A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 18, 2015

OLC and FFL and Wait. What?

Greetings, Stamplings!

I hope you are having a great week! I have a bit of news which I'm sharing below, so I'm going to get right to my cards.

I started with two very CAS one-layer cards for the One-Layer-Santa challenge at Less Is More:
Those reindeer karack me up. This is a fun NBUS stamp from Penny Black called "Joy to the World." The sediment is also NBUS from PTI. I colored the image with my Ziggies and grounded (skyed?) it with Perfect Pearls. I wish I had embossed the sediment, but I couldn't find my red e/p. 

Then I made this one:
I happen to have two of these brick e/fs and I really wanted to use the old chimney stamp from SU with the brick e/f design and make it one-layer, so I used a ruler and my craft knife to cut a rectangle out of one of them in order to keep that part from embossing.

I think my new altered e/f will work well in the future for a floral or ivy stamp. The image and sediment were heat-embossed in black and the image was colored with my Ziggies.

I'm also entering the first card in the Merry Monday Christmas Card Challenge, where the brief is to use reindeer on  your card. And I'm also entering the second card in Leslie Hanna's The Crooked Stamper's Sketch Challenge.

Two more fun and easy-to-mail cards done!

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Next I went all fancy, frilly, and layered (FFL):
I've had these vellum sheets out of the drawer to use somehow on a Christmas card so as soon as I saw the photo inspiration for the City Crafter challenge, I stopped what I was doing and made this card, using the sketch inspiration from Stamp Ink Paper.

The card base was embossed with a snowy e/f. Then the middle panel was covered half with the white swiss-dot vellum and half with the turkoyce vellum. The seam was covered with a pretty silver ribbon. The topmost panel is silver mirror partially embossed with the same snowy e/f as the card base. 

The "joy" is cut using a die from WPlus9 called "Seasonal Sentiments." I used a sparkly aqua glitter paper, which you can see better here:
The snowflake is from a MFT "Let it Snowflake" die. The silver stud is from GKW. I used plenty of snippets, so I'm also playing over at Pixie's Snippets Playground and there's plenty of texture, so I'm linking for the second time to Virginia's View Challenge.

Pixies Crafty Workshop
SIP Sketch Challenge 23 800

Big News

Well, dearies, you are not gonna beleaf what happened! Remember a couple of months ago when the Mister first injured his own self and Hammy got in a tiff (he couldn't find a taxi) because I was ignoring him and he went away for a while? Apparently he had a good ol' time because the other night about sunset, we had an unexpected knock on the Playhouse door.

Well you cudda blown me over with a whiffle when I opened the door because no one was there! I was about to close it when I heard Hammy gasp from the window sill over the paper cutter. I whipped my head around to look at him and saw him looking bug-eyed down at my feet so then I looked down at my feet and then it was ME who gasped when I saw this:
I know, whoa, right?! (My friend Eve from the Playground first wondered if this might happen when Hammy took off. She should tell fortunes for a living! As near as I can tell, they're almost six weeks old.)

I won't bore you with the details like how long it took to find an expert with a magnifier large enough to decipher the hand-pawed note I found under the babies from their Momma. Suffice it to say she thinks it's time my rascal Hammy paid the piper and it's his turn to take care of them!

I was pretty upset for about a half a second which is how long it took me to realize I had six more little brains and six quads of paws that will come in handy as I make holiday cards in the short amount of time that's left. I'm happy to say they are very quick learners and so smart, even that little runty fella on top! But where did they put my red e/p?!

There are three girls and three boys. I'm thinking I might hold a contest to name them and then adopt them out after the first of the year. Hmm? Anyone? 


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
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Tanja said...

those hamsters are adorable - love your santa cards, too

Kathyk said...

Shut the Front door! Those critters are ADORABLE!!! and you mahoosive selection of Christmas makes ain't bad either, mate!


Brenda said...

