A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 7, 2015

Autumn Abounds!

Hello, my friends!

I was going to post this yesterday but we were without cable for most of the day and until sometime in the middle of the night. That meant no phones, no TV, and no computer for hours and hours!

In the spirit of the situation, I went up to the attic and got into the old cedar chest from wagon train days lovingly packed by generations of great and grand mothers. I never tire of that amazing smell as I knelt down and creaked open the lid. I gingerly removed the old shawl, the candles, and the boars hair slippers lined in flannel. Finally, I reached down for the infamous and steamy memoirs of my cousin Elsbeth Mattigrew.

Okay, I didn't do any of those things, but without the usual self-inflicted bombardment of all things cable, I did get creative. I made a FOURfer, for cryin' out loud!

One of my favorite autumn stamp sets is "Fall" by Technique Tuesday, most notably the very word AUTUMN, which germinated a lot of these cards.
I stamped the word in cajun craze and then colored and watered the individual letters with my watercolor pencils. Then I dry embossed 2/3rds of the white panel above the word with an unknown Lifestyle Crafts e/f. I matted the panel to a beautiful autumn leaf pp by K and Company (Tim Coffey) and attached a matching band N. Lou of a ribbon. 

The above horizontal design is how Hammy envisioned the layout, but when I went to take the photo graph, I realized that I have the option of using it vertically, too. This direction actually shows some of the sparkle from winking the letters:
Which way do you like it best?

Next, I wanted to use the very last two sheets of cousin Elsbeth's ancient sunflower printed vellum. 
For this card, I dry-embossed a white panel using my NBUS 3D quilted e/f (Next Level) from We R Memory Keepers. I fussy-cut the sunflower panel from the vellum sheet and attached it.

I stamped the SU Thanksgiving sediment and attached a shankless sunflower button for punctuation. Lastly, I chomped two corners and attached the panel to the colored card base. A lot of violence went into making this card, what with cutting and shanking and chomping, so please remove any young children from the room before you CASE it. Thank you.

With the second sheet of vellum, I made this autumn birthday card:
If I do say so myself, this is a beauty IRL, impossible to capture with the camera. There is nothing as cool as printed vellum and most of you know from old posts that I'm crazy for it. Actually, this card took a few days to create because first the "Autumn" had to dry and then once I decided on the layout, the "Birthday wishes" (SU) had to dry. The vellum was folded over at the top and attached to a white panel, which was attached to the colored card base.

Last, but not least, I made a simple one-layer card specifically intended for a few challenges.
The tree image by Rubbernecker was colored directly to the back of the stamp with my SAI markers, spritzed with water, and stamped onto the paper. I used the same simple Happy Thanksgiving sediment to keep the focus pocus on the tree. To add a little subtle interest, I ran the card front through my BS using the linen impression plate from PTI, but I'm not sure you can see that feature. Speaking of, right now I'm seeing that I want to add a little tiny leaf at the end of the sediment.

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All of these wonderful challenges encourage us to share our cards/creations with others. I think creating for the purpose of giving is what most of us do; in fact, I imagine it was the driving force behind this hobby for all of us. I got into it because I was spending a big chunk of money most months on inexpensive store-bought cards to send out. I thought if I made my own, I could continue to send out cards and save money.

Oh, my gosh, stop it! I can hear you laughing all the way over here! Okay, okay, it has ended up costing me lots more money, but you can't put a price on the satisfaction of sending out a card that you made with your own two hands. Well, and maybe a couple of paws.


Another very happy reason I was able to make all these cards is because of this:
"Look, Ma, no crutches!"
The Mister's progress has been rapid since the brace came off! There are still some residual DVT issues to be worked out and it will be a long while yet before he can sit comfortably for more than a few minutes. (Sitting on screws is no fun at all!) I'm still on duty for a few things like chauffeuring, but he's back to doing most of what he could do before the injury. You'll all be happy to know that includes grocery shopping because our store is only a short drive from home. The video surveillance team will miss me!

He wants me to thank you again for all your prayers, cards, and well wishes!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!
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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel! Mwah!
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Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Darnell, well yours truly has been a tad remiss on blogging visiting etc. but life happens as they say... :)
Wow what productivity when your cable goes down .... And also in case I forget and not comment till after hit publish button... Well done what a blessing to see Mister up and about with no crutches have used them wiht broken ankle I know the relief to just have stick... Answered praye indeedy eh?

