Happy January 2016 and welcome to my first published novella!
So many of you are doing magnificent year-in-review posts with your favorite cards from 2015 providing us with so much inspiration. THANK YOU!!
But instead of doing that, I am writing this Year in Preview. Truly, it could bore you to sobbing. I am feeling the need to put my thoughts into the cyber air for my own benefit and I understand if you choose to skip it.
This is going to be a new year's resolution thesis with lots of waffling and reflection. I don't know where it's going to lead because I'm going to ruminate as I go. That means I'm going to both think deeply and chew my cud, according to Webster. If you are curious and want to stay and read along, you might want to grab a drinkie-poo and something for your own cud to chew along.
But instead of doing that, I am writing this Year in Preview. Truly, it could bore you to sobbing. I am feeling the need to put my thoughts into the cyber air for my own benefit and I understand if you choose to skip it.
This is going to be a new year's resolution thesis with lots of waffling and reflection. I don't know where it's going to lead because I'm going to ruminate as I go. That means I'm going to both think deeply and chew my cud, according to Webster. If you are curious and want to stay and read along, you might want to grab a drinkie-poo and something for your own cud to chew along.
But first, for those of you who aren't interested in either rum or ruminating, I have a card to share and then you can be on your way. Here tis:
This is another thank you card and another shaker card I made using the Fuse Tool. This one was made using my NBUS (never-before-used schtuff) kite shaker die from Simon Says Stamp. The sediment is from PTI.
(You should be able to "page down" to skip to the end to comment.)
- Inkspirational: A Thank You With Something New.
- Paru's Card Making Challenge: NEW. [A brand-new challenge in Blogland! Check it out!]
- Sweet Stampin': Something New (stash or event).
So, okay then.
I don't know about you, but when I take down all the Christmas foofarah, I want to keep going and do a cleaning and purging of the whole house. I mean all the way to the back of the linen cabinet and into those nasty lower corner kitchen cupboards that I'm getting too old and too large to worm into.
As I've mentioned recently, this past year has reminded me again and again of how short life can be. I don't want to get morbid about it, but timemarche whooshes by. Even if I'm lucky and able to keep making cards for a number of years, it's still a finite number of years.
I also do a CPR (Clean/Purge/Reorganization) of the Playhouse at least once a year when the urge to purge strikes. You'd think that would work, but it's the kind of CPR where I basically recycle or give away a tiny bit of my crap, er, craft schtuff and then just rearrange the majority of it to the point where I can't find anything. Thank you, yes, I can see that most of you are nodding your heads in kinship.
Advanced CPR
As I've mentioned recently, this past year has reminded me again and again of how short life can be. I don't want to get morbid about it, but time
I also do a CPR (Clean/Purge/Reorganization) of the Playhouse at least once a year when the urge to purge strikes. You'd think that would work, but it's the kind of CPR where I basically recycle or give away a tiny bit of my crap, er, craft schtuff and then just rearrange the majority of it to the point where I can't find anything. Thank you, yes, I can see that most of you are nodding your heads in kinship.
Advanced CPR
Well, I'm calling quits with that version of CPR this year. Instead, I'm going to upgrade to the advanced version and stop the practice of simply resnuffling. As I open my cubbies, cabinets, and cupboards, I am going to perform advanced CPR and get the heck caught up around here. I'm just starting the process and already I've looked at some things with a quizzical "Why?" hanging in a thought balloon over my head.
The List
Since I like lists, I made this one to pull all the hamsters into focus. The plan is to:
The List
Since I like lists, I made this one to pull all the hamsters into focus. The plan is to:
- Go back to serious excavating of Mt. NBUS,
- Give lots of schtuff away,
- Catch up with my follower friends,
- Finish those Online Classes,
- Work on those Unfinished Cards,
- Learn the techniques in my "must DO" folder, and
- Make more DJKASEs.

I did well this year with limiting my new purchases so Mt. NBUS is not too much higher, but it sure doesn't seem to be getting much lower! Sometimes a new cute thing will come along and, by golly, I want it, but it's getting harder and harder to justify it. So I'm going to be using my existing NBUS schtuff with every single post. She says, fingers crossed.
2. Give lots of schtuff away.
In order for this to work, the theory of "One Woman's Trash is Another Woman's Treasure" must prevail. I'm pretty sure this theory is still in practice if my own purchasing of other crafters "mystery boxes" is any indication!
The question that Hammy and I have been struggling with and rolling around the wheel the last few weeks is how to handle the logistics of giving schtuff away. We think we have come up with a way, but if it doesn't work, we'll close it down and think of something else.
To implement this process, you'll see a tab at the top of my blog called "Giveaways." I will take a picture of the item(s) and keep the item(s) up for ten days.
If you are interested in the item, you need to leave a comment on the Giveaways page with the name of the item (maybe an item #, I'm not sure yet) and your email address so that I have a way to contact you for your address.
I plan to put up nice schtuff since I like to think my schtuff is mostly nice and something someone may like. We'll play it by ear. For instance, I was wondering what you think of this. You know how you buy a set of clear stamps and they come on a sheet and usually have 5-10 stamps? Well, at my age, I don't need a lot of the "extras" on the sheet; often I only want ONE of the images. So I may put sheets of stamps up with one missing because it seems a waste to me to have them sitting unused in my drawer when someone, particularly someone new to stamping, may be delighted to have them.
And, after all, it's not like I'm going to be selling things. It'll be free. I'll even pay to send it anywhere in the world that you are.
On the 11th day, I will remove the item(s) and have the hamsters choose the winner(s) if anyone commented. If no one wanted it, I will donate it to a charity or school.
Also on the 11th day new item(s) may be added. I say "may" because if I'm too busy doing other things or on holiday, there will be times when there are no items for giveaway on the page.
How does that sound? Please share if you see any glaring problems with this idea. Once I streamline everything, I will put all of the conditions on the Giveaways page when I'm ready to go.

I feel like I have definitely lost touch with a lot of you and I've been just a so-so bloggie friend to the rest of you for the last several months. Everyone has been very understanding, but I have missed that part of my whole blogging experience and I'm going to try and figure out a routine that encompasses dedicated time for visiting and commenting.4. Finish those Online Classes
I have paid for5. Work on those Unfinished Cards and Bits and Pieces.twothree online classes that haven't been finished. They are all about watercoloring which I love and want to do more often. Lord knows I have all the supplies!
You see all the containers in that picture? All these things were part of last new year's reorganization, if not year(s) before. A whole year (at least) has gone by and I haven't touched any of it. I can't stand it.
Old templates, special items, gizmos, napkins, and half-finished cards, patiently waiting. They needn't wait any longer! They have been more than patient. If they can't be finished for one reason or nother, they will be recycled. They are not going back into captivity.6. / 7. Learn the techniques in my "Must DO" folder and make more DJKASEs.
