Hi Everyone!
I hope you're doing well! We've had a really lovely week here of temps in the 70s and wonderful summer breezes. It's been such a treat after baking our brains out being in the hunnerts for several days. I love lizzzards, but I don't want to BE one!
Speaking of trees, (wait, what?) I have two tree cards for your perusal today, inspired by the current July challenges happening at Happy Little Stampers. Don't you just love that name? It reminds me of when I was little and one day in Sunday School I found out some of the other littles went to a place called a PRE-school and it was called Happy Little Scampers! I was so jealous.
But you see, everything always has a way of working out. Here I am all these years later, playing with the Happy Little Stampers! I think it all worked out very well for me, don't you?!
First up is the Happy Little Stampers Sketch Challenge (sketch below).
I hope you're doing well! We've had a really lovely week here of temps in the 70s and wonderful summer breezes. It's been such a treat after baking our brains out being in the hunnerts for several days. I love lizzzards, but I don't want to BE one!
Speaking of trees, (wait, what?) I have two tree cards for your perusal today, inspired by the current July challenges happening at Happy Little Stampers. Don't you just love that name? It reminds me of when I was little and one day in Sunday School I found out some of the other littles went to a place called a PRE-school and it was called Happy Little Scampers! I was so jealous.
But you see, everything always has a way of working out. Here I am all these years later, playing with the Happy Little Stampers! I think it all worked out very well for me, don't you?!
First up is the Happy Little Stampers Sketch Challenge (sketch below).
The embossed frame is from Craft Concepts. The die-cut tree is from my friend Susan. The apples were punched from PTI metallic paper. The NBUS sediment is from Technique Tuesday's "Happyville-Sunshine" set. And here's the sketch:

My (over-exposed, sorry) twofer is for the Happy Little Stampers Christmas Challenge: Tree.
The oval stitched mat is from Lil' Inker. The tree is from GKW, winked profusely. The sediment is from PTI. QACAS!
I hope you'll get a chance to play with the Happy Little Stampers, too! There's also a CAS challenge each month and this month it's EZPZ: "Stamping!" Join in!
I want to thank you all for your sweet good wishes and prayers about my health. I was blindsided by a serious flare of my Crohn's Disease, but a short visit to the hospital ER, a liquid diet, and some strong steroids has me feeling lots better. I'm especially pleased because I've been planning for ages to go visit a friend this week, and I'm pleased to say I feel well enough to make the trip! All your prayers and positive engery vibrations came through for me! MWAH!
I thought I would share the sweet little African Violet the Mister picked up for me. I love the fuzzy little things and I have two others that are lush and gorgeous. I've had them for years, but they've never flowered again. Does anyone know why? Am I over-watering them? I wait until they look about dead which is my signal to water and I only water from the base, never the plants.
Anyway, bless his heart, the Mister thought I might like to see one with actual flowers on it!
I want to thank you all for your sweet good wishes and prayers about my health. I was blindsided by a serious flare of my Crohn's Disease, but a short visit to the hospital ER, a liquid diet, and some strong steroids has me feeling lots better. I'm especially pleased because I've been planning for ages to go visit a friend this week, and I'm pleased to say I feel well enough to make the trip! All your prayers and positive engery vibrations came through for me! MWAH!

Anyway, bless his heart, the Mister thought I might like to see one with actual flowers on it!
Because of what's been going on and my upcoming trip, I'm sad to say that I've gotten into the weeds with returning all your lovely comments. I've hit the "Where Do I Start Wall?" I'm afraid when I return, I'll have to start with a clean slate.
I'm sorry if I have woefully neglected you! Even though I know you all understand, I feel the need to apologize because you know how I feel about returning com(pli)ments. Please know that each of your comments is read, appreciated, and warms my heart completely!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

I'm sorry if I have woefully neglected you! Even though I know you all understand, I feel the need to apologize because you know how I feel about returning com(pli)ments. Please know that each of your comments is read, appreciated, and warms my heart completely!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
*Life is too short!