Well some crackers of cards I must say, think like horizontal compared to vertical. Spring showers are here Downunder today...no autumnal weather :)
Love the vellum makes it reminds me I have some needing to be used. ... Sometime...sunflowers are a fav.

Also dear friend I have my 5th blogaversary candy as thank you to my wonderful encouragers on this month, so please pop over!!!

...there is a small illuminated calligraphy piece and a die, you can chose either, or one of them.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Aileen said...

Back or at least I know I am. You dont cause my last post deleted before I could push the button. I was so busy thinking on a post I saw about spending $99 to make a $2 card that my ipad closed down and I lost it. Ahh well, now we a back on track, love all of your cards, that Autumn stamp is so nice and I love how you used it. The last card, I can see how you embossed it, it does show up. I bought that folder, wanted it for oooooh so long then each time I go to use it I dont like what I see. Maybe I just need to use then post cause every time I see anyone elsescard using it I love it. I know I'm just procrastinating. Anyway glad the Mister is feeling better and able to pull his own weight better. Is he cooking yet??? Take care.

Jane Willis said...

What a stunning bunch of cards! Autumn is my favourite season because of the gorgeous colours and you've really nailed them, I think we're all nodding at the "money saving" thing, although it still is in a way because a hand made card specially tailored to the recipient is priceless!
Great to see Mr Darnell making such a good improvement, hope that means more playtime for you and Hammy

Cathy said...

Fantastic news about your hubby Darnell! Glad to hear he is much improved. Love your spree of autumn cards, such pretty colours. My internet just dropped out due to the heavy rain we're having. The joys of having to rely on a satelleite connection. Enjoy your week, Cathy x

TK said...

Awesome cards! Pretty fall colors, lots of fun texture and sparkles! Congrats to the Mister for still speeding toward complete recovery!

Jacquie Southas said...

I think the cable should go out more often if we get this kind of card feast to feed on - gorgeous qutumn beauties. Definitely like the first one with the first (horizontal? landscape?) orientation. So happy to see the Mister on the mend :)

Greta said...

Hurrah! The Mister looks great--so, so happy he's improved so much & wishing him a complete recovery! Maybe you should have cable out more often--haha You sure made good use of your time, Darnell--loving all your cards! Looks like I may need another of those new 3D embossing folders as I really love yours! Have a great week--Greta

Ruth said...

Oh boy, I cracked up reading this post - you have a great sense of humour and I nearly lost it when you talked about making cards to save money - I laugh when they talk about buying a load of stuff so you save money on the crafty TV channel..... I love this hobby really I do. So many great crafters! Cards are all gorgeous and I love that Autumn word. Haven't tried patterned vellum. Looks like fun! Xx

Lizzy Hill said...

Oh! I am so glad your man is feeling and looking a LOT better! That's fabulous......& FOUR!!! Wow! Personally, I like the vertical inclination for the top card & my absolute fave is the last one....LOOOOOVE CAS. Mostly cos I can't do it so easily ;) And thanks for your kind words on my blog. I know you have a lotta peeps to get around. So appreciate you taking the time to come on by:):)

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, What wonderful cards. My favourite has to be the last one.

So glad your hubby is doing so well. Hope he continues to improve and the DVT issues are solved.

I am a little disappointed not to have heard about Cousin Elsbeth's steamy memoirs:)

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

Barb said...

Hi Darnell, It's great to see the progress that your Mister has made. He's looking good and strong so hope the DVT problem is sorted out before too long.

Your Autumn cards look gorgeous. I think I like the horizontal most. What a great quilted embossing folder that is. It looks just like fabric. Very impressive fussy cutting too. Barbxx

Ros Crawford said...

Oh I so wanted to hear more about the things in that chest ... You had me hooked!
Fabulous cards ... that vellum is so beautiful! Really happy to hear that Kevin is doing so well... Brilliant news!

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

I'm echoing the post above, Darnell, I was also intrigued by the cedar chest story, steamy and infamous stories are great ;)

Glad to see that your hubby is feeling much better, I'm wishing him a swift recovery.

The cards are gorgeous, the vellum makes are so soft, the las one is brilliant.

Love and hugs

Julie B said...