~~~We've talked about this before. How we'll never have enough time in our lives to do all the new techniques and CASEing and PINS we want to do, no matter how young we are! But I hope I can finally do some of those that really speak to me. I put these two items together since so often a technique that I want to learn has been posted by some fabulous card artist and explained via a card. Hence I should be able to learn and DJKASE at the same time.
Well, to bring this full circle, how's that for cutting off more than I can chew?! Perhaps. But I know one thing for sure, I need to apply advanced CPR and I'm hoping by putting this all down in writing and sharing it with you, I will be more accountable for following through.
Are you starting your new year with CPR plans, too?
My Posts
I'm not sure how my resolutions will affect my posting. I may be posting less frequently as I quietly work away on my goals and/or discover that a lot of what I'm doing is not post-worthy. Or I may post more often with less words (ha!) and more cards. I'm not sure how my efforts at self-discipline will impact my playing in challenges, but time will tell.

If all goes well, I will be decluttered and caught up with all of you soon. Being less overwhelmed means I should also be able to get back to a bit of story-telling now and then and I'll be ready to take on NBUS Challenge #6 in March. WooWho!!
Thank you if you're still here! Nothing like reading someone else's stream of unconsciousness! Mwah! You're just the BESTest friends!!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor.
*Life is too short!
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Thank you so much Darnell for coming by and playing my challenge!!! I really appreciate it!
Just love your card...the shaker beads are so much fun!!!
Loved reading about your plans for the coming year...have a similar list...you have articulated it so well!!
good luck and God bless dear friend!
Woo hoo I am the first to comment. Love your card, just entered the same challenge. I also have a fuse tool but have been too chicken to use as yet, silly since I bought it but last time with hot tool I burnt my finger so badly I couldn't card make for a week and signing was very funny to watch. People constantly misinterpreting what I was saying lol.
anyway I think your decisions are brilliant and inspirational and I hope to follow the same path. Again I love your card, you clever woman.
Yep, I hear you Darnell,big time! I sympathise as I have similar goals too from last year!!! Hopefully like you I'll be more successful this year. Love your shaker card.
Phew, and I thought my own new year decluttering and using old stuff resolutions were pretty tough! Good luck with these!
You have a Plan. A well thought out plan, at that. I think it is EXCELLENT. And even if you get 1/2 there....it's a start & I'm sure will provide more motivation to keep going. GOOD LUCK! My goal this year is NO BUYING SCRAPPY stuff. But let me temporise that, I mean, only stuff that I can fit in a normal sized envelope. That way, even if I buy....it's LITTLE stash. Not big stash....we'll see!!!!
First you card is fabulous, full of fun. Your resolutions sound sound! I like the idea of catching up on blogging friends and your idea of giving stuff away is good. And I think adding any kind of stamps, full sets or just parts of sets, is just perfect. Many will be pleased to get just parts of sets and after all if you are doing this for free, it will be welcome for all of us. As for online courses, I have one to finish on water colouring, so understand this one for sure. Good luck xx
Oops and thanks for joining Ink xx
I'm all for planning - putting the pans into action tends to be foiled by life getting in the way .... well done Darnell, and I am looking forward to seeing how you go... I will be watching. ;-) Just as long as you remember to feed Hammy and his crew and let them help you I am sure you will manage just fine :-), oh, and the Mister staying out of trouble will help too.
love your shaker card - the sprayed background is perfect.
Happy New Year to you Darnell.
Fantastic card x
I think I could also do with some serious CPR on my craft stash too. I hope you are able to do it this year. I always feel so guilty when I go through my stash and find so much that has never seen the light of day after it's been bought.
Linda x
A fabulous card Darnell and great resolutions too! I think your giveaways idea is a great way of sharing what you no longer need or want.
Talking of giveaways, I have some New Year Blog Candy if you're interested?? Just thought I would mention it!
Kath x
Gorgeous card Darnell
happy and healthy new year 2016
hugs Tamara
Love your shaker, Darnell! I don't have the Fuse tool and am going to resist putting it on my wish list :) I totally identify with your resolutions - good luck - if anyone can do them, you can! With exams coming up, work and the boys I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment so am not going to add to my to do list but sorting out my crafting stash and catching up with blog friends would be the top of that list....Still it's early in Jan so there is plenty of time, right?!
I am so lucky because I know first hand just how beautiful that kite card is and feel very honoured to own it!! Secondly, if I was able to write as well as you do I would have written this post myself... you know your readers all to well Darnell, including me, I was nodding all the way through and mumbling yes to myself. I have made a start but I don't think I have been as good as you with the clear out... so, my resolution for this year is - I must try harder!!
A great post, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it - Happy New Year my friend! Hugs, Annie xxx
I think you've pretty much written all our resolution lists here, Darnell! Thing is, I know I won't achieve mine! I'll make a start with the unfinished box(es), and Mt NBUS (which I have just added to!). And keeping up with blog commenting. And....
Oh, you hit the nail right on the head...it does get a bit overwhelming and like you, when I "clean" up and try to reorganize, then I can't remember where the heck I put something really important!!LOL!! Lin and I were just talking about this through skype the other day...she was desperate (I think maybe a bit like what you are feeling) and wanting to purge lots of things too...I of course encouraged her to do so!! I will continue to look for your posts whether they be wordy ones or card ones! You are always a delight to read!
Happy New Year Darnell and good luck with the resolutions. I aspire to doing all the things you mentioned, and maybe this is the year I'll get all/some of them done. I need new flooring in my craft room because it is carpeted and I have worn down a large area around my desk chair by rolling it around too much. Along side that I could do with a new radiator, so as I will need to empty the room for that - a thought that fills me with horror- I may as well decorate it. So this seems an ideal time to get down to it and clear out all the stuff I keep 'just in case'. Even as I write this though, I can feel the resistance and panic rising, along with the thought that the carpet could last another year before it gets dangerous lol! Maybe I could throw a rug over it? Why does it seem like too big
a task when I know I will be absolutely tickled pink when it is done?
Enough of my waffle, I really like this pretty card - the background is beautiful and the kite looks so professional.
Carol X
Love the card.
Sounds like you are really getting everything organised. Think we all make plans, but real life can get in the way.
I look forward to see your finished projects.
Fab idea to giveaway things you no longer want. Only down side I can see if you send abroad it can be expensive.
Hope you have a good start to the week. Sue
What a gorgeous shaker card Darnell. A super idea using the kite.
Now I've only just got back home after being away with friends for New Year and off to my craft club this morning but when I get back I'll make a coffee and read the review of your year. Barbxx
Oh my...I love your new year's preview. I'm all about CPR. Just put a huge list of stamps for sale on my blog and what doesn't sell will be given away. I need to keep doing more and more CPR. We've been doing CPR around the house too (cleaned out all the bill drawers, cleaned out my mom's basement when we put away her Christmas decorations) and we have a lot more to go. I need to do a major CPR on my patterned paper drawers. Yikes. Love the idea of a free give away. Perfect!