What a fun post. I so enjoyed looking at your beautiful cards and reading the fun story! If you don't find your red EP, I often just emboss with clear if I am using the right kind of ink. I love embossing and just keep a fair sized container of clear handy all the time. Thanks for the grins and the inspiration!

Jacquie Southas said...

Woohoo, a six pack of hamster pups! Now seriously, Ms. D, I know every family has a different approach to discussing the birds & the bees and the hamsters & hamsterettes, but that's a lot of responsibility & consequences sitting on your doorstep. Now that the Mister is feeling better maybe he should have a little chat with you know who. Anywho, if you are looking for names can I suggest the gender neutral &Cheese or OnRye? Please note the moderna spellings mean you will never find their names on tourist keychains or other tchotchkes anywhere. If that is a priority, I suggest Anne, Emily, Madison, John, Michael & Ethan.

Back to the beautiful cards - loving your altered embossing folder, clever, clever idea and my fave is the first one with the sweet Santa & his reindeer (Merry Monday is looking for reindeer cards this week!).

kiwimeskreations said...

Uh oh, Hammy just what DID you get up to - I immediately thought to name them un, deux, trois, etc (French for one two three...) as a tribute to Paris!! Glad to hear they are quick learners in the card making department.
Love your cards Darnell, especially the layered vellum one - that is a stunner.

Jane Willis said...

Your cards are gorgeous as ever but I'm afraid you've been outclassed, your hamsterlets are gorgeouser!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oooh they are so adorable!!

Marianne said...

Such a wonderful selection of cards, Darnell, plus a cute selection hamsters! I do think someone will have to sit down with Hammy to tell him to behave better in future.
Marianne x

Marianne said...

BTW, I think your last card would be perfect for the current Virginia's View challenge. Love all of that texture. You still have today to link up.
Marianne x

Claire said...

An array of Christmas card perfection Darnell! Love the Santa one - that brick embossed background is perfect for him! And as for the hammies...too, too funny!

Sue said...

Loving the cards.

I think the little ones should be named after the Reindeer, Rudolph, Prancer, Dancer, Blitzen, Dasher and Vixen. That leaves Cupid and Comet so you might prefer them to two of the others:)

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

Gerrina said...

Congrats!! They look all so lovely! What must that give more "life" and noise in the playhouse! Hope they don't have all other ideas; you could totally get confused! No seriously: they look so cute!
Just as your first two santa-cards! And that vellum on your last card is beautifull- so right for the card you made!
As always a joy to read your post... Hugs and have fun with those little ones!

Liz said...

Two gorgeous cards....... and you now have a unique designer embossing folder! Very clever.

Lovely photo of the baby hammies. SO cute! xx

Lynn said...

Oh my...I can remember our hamsters having little ones when I was a kid and my mom not being thrilled. The visual still makes me laugh! My oh my has hammy been busy!

Love all of your gorgeous cards...you are on a Christmas roll my friend!

Stamps and Paper said...

Loved your post Darnell...what a great selection of cards and those little hamsters are so adorable...I remember the days when my daughters had them...


kbrandy4 said...

Hi Darnell! Beautiful set of cards and love those cute, adorable hamsters!
Hugs Hazel x

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Love love love the cards!! Just gorgeous! And the hamsters are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh my word Darnell - what a wonderful Christmas gift - 6 cute Hamsters!! Your cards are fabulous too - I just remembered I bought the SU brick wall EF months ago, and have never used it - thanks for the reminder and the inspiration!
Hugs, Sylvia xx

Birgit said...

A fabulous lineup of cards but the little hammies steal the show! Oh my, how adorable they are all piled up like that!!

Marilyn said...

Beautiful cards!! Your Hamsters are so cute!! Good Luck with them

Leslee said...

Oooooohhh!!! Baby hamsters! They are so cute! And your cards are lovely too! Hope you find your Red E/p.

Pat said...

