorable image x

Anita in France said...

Wow, Darnell ... there must've been so much energy freed up from clearing your VD stuff out ... otherwise, how on earth could you have made such an awesome collection of delicious cards! My total DP stash lives in a few plastic envelopes in a magazine holder ... and still I can't create like this ... need some hands on tips one of these days! Your sweet ellie tag is gorgeous ... lovely colouring ... his cuteness is equally fabulous on your yummy card! Miss you heaps, mon amie ... hugs & bisous, Anita :)

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Love all those gorgeous cards Darnell! I have a ton of 'stuff' that I no longer use and keep resolving to 'purge' and then I look to see where to start, and suddenly, inexplicably, annoyingly . . . I NEED it all!!

Anywho, that tag is just darling and I love it on that card, suddenly, inexplicably, annoyingly, now ... I NEED that EF (added to Amazon wishlist as I type) Talking of typing, I too have worn through the letters on a number of keyboards, but now, I just use a labeller and renew them when they wear out! Have a lovely day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Leslee said...

Adorable tag that you created into such a cute card! Great to use some stash up making all those great cards! My girls called this singles awareness day forever! Have to say I hadn't noticed my keyboard letters disappearing. I will have to check. I once took typing way back when and don't need to look at the keys!

Sarn said...

Well done on your Valentines purge!

LOVING the cute ellie tag xxx

Giorgia Rossini said...

lovely cards!
Here in Italy we celebrate Valentine's Day only with our Love, but I really enjoy your way to celebrate it and I am trying to spread it also to friends/colleagues.
I always love to receive, and give, a card!

Cyndie said...

Great blog, you are hilarious! And you make really nice cards too. Thanks for brightening my grey rainy day.

Viv said...

Ooh you have been a busy bee Dee!....aha that rhymes too! such fabulous cards made here, you clever thing you.Love your beautiful tag ..and card too, gorgeous!!!I don't make valentines cards, we only give them out nearest and dearest and my OH isn' that bothered about receiving them soo... Ah good I am glad it isn't just me who wears out keys on the keyboard!!! my son says it's because I eat at mine...ahem well I don't now!!!!my s and T are my most worn ones! I did get little stickers to put on them but they looked tatty so I just buy new ones like you.Must look at this new one you speak of....not heard of it.;) hugs Vee xx

Donna said...

Your cards look adorable and your tag is just as cute as can be! Great job cleaning out!!

Joyce said...

Wow, your valentine stash is quite impressive. Love your little water colored elephant tag. So very cute.

Peanut said...

You've been busy, Darnell! Can't wait to see close-ups of your Valentine's Day creations. That elephant card is beyond adorable!
x Asha

Karren said...

I'm so glad you posted this - not only for the gorgeous eye candy cards - but also because you answered a question I've had for years: who do crafters send all those Valentine cards to? Like you say, a lot of us foreigners only send a Valentine to our significant other and I was starting to wonder if polygamy was more widespread than I thought, ha ha :)

Kylie said...

Well done on getting rid of some of that stash!

I love your CASE of my card, Darnell. That little elephant is gorgeous. I really like that you created the tag to add to your card. wonderful! Thanks so much for playing along at Happy Little Stampers xx

wienerhoneymooners said...

Wonderful tag Darnell!!!! LOVE your Ellephant!!! Watercolor wonderful!!!! SUPER sweet for FUSION!! Thanks for joining us !

anja curvers said...

WoW great tag Darnell love that elephant. Glad you Joined us over at Tag You're IT.

Gerrina said...

I can understand how you handeled the VD-stash! The cards look great , but that ever so sweet elephant tag is the one that stole my heart :)
Glad that VD isn't such an issue here and so I only make two cards and avoid the hearts DP, washi and other things as much as possible...the only hearts I use are in my AJ and scrapbook a little bit... Enjoy the weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

Linby said...

Wow - well done on all those cards. I've just given a load of my stash to a local school - it was easier!
Love that little tag - so cute.

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Sorry, forgot to say, when I commented before, thank you for bringing this over to Happy Little Stampers CAS! Have a great day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Marcia Hill said...

Oh Darnell, your little elephant tag/card is just adorable! I really like your water colored background too! And loved the photo of all the Valentine cards you made too! I am just as guilty of hoarding Valentine's paper and doo-dads too and then there they sit...grrrrr! Think I need to do some purging too...thanks for the push! And if you need to get rid of any of those cards, I was almost a Valentine's baby...the 13th! Take care and have a great weekend! Hope the hubby's doing well too!!

Hettie said...

Loving your efelump tag/card. It is bootiful.
Now for someone who says she is no longer making lots of VD cards, how have you now made 25 bootiful ones then? I only make the one and I struggle to think of a new one each year!! Not easy to make men's ones.
I did laugh at your VD comment!! And it hurts when I larff right now!! So Owch!!

Sue - said...

Oh my goodness Darnell you have been busy! I've made nothing for ages and now I've started having a sort out in the craft room too so there's no room to craft!

Lyndal said...

THE MOST FANTABULOUS CREATION - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Fabulous work creating all those beautiful cards Darnell, but that little elephant takes the cake! So glad you joined in the 2nd anniversary fun @ FUSION :)

Kim Heggins said...

Good for you...so impressed my dear! I love your sweet elle tag card too, adorable.

Barb Ghig said...

Hi Darnell ~ Gosh, I feel like I'm always late for the party...Good for you to have taken the time to purge that 12 x 12 bin, and sort it out...I'm sure you're feeling good about it, too! And, you've created so many gorgeous cards! I'm really impressed!