Great set of cards Darnell, the leaves around here were looking really good but the constant rain and now blustery winds of the last week have robbed us of much of their glory. We had a fun time last week with our Grandson picking leaves and sweet chestnuts for his half term homework. He had to do some artwork as well so my daughter thought Nanee would be the best person to do it! I introduced him to the delights of smooshing DI's on a craftmat spritzed with water! Sorry to here you were without cable, so frustrating but pleased to hear that OH is well on the road to recovery.:)

Linda said...

Its amazing what we can do when there's no distractions!
Four gorgeous cards Darnell ....... I love Autumn, the colours are spectacular and you've captured it perfectly with these beauties ...... love that tree!
So glad to hear the mister is doing well ...... Looking good too may I say. Enjoy the rest of the weekend hun xx

Sarn said...

My oh my you HAVE been productive. Love all the gorgeous cards you're showing here.

I've just about stopped laughing at you starting this hobby to SAVE money! That's a good one Darnell!

Good to see the Mister up and about and looking well. Glad his recovery is now going well.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are gorgeous! LOVING the tree on that last one! And good to see hubby getting better!!!!

Kathyk said...

I'm with the others in suggesting your cable should go out more often if this is what you do with the time! FAB makes, particularly loving the first two.

GREAT news about the mister and his recovery though I entirely understand the bit about sitting on screws - staples are bad enough!

Happy Sunday


cuilliesocks said...

Hi Darnell, what fantastic cards, right up my street with the gorgeous colours and your designs are wonderful.
Great photo of your hubby and pleased to see he is recovering well, Kate x

Marilyn said...

OMG!! All of your cards are gorgeous! Great news about your Mister. My husband has to have knew replacement and he is talking about having it done after the first of the year. Wish me luck!!

Jeanne said...

All four of your cards are awesome, Darnell! You took great advantage of the cable time out! Yay! I really extra like the tree one. The colors of Autumn are so beautiful! But the best part about this post was the photo of your hubby looking so tall and proud! Double, triple, quadruple Yay!! May his recovery continue to be extra speedy from here on out. Hugs!

Tina Z. said...

wow, great autumn cards, especially the last one.
so happy to hear that mister is doing well!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

How many beautiful cards, Darnell!! Love so much the orizzontal one with the word "AUTUMN" (the first card in the post) and the vertical card with the sunflowers!! They are my favourites, but you have made a great work with all the cards!
Congrats to the Mister for his progress!! :)

Lynette said...

Your cards are all great, Darnell, and I always love reading your entertaining posts. That is awesome about your hubby finally improving so quickly - AND able to do the shopping again!

Inkyfingers said...

You really have autumn colour schemes down pat Darnell and I love this quartet of beauties! Perhaps you can attack the cable when you are gardening as John did with our phone cable. I thought for days that things were just very wonderfully quiet and it was only when a friend reported the fault in frustration that she couldn't get through to us, that we found out about it!
I'm so glad that the Mister is up and doing things again - he's looking good so your TLC must have been great.
Carol x

Lynn said...

So happy to see your hubby is up and about! Fantastic news! I love all the shine and shimmer on your cards Darnell. They are fabulous.

Brenda in IN said...

I am so happy Mister is up and about. He looks so healthy and I love the wave! I'm sending a wave right back to him. These cards are so perfect for autumn. I've never seen such beautiful vellum and it made two stunning cards. My favorite is the last one with the watercolor look but I do love the sparkle of the autumn letters so it's hard to pick one favorite. I hate being cut off from everything when the cable bundle goes out but it is amazing what else you can accomplish! On the next rainy day get out those memoirs and give us the story there.

Pat said...

Wow what productivity Darnell and perhaps it's good for us to be marooned for just a little while occasionally to free us up to create as can be seen in all these gorgeous makes. The colours are beautiful and I adore that pretty vellum and quilting style ef. Every one a fabulous make. So pleased to see the Mister looking good and hopefully able to sit down more comfortably and with dvt completely sorted soon. x

Sarah said...

A veritable feast of autumnal gorgeousness and Hubbys looking good hope the recovery continues xx

Leslee said...

That's a super bunch of autumn cards you created. Nicely done. Imagine how productive we could be if our power was out more often. Glad to see ur hubby smiling after a long recovery period.

conil said...