I adore your two fab Santas and the beautiful vellum snowflakes Darnell, and what a great idea to adapt your brick folder so successfully. Well, what cute baby hammies and a wonderful early Christmas present. Maybe you could name them after Rudolph's fellow reindeer friends. x

Vicki Dutcher said...

Sometimes your humor is confusing... did you actually find these cuties at your door? I'm smiling as I read this - they are cute that's for sure. Great cards BTW! :)

Redanne said...

Hmmm, best keep an eye on Hammy in future, otherwise you will have more hands and feet than you can contend with.... too many cooks (paws) and all that...
They are adorable though, I can see how you fell for them.

How clever to cut a hole in your EF, it certainly gives a beautiful result. Mr Holtz designed EF's with holes that you can place anywhere you like but they are much larger than yours and would not looks as good - so well done. Your cards are beautiful, especially love the reindeer one! Hugs, Annie xx

PS - not great on names but will have a think.... xxx

Marcia Hill said...

That little rascal Hammy...guess you and the Mister have some discussing with him to do! :0) They are awful cute though, so I guess you can't get too mad at him! We had our fair share of hamsters when the girls were growing up, so I know you're in for some constant 24/7 of the old wheel spinning! But anyway, your cards are delightful as always Darnell, and glad you had time to stamp before the extended family arrived! Hugs!! :0)

Leslie Hanna said...

Your cards are gorgeous! And that little pile of critters is STINKIN' CUTE! Good of you to take them in for a while.

Leslie Hanna said...

PS: There is a way to do selective embossing without hacking into your e/f. As soon as I remember what it is, I'll let you know.

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Love love LOVE those adorable little hamsters . . . 3 boy and 3 girls . . . I think they out to be kept separate or you'll have and army of little helpers on the way!

Your cards are fabulous - I have cut EF in the past too, it works a treat, very clever to do it with a brick EF with that Santa emerging from the chimney like that!

A tip I heard about a long time ago is that if you first ink up your clean stamp with Versamark and then any coloured ink of your choice, you can then use clear embossing powder for any colour and it will perfectly match any colours you have used in your project! I have done it quite a bit in the past and it certainly works! I now only have white, clear & 'specialist' powders, like, silver, gold, pearlescent etc., have a nice day my friend and than you for making me smile! Hazel xx

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Oops, just saw that, "I think they out to be kept separate or you'll have and army" should read "I think they OUGHT to be kept separate or you'll have AN army" Hazel xx

Karen P said...

Gorgeous cards Darnell and those Hammy Juniors are just so stinking cute and adorable. One of them would be welcome here provided I can keep Eddy from trying to eat one - I will offer a new home with a cage and one of those solid ball things so that they can get around safely lol! Naughty Hammy needs to step up for the next few weeks until they are safely able to leave the pack. Loving the texture on Santa's hat Karen xx

Karen P said...

OMGee just seen some of the comments above and now spluttering me mug of tea everywhere lol! I always go away with a smile on my face and boundless inspiration when I visit - thank you Darnell xxx

Canonbury creations said...

So cute Darnell, Hammy's obviously a virile fellow! Love your cards too especially Santa in the chimney.
Val x

Gail said...

Your cards are great! As for the critters - cute

TK said...

Love the cards, especially the FFL card! Hope you get a handle on Hammy and those pups quick!!!

Marianne said...

Hi Darnell, just popping in again to tell you I have edited my post to explain how I 'sandwiched' (not 'layered' lol) my thread to create my snowflake ornament. My shoulder is thawing slowly. I can now wash my hair again in the normal way and my physiotherapy sessions have just gone down from 3 to 2 sessions a week. Hubby is very tired but otherwise OK. He's refusing to give in to his fatigue and tries to live his life as before, but usually takes a bit more time to sit in a chair in the afternoon to relax. I think he will never get used to the fact that he's over 65 instead of 50.
Marianne x

Jerrie said...