Your resolutions completely resonate with me; especially catching up with blogging friends. My OLW for this year is Cherish. I need to stop and cherish these friendships more often.
Thank you! Always appreciate your posts Darnell and your card is fabulous.
Beautiful shaker card..dang it I keep forgetting to use my Fuse for that!
As for 'the purge' I hear you well on that...I have what I call downsizing my house for the last several months...haven't made it to the crafty room yet....it is overwhelming...and I think every time I get rid of something then I need it...lol..I mean I have 3 Cricuts...what the hey...I only need one right? I did however let go of about 100 sets of SU stamps..that's a start...and I can't help myself from buying new! Well good luck with the plan....we need one of those scrap garage sale exchange things to go to...now that would be fun...we would come home with more then we took..I am sure!!
Love the card Darnell, very cool shaker design. That's something I want to try more if this year! Love your commitment to working through the stash! Very cool. It all sounds very clever. Now if only you could see all the mountains of schtuff I have to sort through too! We really are a bunch of old hoarders aren't we?! Happy New Year lovely. Hugs, Wends x
Happy New Year Darnell!
And I wish you good luck with the resolutions, I have similar goals ... every year ;).
I often give my used stamps or part of some stamping set to my crafting friends and they are happy with them so I think this is a good idea ...
I love your shaker card, I adore them.
Hugs, Tina
I started our 2016 purge yesterday in the garage and then next weekend it will be my craft room -- I just got the room in May after the son left for Texas, but I am still looking for some tweaks in there - so I will have a purge here too for crafty goodies - but I donate my old stuff to Brookie's hospital (Phoenix Childrens Hospital), they have 6 craft rooms for the kids that are there long term, so every time I purge, I make a trip there :) I love love love your card! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year, Ms. Darnell and a great card to start it flying high! Shakers are so much fun. Thanks for sharing and articulating so much of what I'm sure a lot of crafters feel and think. I wish you all the best at achieving your goals. I have faith that you can do it. While I may miss your posts and humor, I'm all for you achieving what you are setting forth to accomplish. Big hugs to you!!
Such a brilliant idea about the giveaways. I'm just starting but even I am finding there are things I have I might not use..... I am currently having a mass clear out of everything I own so I can make way for all my shiny new crafty stuff. Love the card and intend to mark down that the next NBUS challenge is in March!! Xx
Gorgeous card, as always, Darnell! I'm at a similar point to you, in evaluating what this year will hold, but I'm yet to get my thoughts into a post, which I must do at some point this week!
Crafting CPR????? The only CPR zi am familiar with saves lives! But, really, I love your card! I have used my fuse tool and it is terrific for shaker cards and making unique scrap pages! Happy New Year to You!
Well here I am back as promised. Goodness that's some list Darnell. I had to smile about your re-organising each year. I've given up on that one as the "not being able to find it any more" gets more and more difficult as the years pass. I did spend lots of last year using up old stuff and hardly made a dent. Today I've come back from the club with stuff my friend gave me that she didn't want and she's gone home with some of mine ..... oh well! Barbxx
Lovely shaker card, with this knite!! Clever idea and looks great on the splattered(or sponged?)sky!
You have great porpouses, good luck with your mountain climbing!!
Your idea to giveaway the unused items is so generous, I wait your list ehe :D I haven't a lot of goodies (I'm a newbie yet!), but sometime also I have a surplus and I give it to my niece Aurora: scraps of papers, little punches, blings, washi tapes... she always goes on the moon! :D
I bring them also at my school (I'm a primary teacher)and the childrens make pretty collage and little gifts for their parents.
Happy New Year Darnell. Beautiful shaker card. :) I took the time to read your post, and enjoyed it thoroughly. You have a great plan ready for implementation.
I also purge at least once a year and sometimes I can't remember where I've moved things, getting older sucks somethimes. I also have a closet downstairs that stores some of my 'plan to give away stuff', but occasionally I have gone down there to look for things again. So it's a bit of a 'holding zone' which gives me time to learn if I really do 'need' the stuff. I have given a LOT away over the past years so I wonder seriously why do I accumulate more. But I think it's a bit like clothes, you get tired of certain things and need something new to 'perk up'. Over the past year, the number of my blog posts have been reduced to half, I just don't have the time to spend the time in front of the computer. When I post, I try to get around to my blog buddies, but do not feel guilty when I just simply cannot. But you have about 4 times the number of followers and comments, I often wonder how you manage it all. Well that's my rambling for this morning, take good care, good luck ! Cheers, Shirleyxx
Hi Darnell,
I can SO relate to what you are talking about. At 68 -- with the realization that it was only yesterday that I was age 12 outside as well as inside -- I realize that my time is limited no matter how healthy I am.
I too have been trying to give away good stuff that I don't use. Some of the crops I go to have a "share" table, and I'm always surprised that things I haven't had any interest in for years are snapped up by someone else. Win, win!
One project I intend to finish this year is a small scrapbook of family heirlooms. I'm using those small pocket pages to include a picture of the item, and a brief history of where it came from and what I know about it. How else will they know that the tablecloth was hand crocheted by my mother-in-law, and my own mother was rocked in the small rocker as a baby. I figure the kids will chuck everything when we are gone, but at least they will know what heirlooms they are giving to Goodwill!
I love your writing style, Darnell, and your way of telling a story or even setting out your resolutions always brings a smile to my face.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Love your kite shaker card. I am going to venture into shaker cards this year but then I have to buy more schtuff! Good luck with your organizational list. I'll be checking out your freebies page.
Love , love ,love your shaker card Darnell......and if each of those beads were a dream we would fly so high and happy....so lets pretend! As for your CPR....brilliant! It is 2 years since I had a clear out (and it wasn't much) and I intend to do the same again. I can't see the floor, have loads of in case stuff and if I were lucky enough to live my life over another twice i wouldn't use it all.....but it may come in some day!! I agree, I can never find anything when I have resorted either. I have a load of cake decorating stuff too, oh and cross stitch.........and a rubber sided room!me thinks. I am behind you 100%. Is this the de..nesting syndrome perhaps? Take care my friend you are not forgotten...card will soon be winging its way (before I sort the room I hasten to add). Happy New Year xx
That's quite a list, my friend, but then don't we all have them? I have a set of GOALS I want to concur this year, since I will not make resolutions! I see a lot of my goals on your list...*grin*
Yes, taking down all the Christmas decorations brings on that cleaning thing you mentioned......I try to ignore it, but alas it get a good hold on me and then I GO until me ole knees scream STOP!!
Good luck with your list, I'll keep my eye on your give-away page.....like I REALLY need more schtuff!!!!