Hawt darn!!! So good to see the Mister looking so good. Certain it's a relief for both of you that he's improving hourly, maybe not with leaps, but surely by bounds. He looks terrific! Hammie and you are back in the Playhouse knocking out cards right and left. I envy you because I'm going through a minor creative slump...but you're not based on what I see here. All these autumnal cards make me feel all warm and gooey. The watercoloring on your 1st card is gorgeous...is looks perfect with the E/F texture. Think adding texture to the last card was a great idea (yes, I can see it) but the colorful stamping is awesome. I, too, am smitten with printed vellum. If you ever need any, you know where to come. Loved it when Webster's Pages was making it (heavy sigh). I did get a giggle out of the money saving tip of making my own cards. Isn't that the biggest misnomer in the world. Hah! Jokes on me.

Birgit said...

Oh I love your cards! I see the glitter in the 2nd picture more so and I honestly thought the Autumn words had actual pictures on them-I didn't realize you coloured them until I read further-Amazing workmenship. Love the other 2 cards also-so nicely done and I am used to bad words-my dad was a Lumberman:) You know what's funny? I thought the same way as you! "watch all the money I will save" Haahahaaaaa!! Getting the joy from creating a card is priceless! Glad your husband is doing much better. This must be a huge relief to him and you. I also was laughing at your story about going up to the attic. I thought you were going to find an old dress in the chest and suddenly be transported back in time a la Lyndsey Wagner in a TV movie I watched many years ago.

jimlynn said...

Oh Darnell, I'm so glad to see the Mister up and around better now! I know that makes your heart happy too. Won't be long before he'll be scooting all over the place again! That's fantastic!

All your cards are just gorgeous and perfect for autumn! It's a shame the cable doesn't go out at my house so I can get more things done too. Love all of these!

Lisa said...

I'm so glad your hubby is doing much better!! Your cards are absolutely gorgeous!! I love the designs of each one!! The fall tree may be my favorite...it's so artistic and beautiful!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Canonbury creations said...

Wow such a surge of creativity when the electrics maxed out Darnell! Love the theme and the colours especially the tree. Delighted to see Mister 's progress! I think it's amaam a, ING how much money we are saving by not buying commercial cards!!!
Val x

Canonbury creations said...

Should read amazing!

Linda said...

Oh my Darnell, all of those Autumn cards are just so beautiful. The vellum is gorgeous. I think I like the vertical one best. And so great to see that the Mister is doing so well. Yeah.....I really thought you were serious about the attic, but wondered how you could see if the power was out and you didn't mention lanterns or anything. Lol.

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Amazing post
blessings and hugs Tamara

Lynne said...

A beautiful selection of cards Darnell. Making our own is not cheap but gives us such satisfaction and lets face it you can`t buy great cards like these in the shops.
Lynne xxx

nancy littrell said...

TFS your very productive and fun stamping day Darnell. Loved the cute picture of Mister too. You have inspired me to make an Autumn card soon. Hugs, Nancy

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Your loss (of cable) means our gain (four real beauties to feast our eyes on) . . . that printed vellum is gorgeous Darnell, and I have that beautiful EF from WRMK too . . . like yours, unused up to now . . . might have to correct that soon (seeing how stunning it looks here). Glad your cable is now up and running again, as it has meant that we all have a treat! So glad too that the Mr. is getting better day by day and tell him that our thoughts and prayers are still with him, that he is 100% fit again! Hope you are having a lovely Sunday my friend! Hazel xx

Donna said...

I do enjoy your posts, the writing and the cards! Nice try on the "saving money" part! It's kind of like when we do our annual trek to the Sierras for a fishing trip. If we each catch one, that fish is worth about $150.00! What are you going to do? Enjoy it all!

Em Louise Fairley said...

Wow, you've been busy! I love all the cards, Darnell! They are all stunning! So happy to see the Mr. up and about too. Continued prayers for a complete recovery.

Vicki Dutcher said...

That is beautiful vellum! Your last tree card is quite fabbylous too~ So glad to her your guy is up and moving on!

Angela Walters said...

Hi, Darnell,
I have the Technique Tuesday stamp you used on some of your cards today. I haven't gotten to use them yet so I'm glad to see someone else getting them inky! I'm glad your hubby is doing better, too. I keep you both in my prayers, Angela

Maikreations said...

Lovely autumnal cards! And you are so right: the Technique Tuesday stamp is beautiful! ;o) Glad to hear your husband is recovering quickly! Happy crafting, Maike

Pat said...