What wonderful Christmas cards!! I LOVE the brick one with Santa! What a fun way to use silver with your Joy card! Great Christmas cards Darnell!

Marianne said...

As for the selective embossing that Leslie mentioned, you can do this using diffusers. Simply search for Tim Holtz embossing diffusers. You could also create your own diffusers using layers of heavy cardstock. Better go and find my diffusers. Maybe it's time to start using them myself lol.
Marianne x

Di said...

Wonderful snippets card Darnell, so shiny and perfick for Christmas.

I do so love your LIM Santa cards too! Fancy you cannibalising an embossing folder like that - genius!

Parsnip was goggle eyed here reading over my shoulder about Hammy. We both love the darling little hamsterlets - although now I have to sit Parsnip down for 'that' talk! Sigh :(


Di xx

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, those little precious balls of fur!! They are so adorable!! I just want to hug them all!! What an amazing surprise!! Hammy has a beautiful family :) And your cards are gorgeous!! I love them all but the brick embossed one is my fav!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Linda said...

Love your CAS cards and your layered card. Fabulous... And those little hamsters are just too cute.

Stella said...

I loud when I saw the hamster cuties. Congrats with these babies:)
And your cards are stunning; I LOVE the one you made for CCCB. Thanks so much for joining us this week! It's a privilege to have you with us!

rachel said...

great cards Darnell - and my those hamsters are too cute - careful though - or there'll be more soon!!!! Hugs rachel x

Diane said...

Wonderful designs Darnell, the little hamsters are just too cute.

Hugs diane

jimlynn said...

EEP on all of Hammies friends, relatives, off-springs, whatever.....They're precious! So tiny. I'm already thinking of names!

Love your cards too of course. The little deer on that first card are so fun! Precious!


Barb said...

Your cards are lovely. I particularly like the Santa going down the chimney with cut away bricks.

Your baby hammies are adorable. We had some years ago and one night, I don't know why, the mother moved them all. I don't know how she got them out, but we followed the trail of bits of bedding and they were in the back of the washing machine in the motor! Barbxx

cuilliesocks said...

Well what adorable critters, how did you get them to pose like that?
Beautiful card too, Kate x

Birgit said...

First-I love your first 2 cards because of the basic white with the Santa image-love the blocks with Santa in the middle:) The other card is just so pretty with the colours and all-you have been busy. Speaking of busy-Hammy has some 'splaining to do:) They are cute and I think you will have to watch them to see about the names but I picture names like Gus, Percy and Busby (he is the showman). The gals-Dixie, Tigrib (spell it backwards:)) and Hildy...just a guess of course.

Jean said...

Too too funny!

Rainey's Craft Room said...

You have such a way with words Darnell and I always enjoy reading your fun posts. How marvellous! You are now the adoptive mummy to six gorgeous little
You've certainly been busy too making all those gorgeous Christmas cards. I love the Santa peeping out of the chimney, a great little image.
Take care and see you soon,

Ruth said...

I do love coming to your blog for a good ole giggle and an eyeful of your beautiful cards. I love the Santa and reindeer card - so clean and simple it just says it all. I also love how you adapted your embossing folder - the results were worth it. Xx

JD/ Jill said...

Your Christmas cards are just wonderful! You are on a roll.
Love your adorable pic!

Kathleen said...

Some really fabulous cards and lets hope they have their Dad's genes for crafting, you could make a mint.
He's a sly one that Hammy.

Kath x

oldpunca said...

Dear Darnell, I have to laugh about your babies. :-) What a sweet bouquet of little boys and girls!
I', admiring your superb ideas for Christmas cards. Those two one layer cards are awesome.
Have fun with Hammy babies. :-)
Hugs, Sonja

Verna Angerhofer said...

All are wonderful from the CAS to the Frilly. Great cards!

Aileen said...