Hi Darnell!! Happy New Year! I loved your very thoughtful post. Love your list and goals - sounds like a very tough list, but I know you will achieve it and who knows - this may be the year that we see your name plastered across blogs everywhere as the indomitable blogger who accomplished the conquering of Mt. NBUS (as well as encouraging others to do the same!). Love the idea of your giveaway page - it'd be cool if you could have a way for other bloggers who are not as well known or have as many followers as you to link up to your page to do giveaways of their own. I've been going through my own stash as well and want to downsize my own collection in a manner similar to you and I really don't have a way to give it to someone I know who will use it. My sister-in-law can only use so much and I don't want to go through the hassle of selling it either (especially if it's not a complete set).
Can't wait to see your 2016 projects and your take on the techniques in your "must do" folder, your DJKASES, etc.
Beautiful shaker card ... Oh I long for summer ... Good luck with your plans ... I start to de- clutter then inspirations kicks in and I think "why waste time when you could be crafting?" Lol ... I've promised my stuff to my friend should anything every befall me so I'm confident she can sort it all out haha!
I shall eagerly await your giveaway page and if there is anything I would like I would be happy to pay the postage ... not fair otherwise. Have a happy day!
Fantastic ideas, Darnell. But, heavens, the cost of sending freebies is too much. How about the recipient paying the postage? I would. Just saying... Anyway, I made a lot of Christmas cards, photographed almost none of them, so which do I do first? Use? Purge? Post? Find? Still thinking of my word for the year and it's the 4th! Hugs and best wishes on your quest.
Love the cards Darnell! I'll keep and I out for the giveaways to see if I may be able to help you there. ;-) I was thinking maybe someone would do a swap with you on the unfinished bits if they have some. They could finish yours and you theirs, could a fun little challenge if anyone would be interested. Have a great day and Happy New Year!
GREAT post Miss D. You've said out loud many things that we've all thought at one time or another. Once I finished the credenza, and had a couple of strong young men move it in here, I decided that the whole craft room needed to be evaluated for keepsie/throwsies/giveawaysies. Not only did I go through the whole bleeding mess, I managed to give away or toss stamp sets I was no longer interested in. I went through the two GIANT scrap boxes, and weeded them down to manageable chunks. I tossed papers I came to hate. I went through my "oh crap, I've lost my mojo for this project" pile and either finished them or pulled off the pieces to use on a different card. It's worked too. I'm liking working in a little better organized space. And once I finish those damn scrapbooks, there will be another CPR in here! Great idea to offer stuff and I think you've hit on a good way to do it. Don't stress over it, just let it evolve as things will. I'm not going to worry about learning new techniques; if they strike my fancy, then ok, if not, I'm not doing something just because its all the rage. But you go girl. And kudos too! I love your DJKASEs and will look forward to seeing them. And I haven't even gotten to your card yet.... Crumb. I love it, and that it's a shaker makes it even more special. The blues are beautiful. Great design too. If I get my act together, I'll give you a call after lunch. I miss you. xoxo Bev
I adore your pretty kite shaker card Darnell and the lovely blue splattered ink in the background. I think the decluttering is a great idea and I think I could do with doing some of that too though possibly on a much smaller scale than you. I know it's a bit late but I would like to wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous/creative (for those that indulge) new year. x
Awesome card Darnell!!! And I agree with you on the purging! I started in December and bought a bunch of stuff to organize! <Y space I have to scrap is smaller then what I had before and I need it to be organized!! Happy New Year!!
Really like your creative shaker cards! (especially since I'm the proud owner of one of those fantastic cards!)
Many of your goals are the same goals I would like to achieve...
but I bet you will be much better at achieving them I will...
Hope this is a great New Year for you!
Your kite card is fabulous I love all those blue tones, so nicely put together. I stayed with you til the end. I applaud your resolutions. I am one of those people that has to clean out my computer each January, and my unmentionables drawer. I've been working on my craft room for much of 2015 purging and condensing. I am happiest when things all have a proper place and they are all put away...that being said...I can be such a lazy butt when it comes to cleaning up after a project...then it makes it difficult to come in and start a new one. I plan to better that habit this year. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas a winners! Hugs to you!
Happy New Year Darnell and good luck with those resolutions. I will be joining you with the CPR when we move house after our return from New Zealand. Love your shaker card...great way to use the kite die. Carol x
Lovely card. I mentioned I had already done my reorganising. This year I want to clear out the NBUS container AND not buy anything new until I have used one item from the NBUS container. Sounds easy will I do it? I want to finish things in my UFO box. Some of those items I gave to the new card makers and I can say happily they finished what I had begun. Don't forget to use your ferkin. 🙃
Everything you said about time whooshing by and wondering how long will I be able to keep with card making surely hit home. And, when I reorganize I have an awful time finding things again. I think I should implement your system and I have tried to cut down on certain purchases but I still manage to accumulate lots of things it seems. I have lots of wood mounted stamps I think I will try and find homes for. I seldom use them at all and some were accumulated years ago so they need to be loved and used by someone. So hopefully, I will be able to downsize my things as well. I gave some to two churches for their Sunday Schools before and one batch to a nursing home, so perhaps I will find more nursing homes that can use some stamp and card making supplies. Hopefully, I can implement a system too. My room overfloweth. LOL
Love the kite shaker!! Great goals for this year - Happy New Year! Hugs!
Hi Darnell. You are so lovely, coming up with an idea like this and making so many people happy along the way. My first year blogaversary is in Feb so my plan is to take a photo of some of my stuff and then ask my existing blog friends if they might like it. Anyone who says yes will go into a random draw. That's my plan... but it won't help me find my craft table. I need to uncluttered that THIS week! Short on storage space, so trying to be good. BUT then I saw the new Poppystamps catalogue and WANT about 10 of their dies right now. I've been going through my dies just today seeing which I can do without. Did my stamps over Christmas. Sorting takes an age, but it's cathartic - I agree with that :)
Hope this year brings you what you need... as well as some of what you want.
Take care...
Donna. X
PS. Love your card :)
Love the shaker card and even more love your plans to clear out craft room clutter - I need to do the same thing, very badly. It is just so darn hard to let go of stuff I paid good money for and really did like at the time ... and maybe I'll use it one day! But I'm going to give it my best try this year! Thanks for an inspiring post.
I love your blog and look forward to almost daily inspiration from you. I especially like your creations but also your humor and sense of writing skill. You always add a smile to my day and DI hope I can follow some of your "resolutions". Thanks for being a part of my blogging life.
I can GUARANTEE that the majority of us reading your post are thinking "GO GIRL".
And...I'm also quite sure that the same majority of us are thinking that it is high time we ALL take part in our own craft room purging!
Put all our schtuff together in one room and we would likely have more product on hand than Simon Says Stamp has in their warehouse!
Fabulous chard - adore the splattered background and the shaker element! Sa-weet sentiment too!
Happy New Year to you Dolly!! And what a great way to kick it off with a plan to get more organized. I think every crafter has that plan, but it doesn't always pan out. I hope you are able to stick to your guns and get it done! I know you'll feel better being more organized and not have things hanging around cluttering up your place and your mind. Purging is good for the soul!