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Sorry to hear about your Crohn's flare up, hope it's all under control now. Your summer and winter trees are gorgeous, they remind me of a playground rhyme we used to say, with a stalk of seedy grass,
Here's a tree in summer
Here's a tree in winter
Here's a lovely flower
And here's an April shower
You strip the seeds off the grass to change it from summer to winter, the stripped seeds are the flower and you throw them in the air for the shower. Must teach the grandkids that one before it dies out.
HI Darnell,
oh I am so sorry to hear you have not been well.
Love and big hugs to you to help a little.
So glad your well enough to make your visit.
Wonderful creations as usual.
I really like them both.
I am not good with the heat either, and avoid too much sun.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Fab cards.
So pleased you are feeling better and well enough to visit your friend as planned.
I use to have loads of African Violets. I seemed to have the knack with them, as I would plant up leaf cuttings and they'd all grow.
I had my pots sitting on a little gravel and like you I'd water from below. Just as the leaves start to droop a bit is the best time to water them.
Check this site out for some good advice
Hope you have a lovely day. Sue
Glad you're feeling better and the upset hasn't stemmed your creativity!
As for African Violets, not sure but they appear to like 12hrs of bright (real or artificial) light, no leg room and 40 -50% humidity. Try http://www.avsa.org/faq-blooming for more details.
Jules x
YAY - so pleased to hear you're feeling better after the flare up.
LOVE BOTH tree cards, but especially the Christmas one.
Good luck in the challenges.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Two beautiful tree cards Darnell particularly love your first card
Tremendous trees Darnell and I too remember the "Here's a tree in summer....." poem that Jane has commented!! You are one of the happiest little stampers I know and am so pleased to hear that you are on the up!! xx
Hey Darnell! I really really like your card. I'm so sorry that you were so unwell. I'm glad that you're feeling better and pray that you'll have a good visit with your friend and milder temps. Thanks for playing over at HLS' July Sketch challenge. Your friend, Melissa - also DT.
Hello Darnell, sorry to hear you have health problems, hope you are feeling better now.
You cards are beautiful !
sending you a hello from me !
Darnell, I'm so thankful that you're starting to feel better; hope that you continue to feel better. I'll be praying for you my friend. Your two cards are gorgeous. Love all the clean, crisp, white space. xoxoxo
Sorry to hear about your illness. Glad you are feeling better. Love your cards have a great day
So pleased that you now feel well enough to make your planned trip Darnell! Your cards are lovely! I love all that gorgeous, crisp white with the pops of colour and that lovely, 'winking' tree ;) What a lovely Mr you have, how thoughtful of him to bring you a flowering African Violet. I'm afraid I can offer no advice, as everything I have ever had, I managed to kill - plants, that is - puppies, kittens and children are safe with me ;) Anyway, have a good and safe trip and a lovely week. Hazel xx
So happy to hear you are feeling better, Darnell. Hope that continues for a long time. Enjoy your visit with your friend! Friends are the best! Your cards look great, too. Your story was so sweet. Adore that you "winked" the heck out of that second card. Have a happy day! Ohh and good luck with the African Violets!
Sorry I've been MIA for a while but I see you've been busy with Hammy making some gorgeous cards and you got to meet a playmate! How fun!
I'm glad to hear that your illness is under control too ... That's not a pleasant complaint at all! Stay well and have a lovely day!
Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well! :(
I love love love your cards!! Those trees are AMAZING!!!!!
Beautiful tree cards Auntie! I love how your evergreen tree sparkles from the wink of stella and I love the apple on your other tree! So happy to hear that you are feeling better and are able to make your trip!!! That makes my day today! Your African violet the Mister got you is beautiful. Here is some sites that will help you to get your other's to bloom too!
I hope these help you to get your other plants blooming beautiful once again!