Ohh my goodness what do I comment on first. Your brilliant cards, just love the first one to pieces and looks good with red sentiment the way it is. Cutting up embossing folders, what next???? Worked perfect for the Santa and all those layers on your last card look fantastic.
I reckon you need to talk to Hammie about sex education I mean to say if he disappears once a year and this happens thats a lot of names and adoptions to be got through. As for names, my kids always picked their pets names and I just went with the flow so cant help there. Would love to adopt but reckon flights to Australia could be a bit harrowing.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

I'm speeechless...!!! How many cute little critters!! Adorable! But I thought that Hammer was a boy... I haven't understand the fact... And I'm too busy to make a n accurate translation of your post. But I think that ow your family is very big :D Lol
Your cards are all fabulous, love expecially the first one layer CAS, it's very fun and cute!

Barb Ghig said...

Well, a huge CONGRATS on your new baby Hammy's, Darnell! They are too cute!!! I think I would name them after some of the reindeer, like Dasher, Dancer...I know, you get it :) No matter, it's so sweet of you to hold onto them...they are very lucky to have you, for sure!

Love, Love, Love your OLC's! I especially love all the texture on the Brick E/F, and your coloring is just beautiful! Awesome sparkle and shine on your last card, too! You're well on your way in getting your holiday cards completed...I'm so jealous :)

Jean said...

Fabulous one layer cards Darnell.You are very brave to cut into your embossing folder but the resulting effect looks great. The vellum card looks really classy, lovely colour.
I love the photo of the baby hamsters, what a family!!
Jean x

Carol said...

Fabulous trio of cards Darnell...but hammy has surpassed you today with his two trios. I did giggle reading this tonight. Carol x

Lisa Elton said...

Fabulous Christmas cards my friend!! Oh my goodness that Hammy has some explaining to do!!!

Jeanne H said...

Sorry to be asking, Darnell...but are you sure Hammy is a boy? Just a wondering or is it a wandering mind. P.S. Love the Santa and chimney card! teehee

Mrs A. said...

I have parts for your hammies in the nativity. I need a choir to sing the opening song as the credits roll . Love all your cards but the one using the defaced EF is the bestest. Hugs Mrs A.

Tracey said...

Oh My Gosh Darnell.....it been too long since I have stop by. Your posts are always so entertaining to read. Congrats on the adorable additions to your family!
Really pretty cards, love the simplicity of the first and I love the embossing on the second. Have a fabulous week!

Susanne Vargas said...

What an awesome trio of cards you shared today! First the fun OLC, then still OL but a bit more dimension (love the brick with the Santa in the chimney), and then the super shimmery FFL card! All I can say is WOW! Plus you got 6 more cute helpers... How many cards will you present us in future posts with their help??? Maybe you could spare one and send him/her to me - I could definitely use some feedback on which colors to use together, remembering what I have, etc.

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Ohhhh Hammy ! Where's those babies' mama???? What kind of hussy did you get mixed up with? Now you're expecting their Grammy to raise them? Have you no shame? It's a wonder she can still make these beautiful cards with all this going on!!!

Susan said...

Really enjoyed your fun and uplifting blog post! Beautiful cards too!

OH Babs said...

Well all I can say is Hammy and them kids created some mighty fine Christmas cards. Thank goodness MoJo is back in town. Each card is as nice as the next but I am partial to Santa and great/creative embossing folder. :) B

Bobby said...

It looks like Hammy wasn't the only one to get busy. You've made three great cards to fill your stash, Darnell. I love the Santa on the brick in the chimney and what a great idea to cut out the middle of the ef.

Geri said...

Your cards are amazing! I adore the JOY card - the colors are divine! The reindeer really are sweet...but Santa will have some 'splainin' to do about the lost gifts flying off his sleight!

But those little rascals are unbelievable! How did they get there? Where is their mama? Are going to keep them?

We are off to Calgary early tomorrow morning. Having coffee with Carol on Saturday, so may be out-of-touch for a few days!