I'm with you on organizing. My studio has become a series of piles of supplies and boxes ... and where it's almost impossible to know where I put things. I have the same resolution to purse, organize and have more time for myself once organized.
Good luck with your resolution. Sounds like you have a good plan in place.
Also wanted to say that I LOVE your shaker card. I have heard of the Fuse tool and would love to get one, but have decided that I have to stop buying at some point. :) It makes the most beautiful shaker cards and I hear it is fairly easy to use. I have tried making shaker cards without the tool, and I haven't had a lot of success. Lolly xx
Hahaha! Much of your unconsciousness mirrors my own (or it should). My big priority is to get organized first. I am always looking for the things I know I have. I love the idea of your giveaways. I know I have a ton of things that I could do the same with. Thanks for the inspiration and perspiration you put forth in your blog. I love reading it. Wishing you a happy, healthy and crafty new year!
Great shaker Darnell my friend! I keep thinking I must purge and get more organised and that is as far as it goes! My mind makes resolutions my heart can't keep ;)
The one thing I have done so far (but of course is is only January and there are another 11 months in the year) is, as soon as the 'sneek peek' e-mails and videos have come out, I have deleted them without reading/viewing them. My plan is that if I don't see/watch the new releases, I won't know what I'm missing . . . because every month regular I purchase a tidy amount of each new release . . . and then it just sits there waiting and waiting and waiting!!
Good luck with your 'Advanced CPR' and I wish I could join you in this, but just know in my heart I would be making more idle promises to myself!
Have a great year during 2016 and thank you for your inspiration and friendship during 2015! Hazel xx
My Card Attic
I like it. Like it!! The card AND your CRaP plan!! I will certainly look to see if you have anything I need but don't think I will let you pay for the postage over the water!!! I still have some dollars left so I can do so!!
I have purges every now and again and recently I took a huge box to my neighbour's house. Her daughter is a Brown Owl (leader) at a group of Brownies in Bristol (Brownies - girls between 7-12). They have craft nights so they can have fun using it all up. Of course I had to put some glitter in there!!
That way I don't feel it is wasted. I offered it to the local group once but they wanted me to go in and teach them! Ugh!!! Children!!!!
I have some online classes I want to catch up with too. I have been booking time for myself on my calendar.
Hugs and Good Luck
You put into words things I've been thinking. Since I don't sell my cards but give them to family and friends, how much "stuff" do I really need?? I, too, am trying to refrain from buying more and more, but it is all so enticing and would be nice to have. I can now use you as a role model and keep reminding myself to keep using what I have. I love your plan for a giveaway. I sounds very do-able and I'm looking forward to see how it works once you get it going. I enjoy your ruminations and cards. Today's shaker card is so cute I may have to CASE it for a masculine card I need soon. Thanks for your inspiration. Have a HEALTHY (and Mr too) and Happy New Year!!
Oh my goodness, Darnell ... seems as though you must've visited here incognito ... explored my little craft corner ... and put into such perfect words some of what I've been searching to articulate (although you've put it so much better than my mind would've ever have done)! Journeying along with you, my lovely friend ... being inspired ... learning ... enjoying your virtual company! Delicious card, btw, yummy shaker ... gorgeous blue hues! Miss you heaps! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)
Happy New Year, Darnell!!
Your card is beautiful!
And you reminded me, I actually have an online card class that I never finished, either! lol ;) I also love how you're thinking to do your giveaways...sounds like it would work great! Thanks for sharing everything and best wishes in the New Year! :)
Love your shaker card. I still have a "thing" about making shaker cards even though I have the Fuse tool. Well, as Colleen said I have been trying to purge some stuff. Got a little reorganizing done but not nearly enough. Now, I just want to stamp due to having time off during the Christmas season. Good luck on your endeavors and Happy Purging....
I have to start off by saying... GOOD LUCK! And good for you for putting your crafty resolutions out there for all to read. Excellent ideas all; and I may just pop back over and read these once in a while for organizational inspiration.
And I love the card! MAYBE I'd like making shaker cards with a Fuse. Or maybe not. :D
Happy New Year, Darnell!
I read your posts always with great interest and joy. Often you surprise me. I love your cards that are more and more beautiful. You can see a huge improvement and development of your abilities. Your last post and ideas are beautiful. I hope that I understood it all. I'm looking forward to the next challenge NBUS :-) Well, I followed unwanted items to donate. Heh!
Just adding my sentiments to this long list of followers Darnell - love reading your posts, and this one certainly resonated with me. Your resolutions are absolutely 'spot on' as we all have confirmed - our addictive hobby results in so much 'schtuff' that we 'need' that I often feel that if I was truly creative, then I could create with so much less! I'm in the process of packing up our house to downsize into a new home after Easter, and so far most of the boxes I've packed have been from my craft room! The rest of the house will be easy after that room is finished. Of course, I'm not actually packing everything in there, as I still 'have' to make cards before we move, so it's a bit of this and a bit of that so far! I hope to challenge some of your resolve when I unpack, and be more discerning about what I actually keep! (sounds a lot like putting off what I should have been doing now doesn't it?). Very best wishes Darnell with your plans, and for the whole of the year! Your kite shaker is super! Ann
Each time I read your blog, it makes me feel fun. Hope your Mister is doing well. Happy New Year!
Love the idea of purging!! My weakness is crafty magazines and associated freebies which rarely get used so my plan is to give the older ones away to the youngest Son's girlfriend who is a infant school teacher. She can take inspiration from the magazine's and help the little ones to use the free goodies. There is plenty of paper that needs culling too...oh, where to start!! Love your card, I am really tempted by the fuse tool but am going to resist...or at least try!! xx
Only one thing to say...once you figure out how to do all this stuff, will you come to my house and do it for me. Geez, I could have written this post... front to back. I look around at this disaster area I laughingly call a work/craft room, and wonder how I get anything done. Don't ever remember being such a hoarder or so disorganized in my life. It's demoralizing.
But enough about me...I like your "getting rid of stuff" plan, just hope there's nothing on your lists that I have to have (see, what'd I tell ya, can't seem to get off of ME!). Anyway, at least you have a goal. I'm impressed and envious. Kudos!
P.S. Loved your card, a lot.
Well lovely Lady, I wish you the very best of luck in keeping to your NY resolution and if you do, then you are a better Man than I am, Gunger Dinn, a English expression no idea who he was or what it is really all about, must google it, sometime!
Lovely post, not really getting the age thing, you don't look old, you don't act old, you are NOT old.
Oh a lovely card by the way, not really tried shakers, only once and decided they were not my cup of tea, oh ok, I made a mess.
I haven't made any NY resolutions this year because every year mine is always the same, don't buy anything new, use up old papers, ribbon and card stock....????? just a sucker
Hope you and Mister have a really healthy 2016.
Kath x
Love your resolutions list! I have been attempting to organize and purge my stuff too, it has been going from the craft Carri~Abusybee
room, to the pool table, to the dining room table... still working on it! Happy New year!