Now worries on the visiting, I'm not doing much these days anyway. lol Summer is meant to be outside and winter will be here before I know it and I will be stuck in the house once again. I need to live in sunny CA to have beautiful weather year round. lol But since I don't, I soak up the sun and warm days as much as I can.
Have a wonderful trip Auntie and stay feeling well!!! Hugs, Brenda
I'm so sorry to hear you've been under-the-weather, D... but happy to hear you're feeling up to your visit. I love your trees .. you could do two or tree more and I'd be happy!
=] M
Happy to hear that you are on a healthy path now, Darnell, and that you are able to make your travel date!
I love both of your seasonal trees, really striking and beautifully framed.
Do take care!
Hugs xox
Happy to hear your starting to feel better.
Pretty cards......I like trees and leaves.
Greetings Darnell, sorry to hear about your Crohn's flare up. I hope the issue improves quickly. Love the linen paper on your beautiful design and the lovely oval stitched framing.
Hugs diane
Oh, Darnell! So sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly! Beeing a nurse I sure know what suffering from Crohn's can be like. Glad you feel well enough to travel.
Can't help you with plants! I have to confess mine are all fake and look lovely and reauire no work! Which works for me! Bi do not have my mother's green thumb! It some how managed to skip me.
And glad it has cooled down. I start to melt in the high 80's, and we have had temps slmost to 100, too! It looks like late August around here, instead of early July!
And your seasonal tree cards are lovely. Especially love the embossing on the first one.
I have been behind as well and now I see you were not feeling well. I am glad you are now. That disease is horrible so I am glad you are feeling better. Love your card!! I think the tree is great and love the glitter on it. I am the kiss of death when it comes to plants but after 3 yrs I saw flowers on my violet and have no idea why??
Your cards are both so beautiful, Darnell! Sorry you had such a flare-up, but glad you're doing better now and can visit your friend. I've had a few African Violets over the years and had never been able to get them to flower (or even LIVE!) until the past month. I had two of them re-flower! I moved them to a window where they got lots of sun (opposite of what "they" say) and made sure they had plenty of water - from the bottom! (I also had a two-year-old orchid re-flower, which made me very happy.)
I'm so glad you're feeling better and hope the upward trend in health continues! You are such a sweet, kind person, and such a talented stamper. Love both of your cards...the balance of placement of the apples on the first card, and the profuse winking on the second are delightful!
Glad to hear you're feeling better and can go through with your planned trip.
I love both of these cards! Perfectly CAS and the colors pop so nicely from the white background. Nice sparkle on the Christmas tree.
So happy for you that you felt well enough to make your trip. And your really don't need to worry about getting back to us (me, at least) so stop feeling guilty. Considering all the encouragement you've offered in the past, you don't have to do it until 2025. Anyway, both these Clean & Simple cards are fab. Love the details, dry embossing, one single gem, those shimmery little apples, a tree that's been Stella winked within an inch of it's life. Beautiful. Enjoy your african violet blossoms while you can. I've never been able to get them to bloom again either. Have a wonderful trip.
I'm so sorry about your flare up but I'm so glad you are feeling better and will be able to visit with your friend. Your cards are, as always, amazing!! I love the beautiful trees!! The African Violet is so pretty!! I hope this one continues to flower!! Have a great day :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Hi Darnell,
I'm so pleased you are feeling better and that everything is under control again. Love your twofer trees - so beautifully CAS, and I hope you enjoy your trip. Time with friends is great medicine!
I'll ask John about your African Violets.
Carol x
I am so glad you are feeling better and able to visit your friend! Goodness, the awesome, wonderful support you give all of us is such a joy that if you miss commenting none of us would never, ever mind! I am terrible at not commenting and then having to beg forgiveness! Your cards are fabulous by the way and have a lovely trip! xxx
Hello Darnell: I truly hope you are feeling much better when you read this note and that you are well on your way to full recovery.
I just love your beautiful CAS cards, both are lovely, the shimmer of the Christmas Tree from the Wink of Stella looks gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing. Here go some healing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~for you.