Enjoy the little ones! Billy, Bobby, Betty, Brigette & Belinda!

Cheryl W. said...

That Hammy is quite the rascal! He's lucky he's got you to help him out with all those babies. Very cool Christmas cards today. Even though they're different styles (one-layer, multi-layer, etc.), I like them all. You must be getting quite a stack of beautiful cards by now.

conil said...

Stuck on those 1st 2 cards then saw the last one. You've been busy, Miss. Brilliant use of that e/f. Definitely clever. They look to be winners, each one. Good going. I'm speechless about Hammie's offspring. Don't know what to say. Congratulations seem to be in order. Now you'll be able to crank out the cards heptuple (is that a word?) time.

conil said...

Stuck on those 1st 2 cards then saw the last one. You've been busy, Miss. Brilliant use of that e/f. Definitely clever. They look to be winners, each one. Good going. I'm speechless about Hammie's offspring. Don't know what to say. Congratulations seem to be in order. Now you'll be able to crank out the cards heptuple (is that a word?) time.

Linda said...

Looks like your hands are going to be well and truly FULL!! So cute though!
Fabulous card designs as always ..... great job cutting your EF ...... very clever.
Have fun with the little ones xx

Julie B said...

Aww, Darnell those hamsters are so sweet, remind me of the Russian ones we had for the kids as opposed to my Syrian one that frequently escaped and piddled in my aunt's mohair coat! Gilbert got out for the last time while I was at the soccer match and went to the wheel in the sky in shock that we won the match!
By the way how did you manage to make all those fab cards with all those extra mouth's to feed and supervise? :)

Colleen said...

Get OUT of the craft room!! Darnell, are you kidding me?? I have to jump right to your so NOT empty nest (anymore) and comment on those lovely critters...eeek!! Here I truly thought Hammy was a figment of your imagination (imagine me thinking that!!??) and now you have six more running around telling you what to do and where to put it!! ha ha...
Love your cards, you are just too amazing, my friend! I sure wish I lived closer to you, would love to spend time and just laugh all day long with you!! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving...so glad to read about The Mister's recovery and every day getting better!! My family is heading to an Island of Hawaii and my husband tells me it is going to rain every single day we are there!! NOOOOOOOO!! So many blessings to you and your family!!

Colleen said...

I got so caught up with those new hammies, I forgot to thank you for playing along with us at the Merry Monday challenge!! I always love to see you share your creativity with us!

Ros Crawford said...

Hello! Firstly thanks so much for letting me know abut the Muse ... How about that! Lucky me! I spent most of yesterday on the telephone from here to India and back trying desperately to get my internet connection sorted! What a day it was!
Anywhoo.. Your cards are stunning and I'm so glad you were able to find time to create one for our challenge at CCCB! Thank you! It must have been quite a day for you too ... what with the discovery of those babies! Monique is not the mother is she?? Oh my.......

Anonymous said...

They are so cute :) We now know what hammy was up to!

Great cards. I must get a wriggle on with mine.
Thanks for your visit earlier. I have been busier than normal and crafting and posting I have had little time for. I did get a few things made earlier so hope to post them soon. And I did get the taxes done :)

Tina Z. said...

I love your santa's cards, such a clever idea with embossing folder, this is on my to do list for a long time ... and these hamster babies, soooo cute ...

Gingin said...

Darnell your sketch card is gorgeous!! Love the silver embossed layer! Thank you so much for joining us this week at SIP :)
p.s. Love the baby hamsters

Craftychris said...

Each card is a stunner from the simplicity of the first one to the all out adornment of the last! those babies - aw - just gorgeous! Naughty hammy! xxx

ike said...

WONDERFUL cards and those little baby Hammies are just tooo cute :-) I wish I could have one but I think my kitties would become a little tooooo interested !

Thank you for showing me the picture :-D

IKE in Greece xxxxxxxxxx

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Sazzle Dazzle said...