Gorgeous card.
I think you took a peek into my mind! I to have a huge mountain of NBUS and have the urge to tidy the whole house! Made easier by the fact the kiddos finished school and have left a few piles of books for me to rehouse and another mountain or two of unwanted clothes! Need to find new homes for all this stuff.Oh and it was the 3 girls birthdays and Christmas - more stuff :) At least I am on holiday for a few weeks yet hoping I can make a dent in all these mountains.
All the best to you, the mister and the hamsters.
I love your kite shaker card, it's gorgeous! Wow, you have a lot of plans for this year! It all sounds brilliant. I need to sort out my craft room so it's easier to work in and need to use my NBUS too! For me, it's finding the energy! I have the time but am limited what I can do, so frustrating! It's so kind of you to give stuff away - just be careful the postage doesn't cost you too much! I am sure people would be happy to pay for the postage, I know I would! Take care and good luck with all your plans, I loved reading all about them! xxx
Great shaker card! Even better preview. I have a list too. I am going to do quarterly check ups to see how I'm doing. :-) Good luck. I can't wait to see what you create. :-)
Hi Darnell! I rarely comment on blogs any more for some of the exact reasons as you wrote about today. I think you have lots of great ideas, and your post is inspiring! Also I feel you are very generous to give away your products like that. I often see blogs with giveaways, an I rarely comment to win as I know I don't need another single item. Not one! I know that I should be giving away my stuff! I love cardmaking, but one day my marriage ended, making me a single parent. From that year it became increasingly more difficult to blog and craft and create. Oh yes, from time to time I went to conventions, and signed up for more than my share of card making classes. To date I also have so many unfinished cards and projects that I am ashamed for anyone to even know about it! I read to the very end of your post because I am you, and you are me. I am soon to retire (11 more months) and expect at that time to rejoin crafting, and blogging and all good stuff. Like you I can definitely make cards almost until the end of time with my NBUS! I have been buying like crazy the past couple years, thinking I won't be able to afford stuff once I retire. And don't ALL these companies release the cutest stuff every month! I have gotten caught in a cycle. I made a commitment to 2016 to create more, and spend less. I haven't blogged in 3 years, but I read, ooh an aah over so many of these cards. The talent is beyond awesome, and with the right talent those products are definite must-haves! Month after month! It's really too much. But I have been right there shopping. It has taken over my life! I hope to check back in with you with my NBUS cards, because I have so much that every card I make can be made that way. Time to do something about it! Nice to meet you. Time to really get serious and do something about it. Right? Thank you. I'll be back!
I absolutely LOVE your kite shaker card - WOW! It's SO cool! Congrats on your resolve to purge and organize - something I've tried to do several times, but those pesky gremlins come back when I'm sleeping and bring more schtuff! Awrgh!!!!
First-I love the cartoon of Granny on the side of your writing. I think of her walking and giggle each time. That will be me trying to create cards from the bits and pieces I have in my craft room. I love what you wrote and you can only do as much as you can. I plan to create more cards and I want to make tags! It is sad seeing pieces of paper on Christmas gifts done by my brother and his daughter. I shall now look at your give-a-ways
You have brought to life in words what all of us struggle with. I admire your plan and your determination to work through it. You've inspired me to do some CPR of my own. I simply must pull it together!! My crafting space is so small and contains SO MUCH!! Thanks for the inspiration and the fun little peek at life in your crafting cottage. I love reading your blog posts, so keep 'em comin' - when you have the time, that is.
I get the same way as you, I want to purge the whole house right after Christmas. Every closet, every cupboard. We keep our holiday decorations in our attic, and I'm rearranging totes and boxes. So weird sorting Halloween stuff in January. Anyway, I have no crafty mojo while I'm in this nesting mode. Kudos to you that you can be thinking about and making plans for crafting. I'm so dependent on having the mood strike or having an absolute need for a project to get me crafting, which is sad cause I love to do it. Honestly, I would probably craft more if the internet went down from time to time! Dang you bloggers and your cool projects and witty blog posts that keep our fingers on the keyboard and not getting inky!!! ;-)
I like your style!! CPR is always something that gives me a sense of accomplishment. Good luck in your journey through that department this year. Terrific card, love the shaker kite!!
I love the shaker card Darnell. I also understand the need to clean and the frustration of not getting as much blogger time as I would like. Just too much going on and life flying by at a ever accelerating speed. I am doing my best to catch as many of the posts as possible to comment and posting whenever I can. Have a wonderful New year and I will try to stay in touch more.
Love, Hugs and Blessings,
Hi sweet girl! You sure are getting use of your fuse tool, good girl! The kite card is just darling!
What is it with this CPR! I was doing it as I was getting ready for a house full of company Christmas and not sure why.... God knows I did not have time for it but I did it anyway. I think I was thinking If I’m not around no one else is going to want to do this :) I woke up and did it again today and then went to Good Will. So I can relate !!!
Oh well none of the guest looked deep into my cupboards but I knew they were clean.
After a very busy start of the month with DT oblations , I think I can breathe as most are now completed.
I loved your little post today, Happy New Year! I have to go back and see how DH is doing.
Lovely card Darnell, now I am tempted to get the fuse tool....I love your new year resolutions, CPR sounds awesome, I also want to try it this year....we stay in a tiny apartment in Singapore which sure needs it!
I think you hit a nerve for many of us, as we probably all have more than we can use in one lifetime. I actually have been on a crafty spending freeze for a couple of years and only buy adhesives, heavy white card stock for card bases, and the odd stamp set that won't stop screaming my name (oh, and alcohol markers and Brusho pigments, but we won't mention those). I still have a partially finished album from my daughter's wedding to complete, and it's been SEVEN years!!! My scrapbooks go only up to 1989, so you know that's a whole 'nother project. My list includes finishing that wedding guest book album, and completing all the scrapbook layouts that still lack titles and journaling. Then, I hope to use up at least a few pre-stamped images that are probably about 8 years old...and put them on cards.
I love your idea of passing on partial stamp sets, with those leftover images that you'll never use. It's even more fun than a full stamp set, because then we get a peek into your creative process and get to see what you gravitate to. This may sound kind of crazy but I find it much easier to use or dig into something that has already been partially used (like a half sheet of stickers or rhinestones, etc). The urge to hoard it is broken in two once someone else takes the first step.
Anyway, now I'm rambling on even longer than your so-called loooooong blog post, but just want to give you a pat on the back and say thanks for the inspiration, the generosity, and starting what may actually be a new trend for us all! Whether you post cards, or just discuss the process of purging, you know we'll all be checking in and chatting back. You and Hammy may become our main cheerleaders in this journey, and that's kind of exciting. Use it or lose it in 2016!!
Too many comments for you to read...you have no time with all you want to do, so a short one:
Great CPR and a nod or two from me...