Maria Rodriguez.
OMG Darnell, both your cards are as "Lovely as You" my friend. So happy you are feeling Much, much better. I had one violet that lasted 30 years and I have another new plant I inherited from a dear friend. I have had for 5 years and she had it for several more. It blooms 2-3 times a year. I have my violet in an east facing garden window. I water about every 2 weeks just under the leaves while sitting in the kitchen sink. The Let drip into the sink. Then I return my plant to the garden window. Both plants got light, but not direct sunlight. Sometimes I have fertilized, but often I do not even do that, just water. They also are in small pots. I will take a picture of my current plant and email to you.
Have fun on your trip. Hugs, Nancy
So glad to hear you're feeling better now and looking forward to visiting your friend. Don't worry about commenting as we know how time sometimes gets the better of us all and it's just nice to know you think about us.
Love these 2 super tree cards xx
I'm so glad you're feeling better and can get away! Both cards in this post are lovely, and I couldn't help but notice the textured cardstock you used. Can you share your source for that? Smooth cardstock just doesn't "do it" for some cards, and embossing folders often go too far. Thank you for sharing all of your creations!
Great job on both trees, Darnell! I would love to get my hands on that framed embossing folder. It's been on my wish list for a couple of years now. So glad you're feeling better. Love the violet. K was a sweetie to think to bring it to you! Enjoy your trip!
Irma I am so sorry you have been so sick. Hopefully all the many good wishes you have received has helped in your recovery. Both of the cards are lovely and I like the oval die. : ) Babs
I love both the tree cards you made.
I love both the tree cards you made.
Very pretty cards Darnell. I really love your apple tree card.
Wow, Darnell. What a beautiful card. The second tree is just fab. I love the sparkle on it. It looks like it was covered with frost. An amazing view. The first summer tree tempted by delicious apples, until I want to reach them.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful card with Happy Little Stampers.
I pray for your good health.
Wow, Darnell. What a beautiful card. The second tree is just fab. I love the sparkle on it. It looks like it was covered with frost. An amazing view. The first summer tree tempted by delicious apples, until I want to reach them.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful card with Happy Little Stampers.
I pray for your good health.
Have been enjoying your cards for awhile now. They are always beautiful plus I love reading your posts.
Hope you will continue to feel better and get to spend time with your friend.
You might give your violets a little fertilizer specifically for violets, it did wonders on mine and I have several.
Dear Darnell, I cannot tell you how pleased I am to hear that you are feeling much better since your flare and that you will be able to visit your friend!!
The first tree is stunning - great colours and design and I always love seeing Christmas trees, yours is beautiful.
I am afraid I am a little ignorant with African Violets other than they do not like being watered too regularly and don't like their leaves getting wet, so you seem to be doing right by watering it from the bottom - and regular dead heading. I wish I could help more. Big hugs, Anne xx
What a lovely post with a summer tree and a Christmas tree - love both of them and both are perfect for their respective HLS challenges! Take care of yourself - I'm glad you're feeling better.
Not only did it work out well for you Darnell but for us too, rather you be with happy little stampers than the other one.
Sorry about the flare up but glad it has all settled down for your trip.
Two stunning cards love the way the trees stand out in all the lovely white space and I can see the shimmer on the Christmas tree, looks great.
Kath x
What stunning trees you created!! I LOVE the apple tree on the linen paper and the Christmas tree-so pretty with the sparkle!!
You have a WONDERFUL trip. I am so happy that you are able to go still. I am sorry that you were not feeling well. I am glad that you are better, though. Relax and take it easy!!
Love these two gorgeous tree designs, Darnell - both bring the seasons to life beautifully! So sorry to hear you have had a flare up of the Crohns and glad it is back under control.