Never mind the cards, which are totally adorable Darnell but I'm literally swooning at your bundles of joy on the doorstep! How lucky they are to have been guided to your loving home. So gorgeous! Oh and thanks for sharing your cards at Less is More. More beauty in the gallery there! Sarah x

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Very much looking forward to seeing all those hamster cards! Those cutie pies certainly steal the show! Great cards nonetheless you made for us to admire!

Marybeth said...

Ok I am back to comment for some reason my darn iPad won’t let me comment then I forget when I come to the computer or get side tracked because my mind knows I already saw your post.

I can’t believe your find in the craft room and that your friend kinda called it already! What a fun surprise !!! Not sure how you ever got that picture , its hard enough with real people :)
Loving all your cards, the one with Santa and the embossed bricks just way too cute! That JOY card is gorgeous, Darnell!
Hope you are happy and well sweet friend!

Sue from Oregon said...

I can only imagine the names you will be coming up with!!! Can't wait to hear them! Love your cards...that brick EF is very cool with the Santa stamp. All are great holiday cards Darnell!

Donna said...

Now I know I'm supposed to comment on your cards first but those hammies are just so adorable :)
Clever you making an individual e/f just for yourself :) Two great cards (as always).
If you ever want to have the same effect without having to cut up another folder there are some panels you can add that block out an area for you... I think they are called diffusers (Sizzix). If you want, I'll post you a link. Let me know :)

Carole Pollard said...

Wonderful card just amazing your designs are all perfect Those babies are just delightful I kept looking at that photo for ages so sweet . Hammy definitely had his evil way while he went AWOL!! Look forward to the naming ceremony for the babies Lovely post thank you love and hugs Carole x

Sue said...

Darnell, you have made an amazing and beautiful selection of cards and Hammy has made an amazing and beautiful selection of little Hammy's!

Marilyn said...

Love your cards and the latest hamster update. Also, so glad your Mister is doing well.

Cat Craig said...

Darnell, your cards are lovely. What a brilliant idea to cut the spare ef...diffusers work...but they are WORK...at least for me. Well enjoy the extra hands as you continue with the Christmas card flurry.

Lizzy Hill said...

Oh MY GOSH! Look at that pack! Of cards as well as Hamsters!!!! You sure have got your hands full there..... not sure Daddy Hammy will be happy about your offer of offloading his offspring. Lot of offs there!!! ANYWAYS... love all your cards...can I have a fave? It's the blue one with the glittery 'joy'....love those colours & glitter always catches my eye...presumably it was a glitter in someone else's eye that Hammy caught..... LOL!!!

Theresa's Studio said...

How did you get those cuties to pose for that adorable photo?
Love your cards! I did check out our cards at Less is More....guess we had the Up and Down versions of Santa.

Inkyfingers said...

What a great collection of cards Darnell and I love the embossed detail!
Congratulations on the additions to the family - hasn't Hammy been busy!
Have a great weekend.
Carol x

Leslie Hanna said...

I'm baaaack! Thanks for playing my Crooked Stamper Sketch Challenge!

Chrissie said...

Fabulous one layers Darnell with really cute Santsa and the other cards are awesome too...but those little critters are just the cutest!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

Creating with Susan said...

What a great idea to cut out part of the EF! A fantastic OLC!!

Kim Heggins said...

These are just fabulous Miss Darnell!

Kim M said...

Your cards are fabulous, Darnell! That reindeer stamp is pretty amusing! Love the CAS designs. Your Hammy stories always crack me up! That little bugger! LOL. Hugs! :-)

Anita in France said...

Such fun Santa's, Darnell ... those reindeers are indeed so brilliant frollicking across your card! Gorgeous layered Joy confection ... so lovely with the vellum and beautiful shimmer! Hammy must be so proud ... the family resemblance is amazing! Any of those little ones want to be bi-lingual?? Miss you, mon amie ... big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

I Card Everyone said...