Your cards are wonderful and news about the Mister is now without brace and doing as well as expected is very happy news. I like the horizontal first Autumn as opposed to vertical but the vertical sunflower card following that is terrific as a vertical. I think the sediment and button finished it beautifully.
And I do believe you should be preserving your blog entries for a book publication.

Verna Angerhofer said...

All your Autumn cards are so gorgeous! Everyone is very special and it would be hard put for me to pick a favorite as I love them all. And, so happy the crutches are a thing of the past. Awesome news!

Sharon Underwood said...

Hi Darnell, So glad the Mister is feeling better! He certainly looks chipper in the picture! Your cards are lovely. Believe it or not, I have that same vellum paper with the sunflowers on it! Still have a book full, as a matter of fact. Have a great day, and keep on creating!

Sally H said...

A gorgeous selection of cards! I love them all. Autumn is probably my favourite time of year. Great news that your hubby is so much better. Hope he continues to progress and is a good patient ;)

Kim Heggins said...

Mister looks just fabulous! What a sweetheart to let you share his photo and story on your blog. Your cards are fabulous as well...love all those beautiful fall colors.

Carol said...

A veritable quartet of loveliness here Darnell...four gorgeous cards. Pleased to see hubby up and about again. Carol x

Jeanne H said...

Absolutely lovely cards, Darnell. All of them! AND YAY, for your DH to be progressing so well and looking fabulous. Thanks for letting us all know. Hugs from MN. P.S. The fall/autumn leaves have been wonderful here and no frost, yet.

Chriss Blagrave said...

Oh, I do love the TT set and all that you did with it...your water coloured letters are gorgeous! The vellum cards, in all of it's finery and fussy cutting extraodinaire! Just Love!
Your final Thanksgiving tree is so very pretty and I can see the PTI imprint too :). I think adding that little leaf at the end of the sediment would be that golden touch!
It is so nice to hear about and see Mr. Kevin ! I am sure that the grocery store will miss you :))))

oldpunca said...

I'm happy to hear good news about your Mister's health.! He will drive his motorbike very soon. :-))
I'm amazed about your cards. You have used a time without cable very well. :-)) I prefer the horizontal design by the first card. All cards are fabulous, but the last one, with the tree is my favourite.
Have a nice week,

Carol L said...

What a wonderful array of cards you've created, and I don't care which way they're facing - I love all of them! When our power goes out, I tend to pull out the jigsaw puzzles to idle away the time, but hey! Whatever works!! I'm so happy to see the Mr. improving after his ordeal! I'm sure he feels less restricted without that cumbersome brace too!

Bobby said...

This just goes to show what a body can do when they get away from the TV and computer and put their mind to card making. Four wonderful creations, Darnell, all full of the autumn colors I love. So happy for the Mister. It won't be long he'll be chasing you around the house.

Jerrie said...

Fantastic job watercoloring that Autumn. It makes me feel like fall and the yellows, greens, orange and browns! I like it best at the bottom. I also love that sunflower card and how you have designed it! Great job. Hubby looks like he is on the road to recovery~~

Susanne Vargas said...

Wow, you really made the most of your cable free time! Four gorgeous fall cards! On the first one I am with Hammy and prefer the horizontal version but it definitely works vertical, too! The printed vellum cards are very pretty and the tree in fall colors looks fantastic! Adding a tiny leaf after the sentiment is a great idea!
So happy to see that Mister is doing much better and that you don't have to go grocery shopping anymore! (I am very impressed that he poses for you - what a good sport!)

Colleen said...

Darnell, you really know how to spin a story and I always fall for it...right up until the end!! LOL!! Love your fabulous Autumn cards and WOW, so joyful to see The Mister on his feet!! Looking good, must be all the 'nursing' he is getting from YOU!! Have a great week!
Heart Hugs, colleen

Cheryl W. said...

Fabulous warm-colored autumn cards. You've certainly been busy! So glad the mister has made such great progress. Hope he continues in that direction.

Cat Craig said...

what a fabulous collection of fall and thanksgiving cards Darnell. I can imagine you had such fun putting them together. I think I like the landscape version of the first best...my brain likes the direction of the embossing.

I can only imagine the hi-jinks you get up to in the grocery store, I had to laugh-snort upon reading your line about the security staff.