It's Tree day all over! Our CCClub challenge was Trees...hmm - have to see if my card fits at HLS! I'm loving BOTH of these! Loved the winks on #2, as it really sparkles. #1 was just divine, and I love that texture white background with your sweet little apples. Too cute. I'm so glad this trip is a GO. I would have been nearly as disappointed at you (maybe not quite, but close!) if you had to miss this one. Ya'll both s'posed to hug each other & say it's from me! Gosh, wish I could join you. Hoping you will feel super well, and have lotsa fun. So glad you are feeling better and Mr was sweet to get the flowers. Never had much luck with this variety my ownself. I have a black thumb. Also subscribe to the same water philosophy (ie...let it nearly die first!) but too often, mine are so far gone, water doesn't revive 'em! Big MWAH hugs and TFS.
Glad the Crohn[ie] has gone back into hiding. Perfect timing for your visiting your mate! I always use an African Violet plant food [liquid, add to when you're watering - easy peasy] & we have flowers practically all year round......LOVE your tree cards. I need to dig mine out & I particularly like the sentiment on the 2nd overexposed one....I'm a fan of the overexposed look, actually [except when it comes to me personally, LOL]...so I didn't mind one little bit! Enjoy your time away:):)
Two great cards from you today. I love the apples and the shine on the second tree is so pretty. Hubby was sure nice to bring you a plant that was flowering. I can't give plant advice. I have no green thumb at all and I once killed a plastic plant by sitting it on a hot radiator in an apartment we rented and it melted. I'm so happy you are so much better and can go on your trip. Enjoy every minute and then post when you return. That will catch you up.
SO GLAD you are on the mend and back to craftiness! The cards are wonderful, I really like the sparse first tree with that bright red :o) As for the African Violets, the good fortune that I have had is that I water them from the bottom (as you do), but I also feed with Schultz liquid m-p food once a month. There is also a "bloom" food but I haven't found the need for it. Our plants are (no kidding, over 20 years old! When the leaves get sparse at the bottom, take a section from the top and stuff it in the dirt (African Violet dirt can be bought), and keep it watered from the bottom! Hope this helps!
Gorgeous cards my dear friend! I love them both but that first one is just amazing. I love those yummy looking apples, must be a fall tree, right? What classy and elegant way to say hello to a dear sweet friend. Hope you are feeling better and wish you a fabulous trip! Thanks so much for joining us at Happy Little Stampers!
Oh dear, so sorry to hear you have not been well! I have some issues myself in the digestion department, so I appreciate how tough and frustrating it can been. Glad to hear you are improving and able to make your trip.
I love both of your tree cards! I have a thing for trees and love featuring them on projects!
Good luck with your violet! I don't have any currently, but my Grandmother had many for years and years. I remember her telling me that they liked a certain sun exposure - south maybe? So perhaps try a different window, or move to a window if it isn't near one. She always kept hers right in the window sill.
All the best,
Two great tree cards. We have been cooking out here too - with no AC and in the 90s for over two weeks was a bit much. Still no rain which we desperately need, but at least it is much cooler :)
For African violets, if they have split and you have two plants in one put, you need to split them and put them in different pots. If not split, a shot of fertilizer for a few weeks should get them blooming
As a tree lover I am swooning over your gorgeous cards!
How sweet and thoughtful of Mister to bring you some blooming African Violets! Sorry, I can't help you with the ones that don't want to bloom!
Enjoy your trip!
Happy to read that you are feeling better-always a bummer to get sick-sure slows down life doesn't it? I do hope you have a great visit with your friend-don't get in any trouble!
I'm sorry you've been dealing with health issues but at the same time, I'm happy to learn you're feeling well again and able to make that trip! Great cards today, especially with that gorgeous textured cardstock! TC!!
Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way Darnell that you are 100% soon. Your cards are both wonderful. The first look like a lovely apple tree and the second is beautifully framed!!
First off...so very happy to hear that you are feeling better and will be able to visit your friend! Secondly, no need to apologize about commenting! We have all been there! Starting with a clean slate when you come back is definitely the way to go!
And, if there was an African Violet jail, then I'd be in it (killed at least 6 of them over the years) so I won't offer any suggestions!