Just such a fun post ... darling cards, fun story about Hammy ... cute, but no. Your generosity abounds, thanks, just the same!!

KandA said...

Super cards Darnell but I'm afraid Hammy's little offspring have stolen the show and your post today.

I think you may have missed the plot a bit though as it's evident to me that Hammy was thinking about christmas cards all along - you know the ones where you mass produce by sticking a photo of your kids on the front and send them out to everyone xx

sandie said...

Oops now you really do have some Santa helpers!! Love the Santa cards, cool soft blue sponging x

Neets B said...

Squeeeee!!! How cute are those little babies?! You're one lucky furmumma!
Your cards are awesome too, love the little sleigh image and the selective embossing looks fab with your central image.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Anita x
Less is More

Sharon Underwood said...

I can't believe you have 6 more hamsters! Is that for real? I never can tell about you...lol They're so adorable! Love your cards, too, btw!

cm said...

ACK! How blinkin' adorable is your baby hamster pyramid! Henrietta, Hetta, Hilda, Hank, Harold and Herbert..there's a six pack of *H* names for you, so as to take after daddy Hammie's moniker. Totally darling! And your cards: fabulous! Your reindeer are hilarious; previous expressions; Santa and the chimney simply charming; and the third is shimmery, glimmery gorgeous! JOY: in every way!

Carolyn Lindenmayer said...

I love your Joy card Darnell. The colour combination is among my favourites. Thanks so much for joining us this week at Stamp Ink Paper. Carolyn xx

Greta said...

Your first card is so darn cute & how inventive to alter the embossing folder, Darnell! Of course I love the frilly card! Thanks for the "vote" on my reindeer card--the opinion of friends is what really matters!

slang said...

I adore that card with the santa and the chimney. I found that little stamp on Ebay, so now I can make one just like that. Thanks!

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Great cards, Darnell. I am so bad at one layer. As for the critter babes, I will be happy to help name but not adopt.

Donna said...

Cute cards and love the baby hammies!!!

stampwithsandy said...

Whoa you have been a busy girl Darnell! Three fabulous creations, I love the great texture on all of them and especially the aqua glitter paper on the Joy card. And those baby Hammies, just adorable! I think this occasion calls for a Hamster Dance! Oh, and so glad to see your card in the gallery at SIP!!!

Anne said...

What a fab bunch of cards Darnell, the brick EF is perfect for Santa.
And congratulations to Hammy and the new family, will they all be coming on retreat next summer lol?
Thank you for joining us
“Less is More”

Justin said...

Your card is great! Love all of your elements and the joy cut from that fun paper is cool! Thank you so much for playing along with our sketch challenge over at Stamp, Ink, Paper! :-)

Brenda in IN said...

That stinker, Hammy. I blame the parents for not having the "talk" with him sooner. Those things do happen and now you have a wonderful addition to your family, just in time to celebrate the holidays. What fun they will have in the Playhouse with you. Your cards are so cute too. Not as cute as the babies but cute. I love the Santa and your brick wall.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Pretty! Thanks for sharing with us at CCCB!
And those babies are way too cute, naming them would be so fun too!

nwilliams6 said...

Such a fun post. Your cards are all wonderful (I am partial to the first one but love them all), but those hamsters stole the show. Darling!!!!!! Makes me want one! Hugz to you and all the critters!

ionabunny said...

Very cute hamster babies. Just in time for the christmas rush Hugz

Petra Swart said...

Your Santa cards are just darling, Darnell, and so are Hammy's babies!!! When these are all grown up and ready to have kiddo's imagine the crowd you'll have knocking at your door then!!! Think you should have them adopted!!!!

Helen F. said...

Ha! cute CAS Santa cards and fun idea to cut out the middle of your brick EF. The fancy frilly card is beautiful too. Sorry you have 6 more mouths to feed :-(