I am lucky my room isn't bigger so choises have to be made everytime I want to buy something (I love flat things :) ) and I will be making less cards this year 'çause there is still a pile from last year. Instaed I will do AJ-pages so that I can keep them and put in my AJ-yearbooks and still enjoy them while they are put away nicely at the same time...
I love kites and your card is a beauty! Love the kite, the blue the shaker and the splatters...oh that's all of it... Enjoy doing the things on your list; it is a hobby so it has to be fun! Hugs, Gerrina
Sounds like your 2016 is going to be a busy one. I was agreeing with you all the way there ..... Need to tidy and de-clutter craft room. Stop buying new stuff (yeah .... like that's going to happen).Start using what I've already got! Never mind finish the online courses, how about starting them ..... Yes I've two outstanding ones from last year and I've just signed up for 2 more!!! And as far as the unfinished box goes well I'll never get through that! Looking forward to your next challenge though and also looking forward to reading more of your blog posts. Have a great 2016 my friend xx
Love the gorgous shaker card and as for your novella.... I shall look forward to read the last chapter at the end of the year to see if you reached the summit of Mt NBUS (not that I'm wishing time to whoosh by any quicker). At least we get an extra day this year to play with. Hope you have a happy 2016 xx
Oh wow Dippy - I'm totally exhausted!!! Love your kite card - just left a comment on your FB page so don't worry about the question I asked as you've answered it here.......... When you've finished your CPR (all stages) I will pay your air fare to come over and oversee my much needed CPR.....pretty please? At the moment I'm trying to put away all my Christmas related dies and stamps - I've been trying to do this for the last few days and only managed a small purge. Think I'll just throw a table cloth over my desk and leave it to sort itself out! lol
Karendipity xxx
Oh Darnell that card is just precious and your post is entertaining and inspiring as always! I do purge, clean, organize and this time I actually started doing that before Christmas. Sadly with a 4 year old it goes back to looking as usual by day 2 LOL. I'm trying to keep up though! Happy new year and thanks for always including us. Those giveaways sound like fun and keeping in touch will sure be the best. Hugs dear friend.
Wow! Are you a motivational speaker or what!!! I hope your mojo stays with you, I pray that your motivation pans out, and I can't wait to see what you produce! BTW Great card to begin the post - love the kite and the spattering!
Enjoyed reading your whole post and I find this shaker design so brilliant and original! Love shaker cards!
Happy New Year sweet friend!
Your post says everything that a lot of us crafters are thinking and some of us get stuck, periodically...
Although I am no longer certified in CPR, I plan on whittling down the craft room and taking back control :)
This will happen in a couple of weeks, after I get my Valentine cards for the CoOp finished and delivered!
Your shaker card is lovely, ingredients inside and sparkle outside all with the lovely blues!
Big hugs xox
It's another great card and another great post. Everything you've said applies not just to craft room but to life in general. I hope the scaling Mt NBUS turns out to be a lot of fun for you.
Well, first of all your card is fabulous! Love the lite shaker and the splatters are great! So glad to see you over at Inkspirational too. I could probably use advanced CPR too but ice got other things on my plate right now that take precedence. Oh well. Someday! I wish you luck with your advance CPR and look forward to hearing about it. :-). Big hugs! :-)
Oh Darnell! You've said so many things I've been thinking about here. Good resolutions and for all the right reasons. I keep telling myself to enjoy the now. I did a purge earlier this year - so generous and thoughtful of you to share your goodies. I know that they will be treasured and be twice as nice knowing they were once in the hands of the master!
A very cute card Auntie and a very good post! I think we all are a type of "hoarder" with all our crafty goodies. I know I have mountains of NBUS too. But since I won't be buying as often, if at all, I won't be adding to my NBUS mountain. So maybe I will keep all mine schtuff. lol I will be cleaning out my room and reorganizing sometime here in the new year and there will be some purging going on! I am hoping to get back to my creating and visiting as well. Hopefully that will go well for me, hard as I always did it when hubby was sitting next to me on his computer watching farming video's. Thanks for making this blogging community so fun Auntie! I can't imagine not visiting you! Hugs, Brenda
A wonderful post with your plans for 2016 - good luck in succeeding with them all. Great resolution for decluttering, Darnell, and very generous to post on here things you no longer want. I think we are all guilty of hoarding. I try and have a purge every so often, but get easily distracted when I find some long forgotten stash....then stop to play with it!
Great shaker card - love the kite shaker die. xx
Best post ever my friend! I love your card, but I love how you tackled your New Years 'resolutions'. I am in the process of a similar post, I have so many goals for this year. The last 6-8 months I have not been a good blogging friend like I once was. I will use stress and health as a crutch but that isn't a good excuse. I admire your goals and maybe we can help each other out with staying on top of them. Happy New Year my friend! All the best of health of happiness this coming year! Chat soon! xoxo
Oh, my goodness, I was reading about myself in your post today! Right down to the watercolor class (won mine) that I am dying to take and the projects (I bookmark blog pages with projects I want to CASE. My goal this year is to actually MAKE some of those projects instead of just bookmarking them). I have been reorganizing for the past two weeks. I get so frustrated knowing I have something and not finding it (or, worse, finding I have two of something because I forgot I had something) So I'm going through and making a list at the same time.
To rework a Princess Bride quote... Have fun cleaning the castle! : )
My goodness - I had trouble finding the end of that comment list - keeping it short, so you'll get to cleaning out your craft room! I should do the same thing! At least for now I decided to buy no more and yes, use my NBUSes... it will last me until the end of my days, but I'll be very impressed if I make it through the first 6 month of this year without breaking my resolution...
Great shaker card!
Hi Darnell,
Thanks for you kind visit tho my blog. No spoilers on DA, I was just whining that the hype way outdid the short episode this week.
I love your shaker card, it's a perfect combination and so happy!
Best of all is your novel. NBUS is the first term I learned from you -- and yes,I have a MT. NBUS on my table. CPR is what I will be doing too!
Thanks for being a wonderful blogger.
I have a plan... oh, I HAD a plan. Oh stop rolling your eyes, Darnell. Well, alright then I confess: I WILL have a plan.. soon. In the near future. Maybe. Hopefully. Ask me again in August. :) But seriously, I could do with a CPR too. And while I'm at it, I'll steal your LIST - it's exactly what I need, minus #7. You have been an enormous source of inspiration... and fingers crossed this year I'll actually play along in one of your challenges. That going on my list! HAPPY NEW YEAR, friend! May all your dreams and desires come true in 2016.
HUGS, Asha
Darnell, I just noticed you were one of the winners in the Caring Hearts card drive and giveaway and wanted to say -- congrats! Looks like it was a hugely successful project.