Your cards are gorgeous! I'm totally calling Winner, Winner on that stinkin' adorable apple tree! The apple 'dots' are so cute!
The Christmas tree looks gorgeous all decked out in a profuse amount of winking schtuff! I love that sentiment!
Have a fun trip! Wish I was the one you were meeting up with!
Glad to hear you are well now to visit your friend.
My Gran had heaps of African violets when I was growing up - I wish I had paid more attention I would be able to answer your question! I don't think it is due to overwatering as they start to rot with that.
Two fabulous cards.
Hi Dippy, just love both cards. It occurred to me that the first could be a Christmas tree as well.........those apples look like gorgeous baubles as well!!! So glad you've got over that horrible flare up now and can enjoy your trip. I agree that keeping up with commenting can be overwhelming if you miss a few days so think your sensible to start off with a clean slate. Gorgeous violet but can't help with the non flowering.
Karendipity xxx
So glad you're feeling better hun xx
Two gorgeous tree cards too ...... I love how you've framed them both .... very elegant! xx
Such elegant designs today I love them both so classy wish you could send a bit of that warmth to my part of the world its raining here today. Your plant is just so lovely such a thoughtful husband they do have their uses !! Love and hugs Carole x
Hi there Darnell, gla Dudu are on the improve and able to visit your friend .. A blessing indeed,
Love your card and the the beiatufl paper is lovely contrast to your die cuts.
Re African violets, they like to be dry but not stressed, repot every year or so, and feed regularly, and a spot with a good light source .... Sometimes bathrooms are fgood. Or window sill. I actually creep mine outside and they flower well in suitable position,
Hope this helps all of your to flower :) Shaz in Oz.x
{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}
Two beautiful cards, Darnell! Glad to hear you're feeling better! Enjoy your trip! :)
Gorgeous Darnell
love bouth cards
hugs Tamara
Two beautiful tree cards Dolly. Love the linen look to your first card ... and that embossed frame - all so beautiful surrounding your lovely tree. And the second is so pretty with the oval frame and lots of sparkle. Two fantastic CAS cards that have lots of gorgeous white space that I love so much! :)
Glad you are feeling better and able to enjoy your holiday with Mister. Take care and sending you a big hug! Lolly xx
Glad that you are better!
Love trees and both your treecards!
I have those plants for years (the oldest is about 17 years I think) and they bloom 2-3 times each year. They are standing on the Northside of the house and get water once a week plus a little vertiliser every 6 months...hope that this helps you...
Hugs, Gerrina
Dear Darnell, thank you for your sweet words and two wonderful cards. I'm glad your health is getting better. Enjoy your trip and come back with new ideas! :-))
Hugs, Sonja
Glad to hear that you're feeling better.
Love your tree cards. I love the CAS design the first card and little apples are a perfect addition. The tree on the second card really stands out framed with the oval stitched mat. (Stitched oval dies - something else to add to may ever-growing wishlist!)
I've got an Afrian Violet plant sat on my kitchen windowsill. I water it when I think of it, and it flowers when it feels like it, which isn't very often! So I'm afraid there's no point in trying to give you any advice! LOL! xx
Darnell, I'm so sorry you weren't feeling so well but am glad you're doing better! Sending you extra love and hugs. Your cards are beautiful as ever... honestly they are two of my favorites from you! The trees are beautiful and whimsical and I love both sentiments so much! You are such a talented crafter and it is always a joy to visit you. Thank you for making me smile after a very difficult weekend. :o)
Hugs and blessings,
Wonderful card! Glad you are feeling better. As a GI nurse for 25 years I know how difficult it is having Crohn's disease. Take care of yourself and thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers!
I am so sorry you weren't feeling well, but happy to hear you are feeling up to your visit.
So glad you're feeling better and able to take your planned trip. Your cards are quite awesome, as usual. Your mister seems to be a pretty awesome soul, too. How sweet of him to buy you an African Violet. I love them, too. Mine wouldn't flower either when they didn't get enough sun. Not sure if that's your problem, though. Sounds like you're doing all the right things.