Your tag is absolutely adorable! I love the elephant, and how you smooshed your watercolored background...it's so striking and fun!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend...Hugs, Barb xo

Gloria said...

So beautiful tag!
Love your own background and cute elephant!
Thank you for joining us at Happy Little stampers CASE challenge!

Jen Mitchell said...

I'm ever so jealous that you managed to make such a dent in your stash. I'm fairly certain that will never happen to me as the longer I hoard some of my favorite things the more I am convinced that I can never use them! Bravo to you!

Bobby said...

Good for you for wearing down that Valentine stash. I find I don't have enough VD items and I only send to my grandkids and the homebound from the church. This amounts to about 20 cards. Some of the stamps I'd like are out of stock :( so I may have to wing it. BTW: some people refer to it as dp (designer paper).
I don't know anything about the keyboards. I've never had a problem with mine but the telephone is another matter. I don't know how many times I've made a mistake on those "press number _ and then # key" when I can't tell where the # and * buttons are.
Love your darling elephant tag and I NEED that embossing folder. It really does give a "Wtately" look to the card.

Inkyfingers said...

What a great selection of cards Darnell and I particularly like the ellie tag card! Fabulous smooshing, a cute little ellie and a wonderful embossed frame - who could ask for more?

Thanks for sharing with us at Happy Little Stampers and I hope you will play along with us again soon.
Carol x

Mandy LaCroix said...

Super cute elephant tag! I just love everything about the background - and love how you added that elephant on top. :)
Thanks for sharing it over at the ATSM blog!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

You already made that many V-Day's cards??? Do you never sleep? I am in awe! You wear out a keyboard per year?? Never heard of such a thing...perhaps instead of buying a new one you could just use some white Staz-on ink and letter stamps to freshen it up and then but some clear nailpolish over it to make it last longer... just an idea, no idea if it would last....

Brenda said...

Wow, love all those beautiful cards you made with your pile of VD schtuff Auntie! I don't make many VD cards either, I always made a anniversary/valentine card for my love and baked heart shaped sugar cookies for him and the kiddos. Yes, my guys loved to eat! Now I make VD cards for my grandchildren. I love that sweet little tag you have made and it made for such a sweet card, so love that elephant. Your smooshing looks so awesome and I just love that embossing folder. Gives such a finished look to your card. I'm not sure if I've ever worn off the letters on a keyboard or not. I didn't even know there were permanent laser engraved keyboards so I'm not any help to you on that note! But I hope someone can help you and that you get a keyboard that works for you. Hugs, Brenda

Helen F. said...

Fabulous bunch o' Valentines...Winter will love getting these for her 'Cards From the Heart Card Drive' , Darnell :-)

Lizzy Hill said...

SHEESH! Over 200 comments. That's dead crazy. And here I am adding another. Been away on hols & just wanted to check in. Good on you for continuing the purge. And lovely CAS cards to boot AND your tag is sooooo cute. My keyboard has been marked with a Sharpie paint pen & it's wearing well. Correction fluid lasted all of 5 seconds!! OPEDSACVNM are the letters I use all the time. I KNOW> V! Go figure!!!!

Ros Crawford said...

LOVE your tag/card!! Sooo beautiful! As for the keyboard I've never had a problem with mine ...I use the Apple wireless

maria f. said...

"what else would you call it?" Ready for this? Well, it "Depends". hahahahahahahahahah

Geri said...

ADORE the sweet elephant tag that morphed into a card! Gorgeous ink 'sky'. Love the wee sprigs of grass at te bottom too :)

I zoomed in on your display of cards! Wowzers - you were rockin' and rollin' today pal! Sure do love the black and red & white polkie dot cards in the bottom left hand corner!

Not sure if this is pure nonsense but 'apparently' a quick coat of good quality clear nail polish will keep the keyboard letters from wearing away ???

OH Babs said...

Understand you sister. I got so sick of everything Christmas having begun cards in July and rarely duplicating any of them. Valentine's will probably only go to the grandkids. Have you thought of donating the paper to the neighborhood school or the local children's museum. Better yet mail them to someone with no return address and mailed from a distant city. No guess that is mean. I can see from your stash you have some darn old SU! paper. Good luck. The elephant card/tag is super cute.

Sharon Underwood said...

Way to go, Darnell! You've really made a great effort in getting all those cards done. I'm impressed and inspired! Now, which drawer dare I enter in my own craft room? Cute tag/card with the elephant! I have that stamp set, too, and just love it. You did a good job smooshing!

Nora Noll said...

You PURGED all the holiday paper? WOW!! I love all your beautiful cards and am impressed at your diligence!! I should do this but I kind of have a hoarding mentality when it comes to my craft things. If I get rid of them, I miss them!! Okay, not really but it is between time to create or time to purge and I take the time to create instead!! I LOVE that adorable elephant card you created. Wonderful design!!

Jeanne J. said...

OMG! I can't believe all the Valentine cards you made.. and I thought I was a a machine! I bow to you Miss Darnell! Congrats - so proud of you for clearing out that stash! Almost makes you want to go shopping I bet!!! LOL!!!! Your sweet elephant is adorable. You did a beautiful job with the smooshing!

Katie Ann Brooks said...

this is so sweet. Thanks for joining us at Fusion!

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

You have been busy girl!! Love the background on your cute elephant tag, thanks for joining us at Tag You're It Challenge.

Greta said...

Hurrah! A Fusion shout-out & well-deserved, Darnell!

Sue said...

Darnell, this is so adorable! Your smooshing looks wonderful and I love your cute elephant. Thank you for joining in at Happy Little Stampers.