Have a fabulous evening and week to come. So happy the mister is moving along - literally.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Great autumn cards! Love all the dry embossing! Glad to see your Hubby up and about, and continues with a speedy recovery! Carri~Abusybee

Neha said...

Happy to hear about Mister's improving health. Your cards are gorgeous. First one is i think very smart design. Love it! Hugs.

Helen F. said...

Darnell, your set of cards is absolutely gahhgeous! I love the watercolor look, it just seems to whisper Autumn is here.
So happy to see how well your husband is doing. thanks for sharing all of this goodness!

HJ said...

All of these cards are very pretty. You definitely did justice with your Autumn cards. That is such good news about Mister. I hope he will be back to his normal and will be able to sit longer than a few minutes at a time before long. It's always amazing what we can get into when we have no internet or tv.

Geri said...

I'm so glad that your blog is the last stop tonight because your post made me smile, made me LOL and made me so happy to see that Mister is doing well....and now you can quit grocery shopping (Danny does 99.9% of our shopping too!). The cards are gorgeous! Love the sideways Autumn. You nailed the velum sunflower cards! Especially love the one with the bold water colored AUTUMN - absolutely stunning! But my fav is the last one! Tons of gorgeous white space enhance the beautiful water colored image! You were on one heck of a creative roll today. Cousin Elsbeth would have been proud of your creations!

Dana M said...

Gorgeous cards Darnell! I love them all, but I am in awe of how you colored the autumn - amazing! So glad to hear the Mister is doing well, my best for continued improvement.

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
what brilliant cards.
Wonderfully created as usual.
So glad the mister is continuing to improve.
I bet you are so relieved at not having to do the food shop anymore, but will be sadly missed as you say by the person monitoring the security video.
Not nice being without the internet and Tv, and such.
We don't know how much we all rely on it till we have problems.
Have a wonderful week.
Love and big hugs from my house to yours.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

sandie said...

Gorgeous collection of Autumn cards, like the vertical card best. Stamping on the vellum looks good but wow you need patience! Good to see Mister is doing better. Have a good week x

kiwimeskreations said...

The best photo was that last one - you have been a wonderful nurse, and I am so glad Mister is up and going again.
Love, love, love those cards - I think the printed vellum is stunning!
Yes I did do a giggle at the saving money thought, but it has saved my sanity, I am sure!!

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Well Darnell, the Mister is looking spit spot! I am sure that is a great relief. This is one amazing group of creations, and I am thinking I have some of that vellum stashed somewhere also. Do I dare hunt? Halloween is put away, Thanksgiving is half decorated, and I am just out of breath. Even have a few gifties bought for the December celebration. I am trying to do better with blogging, and keeping up. Sending a warm hug.....

Carole said...

Gorgeous autumn cards Darnell, in response to the first card...I prefer the horizontal view...it gives it height. Adding a tiny leaf by the sentiment will be the cherry on top of this lovely card.The colors of the vellum are bold and brilliant so the black and white detail enhances the card. I love embossed cards and the quilted one is fantastic. I'm happy the Mister is on the mend relieving you of additional chores.Be well ~ Carole

OH Babs said...

I vote for the horizontal card. Isn't it fun to play with the fall colors? I spent the last two days getting ready to send cards for Thanksgiving and birthdays. Glad to see Kevin with a smile and a wave of the hand. Hope you had a good week. Does it feel like Fall to you? Yipee!

Happy Dance said...

So nice to see the Mister up and around! That's got to feel good for both of you!! He looks rather dapper with his cane; J has one just like that!! All of your cards are in-fricken-credible!! That vellum is something to behold, and I love how you've used it on these cards. That quilted ef is awesome. Makes me want to curl up in your card, lol!! That TT stamp is pretty darn cool, too. Love the glittery look of it! You've really made some beauties here. LOVE them all. True story! And I miss you....tons. Why aren't we neighbors???? Bev

MaryH said...

Oh I DID so enjoy this post (not the least because of the vertical handsome guy! Mr had just asked how he was doing...had to hang me head & fess that I had not visited for a bit so didn't 'zactly know). So happy to see that K is improving. I know you & Hammy played a huge part in that effort too. I loved the cards. Great work on the w/c letters and I like both placements. Amazing w/coloring in that small space. Also drooling over the Next Level E/F...(only got one- and it's not a pretty one like this'n). Enjoyed the fall tree, reminds me I got a NBUS too!Made a great T'giving look. A beautiful graphic with the rain into the fall pond with the autumn leaves. You are just amazing!!! Big Hugs & TFS (MWAH to you both + H).