Dear Darnell, it is good to read, that your health is better. The tree with apples is so simbolic and optimistic and realy beautiful! It's my favorite, although the second card is great too. Be nice, hugh :)
Sorry I am still a little behind.... love the simplicity of these mighty trees. Also sorry to hear of your flair up. My son was diagnosed with the same at age 15. Totally understand. I sure hope you have a lovely visit with your friend.
Hopefully you are off visiting your friend right now after not feeling well. It always sucks being sick!! I used to have a lot of African Violets but gave up on them once the kids came along (actually I have no plants anymore as the kids would eat them as crawling babies.....). Now the kids should know better maybe I should get some more....Anyway, I used to have the same non-flowering problem and could never work it out either. Very frustrating!
Love your tree cards, especially the tree for your first card. Its so detailed and a lovely shape. All of our trees look like this at the moment with Winter going on, can't wait for Spring to finally find us!
2 great cards, Darnell! I love the embossed frame & tree! I'm going to have to check out Happy Little Stampers.
Hmmmm, I used to have a couple of African violets in our bedroom that wouldn't bloom even though they were growing. When hubby built my craft room, I moved them in here. They bloom a LOT now! I dunno if it's the afternoon sun or what, but it works!
Pretty cards, BTW! :)
Do hope you're enjoying your trip in fine fettle, Darnell ... you have such a sweet dishy Mister bringing you that lovely blooming African Violet! Gorgeous cards BTW ... those apples look scrumptious just waiting to tumble (and be munched!) ... and what amazing depth you created on your shimmery, sparkly Christmas tree ... simply splendid! Hugs & Bisous, my lovely friend, Anita :)
Hi Darnell I'm a bit behind on my commenting as well and its always difficult to catch up. A clean slate is a good idea. Love your tree cards especially the first one - very elegant. Glad your Crohns flare up is improving. Its not a nice illness - I have a friend with it and she won't leave the house now as she has lost all self confidence. Enjoy your visit to your friend!
I should be the one apologizing to you, Darnell. Not only am I late in complimenting you on these two wonderful trees but I totally missed the post about your health issues. I got so far behind that I started from the front and went backwards, so I may still see it. I'm so glad you're doing better. I know Crohn's can be a difficult issue to deal with. Now, back to the trees. I love the branchy one with the glittery apples, so perfect for the sketch. The stitched oval makes a terrific showcase for your Christmas tree.
I am responding to the lovely Christmas tree you posted Happy Little Stampers. Hope you are feeling much, much better. BBB
Oooohhh the trees are wonderful, Darnell! Love the different looks you achieved!
PS: The African Violet is beautiful. I love them too and found a very helpful site to help me grow them successfully ;-)
check it out when you have time:
Of course we don't mind if you're unable to comment for a while...we Love you just the same, Darnell! And, we want you to feel well! Have a great trip...I hope it will be relaxing and that you will return refreshed...in the meantime, I want to thank you for sharing these two gorgeous cards with us...you sure nailed the challenge with these beauties! Take care...Hugs, Barb xx
So sorry to hear that you are recovering from a flare up of your CD but pleased you are now on tbe mend. I have been away and trying to catch up too and adore your two tree cards and love the embossed frame on the cleverly constructed apple tree and then the die cut frame round that gorgeous sparkly Christmas tree. Hope you are enjoying your visit and feeling better every day. x
Gorgeous trees, Darnell!
Both your trees are simply stunning, Darnell!!! Your beautiful cards are both winners!!! So enjoyed your story about the HLS's!!!!
So sorry to hear that you haven't been well - hope you are much better by now!!!!
What "TREE"mendously awesome cards you have shared with us!! Take care of yourself and keep happy!!
Your tree cards are wonderful! I especially like the first one!
Jim and I sent lots of prayers out for you. Hope you are doing much, much better these days!
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