Darnell you never bore me I love going a rambling with you but with the amount of followers and comments you get its no wonder you can't keep up!Think your hamsters should make themselves useful and become PA's.I would also like to say how sorry I am that I don't visit much either....I long for the day i retire so that I can play/comment more but unfortunately work and life always intrudes....only another 3 and a half years to go !!!:)xx
Love the shaker kite card, Darnell! My office needs a little CPR, too, and the Giveaway idea is great. I filled a basket of stamps I'm not likely to use again last year but haven't had the strength to remove the basket from the office.
Good for you on all those wonderful resolutions(?), things you want to do for the year. I'm behind you 100 percent......... Wish I could get my headed wrapped around the same things too. We just need a year with more days in it in my opinion. Hey, that'd work just fine....
Love your shaker kite card! So cute and fun.
Sorry I haven't been around. Things WILL improve around here someday - maybe. They'd better or I'm going to have to just stick my head in the sand and not come out. We didn't start the new year off great but hoping it improves. I'll be popping back over when I can.
Wow Darnell, I'm exhausted for you. Wonderful list of resolutions and I congratulate you on making them (public at that)! I am looking forward to seeing your progress. Love your kite card too - terrific splatters and shakers are always fun!
Hi Darnell as always another great post that is quite a list and yes there was lots of nodding my end as im sure it was for many! sorry I have not visited you for a while,hopefully that will change soon.I have my own list on the go and ther are some similiarities (funny that!) but not ready to blog again just yet.will still visit though.
last year certainly went with a whoosh I'm sure the years gets shorter as we get older! ....I loved your post as alwyas and you could write pages and pages and we woul dstill read them all.. ,ive beeen catching up with some missewd post too ... you do make me LOL and are a big bright ray of sunshine..and I'm sure thats why you never get things done... we all get in the way (in a nice way I mean !).I do hope mister is on the mend and I hope to visit again very soon
sending you big hugs
Andrea X
Great goals Darnell, I've been trying to clear out some of my crafting stuff, I took some to a resale shop and what did not sell I gave away at my church group where we make cards for the homebound. I've also been donating when a friend puts together a basket for a charity. Feels good. Good luck!
Beautiful shaker card Darnell.
Thank you for sharing with us at Sweet Stampin this week, Wedgie xxx
HAPPY New Year :)
LOVE your card Darnell - the kite shaker is SO CUTE and your inky background awesome!!!
I'm STILL nodding my head at what you have written => GOOD LUCK in meeting your goals for the year. I will be plodding along with you, slowly chipping away at all my must-do's and like-to-do's as well as turning the CHAOS of my stash into an organised space ... if you can storing in the garage and on the spare bed, sometimes even the kitchen table!!!
Fab shaker card. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin'
Cass xx
Dear Darnell I think you have such a great sense of humour! and I love the way you write your blogs! they are so intertaining and inspiring! I would love to be able to meet with you and discuss in person! xoxo Olga
I really do admire your plans and the "recycling" of unwanted/unused stuff is a lovely idea. I've put stuff on eBay in the past (and used the money to buy more stuff!) but mostly the stamps etc. just accumulate. I love your card, too! Hugs, Tracey x PS Thank you for playing along at Sweet Stampin' - hope you'll join in with us again!
Oh that's great! I love the kite.
Thanks for sharing at Sweet Stampin'.
Oh Darnell, I so do that kind of CPR! Also I have planned Advanced CPR and begun excavations on NBUS several times, only to be slapped round the face with a wet fish, so I have to go leave it and it gets worse than ever - because not buying more NBUS doesn't seem to be a valid option on my computer!
I now also have a yarn mountain which is getting higher by the week, when I say now - I actually had one already and might fess up on my new crochet blog, it came from the Knitting Machine days, I still have the machine but it is in a cupboard and one day.......
Carol x
I love your amazing kite and your fabulous new idea of cleaning out! So clever of you and how fun for the rest of us in blogland!
Oh my gosh, Darnell! I was trying to stick to 1 of 5 of my New Year Resolutions (catch up on commenting with Bloggy Friends) and your
post here has inspired me to add 3-4 more to the list! :-)
Your REFLECTION list sounds wonderful! I love your generous idea of
giving away crafty items (full or partial stamps sets-great!) Finishing those 'started long ago' cards/projects should be on my list as well.
I am right with ya on the purging/de-cluttering and not buying new till you use the NBUS, girlfriend. Wishing you luck in accomplishing all your goals.
Almost forgot: Love your shaker thank you card~that kite is awesome!
I guess I should be happy that I've moved twice in 6 years so I've had to pare it down each time. I don't have too many craft tools or supplies, but I've started to collect a lot of paper so should probably start concentrating on using it more often. What I do have a lot of is toys, because with two little girls we seem to collect piles and piles of teeny tiny knick knacks and dolls. It seems like you're always using new stamps and dies in various projects on your blog so I can't even imagine how much you don't use!! Good luck on decluttering and meeting some of your goals for 2016!!
CPR is a good thing if it improves quality of life and if you are feeling overwhelmed, then it's a good thing, Darnell. I've been fairly good about not buying too many things that I won't use, once I really got into blogging and challenges in a serious way. Before that, I bought a lot of those 12 x 12 paper packs and other things that I now know better than to do. Finishing up your projects and classes will give you pleasure and that's what it's all about. As far as commenting, I don't know how you could ever comment on all of your 957 followers. I have trouble keeping up with the ones I enjoy visiting.
Stunning shaker card! Love the blue bits in the shaker thingy too!
Great resolutions! I have quite similar ones. We can do it!
Me again...I was just thinking that your ideas of purging, giving away items, organizing and using up supplies etc sounds like the Scottish customs surrounding the starting of the New Year!
Get yer bagpipes out as you purge!
Darnell, your stream of unconsciousness has certainly resonated with a number of us, on a variety of levels. I did an initial purge of some neglected stamps, papers, inks and yes, water-colour implements (love seeing what over people do with it, but it causes me grief) before Christmas, packed it into two shoeboxes, wrapped it up and ta dahhh....gift for Ms. T! She was thrilled: "You gave me stuff we do together, Aunty C," (although her Barbie car wash did have her distracted immediately afterwards...). She has afternoons, following kindergarten to craft, and I know she has been. Can't wait to do so with her, later this month! Being a so-so commenter: yep, need to remedy that! Not getting caught up in 'fads' that make me go grrrr: also on the list. I like my simple stamping and die-cutting, although I'm crushing over my poly chromos pencils. Anyway...you get the drift. Your resolutions have sparked mine!THANK YOU! Your kite card: sweet! I haven't flown a kite in years...adding to my 'do' list!
Hugs galore~c
We have some similar goals for the New Year, Miss Darnell. I already mentioned to you my potential stamp challenge. I also have a few card classes I never finished and I really want to be a better commenter and general correspondent with my bloggie friends. I fell off the wagon this year and even more so after Atti passed away I think that hit me a lot harder that I realized at the time. On the flip side, like you said, working throughNBUS takes time which means less time for the corresponding. *Sigh* Clearly my real goals for the New Year need to be time management and balance!!!
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