Unknown said...

Well Dippy, you got me at steamy memoirs of my cousin Elsbeth Mattigrew…………couldn’t stop reading!!! Lol Such a gorgeous array of cards. Absolutely adore the Autumn vertically on the second card – works so well, but all your others and your vibrant colours are stunning.


Karendipity xxx

Unknown said...

Sorry Dippy - I also meant to saw how awesome it is to see Kevin up and looking so well. I'm sure you're delighted he's taken over the grocery shopping again! xxx

Redanne said...

Just catching up - so, so happy that Mister is up and about again and he looks so well too, hope his recovery continues a a good pace...

The autumnal colours on all of the cards are gorgeous, this is such a lovely time of year and you have captured it so well. I think I like the horizontal one, not sure why, I just do!

Apologies if I have missed anything, have had a few days away (crafting !) and have had to come home for a rest! Take care my friend. Hugs, Annie xxx

!neke said...

Your cards are awesome !
But the recovery is the best that can happen to you all !
All the best to you all !

Ineke XXX

cm said...

How wonderful that Mister is doing well and is back on track with the grocery-shopping. Andy does the majority of ours; it's for the best because left to my own devices...well, we'd have bare cupboards. Your fourfers are a feast for the eyes! Sunflowers: swooning! Seems like the cable being out was a good thing, given all the loveliness you've blessed us with! Saving $ on making cards: HA! I think my stuff, all tallied, would likely pay for one heckuva nice new bike *frame* (not the wheels, etc..those are the 'extras'...I know, essentials in my world, but...). Still, cheaper than therapy and best thing ever for alleviating anxiety...so I'm sticking with it (and hoping for a lottery win, too).
Happy sigh that I'm caught up and filled with joy and inspiration! You've made my day spectacular!

Carole Pollard said...

Wonderful post with truly amazing autumn cards they are beautiful. so glad hubby is doing well Love and hugs Carole x

My Paper Epiphany said...

Hi there Darnell! I have been MIA from blog land and challenges and I miss reading your entertaining posts and seeing your beautiful cards! You'll chuckle when I tell you I got excited about your foray in the attic - my vintage loving heart went pitter-patter! But I'm equally as excited about your stunning array of cards - especially the vellum card! hugs

Gerrina said...

So that is a positive thing to do while the cable is out! Love the cards, especially the first and last. The CAS design and beautiful letters on the first and the design and great colours on the last are so beautiful!
Good to read that your DH is getting back so quick!
Hope you have a fun and colourfull week!

Nora Noll said...

I am so happy that your husband is feeling better!! Such a relief for you. I guess the power should go out more often, huh? You rocked it with all these lovely cards!! I am loving the colors on each one and that vellum-spectacular!!

Bonnie said...

You have outdone yourself, my friend, and saved the best for last! So glad Kevin is up and about! Hope he continues to improve. I'll be they will miss you antics at the grocery store!

Donna said...

Fabulous fall and autumn cards, you've been creating up a st. Glad mister is doing better.

Loll said...

Isn't it amazing how much you can get accomplished when the cable is out. :) Great job Dolly! Love all four of your cards. Hmmm ... you asked for an opinion on the first one ... I think I like it better horizontal. :)

Glad to see Mister is progressing. He even has a smile on his face ... that's got to be good! Great job taking care of him.

Lolly xx

Brenda said...

Your Autumn cards are just beautiful Auntie! It's nice to unplug from the electronics from time to time, so I'm all for losing electric, cable, etc...for a few hours. Also makes one think out of the box some. I also thought it was so cool that you captured what is called "the blue hour" in your pictures. You can read more about that at this site: http://betweennapsontheporch.net/the-secret-of-the-blue-hour-welcome-to-the-68th-metamorphosis-monday/
I'm also so happy to see that the Mister is doing so well and looking good too! I'm sure he is so happy to be able to be doing everything he could before except for the driving. That will come soon hopefully too. Glad he is hanging in there!! Hugs, Brenda

Rainey's Craft Room said...

These are all fabulous cards Darnell and isn't it amazing how much we can all achieve when the technical items in our house are out of action, if only I had the will power to turn them off manually and get on with the tasks at hand, lol.
Great news about Hubby being on the mend and able to do more things for himself, I'm sure that in itself is a boost to his recovery and moral.
Look forward to your next post.

Craftychris said...

Yay! How cool to see the Mister looking so good! What a super happy start to the day! Gorgeous cards too - I love them all - you are a true card master! xxx

Anonymous said...

Fab card.
Glad to see the Mister is recovering quickly. You may just have to put in a special guest appearance at the grocery store to keep them on their toes :)

Tracey McNeely said...

Where oh where to start my friend. I love all the autumn colours on your post. My favourite although I like both is the first one with autumn across the bottom. It is tough to switch gears when technology is not at our fingertips. I am learning about not taking those things for granted. James a has trained me and prepared the house to handle a power failure which is going to happen lots here! I am glad you took charge of the situation and crated up a storm! So glad that the Mister is on his feet and doing so well. Send hi a high five for being on his feet. Tell him lots of time to sit later! Have a great day my friend!

Sazzle Dazzle said...

Well you have been busy here Darnell, and what a stash of beauty - fall cards in abundance with those yummy fiery tones. Each one is just awesome! I'm thrilled to see your OH up on his feet and he looks the picture of health. A* nurse me thinks! thanks so much for playing along this week!
Sarah xx
Less is More

Teresa said...

beautiful tree card. love the clean and simple look.

Jen Shults said...

Wow! Really lovely work! I'm so glad you were able to join us for this week's Share Joy Challenge!

Craft-E-Place said...

Fabulous collection of cards!

Anita in France said...

First things first, Darnell ... great news for Kevin, he's looking good ... and great news for you that your intensive nursing duties are almost no longer needed! Gorgeous cards ... the shimmery autumn one has a lovely cosy look with the cable like embossing (both orientations are fab!) ... the printed sunflower vellum ones are spectacular, such a lovely sense of depth to those beautiful blooms ... LOVE that tree ... rich, autumn colours against all that glorious white ... blissful! So enjoyed the visit, mon amie ... miss you! Hugs & bisous, bisous, Anita :)

Petra Swart said...

Making cards to save money, ...oh, well, that's maybe why most of us started, ...little did we know...!!!! LOL!!!!
Your cards are beautiful, as always, Darnell!!! Love the vertical orientation of the first one. The vellum sunflowers are beautiful and I really like the last one - so wonderfully CAS with the lovely tree!!!
So happy to hear that the Mister is doing well!!!

Chrissie said...

As ever, this is a great post, great cards and great news... apart from the loss of cable that is!
I shudder to think what a card I send might have cost in real terms considering all my necessary purchases for my craft!
It's a gorgeous autumn tree Darnell,full of wonderful fiery colours!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

Sue - said...

Hi Darnell, love all your cards as usual! So glad to see hubby is so much improved and able to take back some of the chores! Wish I could say the same!!

Karen P said...

Love them! All of them and really love that tree in the last one! Wish I could play in your Playhouse and look/stroke/sniff all those lovely stamps Karen xx

Anne said...

Gorgeous bunch of cards Darnell, totally LOVE the colours on your tree - just stunning!
Glad to hear Mister on the mend
Thank you for joining us
"Less is More"

Marybeth said...

All your fall cards are absoultly gorgeous and make me wish we had mor of that color.
The best news is Kevin's recovery! Wonderful that he can drive wow that a big deal! Great picture of your guy too!
My grandma duties ( and large family) have been keeping me away from blogland ,trying to catch up. Happy for you that you have more time to craft.
Hope you have a wonderful weed friend!

Neets B said...

Wow, Darnell, I'm loving these autumnal creations, you've been so busy! I particularly love the spritzed tree, so effective.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Anita x
Less is More

nwilliams6 said...

Awesome Autumn cards! Love the different ideas and looks. You are really, really creative and adventurous (and sweet). Glad the Mister is doing better!!! Hugz

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Wow, again, you wow me. A lot of beautiful fall cards, and your use of vellum is striking. I sometimes don't know what to do with vellum, but you have given me inspiration. I usually use vellum as a overlay on my card when I want to sutterly dull something, but never thought to stamp directly on vellum. Saw a tutorial with using tissue to stamp on too. A future vellum card for sure.

Ardyth said...

Beautiful effect achieved with the markers and some water - so glad you joined us at OLS! Glad to see that Mister is on the mend!